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We were written in the stars, my love, all that separated us, was time, the time it took to read

the map which was placed

within our hearts, to find our way back to one another


Sirius, the brightest star in my life; I know the sun is bright but not at night. But the Sirius can be seen during night and day. It
is the one that connected me and my loved one through time and distance. It was always there to witness our problems
and successes in life. And it was also there when the one I loved died. The Sirius is our life and love. This is my story, I mean;
this is our story Hikaru

A girl was wandering around the beautiful city of Paris, France with her bodyguard as her companion. She was
particularly doing nothing except to walk around thinking deeply until when her bodyguard reminded her, Mademoiselle
Inoue, you are needed now

The girl nodded and they went away. They entered the building named Inoue World Fashion Company, one of the
prestigious and famous fashion companies in the world. Every time she would pass through an employee, they would greet
her involuntarily.

This way, Mademoiselle Inoue a lady said while leading her. They took her to the thirty-fourth floor and led her to a
room and they asked her to sit and wait there for a while. As soon as she was left alone and the door was closed, she
immediately took of her flats and walked around the room barefoot.

She waited there for a while and it made her really sleepy and bored. So she went around the room to waken and
entertain herself. Then suddenly the door opened and a woman came in black suit and went to her. Hikaru, we need to
talk the woman said.

What for, mom? she replied.

For the companys future her mom said. And also yours They sat down and had a long discussion.

You are going to Tokyo, Japan to study modern arts her mom said. Before you study about taking over our

Am I going to be alone there? Hikaru asked. Im not that familiar with Tokyo at all

Dont worry her mom replied. Ill assign Mademoiselle Ueno with you

Mom, must I really go there? I can always study fashion here in France Hikaru insisted. Her mom raised an
eyebrow and stood up immediately. Hikaru stood up as well realizing that her mom was pretty serious.

Pack your things already her mom reminded. Youre flight is later 7:00 in the evening, Mademoiselle Inoue

Her mom left Hikaru shocked and disappointed. She didnt really want to go to Japan, as just to study the things she
needed. She went to her room and started to pack her clothes and stuff. After packing all of it, she lied down on her bed
and looked at the ceiling in which it was painted with the replica of stars at night.

Why should I go to Japan? I can study fine here in Paris She thought. I find it useless to go there, but I cant say
no. Let it be then

Then while she was looking at the ceiling, she was trying to reach the brightest star on it.

One night, Ill be able to reach that star She thought. I wont mind if I lose everything just to reach that star

Hikaru put her hand down and sat down then a lady entered and instructed Hikaru. Mademoiselle Inoue,
everything is ready a lady said. We will bring your baggage down and I will tell you your designed schedule later

Umm, excuse me Hikaru said. Are you Mademoiselle Ueno?

Pardon me Mademoiselle, if I didnt introduce myself she said. Im Mademoiselle Asuka Ueno; Ill be with you
through your study in Japan

Oh, then nice meeting you Hikaru replied. By the way, can I call you Asuka-san? Mademoiselle Ueno seems too

You may do so Mademoiselle she humbly said. Just in closed prefectures

Hikaru stood up and went to the lobby to leave her keys there. Then they entered the car and were on their way to
Paris International Airport. There, they rode the private jet for their flight. While inside, Hikaru was very bored and unusually
quiet. She was looking down from the small window and was daydreaming deeply. Then Asuka sat infront of Hikaru and
began to explain her schedule.

Mademoiselle Inoue, this is your schedule Asuka said as she gave it to Hikaru. If you have any question, please
dont hesitate to ask me

Hikaru read it for a while and gave it back to Asuka. I understand it clearly Hikaru said. I need no more

Are you alright, Mademoiselle Inoue? Asuka asked. Hikaru smiled and nodded and looked back on the window.

You dont seem alright, Mademoiselle she said. Is there something wrong?

Im not comfortable for the fact that Im going to Japan, though it is my birthplace Hikaru explained.

But I have never been there; so I really feel so disappointed

Dont worry, Mademoiselle Asuka said. I grew up in Tokyo so I may be able to help you in some point

After a few hours, they landed on Chubuu International Airport and they went straight to their house in Yokohama
and stay there for a couple of months. On their way to Yokohama, they suddenly stopped. What happened? Asuka

There is someone on the road the driver said.

Hikaru went outside and there was someone on the road. It was a boy who was wounded and unconsciously lying
on the ground. What should we do, Asuka-san? Hikaru panicked. We should bring him in the hospital

But there is no hospital in here Mademoiselle, we are in a highway Asuka said. Then Hikaru thought of an idea.
Why dont we bring him home?

But Mademoiselle, I pro-

Please! Hikaru interrupted as she made puppy eyes toward Asuka.

As you wish, Mademoiselle Inoue Asuka replied. They brought him and entered him to the car. As they were on
their way, Hikaru felt a different person inside her.

Why am I feeling so different? Is this something connected to this boy? Hikaru thought. I think so will this be
the beginning?

After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination and as soon as they arrived at their room, Hikaru immediately
treated the boys wounds. After treating the wounds, the boys hand held Hikarus hand tightly.


Being a bit touched, she stayed with him for a while until she fell asleep. Asuka saw Hikaru sleeping and placed a
blanket on top of her. Sweet dreams, Mademoiselle Inoue Asuka whispered.

The next morning, Hikaru woke up and immediately went to Asuka in the living room. Good morning,
Mademoiselle Inoue

Good morning, Asuka-san!

How was your sleep, Mademoiselle?

Fine, except that my neck hurts a bit

Hikaru went outside the balcony for fresh air. She stretched her arms and looked around her. She was amused by
the beauty of Yokohama.

I think that I made the right decision to go here; its so beautiful, I couldve missed a lot of adventure Hikaru thought. But
how come mom didnt tell anything about Japan but still, this place is wonderful

Hikaru turned and saw the boy infront of her. Good morning she greeted.

The boy was very silent and was just staring at her. Hikaru thought that he was just not familiar with her so she
introduced herself. Im Inoue Hikaru she said. How about you?

He was still silent and staring at her. Hikaru felt that there was something wrong with him. So she consulted a doctor.


He is suffering retrograde amnesia the doctor said.

Amnesia, is there anyway wherein he can remember his old memories? Hikaru asked.

There is a way the doctor said. You should let him remember some things that he knew After hearing it, Hikaru
was troubled. She doesnt know what to do to make the boy remember his memories. After leaving the doctor, she talked
to him.

Dont you remember anything from before? Hikaru asked and the boy shook his head.

How could I help you then? I dont know what kind of life you used to have she thought. I dont know if you are
sick or fine, I dont even know your real name

Hikaru thought about his name. She doesnt know what to call him. Then she thought of a name for him. You dont
remember your name right? she said and the boy nodded. Then Ill call you Ryu! she exclaimed.

The following days were filled with adventure and excitement in Hikarus life. She was always happy whenever Ryu
does nonsense or funny things.

One day, Hikaru was going away for a while to buy something. She asked Ryu to wait for a mail and then said her
temporary goodbyes to them. While on the way, Hikaru met the mailman and he gave the mail to Hikaru directly. The
mailman went away and Hikaru was left worried. She continued to walk on. Ryu was patiently waiting outside for the
mailman to come, when suddenly rain came flowing. Asuka immediately ran bringing an umbrella. Monsieur Ryu, please
use this umbrella Asuka said as she placed it beside him.

She left him but he didnt use it. He just waited for the mail even though it was very cold. After a few minutes, Hikaru
saw him in the rain and she ran toward him. What are you doing? Hikaru said. You might get sick!

Waiting for the mail Ryu said while he was shivering.

I already got it Hikaru replied. But still its no reason to stay under the rain

Then Ryu immediately hugged her and made Hikaru let go of the umbrella and both of them getting wet. I was
waiting for you Ryu whispered while shivering.

Hikaru smirked and hugged him as well. They didnt mind themselves under the rain. All they cared was that they
were together.

You dont need to wait for me, Ill never leave you anyway Hikaru thought. I hope you wont leave me too

When they entered into the house, Asuka was very shocked. Why are you both wet? Asuka asked. Please
immediately change your clothes

After so, Hikaru immediately opened the mail with Asuka. Well done, Mademoiselle Asuka said. You passed

Whats that? Ryu asked.

Nothing Hikaru replied.

Hikaru was feeling that Ryu was not very well because he was wobbling while walking or moving. Ryu, are you
okay? Hikaru asked as she was going near to him. Suddenly, Ryu collapsed on Hikaru. She called Asuka and they brought
him on his bed. Hikaru placed a hot towel on his forehead and held his hand with both hands. Unknowingly, Hikaru
accidentally slept beside him because of her worry.

Mademoiselle Inoue, please go to your room already Asuka whispered. Lets give Monsieur Ryu some rest

Hmm okay, Asuka-san Hikaru whispered.

Asuka left and Hikaru was about to go. She went nearer and whispered to him: Sweet dreams, Ryu

When she was about to let go of his hand, Ryu held tighter and whispered to her: Please, dont go Hikaru

She let go of his hand but didnt go after hearing those words. She carried him a little and sat beside him. She
cradled him and placed his head on her shoulder and her head on top of his. She clasped her hand with his and she stayed
with him.

Dont worry Ryu I wont leave you

The next morning, Hikaru opened her eyes a little, and realized that she was on Ryus bed alone. Having a strange
feeling, she opened her eyes more and saw Ryu staring at her and made her accidentally move and fall on the floor. Ryu
reached his hand and helped her stand up. Good morning, Hikaru Ryu greeted.

Good morning Ryu Hikaru greeted back.

But then, Ryu was continually staring at her again. Hikaru moved a little and accidentally slipped because of the
blanket and with her hand holding Ryu, causing both of them to fall down on the floor and it made a loud thump. Asuka
heard the noise but she didnt mind, thinking it was the neighbors. Hikaru opened her eyes and realized that their lips were
touching each other. Immediately, they sat down looking still at each other. Then out of nowhere, a laughing smile came
out both of them.

At that night, they went around until they stopped near the Cosmo Clock, the largest Ferris wheel in the world. Do
you want to ride on that? Ryu asked.

Not now, I want to save for last Hikaru said.

Why? he asked.

I want to ride on it when I know that I want to ride it already she replied. Ryu was a bit disappointed upon hearing
that. But you know she added. Im beginning to think that Ill be riding it with you. The Cosmo Clock was shining
beautifully at night and they both looked at it closely and wanted to stay longer.

Its getting late Ryu said. Asuka-san may be waiting for us already. Then he stepped forward and placed his
right hand at his back. Hikaru being a bit confused, she placed her bag on his hand. Ryu turned around, and smirked
seeing her bag on his hand. This isnt the one that I wish to hold at this moment Ryu said.

Huh? Hikaru said.

Theres one thing that I really want to hold from you he said. But I dont think you would let me hold it for a
while. Ryu gave back her bag and started to walk away. Hikaru ran after him and held his hand. Ryu stopped and turned

Is this what you were talking about? Hikaru asked. Ryu smiled and started to run. Hikaru ran as well with him and
felt happiness in her heart.

I wish this would never end, I am very happy with you Hikaru thought. I cant wait until I ride the Cosmo Clock with you

Without knowing, Ryu was feeling the same way.

Your hand is so soft, I really want to hold it forever Ryu thought. I cant express my happiness with you, Ill wait until you
ride the Cosmo Clock with me

They ran through streets and pedestrians just to fill and make last the precious moment that they were having.
Though they have been running through everywhere, they didnt realize the feeling of being tired. They just wanted to
make each others connection grow stronger.


The next day, Hikaru talked to Asuka about her schedule. It has been months since we came from France Asuka said. Do
you want to go Tokyo already, Mademoiselle Inoue?

Not directly, I want to visit my cousins for a while Hikaru said. I havent seen them in a long while

These cousins are from Chiba, am I right, Mademoiselle? Asuka said. Then the date of departure?

Well be leaving the next day of tomorrow Hikaru decided. So then, they started packing and it was finished in
the next afternoon and then they went to Hikarus cousins in Chiba Prefecture.

HIKARU!! her cousins shouted.

I missed you so much, Yuki and Sakura! Hikaru said.

Who are they? Yuki asked.

This is Ueno-san and this is Ryu-chan she introduced.

Hes so cute! Yuki exclaimed. I like him already!

No hes mine! Sakura said to Yuki. And they started to have a petty quarrel.

Remember I brought him here Hikaru said jokingly. So hes MINE!

AWWWW! both of her cousins pleased. Hikarus cousins welcomed them in their Mansion in Kujukuri. Their house
was somehow near to the famous Kujukuri beach, so they planned to go there in near sunset with some of Yuki and Sakuras

There, Hikaru was plainly soaking her feet in shallow water while the cool gentle breeze was touching her. She was
moved by the quiet but beautiful sunset.

Its so unusual to feel like this, its like Ill be losing something important soon somehow I want to reach it more
than before Hikaru thought. Like just a few more steps, Ill be nearly holding it

Hikaru closed her eyes and unknowingly, she was slowly raising her hands toward the sun, as if she was trying to
reach something. Then she felt something touching her hands and so she slowly opened her eyes. Did I disturb you? Ryu
asked. Hikarus eyes started to get teary.

You, youre the one Im going to lose? Am I going to suffer? She thought. Just for you to stay in my side?

Then she slowly put their hands down. Her tears continuously flowed through her cheeks though she tried to stop
and wipe them away. Her legs couldnt get strength and she fell down on the sandy water pulling Ryu down also. Is there
something wrong, Hikaru?

Hikaru suddenly hugged him and at the same time, stopping her tears from flowing. Please dont leave me alone
Hikaru whispered while crying.

You have Asuka-san by your side he said.

Just please she whispered back crying. Please dont leave me. Ryu stroked her back to comfort and wiped her
tears too. Then Ryu sat beside her and he placed her head on his shoulders and he clasped their hands together.

At that night, Hikaru and Ryu went on the shallow water again while the others were at the bonfire. They lied down
with their hands clasped again and their eyes staring at the stars.

Arent the stars pretty? Hikaru said. Twinkling every minute even when far away

But you shimmer more than them Ryu said. Then after a while, Hikaru pointed a particular star and showed it to

That super bright one Hikaru said. Thats the Sirius!

Sirius? Ryu asked.

Yes, its the brightest star that can be seen at night she said. But actually, you can see it at morning

Wow I want to see that star in the morning! he said.

They say that when you see the star at the morning she instructed. Close your eyes and the first person you see is
the one for you

Nice, I want to see it tomorrow! he exclaimed.

Why so early? she said.

So when I open my eyes he said. Youll be the first person Ill see! Hikaru smirked a little then while looking at the
Sirius, she remembered something. Ah wait! Im going to show you something she exclaimed.

Then Hikaru brought two small boxes and opened them. Then she took of two star shaped pendants and two
shining starlets. These pendants will somehow be the symbol of our connection Hikaru said. And promise that well never
leave each other

Both of them immediately wore them and then Hikaru showed the other ones. These ones Hikaru said. I dont
know, I just saw them and bought them

How would you use these? Ryu asked.

You just shake them Hikaru instructed. Then theyll just light up! Then Ryu shook his and so did Hikaru.

Will we see each others starlight even if we are far away? Ryu wondered.

Then lets try it! Hikaru suggested. They ran away as far as they could then they shook their stars and it was clearly
visible. Then they went away more and it was still visible. Then after seeing that it can shine bright and they ran together and
decided its purpose.

If we are going to be far away Ryu said. Well just shake it then when the stars started to twinkle; it means one of
us is shaking it

When do we shake it? Hikaru asked.

When we already miss each other Then Hikaru started to frown again.

Whats wrong? Ryu asked.

What if you leave and you wouldnt even remember these little things we promised? Hikaru said. Ryu took her
hand and placed it on his chest, nearest to the heart.

You can feel my heart beating, right? Ryu asked. Hikaru gently nodded. My heart beats for you every second
he said. Thats why, if Ill be away from you; itll not beat the way it should be

Youre my one and only love Hikaru said. Promise me that you wont leave me

I promise, youll always be my one and only love Ryu placed his hand on Hikarus cheeks to wipe all her sadness
away. Then he closed his eyes and placed his lips on Hikarus. With the cool gentle breeze and the soft moving waves
touching them and the beautiful starlight shining on them, their love couldnt be any sweeter than this.

But they didnt know that this was not the beginning of the everlasting love. It was the beginning of their tragedy.


The next morning, Ryu tried to wake up early and he tried to look for the Sirius star in the morning. He searched it for hours
but he couldnt see it. Hikaru woke up and went to him.

What are you doing early in the morning, Ryu?

I was trying to look for the Sirius star for you

Try it tomorrow she whispered. You may not know, you might see it tomorrow After a few hours, Yuki and Sakura
wanted to go around with Ryu. Hikaru approved and didnt go with them and just stayed at home. The three went around
for a while and then something took Ryus attention.

A star studded hair clip, I think this would be perfect for her Ryu thought. I would really think that she would like it

He immediately bought it without second thought. After he bought it, he was looking for Yuki and Sakura and had
a hard time because of the large crowd. When he saw them, he ran toward them without even looking at the street.

CRASH! Ryu was hit by a car! A large group of people surrounded him and all of them were murmuring about him.
Yuki and Sakura didnt realize that Ryu wasnt with them anymore so they continued. But then, they werent able to see him
and they immediately came back home.

Back at home, Hikaru was patiently waiting for Ryu to come back. HIKARU! Yuki shouted. Hikaru immediately ran
to them. Wheres Ryu? Hikaru asked.

Ehe, Hikaru Sakura said trying to distract her. Look at all we bought!

Wheres Ryu? Hikaru asked again. Yuki and Sakura were trying to distract Hikaru so that she will not remember
Ryu. But then, the more they distract her, the more she remembered him. Where is RYU!? Hikaru exclaimed.

He is gone Yuki whispered.

What?! Hikaru exclaimed. Dont play like this, tell me where he is!

