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An Armellian Tale: Armello in Fate Core

As you make your way down the path, wondering if youll be able to get home before the sun
fades, you chance upon a campsite along the road. As you approach, you notice someone
huddled by the fire, built tall and strong like an ox, singing hymns and odes of times gone by.
Upon closer inspection, you realise its a badger and gasp at his massive size as well as his
armour; that of the Kings Guard.

He seems to hear you as he turns and looks your way, his song coming to an abrupt halt.

Hello there, traveler. Come and sit by the fire; its going to be a cold night. The nearest
settlements a days walk away.

He seems somewhat friendly as you take your place beside the fire. Laying your pack down, you
stretch your shoulders and scoot closer to the fire while the badger stokes it. He asks what
brings you to these parts, but doesnt seem too concerned about your answer.

Interesting, He says, looking up at the dimming sky before turning to face you, Well, as long as
you mean me no harm, I will not lay a finger on you.

You nod worriedly, given how his paw was approximately the size of a cannonball and his glaive
which lay by his side was clearly made for him and him alone.

Good. You finally see him relax and you instinctively do so as well, staring into the fire.

Perhaps youd be willing to hear of a tale, traveler? He asks after a short moment of silence,
Something to pass the time while we wait for dawn to come.

Youre uncertain, but before you can give an answer he heads to his pack and pulls out what
seems to be a tome.

He opens up the book and you realise its more of a journal of sorts. Pages of writing and
headers such as The Farseeker and The Whirlwind adorn the yellowed pages.

When youve been roaming for as long as I have, you come across your fair share of stories and
tales. He turns to look at you, piercing eyes cutting swathes through your psyche, Folk stories,
legends, all written down here. Ancient classics to modern retellings, all penned down by me.

You look up at him and, as you do so, you notice the glint of steel in the shadows. Your breathing
quickens and you try to leave, but he places a firm paw on your shoulder.

Stay awhile and listen, traveler.

From the shadows, bandits step out and encircle the camp, their weapons glistening in the
campfires light. The badger hardly seems fazed as he turns to a blank page, looking up at the
bandits and the vixen leading them.

The badger rises, his armour glowing warmly in the firelight as he towers over you.

Who knows, the next tale might be yours.

This is a fanmade Fate Core setting for Armello, a digital board game designed by League of Geeks. In
the game, you play as one of four (or five if you add the Bandit clan) clans vying for power by
overthrowing the king whos been corrupted by Rot and is slowly dying. Its a fantastic game and has
been described as Game of Thrones, but with animals because of its story which, despite its
Disney-esque aesthetic, is very dark and insidious.

While this book can be used at any point in the Armellian timeline, its best used in the years/months
leading up to the events in the game, a time of uncertainty as the king grows ever more corrupted
and word of his madness is starting to spread, though most still arent sure of whats going on yet.

This rulebook assumes you have a basic understanding of the game and should serve as an add-on to
the core rules which can be found on, a fantastic site with all the information
youll ever need to know on Fate Core and its variants.

With that, I hope you have as much fun with this setting as I had writing it! Many thanks to the
Armello Wiki for all the information on the clans as well as League of Geeks for the time, effort
theyve poured into this game.

Body (Physique)
Prestige (Contacts)
Spirit (Will)
Wits (Deceive)

While most of the tree is still the same, some things have been slightly altered in name to fit the
lore/in-game stats more. The name changes are reflected in the brackets above while new/altered
skills are described below.
Represents your ability to ride and control horses or any other ridable beast, as well as your
knowledge of riding.

Overcome: Use Riding to navigate or maneuver around dangerous terrain or circumstances on your
Create an Advantage: Use Riding to determine the best way to get somewhere on horseback, and a
good enough roll might allow you to learn the features of the route that get expressed as Aspects, or
declare that you know a convenient shortcut or similar.
Attack: Riding isnt usually used as an attack Skill (though Stunts can certainly alter this).
Defend: Riding isnt usually used as a defend Skill (though Stunts can certainly alter this).

Wyld is the natural font from which the worlds magic flows. It is an ancient, powerful force that can
be called upon by those willing to dedicate themselves to the art or by those who are naturally
attuned to it.

