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THE PHILIPPINES SHOULD ADOPT A The proposed law also guarantees protection
NATIONAL ID SYSTEM NOW. against unlawful disclosure of information.
Information may be disclosed only upon the
following conditions: the authorization of the
At least 3 lawmakers are re-introducing bills cardholder, the event of accident disaster or
seeking to establish a national identification (ID) fortuitous events, in the interest of public health
system for all Filipinos here and abroad. and safety and the order of a competent court.
Feliciano Belmonte Jr authored House Bill (HB) "Contrary to some beliefs, there is no need to fear
Number 12 or the Filipino Identification System this measure because its only purpose is to
Act. AKO Bicol Representatives Rodel Bacobe consolidate the cardholder's data which are
and Christopher Co also co-authored a bill with already contained in other government IDs and
the same title, HB Number 523. documents so that we could do away with so
The Philippines is one of only 9 countries in the many other IDs and at the same time provide
world without a national identification system, identification to those who do not have access to
according to Belmonte. Under his proposal, government issued IDs, such as the minors and
the Filipino Identification System will the unemployed. No invasion of privacy will
consolidate all government-issued ID systems occur and no violation of due process will happen
into one to "improve government services and since no other unwarranted data will be featured
limit red tape in government transactions." in this ID. The biometrics alone can already
The national identification card will lower costs, identify the person, enough to warrant service
streamline transactions, and provide ease and from the government and private sectors,"
convenience, "In cases however, where incriminating data
The ID may also be used for applications for appear in the computers and databases of the
passport, driver's license, Social Security System transacting offices based on the identification of
(SSS), Government Service Insurance System the person as contained in the FilCard, it is by no
(GSIS), PhilHealth, Home Development Mutual means a product of this system but a consequence
Fund (Pag-IBIG), and the National Bureau of of the person's own personal activities which will
Investigation (NBI). normally be recorded by the proper authorities
The Filipino ID card may also be used to identify and sent out to all government agencies, as a
voters, schools, and employees, as well as to matter of fact and information,"
avail of senior citizens' benefits. It may also be Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, author of a Senate
used for court, prosecutor, and police clearances, bill on the national ID system, however said "It
and in banking and financial institutions. won't violate privacy rights because access to the
The ID shall have the capability to store at least database will be limited to authorized
the biometric data of the cardholder. The initial government agencies with the necessary penal
application shall be free of charge. Replacements provisions in case of misuse and abuse,''
shall be paid by the cardholder. Trillanes explained his proposal's rationale is "for
the card will include the person's photograph, us to have a centralized database of basic and
name, birth date, gender, date of issue, signature biometric information for all Filipino citizens
of owner, and corresponding individual serial and be the primary identification card for all
number issued by the Philippine Statistics transactions. It will facilitate the delivery of
Authority. social services and also be the backbone of our
The Philippine Statistics Authority shall anti-crime campaign."
implement this for Filipinos in the country, while
the Department of Foreign Affairs will handle the
ID of Filipinos overseas.
If passed into law, the Filipino Identification This is the main concern of Congress as it
System Act would make the following offenses proceeds in the enactment of the law. According
punishable: to the SC in the same case of Ople vs. Torres
o Falsifying information in applying for supra, although a law may have been impelled by
the issuance of a Filipino ID card or a worthy purpose, it must "satisfactorily show the
procures through fraud presence of compelling state interest and it must
o Utilizing the card in an unlawful be narrowly drawn to preclude abuses".
manner The compelling state interest in the proposed ID
o Any person or establishment refusing system has been openly disclosed.The
to recognize the Filipino ID card of a government has been honest enough to say that it
member is designed in the interest of national security, or
o Any public official or employee to put it more bluntly, as a tool to "crackdown"
conniving in the application or on crime and terrorism.The government did not
issuance of an unauthorized Filipino conceal its intention despite being aware that the
ID card proposal may encounter objections precisely
because of the dangerous tendency to
Violators shall be punished with a fine of not less
indiscriminately invoke "national security" to
than P50,000 but not more P500,000, or an
justify abuses.Such openness is therefore a clear
imprisonment of not less than 6 months but not more
sign of its sincere desire to preclude any abuse;
than two years or both.
or at least its assurance that the danger of abuse
will be properly addressed and minimized.

