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Literature & Composition II Choice Novel Assignment Sheet 2017-2018

In addition to in-class readings, students will have the opportunity to select three novels to read

Book Selection
Students may select these novels from my (Ms. Witzkes) in-class library, the Olivet High School
library, public libraries, book stores, download to a computer or Kindle, borrow from friends or
family, or any other way in the classroom I will post student suggestions for books so that students
can see what others are reading and enjoying. It is expected that students will challenge themselves
with some books, but it is also expected that students will enjoy reading these books. Students may
drop a book at any time, but it is expected that all students complete a minimum of three titles by
the end of the semester. The only thing that I ask is that students select a book that is appropriate
for a high school classroom.

In-class Library
When taking a book from this library outside of the classroom, students will come to me and I will
check the book out for them. When students return the book, it must be checked back in with me.
Students who fail to turn books back in will be charged the cost of the book at the end of the

Responses to Reading
Reading Log
Students will use a section of their binder to keep track of what they are reading and what they
want to read.

Books to read

This is a list of titles students hear about and would like to read at some point during the semester
(or after, if they dont get to them). This list helps make the selection process easier and less
stressful and overwhelming.

Books I have read

For each book students finish, they will record the title and author, number of pages, vocabulary
words (including page numbers), and rate the book overall. This allows students to keep track of
what they read and help share selections with others.

Google Classroom Posts

Every Thursday and Friday, while reading Choice Novels, students will be asked to respond to a
prompt using Google Classroom. Students will also respond to classmates comments. Students will
have access to computers during class.

Google Classroom posts will be graded based on the quality (ten points) and the thoughtfulness (ten
points) of the post or response to peers for a total of twenty points.
Choice Novel Assignments
Students will select different types of assignments to complete based on their Choice Novels. These
assignments will be more in depth and focus on an analysis of the text. Students will complete one
of each of the following but will select which assignment to complete for which Choice Novel.

Book Talk

Students will do a book talk in front of the class. There are four parts to a book talk:

1. share the title and author of the book

2. give a brief summary of the book
3. read a short passage from the book to share the authors writing style
4. answer a question that someone from the audience asks at the end of the book talk

For the book talk, students will be graded by three random peers and myself in these categories: vocal
skills (ten points), body language (fifteen points), and the presentation itself (twenty five points). I will
take an average of the four scores for a final score out of fifty points.

Reading Response Power Point

There are nine prompts listed below. Students will respond to FOUR in a Power Point/Google
Slides/Prezi presentation that will be emailed to or shared with me

1. Character ConnectionWrite about a character who interests you and describe why he/she
stands out to you.
2. VisualizationCreate a visualization of the novel (drawing, collage, computer generated, etc.)
3. Discussion QuestionsCreate three in-depth questions that would get a reader thinking about
the text. (Use my in-class novel DQs as a model.) Include your response to each question.
4. Great LinesRecord five great lines and a brief reasoning why you consider them great.
Include the page number.
5. Parts of Speech: VerbsRecord four sentences that show the authors use of effective verbs.
Include the page number. Adjectives and/or AdverbsRecord four sentences that show the
authors use of effective adjectives and/or adverbs. Include the page number.
6. MoodExplain the mood or feeling of this novel by describing characters, scenes, or the
authors craft. If the mood/feeling changes throughout the book, how?

7. Important EventDescribe an important event and why it was significant.

8. Reminds me ofDescribe something you have read that is similar to your Choice Novel.
Provide specific examples/details.
9. PurposeExplain why you think the author wrote this book and for whom was it written.

The presentation will be graded based on the quality (ten points), effort (twenty points), and depth of
thought (twenty points) for a total of fifty points each.

One Pager

There are several one pager response sheets that ask students to respond to their Choice Novels
through writing. Students will select one of these to complete: Character, Evaluation, Quotes, or
Sentence Starters.
Each of these Choice Novel Assignments will be graded based on the quality (ten points), effort (twenty
points), and depth of thought (twenty points) for a total of fifty points each.

Vocabulary Word Presentation

At the end of the semester, students will create a Power Point/Google Slides/Prezi vocabulary word
presentation (students will not present this to the class; they will simply share the presentation
with me) by selecting twenty words from their Choice Novels throughout the semester and creating
a slide for each word. Each slide must include the following:

1. The vocabulary word

2. A definition of the word
3. A visual representation of the word
4. The sentence from the book containing the word (correctly cited)
5. An example of the word or a synonym/antonym of the word.

For the vocabulary presentation, students will be graded on format (ten points), quality (twenty
points), and the content (twenty points) for a total of fifty points.

Annotated Bibliography

For the last Choice Novel Assignment, students will complete an Annotated Bibliography of their
favorite Choice Novel of the semester. This will be formatted in MLA (Modern Language
Association) format. See the back of this paper for format.

For the Annotated Bibliography, students will be graded on format (ten points), quality (twenty
points), and the content (twenty points) for a total of fifty points.

Due Dates for Choice Novel Assignments:

CN Assignment #1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Due Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
CN Assignment #2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Due Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
CN Assignment #3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Due Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
CN Assignment #4 Annotated Bibliography
Due Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student First and Last Name

Teacher Name
Class Title
Day Month Year
Title of Book: An Annotated Bibliography
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title. City: Publishing Company, Year. Print.
Summarize the book. If you cant think what to write, use these questions to help you:

What are the main events and characters? What is the point of this book? What topics are

covered? If someone asked what this book is about, what would you say?
Evaluate the book. This is the section where you will discuss authors craft, like character

development, writing style, format and/or structure, word choice, sentence structure, etc. If you

cant think what to write, use these questions to help you: Did the author tell an entertaining

story? Is the organization and format of the book effective? Did the author create realistic

characters? Does the story flow from one part to another or is it choppy/confusing/hard to

follow? You can also discuss how this book compares with other books you have read.
Reflect on the book. If you cant think what to write, use these questions to help you:

What are you thinking about now that you have finished the book? Did this book teach you

anything? Has it changed how you think about any aspect of life? What did you learn about the

characters or the overall meaning of the story? What impact might this book have on the people

who read it?

Things to remember:

Times New Roman, size 12 font

Double Spaced

Your printed paper should look like this example; if you have questions about how
to format something, ask me

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