Overcome: Use Wyld to aid you in your troubles by manipulating the natural world around you or to
protect yourself against the Rot.
Create an Advantage: Use Wyld to influence both yourself and others, unlocking latent strengths
whether they be mental or physical.
Attack: Use Wyld to directly harm someone with magic, whether through conjuring means or a
mental assault.
Defend: Use Wyld to deflect or avoid strikes made at you through magical means.

Permissions: An Aspect relating to being corrupted by Rot.
Costs: Skills, Stunts, Aspects.

Rot is a disease. It is the manifestation of corruption given form. Those touched by Rot are slowly
driven to madness and, if corrupted enough, death. In spite of that, some willingly give in to the
corruption for the powers it bestows upon those afflicted.

While Wyld is simply another Skill, Rot cannot be chosen at character selection without a cost.
Instead, you may gain Rot through encounters with it or willingly submitting yourself to the

As soon as you gain an Aspect relating to Rot, whether it be a Consequence or otherwise, you
immediately place Rot at +1 on your Skill tree. Every subsequent Aspect increases your Rot level by 1.
Players are considered fully corrupted when it reaches +5 on your Skill tree and must alter their high
concept to reflect their overpowering corruption.

You may only choose a Stunt relating to control over Rot if youre already affected by it (i.e. you
have Rot somewhere on your Skill pyramid). If you do so, your Rot level increases by 1.
Rot cannot be removed outside of special circumstances such as visiting a stone circle or partaking in
a cleansing ritual. If you lose/change an Aspect relating to Rot to something without it, your Rot goes
down by 1. However, if you lose/change a Stunt relating to Rot, your Rot does not decrease.

Overcome: Use Rot to negotiate corrupted terrain and bend it to your will, allowing safe passage. It
can also be used to terrify or threaten others.
Create an Advantage: Use Rot to corrupt the world around you and make it easier for you to exert
your influence on others through afflictions or dark powers.
Attack: Use Rot to strike at foes with unnatural strength or evil will.
Defend: Use Rot to defend against the cleansing energies of the Wyld.

Character creation starts out as with coming up with a High Concept and a Trouble for your
character as well as a name. Names in Armello usually dont have any surnames, though theres
nothing stopping you from giving yourself one.

This is followed by the Phase Trio (First Adventure, Crossing Paths #1, Crossing Paths #2) but instead
of coming up with an Aspect from scratch, the player may instead use one of their Clan Aspects (if
they choose to be part of a clan, please see the Clans section below for more details) as an aspect
for one of the phases.

An Armellian Tale uses the unaltered Fate Core pyramid:

1 Great (+4) Skill,
2 Good (+3) Skills,
3 Fair (+2) Skills,
4 Average (+1) Skills.

It also uses the standard 3 free stunts. If the player is part of a clan (see Clans below), they may
take a Clan Stunt as one of their 3 free stunts.

All characters have a base mount of 2 stress boxes for Physical and Mental, as well as 1 Mild, 1
Moderate and 1 Severe consequence. Additional stress boxes/consequence slots are gained in the
usual way; by having high enough Body or Spirit.


A Weapon value adds to the shift value of a successful hit. So, if you have Weapon:2, it means that
any hit is worth 2 more shifts than it would normally be. This counts for ties, so when youre using a
weapon, you inflict stress on a tie on top of getting a boost. That makes weapons very dangerous.

An Armor value reduces the shifts of a successful hit. So, Armor:2 makes any hit worth 2 less than
usual. If you hit, but the targets Armor reduces the shift value to 0 or below, you get a boost to use
on your target but dont do any harm.

Weapon and Armour values usually DO NOT apply to weapon and armour used by your character;
your characters weapon and armour choice should be a reflection of what your character prefers to
use. Instead, they are mostly reserved for Stunts or are tied to certain Aspects. The exceptions to the
rule are usually Artifacts, which are legendary weapons or items in Armellian history.
Initiative is handled using Popcorn initiative, where the current character decides who goes next.
The first character to go is decided by who would be most narratively appropriate. The GM gets
multiple actions based on how many NPCs hes controlling in the conflict and in-game time is as such:

When a character passes to the next character, it counts as an Exchange.

When all characters have acted, it counts as a Round.

The four clans of Armello are revered, powerful institutions with influence spreading across the
lands. They are the Bear, Rat, Rabbit and Wolf. Joining a clan automatically assumes your species to
be identical to the clans unless otherwise stated (e.g. A Rabbit that was adopted by the Bear Clan, a
Wolf that grew up amongst Rats etc.).