He is really gone Sakura said.

We lost him Yuki explained On the way here Hikarus eyes started to get teary again.

Dont worry Hikaru said. He might come back later

Mademoiselle Inoue? Asuka said. Are you okay?

Lets be optimistic about it she said. He might come back Then she started to walk as fast as she could with
Asuka following her. She went to her room and started to cry. Mademoiselle Inoue, please dont cry Asuka said.

Im not crying its just cold Hikaru said while crying.

But it is spring, mademoiselle Asuka informed. It is not that cold for you to get sick

I want to go back to France Hikaru said. I want to go back!!

But you havent even started your studies here

I want to go back! Hikaru said. I dont want to study here anymore!

Is it because Monsieur Ryu is gone? Asuka asked. You must never give up in things like that

I want to see him see the Sirius in the morning Hikaru said while crying. He wanted to see it so eagerly with me

If you two are the one made for each other Asuka whispered. Hell definitely come back to you Asuka cradled
Hikaru like a baby while making her crying stop a little. After a little while, Hikaru fell asleep and Asuka tucked her to bed
and she stayed beside her while Hikaru was sleeping peacefully.

In the middle of the night, Hikaru woke up and went to the balcony. She was still disappointed and she really
wanted to see Ryu. Then she saw the stars blinking. She remembered the shining starlets and shook it.

I wouldnt think that you would shake the starlet she thought. But Ill do my part for you

After a few seconds, she stopped shaking it and went to bed again. Before she gone to sleep, she went to Ryus
room and decided to sleep there. She missed the simple things that Ryu would do for her. At the time she closed her eyes,
similar starlight that she shook a while ago suddenly shone. The next afternoon, Hikaru and Asuka went to Chiyoda, Tokyo to
stay there for Hikarus studies.

Welcome, Inoue-san and Ueno-san the caretaker greeted. Im the caretaker, Akio Kaoru; Ill show you your
perspective rooms The caretaker showed them their rooms and Hikarus room was on the third floor. She unpacked
everything and went around the house to familiarize herself with it. When she went to the fourth floor, she just saw one plain
room and had an interesting idea.

Akio-san, can I use this room? Hikaru asked. I think I can use this as my study room

Please then, milady she replied. Hikaru cleaned the floor and painted the walls by herself. Then she placed
pictures on the walls and hanged stars on the ceiling. She placed her desk near the door and she placed all her supplies
there. After finishing these things in a week, she never had time to think about Ryu and she was near in forgetting him.

One night, Hikaru was on the balcony of her room thinking about school and home in France. Asuka came in to
remind Hikaru. Mademoiselle Inoue, tomorrow will be start of your classes Asuka reminded. Please sleep early to gain
your energy.

When Asuka was about to go, Hikaru spoke to her. I want to go back to France Hikaru said. Why is that,
mademoiselle? Asuka asked.

Ive always thought that going here is wrong Hikaru explained. I wanted to stay in France, but mom wouldnt
even listen to me

But you are the heiress of the company, mademoiselle Asuka reminded. Madam Inoue wouldnt want the only
heiress to suffer while she takes over the company

She wanted me to be exceptional Hikaru said. But then, wouldnt she let me be the daughter she only has?

Madam Inoue didnt care more of her family than to business Asuka replied. But she would do anything just to
keep you in your arms

Meaning, that Im the only family she has Hikaru said.

Most likely, mademoiselle Asuka said back. As of now, good night, mademoiselle Inoue Asuka left and Hikaru
stayed on the balcony looking at the stars again.

Its you again, how many times should I see you? she thought. Wish me luck tomorrow


The next morning, Hikaru went to the prestigious Waseda University to start her temporary studies. While walking in the
hallways, she was very shy because all of them were looking at her. Then one person went to her. Hey the boy called.
Youre new here?

Yes Hikaru answered.

Whats your name? the boy asked. Im Izawa Jun

Inoue Hikaru she answered.

So what profession are you taking? Jun asked. You seem to look for your room

Modern Arts she answered. And yes, I am looking for my room

Are you a special student here? Jun said. Let me guess, youre an exchange student

Not really, but I came from France

Really? Jun insisted. Can you can speak different languages?

Only French, English and Japanese as my ordinary language Hikaru replied. I wont be studying other languages
as of now

Really? Jun still insisted. Talk French now

Je ne veux pas Hikaru said. Etes-vous maintenant satisfait?

What did you say?

Vous navez pas besoin de savoir She said. Jun giggled at became friends with her. While they were walking
around and Jun showing Hikaru the campus. A group of girls was running toward Jun. IZAWA-KUN!! they shouted.

Jun pulled Hikaru and they ran back and forth to lose the group of fan girls. They ran through the whole campus
and the stopped at one corner and hid themselves. You have a lot of fans dont you Hikaru said while panting.

Ehe, you can say that again Jun said while panting. Then laughing smiles suddenly came out of them. When it
was time for them to go to their perspective rooms, Hikaru went away immediately without realizing that her pendant fell
off. Jun saw it and kept it to him.

Weeks passed by and Hikaru was doing well, and was almost near in forgetting Ryu and moving on. One day,
when she came home, her smiles were very bright and Asuka saw it clearly. After a few minutes, her cellphone began
ringing. Hikaru answered it.

Hikaru : Hello?

Madam Inoue: Hi, Hikaru!

Hikaru : Why did you call? You miss me already?

Madam Inoue: Quite so sweetheart, by the way, Ill be going there tomorrow, so wait for me in the airport

Hikaru : Okay, see you then, Bye mom

Madam Inoue: Bye sweetheart

Hikaru hanged up and was a bit excited. Then she realized that her pendant wasnt in her neck. She looked for it in
her room, in her study room, in the kitchen, living room, everywhere but still none. She was sad that she lost the only thing
that reminded her of Ryu.

At that night, Hikaru wasnt able to sleep because she lost the pendant. She stayed in her study room, doing
nothing but to stare the city through her window.

Mademoiselle Inoue, youre still awake? Asuka whispered. You should be already sleeping by now Asuka knew
that Hikaru is troubled again. Is there something wrong, mademoiselle? she asked. You look troubled again

Nothing that much Hikaru replied. I just really miss Ryu Asuka didnt want to remind Hikaru all her memories with
Ryu so she left Hikaru alone.

Goodnight, mademoiselle Inoue Asuka thought. Pray that they may find him for you

The next morning, Hikaru and Asuka went to Tokyo International Airport to fetch her mom and after a few minutes
of waiting Mommy! Hikaru exclaimed.

Hello sweetheart her mother greeted. Hello, Mademoiselle Ueno

Good morning, Madam Inoue Asuka greeted back. They went along and went home immediately. While they
were on their way, Hikaru asked her mom:

Why did you go here in Tokyo? she asked.

The Imperial Family invited us to go their ball later evening Madam Inoue explained.

What kind of ball is it? Hikaru asked.

A ball for the return of the crown prince her mom replied.

But what would I wear then? Hikaru asked. I didnt bring any dresses for a formal gathering

Dont worry her mom said. I brought you your own gown

How about Mademoiselle Ueno, wont she come with us? Hikaru asked.

Hmm, I think she must come with us her mom answered. Right, Mademoiselle Ueno?

No need, Mademoiselle Inoue Asuka said. I think Ill just stay home, knowing that Mademoiselle Inoue shall be
fine. Hikaru was a bit shocked and was left wondering on why did Asuka refused to come with them or to guard her. They
came home sometime in the late afternoon, so they immediately needed to dress up. Hikaru wore the gown her mom
brought her. While she was being fixed by Asuka, she was thinking very deeply.

I dont really want to go to the Imperial Palace, I dont want to go to any ball, I want to be alone, I guess Ill never
see Ryu again She thought. I even thought that what he said will be turned into reality that Ill be his one and only love,
sigh Whatve I been thinking all along? That I could get whatever I want? That a boy like him could be with me? I want
my own liberty

Is there something wrong, Mademoiselle Inoue? Asuka asked.

Nothing Hikaru said.

You seem really troubled Asuka said. You can always tell me if you have problems, you know

Sure, but really, nothings bothering me Hikaru replied.

It was a spaghetti-strap empire silhouette made up of layers of fluted pleats of salmon colored shear and a golden
strap under the bust, studded with beads. A golden star bracelet on her left hand and her hair is curled only in the tips.

They went in the Imperial Palace that night to attend the ball. Hikaru was bored and went around while her mom
was busing chatting with others. While she was roaming around, a little girl bumped onto her.

Are you okay? she asked. The little girl ran to someone familiar to Hikaru. She went to the balcony, nearer and
found out that it was Jun. Nice seeing you here, Jun Hikaru greeted.

Ehe, you too, Hikaru

Then Hikaru saw the little girl again, hiding at the back of Jun. She smiled and waved to her but the little girl hid
more. So I see that youve met my little sister, Yukiko Jun said. Sorry if she is shy, shes not used in these kinds of balls

Dont worry, I understand Hikaru said. I was also brought into formal parties when I was in her age

So then, you are sociable in places like these he concluded.

Not really, I dont talk with people I dont know she explained. By the way, what are you doing in here?

Umm, I will tell you later Jun said. The ball is going to start already. Jun went away and Hikaru went to her table
with her mom and other people. One by one, the Imperial family was being introduced.

Our beloved, Prince Jun Hikaru smirked and finally knew Jun about his family background.

Prince Jun She thought. Not bad at all

I ask all people to stand up to welcome our very own, returned from the long midst, our crowned prince, Prince


Everyone applauded for him. When he passed through, Hikaru was familiarized with his face.

Ryu? That cant be him, Im sure of it She thought. Though he looks completely like him, it really cant be him

After a while, Princes Jun and Shin were invited to start the dance. They went around choosing their partner for the
dance. Prince Shin chose his own partner and Prince Jun went to Hikaru.

May I take this dance? Jun whispered as his right hand was waiting for hers. Hikaru looked at the people around
her, saying that she must go. She stood up and placed her hand on his hand. They went at the middle and they started to
dance. Both of the pair was comfortable and made a beautiful start.

After a while, the princes changed their partners by exchanging their own. Unlike before, Hikaru wasnt
comfortable at all. Prince Shin observed it and told her something. Its okay to be nervous Prince Shin whispered.

Im sorry, your highness

Dont look down Shin advised. Look straight at my eyes and youll be fine Hikaru followed as what Prince Shin
said. She did look at his eyes but she also saw the pendant that she gave to Ryu weeks ago.

Are you him? She thought. Only Ryu and I have the exact pair like that

Is there something wrong? Shin asked. We can stop if you want Hikaru shook her head and said to him: If we
stop our dance now she said. I wont be able to show you how happy I am to see you back, your highness

And if we stop now She thought. I wont be able to have my last memory with you

The soft pleats of Hikarus gown fluttered through the low air, with their little steps and graceful turns. Shin and Hikaru
were smiling through with every move they make. When the music stopped, they suddenly stopped at the middle and
stared at each other.

Though the guest started to dance around them, they were like statues that were steadily staring at each other.

Why is he staring too much? She thought. Does he remember me?

Hikaru let go of Shins hand and left him alone in the middle, wondering.

Who was that girl? I felt so different when I was with her Shin thought. Could she be the one?

Hikaru stayed at her table, feeling so embarrassed and shy.

What am I doing here? I dont want to be here anymore Hikaru thought. I want to go home

She was very sad and went around, amusing herself. When she saw the balcony, she went there and stayed at the
ledge, beside Jun. Again, she was gazing at the stars. You seem to like stars, dont you? Jun observed.

You can say that again, your highness Hikaru said.

Ehe, please dont call me your highness whenever you talk to me

Ill remember that

The view here is beautiful isnt it

It is very beautiful Hikaru said. But I still like the view on my room They gazed upon the stars that were shining
very brightly on them. The stars gently twinkled through and they shed light through the night.

By the way, I found something that belongs to you Jun informed. He got something from his pocket and showed it
to Hikaru. It was her missing star pendant. He wore it on her neck. Hikaru was very happy! You seem very happy Jun said.

Yup, Ive been looking for this pendant for a week already Hikaru said.

Is it really that important to you? he asked.

Pretty much she answered. This is one of the things that make me remind of someone special to me

If I may ask, who is this someone special to you? Hikaru grew silent for a while.

I cant answer that now she said. Ill tell you who that is, when I finally let go

When will you let go? he asked. Hikaru grew silent again and sighed very deeply. When Im ready to put his
memories in the past Jun looked back at the stars and held Hikarus hand. If you are ready, tell me immediately Hikaru
placed her hand upon his and replied: I will, I promise

They smiled and looked back at the stars. They let time pass by through gazing the stars the whole night. With their
hands together, they thought of it as a beautiful night.

Morning came and Hikaru lazily woke up from her bed. When she sat down, she saw a note attached in her side

Im leaving back to France, sweetheart

Lots a Love,
Mom ^o^

She smirked and threw the note at the trash can. At school, she was having reminiscences of the last nights ball.

How could he have that star pendant? Im sure that only I and Ryu have it, could he be Ryu? Hikaru thought. He seems
to be, it might be just my imagination

Are you Inoue Hikaru? a girl asked. Dont you remember me?

Aoki Tomoko?

The girls screamed and hugged each other. The other girls were looking at them, so they screamed without sound.


What are you doing here? Hikaru asked. I thought you were in Italy?

Mom, wanted me to study here Tomoko said. How bout you?

Same as you, by mothers orders Then two professors came and group of students came.

This is your year-long test for modeling and photography the professor said. Each student will be paired and
theyll be working together as a team

The modeling students are required to express the theme in the simplest or most abstract way as possible the
other professor explained. While the photography students are required to take the best pose of the model according to
the theme, chosen by you

You will bind the best photos and the photographer will comment on each photo and you will pass them the
other professor said. So then, we will tell you your pairs Everyone waited patiently for their pairs while Hikaru and Tomoko
were busy whispering and chatting at the back.

I want to be paired to that one Tomoko whispered as she pointed.

Tanaka Hideaki? Hikaru asked.

Yup, he is the most handsome in all of them Tomoko whispered. And yet he is one of the richest! Hikaru didnt
mind Tomoko much and she saw Shin.

Prince Shin, so hes in photography She thought. I never thought that a prince like him would even think of

Tanaka Hideaki will be paired with Aoki Tomoko

And after all, a lot of girls would be dying over him, hes a prince not a star She thought. But its still the same,
theyre all the same

Izawa Shin will be paired with Inoue Hikaru

Youre being paired with Prince Shin? Tomoko said. Arent you just so lucky?

Im not lucky Hikaru said.

Now go meet your partner and talk about your plans their professors ordered. Everyone immediately
approached their partners. Though Hikaru really wanted to go away, she let Shin approach her. So whats our plan? he

You decide Hikaru said. Youre the photographer, Im just a model

Arent you just so humble? Shin said. Dont tell me because you treat me as a prince

Hikaru was silent and Shin knew she was approving to his idea. Please dont treat me as a prince Shin favored. I
dont like it that much

Okay Hikaru said. Ill do my best

By the way, with our theme Shin reminded. What do you want?

You decide Hikaru said. Ill just approve to it Shin thought very deeply. How about Simplicity of Beauty, would
you approve?

Hikaru approved it without hesitation. Since they were able to think about their theme fast, they watched their
classmates go around doing nonsense. Shin cant stop staring at Hikaru, like memories were starting to come back but he
still cant remember them.

Is she someone I knew before? Why is she so familiar? He thought I only met her last night, but its like I met her

Without knowing, his hand was slowly moving toward her hand eventually until his hand was holding hers. When
will we start? Hikaru asked.

Just when were ready to start Shin answered.

At that night, Hikaru was looking from the window of her study room. She was looking at the people walking around
and the bright lights surrounding the city. Then one after another, she would see a couple walking around with hands
clasped together. She was having reminiscences of her memories with Ryu.

I miss those times wherein we used to do those: walk together, laugh together, love together She thought. I really
miss you I really do

Mademoiselle Inoue, why are you still awake? Asuka whispered.

Im not really sleepy Hikaru replied.

Are you thinking about Monsieur Ryu again? Hikarus silence came again. You may not know, he might be there
somewhere looking for you

I hope he finds me Hikaru said. It has been a while since weve seen each other"

Hell do, mademoiselle Asuka said. Please go to sleep. Asuka left and then after a while, she grew very sleepy
and immediately went to bed.


The next day, Shin called Hikaru and told her to go to Ometon Gate for the start of their photo shoot. She dressed
up immediately and brought clothes. There, Shin let her in the Imperial Palace. Welcome to the Imperial Palace of Japan!
Shin exclaimed.

Wow, isnt this palace nice? Hikaru said.

Well, Thank you Shin said. Ill show you around Shin showed her around inside and outside the castle. Through
the gardens and rooms did they go. Then after a while, Shin showed Hikaru the place where theyll do the photo shoot.

This is where well do the photo shoot Shin said. The Rose Garden Hikaru liked the place very much. She went
near to the flowers and touched them gently. Then a loud voice came in.

NII-CHAN!! a young girl shouted.

Yukiko? Hikaru whispered.

You know her? Shin asked.

Not that much, Jun introduced her to me Yukiko ran toward Shin as fast as she could. Nii-chan, you said that you
would play with me Yukiko said.

I cant Yukiko, I have something else to do

Why?! Yukiko exclaimed. You promised

Im really sorry, but Nii-chan has something to do. Yukiko kept on insisting and really wanted to play with Shin. But
he has to do a photo shoot with Hikaru. Shin, I think you should play first with you little sis Hikaru said. I can wait until youre

I am already ready for it, Hikaru Shin said. Its just my little sister who keeps on bugging me

Dont worry, I can wait Hikaru said. Ill just go around for a while. Hikaru went away for a while and wandered in
the Rose Garden. She was amazed by the simple but beautiful arrangement of the bushes and flowers.

Hikaru? a voice called.

