Ship Versus Ship Collision

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Ship Versus Ship

Collision Claims
Imagine a chemical tanker
is proceeding towards
Singapore to discharge part of
its cargo. On the approach to
the port, it collides with a much
larger vessel, a containership.
The collision causes damage to
INTRODUCTION both ships; the chemical tanker
has some structural damage to
its bow and bulbous bow section,
Ship versus ship collisions are often dangerous events but the containership is more
with the potential to bring areas of difficulty to insurance seriously damaged, with two large
puncture holes, one high above
claims that clients may not be prepared for. the waterline, the other below.
While such accidents may be Early engagement with insurers,
Because of water ingress,
relatively infrequent, it is important legal representation, technical
the containership begins
that clients take proactive steps to survey experts, and crew
to list and the services of a
manage these situations and avoid are vital components in the
competent salvor are required
detrimental outcomes. management of collision cases.
to stabilise the vessel and take
Failure to act efficiently and Here, we discuss the key areas that it under tow to a safe berth.
appropriately could: may be common to such events
There are no reports of pollution
and, using a fictional account of
Jeopardise the ability to recover or bodily injury to the crew,
a collision incident between two
in full under the collision liability but local authorities decide to
vessels, we examine some of those
insurance. undertake a full investigation into
issues through the lens of a hull
the circumstances of the incident.
and machinery policy. We will
Undermine future strategies that
assume that the policy is written After a technical assessment,
seek to minimise liability towards
on the basis of the Institute Time it is determined that the
the opponent(s).
Clauses (1/10/83) and where containership will need to be
Result in unwanted legal and clause 8 has been amended to temporarily repaired at the
jurisdictional complexities. include 100% collision and not a emergency berth. Thereafter,
three-quarter share of liability, it will have to make a short
Create avoidable delays and as is the default position. voyage to an appropriate
additional financial exposures. dry-dock for repairs.


with insurers,
survey experts,
and crew The likely total time for all repairs often include costs relating to
to the containership is 30 days. repairs that did not arise from the
are vital By contrast, it is determined that
collision. Any contemporaneous
expert evidence that shows the
components the chemical tanker can be repaired
quickly, in as little as two days.
actual damage resulting from
this incident alone may prove to
in the Assuming that the chemical tanker
be a valuable tool for ultimately
reducing the opponents claim.
belongs to our client, hereare
management some of the considerations to
which we attach the greatest
The surveyor may also be
instructed to conduct a separate
of collision importance. They are presented
in no particular order.
speed and angle of blow survey,
which will attempt to provide
cases. SURVEYS
preliminary answers on the course
and velocity of both vessels in
the moments before impact.
In the aftermath of this Again, such data is not intended
significant collision, hull insurers to decide on issues of liability,
will want to appoint a surveyor. butwill be an aide in the discussion
Predominantly, the surveyors process between both sides.
role will be to assess the damage
Ideally, the surveyor should
to our clients vessel, advise on
maintain contact with the
options for repair, andreport on
containership owners and seek
the facts leading to the collision.
an invitation to any repairs they
Thesurveyor would not be expected
carry out. Again, this is to ensure
to offer an opinion as to which
that the repair costs (which form
vessel is more or less liable,
part of the opponent claim)
or to speculate on the causes of the
relate solely to the collision.
collision, particularly when such
commentary would be unsupported There is no obligation on the
by evidence at such an early stage. opponent to allow anyone access
to their vessel; however, more often
The surveyor may also be called
than not, ship-owners and their
upon to perform a without
insurer interests will
prejudice survey on the
co-operate in an effort to maintain
containership. This will provide
professional and amicable
an insight into the damages
discourse with one another.
sustained by the collision
opponents. It is an unfortunate
fact that opponent claims can


