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and Innovation
Thematic Research Summary
Intelligent transport

This publication was produced by the Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP)
consortium for the European Commissions Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
(DG MOVE). The brochure was compiled by Silvia Gaggi and Francesca Pietroni (ISIS).
The project team wishes to thank Monica Giannini for her valuable contribution, and
Helen West for reviewing the manuscript.

LEGAL NOTICE: The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the
author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Neither the
European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible
for the use that might be made of the following information.

Additional information on transport research programmes and related projects is

available on the Transport Research and Innovation Portal website at www.transport-

European Union, 2014

Cover: Courtesy of the Highways Agency, under the Open Government Licence.
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction ............................................................................ 6

2. Sub-Theme: Advanced Transport Management ....................... 8

ITS for surface transport management ..................................................... 9

Air transport management and control ................................................... 11

Maritime transport management ............................................................ 12

Smart freight .......................................................................................... 13

3. Sub-Theme: Smart Safety and Emergency Systems .............. 15

Advanced driver assistance systems....................................................... 16

Ecall ........................................................................................................ 19

Vulnerable road users ............................................................................. 20

Cooperative systems for safety ............................................................... 21

4. Sub-Theme: Intelligent Solutions for Accessibility and

Multimodality ........................................................................ 23

Enabling technologies ............................................................................. 24

Open data and interoperable systems .................................................... 24

Traveller information to influence travel behaviour ................................ 25

Cooperative systems............................................................................... 27
5. Sub-Theme: ITS Contribution to Energy Efficiency ................ 29

ICT in electro-mobility ............................................................................ 30

Sustainable and smart driving ................................................................ 32

6. Future Challenges for Research Policy .................................. 34

Bibliography ................................................................................ 36

Glossary ....................................................................................... 38

ANNEX: Projects by Sub-Theme ................................................... 39

Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 4 of 50

This Thematic Research Summary (TRS) has been produced as a part of the activities of
the Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP). TRIP collects, structures, analyses
and disseminates the results of EU-supported transport research and research financed
nationally in the European Research Area (ERA), and selected global research
programmes. The main dissemination tool used by TRIP is the public web portal

The Thematic Research Summaries provide a structured guide to the results of research
projects carried out mainly at EU level, either as part of a framework programme or as a
study commissioned by the European Commission (EC). These summaries are intended
for policy makers at European, national and local levels, stakeholders and researchers.

The Thematic Research Summary on Intelligent Transport Systems is one of 24 themes,

which provides:

an overview of research activities in a specific aspect of transport focusing on EU-

funded projects;

analysis and compilation of research findings and recommendations.

An overview of the Thematic Research Summaries is presented in Table 1.

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Table 1: Transport themes used in TRIP

Domains TRIP Themes

Sector Passenger transport

Freight transport

Mode Air transport

Rail transport

Road transport

Urban transport

Water transport (sea and inland)

Multimodal transport

Policy Financing, pricing and taxation

Regulation, competition and public services

Infrastructure and TEN-T

Land use and transport planning

Climate policy and energy efficiency

Security and safety

International cooperation and EU Neighbourhood Policy

Awareness, information and user rights

Technology Intelligent transport systems

Innovative technologies

Transport management

Evaluation Long-term perspectives

Assessment and decision support methodologies

Environmental impacts

Economic and regional impacts

Accessibility, social and equity impacts

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1. Introduction
Transport Telematics or Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are innovative tools based
on information and communications technologies (ICT) applied in the transport sector.
These tools enable authorities, operators and travellers to make more informed and
'intelligent' decisions. For public bodies, these tools contribute to improving transport
management, and increasing efficiency and safety while reducing energy consumption
and environmental impacts, and thus contributing to more sustainable transport. All
transport users benefit from real time information on current network conditions and on-
line information for journey planning and seamlessly integrated services.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) contribute significantly to a cleaner, safer and more
efficient transport system, as stated in the Transport White Paper (EC, 2011a). ITS can
be used in all transport modes and in services for passenger and freight transport.

The European Commission took a major step to accelerate and coordinate ITS deployment
in road transport interfacing with other transport modes in an Action Plan (EC, 2008a).
With the adoption of the Directive 2010/40/EU, the first EU-wide legal framework for ITS
was created in July 2010. The ITS Directive focuses on the compatibility and
interoperability of systems, facilitating continuity of ITS services in Europe while leaving
Member States the freedom to determine which systems to invest in.

The Action Plan on Urban Mobility (EC, 2009a) made clear reference to assistance from
the European Commission with ITS applications. An Expert Group for ITS in Urban Areas
was established in December 2010 to prepare guidelines on ITS development and
deployment in European cities (ITS Expert Group, 2013). The importance of ITS solutions
for urban mobility was reiterated in the Urban Mobility Package (EC, 2013a). ITS are
instrumental tools in designing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to support access
restriction schemes, smooth operation of city logistics, and to enhance road safety.

The full potential of ITS can only be achieved if deployed EU wide. Research has a major
role to play in removing barriers to effective ITS uptake and market penetration (EC, 2012;
EC, 2009b). In this respect, EU-funded research and innovation is dedicated to developing
and deploying key technologies, and contributes to standardisation, interoperability
between transport modes and countries, and cross-border continuity of services.
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Various EU-funded initiatives investigate ITS deployment for different transport modes,
such as the air traffic management system of the future (SESAR), the European rail
traffic management system (ERTMS), maritime surveillance systems (SafeSeaNet), and
the River Information Services (RIS).

This TRS presents the contribution of research and innovation to Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS) to sustainable mobility to make transport more efficient, secure,
accessible and green. The research projects are presented under the following themes:

Advanced Transport Management: using ITS to make transport more fluid.

Smart Safety and Emergency Systems: using ITS to make transport safer.

Intelligent Solutions for Accessibility and Multimodality: using ITS systems to

make transport more accessible.

Energy Efficiency: using ITS to make transport greener.

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2. Sub-Theme: Advanced Transport

Transport management is a key theme in EU policy as it contributes to efficient
use of resources. Intelligent or smart transport operations are supported by
innovative ITS and advanced computer-based decision support systems
transport operations.

Transport management is a complex concept that involves planning, organisation, and

control of transport services for passengers and freight from origin to destination. EU policy
addresses transport management through actions targeted to improve operational, tactical,
and strategic traffic and infrastructure management (EC, 2010b). Priority is given to cross-
border initiatives, such as harmonisation of infrastructure, signalling, telecommunications
and data transmission, and standardisation of operational procedures.

More targeted initiatives have been developed for each transport sector. The EU
e-Maritime initiative fosters advanced information technologies and contributes to facilitating
maritime traffic and infrastructure management. A focus of the EU transport policy agenda is
improving interoperability between national railways and more efficient management of the
integrated railway network. A major EU project the European Rail Traffic Management
System (ERTMS) contributes to rail transport management. To improve efficiency of
freight transport, a roadmap for freight transport management including ICT (information
and communication technologies) applications to monitor freight movements across modes
and national borders has been developed: the e-Freight concept (EC, 2007).

Transport management is most advanced in air transport. The European air traffic control
infrastructure modernisation programme, SESAR is developing a new generation air
traffic management system to ensure the safety and efficient management of air
transport worldwide over the next 30 years (EC, 2008d).

Research projects on ITS for transport management are clustered by transport mode as

Surface transport management: Measures in road and rail transport, such as

smart applications, to improve traffic control centres and innovative gateway concepts
for rail intermodality.
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Air transport management: innovative active control concepts, such as integrated

aircraft communication systems to improve air traffic control and safety, and
standardisation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).

Maritime transport management: use of ITS to integrate maritime transport with

other modes, and to improve safer and reduce environmental impacts.

Smart Freight: developing smart and intelligent solutions to improve freight

transport and logistics.

ITS for surface transport management

STADIUM (Smart Transport Applications Designed for Large Events with

Impacts on Urban Mobility, FP7, 20092013) investigated the impact of major
events on urban mobility to improve the performance of transport services and systems
for events hosted in big cities. Guidelines and tools were developed to implement a traffic
management system using ICT technologies. Intelligent Transport System (ITS)
applications were demonstrated at three major events including the South Africa World
Cup (2010), the India Commonwealth Games (2010) and the London Olympics (2012).