Jun! Hikaru exclaimed. Im sorry if I have disturbed you

No its fine Jun said. Im just doing a painting here. Hikaru went nearer and was impressed with the painting and
really liked the painting of roses. What are you painting for? she asked.

Im just practicing for our test Jun said. Well be painting a picture that well be bringing

Will it be exhibited through the whole campus? Hikaru asked. Itll be nice if everyone would see it

I think so, and whoever gets the highest score will have a chance to study and battle internationally in Paris,

I hope you get the highest score

Yeah, but it is really hard to get that

Why so? Hikaru asked. Youre a good a painter

Thanks, but Ill need a lot of admirers of the painting just to have a high score

Im sure a lot will like your painting Hikaru said. I believe that

Thanks a lot Jun said. Then while Hikaru was looking at the roses in the painting, she remembered the meaning of
each rose. Do you know what each color of the rose means? she asked.

No, actually Jun said. Why do you ask?

Heres a list of their meanings Hikaru said. I always have a copy of it. Then she gave him a list of the meanings
and he read them carefully.

Red love

Pink grace, gentle feelings of love

Dark pink gratitude

Light pink admiration, sympathy

White innocence, purity, secrecy, friendship, reverence, humility

Yellow jealousy, infidelity, dying love

Yellow with red tips friendship, falling in love

Orange passion

Burgundy beauty

Blue mystery

Green calm

Purple protection

After reading the meanings, Jun had an idea for his next painting. Anyway, do you want your own painting? he
asked and Hikaru happily nodded. Hmm, wait a minute Jun said. Jun took a fully bloomed pink rose and gave it to Hikaru.
Then he told her to stay near the bushy wall filled with roses.

Dont I need to fix myself? Hikaru asked.

No need Jun said. You look too beautiful already. Then he took his camera and pictured Hikaru. He kept it and
promised that he will give the painting to her when it is done. So see you then at school, bye! Jun said. He went away
leaving Hikaru and the exact time that Shin approached her. Lets start the photo shoot? Shin asked.

How about Yukiko? she asked.

She said that she was tired playing with me and she wants to play with you after the photo shoot

Well then, Ill change my clothes now. Hikaru changed her clothes and did make up while Shin fixed the place for
their photo shoot. Yukiko wandered around and saw a white rose lying around and took it.

Hikaru went out wearing a white Sabrina neckline top with a lacy pleated pink blush skirt and white ballet flats. Her
face was lightly blushed with pink and her eyes shadowed with whitish pink touch. And her hair curled a little. Shin started to
photograph her and Hikaru slightly moved but her moves were always graceful.

But then, Shin was always stopping in taking pictures and made Hikaru feel like there was something wrong with
her. Is there something wrong? Hikaru asked.

Nothing, but there is something missing in you Shin said. Then after a while, Yukiko came running toward Hikaru.
Ne-chan! Yukiko exclaimed. This is for you

Thank you Yukiko Hikaru said. Its beautiful. Hikaru received a white rose and Shin knew that it was the only thing
missing in the picture. They continued the photo shoot and then when it ended, Yukiko played with Hikaru.

Hikaru, Yukiko! Shin called. The two girls looked at him. SMILE! he said. The girls smiled and giggled a lot. Shin
took a lot of candid photos of them together and with them three. They were happy and they loved it.


The next, next day at school, Shin and Hikaru did their photo shoot with the other pairs. They would choose different
places to emphasize their chosen theme. Shin simply brought his photography needs while Hikaru brought clothes and
make up again. Where would we go first? Shin asked. You need to pair some of your clothes and make up with the

Hikaru thought for a while and ran toward the place. Shin followed her and they ended up in the wide school
garden. They agreed that they would do the photo shoot there at the garden. Hikaru dressed and did make up while Shin
fixed the camera position. Do you think thisll do? she asked.

She appeared with a simple pink halter top with a pleated sateen white skirt paired with pink laced ballet flats and
with her star pendant around her neck. Then her face is lightly blushed on the cheek and her lips glimmered with soft pink
color. Her eyes shadowed with light purple and pink. Will this do? she asked again.

Shin smiled and then he saw a fully bloomed flower and picked it. He placed his attention on it, without realizing
that Hikaru was waiting for a reply. I think Ill change she said.

Upon hearing that, Shin immediately stopped her. Then he placed the flower on her ear. Now its perfect Shin

For a few seconds, they stared at each other again like what happened at the ball. Their eyes really didnt move
and they were like statues that were standing in the middle while the wind blows.

Are you him? The more that I look at you, the more that his memory comes back to me Hikaru thought.

Shouldnt we start now? Hikaru reminded. Itll get late

Oh yeah, Im sorry Shin said. Lets start. Then they started the photo session. Hikaru freely posed while Shin took
every pose as possible. Whenever Shin looked at her while she posed, he really thought that something was on her.

Why is she really so familiar? Shin thought. I really feel that theres a connection between us

After a few minutes, they didnt realize that the sky was starting to get darker and darker. Then while they were still
in the garden, it started to rain. Hikaru, come here under the tree! Shin shouted. Hikaru ran towards him and the flower on
her ear accidentally fell on the ground. She bumped on him and eventually fell down to the ground with him.

When she opened her eyes and realized she was on top of him, she immediately sat down as though nothing
happened. Are you okay? Shin asked. Hikaru nodded though it was obvious that she was not. They stayed under the tree
for a while, but they observed that the rain was getting heavier and they realized that they were stranded.

What are we going to do here? Hikaru asked. We cant be stuck here

There is no signal Shin said. We cant call for help around here

Hikaru sighed and thought of an idea. Is your camera waterproof? she asked.

Yeah, it is, why? Shin asked. Hikaru went out of the tree and picked the same flower Shin picked. She placed it on
her ear and exclaimed:

Well make good photos even under the rain! Hikaru said. Trust me!. So she smiled and they continued the
photo session. Even at the middle of the heavy rain, they did it like it the weather was fair. When Shin was satisfied with all of
the shots, he saw Hikaru standing alone in the rain, trying to hide her tears. He went to her and covered their heads with an
umbrella. And then he placed his hands on her cheek and gently wiped her tears.

Why didnt you tell me that you brought with you an umbrella? Hikaru asked. I wouldnt be so wet if you lend me

If I lend it to you, you wouldnt be able to show the simplicity of beauty with it Shin explained. And I thought that
it would be better if you would show your natural beauty without anything covering it

Shin got nearer to her and was already near in kissing her. But then Hikaru suddenly sneezed and made Shin laugh.
I think we should better go to the clinic to get you some medicine Shin said. When he was about to bring her there,
Hikaru disagreed with him. I would like to stay here a little longer Hikaru said. I wouldnt mind if I would get sick, I just want
to have fun while I can

Upon those words, Shin let go of the umbrella with the rain touching them. Hikaru smiled and started to run as fast
as she can. Shin followed her as he wanted to catch her. From that moment on, Shin knew that there was a hidden
relationship between them. He was beginning to remember the lost memories that he had with her.

Your Highness, Ms. Inoue! their professor shouted. Please dry yourselves and go home already, class has been

Yes Madam! both of them answered. The two dried up themselves first and when they were about to go home, Jun
showed up infront of them. Hikaru! he exclaimed.

Hi, who are you waiting for? Hikaru asked. You should be back home this time

Im waiting for Shin actually he said. Were supposed to go home together

Oh, I have to go now Hikaru said. Goodbye now

Hikaru! Shin called. Its raining heavily; we should bring you back home

Ill be disturbing you then Hikaru said. Ill just go home by myself

Youll get sick Shin reminded. A simple cold may get worse and we wont be able to do our photo sessions until
you get better

Okay, Ill go with you Hikaru finally agreed. They waited for a while until the princes driver come. While waiting,
Jun and Hikaru chatted.

So you are paired with Shin for the year-long test huh? Jun said. I thought he just let you in the palace because
you are friends

We did our first photo shoot there Hikaru explained.

Arent you that lucky? Jun said. Do you know that a lot of girls are desperate to have him as a classmate or
even as a partner?

Just because I was paired with him, it doesnt mean that Im so lucky

You cant really understand it because you are from another country Jun explained. Being a prince requires so
you to be someone rich and famous, thats why a lot of girls are desperate for us. Hikaru sighed for a while and replied to
him. To tell you the truth, I never cared if you are a prince or a student Hikaru explained. But I was happy to be paired
with him

What do you mean? Jun asked.

Cause I-

As soon as she was about to say her reason, the driver came and Hikaru didnt continue to tell Jun and they just
entered the car. While inside, Hikaru was very silent while she was looking outside.

I never considered myself lucky being paired with him but I can really say that I was happy She thought.
Because I realized that Ryu was with me, within the personality of Shin

Oh theres my house! Hikaru said. Thanks for the ride. She went out and waved goodbye to Shin and Jun. She
didnt immediately go inside her house but instead she stared at the raindrops falling to the ground. Then Asuka went out

and saw Hikaru a bit teary but happy. Mademoiselle Inoue, please come inside now Asuka instructed. You might have a

But I want to sta-

Hikaru suddenly sneezed and she was embarrassed infront of Asuka. Since you have a cold, you wont leave the
house until you get well Asuka instructed.

But I-

You know youre sickness, Mademoiselle Inoue Asuka reminded. A simple cold may get worse. Hikaru grew
silent for a while and went inside. Asuka felt burden inside her but went on to her destination.


Inside, Hikaru was a bit disappointed after Asuka reminded her about her sickness. Hikaru went to her room and
changed clothes. In the palace, Shin was developing the photos he took with Hikaru in his dark room. After developing
them, he sorted them out and he chose what would be perfect on the photo book. Then Jun came to his room and saw
the pictures. Is this Hikaru? Jun asked. Shes so pretty in those pictures

Thats why Im having a problem in what to place in the photo book Shin answered.

If you got spare of them, can I use it in my project? Jun asked.

Sure then, Ill give them to you he replied. But Jun knew that Shin wasnt serious and left the room. Shin was still
busy thinking about the photos. While Hikaru was totally bored in her room, she thought of calling Tomoko.

Tomoko: Hello?

Hikaru : Hey its Hikaru!

Tomoko: Hi! Why did you call?

Hikaru : No exact reason, whatsoever!

Tomoko: Ehe, what are you doing right now?

Hikaru : Nothing, just trying to get well

Tomoko: Youre sick again, arent you? Such a sickly girl!

Hikaru : Hey! It wasnt my fault if I was born sickly!

Tomoko: Youre still the same from elementary arent you?

Hikaru : Eh? What do you mean?

Tomoko: You have been so nave since then until now

Hikaru : Hmm, how about you? What are you doing?

Tomoko: Nothing too, I just finished the photo shoot

Hikaru : Had a nice time?

Tomoko: Yup, Hideaki-kun was so intelligent!

Hikaru : You really like him, dont you?

Tomoko: Ehe, seems like it!

Hikaru : I see

Tomoko: How about you? Have you liked someone lately?

Hikaru : No one in particular

Tomoko: Well isnt that new?

Hikaru : Eh?

Tomoko: Arent you the type of girl who has a lot of love

Hikaru : Got tired

Tomoko: Ehe, you always get tired!

They talked and talked through the whole day till night. But still even at midnight, they continued to talk.

Tomoko: Hey, it is midnight already!

Hikaru : We got too carried away

Tomoko: Ehe, see you in school!

Hikaru : Okay, goodnight

Tomoko: You mean good morning?

Hikaru : Alright, good morning, sleep tight!

Tomoko: You too

After Hikaru hanged up, she immediately went to sleep being so very tired and sleepy. The next day, Hikaru felt well
but she still has cold. Mademoiselle Inoue, you cant go to school sick Asuka said.

Asuka-chan, I can handle myself Hikaru explained. Im not going anywhere except school

Come home immediately after classes Asuka reminded.

Dont worry, Ill come back immediately Hikaru promised. When Hikaru went outside, she saw the Imperial
Familys driver outside. Hikaru Inoue-san? the driver asked.

I am her

Prince Shin ordered me to fetch you from you humble abode and take you to school

Id love to but Id rather go there by myself. Then the side window of the car slide down. Cmon Hikaru, we will
be late for class! Shin exclaimed.

But its 6:45 Hikaru said. We cant be late for class!

Just come inside! Shin said. I order you, as the Crowned Prince!. Without any choice, Hikaru sighed silently and
went inside the car and they went away. While inside, Shin observed that Hikaru looked very disappointed. Why such long
face? Shin said. Is there something wrong?

How could you use your position in ordering people! Hikaru said. Even though you are the Crowned Prince of
Japan, it doesnt mean that you can order everybody!

Shin grew silent and Hikaru looked away feeling so ashamed of what she said to Shin. She moved herself away from
him, and looked down. Then Shin moved nearer to her and reached for her hand. He held it for a minute and then letting it
go, moving back to his original place. Hikaru knew that Shin was sorry even though he didnt say a word. When she felt that
he was letting go, she immediately caught it back and placed their hands in the middle of them. Without looking at each
other, both of them were happy inside and smiling. When they were already entering inside the campus, though a lot of
girls were already waiting for him, they tightened their strong clasp. PRINCE IZAWA!! the girls cheered.

Do you always experience this whenever you go to school? Hikaru asked.

Most likely Shin said. It worse when its Valentines Day. The car stopped and it was time for them to go out. Shin
ordered his bodyguards not to go outside and leave it to him.

Ready, Hikaru? Shin asked. Hikaru nodded without hesitation. When Shin opened the door, they immediately
struggled through the crowd with their hand clasped tightly. The girls were desperately running after Shin with Hikaru.
Though it was a bit tough, Shin and Hikaru were happily running.

They went through stairs and corners until they were able to lose them all. They ended up in the fifth floor staircase,
very tired but satisfied. From some part of them, laughter started to come out. They forgot that they were tired and Hikaru
forgot also that she was sick. But they continued to laugh then. Jun seen them and was a bit jealous about their relationship.
But he didnt give attention to it, thinking that they were just friends.


After classes, Hikaru immediately went home just like as she promised to Asuka. Im home! Hikaru exclaimed.

NE-CHAN!! a voice called.

Yukiko? Hikaru wondered. Why are you here?. Yukiko ran and hugged Hikaru tightly. Hikaru knelt down and
carried Yukiko and she sat down. Why are you here? Hikaru asked. Your family might get worried

Dont worry Yukiko said. Mommy and Daddy know that Im here

Are you sure? she asked. Yukiko nodded and hugged Hikaru more. Hikaru was touched and carried her up to her
room. Wow, you have a nice room, ne-chan! Yukiko exclaimed. Ive always wanted a wide room like this!

Then Yukiko ran to the balcony and was really amazed. She began pointing places and even to the palace. Hey,
theres my house! Yukiko exclaimed. And look I can see Nii-sans balcony from here!

Then Yukiko pointed the balcony of Shin and Hikaru realized that it was very near. You know ne-chan Yukiko said.
I feel like I want to live here forever

Really, why so?

Because I feel so comfortable here Yukiko said. And I want to see you everyday, the same with Nii-san

Then they continued to look at the wide view. Yukiko and Hikaru pointed out places and smiled through. When
sunset came, Hikaru asked Yukiko, Are you going to stay here?

Mommy and Daddy allowed me to have an overnight in here!

But then tomorrow youll go home Hikaru said. You have to

I dont want to go home Yukiko said. I want to stay here!. Yukiko hugged Hikaru more like a baby koala to her
mother and Hikaru cradled her. At night, Hikaru showed Yukiko her study room. Yukiko looked through Hikarus desk and
saw the starlet and the star pendant. Ne-chan, what are these? Yukiko asked.

Yukiko pointed them and Hikaru took it and remembered the almost forgotten memories. This is a starlet and a star
pendant Hikaru said. I ordered this in France and I once had a pair of this each

What happened to the other one? Yukiko asked.

It gave it to someone but it got lost Hikaru said.

Oh, but Nii-san didnt lose his

Huh? Hikaru expressed. What do you mean?

Nii-san has an exact same thing as those

Where did he get it?

He doesnt know Yukiko said. When we found him, he was already bringing it with him

Exactly like these ones?

Yup! she said. And when we found him, he was having thoughts of a girl he thought he knew

What was her name?

He didnt remember but he kind of remembered her having a bright smile and she has a bucket of tears. Upon
hearing that, Hikaru didnt know what to react: if she was going to be happy or sad. Ne-chan, are you okay? Yukiko
asked. You look like crying

No, I have cold and my eyes really get red when I have it Hikaru explained. By the way, would you want to see
how this works?. Yukiko agreed and they went the balcony again with Hikaru bringing the starlet. Then Hikaru slowly shook
it and while she was raising it she was shaking it faster.

Please Shin, shake the starlet for me I want to feel Ryus presence once more She wished. Just once more,
show my the promise that Ill be your one and only love

While she was shaking the starlet, Yukiko saw the tears falling from Hikarus eyes. She knew that Hikaru was the one
that her brother knew before. Ne-chan Yukiko called. Hikaru stopped shaking the starlet and wiped her tears. What is it,
Yukiko? she asked. Is there something wrong?

I think I know who the girl was Yukiko said. The girl Nii-chan loved before

Tell me, who is it? Hikaru said.

Its you, ne-chan Yukiko said. Im sure that it is you. Hikaru cant say a lie to Yukiko so she told her everything
that happened between them. So you really are her Yukiko said. Nii-san has been suffering amnesia about you

But we shouldnt let anyone know that Im that girl okay

Why? Yukiko asked. Wouldnt it be nice that nii-chan would know about it?

It would be nice, but I wouldnt want to go back to the past Hikaru said. And I think that he should be the one
who must discover it himself. Yukiko took the starlet and shook it gently infront of Hikaru. Dont worry, ne-chan Yukiko said.
I promise that I wont tell anybody about it

She hugged Hikaru while shaking the starlet. Though Hikaru was already crying, she tried her best to stop it. Thank
you, Yukiko she whispered. After an hour, Yukiko fell asleep holding the starlet and Hikaru tucked her in her bed with it.
Hikaru didnt sleep immediately but instead she went to her balcony and did reminiscence the memories she wished she
forgot. Then suddenly, her cellphone rang. It was Jun who was calling her.