Reason #2: An ID card system will lead to a
In 1996, a similar plan was also adopted.It was slippery slope of surveillance and monitoring of
denominated as a "national computerized citizens.
identification reference system" ostensibly for a
purpose that has nothing to do at all with the A national ID card system would not protect us from
problems of national security and criminality terrorism, but it would create a system of internal
confronting the present government although passports that would significantly diminish the
they were already existing then. But such plan freedom and privacy of law-abiding citizens.Once
was shot down before taking off the ground.It put in place, it is exceedingly unlikely that such a
encountered a lot of objections because in reality system would be restricted to its original purpose.
it was likewise designed and adopted as a Social Security numbers, for example, were
security measure that gives the government the originally intended to be used only to administer the
"power to compile devastating dossier against retirement program. But that limit has been routinely
unsuspecting citizens." ignored and steadily abandoned over the past 50
The 1996 "National Computerized Identification years. A national ID system would threaten the
Reference System" was invalidated by the privacy that Americans have always enjoyed and
Supreme Court on two main grounds: "one, it is gradually increase the control that government and
a usurpation of the power of Congress to business wields over everyday citizens.
legislate, and two,it impermissibly intrudes on
our citizenry’s protected zone of Reason #3: A national ID card system would
privacy."(Ople vs. Torres G.R.127685 July require creation of a database of all
23,1998) < READ Americans
The second and more important constitutional What happens when an ID card is stolen?
objection is the violation of the right to privacy. What proof is used to decide who gets a card?
A national ID would require a governmental perceived as looking or sounding "foreign."That is
database of every person in the U.S. what happened after Congress passed the Employer
containing continually updated identifying Sanctions provision of the Immigration Reform and
information. It would likely contain many Control Act of 1985: widespread discrimination
errors, any one of which could render against foreign-looking American workers,
someone unemployable and possibly much especially Asians and Hispanics. A 1990 General
worse until they get their ""file"" straightened Accounting Office study found almost 20 percent of
out.And once that database was created, its employers engaged in such practices. A national ID
use would almost certainly expand. Law card would have the same effect on a massive scale,
enforcement and other government agencies as Latinos, Asians, Caribbeans and other minorities
would soon ask to link into it, while became subject to ceaseless status and identity
employers, landlords, credit agencies, checks from police, banks, merchants and others.
mortgage brokers, direct mailers, landlords, Failure to carry a national I.D. card would likely
private investigators, civil litigants, and a come to be viewed as a reason for search, detention
long list of other parties would begin seeking or arrest of minorities. The stigma and humiliation of
access, further eroding the privacy that constantly having to prove that they are Americans
Americans have always expected in their or legal immigrants would weigh heavily on such
personal lives. groups.

Reason #4: ID cards would function as "internal
passports" that monitor citizens' movements
Americans have long had a visceral aversion to
building a society in which the authorities could act
like totalitarian sentries and demand ""your papers
please!"" And that everyday intrusiveness would be
conjoined with the full power of modern computer
and database technology. When a police officer or
security guard scans your ID card with his pocket
bar-code reader, for example, will a permanent
record be created of that check, including the time
and your location? How long before office
buildings, doctors' offices, gas stations, highway
tolls, subways and buses incorporate the ID card
into their security or payment systems for greater
efficiency? The end result could be a nation where
citizens' movements inside their own country are
monitored and recorded through these ""internal

Reason #5: ID cards would foster new forms of

discrimination and harassment
Rather than eliminating discrimination, as some have
claimed, a national identity card would foster new
forms of discrimination and harassment of anyone
2. A TOTAL BAN ON THE Trade Secretary Ramon M. Lopez warned on
CONTRACTUALIZATION OF Monday that a total ban on contractualization
EMPLOYMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES may only provoke investors from pulling out of
WOULD BE COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. the country or even holding off their expansion
Reacting to the clamor by some labor groups to
Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III on Labor Day eliminate contractualization altogether, Lopez
admitted that a ban on the practice is not yet said the country stood to lose more jobs in the
legally possible. process should this ban happen.
"What they want is total ban [on] If you eliminate contractualization, the
contractualization, which is not legally possible investors may leave. I have talked to at least three
right now. The rule is there should be no companies and they said that they would either
contractualization but the law allows leave or they wont expand anymore, he said.
exceptions," He cited a Japanese company, which currently
Bello explained that the law allows contractual has 30,000 workers in the Philippines, was
setups for seasonal workers and project-based planning to double the number. But theyre
employees like janitors and security guards. looking at the contractualization issue. If the
He however said there is a proposed bill in Philippine government decides to ban it
Congress already that seeks a total ban on the altogether, the Japanese firm will look for
practice. another location to operate,
The Labor department has begun implementing I told (some proponents) that if there is no
Department Order 174, which seeks to regulate contractualization altogether, there might be no
labor-only-contractualization. direct jobs to even speak of. Im more concerned
According to DOLE, DO 174 will end the about the jobs we will lose if we ban even the
practice of "endo" wherein employment legitimate practices under contractualization,
contracts are deliberately terminated before the
sixth month to avoid paying benefits that are due
to regular workers.
Analysts have warned that small businesses will
be forced to lay off workers or hold off on hiring
new employees because of the department order Lopez stressed the need to implement a win-win
In a press conference, Labor Secretary Silvestre solution, aimed at ending only the abusive
Bello III said there are several bills pending in practices of labor contractualization, which
Congress, including one that provides a total ban include the controversial end-of-contract (endo)
against contractualization. Total ban on scheme.
contractualization, we are not likely to support Under the proposal, principal companies can
that. Otherwise companies will go bankrupt, retain the flexibility of contracting certain
Only a law can totally prohibit services from third party agencies or service
contractualization, Labor Secretary Silvestre providers. The latter, in turn, are expected to
Bello III said. "Yung gusto nilang total provide their workers a regular and permanent
prohibition hindi kaya ng Secretary of status. They will also be mandated to provide
Labor...Only congress can come out with a law benefits, including retirement and separation
prohibiting total contractualization," Thus, Total packages.
prohibition cannot be done through the secretary The workers being deployed should also not be
of labor. co-terminus with the agencys contract with the