EBSF (European Bus System of the Future, FP7, 20082012) developed intelligent
solutions to promote and create a new generation of urban bus system for European
cities. Various innovations were introduced and tested in a pilot phase in Bremerhaven,
Brunoy, Budapest, Gothenburg, Madrid, Rome and Rouen. These new developments
included lighting elements to prevent congestion at bus entries and exits, comfortable
standing rooms, new tele-diagnostic and remote maintenance systems, optical guidance
systems, and multimodal real time passenger information.

NEARCTIS (Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Cooperative Traffic

Management in the Information Society, FP7, 20082012) established a network
of researchers in traffic management and optimisation to identify research issues to
develop and exploit the potential benefits of cooperative ICT for traffic management. The
main problems identified were safety, energy consumption, environmental impacts and
congestion as an obstacle to mobility.
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TIGER (Transit via Innovative Gateway concepts solving European Intermodal

Rail needs, FP7, 20092012) is an integrated collaborative project for the
development of rail transport in competitive and co-modal freight logistics chains using
the high potential of seaports. ITS solutions were implemented in four demonstration
projects in Genoa, Gioia Tauro and Taranto (Italy), Hamburg and Bremerhaven, Munich
and Ludwigshafen (Germany).

CONDUITS (Coordination of Network Descriptors for Urban Intelligent

Transportation Systems, FP7, 20092011) established a city pool of 39 members,
including 34 European cities and 5 non-European cities to facilitate technical exchange on
ITS solutions. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were established to indicate ITS good
practice and specific ITS applications and barriers to implementation identified.

iTETRIS (An Integrated Wireless and Traffic Platform for Real-time Road Traffic
Management Solutions, FP7, 20082011) studied wireless vehicular cooperative
systems to improve road traffic management, and to contribute to safer, cleaner, and
more efficient and sustainable traffic in cities. The project developed an open, ETSI
(European Telecommunications Standards Institute) standard, flexible simulation
platform that creates close collaboration between engineering companies, road
authorities, and communications experts.

2DECIDE (Toolkit for sustainable decision making in ITS deployment, FP7,

20092011) supported ITS deployment in road and public transport. The project
produced an ITS toolkit on Intelligent Transport Systems for road and public transport for
use in identifying ITS solution for a specific context (geographical context, area of
transport, problem or policy goal), to obtain expected values and benefits and to access
structured summaries of ITS deployment case studies and evaluations.

FESTA (Field opErational teSts supporT Action, FP7, 20072008) validated the
effectiveness of ICT-based systems on contributing to safer, cleaner and more efficient
transport, analysed and assessed the efficiency and transferability of results to Europe
and elsewhere. A best practice handbook was produced for the design and
implementation of Field Operational Tests.
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RCI (Road Charging Interoperability Pilot Project, FP6, 20052008) developed an

open, integrated framework for technical and procedural aspects of interoperability of
road charging based on road charging systems deployed in Europe. The European
Electronic Toll Service (EETS) specifications were integrated with existing solutions, and
the framework for interoperability of six major EU tolling sites was specified. The
framework was tested in field trials in Austria (EUROPPASS), France (TIS), Germany
(TOLLCOLLECT), Italy (TELEPASS) and Switzerland (LSVA).

Air transport management and control

ALICIA (All Condition Operations and Innovative Cockpit Infrastructure, FP7,

20092013) developed new and scalable cockpit applications that enable aircraft to
operate in almost all weather conditions. The system also enables aircraft to fly closer
together at lower risk, whilst simultaneously driving down air transport delays. The utility
and scalability of the new concept were demonstrated using simulation and bench testing
to illustrate the feasibility of the innovative applications.

SANDRA (Seamless aeronautical networking through integration of data links,

radios, and antennas, FP7, 20092013) demonstrated an in-flight multi-link
communication system based on an Internet Protocol and a flexible and modular avionics
architecture. This enables new Air Transport Management (ATM) services to exchange a
large amount of data and other communications, such as airline and passenger

ACFA 2020 (Active Control for Flexible 2020 Aircraft, FP7, 20082011) developed
active control concepts for ultra efficient 2020 aircraft configurations, such as the
blended wing body (BWB) aircraft. Controllers were designed to improve ride comfort and
handling qualities, and to reduce load on BWB type aircraft. The BWB configuration offers
potential to minimise noise and fuel consumption. A 450 passenger blended wing body
aircraft was designed.
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GAGARIN (GAlileo-Glonass Advanced Receiver INtegration, FP7, 20092011)

developed a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver for aeronautical
applications in the Russian Federation. Innovative solutions were investigated to improve
multi-constellation 'receiver autonomous integrity monitoring' (RAIM) algorithms. The
receiver was identified by the European air traffic control infrastructure modernisation
programme (SESAR) as a key contributor to air traffic control modernisation.

Maritime transport management

MUNIN (Maritime Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Networks, FP7,

20122015) is developing and verifying a new concept for an unmanned ship. The vessel
is guided by automated on-board decision systems, and controlled by an onshore remote
operator. The feasibility of an unmanned vessel was demonstrated and components
developed to retrofit vessels improve technical and navigational performance.

INOMANSHIP (INOvative Energy MANagement System for Cargo SHIP, FP7,

20112014) developed smart energy management strategies to reduce on-board CO
emissions, and investigated integration, implementation and combination of novel energy
generation, storage and power distribution network. The project proposed energy
management system to collect data in real time and thus to anticipate and optimise
energy requirements for each operational ship configuration.

RISING (RIS Services for Improving the Integration of Inland Waterway

Transports into Intermodal Chains, FP7, 20092012) identified, integrated and
developed information, services, such as River Information Services (RIS), to support
inland waterway transport (IWT) and logistics operations. Current transport and logistics
processes were analysed, and internal and external requirements for future
implementation were defined. RIS services were specified, developed and adapted to the
customer needs and demonstrated in a framework of scenarios and demonstration cases.

SILENV (Ships oriented Innovative soLutions to rEduce Noise & Vibrations, FP7,
20092012) studied the effects of noise and vibration and proposed solutions to reduce
noise and vibration on board ships, noise pollution in the environment of ports, and noise
radiated in the water. A Green Label has been defined. The positive impacts are
improvement in the health and safety for seafarers, improvement in comfort for users,
and reduction in noise to the benefit of nearby inhabitants and the ecosystem.
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SECTRONIC (Security System for Maritime Infrastructures, Ports and Coastal

Zones, FP7, 20082011) developed a Command & Control Security System (NIDAR)
for the security of maritime infrastructure that analyses and evaluates risk, and raises
the alarm. The proposed small area surveillance system is designed for use on ships,
platforms, container/oil/gas terminals and ports, and enables end-users to protect

Smart freight

ICARGO (Intelligent Cargo in Efficient and Sustainable Global Logistics

Operations, FP7, 20112015) is advancing and extending ICT to support logistics
services. The iCargo infrastructure includes intelligent cargo items to facilitate re-active
decision-making that integrates information from on-going execution in all transport
modes into planning to optimise environmental performance. The system includes real-
time information about traffic and transport infrastructure conditions.

SMARTFUSION (Smart Urban Freight Solutions, FP7, 20122015) is developing

and demonstrating transport innovations to improve efficiency, and social and
environmental sustainability of urban freight operations and urban-interurban shipments.
A Smart Urban Freight Designer tool is being developed to support urban policy makers,
users and operators in assessing applicability for city and regions supply chains.

TELLISYS (Intelligent Transport System for Innovative Intermodal Freight

Transport, FP7, 20122015) is developing a MegaSwapBox (MSB), a modular set of
products, designed to provide a range of loading units based on customer requirements.
Constructed in standardised and combinable modules, the MSB can be produced in a
range of sizes. Requirements for tractor and chassis are being investigated for the
flexible use of the MSB in intermodal transport.

FURBOT (Freight Urban RoBOTic vehicle, FP7, 20112014) is developing a vehicle

prototype for use in a fleet for sustainable and adaptable (evolvable) urban freight
transport. The key features of the new vehicle design are energy efficiency,
sustainability, mobility dexterity, modularity, intelligent automated driving and freight
handling robotisation. A frame platform is to be developed for goods delivery with
efficient power supply, robotic tools for freight manipulation, internal state
sensorial/monitoring system, and new perceptual/automated control functions.
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SMART-CM (Smart container chain management, FP7, 20082011) carried out

pilots to demonstrate developments to improve security and efficiency, to increase
visibility and to reduce costs in the global container chain. This included door-to-door
container flows and has involved all actors in or serviced by the demonstrator scenario.
The robustness of SMART-CM was validated in container operations from China, Thailand
and India to EU ports.