Hikaru: Hello?

Jun : Hikaru, youre still awake?

Hikaru: Yeah, why did you call in the middle of the night?

Jun : I want to see you, meet me outside your door

Hikaru: Okay, see you then


She took her coat and scarf immediately and dressed while walking as fast and as quiet as she can. It was a cold
night, and while waiting for him, she rubbed her hands to make a little heat.

Hikaru! Jun called. Jun ran as fast as he could and was catching his breath. Why did you want to see me?
Hikaru asked. Is there something wrong?

Is it that wrong to see someone at night? Jun asked. Hikaru was silent and smiled a little. Then Jun saw that she
was a bit cold because of the cold weather at night. Lets go get something hot to drink okay? he said. To comfort


Jun stepped forward and placed his hand on his back waiting for Hikarus hand, when Hikaru saw this, an
immediate memory flashbacked into her.

This isnt the one that I wish to hold at this moment Ryu said.

Huh? Hikaru said.

Theres one thing that I really want to hold from you he said. But I dont think you would let me hold it for a while

Ryu gave back her bag and started to walk away. Hikaru ran after him and held his hand. Ryu stopped and turned

Is this what you were talking about? Hikaru asked.

At that time, Hikaru didnt know what to react. Remembering all the almost forgotten memories was a burden for

If I place my hand there, Ill be willing to move on again She thought. But if I wont, Ill have to stay with my

Without hesitation, she placed a leaf on his hand and walked away jokingly. Then she turned around to him and
exclaimed: Lets go!

Jun caught up with her and they went to a caf to buy something to warm themselves and then they went around
in Hibiya Park. When is your birthday? Jun asked.

On Christmas eve Hikaru said.

You have the same birthday as Shin does Jun said. Well not really, you are born in Christmas eve while he was
born exactly in Christmas

Isnt it fate

By the way, your birthday is already very near right?

In three weeks Hikaru replied. Then Jun observed that Hikaru was terribly cold and was not comfortable in the
weather. Youre not comfortable with the cold here in Japan arent you Jun asked. You seem really cold

For me, its a bit warmer in France than here Hikaru replied.

So you really like France than here

Its not that, Ive never been anywhere else except France and America since I was young Hikaru explained. Im
still adjusting with the place

You went here for studies right?

Yes, because of my mothers orders

So if your mother didnt tell you to go here, you wouldnt be here

Most likely Hikaru said. That couldve been a fact. Jun was quite disappointed on hearing those words. He thought that
she really chose Japan to live in. But you know, I think I made the right decision in obeying my mothers orders

Why is that?

If I hadnt come here Hikaru said. I wouldnt be able to realize that there are some things in life that I can always
change when I want to. While they were there at the park, Hikaru saw the Sirius again. Do you know that star? Hikaru

Not really

Its called Sirius star Hikaru explained. It is brightest star we can see at night

Hmm, I think that is the one that Shin has been talking about

Huh? Hikaru expressed. He knew that star?

Yeah Jun said. He even said that if you found the Sirius star in the morning, close your eyes for a while and when
you open them, the first person you see is the one for you

He knows all of those things?

He said that he knew it from before Jun said. A particular girl showed him that star and even gave him a star
something and a star pendant, just like yours

This one? she asked. Then Hikaru pointed her star pendant and from that pendant, Jun knew that Hikaru was that
girl Shin knew before.

You are that girl right? Jun said. Im sure that my little sis knew that before me

How did you know that? Hikaru asked. Only I and Yukiko know about that

While you were waiting outside, I woke and called her on her cellphone and she told me everything that she knew
about you

Yukiko did that? Hikaru asked. She even promised me not to say it to anybody

Dont worry, its safe with me Jun said. I promise. Then Hikaru looked back at the sky specifically on the Sirius.
From that moment on, Jun knew that he had special feelings for her except from being a friend. By the way, its getting so
late already Jun said. Ill take you home

So when they reached her house, they both said their goodbyes and they went on to their own directions. Hikaru
took off her scarf and coat. She made herself get sleepy then and slept at the pay window. She didnt want to disturb
Yukiko while sleeping so she thought to sleep there. The next day, Yukiko was in deep sleep but was fetched early in the
morning by Jun. Do you really have to fetch the little kid on a morning? Hikaru asked.

Orders are orders Hikaru Jun said. Though I know that Yukiko would want to stay on more night with you

Just say that I said goodbye to her when she wakes up

Okay, bye

They left and Hikaru went inside. As soon as she entered her room, her cellphone rang.

Hikaru : Hello?

Tomoko: Hey its me!

Hikaru : Hi, why did you call?

Tomoko: Im just going to ask if you are busy today

Hikaru : Nothings on my schedule

Tomoko: Good, I want you to go with me

Hikaru : To where?

Tomoko: Im going to show you in Shibuya

Hikaru : Dont you live in Shibuya?

Tomoko: Got me there! I just want you to visit me

Hikaru : Okay, settings

Tomoko: 11:00 am, Ometon Gate

Hikaru : Just us?

Tomoko: Yup!

Hikaru : So then, see you later

Tomoko: By the way, bring overnight clothes okay?

Hikaru : Okay

Tomoko: Okay, bye-bye!

Hikaru : Bye!

When Hikaru looked at the time after hanging, she saw that she has still three hours left. She sighed and stretched
her arms as high as she could. She packed some of her clothes for the overnight and since, she had enough time, and she
took a nap for a while, waiting for time to pass by. After a while, she woke up having a strange feeling. When she looked at
the time, she only have ten minutes left before eleven. She dressed up as fast as she could, brought her things and left a
note on the door. She ran as fast as she could to the Ometon Gate. Sorry if I am late Tomoko! Hikaru apologized.

Actually youre a second early! Tomoko said. Hikaru smiled though she was very tired. Then she saw Jun and Shin.
Are you also coming with us? Hikaru asked.

Change of plans, theyll come with us Tomoko said. But dont worry, theyre just boys


Then the four of them rode in the car of Tomoko: Jun and Tomoko on the front, Shin and Hikaru at the back. Jun
and Tomoko kept on chatting while Shin and Hikaru was silent.

Hey you two back there! Tomoko said. Both of you are so silent

Hikaru is there something wrong? Jun asked.

Nothing, Im fine Hikaru replied. Shin looked at her and clasped her hand. She looked at him in an asking manner
and he clasped it tighter. She looked outside as to hide her emotions. Jun turned around at Hikaru and saw her teary eyes.
He took out his handkerchief and gave it to her. Hikaru, use this Jun said.

She let go of Shins hand and received the handkerchief with both hands. She wiped her tears a little and Shin felt
disappointed. Through out the journey, Tomoko knew that Hikaru had a problem. So when the arrived at Tomokos house,
she talked to her.

Is there something wrong? Tomoko asked. You have been acting weirdly these days

Nothings wrong with me Hikaru said. I promise you

Are you really sure? Tomoko asked. Ill keep on bugging you if there is something wrong

Yes, Im sure about it

After then, Tomoko told them that theyll have to split up: Jun and Tomoko, Shin and Hikaru. They planned to go to
Omotesando Hills. Well go around, then just call if youre tired already Tomoko instructed. Lets go!

Jun and Tomoko went around enthusiastically even fighting for a simple thing but sweetly. While Shin and Hikaru
went around like lovers, walking around with hands clasped together. The passed through stores but they didnt mind
anything. Shin was looking at something else when he saw Hikaru looking at something. Aw, so cute Hikaru whispered.

Shin saw that she was looking at was a white teddy bear holding a little star. Wait here Shin instructed. Hikaru waited and
looked at the bear until Shin went out of the store. Here Shin said.

What is it?

Its the bear you have been looking since a while ago

Why, you dont need to buy this for me

Well I cant give that back Shin said. Lets just say its a thank you gift

Well then, thank you for the gift

Then they continued to walk on. After a while, they grew tired and went to a I to rest and drink coffee. Hikaru called
Tomoko and they were on their way to meet. You like teddy bears dont you? Shin asked.

Not really, but I have a couple of it in France Hikaru said.

So Jun wasnt lying when he told me when he said that you came from France

Quite unbelievable isnt it? Hikaru said. Even Jun didnt believe me at first when I didnt talk to him in French

You really are fluent in different languages Shin said. Do you really need them?

I had to learn different languages Hikaru said. My mom requires me to study the important languages

Why so?

Ill be taking over our company in a few years she explained. And my mom wants me to know them so I
wouldnt need any translator

Then after a while, Tomoko and Jun came in. Jun looked very tired bringing all the paper bags and boxes Tomoko
bought. So you guys are ready to leave? Tomoko asked. Ill get the car ready then

Dont you think we should let Jun rest? Hikaru said. He looks really tired with all the weights you know

Okay, Ill make him rest for a while Tomoko said. They sat with them and Jun was catching his breath with all the
things Tomoko made him bring.

What did you buy? Shin asked. Looks like my brother is really tired

Nothing much Tomoko said. Just a couple of clothes and shoes, then more accessories

Well it sure made me tired! Jun exclaimed. They laughed and laughed. While they were laughing and chatting,
Hikaru spotted people bringing cameras and were hiding. Tomoko, who are those guys looking? Hikaru pointed. They
have been watching us since a while ago

Stalkers Tomoko whispered. Well try to move as fast as we could

But Jun is bringing a lot of things Hikaru whispered. How can he bring all of those?

Ill bring them to the car Tomoko whispered. Ill go get the car now and then you run if I tell you to


She took all her bought items and went away. Hikaru was watching closely at her and at the stalkers. Shin, Jun,
listen to me Hikaru whispered. When I say run, run fast okay

Stalkers right? Jun asked. They do that a lot

Wait, how did you know? Hikaru asked.

Were used to them, just tell us when Shin said. After Tomoko placed all her shopping bags at the trunk, she called
Hikaru at her phone. After you hang up, run immediately to my car, okay? Tomoko instructed.

Okay Hikaru said. She hanged up and whispered to the boys: Run

They immediately ran and the stalkers followed them. But the place where Tomoko parked was far so they needed
to sustain their stamina. They were running fast and Jun has already ridden the car. Shin was pulling Hikaru while running but
accidentally she tripped and injured her ankle. Are you okay? Shin asked.

My ankle hurts Hikaru whispered while she was holding her ankle. Shin saw the stalkers coming, taking pictures of
them. So he carried Hikaru in his arms and ran as fast as he could and as soon as they entered the car, Tomoko immediately
drove to get them out of the trouble.

Hikaru, are you alright? Tomoko asked. Well go to a hospital if it really hurts

No, Im fine Hikaru said. I can handle this

But Hikaru felt that it was very painful and Shin also knew it by her reactions. He took a pillow on his side and placed
it on his lap. Hikaru lay down on this pillow Shin whispered. Youll need to rest yourself

Hikaru lied on the pillow and felt a bit of comfort within her even though tears of pain flowed a little. Shin caressed
her a little and made her sleep. And because there was a wild traffic in Shibuya, Shin unexpectedly slept with her. Look at
the couple Jun Tomoko whispered. They look perfect together

Jun smiled as if he was agreeing with what Tomoko said. But deep inside him, was a deep jealousy for the deeper
relationship within Shin and Hikaru. They arrived at Tomokos house at an unexpected time at night. Tomoko and Jun
brought all the things down and woke up Shin. Shin, were back already Tomoko whispered. Lets bring her to her room


Shin woke up but Hikaru was still asleep. He thought of bringing her up to her room since she was in deep sleep. He
carried her and tucked her into her bed. When he was tucking her in bed, he recognized the star pendant that he also had.
He was about to go, when he heard Hikaru whisper something. Dont go away Ryu Hikaru whispered.

Shin turned back and sat beside her. At that time, he was having a strange feeling that he knew that person
before. Shin clasped his hand with hers and eventually slept beside her. Tomoko peeked at the door and saw them
sleeping peacefully. Though her intension was to wake Shin and send him to his room and cure Hikarus injury, instead, she
went away and let it be. The next morning, Shin woke up with his hand clasped to Hikarus teddy bear. He let it go and
looked for her. Then he saw her with Jun talking at the grass. Is your ankle okay now? Jun asked.

A little bit Hikaru said.

Shibuya is a bit nosy isnt it? he said. Im sorry for what happened

Im fine Jun she said. I can handle it. Then he saw something in the sky. Hikaru Jun called. Look up there!. He
pointed a particular star in the sky in the morning. They saw because of the good weather and clear sky. Lets close our
eyes already Jun instructed.

They closed their eyes and waited for a while. When Hikaru opened her eyes slowly, she was in a big shock. The first
person she saw was Shin, who also did the same thing and saw her first. Then a sudden flashback came to her.

That super bright one Hikaru said. Thats the Sirius!

Sirius? Ryu asked.

Yes, its the brightest star that can be seen at night she said. But actually, you can see it at morning

Wow I want to see that star in the morning! he said.

They say that when you saw the star at the morning she instructed. Close your eyes and the first person you see is
the one for you

Nice, I want to see it tomorrow! he exclaimed.

Why so early? she said.

So when I open my eyes he said. Youll be the first person Ill see!

Hikaru grew silent for a little while after remembering that memory of hers. When she came back to reality, she
stood up and went to her room and hugged the teddy bear. Then after a while, Tomoko came inside her room and had a
little chitchat with her. Hows the day, Hikaru? she asked. Looks like Shins on his way in remembering you

Wait, how did you know about that? Hikaru asked. Youre not suppose to know anything about the past

Well, Jun told me about it Tomoko said. He said that it was really you

Hes so talkative Hikaru said. He and his sister promised me that they wont say to anyone!

Dont worry that much Tomoko said. I wouldnt tell anyone about it

Are you sure about that? Hikaru asked. You might end up telling everything to Shin

No worries! Tomoko exclaimed. I havent spilled any secret yet from you

Okay then Hikaru said. Just really promise me that

I promise! Tomoko said. Then she went away and almost forgot something, she turned back to Hikaru. By the
way, in exactly three minutes, Ill take you back to Chiyoda

Tomoko went out and left Hikaru. When she was outside already, she pitied Hikaru.

Oh Hikaru, how could time be so harsh to you? Tomoko thought. You came through different problems but you
are still happy for everything, I am really proud to have you as my best pal

At that time too, Shin and Jun were talking at the garden where they saw the Sirius. Do you love Hikaru? Shin
asked. Answer truthfully

So what if I do? Jun asked. Why dont you love her then?

You know that she loves me more Shin said. You dont need to push yourself to her

But I can still make her choose me! Jun said. Ill make her choose me over you!!

Dont dare make me angry with you

I wouldnt care Jun said. We are brothers but not in love

The two brothers were serious with Hikaru and they wouldnt let the other get her. They packed their things and left
at noon. When Hikaru arrived home, a mail was sent to her and it has no mark from where it came from. When she
opened the mail, she was extremely shocked that she let go of it accidentally.

She was shocked that pictures of Shin and her were sent to her as blackmail and a note was attached to the

If you dont want these pictures to be shown in public dont dare have any relationships with Prince Shin, you may act as
partners but not as friends or even lovers

She wasnt able to react for a while that she was almost staring to the floor because of it. The next day during their
combined class, Shin was comparing his photo book with Hideakis before they passed it. Look at Hikaru Shin said. Isnt
she beautiful?

Its the first time I heard you say something like that in my life Hideaki said. Its not like you

Cmon, Im just complimenting Hikaru with all her good works you know! Shin said. Why is Tomoko more than

Of course, Tomoko is prettier than Hikaru! Hideaki exclaimed. Look even at her pictures

Wait a minute Shin said. You like Tomoko dont you?

Me? Hideaki said. You know that I dont like girls

It is the first time that I heard you deny that you dont like a certain girl Shin said. Its not like you

Cmon, Im ju-

Dont copy on what I just said a while ago

Then their professor said that theyll have another photo shoot after a day and they were allowed to have fun
during their free time. Shin saw that Hikaru was very silent than her usual self so he tried to talk to her. Are you really okay?
Shin asked. You dont seem yourself

Im fine, dont worry about it Hikaru said. I just have a lot of things running through my mind

Are you sure?

Yes Hikaru said. Maybe Im just a bit sleepy. Then Shin placed Hikarus head into his shoulders with Hikaru a bit

Sleep for a while Shin whispered. You need it now. Hikaru closed eyes with a little tear falling down and began
to sleep peacefully on his shoulders. Though some of their fellow students saw them and started to tease them, he didnt
mind them. He even covered her ears just for her not to hear the noise and wake up.

Though she was at the back, Tomoko saw what Shin did for Hikaru, she was happy for her and Hideaki was
mesmerized by Tomokos beautiful eyes.

Shes so pretty, I never thought that I can fall for her Hideaki thought. Its so random for me to date a girl like her
but I think I like her already

Tomoko Hideaki called. There is something near your eyes

Eh? Tomoko expressed. What is it?

Close your eyes he instructed. Ill take it off

Tomoko closed her eyes but Hideaki didnt touch the sides of your eyes. Instead, he kissed her in the lips quick but
passionately. What is that for? Tomoko asked.

I like you Hideaki said. I mean, I like you very much

I like you too Tomoko said. Since our first meeting

The day passed by like a wind in a hot day. It was fast but it lasted for a while in the day. At that night, Hikaru was
really stressed out and Asuka went to comfort her. Dont be sad anymore, Mademoiselle Asuka said. You were never like
that when we first went here

I dont know what to do anymore with my life Hikaru said. I miss my life in France

So do I, mademoiselle Asuka said. I miss France too

Asuka cradled Hikaru until she was already asleep. Asuka tucked her in her bed and kissed her goodnight. The next
day during classes, their professors made a new project for them.