principal company. This would assure workers of
security of tenure.
Lopez had clarified that the legitimate
contractualization was different from the illegal
endo schemes, wherein workers are hired
temporarily for a five-month contract and then
transfer again to another entity for another five-
month contract. He said there were legitimate
schemes accepted even globally.
Industries like mining and construction are
among those that hire on a contractual, per-
project basis due to the seasonality of their

3. THE CURRENT STRATEGY OF if the sender will incur certain costs it would have
PRESIDENT DUTERTE IN DEALING otherwise avoided. Costly signals are necessary to
WITH CHINA ON THE WEST demonstrate ones sincerity in a relationship. This is
PHILIPPINE SEA ISSUE SHOULD BE what Duterte wants from the US.
Thus, the US should first of all help, rather than merely criticise, Dutertes war on drugs. After all,
asia/geopolitics/article/2073858/duterte-plays- Duterte is on a crusade and crusaders dont back
dangerous-game-south-china-sea down. Duterte thinks that the US is hypocritical
because, although the US has helped Mexico and
Colombia wage a bloody war on drugs, it has been nowhere near as proactive in aiding the Philippines
feature/2017/03/24/1684195/defend-west- campaign against illegal drugs. And there is room for
philippine-sea-philippines-must-bring-allies cooperation.
For instance, America, and the Western powers in
general, can and should help the Philippines set up
AFFIRMATIVE rehabilitation centres for hundreds of thousands of
Playing the US with China may prove a smart move drugs users, who have surrendered to the government
for the President in the past three months. China has already been
helping the country in this regard.
When Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte meets his
Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping () Second, the US should adopt a measured approach to
this week, two questions will be on the minds of the human rights issue. For the Duterte
international observers. First, what sort of administration, the US should take a hard look in the
geopolitical game is Duterte playing? Second, will mirror before pointing fingers at others.
he cross the Rubicon over to China, as he has Third, this is also about according due respect to the
repeatedly threatened to do in recent weeks, and democratically elected head of a sovereign state. This
thereby fundamentally alter the geopolitical equation is the difference between Dutertes treatment of the
in East Asia? US and Japan. Both countries committed atrocities
The answer to the first question is straightforward. against Filipinos in the past but Duterte has not
Like everyone else, Duterte wants to maximise the criticised Japan because not only is it the Philippines
gains for the Philippines in its relationship with largest donor, giving far more than the US, but it is
China and the US. Most would assume that he is also respectful towards Duterte and has sincerely
trying to play off the US against China in the hope of apologised for its war crimes. Meanwhile,
getting the best deal. Therefore, the argument goes, Washington has yet to express similar contrition vis-
his friendliness towards China and his expletive- -vis its colonial-era crimes. This is the context of
laden criticism of the US should be seen in this light. Dutertes rhetoric about the US treating the
Philippines as its little brown brothers.
The answer to the second question whether Duterte
will cross the Rubicon is more complicated. The Fourth, America should provide commensurate aid
short answer is, it depends on how the US and China to its longest-standing ally in Asia. It should increase
respond to moves. its economic and military aid to the Philippines in
return for the Enhanced Defence Cooperation
If the US does not want to completely lose Duterte to Agreement between the two countries. Duterte thinks
China, how then should it respond to his game? The that the agreement is lopsided in favour of the US. It
US should play a game of costly signalling. Drawing
valuable lessons from game theory, a signal is costly
gets access to five military bases in the Philippines in What about Duterte? He knows that this is an
return for US$180 million a year in aid. evolving game and is likely to adjust his game
depending on how China and the US respond to his
To put things into perspective, nations such as Egypt,
Pakistan and Jordan have been receiving billions of
dollars annually in recent years, far more aid than the In the first round of the game, he has already
Philippines, even if they are undemocratic, non- signalled in colourful language what he wants from
treaty allies which have shunned granting the US and his resolve as a leader. If the next US
comparable base access to US forces. president plays this costly signalling game, Duterte
is likely to reciprocate in commensurate terms.
Finally, this is also about more clarity on the extent
However, he is unlikely to stop his colourful
of the US commitment to the Philippines under their
language because he thinks this is a useful tool to
1951 Mutual Defence Treaty. Repeated rhetorical
advance his game.
assurances from President Barack Obama about
ironclad commitments have not reassured Duterte When he meets Xi this week, Duterte will find out
and many Filipinos, who legitimately seek more how far his relationship with China will evolve. He