TELLIBOX (Intelligent megaswapboxes for advanced intermodal freight

transport, FP7, 20082011) developed an all-purpose loading unit, the MegaSwapBox,
for intermodal transport including road, rail, inland and short sea shipping. The study
included combined the advantages of containers and semitrailers in a technical and
efficiency feasibility analysis. The 'TelliBox' was introduced at the DKT Terminal (intermodal
terminal), Duisburg in March 2011 and tested on a 5 000 km long tri-modal demonstration
track from Poland, Germany, Netherlands to the United Kingdom.

SMARTFREIGHT (Smart Freight Transport in Urban Areas, FP7, 20082010) has

specified, developed, demonstrated and evaluated technical solutions for more efficient,
environmentally friendly and safer urban freight transport. It developed new traffic
management measures through open ICT services, on-board equipment and integrated
wireless communication infrastructure, and provided interoperability between traffic
management and freight distribution systems.
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3. Sub-Theme: Smart Safety and

Emergency Systems
Intelligent transport systems can contribute to detecting incidents and emergencies, and
to implementing response strategies, thus ensuring safer and more efficient use of the
transport network and seamless mobility in Europe. The EU supports research to improve
vehicle and infrastructure safety, and enhanced communication between vehicle and
infrastructure in timely respond to emergencies.

Use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in transport safety and
in reducing fatalities has been at the core of many initiatives by the European
Commission since 2002, when the eSafety Initiative was launched. This was followed by
coordination and support actions financed under EU research frameworks, such as
eScope and eSupport, eSafety Observatory and eSafety Forum of transport safety
stakeholders set up in 2005. In 2006, the eSafety Initiative was renamed iMobility Forum
and became part of the Intelligent Car Initiative, an EU policy framework on ICT in
transport with safety as a top priority. In 2009, the iCar Support initiative was launched,
to support implementation of actions and recommendations resulting from the work of
the iMobility Forum and the Intelligent Car Initiative. The Intelligent Car initiative is now
followed by the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) to pursue the role of ICT to meet goals
set for 2020, including transport safety (EC, 2010a).

EU action and legislation are targeted to develop and deploy (EC, 2008a) exchange of
information and communication between vehicle and road infrastructure. EU-funded
research projects have led to the definition of integrated communication architecture for
such systems. Since 2007, attention has been given to developing the eCall system,
automatic dialling 112 Europe's single emergency number in the event of a serious
accident. The European Commission aims to have the system fully operational by
October 2015 (EU, 2013a/b).

Research projects on ITS systems for smart safety and in emergencies are grouped in
four clusters:
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Advanced driver assistance systems: use of in-vehicle systems for sensing

danger and assisting drivers to take action.

Ecall: use of in-vehicle emergency call (eCall) for emergency assistance for road
accidents, improved accident reporting, and faster response by emergency services.

Road and Vulnerable Users: development of smart road restraint systems

to reduce injuries to and deaths of vulnerable road users (motorcyclists, cyclists
and passengers).

Cooperative systems for safety: innovative solutions for network

management with regard to safety and hazard warning.

Advanced driver assistance systems

FOTSIS (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable

Road Operation, FP7, 20112014) is contributing to the safety, mobility and
sustainability of road transport in the EU. Road infrastructure is being tested to
incorporate the latest cooperative systems technologies (I2V Infrastructure To Vehicle,
V2I Vehicle To Infrastructure, I2I Infrastructure To Infrastructure) at nine test sites
in four European Test-Communities: Spain, Portugal, Germany and Greece. Services are
being provided, such as Emergency Management, Intelligent Congestion Control, Safety
Incident Management and Dynamic Route Planning.

THORAX (Thoracic Injury Assessment for Improved Vehicle Safety, FP7, 2009
2013) focused on reducing and preventing thoracic injuries by increasing understanding of
the injury mechanisms and by testing tools for the design and evaluation of vehicle restraint
systems to protect occupants. The project contributed, through hardware and software
demonstrators, to stimulating the introduction of new technologies in vehicles to further
reduce road fatalities and injuries to car occupants in Europe and make the traffic safer.

ASSESS (Assessment of integrated vehicle safety systems for improved vehicle

safety, FP7, 20092012) developed test and assessment procedures and tools for
frontal pre-crash sensing systems. Procedures have been developed to assess driver
behaviour, pre-crash system performance, and also crash performance and associated
socio-economic impact. The project increased consumer awareness of the functionalities
and benefits of forward-looking collision mitigation systems for passenger cars.
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iCar Support (Intelligent car Support, FP7, 20092012) supported implementation

of actions and recommendations on the iMobility Forum and the Intelligent Car Initiative
and for ICT deployment for smarter, safer and cleaner mobility. An ITS Standardisation
Handbook was developed for assessing current certifications and future certification for
cooperative ITS to ensure interoperability and reliability of tools (e.g., toolboxes for
standardisation, eCall).

SARTRE (Safe road trains for the environment, FP7, 20092012) developed
strategies and technologies for the operation of vehicle platoons on public highways with
environmental, safety and comfort benefits. A prototype system was developed with
integrated V2V and V2I communication that includes sensor systems for semi-
autonomous control mode. Such a system would enable the driver to carry out other
tasks, such as answer the telephone.

ASSET-ROAD (ASSET advanced safety and driver support in essential road

transport, FP7, 20082011) improved driver support, awareness and behaviour by
means of advanced sensor/processing network to assist and inform drivers, traffic control
agencies and infrastructure operators. Road safety information from essential system
components was generated and processed, and simulation software for pavement
deterioration has been developed that is freely downloadable from the website.

euroFOT (European Large-Scale Field Operational Test on Active Safety

Systems, FP7, 20082011) contributed to making roads safer, more efficient and
more comfortable to drive on. Intelligent vehicle systems were tested together with the
car manufacturers, suppliers, universities, research institutes and others stakeholders.
Longitudinal and lateral control functions and advanced applications were tested and
developed. Between 2009 and 2010, more than 1 500 vehicles were driven in Europe
equipped with intelligent vehicle systems. Operations centres have been set up in France,
Germany, Italy, Sweden with contributions from Ceesar, Ford, Daimler, BMW, MAN, Audi,
Volkswagen, Fiat and Volvo.

HAVEit (Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport, FP7, 20082011)

improved road safety, energy efficiency and comfort with the development of a virtual
co-system to support drivers. Key intermediate steps towards automated driving of road
vehicles were validated and demonstrated. At the Final Project Event, an automated
vehicle was demonstrated in a narrow construction site in Bors and Hllered (Sweden).
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ISI-PADAS (Integrated Human Modelling and Simulation to Support Human

Error Risk Analysis of Partially Autonomous Driver Assistance Systems, FP7,
20082011) developed innovative methodology to support risk-based design, focusing
on mitigating driver error using integrated driver-vehicle-environment modelling. A
platform was developed for the implementation of driver models and the prediction of
emergent behaviour, including driver error in traffic scenarios.

ROSATTE (ROad Safety ATTributes Exchange Infrastructure in Europe, FP7,

20082010) established an efficient and quality ensured data supply chain from public
authorities to commercial map providers with to regard road safety. National
organisational and technical interoperability issues were considered together with road
authorities and motorways operators, with and without national road databases. The
proposed solution is based on appropriate procedures and tools to be implemented by
road authorities (data owners) at national, regional and local level.

eSafety Support (Supporting the European effort on eSafety and sustaining the
work of the eSafety Forum activities, FP6, 20062008) was a joint initiative by
industry and the public sector to promote the development, deployment, and use of
Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems to enhance road safety in Europe. A system was
devised and maintained for monitoring progress on the priority recommendations,
proposed by the eSafety Working Group in close cooperation with the eSafety Forum ups,
R&D projects and other activities.

INTRO (Intelligent Roads, FP6, 20052008) addressed the needs of road operators
and users on driver awareness of sudden changes in road safety conditions; driver and
road operator information on pavement safety and capacity, including optimisation; real-
time information for road operators based on traffic data and safety status. A new
method was developed for estimating travel time from unidentified probe vehicle data. It
demonstrated that the integration of traffic data and toll collection data improves
accuracy and robustness of travel time estimation.