You will choose now another theme for you all to emphasize; you can use someone else with your partner for your
picture one of their professor instructed. But instead of you doing a photo book, youll just give me one picture

All you have to do is to frame the picture pass to us and that is all youll have to do another professor said. And
youll pass this on January

After their professors had given the instructions, Shin and Hikaru decided for their photo shoot. Have you thought
any theme for our photo shoot? Hikaru asked.

How about: Only one Love? Shin asked.

How did you think of that? Hikaru asked. Its very unique and very deep

Lets just say I realized that I have this Only One Love already near me

Why dont we change it to French Hikaru suggested. Just to put a little more beauty to it

Then what is it in French?

Une Amoures Seulement

By the way, well do the picture later Shin said. At the palace, by sunset


After classes, when Hikaru went home, she choose the clothes that she planned to wear in the last photo. Then she
thought of the gown she used at the ball. Then after fixing her things, she left a note and immediately went to the Imperial
Palace for the last photo session. Since she needed to dress up, they went first on his room. While she was dressing up, Shin
was looking for something. When he found it, a small box fell down. He took it and opened it. Then he found a clip studded
with beads forming stars.

Why is this on my room? Why is it that I feel that I saw this one before? He thought. I know I saw this one before
but where?

Im ready! Hikaru exclaimed.

Thats the one used in the ball right? Shin said. Thats the time I first met you

Thats true

By the way, I think you can use this

He placed the clip on her hair and he was beginning to remember everything that happened to him when he was
found by Hikaru.

My heart beats for you every second he said. Thats why, if Ill be away from you; itll not beat the way it should

Have we met before the ball? Shin asked.

Why do you ask? Hikaru said. Is there something wrong?

Nothing, I might be daydreaming Shin excused. Lets do the photo shoot now. Shin and Hikaru went to the
place they first met: the ball room. When they came in, there were musicians waiting for them. Wow, you even called your
musicians for this photo session Hikaru said. Isnt this a bit over?

I dont think so Shin said. Well start now


Ueno-san Shin called. Come in now. Then Asuka came in bringing a video camera. Hikaru was a bit shocked.
Asuka-chan!? Hikaru exclaimed. Why are you here?

His Royal Highness called me to video both of you Asuka said. Just for your last photo session

Thank you, Asuka-chan Hikaru said. Then Hikaru placed her hand on Shins hand and they began to dance while
Asuka videoed and the musicians played music. Unlike their first dance, Hikaru was comfortable with this one, though Asuka
was videoing them.

They danced gracefully through the sunset till the night. Hikarus gown fluttered more to the air that before. It
twisted a little then fall when they turn. After a while, they were dancing toward the balcony. When they were there, Shin
placed his hand on her cheek and went nearer to her.

Then from out of the blue, he placed his lips against hers infront of the moon and the stars. It was a bit short for
them, but the feeling was there all the time. A little change of heart was done nonetheless their worries werent gone. But a
little of them knew, that itll be worse.

The next day, Jun waited for Hikaru outside the school campus and when he saw her he immediately informed her
about something. Today is the exhibition of our works Jun asked. Will you see it?

Id love to

Youll be able to see it later

What time exactly?

Later during breaks Jun said. See you there

On their dismissal, she went to the exhibition with Tomoko and they were looking for Juns painting and it was very
hard especially with a big crowd there.

They made struggles through the crowd and when they saw it, Hikaru was very shocked to see it. It was a painting
based on her picture. She was really shocked when she saw it.

The painting was a girl that was like a princess that really looked like Hikaru. She was holding a white rose while the
roses that surround her were in the color red.

Heres the information about the painting Hikaru Tomoko said as she gave her a brochure. She read it and the
information about the painting was printed there.

The painting is all about the love that Im having now. The girl symbolizes her. The white rose symbolizes my love for
her and the red roses are the things that I like about her and she is the one for me

The girl in the painting looks like you Tomoko said.

It might be just a look-alike Hikaru said. It cant be me

Well, he made a good replica of you

Hikaru really thought that Jun was making a painting about her, but she didnt expect that a part of love would be
in it. She went away for a while to refresh her mind and cool her off.

So do you like my painting? Jun asked.

Oh, I like it Hikaru said. Im just waiting for my painting

You remembered the painting I promised? Jun asked. Im in big trouble

Oh its fine, Im just joking

Ill make you one I promise! Jun said. After I knew the results in the exhibition

After that, Tomoko, Jun and Hikaru went together since they use the same ways in going to the train station in going


One time while they were crossing a road, a drunk driver was driving fast and accidentally bumped Hikaru leaving
her with wounds. Tomoko and Jun called for help and brought her to the hospital. Her eyes were opened a little seeing their
faces and voices calling her name, echoing through her.

Hikaru, are you okay Tomoko asked. She opened her eyes slowly and little. She found herself in the hospital with a
bandage on her head and Asuka beside her, sleeping.

Mademoiselle, you are already awake Asuka said as she just woke up. Are you already feeling fine?

What happened to me? Hikaru asked.

You were in an accident yesterday Asuka said. I was so worried about you

I feel fine now Hikaru said. Cant I go to school yet?

Youll be released tomorrow afternoon Asuka said. So then the day after tomorrow, youll be able to go

Hikaru was a bit disappointed but nonetheless, she wanted to stay away from school. She went back to sleep and
when afternoon came, Tomoko and Jun visited her. How are you feeling? Tomoko asked.

Im fine already Hikaru replied. Ill be released tomorrow

At least youre okay now Jun said. Well be waiting for you at school. Hikaru smiled a little to show her
appreciation to them in visiting her. Oh, I have to go already! Jun said. Bye!

He left Tomoko with Hikaru in the room. Tomoko sat down beside Hikaru and they talked for a while. Do you
remember the time you were in the hospital? Tomoko asked. You were there for almost a year

I was thirteen then Hikaru said. I had to have my own private tutor just to catch up with my lessons at school

You even celebrated your birthday on the hospital Tomoko said. And your birthday is very near

Oh yeah, my birthday is already the day after my release Hikaru said. How could I forget that?

You know Shins birthday is after yours right?

Yes, Jun told me that

I can remember memories from that hospital in New York Tomoko said. We met there right?

Yes Hikaru said. I remember that. They talked and talked that they didnt realize that it was already night.

Tomoko, arent you going home? Hikaru asked. Its already getting late

You said so, Ill see you in school okay Tomoko said. Bye

Tomoko left Hikaru and while she going out of the hospital, she was calling Hideaki on his cellphone.

Tomoko: Hideaki, we need a plan for their birthday

Hideaki: Shin and Hikaru?

Tomoko: Remember their birthday is very near already

Hideaki: Yeah, I almost forgot

Then while Tomoko was thinking of an idea for the twos birthday, she looked up in the sky and thought of an idea.

Tomoko: Hideaki, I know the perfect plan

Hideaki: What is it?

Tomoko: Meet me now, the usual place

They met in the Ometon Gate and there, Tomoko told Hideaki their plan for the twos birthday on Christmas. The
next day, Hikaru was released from the hospital in the afternoon. At home, she did nothing but to look at the sun as it sank
down from the sky.

Is there something wrong, Hikaru?

Please dont leave me alone Hikaru whispered while crying.

You have Asuka-san by your side he said.

Just please she whispered back crying. Please dont leave me

Hikaru raised her hands toward the sun as like she was reaching for it like before. She closed her eyes and stretched
her arms as high as she could.

I lost him after I reached the sun, now I want to have him again She wished. I really want to have him now, I miss
him so much already

She put her hands down and opened her eyes slowly. Then the first person she saw was Shin, who was also looking
at her. Hikaru felt so happy that she wanted to cry, but since she doesnt want to show him again her tears, she went inside.
But she gave him a wrong idea. Then after a while, her cellphone rang.

Hikaru: Hello?

Woman: Is this Mademoiselle Hikaru Inoue?

Hikaru: This is she

Woman: This is her secretary; Madam Inoue is sending you back in France

Hikaru: Why so early?

Woman: She said that you had enough studies there in Tokyo and you need to start your studies in taking over the company

Hikaru: Okay, when is my flight then?

Woman: Five-thirty pm, after Christmas day

Hikaru: Oh, thank you then

After Hikaru hearing her scheduled flight, she wasnt happy at all. Though she remembered those months when she
was desperate to go back to France.

I want to back to France Hikaru said. I want to go back!!

Then she took the teddy bear that Shin brought her and hugged it tightly. She lied on her bed still hugging it. She
slept with it, as to stop her tears from falling. She woke up in the middle of the night, feeling so worried about herself. She
took her scarf, gloves and coat and went out to walk around at the Hibiya Park. While she was walking around by herself,
she saw Jun under a streetlight and went nearer to him. What are you doing? Hikaru asked.

Just looking at someone Jun answered. Then they sat in a bench at the park and talked for a while. I got the
highest points in the exhibition Jun said.

Congratulations Hikaru said. So you will study then in France right?

Yeah, Ill have to learn French then and focus more

Then when you go to France Hikaru said. Make sure you meet me

Sure, Ill do my best in seeking you there

By the way, why are you here at the middle of the night? Hikaru asked. A prince should be back at his palace

Well shouldnt the princess be with the prince in his palace too?

Im sorry, I cant understand

You are my princess, Hikaru Jun said. My only princess

But I-

Cant you accept my love for you? Jun asked. Cant you?

Hikaru stood up and tried to go away and avoid the question. But Jun held her hand to stop her and pulled her into

I love you so much Jun said. Cant you love me too?

Then he kissed her passionately but Hikaru doesnt want to. She pushed him away and slapped him on the face.

How could I love you if my heart doesnt accept you? Hikaru said. I cant love you for that reason. She walked
away as fast as she could, leaving Jun alone. She was weeping a little and immediately went back home. Jun was really
disappointed with what he did to her and cried by himself.


The next day was Hikarus birthday and the next day will be Shins. Her birthday at school wasnt said so almost no
one knew her birthday and it was Winter break so no one also came. Tomoko and Hideaki planned something special for
their best friends. Remember we shouldnt let Shin and Hikaru see together till they meet at night Tomoko reminded.

And we should do anything do disturb them Hideaki said.

Okay then, meetings done she said. Lets go!. They went to their best friends: Tomoko to Hikaru and Hideaki to
Shin at sunset and went to their houses. At Hikarus house, Tomoko and she went to her room and they saw a lot of gifts
there. Wow, I thought no one would remember this day Hikaru said. At least some people remembered it

By the way, Hikaru Tomoko said. I have something for you. She took a huge box and gave it to Hikaru. With a
happy smile she greeted her: Happy Birthday, Hikaru!

Thank you for greeting me Hikaru replied. They opened all the gifts and she was very with all she received. Then
she saw a small wrapped canvas and it came from Jun. She opened it slowly and saw a sketch of her face. A small note
was attached to it and it said:

Sorry for everything, I hope you forgive me

Did something happen between you and Jun? Tomoko asked.

Nothing Hikaru replied. By the way, I have to tell you something

What is it?

Ill be going back home to France Hikaru said. After Christmas, at sunset

Why so early!? Tomoko exclaimed. You havent even finished a year of studies here

I dont know Hikaru said. Mom wanted me back in France. Tomoko hugged Hikaru after she saw her almost
teary about the news. A few hours passed by and it was already near midnight.

Hikaru, I can make you feel happy for a little while before you go back Tomoko said. Come with me. Then
Tomoko took her to the balcony at that time to do their surprise for her. Take your starlet out and shake it to the sky as high
and as fast as you can she instructed.

Hikaru took the starlet and shook it. While she was shaking it, Tomoko was crossing her two fingers, hoping that a
similar light would be shining too. After a few seconds, Hikaru was already getting weary and was about to stop shaking.
Tomoko felt disappointed when she saw Hikaru putting her hand down and stopped shaking the starlet.

But after a few seconds, a similar light came shining and it raised Hikarus spirit. She shook it again responding to the
little light. Then it was gone for a while but came back nearer to her sight. That is the one light that you want to see through
this time Tomoko said. If youll lose it now, you may never see it again

Hikaru thought for a while and went outside to look for the light she was wanting. She ran and ran through streets
around the place to look for it and Tomoko followed her wherever she went. After a while of searching, she saw it in Hibiya
Park and ran toward the place. Though her legs were very tired, she still looked for it. She shook the starlet high to signal the
person whos shaking it. Then after a matter of time, she saw the person shaking the starlet.

Shin she whispered. He was the one shaking it a while ago. From that moment on, she was sure that Shin was
the Ryu she met before.

Thank you She thought. It has been a while

She didnt know that Shin was also sure that she was the girl he was looking for a long time.

I missed you He thought. I really did

They shook the starlets together as they stared at each other for a matter of time with tears on their eyes, starting to
fall. They were so happy that they cant express their feelings into words but only in smiles and tears.

After a short while, Shin stopped shaking it and approached Hikaru. He hugged her as tightly as he could, showing
his feelings of missing Hikaru. She hugged him as well, showing her feelings of missing him too. Why didnt you tell me that
you were her? Shin whispered. Ive waited for you

I didnt want you to get the wrong idea about me Hikaru whispered. I felt that you need to know it by yourself

I missed you so much Shin whispered. If only I didnt forget you, I couldve been with you since then

I missed you too Shin Hikaru whispered. You just dont know how much

Then Shin looked at her for a while and wiped her tears away. He went nearer to her more and was about to kiss
her but Hikaru stopped him. Didnt we kiss before? she whispered.

That was a different one Shin explained. This is the one well remember forever

They slowly closed their eyes as their lips get closer. They kissed for a long while but they didnt think of time or
anything else. They were happy that they found the old them again and they wouldnt want to let go again. Behind the
bushes, Tomoko and Hideaki were very happy for them.

Hikaru finally found happiness this time Tomoko whispered. It has been a while since she smiled

Shin finally found happiness too Hideaki whispered. He was so desperate to know who the girl was

I hope you wouldnt do the same as what Shin did to Hikaru she whispered. Dont dare leave me alone clueless

Dont worry, I will never forget you

Hideaki Tomoko called. Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

The night was not cute or pretty or even fantastic to them. It was so simple but yet beautiful for them. Knowing that
their new chapter of their old story would continue, they kept the memories inside them.


Morning came and bells were ringing and people were singing into the tune of a famous season song: Its
Christmas! People were usually happy in this kind of day, but it was the exact opposite with Hikaru. She packed all her things
in the morning and called Shin immediately after she finished.

Hikaru: Happy Birthday!

Shin : Thanks, belated Happy Birthday to you

Hikaru: Thanks too

Shin : By the way, why did you call?

Hikaru: I was just going to ask you if you are going to do something later at the afternoon

Shin : Besides all the sitting infront of food and drinks today, I dont think so, why?

Hikaru: I actually want you to come with me, to remember the memories we had months ago

Shin : Sure, Ill meet you later there

Hikaru: Ill be waiting

Hikaru waited for a while for him to come. At that time, she was really sad to think that she was going back to
France though she was already adjusted well in Japan. She went outside to wait for him and after a while, he came in
fetching Hikaru with his new car. Hikaru entered inside and they smiled at each other.

Where do you want to go? Shin asked.

Yokohama Hikaru said.

Shin drove with her and they traveled eighteen miles just for Yokohama. They reached the place by noon and they
went around talking about the places they went into. At sunset, they went on the bay to watch the sun sink and the winds
were dancing through them.

The sun is beautiful isnt it? Hikaru said. Just like the Sirius

Itll come out later Shin said. Its waiting for us. Then Shin clasped his hand with Hikarus. Ive always missed this
moment Hikaru said. If only you knew how hard it is not to see someone you love

Ive always thought of someone at the time I forgot you Shin said. But it came back easily when you shook the

Why so?

Because I promised you months ago that youll always be my only love

Hikaru smiled brightly on him and they watched the sunset with love in their whole hearts. At that night, they went
around Yokohama and saw the Cosmo Clock.

Lets ride that Ferris wheel she said. After all, I thought that Ill be riding this with you. She placed her hand at her
back like the way Shin did to her before. Shin clasped his hand with hers and they rode it once. While they were there, they
were pointing places on which they could see from top. When they were already at the very top, they promised one thing
to one another. Lets make a promise Hikaru suggested. Just for us

Lets promise not to forget anything that we both had through sadness or happiness

Lets promise that our love will last and itll be the first and the last in our lives. With their pendants, they expressed
these and they knew that the moon and stars were witnesses of their oath and love. After they went around Yokohama,
they immediately went back to Chiyoda. While traveling back, Hikaru was holding Shins hand as tight as she could.

This will be the only time that Ill be able to hold your hand as tight as I could She thought. I wanted this time to
last but just wait for me and youll see me running after you

As soon they came back to their own homes, Hikaru wrote a letter for Shin since she hasnt told him about her
disappearance for a little while. The next day, Hikaru took all her things with Asuka and they waited at the Tokyo National
Airport for their private jet to come straight from France. Hikaru! Tomoko called.

Tomoko Hikaru called back. Did you go here just to wave me goodbye?

Yeah Tomoko said. By the way, does Shin know youre leaving?

I told him about it in a letter Hikaru said. But I dont know if hes already read it

Lets hope that hell be able to read on time Tomoko said. He cant be left heartbroken

On his room, he was feeling somehow sad but he doesnt know for some reason. Then after a short while, a letter
came to him. It was the letter of Hikaru.

Dear Shin,

It has been a while since we met and I already miss you so much. To tell you the truth, Im leaving this 6:30 in the afternoon
for France because I was already needed there. I wanted to see you before my flight actually, but I had this gut feeling that
this letter wont be able to reach you on time. Ill try to shake the starlet on the exact time of midnight during Christmas Eve
for three years for you to know that Im there beside you. I love you and goodbye


Shin looked at the time and it was only ten minutes before five-thirty in the afternoon. He immediately ran and
drove his car as fast and as safe as he could to the airport. Hikaru was waiting for him in the airport but it was five-thirty in
the afternoon and it was time for them to go.

Mademoiselle, please proceed to the jet already Asuka instructed. It is already five-thirty

Just a little more time, Asuka-chan Hikaru said. Someone will come for me. Hikaru clasped her hands in prayer
that Shin would be able to come and see her for the last time.

