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Profesorado de Ingls
Espacio Curricular : Estudios
Profesora: Gisela Mechetti
Estudiante : Vanina Forastier

The story began when Beowulf who was a great Geatish warrior travelled across the sea to
help King Hrothgar of Denmark who was being tormented by a demon called Grendel. The
king tired of these attacks, decided to offer a reward to who was to able to kill the creature,
this notice reached to the ears of Beowulf who was a brave warrior that had fought with other
demons. Demon Grendel appeared every time that King Hrothgar celebrated with his people
in the hall of Heorot, and killed everyone. People in the hall sang so loud that the sound
reached to the cave where the demon lived. He felt so much pain in his ears that he was going
to Heorots hall to kill people and to end with his pain. Beowulf travelled with his soldiers to
Denmark to kill demon. Beowulf and his soldier arrived to Heorot where they were received
to King Hrothgar and Queen Wealhtheow with a celebration. After king and Queen went to
sleep Beowulf ordered to his men to sing loudly to attract demon while he was taking off his
clothes and preparing to wait demon . He always fought naked because he felt that it gave
him more power. The loud sound that came from the Heorots saloon awoke Grendel to
decide to go there. Demon Grendel entered the hall and began to fight with Beowulfs men
and then with Beowulf, who concluded the fight pulled out one of Grendels arm and
wounded him mortally. Demon Grendel returned to his cave where he told his mother who
was the men who wounded him and then Grendel died. Grendels mother decided to take
revenge to Beowulf and his men. After fight Beowulf received an old relic as reward and
celebrated the victory with his men. Beowulf and his men went to sleep and when Beowulf
awoke he finds all of his men dead in the saloon. King Hrothgar warned Beowulf that
Grendel's mother was the responsible to the massacre. Beowulf decided to go to the cave
where she lived to kill her . When Beowulf found her ,Grendels mother took the form of a
seductive woman and she seduced Beowulf with a promise to convert him in a king with an
incredible power if he made love to her and gave her his golden relic, Beowulf accepted and
this way the arrangement was made. When he returned to castle he lied people of Heorot he
told them that he had kill Grendels mother. King Hrothgar talked to Beowulf alone and told
him that his curse was over after that he took his life and Beowulf became king of Heorot.
The years passed and Beowulf became in an old powerful king who was tired to fight and to
win the battles without making any effort as a Grendels mother had promised him. One day
a slave found the golden relic near Grendel's cave and brought it back to the kingdom when
Beowulf saw the relic asked the slave where he had found it. The relic reminded him the deal
with Grendels mother. Beowulf and his right hand Wiglaf went to the cave where the demon
lived. Beowulf saw Grendels mother and talked to her, he asked her to leave the kingdom
but she refused and ordered her son, the dragon, to destroy Beowulfs kingdom. After that a
big dragon appeared ,the dragon was Beowulf's son with Grendel's mother. The dragon flew
to the kingdom to destroy it .Beowulf went behind him to stop the monster. he climbed the
dragons back and while he was fighting with him he remembered that the way to kill him
was to destroy his heart. Beowulf killed the dragon but he was mortally wounded. Beowulf
and the dragon fell on the beach, the dead dragon took the form of a man and Beowulf
looked at him like a father to his son. When Wiglaf approached him, Beowulf tried to tell him

Profesorado de Ingls
Espacio Curricular : Estudios
Profesora: Gisela Mechetti
Estudiante : Vanina Forastier

the truth about his affair with Grendel's mother, but Wiglaf insisted on keeping his legacy
intact. Beowulf then died. As the new king, Wiglaf gave Beowulf a Norse funeral. Beowulfs
body was put in a ship surrounded by his treasures. It was sent to the sea where was burned.
Wiglaf was watching as the ship was burning when the waters sea brought to the beach the
old relic. Wiglaf took in his hands the golden relic and when he looked back to the ship he
saw as Grendel's mother appeared and gave Beowulf a final kiss before the ship sank into the
sea. Wiglaf saw Grendel's mother who was floating in the sea, and as she looked him
seductively. She invited him to approach and he stayed watching her.Wiglaf as Beowulf and
king Hrothgar was being seduced and cheated by Grendels mother and the history could be

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