A Clan provides a number of Aspects; choose at least one but no more than two (you can still make
your own if you want to). In addition, you may pick one of the Clan Stunts given. Clan stunts are
unique to each clan and cannot be picked by someone of another clan.

Each clan also forces you to take one of two Skills: a Clan Specialty. You may slot this into any Skill

Keep in mind that you dont have to choose one of the four clans. You can be unaffiliated, join the
Bandit clan, or you can make up your own allegiance. These simply serve as an optional template to
get a feel for what the world of Armello is like.


Of all the great clans of Armello, the Bear Clan is the most attuned with nature itself, venerating the
very essence of the Wyld, the natural font from which the world's magic flows. To this end, some
Bears take up roles as shaman or sorcerers who directly tap into these mystic conduits, but never at
the expense of the land itself. Druids have a high position within their society, acting as keepers of
the balance and maintainers of ancient prophecies that may aid them in modern times. Their lives
have only been made more difficult with the appearance of the dark force known as Rot.

Bear Clan members have often been employed as soothsayers and spiritual advisers to the royal
court of Armello since its inception.

Bear Capital
The Bear capital sits within a vast, dense forest with rolling streams below and thick tree canopies
above. Runed stone markers dot the landscape, along with ceremonial stone circles from a bygone
era, which are still used by Druids for ceremony on moonlit nights. At the center of the capital sits
the Wyld Tree, the single most sacred landmark in Bear culture, and a living symbol of the power of
nature and magic as one.

Clan Specialty: Body or Wyld

Clan Aspects: Peaceful by Nature, I Know These Woods, Wyld Connection, Intimidating Size
Clan Stunts
Soothsayer: While in a forest, you gain +2 to all rolls using Wyld.
Scarcaster: Take the Aspect Druidic Scars. If there is an Aspect relating to Wyld magic in the zone,
you gain +2 to Fight.
Wyld Whisperer: When entering a foreign forest, you may declare one aspect relating to the Wyld
magic in the area (Brimming with Magic, The Magics Fading etc.). You gain 1 free invoke on it.


Rat Clan society is mostly built around the pursuit of fortune and precious information. The largest
of all Armello's clans, they have made it their business to have eyes and ears in every corner of the
kingdom, typically working in mercantile trades or straight-up espionage. Advancement through its
ranks is sometimes awarded to those who are cutthroat enough (sometimes literally) to pursue the
dream of high living.

A secret "Rat Clan Code" language exists that allows its members to discreetly swap information or
quickly prove their allegiance. At least one high-profile member known as the Den Mother exists in a
seat of authority.

Rat Capital
The Rat Capital is a large cityscape surrounded by a stone rampart that sits within a foggy marshland.
A sizable gap between the lower and upper class exists, with shanty towns surrounding towering
castle complexes.

Clan Specialty: Rapport or Wits

Clan Aspects: Back-Alley Dealings, Eyes and Ears Everywhere, Merchant of Renown, Menacing Gaze

Clan Stunts
Night Mothers Assassin: While you are unnoticed, you may use Sneak in place of Fight.
Silver Tongue: When attempting to make a deal or coerce someone, gain +2 to Rapport.
Mercantile Knowledge: When appraising an object, you may declare one aspect the object has
relating to its material value (Fetch a Pretty Penny, Poor Quality etc.). You gain 1 free invoke on it.


Rabbit society is among the most prosperous of all the great clans due to a combination of its
citizen's natural mental aptitude and treasure-seeking spirit. After generations of living purely
underground, its members once again emerged onto the surface with a hoard of priceless artifacts
and precious gems, which allowed them to establish a culture marked by great wealth and fine
craftsmanship. An air of refinement and learning seems to permeate every facet of their way of life.

Many Rabbits still frequent the old tunnels seeking materials for their artisans to craft into exquisite

Rabbit Capital
The Rabbit capital is located in the windswept Great Southern Plains, an area they claimed shortly
after their kind returned from below. It is a far-reaching city consisting of great marble towers above,
and a network of unseen, elaborate tunnels beneath.

Clan Specialty: Resources or Prestige

Clan Aspects: Wanderlust, Tempted by Shiny Things, The Ways of the Rich, Curious About Everything

Clan Stunts
Avid Tinkerer: When making modifications to an item, gain +2 to Crafts.
Seasoned Adventurer: Gain +2 to Notice when attempting to spot traps in a dungeon.
Builders Intuition: When exploring an unfamiliar structure, you may declare one aspect that the
place has (Many Hidden Passages, Weak Walls etc.). You gain 1 free invoke on it.


