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ALGEBRA Pythagorean Identity

cos 2 ( x) sin 2 ( x) 1
Factoring Formulas
1 tan 2 ( x) sec 2 ( x)
1. (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab+b2
2. (ab)2 = a2 2ab+b2 cot 2 ( x) 1 csc 2 ( x)
3. (a+b+c)2 = a2 +b2 +c2 + 2(ab+bc+ca)
4. (a+b)3 = a3 +b3 + 3ab(a+b)
5. (ab)3 = a3 b3 3ab(ab)
6. a2 b2 = (a+b)(ab) Sum and Difference Formulas
7. a3 b3 = (ab)(a2 +ab+b2) cos( x y ) cos( x) cos( y ) sin( x) sin( y )
8. a3 +b3 = (a+b)(a2 ab+b2)
sin( x y ) sin( x) cos( y ) cos( x) sin( y )
Properties of Exponent
1. = am+n tan( x) tan( y )
tan( x y)
2. am/an = amn 1 tan( x) tan( y)
3. (am)n = amn = (an)m Double Angle Identity
4. (ab)n = sin( 2 x) 2 sin( x) cos( x)
5. (a/b)n = an/bn cos 2 ( x) sin 2 ( x)
6. a0 = 1 where a R; a 0
cos( 2 x) 2 cos 2 ( x) 1
7. an = 1/an ; an = 1/an 1 2 sin 2 ( x)

8. ap/q =
Properties of Logarithm 2 tan( x)
tan( 2 x)
1. loga mn = loga m + loga n 1 tan 2 ( x)
2. loga (m/n) = loga m - loga n Half Angle Identity
3. logamn = nlogam x 1 cos( x)
cos 1 cos( 2 x)
4. logb a = logk a / logk b cos 2 ( x)
2 2 2
5. log b a = 1/logab
x 1 cos( x) 1 cos( 2 x)
6. logam = loga n, then m = n sin sin 2 ( x)
Arithmetic Sequences 2 2 2
nth term = a1+ (n1)d x 1 cos( x) 1 cos( 2 x)
tan tan 2 ( x)

1 cos( x) 1 cos( 2 x)
Sn = 2(an+ a1) = 2 {2a1 + (n-1) d} 2
Geometric Sequences
nth term= a(rn1) ANALYTIC GEOMETRY
(1 ) ( 1)
= =
1 1 Distance between 2 points
Binomial Theorem
(1) n2 2 (1) n3 3 D = (x2 x1 )2 + (y2 y1 )2
n n n1
(a+b) = a +na b+ a b + a b
2! 3! Midpoint Formula
++ bn =
1 +2
, =
1 +2
2 2
y y
TRIGONOMETRY Slope: m = x2 x1 where x2 is not equal to x1
2 1
Angle of Inclination
Law of Sines Tan B = m ; where m = slope and B = angle
Angle between two lines
= = m m
Tan B = 1+2m m1
2 1
Law of Cosines
c2 = a2 + b2 2abcos(C)
*Straight Lines General form : Ax2 Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
General Equation: Ax + By + C = 0
Ax + By + C1 = 0 ; where C1 is not equal
Ax + By + C2 = 0 ; to C2 *Mensuration of Plane Figures
Perpendicular Lines Square: A = s2
Ax + By + C1 = 0 Rectangle: A = bh
Bx Ay + C2 = 0 1
Right Triangle: A = 2 ab
*Equation of a Straight Line
Pythagorean Theorem: c2 = a2 + b2
Intercept Form 1 1
x y Oblique Triangle : A = 2 bh = 2 absinC
+ b = 1 ; where a = x-intercept and
a a+b+c
b = y- intercept A= ( )( )( ) where s = 2
Point-Slope Form Parallelogram: A = base x altitude
y y1 = m(x x1 ) Trapezoid : A = 2 (a + b)h = (median)h
Two Point-Slope Form Circle : A = 2
y y
y2 y1 = x2 x1 (x2 x1 ) C = 2
2 1
Slope-Intercept Form Ellipse : A =
y = mx + b ; where b = y-intercept
Normal Form *Solids for which V = Bh
xcosB + ysinB = p 1. Cube: V = s3
Reduction to Normal Form SA = 6s2
+ 2. Rectangular V=lxwxh
= ; where p is the dis-
2 + 2 2 + 2

