BUS 1500 Syllabus

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Youngstown State University

Williamson College of Business Administration

BUS 1500 - 3 semester hours
CRN 22285
Spring Semester 2017
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 10:45
Williamson Hall Room 2233

Instructor: Mrs. Donna Walsh

Office Phone: (330) 941-3385
E-Mail: dmwalsh@ysu.edu
Office: Williamson Hall, Office #3329

Office Hours: Tuesday 8:30 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday 9:00 12:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:30 9:30 a.m.
And by appointment via email

Required Materials:
Foundations of Business, 5th Edition, Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, Cengage Learning

Course Description:
The external, competitive, and internal environments of business are examined. The skills
required for success in business, such as team building, information gathering, communication,
professionalism, and an appreciation of career search will be explored.

Objectives of this Course:

Provide entry level students the opportunity to explore business knowledge in preparation for
academic and professional success.

Purpose of Course Lab Fee:

The purpose of the computer fee is to provide access to the WCBA computer labs.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 1 Spring 2017

Course Requirements
Final Grade Rubric

Requirement Points Total Grade

Exams (4 @ 125 points each) 500 900-1000 A
Career Related Activities (4 @ 30 points each) 120 800-899 B
Career Leader Insights 50 700-799 C
First Year Experience (FYE) Assignments: 600-699 D
Think About It (Campus Safety) 50 599 F
Financial Literacy 50
Team Mini Case Paper 100
Team Mini Case Presentation 100
Attendance 30
Misc. Bonus Points at Instructor Discretion
Total for Course 1000

NOTE A final grade of C or higher is required for this course.

There will be a total of 4 exams in this course. Each will be worth 125 points. Exam questions will
cover topics discussed in class, assigned readings from text, and any supplementary materials
covered prior to each exam at my discretion. Please refer to the Tentative Agenda at the end of
this syllabus for exam dates.


You must complete 4 selections from the following two options:


Attend a function or an event sponsored by the Williamson College of Business
Administration or an organization of the College that includes a speaker or formal
presentation. Proof of attendance will be obtained by completing a WCBA
Function/Workshop Attendance Form. This form requires that you get an attending
faculty members signature at the event. In addition, you are required to write at least a
five-sentence summary of the presentation as well as a personal critique. One form will
be given to you for this purpose. You may make additional copies as needed. Completed
forms are to be turned in at our next class meeting after function attendance.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 2 Spring 2017

You may conduct a face-to-face interview of a business professional in a field that interests
you. If you select this assignment, prior instructor approval of the person/business
selected to be interviewed is necessary. After you receive approval for your interview
you will then conduct the interview and write a one to two page typewritten summary of
the interview. Turn it in no later than one week after your interview. Your instructor
will distribute Professional Interview Assignment Guidelines


A handout detailing Career Leader Insights requirements will be distributed in class and available
on Blackboard.


As part of the universitys new FYE requirement, you will need to complete two online
modules. Each of you will be registered to a Blackboard course titled First Year Experience. The
first thing you must do is to complete the FYE Initial Assessment on Blackboard for this
course. After you complete the FYE Initial Assessment there are two assignment modules for
this class. They are Think About It and Financial Literacy. Please note that while there are a
number of assignments listed on the left side of the screen in Blackboard, you must complete only

This FYE module is concerned with personal choices and safety while in college.
Only the explanation of the module is found on Blackboard, you will access the actual online
instruction through an email that you have received. This online course is provided through
a company called Campus Clarity. When you have completed the module, please print the
certificate of completion. This is what you will submit to your instructor for credit for this
unit. It is estimated that this assignment will take 1 to 2 hours. See the Tentative Agenda for
due date.

This module examines key financial decisions facing college students and their
impact. You will register and log in to the module through the Blackboard page. It is
estimated that this assignment will take 2 to 3 hours. See the Tentative Agenda for due date.


A handout detailing requirements for both the written paper and group presentation will be
distributed in class and available on Blackboard. See the Tentative Agenda for dates.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 3 Spring 2017

Course Policies

Cell Phone and Laptop Use:

Cell phone use of any type is not permitted during class. If you must take an emergency call or
text, please step out of the room. Please put your phone away and remove earbuds / headphones
when class begins.

