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Vol. 39. No. 4 October-December 2016
pp 251-260

Construction of a nomogram to facilitate the calculation

of equianalgesic doses for opioid rotation
Andrs Hernndez-Ortiz, M.D.*

* Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Mdicas y Nutricin SUMMARY

Salvador Zubirn.
In order to make easier the process of dose calculation and to minimize dosage
Solicitud de sobretiros: errors, a nomogram was developed, based on current recommendations for
Andrs Hernndez-Ortiz, M.D.
opioid dose calculation tools. Using Microsoft Excel 2013, a nomogram was
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Mdicas y Nutricin
created consisting of 18 parallel lines; some of them marked at 24 equidistant
Salvador Zubirn
points as a minimum and most of them marked at 87 equidistant points as a
Vasco de Quiroga Nm. 15,
Col. Seccin XVI, maximum, resembling a ruler. The last mark of each line corresponds to the
Del. Tlalpan, Ciudad de Mxico. maximum recommended dose for each drug product or the dose equivalent.
Phone Number: 52-(55) 54870900, ext. 5011 The nomogram developed for this document enables the equianalgesic dose
E-mail: calculation, at the same time that decreases the risk of making mathematical mistakes. Opioid rotation is an essential medical intervention when looking
for efficacy and safety of opioid analgesics in clinical practice. Equianalgesic
dose calculation is a complicated process with a high probability of error.
Recibido para publicacin: 28-08-2016 The nomogram here described is a new tool able to reduce the complexity of
Aceptado para publicacin: 11-10-2016 calculation and to decrease the risk for the patient in terms of safety as well
taking into account the available scientific evidence and following the measures
recommended in the literature.
Este artculo puede ser consultado en versin
completa en Key words: Nomogram, opioid, rotation, equianalgesic, doses.


Con el propsito de facilitar el proceso de clculo de dosis y minimizar los

errores que se cometen en l, se dise un nomograma con base en las reco-
mendaciones actuales para los instrumentos de clculo de dosis de opioides.
Se cre un nomograma mediante el programa Microsoft Excel 2013, el cual
consiste en 18 lneas paralelas; algunas de ellas marcadas a 24 puntos equidis-
tantes como mnimo y la mayora de ellas marcadas a 87 puntos equidistantes
como mxima dosis recomendada para cada grupo de frmacos o el equiva-
lente de dosis. El nomograma desarrollado para el presente documento facilita
el clculo de dosis equianalgsica, al mismo tiempo que disminuye el riesgo
de cometer errores matemticos. La rotacin de opioides es una intervencin
mdica esencial cuando se busca eficacia y seguridad de analgsicos opioi-
des en la prctica clnica. El clculo de la dosis equianalgsica es un proceso complicado que tiene una elevada probabilidad de error. El nomograma aqu
descrito es una herramienta innovadora, capaz de reducir la complejidad del
clculo, de disminuir el riesgo para un paciente (en trminos de seguridad) y
de tomar en cuenta la evidencia cientfica disponible, as como las medidas
recomendadas en la literatura.

Palabras clave: Nomograma, opioide, rotacin, equianalgsico, dosis.

