Exercise Moby Dick

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The Spouter Inn

The place in New Bedford where Ishmael chooses to stay during the time he must wait
for a ship to take him to Nantucket.

It is the original center of the whaling business and where the first dead American whale
was stranded.

The Whaleman's Chapel

Where Ishmael goes to hear a sermon before departing on his whaling mission.

QueeQueg's harpoon
A whaling weapon that the cannibal harpooner uses for many things.

A small black idol to which QueeQueg pays homage each night.

The Pequod
The whaling ship upon which QueeQueg and Ishmael sign up for a three-year whaling

The Ivory Leg

Ahab's prosthesis that is made from the jaw bone of a whale after Moby Dick bit it off.

The Spanish Ounce of Gold

A prize nailed to the main mast of the ship for the first man to sight Moby Dick...

Chapters 1-2 | Chapters 3-4

Ishmael desires a new adventure and decides to join a whaling expedition.
Ishmael travels to New Bedford to await a ship bound for Nantucket.
Ishmael has to share a room with a head hunting savage named Queequeg.
Queequeg is represented as having strange dressing and shaving habits.

Chapters 5-6 | Chapters 7-9

As an observer of human nature, Ishmael notes the behavior of whalers at breakfast.
Queequeg becomes less strange to Ishmael as he observes the variety of sailors in
New Bedford.
Adhering to custom, Ishmael attends a religious service at the whaleman's chapel.
Father Maple chooses the story of Jonah to deliver his homily in the chapel.

Chapters 10-12 | Chapters 13-14

Queequeg decides he and Ishmael are brothers and he shares all he has with Ishmael.
Queequeg relates his history and his reason for coming to America.
Cultural differences are explored in another of...

Chapters 1-2 | Chapters 3-4

1. What is the theme of MOBY DICK?
(a) madness.
(b) revenge.
(c) expectations.
(d) cooperation.
2. What is Ishmael's profession before signing on the whaling ship?
(a) schoolmaster.
(b) bank clerk.
(c) newspaper reporter.
(d) merchant marine.
3. What is the name of the inn where Ishmael stays while waiting to go to
(a) the Whale Bone Inn.
(b) the Peter Coffin Inn.
(c) the Humpback Inn.
(d) the Spouter Inn.
4. What accommodation is available for Ishmael at the inn in New Bedford?
(a) a closet.
(b) a bunk in a communal room.
(c) a bench in the dining room.
(d) a shared room with a harpooner.
5. What is the harpooner, Queequeg, out doing when Ishmael is shown to his
(a) shaving with his harpoon.
(b) selling a shrunken head.
(c) sharpening his hatchet.
(d) smoking his pipe.
6. What unusual thing does Queequeg do while putting on his boots?
(a) jumps up on top of the bed.
(b) crawls under the bed.
(c) turns around three times.
(d) sits on the floor.

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