PREVENT (Preventive and Active Safety Application, FP6, 20042008) was a

European automotive industry initiative that contributed to road safety by developing,
testing and assessing the range of safety applications. Prototypes were demonstrated and
technologies for safer road traffic were exhibited in Versailles, France in September 2013.
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EGALITE (Research on EGNOS/Galileo in Aviation and Terrestrial Multi-sensors

Mobility Applications for Emergency Prevention and Handling, FP7, 20122015)
is contributing to the transfer of multi-sensors mobility applications between transport
sectors for emergency prevention and handling. The partners are collaborating in
developing prototypes of original and innovative terrestrial and aviation European
EGNOS/Galileo global navigation satellite system GNSS applications. New functionalities
for the eCall service are being explored to bring rapid assistance to motorists involved in
a collision or traffic jams anywhere in EU by means of mobile devices with integrated
accelerometers. Another innovative system is being developed to prevent emergencies
for helicopters approaching landing, guided by GNSS navigation system.

I-VITAL (Smart Vital Signs and Accident Monitoring System for Motorcyclists
Embedded in Helmets and Garments for eCall Adaptive Emergency Assistance
and Health Analysis Monitoring, FP7, 20132015) is developing solutions to
increase the safety of motorcyclists and make these solutions ready for market take up.
The project is creating a new vital sign monitoring and accident detection system to be
seamlessly integrated into helmets and garments. Because the helmet and garment will
be on the rider at all times, the accident information (e.g., location, severity) provided is
more accurate that from the systems attached to motorcycles.

ITERATE (IT for Error Remediation and Trapping Emergencies, FP7, 20092011)
developed a simulation model of driver behaviour (UMD) and driver interaction with
innovation technologies in emergencies. This model is applicable to and validated for all
the surface transport modes. The factors considered were driver age, gender, education,
experience and culture, and the effects of the environment and the vehicle.

SAFERIDER (Advanced telematics for enhancing the SAFEty and comfort of

motorcycle RIDERs, FP7, 20082010) developed and demonstrated the feasibility
and effectiveness of five advanced rider assistance systems (ARAS) functions that are
Speed Alert, Curve Warning, Frontal Collision Warning, Intersection Support and Lane
Change Support. On-Bike Information Systems (OBIS) were developed, such as a call
system, tele-diagnostics services, navigation and route guidance, weather, traffic and
accident related information.
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Vulnerable road users

ASPECSS (Assessment methodologies for forward looking Integrated Pedestrian

and further extension to Cyclists Safety Systems, FP7, 20112014) is contributing
to the protection of vulnerable road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists, by
developing harmonised test and assessment procedures for integrated pedestrian safety
systems. The project is stimulating widespread introduction of these systems that have
high potential to improve pedestrian safety and, when adequate detection technology
becomes available, also for pedal cyclists. Significant reductions in fatalities and injuries
can be achieved by implementing the project findings and results in future regulatory and
consumer rating procedures for vehicle safety.

SECURESTATION (Passenger station and terminal design for safety, security

and resilience to terrorist attack, FP7, 20112014) is improving station and
terminal resilience to terrorist attack and safety incidents. Technologies and
methodologies are being developed to enable impact reduction of blast and fire and
dispersion of toxic agents on passengers, staff and infrastructure to be incorporated in
station and terminal design. The project is developing a Constructive Design Handbook
for construction and refurbishment.

SAFER BRAIN (Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety
in India and Brazil, FP7, 20092012) analysed the key risk factors for vulnerable
road users in India and Brazil, based on European experience. Best practices, innovative
methodologies and tools for planning, designing and maintaining safe infrastructures
have been developed and a Decision Support System (SaferBraIn DSS) was defined.
Events were organised in Pune (India) and in Sao Paulo (Brazil) to disseminate project
activities and results to stakeholders, decision makers and technicians.

SAFEWAY2SCHOOL (Integrated system for safe transportation of children to

school, FP7, 20092012) designed, developed, integrated and evaluated technologies
for a safe transport service for children from home to school. Optimal route planning and
re-routing of school buses to maximise safety, on-board safety applications (seat belts),
intelligent bus stops, effective warning and information systems were introduced and
demonstrated in five pilots in Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland and Sweden.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 21 of 50

SMART RRS (Innovative concepts for smart road restraint systems to provide
greater safety for vulnerable road users, FP7, 20082012) developed an
innovative tool to help reduce road deaths and injury of vulnerable road users, such as
motorcyclists, cyclists and passengers. The smart road restraint system provides better
information on road and traffic flows (climatic conditions, traffic flow, obstructions),
detects dangerous profiles from road restraint systems (crash barriers) and information
of where and when accidents occur in real-time in order to optimise road safety.

Cooperative systems for safety

PRESERVE (Preparing Secure Vehicle-to-X Communication Systems, FP7, 2011

2014) is designing, implementing, and testing a secure and scalable V2X Security
Subsystem for realistic deployment scenarios. Key scalability and feasibility issues are
being investigated and the V2X security subsystem will be supplied to other projects to
jointly investigate integration and performance in larger vehicle fleets.

SAFETRIP (Satellite Application For Emergency handling, Traffic alerts, Road

safety and Incident Prevention, FP7, 20092013) improved the use of road
transport infrastructure and the alert chain (information/prevention/intervention) in
accidents with the development of an integrated system from data collection to transport
safety service. An integrated system platform was provided to enable companies to
develop applications that integrate innovative satellite technologies and communication
in road vehicles. The green box device is a universal two-way communication system.

ADDSAFE (Advanced fault diagnosis for safer flight guidance and control, FP7,
20092012) defined guidelines for an aircraft guidance and control model-based fault
detection and diagnosis (FDD), and improved these methods and understanding of their
use in to aircraft guidance and control. The most promising model-based FDD designs
were demonstrated on industry state-of-art flight simulation platforms.

INTERSAFE-2 (Cooperative Intersection Safety, FP7, 20082011) developed and

demonstrated a Cooperative Intersection Safety System (CISS) to significantly reduce
injury and fatal accidents at road intersections. This system can detect and track most
components in the traffic environment. Interaction between sensors and data sources,
such as the active sensors and GPS, and map information, is planned for the future.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 22 of 50

COOPERS (Co-operative Networks for Intelligent Road Safety, FP6, 20062010)

provided vehicles and drivers with real time information on safety related traffic and
infrastructure that is distributed via dedicated infrastructure to vehicle communication
link (I2V). The system was demonstrated on major sections of high-density motorways in
the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Italy.

GEONET (Geo-addressing and Geo-routing for Vehicular Communications, FP7,

20082010) contributed to improving road safety by implementing and testing a
networking mechanism as standalone software module. This module can be incorporated
in cooperative systems to deliver safety messages between road vehicles and between
vehicle and roadside infrastructure. Two independent systems were implemented with
the partners Hitachi and NEC.

PRECIOSA (PRivacy Enabled Capability In CO-operative systems and Safety

Applications, FP7, 20082010) contributed to ICT research for cooperative systems
by focusing on vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication. It
demonstrated that co-operative systems can comply with future privacy regulations and
that users of such systems can rely on them to respect the privacy policies. The project
included coordination actions to bring eSafety stakeholders and data protection agencies
together to produce common guidelines for privacy aware cooperative systems and
safety applications.

SAFESPOT (Cooperative Systems for Road Safety, FP6, 20062010) developed a

Safety Margin Assistant which extends 'in space and time' safety information available to
drivers. The eight subprojects addressed different aspects of the cooperative systems, and
implemented and demonstrated the applications. These aspects were road intersection
safety, speed limitation and safety distance, frontal collision warning, speed alert, hazard
and incident warning and safety margin for assistance and emergency vehicles.

COMESAFETY (Communications for eSafety, FP6, 20062009) provided a platform

for information exchange about technical and organisational matters related to vehicle-
to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications as the basis for cooperative
intelligent road transport systems. The platform brought together all stakeholders to
agree on technical solutions, create roadmaps and research agendas to address open
technical issues, explore new fields, and develop further innovations.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 23 of 50

4. Sub-Theme: Intelligent Solutions for

Accessibility and Multimodality
Multimodal travel planning is a key element in ITS deployment. It provides door-to-door
information services to travellers to plan and adapt their journeys. Multimodal travel
planning contributes to more comfortable and safer travel and to the choice of more
environmentally friendly transport modes. However, research is needed to improve
access to data from different travel modes and mobility services, which are currently
limited and sometimes provided in incompatible formats.