Use of laptops for note taking during class is DISCOURAGED; the temptation to surf, shop, etc.
is overwhelming. I encourage you to take thorough handwritten notes during lectures. Please
print copies of the lecture slides for each session before coming to class and bring them with you
for note taking. You may use the printers and paper in the computer labs located on the first floor
in this building. If you must use your laptop for note taking during class, please sit in the first
row at the front of the room.

Course Materials:
Hard copies of this syllabus and all additional course materials will be distributed to you in class;
electronic versions will also be available on our Blackboard class page. I highly recommend that
you copy all of the supplemental Blackboard files to your own flash drive or Google Drive as a
backup and that you acquire a dedicated 3-ring binder with pockets in which to keep all materials
for this class. In order to print files out at home you must have PowerPoint, Word, and Adobe on
your laptop / home computer.

Attendance is required. One regular attendance point will be earned for each class you attend.
At the end of the semester, one additional bonus point will be awarded for each class attended. A
total of 60 points for attendance (30 regular points and 30 bonus points) may be earned. You are
allowed 3 unexcused absences without penalty. After three unexcused absences, fifteen (15)
points will be deducted for each subsequent unexcused absence. Excusable absences include
circumstances such as a death in the family, verifiable illness, military deployment/training, and
YSU athlete travel. You must provide a hard copy / written document (doctors excuse, court
documents, obituary, letter from YSU athletic dept., or military commanding officer) to me
for your absence to be excused. Sleeping in class will result in an absence for that day.

Attendance Taking Procedures:

Each student will have a name tag which you must pick up on the way into class each day. Please
DO NOT pick up name tags for class mates. At the end of class place your name tag on the lecture
podium in the front of the room as you leave. DO NOT TAKE YOUR NAME TAG OUT OF
THE ROOM. Students who do not pick up and display their name tag will be marked absent that
day. Attendance will be recorded in Blackboard; points will be recorded as described above.
You may track your number of absences and attendance points earned in Blackboard.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 4 Spring 2017

Class Participation:
All students are to come to class having read the assigned chapters for that date. See Tenetative
Agenda at the end of this syllabus. It is expected that you will be prepared to actively discuss all
assigned readings, podcasts, etc. and that you will have informed thought about the related topics.
I encourage you to consume factual news and business-related current events on a daily basis. I
highly recommend the NPR One app for devices and the daily Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal
podcast! Critical thinking and problem solving will be emphasized in this course. Failure to
participate may result in points being deducted from your grade.

Missed Exams /Assignments:

OFFERED. Only the extenuating circumstances described under Attendance, above, will be
considered valid excuses for missing an exam or an assignment deadline. To qualify to take a
make-up exam or receive a new assignment due date, you must RECEIVE PERMISSION
DATE OR ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE. The new exam time or assignment deadline will be
determined in conference with the instructor. No make-up exams will be given without prior
approval. Assignments turned in on the same day but received after class will be considered late
and will be docked 5 points. An additional 10 points will be deducted per day for each working
day the assignment is late.

Academic Honesty & Respect:

Academic honesty is necessary to the educational process and crucial to the integrity of this
University. I have adopted a zero-tolerance policy relating to academic dishonesty, plagiarism,
cheating, and other violations as defined in The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and
Conduct (http://www.ysu.edu/thecode.pdf) and Preventing and Responding to Academic
Dishonesty: a Faculty Guide (http://cc.ysu.edu/student-life/Judicial-Affairs/index.htm). Please
understand that you are expected to behave as a responsible member of this academic community.
Cheating will result in course failure and possible referral for disciplinary action. This
includes engaging in dishonesty of any form on examinations, papers, and course
assignments, illegally possessing examinations, submitting the work of someone else as your
own or utilizing ideas taken from other sources without properly citing the source.