clarity than semantics. is realistic enough not to expect China to respect the
Hague ruling. At the same time, he knows that China
Duterte wants to build a credible deterrence posture
wants the Philippines to be in its sphere of influence.
for the Philippines but feels the US has been reluctant
to provide the necessary military equipment. The US Duterte knows that the Philippines is a booming
is concerned that this might escalate tensions with emerging market, an emerging geopolitical player in
China. Duterte knows this reluctance by the US, and East Asia and hes got two avid suitors. Fortunately,
that is why he is considering Russia and staunch US at the moment, he need not choose either the US or
allies such as Israel as alternative military suppliers. China.
To make his signals credible, Duterte has been At the recent China-US strategic dialogue, Xi called
ratcheting up his threats against the US, starting with on the US to work together to cultivate a common
the threat of pulling out US military personnel in circle of friends instead of exclusive friends.
Mindanao, ditching the Enhanced Defence
It is a delicate balancing act, which shrewd statesmen
Cooperation Agreement, which is an executive
such as Duterte can pull off, especially if he
agreement, and suspending joint patrols and military
appreciates the counsel of his trusted advisers. A
exercises in the South China Sea.
win-win outcome for all the players is possible. In
What about China? China would have to play the the end, everybody gets what they want. The US gets
game of costly signalling as well. Apart from to keep the Mutual Defence Treaty and remain a key
increasing trade, aid and investments in the security partner with the Philippines. China will gain
Philippines all part of Dutertes wish list China a valuable friend, in spite of the Hague ruling, and
would do well to allow Filipino fishermen back at Duterte can maximise the benefits for the Philippines
Scarborough Shoal without being seen as having by maintaining an equi-proximate relationship with
acceded to the Hague ruling. both superpowers.
This will give Duterte more domestic political capital
to enable him to continue mutually beneficial
dialogue and negotiations with China. If China plays
hard on him, he would lose domestic credibility in Its a dangerous game that [Dutertes] playing,
future rounds of negotiations. It is in Chinas interest, said American historian Alfred McCoy, who
therefore, to strengthen Dutertes hand. believes that in accommodating China in the
South China Sea, the Philippines is in danger of
becoming a pawn in a two-pronged strategy by With both China and the US seeing their
China to deal a crippling blow to US global relationships with the Philippines as key to their
power. ambitions in the South China Sea, Duterte has a
He argues in a new book, In the Shadows of the powerful bargaining chip, one he has shown
American Century: The Rise and Decline of US every intention of using since the arbitration
Global Power, that China is trying to break out of courts ruling.
US lines of encirclement that enable Since then he has upped the anti-American
Washington to dominate both ends of the rhetoric while praising Chinese President Xi
Eurasian land mass. These lines include its Jinping ( ) and swooning over Russian
alliance with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation President Vladimir Putin. He has scrapped joint
countries in the West and its Pacific alliances in patrols with US ships and reeled in his hardline
the East that have let it set up bases in countries posturing regarding sovereignty. He recently
including Japan, South Korea and, in particular, withdrew his threat to ride a jet ski to
the Philippines. Scarborough Shoal and erect the Philippine flag,
One prong of Chinas strategy, according to telling Al Jazeera his words were just
McCoy, is to become the epicentre of a vast cannot expect me to ride [a jet
Eurasian continental market through efforts such ski]. I dont even know how to swim.
as the One Belt, One Road trade initiative to
link economies through infrastructure. The other
prong is to break US encirclement with bases on
man-made islands in the South China Sea and a
US$200 billion Port of Gwadar in Pakistan.
McCoy said that Duterte risked a military coup if
he traded financial support from China for
silence over Beijings build-up of armed forces
in the strategically located waterway through
which a third of the worlds shipping passes.
Theres a possibility that if [Duterte] moves too
far to China,[and] hes giving away the
Philippine territorial waters in the South China
Sea, this could produce a very strong nationalist
reaction among the ranks of the military, he
said, noting that Philippine military officers had
long enjoyed close relations with their American
counterparts. Thats one of the very real threats
that he faces. Hes got to be very skilful in the
way that he handles the armed forces.
Even without a coup, McCoy said that in backing
away from the arbitration courts decision the
Philippines would be at risk of losing a third of
its maritime territory, located in the richest
fishing ground in the world with a vast potential
of hydrocarbon deposits. And what would they
get for it? Low cost loans which would have to
be repaid. It doesnt strike me as a great bargain
so far, he said.

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