Multimodal travel is a key objective of the EU strategy for the future of transport (Tempier,
2011). One of the goals in the Transport White Paper (EC, 2011a) is seamless door-to-door
mobility by creating the framework conditions for the development and use of intelligent
systems for interoperable and multimodal scheduling, information, online reservation
systems and smart ticketing by 2020. A pillar of the ITS Action Plan (EC, 2008a) is the
optimal use of travel and traffic data to foster multimodal travel via the use of multimodal
journey planners.

In 2011, the European Commission "Towards a European Multimodal Journey Planner"

set out the first step in identifying functional and technical specifications in EU-wide
multimodal information services, as requested by the ITS Directive.

EU funded research projects on the use of ITS to improve accessibility and multimodality
have been clustered as follows:

Enabling technologies: interaction between technology and people for

knowledge exchange and dissemination to enhance multimodal and integrated
transport and accessibility.

Open data and interoperable systems: innovative technologies using freely

available data and integrated interfaces to enhance sustainable transport.

Traveller information and traveller behaviour: identifying user needs, and

developing and using intelligent solutions for urban trips, journey planning and
travel information tools to orient travellers to sustainable solutions.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 24 of 50

Cooperative systems: improving and enabling data transmission from vehicle-to-

vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and implementing communication
systems to detect meteorological events and traffic congestion.

Enabling technologies

MOBINET (Europe-Wide Platform for Connected Mobility Services, FP7, 2012

2016) is developing the core component of an ICT platform providing tools and utilities
to enable interactions between transport users, transport system operators, service
providers, content providers and transport infrastructure.

DECOMOBIL (Design for ECO-multimodal MOBILity, FP7, 20112014) is assessing

acceptability and usability of ICT, and preparing guidelines and recommendations to
prevent misuse and for user-friendly interaction with ICT functionalities.

SWIM-SUIT (System Wide Information Management Supported by Innovative

Technologies, FP6, 20072010) demonstrated the feasibility of system-wide
information management in the air transport. The project contributed to developing a
prototype for assessment of the technological solutions adopted. Users were involved in
identifying the requirements for SWIM implementation and assessing the legal and
financial implications.

Open data and interoperable systems

AMITRAN (Assessment Methodologies for ICT in Multimodal Transport from

User Behaviour to CO2 reduction, FP7, 20112014) is developing a framework for
evaluation of ICT measures in traffic and transport on energy efficiency and CO
emissions. The evaluation framework will be used in developing ICT solutions that
contribute to more efficient multimodal goods transport and passenger mobility.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 25 of 50

SATIE (Support Action for a Transport ICT European Large Scale Action, FP7,
20112014) is contributing to the accelerated deployment of ICT for sustainable, safe
and efficient mobility and transport in an iterative consultation process with public and
private stakeholders. The project is exploring the key elements of a European Large
Scale Action (ELSA) and a handbook with guidelines for the design, construction and
operation of an ELSA.

CATS (City Alternative Transport System, FP7, 20122013) developed and

experimented with a new urban transport service based on a new generation of vehicles.
The major innovation was a single type of vehicle for individual use and for semi-
collective transport to fill the gap between mass public transport and private car.

EUROPTIMA (European Open Platform for smart card Ticketing, payment and
multiservices in Interoperable Mass transit Applications, FP7, 20112013)
worked to make a swift from automatic data and fare collection to a new mobility
business concept. The project stabilised and piloted modular, of the shelf, customisable
and scalable components and interfaces for fare collection systems. The innovative end-
to-end architecture enables use and management of various types of terminals,
particularly thin-client terminals, multi-applications payment and e-ticketing with high
security levels.

DELTA (Concerted coordination for the promotion of efficient multimodal

interfaces, FP7, 20092010) defined and validated intelligent mobility tools and
practice guidelines, and prepared policy guidelines on optimum management of seasonal
transport demand in areas where there are problems. A web-based Decision Support
Instrument (DSI) was developed.

Traveller information to influence travel behaviour

ECOMPASS (eCO-friendly urban Multi-modal route PlAnning Services for Mobile

uSers, FP7, 20112014) is introducing new mobility concepts and establishing a
methodological framework for route planning optimisation. The focus is on the design
and development of intelligent on-board and centralised vehicle fleet management
systems, and on developing web and mobile services providing multimodal public
transport route planning.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 26 of 50

I-TOUR (Intelligent Transport system for Optimized URban trips, FP7, 2010
2013) established an open framework providing authorities and citizens with intelligent
multimodal mobility services. This framework supports and suggests in a user-friendly
way the use of various forms of transport (bus, car, railroad, tram) taking into account
user preferences and real-time information on road conditions, weather, and public
transport network conditions.

OPTIMISM (Optimising Passenger Transport Information to Materialize Insights

for Sustainable Mobility, FP7, 20112013) created and developed strategies and
methodologies to optimise passenger transport systems based on co-modal ICT
solutions. It provided scientifically documented insight into the transport system and
travel choices based on a study of social behaviour, mobility patterns and relative
business models.

USEMOBILITY (Understanding Social behaviour for Eco-friendly multimodal

mobility, FP7, 20112013) used a novel approach to identify the reasons for
behavioural change in mobility and to forecast future potential. A survey was conducted
in ten regions in five EU Member States to identify reasons for changes in mobility.
Mobility patterns were shown to be more dynamic than expected, with 70% of users who
have switched from the car to public transport using multimodal combinations.

WISETRIP (Wide scale network of e-systems for multimodal journey planning

and delivery of trip intelligent personalised data, FP7, 20082010) developed a
framework to co-ordinate IT systems for journey planner services that delivers real-time
personalised information at crucial points in a trip. A network of interconnected Journey
Planner systems was designed and implemented to combine urban and long-distance
transport information services.

ITRAVEL (Service Platform for the Connected Traveller, FP7, 20082009)

developed a virtual travel assistant, which is pro-active and context aware to provide
travel alternatives to the car and uses real-time information to continuously monitors
their trip. If a trip cannot continue as planned, alternatives are offered and arrangements
made, such as purchasing e-tickets and changing hotel bookings.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 27 of 50

Cooperative systems

COSMO (Cooperative Systems for Sustainable Mobility and Energy Efficiency,

CIP ICT-PSP, 20102013) demonstrated in real conditions the benefits of
cooperative mobility services and quantified the impact on improved energy efficiency in
transport. A system-wide approach was adopted to assess energy efficiency, to measure
the effect of innovative traffic management systems on fuel consumption and traffic
emissions, and the impact of the energy consumption of equipment.

DRIVE C2X (DRIVing implementation and Evaluation of C2X communication

technology in Europe, FP7, 20112013) built on previous and on-going work on
cooperative systems now considered mature enough for large-scale operational field
testing. A test methodology was developed and the impact of cooperative driving
functions on users, environment and society assessed at six sites in Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, Sweden, France and Finland.

CVIS (Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems, FP6, 20062010) designed,

developed and tested technologies to enable vehicles to communicate with one another
and with nearby roadside infrastructure. Based on real-time road and traffic information,
the technologies contribute to road safety and efficiency, and to reducing environmental
impact. Applications were tested at sites in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
Belgium, Sweden and the UK.

PRE-DRIVE (PREparation for DRIVing implementation and Evaluation of C-2-X

Communication technology, FP7, 20082010) developed an integrated simulation
model for cooperative systems to create the link between the technological building
blocks and market deployment of future mobility systems for people and goods that will
be safe, efficient and clean. One of the main results an integrated simulation toolset to
assess safety, traffic and environmental impact of C2X communication technology and to
upscale the results to the European level.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 28 of 50

CONNECT (Co-ordination and stimulation of innovative ITS activities in Central

and Eastern European Countries, MIP MAP, 20042009) was a cooperation
initiative of public authorities, road administrations and traffic information service
providers to improve cross-border traffic and transport by implementing harmonised and
synchronised ITS applications. The project contributed to improving road safety,
implementing traffic information and management services, installing advanced traffic
and weather monitoring systems and promoting new ICT and ITS technologies
applications to tackle traffic problems in the east of Austria and Germany, Czech
Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 29 of 50

5. Sub-Theme: ITS Contribution to

Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is a key element of EU Climate and Energy Policy to meet the
target of 20% reduction in energy demand by 2020. Information and
communication technologies have a major role to play in delivering energy
efficient transport. EU-funded research is on going in exploiting the potential of
green ITS applications and services, and in reducing energy consumption and
emissions from transport.