The Wolf Clan is a warrior culture organized into a pack structure that emphasizes the importance of
pride, loyalty, and honour. They are led by a single chieftain, typically a strong fighter of great
renown. Unlike some of the more affluent clans, Wolf society is less concerned with concepts such
as trade or the acquisition of material wealth, and tends to live off the land whenever possible,
actively shunning concepts such as politics and magic.

They sometimes entertain themselves with duels, tournaments, and other assorted challenges of
their fighting prowess.

Wolf Capital
The capital of the Wolf Clan is located in the snowy peaks of the Northern Needles, an area of
towering craggy cliffs and hilly slopes overlooking vast pine forests. Their buildings are large stone
structures sometimes built into the sides of the mountains themselves, connected by rocky bridges
spanning wide chasms.

Clan Specialty: Spirit or Athletics

Clan Aspects: Pack Loyalty, Skilled, but Proud, Honour Above All, Lone Wolf

Clan Stunts
Natural Cadence (Weapon): Replace Weapon with one of the following: Claws, Swords, Maces, or
Shields. When attacking an enemy using this weapon, you gain Weapon:2. However, if you attack
without this weapon, you take -2 to all Fight rolls and lose the weapon value.
Sharpshooter: When you tie with an enemy using Shoot, you may choose to inflict a 2-stress hit
instead of taking a boost.
Rousing Howl: When attempting to influence a crowd, gain +2 to Rapport. Gain +3 if the majority of
the crowd is of the Wolf Clan.


The Bandit Clan is a conglomeration of seedy individuals who, for one reason or another, are no
longer part of their original species' society. Living mostly as nomads and vagrants, they have no
capital or homeland to speak of, with each member making their own way in the world however
they can.

Most Bandits are, appropriately enough, thieves, rogues, or mercenaries whose loyalties ultimately
lie in whoever keeps them wealthy, and have no overall established laws or government other than
"survival of the fittest".

Clan Specialty: None

Clan Aspects: Might Makes Right, Anything for a Price, Wanted by the Law, Noble Demon
Clan Stunts
If you join the Bandit Clan, you may pick a stunt from one of the other clans or from the list below. If
you choose a stunt from another clan, it can only be used once per session.

Brigands Bargain: When intimidating someone in a discussion, gain +2 to Provoke.

Dirty Fighting: When attacking an opponent and invoking an Aspect relating to underhanded fighting
methods, gain Weapon:2.
Bandit Connections: When entering an unknown settlement, you declare one aspect relating to a
bandit connection within the settlement (I Know a Guy, Theres Bad News Afoot etc.). You gain 1
free invoke on it.

Example Characters
Salem Blackfoot
High Concept: Infamous Rat Clan Thief
Trouble: My Family Needs Me

Back-Alley Dealings
Stickler for Efficiency
Plans Within Plans

Great (+4): Stealth
Good (+3): Wits, Burglary
Fair (+2): Athletics, Notice, Investigate
Average (+1): Fight, Riding, Prestige, Empathy

Silver Tongue: When attempting to make a deal or coerce someone, gain +2 to Rapport.
One With The Shadows: Spend a fate point to blend back into the shadows, instantly becoming
Strategist: When you spend some time analysing a scene, you gain 1 free invoke on an aspect of
your choice.

2 Physical Boxes, 2 Mental Boxes


Thane, Heir of the Wolf Clan

High Concept: Prince of the Wolf Clan
Trouble: I Need to Prove Myself

Honour Above All
Carefree Prodigy
Dead Father, Exiled Brother

Great (+4): Fight
Good (+3): Athletics, Rapport
Fair (+2): Body, Spirit, Prestige
Average (+1): Rapport, Empathy, Spirit, Notice

Natural Cadence (Swords): When attacking an enemy using this weapon, you gain Weapon:2.
However, if you attack without this weapon, you take -2 to all Fight rolls and lose the Weapon
Hot-Blooded Leader: Once per session, you may create the aspect Fight On! Which gives all
allies Weapon:2 to their next attack.
Sword Master: On your first attack made on a target, you may ignore all Armour values on the

3 Physical Boxes, 3 Mental Boxes


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