Parallelepiped: SA = 2 (lw + wh + hl)
And p = tance from line to origin 3. Prism V = right section x edge
2 + 2
Distance from a Point to a Line SA = perimeterrightsection(edge)
| ++| 4. Cylinder: V = right section x element
= 2 + 2
Distance between Two Parallel Lines
d = |p2 p1| *Solids for which V =
1. Pyramid V = 3 Bh
*Conic Sections SA = Total area of lateral faces
1. Circle 1
2. Regular Pyramid V = 3 Bh
Standard Form: (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2 ; where C(h,k)
General Form: x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 SA =perimeterbase x slant height
1 1
2 + 2 4 3. Cone V = 3 Bh = 3 2 h
Where C is at ( , ) and r =
2 2 2 1
2. Parabola (e=1) SA = 2 cl =
Standard form: (y-k)2 = 4a(x-h) ; where V(h,k)

General form: y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 *Solid for which V =
3. Ellipse (e>1) 4
(xh)2 (yk)2
1. Sphere V = 3 Bh
Standard form : + = 1 ; where C(h,k)
a2 b2 SA = 4 2
2 2
General form : Ax + Cy + Dx + Ey + F = 0
4. Hyperbola : *Solids for which V = (meanB)h
(xh)2 (yk)2 h
Standard form : =1 1. Frustum of a V = (b + B +
a2 b2 3
(+) Hyperbolic Trigonometry Differentiation
Pyramid LSA = 2
h d d
2. Frustum of a V= (r2 + R2 + rR) sinh(x) = cosh(x) coth(x) = -csch2(x)
3 dx dx
Cone LSA = ( + ) d d
cosh(x) = sinh(x) sech(x) = -sech(x)tanh(x)
dx dx
tanh(x) = sech2(x) csch(x) = -csch(x)coth(x)
dx dx
*Limits Inverse Trigonometric Differentiation
lim (f(x))= lim f(x) g(x) d 1 d 1
lim (f(x)*g(x))=lim f(x) * lim g(x) sin-1(x) = sec-1(x) =
dx 1 x2 dx x x2 1
lim (f(x)/g(x)) = lim f(x) / lim g(x)
d 1 d 1
=0 cos-1(x) = csc-1(x) =

dx 1 x2 dx x x2 1
limx =1 d 1 d 1

1cos() tan-1(x) = cot-1(x) =
limx0 =1 dx 1 x2 dx 1 x2

*Direvative Rules
Constant Rule : (c ) 0
Integral Rules
d n
Power Rule : x nx n 1 x n 1
x dx c

Product Rule: n 1
d d
( f ( x) * g ( x)) f ( x) g ( x) g ( x)
f ( x) dx x c
dx dx dx
cf ( x)dx c f ( x)dx
Chain Rule : f ( g ( x)) f ' ( g ( x)) g ' ( x)
dx ( f ( x) g ( x))dx f ( x)dx g ( x)dx
Quotient Rule: Exponential Integration
d f ( x) g ( x) f ' ( x) f ( x) g ' ( x)
e dx e c
x x

dx g ( x) ( g ( x)) 2
1 x
a dx a c
ln( a)
Trigonometric Differentiation
Logarithmic Formula
d d
ln x x ln x x c
sin(x) = cos(x) csc(x) = -csc(x)cot(x)
dx dx
d d 1
cos(x) = -sin(x)
sec(x) = sec(x)tan(x) x dx ln x c
d d Trigonometric Integration
tan(x) = sec2(x) cot(x) = -csc2(x)
dx dx
Logarithmic Differentiation
sin udu cos u C
csc udu cot u C
d 1 d 1
ln (x) = logb(x) =
dx x dx
Exponential Differentiation
x * ln b
cos udu sin u C
sec udu tan u C
d x d x
e = ex b = bxln(b)
dx dx
csc u cot udu csc u C
sec u tan udu sec u C
tan udu ln cos u C ln sec u C Wallis Formula

m 1m 3m 5... 12 n 1n 3n 5... 12
sec udu ln sec u tan u C 0 sin x cos xdx m nm n 2m n 4... 12
2 m n

cot udu ln sin u C

csc du ln csc u cot u C Plane areas
Vertical Strip Horizontal Strip
ln csc u cot u C
( ) ( )
Inverse Trigonometric Integration
du u
2 sin 1 C Length of Arc of a Curve
a u2 a b

du 1 tan 1 u C s 1 dx if y f (x)
2 a dx
a u2 a a
Hyperbolic Integration 2
s 1 dy if x f ( y )
sinh udu cosh u C
c dy
csc h udu coth u C
dx 2 dy 2
s dt
cosh udu sinh u C a dt dt
sec hu tanh udu sec hu C
sec h udu tanh u C
Volume of Solid of Revolution (VSR)
Integration by Parts Circular Disc:
Using V.E. Using H.E.
udv uv vdu b
V y 2 dx or
V x 2 dy
Integration by Substitution a c

Trigonometric Substitutions where: where:

(a2 - x2) x = asin(x) y= radius of disc x=radius of disc
(a + x )
2 2
x = atan(x) dx= thickness dy=thickness
V yh yl dx or V xr xl dy
b d
( x - a )
2 2
x = asec(x) 2 2
a c
Miscellaneous Substitution
Circular Ring:
If an integrand is a rational function involving
Using V.E. Using H.E.
trigonometric functions, use the following substitution: b d
V ro ri dx or V ri dy
2 2 2 2
let z tan u sin u
1 o
, , a c
1 z2 where: where:
1 z 2
2dz ro = outer radius of ring ri = inner radius of ring
cos u , du
1 z2 1 z2 dx = thickness dy = thickness
Cylindrical Shell:
Odd and Even Functions Using V.E. Using H.E.
If f (x ) is an even function , that is, f ( x) f ( x) , b d

a a
V 2 xydx or V 2 yxdy
then f ( x)dx 2 f ( x)dx
a c

a 0 where: where:
If f (x ) is an oddfunction , that is, f ( x) f ( x) , x = radius of cyl. shell y = radius of cyl. shell
a y = height of cyl. shell x = height of cyl. shell
then f ( x)dx 0
a dx = thickness dy = thickness
V 2 x yh yl dx or V 2 yxr xl dy v2
b d
aC (centripetal)
a c r
mv 2
Fnet ma C
Centroid of Plane Area (C.P.A) r
Ax xc dA , Ay yc dA v = 2r/period
Centroid of Solid of Revolution (C.S.R.) Rotational Motion
Vx xc dV , Vy yc dV d r ( in radians)
v r ( in rad/s)
Moment of Inertia
a r ( in rad/s2)
( ) ( )
tangential; not the same as ac
0 0 t 1 2 t 2
Fluid Pressure
Pressure (p) = force per unite area 0 t
force acting perpendicular to an area 2 0 2 2
area over which the force is distributed Work & Energy
d W = F d cos
Fundamental Theorem F w c
KE = mv2
Work Done by a Spring gravity: PE = mgh
F kx , W k xdx spring: PE = kx2 (x from equilibrium)
Power = energy / time
= Flsinwhere l = lever arm
p = mv
Fluids and Solids
Translational Motion
x density: = m/V
v ave
t pressure: P = F/A
vinstantaneous = slope of tangent line on distance graph. underwater: P = Patm + gd
a ave
v buoyant force: B = fluid Vobject g
t A1 v1 = A2 v2 (Area and Velocity)
ainstantaneous = slope of tangent line on velocity graph.
Kinematic Equations PHYSICS II
x x0 v0t 1 2 at 2
v v0 at Thermodynamics
v v0 2ax
Thermal Expansion:
freefall: ay = g 9.8 m/s2 Linear Expansion: = ;
Force, Motion, & Gravitation Area Expansion: = 2 ;
GmM Volume Expansion: = 3
r2 Heat Quantities:
F = ma = = =
Projectile Motion Heat Transfer:
Vo2 Sin2
Range = g
Conduction: H = =

Vo2 (Sin)2 4
Radiation: H = eAT
Ymax = g Laws of Thermodynamics
Uniform Circular motion First Law of Thermo: = +
Thermal Processes Lenses
Isobaric: = ; = 1 1 1
Lens equation: = +
Isochoric: = 0; = =

Isothermal: = 0; = = 2

2 2 1 1
= =
Adiabatic: = 0; = =
1 Sign conventions for lens equation: (assuming light

1 1 = 2 2 ; = rays come from the left)

positive negative
Second Law of Thermo: = = 1 2
do if on the left of if on the right of
Heat Engine (Carnot Cycle): = 0;
the lens the lens (can only
= | | | | happen in a
| | | | | |
= = =1 multiple lens
| | | | | | problem)
di if on the right of if on the left of
Electrostatics the lens the lens
Coulombs Law: FC Eq (means a real (means a virtual
r2 image) image)
Electric field: E f if a convex lens if a concave lens
m if right-side up if upside-down
Electric potential: V
Work: W = q V
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic force: F = qvBsin = qvB = qvB
Electric current: I = q/t
Force on current-carrying wire: F = ILBsin
Electric Circuits
Ohms Law: V =
Series resistors: Req = R1 + R2
Parallel resistors: 1/Req = (1/R1 + 1/R2)
Power : P = IV = I2R = V2/R
Q = CV
Series capacitors: 1/Ceq = (1/C1 + 1/C2)
Parallel capacitors: Ceq = C1 + C2
cf (c = 3108 m/s)
Law of reflection: incident = reflected
Law of refraction (Snells law):
n1sin1 = n2sin2
total internal reflection: for >C;
critical C = sin1(n2/n1)

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