ADMISSION OF This is perhaps best explained by EVIDENCE

using some numbers in our scenario:
Imagine that the total claim put
It may be a very obvious point, forward by the containership The lawyers will interview the
but there should be minimal owner is US$8 million, comprised crew of the chemical tanker and
contact with the opponent. of several repair elements and give advice on the gathering
Under no circumstances should including a substantial amount and preservation of evidence.
any communication be sent that arising from loss of use of the vessel. Among other things, the lawyers
admits or infers an acceptance should help our client and their
of liability. To do so may severely Let us further imagine that our crew with the following:
jeopardise a clients ability to clients damages amount to
recover under their insurance a minimal delay to trade and Taking legible, concise notes
policy. Any communications with US$300,000 in terms of a repair bill. relating to the incident.
opponents need to be managed The notes should not contain
carefully, and this is usually Furthermore, imagine that liability any subjective terms or
part of the lawyers remit. is determined as 80/20 in our favour. offer opinions. They should
simply record the facts and
Crudely speaking, this would still relative timing(s) of the
APPOINTMENT OF mean that: events. The notes should be
LAWYERS recorded as soon after the
Our client and their insurers pay: collision as possible so that
The assured will need to appoint a opponents cannot argue on
competent lawyer. The lawyer can US$8 million x 20% = a point of recollection.
help with a broad range of issues as US$1.6 million
part of the defence and/or attack Instructing the crew to take
And the containership owner and photographs of the damages
strategy against opponents. their insurers pay:
In addition, the appointment will, to both ships and any other
in certain legal systems, create photographic evidence which
US$300,000 x 80% =
privileges that protect the right of might be of use in the long term.
a client to communicate with their
Retrieving electronic data from
legal team without the fear that This would result in a net
the electronic chart display
those communications will later be contribution from our owner
information system (ECDIS)
disclosed to third parties as part of and their insurers to the
and voyage data recorder
the litigation process. containership of US$1.36
(VDR). This can be a difficult
million, even though they were
While it is clear to our clients process and may require
found to have played a very
that the damages to their ship are the services of a specialist
minor role in the collision.
not substantial, it is also obvious data retrieval company.
that the total damages, physical
The appointment of the lawyer Taking copies of charts
and financial, suffered by the
should be agreed with the hull and bridge notes.
opponent vessel are large. It is
insurers. In our example, the hull
too early to assess who is more or Recording the information from
insurers will pay most or all of the
less liable for the collision, but if the GPS, course recorders, gyro
legal bill (subject to proven liability
the majority of the liability for the compass, radio systems, engine
under the policy), and if a conflict
collision is ultimately found to and weather logs, and radar.
arises between our client and
rest with our clients vessel, then
insurers on the selection of legal
their contribution to the overall Preserving the vessel
representation, compromise should
collision recovery will be very passage plans.
be achieved as soon as possible.
significant, heightening the need for
There will be much work to do to If the collision occurred while
experienced legal representation.
protect a clients interests, and, in under pilotage, establishing the
Paradoxically, even if our client has
our experience, side arguments on timeline of orders given.
only a small amount of liability for
the preferred choice of lawyer will
the collision, this could still lead to
be a distraction to the business of
a significant claim under their hull
building a firm case during those
and machinery policy.
early stages.


Under no Instructing the crew to refuse

permission for anyone to
comes and goes. Ideally, any
authorised third party should be
board the vessel without accompanied by an appropriate
circumstances proper clearance. Ideally, that crew member at all times and
permission line should be given access only to parts of the
should any managed via the shore-based ship that are approved in advance
management/ownership. by lawyers and management.
communication A collision of this nature is likely
to attract interest from many
They should not be allowed
to talk to crew members
be sent that quarters. There may be attempts
by third parties to access the
or seek to arrange ad-hoc
interviews while aboard.
admits or infers vessel in order to gather evidence
in support of their own claims. Of course, some of these proactive
measures can be implemented
an acceptance A crew member will need to be
placed on watch to monitor who by the client in advance of
instruction of a lawyer.
of liability.
To do so may
On the basis of our example, it is In our scenario, the method
severely clear that, once the investigations by which opponents provide
by the local authorities have been security will depend on where
jeopardise a concluded, our client will be in a
position to remove their vessel for
the containership owners have
insured their vessel for collision
clients ability repair and continue with the voyage
much earlier than the opponent
liabilities. If it is placed with a hull
insurer then our client is likely to
to recover containership. One of our primary
considerations will be to ensure that
see an offer of security on the basis
of a letter from the opponents
under their the assured has adequate security
from the containership interests
hull insurers confirming they
will provide coverage under their
to cover their losses arising from collision liability insurance for the
insurance the collision, regardless of how assureds losses, subject to proving
the apportionment of liability their claim in terms of quantum
policy. will ultimately play out. It would and liability. If the hull insurer is
be sensible to try and obtain the unable to offer a letter directly,
security before the opponent they may utilise the services of
vessel departs for repairs and/ a surety company to provide a
or continuation of voyage. This is collision security on their behalf.
simply because, if the opponent will
not offer security, one of the options If the containerships collision
available to the assured would be to liabilities are placed with a
arrest an asset belonging to them. protection and indemnity (P&I)
The easiest asset to arrest at that club, then the assured should
moment in time is the other vessel, expect the security will be
and the simple knowledge by each provided in the form of a club
side that this could happen usually letter of undertaking, which
provides enough encouragement will do much the same thing as a
to find a means to provide the guarantee from a hull insurer.
appropriate security. As a brief
It is not necessary to provide the
note of caution, an arrest should
owners of the containership with a
be a last resort strategy. There are
precise value of our clients claim.
consequences for initiating an
Indeed, at such an early stage it is
arrest that is ultimately proven
unlikely that either side will have
to be wrongful. Again, this is
a clear idea of their total global
a complex legal area where the
recoverable losses.
lawyer should advise further.