Mademoiselle, we have to go already Asuka said. Please proceed already. Asuka went away and Hikaru lost
hope and followed her. She looked back for the last time before she entered inside.

Goodbye Shin She thought. See you next time

The pilots activated the jet and they were already leaving Japan. Shin came in running and tried to chase Hikaru.

HIKARU! Shin cried but Hikaru was so sad that she didnt hear the call of Shin to her.

HIKARU!! he cried again. She looked at her window and saw him running beside. She was shocked and also
happy to see him for the last time.

HIKARU!!! he cried again.

Shin Hikaru whispered. You came. It also took the attention of Asuka and seeing Hikarus reaction with it she
made a little decision.

Stop! Asuka ordered. I think I left one of my baggage at the waiting area

Then Asuka went outside to get the baggage. And when she saw Shin catching his breath, she simply patted him
on his shoulders.

Shin! Hikaru called. She came running and hugged him immediately. She hugged him with crying eyes of mixed
feelings. He hugged her as well after catching his breath.

Why didnt you tell me that youre leaving? Shin whispered. You know how much that could hurt me

I wanted to hide it from you Hikaru whispered. I dont want you to get worried

I would really get worried if you didnt tell me anything about this

Dont worry, Ill shake the starlet every Christmas eve for three years Hikaru said. I promise

Ill shake it with you, so youd also see me with you Shin said. Ill miss you a lot

So will I She said. Then they hugged again for a short while with little tears falling down from their eyes. Shin
went back home and Hikaru went back to France. The lovers separated but only in distance but not in feelings. They had
communications through out the time. In the first and second year, Hikaru and Shin were able to shake the starlets together.

But at the third year, Hikaru somehow didnt shake and left Shin disappointed. A few years went by and their strong
love was forgotten.


At Paris, a sophisticated lady was in front of Madam Inoue in the hall. She was wearing purely black suites and her
hair was neatly fixed and she wore a star pendant. Are you sure that you wouldnt need anyone to be with you? Madam
Inoue asked.

Dont worry, I can handle myself the lady said. It has been a while since Ive been in Tokyo

Alright then Madam Inoue said. Ill give you a week for your stay

Thank you

The lady went to her own office and as soon as the door closed, she took of her stilettos and walked barefoot. She
went to beside the wide glass window and looked at the people and cars passing by. Then suddenly she received a phone

Lady : Inoue World Company of International Fashion, may I help you?

Lady : Hey Hikaru, its me Tomoko

Hikaru : Hi, how are you now?

Tomoko: Good, by the way are you still going to attend my wedding?

Hikaru : Yeah, actually Im going to stay there for quite a while

Tomoko: Okay, by the way, your arrival is at what time?

Hikaru : Two o clock sharp, Narita Airport

Tomoko: Ill fetch you there, see you then

Hikaru : Alright

She hanged up and sat on the chair at her desk. She bent under her desk and took a certain paper bag. When she
was about to open it, a lady entered her office. Mademoiselle Inoue the lady said. Your flight is waiting for you

Good, please hurry a little bit with my package. Hikaru left the lady and men in suit came and brought all of her
baggage, including the paper bag. She went out and went inside a car and their destination was Narita airport to have her
flight. At arriving at Narita, she immediately wore her shades and simply walked through, looking for Tomoko.

Hikaru! a lady called and approached her, smiling brightly.

Tomoko? Hikaru asked. You havent changed

Me? Change? Tomoko said. Never

Then men in suit came in bringing all Hikarus baggage and it made Tomoko shocked. Wow, these are all your
baggage Tomoko said. Are you staying here for a month?

Not a month Hikaru said. Just for the season

Oh, so then lets go!

From the airport, they went to Hikarus house back in Chiyoda and unpacked everything. Tomoko stayed with
them, since she was very tired with the day. The next night, Hikaru and Tomoko went to a bistro to have their formal dinner.
Hikaru, over here! Tomoko said.

Where are the others? Hikaru asked.

They are already at the table Tomoko said. Lets go!. They went to the table on the top floor of the restaurant.
At the table, Shin was also there with his fiance. Hikaru sat in front of Shin and they were staring the whole time. They ha d
dinner and they eating many except for Hikaru and Shin who were doing nothing but stare at each other. Shin saw Hikarus
ring finger with a white golden ring studded with diamonds and from that he knew that she was also engaged. Is there
something wrong? Hideaki asked.

Nothing Shin and Hikaru answered.

Are you okay, Hikaru? Tomoko said.

Im fine dont worry Hikaru said. Ill just go to the toilet. She stood up and quickly went to the CR. She washed
her face and looked at the mirror.

What is wrong with me? She thought. Its just my friends, I shouldnt get nervous

Are you Hikaru? a lady asked.

Yes Hikaru replied. Is there something wrong?

Ah, youre the lady that Shin used to tell me she said. By the way, Im Akanishi Sakurako

They went back and happiness was on their faces for a long while. Hikaru grew comfortable but Shin was still
uncomfortable with her and kept on staring on her as he kept on thinking about the time Hikaru failed to do her promise.


It was the third year since Hikaru was away and they were able to shake the starlets together for two years. During that
night, Shin was waiting patiently for midnight to come.

At the moment the hand stroke twelve, he immediately went to his balcony and shook the starlet as high and as
bright as he could.

After a few seconds of waiting for Hikarus reply, he continued to shake it hoping that shell reply. But a few minutes
passed by and though his hand was tired, he tried to shake it more.

It was already passed an hour and Shin realized that Hikaru wont shake the starlet. He was very disappointed and
went to his bed with lots of burden in his heart

Is there something wrong, sweetie? Sakurako asked.

Nothing, Im fine Shin said. After their dinner, they all immediately went home except for Hikaru and Tomoko, who
went around the streets before going home. You didnt really look fine a while ago Tomoko said. Is there something

Why is it that whenever you see me that is the first thing you tell me or ask me?

Because that is the first thing that comes in my mind when I see you

Thank you but why so?

I know that you are very emotional since you were a kid Tomoko said. And I know when you are happy and
when youre not. Then for a while, Hikaru stopped walking and stayed on a spot. Tomoko turned around and went to her.
Is it that obvious that Im having a huge problem? Hikaru asked.

For other people, it isnt Tomoko said. But as for me, it is very obvious

I never wanted to leave Japan Hikaru said. I really wanted to stay at that time

Do you still love him?

I dont know Hikaru said. It has been a while since we last met

But do you know, he was looking at your hand a while ago

What do you mean? Hikaru asked. Dont tell me he saw

I think he already saw your engagement ring

Oh no, but why is he looking at it?

It has been a long while between you two Tomoko said. I think he was just curious on what happened to you

Maybe so Hikaru said. But what if Im having feelings for him still?

Are you still having now?. Hikaru was silent for a while and Tomoko knew that she was a bit undecided with her
feelings. I wont be able to help you with this Tomoko said. Ill be leaving for Beijing with Hideaki as soon as the
receptions finished and we wont come back till after your wedding

I understand that I have to do this by my own Hikaru said. But what if I still have these feelings for him?

Ill give you one advice

What is it?

Follow your heart now, you have been so obedient that your heart is hurt under it Tomoko said. If you love Shin
like the way you used to love him, show him that while you can. Hikaru was still silent and Tomoko realized that it was
already getting late. Its getting late Tomoko said. So then, goodbye

The next day, Hikaru was looking at herself at the mirror, thinking deeply.

Follow your heart now, you have been so obedient that your heart is hurt under it Tomoko said. If you love Shin
like the way you used to love him, show him that while you can

She was really confused with her feelings with the people she loved. The next day was Hideaki and Tomokos
wedding and she attended it from sunset till nightfall. Then while on the reception hall, Hikaru went outside and walked
around the garden near the hall. While walking around, she imagined herself back at the time of her last photo shoot. She
remembered the time she danced with Shin till nightfall. Remembering that time, she turned around and around slowly
holding her skirt and let the wind turn her skirt around gracefully. While she was turning around, her mind was worried about
so many things. Especially now that she knew that they chose their own paths.

Hikaru!? a man called. She turned around and saw a familiar face. She smiled a little and the person approached her. It
has been a while, Jun Hikaru said.

Yeah, but it was long he said. They went around together and talked for a while. How are you? Jun asked. It
has been seven years since I last seen you

Im fine Hikaru replied. You studied in France right?

In cole Nationale Suprieure des Beaux-Arts Jun said. How about you, where did you finish your studies?

In cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales Hikaru said. An elite school for management

So how are you? Jun asked. I heard that you are about to get married

Tomoko said that right?

Yeah, best wishes by the way Jun said. When and where is it?

We planned it next year in January Hikaru said. But it is in Paris

Oh, youre only here for vacation right?

Right, how about you?

Im only here for the wedding then after two days, Ill go home back to Milan. Then Hikaru remembered the last
photo shoot that they had during their college years. By the way, do you know where our last photo is? Hikaru asked. I
want to see what happened to the picture in our last photo shoot

Ah that one, I think I know where it is now

Can you give it to me?

Come to the Palace tomorrow Jun said. Ill give it to you there

Thank you

Did you know that your pair was the one given the highest points just for that picture? Jun said. And it was
exhibited in the whole campus

Really? she said. It mightve been impressive. Jun looked deeply in Hikarus eyes and saw sadness in it. He
invited her to sit down for a while to talk a certain matter. You knew about Shins fiance Jun said.

A little Hikaru said. I met her in our dinner

Actually, she isnt his fiance, she was chosen to be the fiance of Shin Jun said. But they arent officially

So then technically, theyre just a couple

Yeah, but you didnt expect him to have one right? Jun said. Shes the only choice he had since he was needed
to have a wife as soon as possible

But Shin would have actually chose you as his fiance Jun said. He sent you a present on your third year and he
waited for you since then

I didnt actually receive any present from him in our third year Hikaru said. Im sure I didnt receive any

Well I dont know about that Jun said. But both of you really have grown up since both of you lost

What do you mean? Hikaru said. Is it because we never had time together?

Both of you have your own ways now Jun said. You chose your own path and so he did

Did we choose our paths? Hikaru asked. I dont think I chose mine

You mean?

Ive been very obedient and so I never had the chance to chose whatever I wanted she said. I was like a slave
all my life

You missed all those times didnt you? Jun said. He was waiting for you all his life even without your knowing

But there were also times that I waited for him though he never knew that I was waiting for him

Just like the time you almost left him without even telling him that youre leaving?. Then a little flashback came
back to Hikaru again.

Why didnt you tell me that you were her? Shin whispered. Ive waited for you

I didnt want you to get the wrong idea about me Hikaru whispered. I felt that you need to know it by yourself

I missed you so much Shin whispered. If only I didnt forget you, I couldve been with you since then

I missed you too Shin Hikaru whispered. You just dont know how much

Then Shin looked at her for a while and wiped her tears away. He went nearer to her more and was about to kiss
her but Hikaru stopped him.

Didnt we kiss before? she whispered.

That was a different one Shin explained. This is the one well remember forever

She started to get teary again. Jun went nearer and placed Hikarus head on his shoulders. I know this isnt enough
for an emotional person like you to cry on Jun said. But as long as you want, you can cry at my shoulder

Hikaru closed her eyes and let her tears fall down involuntarily.

I want to love him again, I want to show him again She thought. I want to be with him again

Throughout the whole night, Hikaru cried while the others were happy. She really wanted to cry for a long time
because of her hidden feelings. Without her knowing, Tomoko saw her crying and felt sad for her.

Let your heart choose, dont let it choose someones idea again She thought. Be the one you hoped to be, the
free and fearless Hikaru


The next morning, Hikaru went to the palace with Jun to get the picture she had on the last photo shoot. While
walking through the halls of the palace, memories kept on coming back though her heart was already tired.

Heres it is! Jun exclaimed. The framed picture was covered with brown paper and it was dusty. I found this in our
storeroom he said. Just keep it since I dont think Shin would need it

Thank you then Hikaru said. Ill keep this with my whole heart. She went away but before she was able to leave,
a young girl hugged her at her back.

Ne-chan! a voice called. She turned around and saw Yukiko. Hi! Hikaru greeted. How are you?

Please stay ne-chan!

Why? she asked. Is there something wrong?

I dont want Nii-sans fiance! Yukiko said. Shes so mean to me!

Dont say that Yukiko Hikaru said. Sakurako is not like that

I just dont want her to be with Nii-san! Yukiko said as she hugged Hikaru tighter and wouldnt let go of Hikaru. She
caressed her a little and told her: No matter happens, Ill always be here for you

Hikaru went home and went to her room and tore the covering of the framed picture. When she saw the picture,
she understood why it got the highest score. It was the picture of them staring at each other at nightfall at the palace.
Hikaru was surprised and was touched with it. Then something fell down from the upper cupboard of her drawers. Hikaru
took it and wondered what was inside since she didnt remember anything being left on her cupboard after she left. She
opened it and saw a pair of teddy bears holding a small box with them. She opened on whats inside of the little box and
she saw a ring with a blue star with a note at the bottom.


You know that I love you so much and in this night of your birthday and third year of being away from each other, I want to
give you this ring. It symbolizes my forever love for you and if Ill see you wearing this ring on your finger, it means that you
love me too and youre ready to be with me forever. Ill be waiting for you later midnight, when you shake the starlet with
me. Happy Birthday and I love you so much


She remembered that Jun mentioned about a present that he gave her at the third midnight.

This mightve been the symbol of our love She thought. If I wore this that time, we couldve had our never ending

Hikaru took the ring and took off her engagement ring. Then she placed it on her right ring finger. She raised it high
and it shined brightly through the light.

But it would be nice to wear this once in a while She thought. After all, Im still not married but only engaged

The next day was Hikarus birthday but she wasnt that happy because she was having a heavy feeling and didnt
go outside for her to get well. All she did all day was to sleep, sleep and sleep. But then when night came, her body was
tired of sleeping so she stood up looked at her balcony. She looked at the time and it was only seconds before midnight.
She took her starlet and waited the hand of the clock strike twelve. She thought of retracting one thing that she wasnt able
to do. At the time of midnight, she began to shake the starlet though she knew Shin wouldnt reply back. After a while, she
saw a light answering back to her. She thought it was a hallucination and shook it higher and faster. She saw the light
answering to her and was moving away.

She went outside and looked for the light as she was shaking the starlet. She went through streets and alleys but she
hasnt found it. When she was in Hibiya Park, she saw the light and immediately approached it. But to her surprise, it was just
a little boy running with a flashlight. With such disappointment, she turned back and planned to go back home. But when
she turned back a familiar face was in front of her.

Shin She whispered. She saw Shin bringing his starlet with him and so as Shin saw with her but something took
more of his attention.

She is wearing the ring that I sent her, it has been four years since I sent that Shin thought. But why is she wearing
it? She is about to get married

They stared for quite a while that it grew silent in that spot on where they were standing.

Good evening, Your Highness Hikaru greeted and she went away and passed through him quietly like the wind.
As she passed through him, a little of her tears fell down and a little of Shins tears fell down too. They know that both of
them still love each other but it will be hard for them to be together since their paths are far away.

Three days passed through them and Hikarus heart was filled with sorrow and regret. While she was walking around
at sunset, she knew that her love for Shin wont be known to him.

Lets make a promise Hikaru suggested. Just for us

Lets promise not to forget anything that we both had through sadness or happiness

Lets promise that our love will last and itll be the first and the last in our lives

Hikaru was so disappointed and depressed on what happened to her life. She was near in giving up hope for
everything thats going to happen to her. She was looking down at that time while thinking. Then after a while, she stopped
and looked up. Hikaru! a man called.


Akira she whispered. Akira was there standing infront of her and Hikaru simply smiled.

What are you doing here? Hikaru asked. You should be at Paris fixing our plans

Your mother told me to go here Akira said. She wanted me to fetch you

Right, Im only staying here for a week

The flight is tomorrow sunset he said. Is it alright for you?

Its perfect

At that night, she thought of saying Shin her feeling in a form of a letter again. She wrote it slowly and surely so that
shell be able to say it all. Hikaru Akira called. Why are you still awake?

Am I not the one whos supposed to ask that to you?

Can I ask you to walk with me for a while? Akira asked. Its kind of lonely this night

Okay Hikaru approved. So they went out and walked around Chiyoda. It is nice here in Chiyoda, isnt it? Akira
said. By the way, I heard that you studied here in Japan for a year

Less than a year actually Hikaru said. I didnt finish the year here

By the way, what is our plan after getting married? Akira asked. We should have at least one plan

I dont have any plans in mind as of now Hikaru said. But I do plan in taking over the company

Mine is this, I would want to live here in Chiyoda Akira said. It would be the nicest

But I thought you wanted in Paris? Hikaru said. So that we can be close with our families

I thought of that once too he said. But after I saw Chiyoda, I knew this is the place Id want

Youre a bit indecisive now she said. But I think Ill be fine with that

And I want to have many kids he said. I want our house to be filled with childrens laughter and noise

Wouldnt that be hard? Hikaru said. Having thoughts of it makes me nervous

Dont worry about it Akira said. But before that, I would want to give you something. Then he hugged her
closely and kissed her for a while. Hikaru closed her eyes with a little tear falling down. I want to live my life with you
forever Akira said. I want it to be filled with you

Akira took her hand and they went back home. But while he was holding her hand, she was feeling so upset with
something she cant understand. The next day, Hikaru send her letter with the paper bag that she brought from France in
the Imperial Palace early in the morning. She wanted to give it to him personally but the lady she asked told her that he
went out with Sakurako. So she just entrusted the letter and the paper bag and left. Then she packed all her things and they
immediately went to the airport for their flight. As soon as Shin and Sakurako went back, he saw the mail from Hikaru on his

I forgot something Sakurako said. Ill go get it back. When Sakurako went away, he took the letter and read it.
Unknowingly, he was awakened with her love for him which was deeply expressed in the letter.