Statement for Students with Disabilities:

Youngstown State University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all
persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternative format upon request. In
accordance with University procedures, if you have a documented disability and require
accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact me privately after class or
during office hours to discuss your specific needs. You must be registered with the Center for
Student Progress Disability Services, located at 36 West Wood St. and provide me with a letter
of accommodation to coordinate reasonable accommodations. You can reach CSP Disability
Services at 330-941-1372
BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 5 Spring 2017
University Statement of Non Discrimination:
Youngstown State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, age, religion or
veteran/military status in its programs or activities. Please visit www.ysu.edu/ada-accessibility
for contact information for persons designated to handle questions about this policy.

Class Environment:
Collegial education is dependent upon diversity and mutual respect. It is expected that
professionalism and respect will be accorded to all participants in our learning process at all times.
Open discussion of complex ideas is encouraged, however, threatening or discriminatory behavior
will not be tolerated.

Please refrain from moving about the classroom once class has begun. If you enter late, do so
quietly without walking in front of the speaker. Our classroom is our environment. Please strive
to keep it neat and conducive to our learning activities. Arrive on time; class will start promptly.
Minimize interruptions, refrain from eating and drinking, pickup after yourself and be courteous
to your fellow classmates. In keeping with the University policy on tobacco, no use of tobacco
products / spitting in our classroom is permitted.

Support Services:

Student Tutorial Services Kilcawley West (below YSU Bookstore) 330 941-2956 Free one-
on-one or small group peer tutoring for a wide variety of classes.

YSU Writing Center Maag Library (Lower Level) Room 171 Call for an appointment 330-
941-3055. One-on-one guidance with all kinds of writing assignments Hours: M TH 9 am 5 pm
& F 10 am 1pm

Math Assistance Center Lincoln Building #408 phone 330-941-3274 (M, T, W, TH, 9:00
5:00 and F 9:00 3:00)

Professionalism and Communication Skills:

Successful businesspeople conduct themselves in a professional manner and possess strong verbal
and written communication skills. It is ESSENTIAL that you develop the ability to communicate
well with prospective employers, co-workers, your managers, and the clients you serve. A goal of
this course is to help develop these skills. Therefore, I require that you speak and write clearly
using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 6 Spring 2017

E-Mail Etiquette


assignments in during class on the dates specified in this syllabus.

When e-mailing your instructor please include your full name, BUS 1500 and CRN
in the subject line of the e-mail. (e.g. Subject: Jane Doe BUS 1500 CRN 23456).

E-mails that do not meet the requirements described above may be lost in my inbox,
ignored, or returned for clarification.

Please use proper business etiquette (YES, EVEN IN E-MAILS!). Open with a
salutation (Dear Mrs. Walsh,) and close appropriately (Sincerely, Jane Doe). E-MAILS
ARE NOT TEXT MESSAGES. Use full words and sentences, proper grammar, and by
all means employ spellcheck.

Withdrawing from this course:

The last day to withdraw from this course with a grade of W is Thursday, March 23, 2017.

Grade of Incomplete:

An instructor may assign a grade of Incomplete (I) when a students work is of passing quality
and represents a significant portion of the requirements for a final grade, but is incomplete for
good cause as determined by the instructor. Good cause may include current illness, death in the
immediate family, extreme personal crisis, work or military situation; the situation is typically
beyond the students control. An incomplete may only be granted if the following conditions are
the student has requested the Incomplete ahead of time
all course work prior to this request has been satisfactorily completed
The Instructor agrees that an I is warranted
The Last Day for Completing an I Grade date is set forth by the YSU Schedule of Operations
by semester. Once that date has passed and no formal grade change has occurred, the I grade
automatically reverts to an F.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 7 Spring 2017