But the figure should at least have a And, for every action which our LIMITATION
sense of realistic endeavour about client takes in securing their
it and reflect the likely full amount losses, the same reaction can In our example, we can see that
of our clients damages, plus an be expected from the owners of the losses of the containership are
appropriate margin for error. the containership. They too will likely to be quite large. As such,
It should be remembered that want to ensure they have the there may be an opportunity for
a letter of security is simply protection of security and that our client to limit their liability
a mechanism by which the it is in a form and of financial under the applicable Convention
opponent insurers can demonstrate standing acceptable to opponents. of Limitation of Liability for
future payment of properly
Generally speaking, hull insurers Maritime Claims.
proven losses up to an agreed
sum, and is not a promise to pay for marine collision liabilities A successful limitation action
a fixed sum without question. are not under an obligation to effectively caps the maximum
provide security. More often than amount that a valid entity, such
The lawyer should advise the client not they will assist the client, as a ship-owner, ship manager,
whether the offer of security from but, again, much will depend on or charterer and their insurers
the containership interests is fit for who the hull insurers are and will have to pay to an opponent
purpose. Among other things, they what the insurance policy says. following a collision. The ability
will need to consider the following:
to limit is dependent on several
Is the guarantee provider
JURISDICTION criteria, including:
financially secure?
A competent maritime lawyer The type of vessel.
Is the security correctly should also advise the client on
The vessels tonnage.
worded and conforms to issues of jurisdiction. At the time
known standards? when parties in a collision are The type of claim.
agreeing on the form of security
Is the quantum of guarantee to exchange with one another, As one might expect, this is a
sufficient to meet the they should also be determining hugely complicated area and
assureds global losses which jurisdiction will apply in the one which we could devote an
arising from the collision? event that they cannot ultimately entire adviser to. Suffice to say
resolve the claims between them that, if this is a valid avenue
If it does not bear scrutiny, amicably and the matter must of enquiry, we would expect
the lawyer may recommend proceed to trial or arbitration. lawyers to offer advice on
that security should be obtained
the feasibility of instituting a
in an alternative form, such as
limitation fund as part of their
a bank or cash guarantee.
overall suite of guidance.


COLLISION Intercede early on issues that DISCLAIMER AND

could de-rail strategy, such as
LIABILITIES SPLIT facilitating early agreement FINAL WORD
BETWEEN HULL AND between insurers and clients on
appropriate legal representation. This is a general guide only and
P&I INSURERS the example given is fictional.
Provide detailed advice on As such, it describes a very
As stated, we have considered this options for arranging security to particular circumstance in
subject in the context of a hull an opponent. This will include the broad field of a technically
insurance policy that responds the management of information difficult subject. The content is
for 100% of collision liability. needed by a third-party surety not meant to be used as generic
However, it should be remembered company, if that is the most advice for all collision claims.
that, in its unamended form, the realistic method of arranging Each instance involving ship
Institute Time Clauses (1.10.83) acceptable collision guarantees versus ship collision will have its
only cover 3/4ths of that liability, on the assureds behalf. own distinct characteristics, and
the remaining 1/4th usually residing clients will need to take advice
with the vessels P&I club. Ensure full engagement by based on those particular aspects.
In such a situation, care should be collision liability insurers at all Marsh is not authorised to
taken to ensure that the club and key stages. Efficient decision provide legal views and nothing
hull insurers are kept together making offers the best chance within this communication
throughout the process, and of proactively managing the should be taken as such.
whichever party takes the lead assureds best interests. We would always recommend
role, they should be encouraged to that on areas of law, clients
seek the other partys approval at Maintain lines of communication
should seek an appropriate
all key decision-making stages. between all client acting parties.
legal opinion from a reputable
This includes management
and qualified source.
of dialogue between hull and
THE ROLE OF P&I insurers in circumstances Further information:
MARSHS CLAIMS where the insurance for collision
ADVOCACY liabilities is pooled. TONY MAYLE

Be alert to the needs of our Marine Claims Advocate

The highly experienced Marine
clients business. In the early
Claims Advocacy team at Marsh +44 (0) 207 178 4389
stages of a collision incident,
assists clients in navigating through
this means the urgent repair of
the dangers presented by these
the vessel and/or continuance
often difficult claims. Once we
of the intended voyage, with
have been notified, we will appoint
the minimum of inconvenience
a claims advocate who will act as
and financial loss arising from
a single point of contact for our
avoidable delay.
client, overseeing the claim to its
conclusion. Among other things,
the advocate will:

Review the performance of

third-party service providers,
such as surveyors appointed
by insurers, and ensure that
the content they deliver is
appropriate and within remit.

The information contained herein is based on sources we believe reliable and should be understood to be general risk management and insurance
information only. The information is not intended to be taken as advice with respect to any individual situation and cannot be relied upon as such.
In the United Kingdom, Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Marsh Ltd, trading as Marsh Ireland is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct
of business rules.
Copyright 2017 Marsh Ltd. All rights reserved. GRAPHICS NO. 17-0636

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