To my dearest Shin,

As I walk toward the jet to leave for Paris again, I hope youll be able to read this letter and understand me. I know that
thisll be another replica of our old love when I did this same thing to you, but I know that you wouldnt run anymore for me
and say STOP! like before. I have loved you so much and nothing could change that in my heart. You waited for me
though I didnt know and I also waited for you in the same way. Forgive me if I wasnt able to shake the starlet on that
night. I wasnt able to go to Japan then because I was in the hospital because I was sick at that time. I wanted to go to
Japan that time but my mom didnt allow me to because I was really ill. But at the fourth year, I tried to shake it for you to
retract what happened that night but you didnt shake it for me, but I understood you at that time. I tried to shake it for the
fifth year so until the sixth, I gave up. I tried to call you whenever I had free time but you never answered them back ... I
wanted to tell you that time the reason why I wasnt able to keep my promise with you. I wasnt able to tell you everything
on what I feel about you. I thought at that time that maybe that was the end of our love and I didnt ask time to give it
back to me. But when I saw you at the Hibiya Park holding the starlet, I was holding some hope for our own love but I dont
expect you to hope for our love. I love you and I still am. Thats why in our relationship, I guarantee therell be tough times; I
guarantee that at some point, one, or both of us is going to want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee, that if I dont
ask you to be mine, Ill regret it for the rest of my life ... because I know in my heart, that youre the only one for me. It has
been nice knowing you and I hope to see you in the next years as friends. Goodbye, Shin.

With love,
P.S. I have something for you in the paper bag open it

After Shin read the letter, he opened the paper bag and saw the teddy bear he gave her with the starlet and the
star pendant she had and suddenly his feelings for her grew stronger again.

Im back! Sakurako exclaimed. But she found no one in Shins room so she asked the people inside the palace on
where he was.

He left just a while ago a lady said. But he didnt tell anything about his destination. He drove as fast and as
safe as he can to the airport like before. He wouldnt want to lose Hikaru again like before. Hikaru waited like before but she
knew that he wouldnt be there.

Hikaru, lets go Akira said and held her hand and they went away toward the jet. Shin, as soon as he came, ran
fast. But when he was already there, he saw the jet fly away infront of him. Realizing that Hikaru was gone, he fell down on
his knees with such burden and regret on his heart. He felt the great loss in his heart though he only lost Hikaru.

HIKARU!! he cried. But even so she was gone.


After a few weeks in Paris, Hikaru was getting ready for her wedding and while she was being fixed by the stylists,
her mom came. Oh how beautiful is my daughter! she exclaimed.

She is really beautiful Madam Inoue the wedding planner said. Im sure that she will really bloom and get the
attention of the guests later

Hikaru was just silent through the whole time though her heart wanted to shout. She was steady though her heart
was very nervous. She was smiling brightly though inside was filled with sadness. After a few hours of preparation, Tomoko
waited at the living room for Hikaru.

Hikaru came down with a white off shoulder sweetheart neckline dress having a drop waist waistline and a long
silky extended skirt. Her hair was in form of a slight bun then it was all curled. She also wore white gloves and her flowers
were a bouquet of white lily of the valley. You look beautiful Hikaru Tomoko said. Dont you agree?

Yes, you really look wonderful mademoiselle the wedding planner said.

Thank you Hikaru said.

Oh, lets go already Tomoko said. Your groom might be waiting. Tomoko and the wedding planner went first
while Hikaru was at their back. She looked at the window for a while and looked at the sunset.

Im sorry Shin She thought. I hope you forgive me

While at the wedding, Hikaru clasped her hands in prayer that Shin was able to read her letter for him. One tear fell
down from her as the wedding continued. Outside, in the streets of Paris, a man was running as fast as he can toward the

church on where Hikarus wedding was being held. As soon as he reached the doors, he didnt hesitate to open the doors

STOP!! he shouted. The doors opened and everyone looked at the person on the door who was trying to stop the
wedding. Shin Hikaru whispered.

If you love me tell me, if you care for me show it! he exclaimed. Dont leave me with just a letter saying your
reasons why you werent able to do your promise, leave me with your reasons of loving me

Then a group of sturdy men took Shin and pushed him away from the church. Hikaru was hurt but she tried to
tolerate. HIKARU! he cried. Shin shouted her name over and over again. But to his disappointment, she didnt come out
from the church and so he went away.

Do you Inoue Hikaru, take Yakima Akira

I cant tolerate this anymore, I do still love him She thought. Im sorry Akira, Im sorry mom

Hikaru stood up with a visible decision in her eyes. Everyone was quiet for a while when they saw her stand up.

Im sorry She whispered. She turned toward Akira and smiled a little for him. Then she ran bringing her heavy
dress through the door and ran outside, looking for Shin. She ran through places and she didnt mind the pain that her legs
were feeling and the trips she had through running. She trusted her feelings, natural instinct and she followed her heart on
wherever it took her.

I once made a promise to you and you also made one to me She thought. Lets not waste the time that we
could have, we may be able to mend our broken love just once more

Shin was walking sadly and lonely in the sidewalks of the streets of Paris while little snow fell down. SHIN! Hikaru
called. He looked around and saw Hikaru running toward him. She was so weary that her legs collapsed because of
exhaustion. Shin knelt down cradling her while she was catching her breath. Im sorry if I didnt tell you Hikaru whispered. I
tried to

I understand you already Shin whispered. Just rest on me

But how about Sakurako? Hikaru asked. What will happen to her?

Just leave it her to me Shin said. Just close your eyes and leave everything to me. Hikaru closed her eyes to
sleep and Shin cradled her closely. They stayed in the middle of the sidewalk and didnt mind the people passing through
them. Though Shin knew that a lot of people were murmuring about them, he just covered her ears like before so not to
wake her up. He can hear Hikaru breathe slowly as she slept in his arms and saw the ring that he gave her in her finger. Then
he remembered that he brought with him her star pendant and starlet and placed it in her hands and she clasped it tightly.
Feeling satisfied with his decision, he carried her while he was bringing her back home. He brought her all the way from
Paris, France, back to Tokyo in his private jet. Even at nightfall, when their eyes close to rest. Their hands are inseparable.
They thought that their love would start to bloom and prosper again like they used to have. But their love would be once
again challenged.

When they reached back at Tokyo, Shin remembered that at that exact night, was his engagement ceremony.
Since he knew that Hikaru, Tomoko and Hideaki were invited, he thought of an idea in proposing to her. At that night in the
Royal Ballroom, everyone was excited on the start of the engagement of Shin and Sakurako. While at that night, Hikaru was
having bad thoughts about it, but she trusted him since he told her that she should.

When it was time that Shin needed to pop the question to Sakurako, he was looking at Hikaru. They were all waiting for him
to say it but he looked at her and saw a teary smile on her. Shin grew silent for a while and told her a heart breaking
sentence: I want to break up with you he said. I love you but not that much as I love someone else

How could you do this to me? Sakurako said. You promised me that you would love me!

Ill make one thing clear to you Shin said. I mightve been someone you love but it doesnt mean that Ill love
you back as the way you love me. Sakurako was left speechless with the words Shin told her. Im sorry, Sakurako Shin
said. But I love someone else more than you

He immediately left Sakurako disappointed and approached Hikaru with such happiness and asked her: Will you
marry me?. Everyone in the palace was shocked and confused to see the scene. Even Tomoko and Hideaki were shocked
to see that the two came back together again.

Yes Hikaru answered. Then he inserted the ring on her finger and everyone applauded them except for
Sakurako, who was really filled with disappointment and anger in her heart as her eyes were filled with tears.

I wont let you go away like this from me and I certainly wont let her have you Sakurako thought. I promise you
from this day that Ill do anything just for your relationship to end

At that time, Shin and Hikaru felt their strong love for each other. And since their engagement was official in the
eyes of the people, they cant do anything but to agree to his decision. At that same night, they felt their love so much that
nothing came out of them but just smile and laughter and that night was filled with overflowing love.


After a few weeks passed, everything was going fine with them. Then one morning, Hikaru woke up one morning
and found herself on Shins room. She looked under the sheets and found herself fine. Then a letter was beside her and it
was addressed to her.

Dear Hikaru,

It has been four years since I met you. And from that moment, I immediately fell in love with you and through time, I fell in
love with you more. When we came here to Japan, I knew that there was something wrong and I let it pass. I never knew
that you loved someone else but at the first time that I met your friends specifically Shin, I knew that something was
between the two of you before. I made the right choice of letting you go because I know that Ill be strangling you if I still
keep you with me. All I want you to know is that I love you and youll always be the one inside my heart, even if we


Hikaru was happy to know that Akira wasnt angry at her or even to Shin when he knew that they loved each other.
She was lucky to have an understanding friend like him and it made her happy a little that time.

NE-CHAN!! Yukiko called. Yukiko came running and hugged Hikaru. Im so happy that you and nii-san are back
again! she said. Im not happy whenever I see Sakurako with him

Im happy too to be with him again Hikaru said. Just like before

Then a servant in the palace went to Hikaru and told her to go to the Empress for a short talk. You are Inoue
Hikaru-san, right? the empress asked.

Yes, your majesty Hikaru answered. Is there something wrong?

I dont know a reason why my son chose you to be his fiance the empress said. All I knew that he was ready to
marry Sakurako to overtake the throne

Im sorry if I made a misunderstanding Hikaru apologized.

Actually, to tell you the truth the empress said. I dont find you suited in being a princess

What do you mean?

I dont know if you have royal blood in you and though Sakurako was just the daughter of the Prime Minister, Im
sure that their marriage can help strengthen the bonds of Japan

What if I dont have any royal blood in me?

I have no choice but to separate the both of you and bring Sakurako as his fiance

Then Ill have to have my blood test then

Dont worry, we have our own doctors here to help you take it the empress said. Ill just have to appoint you to
them now

Then Hikaru was brought to their clinic and had her blood test. At that time, she was really troubled because if she
didnt have any royal blood, she cant be with Shin. After the test, Hikaru played with Yukiko in the garden. Then when she
turned around, Sakurako was looking at her and called her.

May I talk to you for a while?

But I-

Yukiko ran away and went inside. They sat down in the garden and talked for a while. Do you love Shin? Sakurako

Is this a trick question? Hikaru said. Dont you think the answer is just so obvious?

So you do love him dont you? Sakurako said. Unbelievable

Is there something wrong in loving someone?

Yes Sakurako said. You know that he was engaged to me and you left your own fianc just to love him like years
ago, dont you pity yourself?

Why should I pity myself? Hikaru said. Actually, youre the one I pity!

I dont need your pity upon me Sakurako said. I had once my perfect marriage, but you ruined it

How could you have a perfect marriage, Hikaru asked. If your own fianc doesnt even love you the most?

He loved me! Sakurako exclaimed. Until you came!

I was first in his heart Hikaru said. So I have the right to keep my love for him!

But he still loved me! Sakurako insisted. He said hat to me!

When did he tell that he loved you? Hikaru asked. When did he tell that youll be his one and only love!?. After
Hikaru asked that question, Sakurako wasnt able to answer it. Hikaru stood up and smirked. See? she said. You have a
lot of things that you have to learn about love

But Im still his fiance!

Keep on dreaming! Hikaru exclaimed. Remember, he proposed to me last night and we are officially engaged

But are you sure that you are fit to be his?

I should be the one asking you that Hikaru said. Because you know that Im the one for him!. When she was
about to go, she felt dizzy and unexpectedly collapsed.

NE-CHAN! Yukiko shouted. HELP!. Shin ran and saw her lying. As soon as he saw Sakurako, his eyes were filled
with disappointment and anger. If anything bad happened to Hikaru Shin said. Youll be the first person that Ill be
pointing my finger to

He carried Hikaru in his arms and they brought her to the hospital. After a few hours, Hikaru opened her eyes slowly
and saw everything beside her was white.


How are you now? Tomoko asked. Is something hurting you?

Im fine, dont worry Hikaru replied. Theres nothing wrong with me

You got us worried about you! Tomoko said.

Did Sakurako do anything to you? Shin asked.

Nothing Hikaru said. I actually dont know why I collapsed

Thats weird Hideaki said. There must be something that made you collapse

Lets just ask the doctor, honey Tomoko said. Then the doctor came in a bright smile and everyone was
wondering why in such an event he was smiling.

Good afternoon, Inoue-san the doctor greeted. How are you feeling?

Fine Hikaru replied. I think

Is there something wrong with her, doctor? Tomoko asked. You know, like why did she collapse?

Actually, there is nothing wrong with Inoue-san the doctor explained.

Then why did I collapse? Hikaru asked. I shouldnt collapse without a reason right?

To tell you the truth, you are now about two weeks pregnant the doctor said. Congratulations!. Hikaru was
shocked that her eyes opened widely. She never thought that she could get pregnant. After a few minutes, she was
released and at that time, she talked with Shin. I cant believe it at all Hikaru said. Im going to have a baby soon

Its not only your baby Shin said. Its our baby

But still, Im kind of nervous with it

Dont worry Ill be here always with you

Im still nervous about it. Shin hugged her and felt her nervousness when he felt her arms around him, shaking a
little and her tears drop on him. We will handle our child with care Shin whispered. We will welcome the baby with our

He wiped her tears and kissed her on her forehead. He hugged her again and caressed her back to comfort her.
His caress stopped her crying a little.

At that time too, the doctors in the Imperial palace were examining Hikarus blood and discovered that her blood
was half royalty. I want you to research about her parents the empress ordered. I want to know on whose blood she
came from

The scholars in the palace researched about her and were amused with her bloodline. Shes a descendant of the
first emperor of Japan? the empress asked one of the scholars. So she is a distant cousin of Shin then

And she is also the daughter of the lost princess, Mariko one of the doctors said.

Mariko, Inoue Mariko? the empress expressed. She went away from the castle just to pursue her dream in France

She is now known as one of the best fashion designers in France one of the scholars said. Shes the president of
Inoue International Company of Global Fashion

Because of the empress dissatisfaction with her, she talked to Sakurako for a while. We found out that Hikaru is the
distant cousin of Shin the empress said. I dont want her to be his wife

But she has royal blood Sakurako said. What could be wrong with her?

She is the daughter of the black sheep of the royal family

What do you mean by that? Sakurako asked. Whos the black sheep?

Her mother was a part of the royal family the empress said. Princess Mariko

Now, what do you want me to do?

I want you to break their relationship

Its my honor, your highness Sakurako said. Ill make sure that hell be mine again. Days went by and everything
was going fine with them. Shin was always with Hikaru to safeguard her while she went around. Then one time, while Shin
was on his room thinking about Hikaru, Sakurako came in and disturbed him. What are you doing here? Shin asked.

What else could be my purpose here?. She was trying to seduce Shin but he resisted a lot but she was a bit
aggressive. Why dont we start all over again? Sakurako said. There is still time for that

Go away! he exclaimed. But she tightly held Shin and clasped her hand with his hand tightly too. Dont you think
that Im enough for you? Sakurako whispered. She was placing her lips on him when suddenly

Im here! Hikaru exclaimed. Then she saw them together and was very near with each other. She simply sighed
and said: Im sorry if I disturbed you two

Then she left immediately with pain in her heart. Shin pushed Sakurako away but she held his hand. I want you to
be mine! she said.

But I dont need you! Shin exclaimed. Get away from me!. He was chasing Hikaru but when he went out of the
palace, a lot of people were there so he lost track of Hikaru. She went home and cried on her room as long as she could
with overflowing sadness again. Both of them misunderstood each other and Sakurako was not satisfied with what
happened to them and tried to do one more challenge.

One night, Yukiko was sleeping soundly in her room and woke up with a weird feeling. She looked around her and
saw nobody. But when she heard a noise, she looked around and saw a group of men and in the morning, trouble came all
over the palace. After a few days, Hikaru got a call from someone.


Hikaru: Hello?

Voice : Is this Inoue Hikaru-san?

Hikaru: This is her

Voice : Yukiko wants to see you

Hikaru: Where is she?

Voice : Just relax for a while, I wont hurt here just come here

Then the voice gave Hikaru directions on where they were.

Voice : Remember come here alone, if you still want to see her alive

After the caller hanged up, she ran as fast as she can to reach it immediately. When she was already near, her
heart was trembling that she was already afraid in what was going to happen.

But she thought that if she wont go there, she will leave Yukiko an impression that she wouldnt forget in her life. So
she started to run again till she reached the place. NE-CHAN!! Yukiko called.

YUKIKO!! Hikaru cried. She untied her and tried to escape her. But when they were already at the door, a group
of men blocked Hikaru and poisoned her to sleep. However, Yukiko was able to escape. At that time, Tomoko, Hideaki and
Shin were wondering why Hikaru hasnt showed up for a while. I wonder where Yukiko is Tomoko said. Even Hikaru is
missing nowadays

What!? Shin exclaimed. Is that the reason why she isnt answering my calls?

Did something happen to her too? Hideaki said.

Maybe she is with Yukiko now Tomoko said. While in the midst of their worries, Shin received a phone call.

Voice: Is this his royal highness, Izawa Shin?

Shin : Who is this?

Voice: Hikaru wanted to see you

Shin : Where is she?!

Voice: Chill, your royal highness

Shin : If you hurt her, youll see the gist of it

Voice: Dont worry I wont hurt her, just go to this place

Then the voice gave Shin the same directions as what it gave to Hikaru.

Voice: Remember come here only by yourself, if you still want to see her alive

What happened to them? Tomoko asked.

Shes being kidnapped by some people Shin said.

Let us come with you! Hideaki said. We can help you get rid of them

No, I wont let you! Shin said. I have to handle this alone!

I wonder is this connected with Yukiko Tomoko said. Perhaps right?. Then Yukiko came running, and went to
Shin. Nii-san, ne-chan is trapped! Yukiko exclaimed.