WCBA Code of Conduct
The Williamson College of Business Administration believes that administrators, faculty and
students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic excellence, integrity and
Administrators, faculty and students will represent themselves and the WCBA with the highest standards of
conduct and will adhere to generally accepted ethical standards.
Faculty will preserve the highest standards of teaching and scholarship and will advance the mission of the
WCBA and Youngstown State University.
Administrators, faculty and students will strive to work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and
fairness, taking into account the diversity of our community.
All will be responsible for their own behavior, fully accountable for their actions.
All are expected to show courtesy and respect of others in all interactions and communications by refraining
from all forms of intimidation, harassment and prejudice.
Students have the right to be treated fairly and considerately by anyone in a position of authority.
All recognize that disagreement may occur on matters of substance. However, we will respect diverse
points of view, debate differences and conduct dialog in a courteous manner.
Proper decorum will be maintained in the classroom, offices and at all WCBA and University events by
faculty, students and others associated with the WCBA.
Faculty will meet classes on time as scheduled, provide a syllabus, discuss material relevant to a course,
advice and assist students and evaluate work in a timely and relevant manner.
Faculty and students will maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and share a joint responsibility
to prevent academic dishonesty. Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty constitute a
serious violation in the WCBA.
The WCBA classroom experience maintains the following expectations:
Faculty and students are expected to arrive on time for class and to reduce avoidable distractions if
one needs to leave the classroom early.
Phones, wireless devices, and laptops (if not needed) are turned off.
Intolerance for the views of others is unacceptable.
All are expected to respect the personal property of others and the resources of the WCBA including the
grounds, the academic building, classrooms, and classroom equipment.

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 8 Spring 2017

Exploring Business Tentative Agenda
(Subject to Change at Instructor Discretion)

WEEK DATE Lecture Topic & Assignment Due Dates **Mini Case Due Dates**
1 Jan 10 Course Introduction & Review of Syllabus
Jan 12 Ch. 1 Exploring the World of Business and Economics
2 Jan 17 Ch. 1 Exploring the World of Business and Economics
Jan 19 Ch. 4 Choosing a Form of Business Ownership
3 Jan 24 Ch. 5 Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchises
Jan 26 Ch. 10 (section 5 only) - Teams and Teamwork
4 Jan 31 Dr. Licata, Dean of the Williamson College of Business Visits
** Business Casual Attire Required **
Feb 2 Exam 1 Chapters: 1, 4, 5, & Ch. 10 (section 5 only)
5 Feb 7 ** Mini-Case Assignment Distributed and Explained / Teams Selected * Review Exam 1 Results
Feb 9 ** FYE Think About It Module Due ** ***Career Leader Assigned***
Ch. 11 Building Customer Relationships Through Marketing
6 Feb 14 Ch. 11 Building Customer Relationships Through Marketing
Feb 16 Ch. 12 Creating and Pricing Products That Satisfy Customers ** Mi Ola **
7 Feb 21 Ch. 13 Distributing and Promoting Products ** Honest Tea **
Feb 23 Ch. 13 Distributing and Promoting Products ** Luke's Lobster **
8 Feb 28 Ch. 14 Exploring Social Media and e-Business
Mar 2 Exam 2 Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14
SB Mar 7 / 9 Spring Break
9 Mar 14 WCBA College Fair 3rd Floor Conference Center Williamson Hall
Mar 16 Ch. 6 Understanding the Management Process / Review Exam 2
***Career Leader Assignment Due***
10 Mar 21 Ch. 6 Understanding the Management Process ** Camp Bow Wow **
Mar 23 Ch. 7 Creating a Flexible Organization ** Zappos **
11 Mar 28 Ch. 9 Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees ** Container Store **
Mar 30 Ch. 10 Motivating and Satisfying Employees ** The Fruit Guys **
12 Apr 4 Ch. 10 Motivating and Satisfying Employees
Apr 6 Exam 3 Chapters 6, 7, 9, & 10
13 Apr 11 Ch. 2 Being Ethical and Social Responsible / Review Exam 3
Apr 13 Ch. 15 Using Management and Accounting Information ** PortionPac Chemical **
14 Apr 18 ** FYE Financial Literacy Module Due **
Ch. 15 Using Management and Accounting Information ** Commodore Appliances **
Apr 20 Ch. 16 Mastering Financial Management ** Moonworks **
15 Apr 25 Ch. 16 Mastering Financial Management
Last Day to Hand In Career Related Activities
Apr 27 Ch. 3 Exploring Global Business

FINALS WEEK - Exam 4 (Chapters 2, 15, 16, & 3): Thursday, May 4th, 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

The last day to withdraw from this course with a grade of W is Thursday. March 23, 2017

BUS 1500 / CRN 22285 9 Spring 2017

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