Electrification of transport (electromobility) is a priority in the EU Research Programme,

and requires smart and integrated solutions to exploit the full market potential (Ertrac,
2012). Since 2008, various initiatives have been launched to stimulate the development
of the common technologies and standards required to make electric vehicles a reality in
Europe (EC, 2008c). The major action is the Green Car Initiative (20082013), now the
European Green Vehicle Initiative. This public-private partnership encompasses key
actors in the electromobility market, automotive industry, and ICT sector to supply the
required 'smart' technologies, and electricity suppliers.

Eco-smart driving is a new area of research that analyses the contribution of ITS systems
in supporting drivers to adopt and maintain more fuel-efficient driving behaviour. The
iMobility Forum stressed the role of eco-smart driving in contributing to the 20% target
for CO emission reduction and fuel consumption in road transport by encouraging green
driving behaviour. The European Commission endorsed the recommendations for ICT in
Clean and Efficient Mobility in the FP7 Programme.

The research projects are clustered as follows:

ICT in Electro-mobility: intelligent carbon-free solutions for the electrification of

private and public transport systems;

Sustainable and smart driving: application of ITS technologies, such as V2V and
V2I cooperative systems, to contribute to emission reduction and energy efficiency.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 30 of 50

ICT in electro-mobility

ASTERICS (Ageing and efficiency Simulation & TEsting under Real world
conditions for Innovative electric vehicle Components and Systems, FP7, 2012
2015) is developing a flexible and affordable tool for user driven Assistive Technologies
(AT) that combine sensor techniques, such as brain-computer interfaces and computer
vision. This free and open-source construction set, which uses a large set of sensors and
devices, will enable the development of flexible solutions for people with disabilities. The
prototypes have been developed and tested.

eCo-FEV (Efficient cooperative infrastructure for Fully Electric Vehicles, FP7,

20122015) is pooling expertise to achieve a breakthrough in a fully electric vehicle
(FEV) with the introduction of integrated electro mobility IT platform that connects and
exchanges information between infrastructure systems. This platform provides multiple
advanced electric mobility services to FEV users to improve energy efficiency and usability.
These services will be tested in urban areas and on motorways in France and Italy.

UNPLUGGED (Wireless charging for Electric Vehicles, FP7, 20122015) is

investigating smart inductive charging infrastructure to facilitate full EV integration in the
urban road systems and to improve customer acceptance and perceived practicality. The
project will examine the technical feasibility, practical issues, interoperability, user
perception and socio-economic impacts of inductive charging.

CAPIRE (Coordination Action on PPP Implementation for Road-Transport

Electrification, FP7, 20102014) is defining potential flagships projects that could
foster the competitiveness of the European automotive industry in transport electrification
and in developing technologies and services to reduce the European CO footprint. The
focus is energy efficient, safe, non-polluting and CO-free vehicles on a global scale.

SMARTCEM (Smart Connected Electro Mobility, CIP, 20122014) is proposing ICT

services to facilitate vehicle sharing, public transport and freight distribution and to
optimise electric vehicle performance, increase public awareness and acceptance, and
enhance user confidence in electro-mobility. Four cities and regions (Barcelona,
Gipuzkoa-San Sebastian, Newcastle and Reggio Emilia) are working together to
demonstrate the role of ICT solutions to overcome the limitations of electro mobility for
cities and citizens.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 31 of 50

SuperLIB (Smart Battery Control System based on a Charge-equalization Circuit

for an advanced Dual-Cell Battery for Electric Vehicles, FP7, 20112014) is
developing smart control system solutions for batteries, which consist of high-power and
high-energy cells to enhance overall performance. The combination of two types of cells
and a smart control strategy and a highly integrated package will significantly improve
the lifetime, reliability and cost/performance ratio of the battery system.

ELVIRE (ELectric Vehicle communication to Infrastructure, Road services and

Electricity supply, FP7, 20102013) developed a communication and service platform
to support drivers with charging an electric vehicle and to make efficient use of
sustainable energy. The system can reduce driver range anxiety, the fear of breakdown
due to the vehicle power range limitation.

P-MOB (Integrated Enabling Technologies for Efficient Electrical Personal

Mobility, FP7, 20102013) introduced the concept of fully electric personal mobility for
urban areas that also encompasses characteristics suitable for extra urban mobility. A
low weight vehicle was developed with an optimal electrical drive train, embedded
photovoltaic (PV) energy generators, battery-super-capacitor packs and integrated
power-energy management.

ID4EV (Intelligent Dynamics for fully Electric Vehicles, FP7, 20102012)

developed energy efficient and safe brakes for fully electric vehicles and improved active
safety and comfort to contribute to faster introduction of these vehicles. The adapted
systems were tested on test benches and under real world conditions in demonstrator
vehicles to ensure the functionality and to demonstrate vehicle safety.

POSEIDON (Power Optimised Ship for Environment with Electric Innovative

Designs on Board, FP7, 20092012) provided a working guide on how to improve
efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of the entire commercial shipping fleet in
Europe. Guidelines were also provided on enhancing the electric ship concept for
application in wider range of vessels. The focus was on size reduction by developing new
technologies in all aspects of marine electrical engineering.

MOLECULES (MObility based on eLEctric Connected vehicles in Urban and

interurban smart, clean EnvironmentS, FP7, 20122014) is a demonstration
project with three large-scale pilots in Barcelona, Berlin and Grand Paris on the uptake of
Smart Connected Electromobility (SCE) services in a sustainable mobility system.
The pilot in Berlin is integrating car-sharing schemes with traditional transport.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 32 of 50

In Barcelona, the pilot is integrating innovative service of public electric motorbikes, joint
e-motorbikes and public mobility services for tourists, and deployment of electric fleets in
municipal services for urban maintenance. In Paris, the pilot is focusing on a sharing
service for electric vehicles.

Sustainable and smart driving

ECODRIVER (Supporting the driver in conserving energy and reducing

emissions, FP7, 20112015) is investigating the human element in green driving
because driver behaviour is a critical element in improving energy efficiency. With the
focus on technology working with the driver, feedback will be provided to drivers on
green driving by optimising the driver-powertrain-environment feedback loop. Tests and
scenarios will be developed to assess the implications for the future effectiveness of
green driving support.

REDUCTION (Reducing Environmental Footprint based on Multi-Modal Fleet

management System for Eco-Routing and Driver Behaviour Adaptation, FP7,
20112014) is investigating advanced ICT solutions for managing multimodal fleets and
reducing their environmental footprint. Methodologies are being developed for predictive
analysis based on advanced data mining technology to provide information needed to
meet the objectives of fleet management, such as decision making for driver-adaption
and eco-routing.

ECOGEM (Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System for Green Cars, FP7,
20102013) developed ICT-based solutions for sustainable mobility of fully electric
vehicles (FEVs). A FEV-oriented, highly innovative advanced driver assistance system
(ADAS) was developed that is equipped with monitoring, learning, reasoning and
management capabilities to increase FEV autonomy and energy efficiency.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 33 of 50

ECOMOVE (Cooperative Mobility Systems and Services for Energy Efficiency,

FP7, 20102013) developed an integrated solution to improve energy efficiency in road
transport. Systems and tools were developed to help drivers sustainably reduce fuel
consumption (and CO emissions), and road operators with more energy-efficient traffic
management. Several tools were developed: ecoSmartDriving to improve driver eco-
performance; ecoDriver Coaching System and in-vehicle Truck ecoNavigation for
experienced drivers; cooperative ecoFleet Planning and Routing; ecoFreight and Logistics
ecoAdaptive Balancing and Control system; cooperative Fuel-efficient Motorway system;
and ecoTrafficManagement and Control.

ECOSTAND (Coordination Action for creating a common assessment

methodology and joint research agenda with Japan and the USA on ITS
applications focusing on energy efficiency and CO2 reduction, FP7, 20102013)
was a Coordination Action with Japan and the USA to create a common assessment
methodology and joint research agenda on ITS applications to increase energy efficiency
and reduce CO emissions. This was done in a three-step-process comprising a
preparation phase, two symposiums, and a joint technical report.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 34 of 50

6. Future Challenges for Research

By external expert Monica Giannini, PluService

ITS refers to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in transport
infrastructure, vehicle and transport/traffic management to manage conflicting factors,
such as vehicles, loads and routes, to improve safety, and to reduce vehicle wear,
transport times and fuel consumption. As illustrated in this summary, ITS covers
research ranging from advanced transport management, smart safety and emergency
systems, to intelligent solutions for accessibility and multimodality. Research and
innovative measures for greener transport are increasingly based on ITS systems.