Where is she Yukiko? Tomoko asked. Please tell me

Dont tell them, Yukiko Shin said. I have to handle this alone

Shin left them and the two were very worried for them. Tomoko and Hideaki clasped their hands tightly and wished
Shin luck and guidance. He ran as fast as he could toward the place. He didnt care anything as of now except for Hikaru.
When he came to the place, he saw Hikaru helpless and was tied up. So you do care about her dont you? a voice said.
You do love her!

Then a familiar face came out from the dark. Sakurako!? Shin exclaimed. How could you?

How could I, HOW COULD I!? she shouted. You broke up with me just to begin again with Hikaru

I never began with her that time Shin said. I was just going to continue my love for her

Arent you all fools! Sakurako exclaimed. Showing to people that each of you doesnt matter in each others life,
then suddenly itll be you again!

Then she grabbed Hikaru and pushed her away. She showed merciless actions to Hikaru and made a bribe with

Ill let her go, if you let yourself be beaten and you wont touch even a finger to my men. Then the group of men
beat up Shin infront of Hikaru and Sakurako. Hikarus eyes were filled with sadness and sorrows as she saw Shin doing
everything for her. Then because of their mercilessness, one man tried to hit Shin with a pipe. But because Hikarus pity and
love for him, she ran and got hit instead of him and landed at the side of Shin. Hikaru Shin whispered.

Im sorry Hikaru whispered. If I put you in this kind of trouble again. Shin smiled at Hikaru but she slowly closed her
eyes and gave Shin the wrong impression about it. Though hes body was heavily wounded, he still tried to carry her and
bring her to the hospital.

Do you really love her that much!? Sakurako said. Is she really that important to you?

She is really important to me Shin whispered. Because she is my one and only love

He left Sakurako heartbroken and continued to exert effort in bringing her to the hospital. Though his legs were
painful and the night was cold, he still tried to walk with her. But his body was really tired and almost gave up. His legs were
numb and gave up. He cradled Hikaru within his arms and held her hand to warm her surroundings. His eyes were teary as
he cradled her near him. As when he was to give up, he closed his eyes with her.

Shin a voice whispered. Wake up already. He woke up and saw himself lying in a bed in the hospital. Beside
him was Yukiko and Hideaki, both sleeping. He felt weird as if he felt something was wrong.

Youre already awake Tomoko whispered as she came in. Hikarus in the other room

I want to see her already Shin said. I want to know if shes okay

Lets wait for the doctor to let you see her

The doctor came and examined at Shin and only cured some of his wounds and he was already allowed to see
her. When they entered at the room, she was still asleep so he stayed beside her.

Ill leave you now with her Tomoko whispered. She left them alone for a while Shin clasped his hands with her
hand and wished for her to wake up and change his mind about the impression she left him.

Please wake up for me, dont give me the feeling of losing you Shin thought. I made it through with you, I want
you to make it through, please dont leave me

Shin Hikaru whispered. Thank you for saving me

After a few minutes, the doctor came in and examined Hikaru and their child. But to their deepest despair, sadness
will cover their hearts again.

Im sorry to say that I have to tell you something that would break your hearts the doctor said.

Is there something wrong with me? Hikaru asked.

Not with you, but with the child the doctor said. Im sorry to say, but your baby is gone, Im very sorry. The
doctor left and Hikaru wasnt moving because of the news that the doctor gave them. Tears fell down from her and Shin
hugged her to comfort her, though he was also crying in the loss of their child. She wasnt yet released because of the
miscarriage and they cried slowly with each other.

After Hikaru was released from the hospital, weeks passed by and everything was going well. As soon as Shin
brought Hikaru back with him, the empress talked to him. Is she really that important to you, son? the empress said. Is she
really that more than Sakurako?

I know what Im doing mother Shin said. She has royal blood and she is the daughter of the lost princess: Madam
Inoue Mariko

Where did you learn all of that!? his mother asked. I havent asked any of our scholars to tell you about those
information about her

I researched too mother Shin said. And I know that she is the one for me

But we cant be sure with that!

Cant you let me choose my own love?

This is not a fairytale, son the empress said. Whatever what the council says, it is the right one for us

Well then Shin said. I give up my title

What? the empress exclaimed. You cant give up your title!

I give up my title! he said. If you cant accept Hikaru as my princess, hence Ill leave my position as crowned

You cant do that! the empress said. Jun wouldnt want to take over the throne if you step down

Its not my decision anymore Shin said. I wanted to have a peaceful life with Hikaru and thats all Im going to

Shin left his mother after saying those words and the empress was surprised with his decision. He continued his love
for her but for one day everything was back to the way it used to be.


She was rushed again to the hospital with Tomoko and Shin. After Hikaru was examined and they were only waiting
for the results outside the emergency room, Tomoko was having a weird feeling about it. Then suddenly the doctor entered
and told the results.

Im sorry to say that the patient is diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia the doctor said. Im also sorry to
say that her life has already has an end

Tomoko and Shin were very shocked to hear Hikarus sickness. The doctor left and the two were still shocked with it.
Tomoko went out for a while and as soon she closed the door, her tears were unstoppable.

Please dont take Hikaru away now She prayed. Shin needs her, I need her, everybody needs her

I cant believe that Im going to lose her this fast Shin said.

Actually, I had a gut feeling about this Tomoko said. And I was right

What do you mean?

Lets go to the rooftop she said. Ill tell it to you there

Then after a while, Tomoko invited Shin in the rooftop to tell something about Hikaru.

She has Leukemia since she was young Tomoko said. But it was gone until now. Shin was speechless for quite a
while. Tears started to fall down from their eyes.

I knew from the time that she got pregnant that something may happen to her Tomoko said. She was not
allowed to have kids

Is it impossible for her?

Not really impossible she said. But it was near to it

And now? Shin asked. What will happen to her?

Now that she was miscarried, she has a higher chance of losing her life than being pregnant

When did she get Leukemia?

She already had Leukemia since she was seven Tomoko said. She was so sickly then that a simple cold may lead
to the hospital

So it has been twenty years after she got Leukemia Shin said. How did she surpass all that?

She had a bone marrow transplant she said. And the bone marrow came from her mom

Thats why she always obeyed her mother in anyway

Right Tomoko said. And also thats why she seldom come here or get near to Hikaru

What do you mean?

Whenever Madam Inoue sees Hikaru, her eyes slowly get teary and she doesnt want Hikaru to see that Tomoko
said. She wanted Hikaru to be free, but not totally free

I see Shin said. Is there anyway that she can get better?

I dont think so Tomoko said. Her white blood cells are getting many every second

I cant help her Shin said. Cant her mom donate blood marrow to her again?

I dont think so Tomoko said. Madam Inoue is also a bit sick so she cant donate anymore

This means that she is really near in dying?

Not near, she is really dying now, Shin

If shes going to leave me this early Shin said. How could I even live my life without her?

Dont say that as early as this time Tomoko reminded. I know that she can do it, and we can give her that

At the rooftop, Shin and Tomoko cried bitterly for Hikaru. He understood Hikarus condition, but he wasnt ready in
giving her up. Hikaru woke up and she was in the middle of a corridor in a hospital.

Why is this hospital familiar to me, I think that Ive been here before She thought. When was that time?

Then a group of nurses and two doctors were bringing a little girl and it passed Hikaru. She followed them and
recognized the little girl. Mommy, mommy! the little girl called. I dont want to stay here anymore!

Sweetie, you need to be here her mother said.

I dont want to be here anymore mommy!

Dont worry sweetie, Ill be here

I dont want to be here!!

Then they little girl was being rushed into the emergency room and the mother was left outside. When the mother
turned around, she looked like Madam Inoue.


Then Hikaru opened her eyes and realized that it was just a dream. She was so weak that she can only open her
eyes a little and move her hand a little. Hikaru, sweetie her mom said. How are you feeling now?

Im a little bit fine Hikaru whispered.

Im happy to hear that. Then Hikaru was looking at the starlet and tried to shake her hand a little to lighten it. She
slowly held her pendant and closed her eyes.

I mightve lived a life of happiness for twenty-seven years Hikaru whispered. But no one could say that
Ive lived fully

Dont say things like that her mother said. Youll do fine

I did a lot of things been happy been sad too Hikaru whispered. But even one sweet love I cant

You cant die now, sweetie her mom said. You have to rule the company after me

Why are you so selfish? Hikaru asked. Im already on my last days and you still dont care?

Sweetie, do you really love Shin that much?

All I want is only one only one love Hikaru whispered. Is that so hard to give?

I cant give that to you, sweetie

Will you let me die in a sad face? Hikaru said. Will you let me have a sad life an incomplete one?

Hikarus mother was so touched and really wanted to give her that One Love. But seeing her daughter suffer so
much, all she can do was to cry. She remembered everything that she has done just to separate Hikaru and Shin.

Madam Inoue, we have reports that Mademoiselle Inoue is currently in a relationship with the Crowned Prince of
Japan an office lady said.

Is this confirmed by Mademoiselle Ueno? she asked. This might be just a rumor

It is confirmed, Madam Inoue the office lady said. Here are even photos of them together. She looked at the
pictures and sighed for a little while. She sent Hikaru to Japan to study, not to have a relationship. So she immediately
thought of a plan to separate them both.

Call her at Tokyo and tell her that her studies there are over she ordered. And I want you to arrange a flight after

Is that all, Madam Inoue?

Inform Mademoiselle Ueno also about this, shell be promoted to a higher position and will no longer be there for
Hikaru as soon as they come back here she ordered. That is all

Well then Madam, Ill be going

As she remembered all of those things she done, she couldnt help but cry beside her.

Why did I try to stop you from loving him? I know it is for your own sake She thought. But if I dont stop you, I may
lose you; Im sorry Hikaru Im so sorry

At that night, she stayed with Hikaru. Hikaru felt so weak that time that even moving her hand was so hard. Then
slowly, Hikaru was already closing her eyes with a tear away.

Im so tired in staying alive She thought. Please get me already

Then a sound of long beeps came. Her mom woke up and saw that Hikaru has already given up and called the
doctors and nurses for her. She also called Shin and Tomoko to go to the hospital to pray for her. Shin and Tomoko came in
as fast as they could and saw the doctor and nurses trying to revive Hikaru with all their best.

Their tears kept on falling as they watch Hikaru suffer through a clear glass window. Shin wanted to go inside and
help them but Tomoko stopped him. Lets just give her the courage shell need Tomoko whispered while crying. Lets give
her that now

But she is dying right there infront of us! Shin exclaimed. We cant stand here and do nothing!

Let her be Tomoko said. If she wants to go, let her go then


Shes tired already Shin she whispered. Shes so tired that she would want to give up


Give her courage now! Tomoko exclaimed. We cant afford to lose her we cant

Shin couldnt handle the fact that Hikaru was near to her end. He watched her being revived painfully that his heart
felt like losing hope. After thirty-minutes of prayer and hopes, the doctors and nurses went out of the room.

She is fine as of now a doctor said. You may visit her now. As soon as they left, Shin, Tomoko and Hikarus mom
went inside.

They were relieved when they saw Hikaru slowly breathing. Even though that simple thing was little to the doctors,
for them it was already a blessing. Days passed by and Hikaru was getting better for a little. Though the risk of death was still
higher, they still believed that she could surpass it again. One day, the empress visited Hikaru in the hospital and had pity on
her. Madam Inoue saw her and approached her.

What are you doing here? Madam Inoue asked. You shouldnt be here

I wanted to see her for a while, Mariko the empress said. Why are you so selfish and hard on me?

Remember the time you told me when we were still cousins? Madam Inoue reminded. You know what you did a
that time

Im so sorry for that the empress apologized. You know that I was jealous of you

But it will change nothing for Hikaru and me, Akiko! Madam Inoue exclaimed. I dont want that

Im really sorry for everything the empress said. I want to show Hikaru the gratitude and regret I had

I wanted my daughter to rest Madam Inoue. Please leave us alone

I will be remembering my regrets for her the empress expressed. If I wont change my mind, in letting her and my
son love each other!

Is it because you had pity on her or you still pity me? Madam Inoue asked. Am I right?

Is it that wrong to love someone that you also loved? the empress asked. We know that we both loved him so

He was mine for years Madam Inoue explained. But on the day of his death, you left him like a rotten apple in
the ground

But you knew that once everybody knew about your baby, they would disown you! the empress reminded. You
know that he cant be with you

He was the father of my child, the father of Hikaru Madam Inoue said. I have that enough proof

I didnt want him to die the empress said. I loved him and it was never easy

But did he love you?! Madam Inoue exclaimed. He loved me more than you!. With those words, the Empress
grew silent for a while. Shes terribly sick and you know it Madam Inoue said. You knew that my daughter will be dying so
you are doing this to me

All I want is to apologize to you both

Itll not change the things that you have done to me, and itll change nothing Madam Inoue said. By the way,
dont address me as Mariko

What do you mean? the empress asked. We are cousins; we belong in the same bloodline

Remember, we are not related she explained. You must address me as Madam Inoue, your highness!

She left her and went inside the room and closed the blinds infront of her. The empress was regretting everything
she has done to them. At that moment, Hikaru opened her eyes a little.

Who was there? Hikaru whispered. Is it Tomoko?

No, the person just got lost

I really want to go away from this hospital from all the hospitals Hikaru whispered. I just want to be free

Do you want to be free like stars? her mom asked. Just like the one in your own room?

And I want to shine brighter than them Hikaru whispered. Brighter than the Sirius


I want Shin to feel me even though Ill be gone away Hikaru whispered. I want to shine just for him and for

At that time, when her mother looked outside, she saw the empress still waiting outside. She approached her and
talked to her for a while. But as soon as she reached her, the empress bowed down as low as she can to make Hikarus
mom accept the apology.

Please forgive me already, Mari- I mean Madam Inoue

Forget that she said. Akiko, would you let my daughter shine for Shin for a while?

What do you mean?

My daughter is very desperate to make Shin realize her presence forever Madam Inoue said. Make her shine just
for a little while


Then at that night, Shin was called by his mother and talked to him for a while. Shin, I want you to go now to
Hikaru the empress said. I know youll miss her so much

But I thought that you dont even like her?

Lets just say, that I envy you she said. I never had the trust of my first love and even now that he is gone, I never
had it

I thought father was your first love?

My first love was Hikarus father the empress explained. Hikarus mother: Mariko, has always felt his love for her
and not for me

Its that the reason why you dont want me to be with Hikaru?

Yes and nothing will change that she said. But despite that, I know that Hikaru is a good girl like her parents

So would do let me be with her?

As long as both of you can love each other

Thank you, mom

Hikaru woke up in the middle of the night feeling overflowing sadness in her. She was crying as soft as she can while
she was trying to sleep again. Hikaru Shin called as he entered her room slowly and quietly.

Why are you still awake? Shin whispered. It is already late at night

Then why are you here? Hikaru said. It is unsafe for the prince to travel alone

Were stuck here in this room, arent we? Shin said. Is there anywhere you would want to go?

I want to go outside for a while Hikaru whispered. I miss the cold air outside

But youre not allowed to go outside Shin said. Youre still sick

Hikaru smirked a little showing that she forgot it. But then deep inside she was really desperate to go outside the
hospital. I guess the only thing that I can do is to sneak you outside Shin said. But will that be okay with you?

I can stay here anyway you are here with me she said.

Weeks passed by and Hikaru was already getting better a little. One certain afternoon, Hikaru was allowed to travel
for a while as long that she would go back to the hospital. Tomoko said her goodbye to Shin and Hikaru since their plan was
to go Kujukuri beach to reminiscence.

Take care both of you! Tomoko said. Come back!

We will Shin said. Lets go

Bye Tomoko! Hikaru said. See you!


Goodbye Hikaru, see you again She thought. In the next lifetime

When Tomoko was watching them leave, she knew that it was the last time she would be able to Hikaru so she
smiled brightly for her. Shin and Hikaru reached the beach by sunset and as soon as they arrived they immediately soaked
their feet into the watery sand. At that very nightfall, Hikaru was cradled by Shins arms as they reminiscence their memories.
Do you remember the time that you gave me the starlet here and the pendant? Shin asked.

Yeah, when we miss each other, youll see the Sirius blinking for us and our worries will be away


Ill be waiting there in the Sirius for you Hikaru said. Ill wait till youll be able to arrive there

We will arrive there together Shin said. You will not leave me as early as this time. Shin kissed her on the lips while
their hands were clasped together with their tears flowing through their eyes full of goodbyes. Then Shin took his starlet and
Hikaru took hers too. They shook it before themselves and watched them shine.

Hikaru Shin called. I will never lose you again, right?


They continued to shake the starlet at that night and with such sorrow and love. Then Hikaru whispered softly

I love you Shin Hikaru whispered.

I want to meet you again next time She thought. So long, goodbye

At that moment, Hikaru was already getting weak and Shin knew it when he saw Hikarus hand fall down from the
sky, holding the shining starlet. He looked at her and saw her lifeless with her lips in a smile and a tear falling from her eyes.
Shins tears flowed continuously.

I love you too he whispered.

He cradled Hikaru closer and placed their starlets and pendants together, clasped in their hands.

Thank you for being with me, Ill love you forever He thought. Please wait for me patiently there in the Sirius just
wait and soon, Ill be there with you again

They were only given a few years to love each other. But they were able to cherish it and show it to one another
despite the distance and troubles that came their way. Their love was like a boat in an ocean that continued to flow and
shine even at the darkest days. Shin and Hikaru did one thing in particular which brightened their lives and made their bond

Youre my one and only love Hikaru said. Promise me that you wont leave me

I promise, youll always be my one and only love

A promise for eternity

in smiles and laughter

in tears and cries

in togetherness and separation

in closeness and in distance

in morning and night

in sickness and in health

in love and in hate

in memoirs and in forgotten ones

in life and in death

and that was their

Only One Love


Qui aime ne craint pas la tempte, mais craint seulement que lamour ne steigne

One in love fears no storm, he fears only the death of love


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