With a high potential to reduce CO emissions, transport is a key EU research priority.

Based on a variety of new enabling technologies and innovative ICT, ITS is a powerful
tool to improve the transport system and achieve the goals set in the Lisbon agenda and
the Transport White Paper. There are many challenges in relation to the increasing
connectivity, amount of data (especially real-time), interoperability and integration of
new and existing fragmented systems in multimodal and cross-border scenarios.

In addition to the technology perspective, research on ITS will have to deal with business
models (new business cases will arise in the framework of new enabling technologies and
multimodal context), behavioural change (driven by policy and societal constraints and
seen as a driver to change the mobility offering), and stakeholders engagement. The
challenges for policy-makers include data privacy and data sharing, regulation and
planning of multimodal services, standardisation and cross border EU-wide trials.

The Transport White Paper (EC, 2011a/b) recognises that EU-funded research needs an
integrated approach to include research, innovation and deployment. Underpinning White
Paper implementation, the Strategic Transport Technology Plan (STTP) is the long-term
transport innovation policy to identify, in collaboration with all Research and Innovation
actors, the most promising technologies. These objectives have been incorporated in
Horizon 2020, the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. In
particular, the challenge 'smart, green and integrated transport' aims at creating a
resource-efficient and environmentally sustainable transport system that provides safe
and seamless transport to the benefit of citizens, the economy and society.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 35 of 50

In this framework, research on ITS is key to supporting, promoting, enabling and

implementing the four core areas of this research challenge:

Resource-efficient and environmentally sustainable mobility

Better mobility

Competitiveness of the European transport system

Supporting policy-making.

Research and deployment focus especially on the potential of ITS as a tool to link
transport modes (promoting co-modality and inter-modality), and the services of
different operators and infrastructure providers in a single transport mode. This cross-
modal perspective takes into account transport infrastructure, services and operations.

The European Technology Platforms for road, rail, water, air transport, and for
construction (ERTRAC, ERRAC, Waterborne, ACARE, and ECTP) set up a joint task force
in June 2012 to develop a roadmap for innovation in cross-modal transport
infrastructure, defined as 'the performing infrastructure'. In addition to construction and
maintenance of physical infrastructure, the scope includes governance, management and
finance issues, as well as supporting systems and services (including ITS).

Transport innovation is driven by the needs of users. Whether passenger or freight, the
needs are defined in terms of faster, cheaper, more comfortable, reliable and secure
transport from origin to destination (from door to door). ITS plays an important role in
the joint roadmap and is a key priority in the seamless linking of transport modes.

EU international cooperation strategy will focus on research in areas of common interest

and mutual benefit, collaborating on global challenges, such as the impacts of transport
and the growing need for mobility of goods and people. Cooperation with neighbourhood
countries will focus on actions to foster cross-border interoperability and smooth flow of
data, goods and people, thus widening and integrating some European initiatives on ITS.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 36 of 50

ERTRAC-EPoSS-SmartGrids (2012): Electrification of Road Transport, European joint
Roadmap, 2nd Edition, June 2012, Brussels.

European Commission (2007): Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan, Communication

from the Commission COM(2007) 607 final, Brussels.

European Commission (2008a): Action plan for the deployment of Intelligent Transport
Systems in Europe, COM (2008) 0886 final, Brussels.

European Commission (2008b), Greening Transport, Communication from the

Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, COM(2008) 433, Brussels.

European Commission (2008c): A European Economic Recovery Plan, Communication

from the Commission to the European Council, COM(2008) 800 final, Brussels.

European Commission (2008d): The air traffic management master plan The ATM
master plan, Communication from the Commission to the Council and to the
European Parliament, COM(2008) 750 final, Brussels

European Commission (2009a): Action Plan on urban mobility, COM (2009) 490 final,

European Commission (2009b): A sustainable future for transport Towards an

integrated, technology-led and user-friendly system, Publications Office of the
European Union, Luxembourg.

European Commission (2010a): A Digital Agenda for Europe, Communication from the
Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, COM(2010) 245 final,

European Commission (2010b): Action Plan on Global Navigation Satellite System

(GNSS) Applications, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the
European Parliament, COM(2010)308 final, Brussels.

European Commission (2011a): White Paper on transport Roadmap to a single

European transport area Towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport
system, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 37 of 50

European Commission (2011b): Accompanying the White Paper Roadmap to a Single

European Transport Area Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport
system, Commission Staff Working Document, SEC(2011) 391 final, Brussels.

European Commission (2012): Research and innovation for Europe's future mobility
Developing a European transport-technology strategy, Communication from the
Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, SWD(2012) 260 final,

European Commission (2013a): Together towards competitive and resource-efficient

urban mobility, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the
European Parliament, COM(2013) 913 final, Brussels

European Commission (2013b): Mobilising Intelligent Transport Systems for EU cities,

Accompanying the Communication Together towards competitive and resource-
efficient urban mobility, SWD (2013) 527 final, Brussels.

European Union (2010): Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 7 July 2010 on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent Transport
Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of
transport, Official Journal of the European Union, L207/1, Brussels.

European Union (2013a): Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of
the Council concerning type-approval requirements for the deployment of the eCall
in-vehicle system and amending Directive 2007/46/EC, COM/2013/0316 final,

European Union (2013b): Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall, COM/2013/0315 final,

Tempier, R., Rapp, P. (2011): Study Towards a European Multi-Modal Journey Planner,
Commissioned by the European Commission, DG MOVE, Lyon.

Urban ITS Expert Group (2013): Guidelines for ITS Deployment in Urban Areas Traffic
Management, Brussels.
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 38 of 50


DG MOVE Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport

EC European Commission

ELSA European Large Scale Action

ERA European Research Area

EGCI European Green Car initiative

EGVI European Green Vehicle initiative

ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System

EU European Union

FP6 Sixth Framework Programme

FP7 Seventh Framework Programme

ICT Information and Communication Technologies

ITS Intelligent Transport Systems

MSB MegaSwapBox

PPP Public-Private Partnership

R&D Research and Development

RTD Research, Technology and Development

TRIP Transport Research and Innovation Portal

TRS Thematic Research Summary

V2I Vehicle To Infrastructure

V2V Vehicle To Vehicle

Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 39 of 50

ANNEX: Projects by Sub-Theme

Sub-Theme: Advanced Transport Management

Acronym Title Funding Project Website Duration


CONDUITS Coordination of Network Descriptors for FP7 2009

Urban Intelligent Transportation projects/project_details.cfm?id=38146 2011

EBSF European Bus System of the Future FP7 2008


FESTA Field opErational teSts supporT Action FP7 2007


iTETRIS An Integrated Wireless and Traffic FP7 2008

Platform for Real-time Road Traffic 2011
Management Solutions

NEARCTIS Network of Excellence for Advanced FP7 2008

Road Cooperative Traffic Management 2012
in the Information Society

RCI Road Charging Interoperability Pilot FP6 2005

Project projects/project_details.cfm?id=11079 2008
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 40 of 50

STADIUM Smart Transport Applications Designed FP7 2009

for Large Events with Impacts on Urban 2013

TIGER Transit via Innovative Gateway FP7 2009

concepts solving European Intermodal 2011
Rail needs

2DECIDE Toolkit for sustainable decision making FP7 2009

in ITS deployment 2011

ACFA 2020 Active Control for Flexible 2020 Aircraft FP7 2008

ALICIA All Condition Operations and Innovative FP7 2009

Cockpit Infrastructure 2013

GAGARIN GAlileo-Glonass Advanced Receiver FP7 2009

INtegration projects/project_details.cfm?id=41399 2011

SANDRA Seamless aeronautical networking FP7 2009

through integration of data links, 2013
radios, and antennas

INOMANSHIP INOvative Energy MANagement System FP7 2011

for Cargo SHIP 2014

MUNIN Maritime Unmanned Navigation FP7 2012

through Intelligence in Networks 2015
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RISING RIS Services for Improving the FP7 2009

Integration of Inland Waterway 2012
Transports into Intermodal Chains

SECTRONIC Security System for Maritime FP7 2008

Infrastructures, Ports and Coastal 2011

SILENV Ships oriented Innovative soLutions to FP7 2009

rEduce Noise & Vibrations 2012

ICARGO Intelligent Cargo in Efficient and FP7 2011

Sustainable Global Logistics Operations 2015

FURBOT Freight Urban RoBOTic vehicle FP7 2011


SMART-CM Smart container chain management FP7 2008


SMARTFREIGHT Smart Freight Transport in Urban Areas FP7 2008


SMARTFUSION Smart Urban Freight Solutions FP7 2012


TELLIBOX Intelligent megaswapboxes for FP7 https://www.zlw-ima.rwth- 2008

advanced intermodal freight transport 2011

TELLISYS Intelligent Transport System for FP7 2012

Innovative Intermodal Freight Transport projects/project_details.cfm?id=45156 2015
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Sub-Theme: Smarter Safety and Emergency Systems

Acronym Title Funding Project Website Duration


ASSESS Assessment of integrated vehicle safety FP7 2009

systems for improved vehicle safety 2012

ASSET-ROAD ASSET advanced safety and driver FP7 2008

support in essential road transport 2011

eSafety Support Supporting the European effort on FP6 2006

eSafety and sustaining the work of the 2008
eSafety Forum activities

EuroFOT European Large-Scale Field Operational FP7 2008

Test on Active Safety Systems 2011

FOTSIS European Field Operational Test on FP7 2011

Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road 2014

HAVEiT Highly Automated Vehicles for FP7 http://www.haveit- 2008

Intelligent Transport 2011

iCAR SUPPORT Intelligent car Support FP7 http://www.transport- 2009 2012

INTRO Intelligent Roads FP6 2005

Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 43 of 50

ISI-PADAS Integrated Human Modelling and FP7 http://www.transport- 2008

Simulation to Support Human Error 2011
Risk Analysis of Partially Autonomous ?id=37254
Driver Assistance Systems

PREVENT Preventive and Active Safety FP6 http://www.transport- 2004

Application 2008

ROSATTE ROad Safety ATTributes Exchange FP7 http://www.transport- 2008

Infrastructure in Europe 2010

SARTRE Safe road trains for the environment; FP7 http://www.sartre- 2009
Developing strategies and technologies 2012
to allow vehicle platoons to operate on
normal public highways with significant
environmental, safety and comfort

THORAX Thoracic Injury Assessment for FP7 2009

Improved Vehicle Safety 2013

EGALITE Research on EGNOS/Galileo in Aviation FP7 2012

and Terrestrial Multi-sensors Mobility 2015
Applications for Emergency Prevention
and Handling

ITERATE IT for Error Remediation and Trapping FP7 2009

Emergencies 2011
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 44 of 50

I-VITAL Smart Vital Signs and Accident FP7 2013

Monitoring System for Motorcyclists en.html 2015
Embedded in Helmets and Garments
for eCall Adaptive Emergency
Assistance and Health Analysis

SAFERIDER Advanced telematics for enhancing the FP7 2008

SAFEty and comfort of motorcycle 2010

ASPECSS Assessment methodologies for forward FP7 2011

looking Integrated Pedestrian and 2014
further extension to Cyclists Safety

SAFER BRAIN Innovative guidelines and tools for FP7 2009
vulnerable road users safety in India 2012
and Brazil

SAFEWAY2 Integrated system for safe FP7 2009

SCHOOL transportation of children to school 2012

SECURE Passenger station and terminal design FP7 2011

STATION for safety, security and resilience to 2014
terrorist attack

SMART RRS Innovative concepts for smart road FP7 2008
restraint systems to provide greater =16 2012
safety for vulnerable road users

ADDSAFE Advanced fault diagnosis for safer flight FP7 2009
guidance and control 2012
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 45 of 50

COMESAFETY Communications for eSafety FP6 2006


COOPERS Co-operative Networks for Intelligent FP6 2006

Road Safety 2009

GEONET Geo-addressing and Geo-routing for FP7 http://www.transport- 2008

Vehicular Communications 2010

INTERSAFE2 Cooperative Intersection Safety FP7 http://www.transport- 2008 2011

PRECIOSA Privacy Enabled Capability In CO- FP7 2008

operative systems and Safety 2010

PRESERVE Preparing Secure Vehicle-to-X FP7 2011

Communication Systems 2014

SAFESPOT Cooperative Systems for Road Safety FP6 2006


SAFETRIP Satellite application for emergency FP7 2009

handling, traffic alerts, road safety and 2013
incident prevention
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 46 of 50

Sub-Theme: Intelligent Solutions for Accessibility and Multimodality

Acronym Title Funding Project Website Duration


DECOMOBIL Support action to contribute to the FP7 2011

preparation of future community 2014
research programme in user centred
Design for ECO-multimodal MOBILity

MOBINET Europe-Wide Platform for Connected FP7 2012

Mobility Services 2016

SWIM-SUIT System Wide Information Management FP6 2007

Supported by Innovative 2010

AMITRAN Assessment Methodologies for ICT in FP7 2011

Multimodal Transport from User 2014
Behaviour to CO2 reduction

CATS City Alternative Transport System FP7 2012


DELTA Concerted coordination for the FP7 2009

promotion of efficient multimodal Overview/tabid/56/Default.aspx 2010

EUROPTIMA European Open Platform for smart card FP7 2011
Ticketing, payment and multiservices in 2013
Interoperable Mass transit Applications
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 47 of 50

SATIE Support Action for a Transport ICT FP7 2011

European Large Scale Action 2014

ECOMPASS eCO-friendly urban Multi-modal route FP7 2011

PlAnning Services for Mobile uSers 2014

I-TOUR Intelligent Transport system for FP7 2010

Optimized URban trips 2013

ITRAVEL Service Platform for the Connected FP7 2008

Traveller 2009

OPTIMISM Optimising Passenger Transport FP7 2011

Information to Materialize Insights for 2013
Sustainable Mobility

USEMOBILITY Understanding Social behaviour for FP7 2011

Eco-friendly multimodal mobility 2013

WISETRIP Wide scale network of e-systems for FP7 2008

multimodal journey planning and 2010
delivery of trip intelligent personalised

CONNECT Co-ordination and stimulation of MIP MAP http://www.connect- 2004

innovative ITS activities in Central and 2009
Eastern European Countries

COSMO Cooperative Systems for Sustainable CIP 2010

Mobility and Energy Efficiency 2013
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 48 of 50

CVIS Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure FP6 2006

Systems 2010

DRIVE C2X DRIVing implementation and Evaluation FP7 2011

of C2X communication technology in 2013

PRE-DRIVE PREparation for DRIVing FP7 http://www.transport- 2008

implementation and Evaluation of C-2- 2010
X Communication technology ?id=44542
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 49 of 50

Sub-Theme: ITS Contributions to Energy Efficiency

Acronym Title Funding Project Website Duration


ASTERICS Ageing and efficiency Simulation & TEsting FP7 2012
under Real world conditions for Innovative 2015
electric vehicle Components and Systems

CAPIRE Coordination Action on PPP Implementation FP7 2010

for Road-Transport Electrification 2014

eCo-FEV Efficient cooperative infrastructure for Fully FP7 2012

Electric Vehicles 2015

ELVIRE ELectric Vehicle communication to FP7 2010

Infrastructure, Road services and Electricity 2013

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully Electric FP7 2010

Vehicles 2012

MOLECULES Mobility based on eLEctric Connected FP7

vehicles in Urban and interurban smart,
clean EnvironmentS

P-MOB Integrated Enabling Technologies for FP7 2010

Efficient Electrical Personal Mobility 2013

POSEIDON Power Optimised Ship for Environment with FP7 2009
Electric Innovative Designs on Board 2012
Thematic Research Summary: Intelligent transport systems | Page 50 of 50

SMARTCEM Smart Connected Electro Mobility CIP 2012


SuperLIB Smart Battery Control System based on a FP7 2011

Charge-equalization Circuit for an advanced 2014
Dual-Cell Battery for Electric Vehicles

UNPLUGGED Wireless charging for Electric Vehicles FP7 2012


ECODRIVER Supporting the driver in conserving energy FP7 2011

and reducing emissions 2015

ECOGEM Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance FP7 2010

System for Green Cars 2013

ECOMOVE Cooperative Mobility Systems and Services FP7 2010

for Energy Efficiency 2013

ECOSTAND Coordination Action for creating a common FP7 2010

assessment methodology and joint research 2013
agenda with Japan and the USA on ITS
applications focusing on energy efficiency
and CO2 reduction

REDUCTION Reducing Environmental Footprint based on FP7 2011

Multi-Modal Fleet management System for 2014
Eco-Routing and Driver Behaviour

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