Volume 39, No. 4, october-december 2016 251

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

INTRODUCTION Others, emphasizing safety, recommend not to make

calculations of equianalgesic doses at all and to titrate from
Opioid rotation consists in switching from one opioid medica- initial low doses throughout a period of several days in all
tion to another and/or changing the route of administration(1-4) cases(8,13,19). Nevertheless, this has not demonstrated reduc-
to improve the analgesia, to reduce the adverse effects, to ing risks, and it probably requires titration periods which are
respond when changes in the clinical status of a patient oc- unnecessarily longer.
cur (i.e. loss of availability of the oral route or onset of a new Another proposal is developing an equianalgesic dose
organic failure), or when it is considered be operatively or calculation system easier to use and taking into account the
economically beneficial(1-7). clinical evidence available to date; thus, reducing the risk of
It is used in 50% to 80% of patients with cancer pain(1,8,9) dosage errors. In this context, a two-dimensional graphical
because it is effective to improve analgesia in 75% to nomogram was developed aiming to solve mathematical
95%(1,9,10) and to decrease adverse effects from 50% to 70%(9- problems in clinical practice following the current recom-
11). However, quality of evidence about its usefulness is low mendations from recent systematic reviews.
in both cases(10,12).
When performing opioid rotation, it is necessary to care- METHODS
fully select the dose in order to avoid sub-dosage and over-
dosing because this may lead to adverse effects, withdrawal Using Microsoft Excel 2013, a nomogram was created
syndrome or loss of analgesic control(2,3,7,8,13). To do so, the consisting of 18 parallel lines; some of them marked at 24
calculation is usually done using a table of equianalgesic equidistant points as a minimum and most of them marked
doses which provides comparable analgesia of different opi- at 87 equidistant points as a maximum, resembling a ruler.
oids(1,3,4,8,12-18). Nevertheless: The marks of each line are aligned with ah the others.
Each line corresponds to a different opioid drug and to a
The original table of equianalgesic doses (published more specific route of administration. The first mark of each line
than 40 years ago) is based on studies designed with a corresponds to the 0-mg dose and every two marks the equi-
limited methodology, no longer suitable to current clinical analgesic dose to all doses aligned with that particular mark
situations(3,4). is specified (Figure 1).
The current tables differ in values, and none is based on The calculation of each equianalgesic dose was made
strong scientific evidence(1,3,4,6-8,10,12,13,19). according to the selected equianalgesic dose ratio following
There is significant variability in pharmacokinetic and phar- a rigorous review, but non-systematic, of the current medi-
macodynamic response to opioids(5,7,8,13) (levels of cross cal literature. The last mark of each line corresponds to the
tolerance, clinical circumstances, pathologies, changes in maximum recommended dose for each drug product or the
drug bioavailability, stages of kidney and liver function, dose equivalent to 210 mg of oral morphine. All lines, marks
drug-drug interactions, populations, and genetics). and doses are carefully aligned; so, when a perpendicular line
Up to 39% of the physicians found it difficult to calculate is traced from any mark upwards or downwards, it will reach
a dose for opioid rotation, 19% to 32% result in incorrect the line of a different opioid at the point corresponding to the
calculations, and 18% simply are not able to make correct equianalgesic dose for such drug.
calculations. In order to select the equianalgesic dose ratio, a non-
Errors decrease but do not disappear at all when com- systematic literature search was performed throughout
puter systems are used(17,18). That may even increase the two consecutive years (2013-2014). Search was carried
incidence of deaths due to overdosing(4,8,13). Besides, the out into PubMed, Google and Google Scholar using the
possibility of making dangerous mistakes in the dose following terms: systematic review, guidelines, opioid,
selection is higher when the healthcare personnel is not opiate, narcotic, morphine, hydromorphone, methadone,
appropriately trained, poorly designed calculation tools are fentanyl, oxycodone, tramadol, buprenorphine, tapentadol,
used, calculation tools are not friendly to use(8,13,19), and codeine, hydrocodone, nalbuphine, dextroproproxyphene,
the rotation is either made from methadone or to it(8,13). equianalgesic, equianalgesia, dose ratio, potency, potency
ratio, and tables.
Therefore, some authors have consistently expressed the Literature references of each of the found documents were
need to have new systems(4,8,13,19) which should be accompa- reviewed and a manual search was performed of those that
nied by practical guidelines pointing out the limitations of any might provide further relevant information about equianal-
equianalgesic doses calculation system, titrating the dose fol- gesic dose ratios. Likewise, a manual search of textbooks on
lowing an opioid rotation, and implementing measures to min- opioid treatment, pain management, and palliative care was
imize the risk of overdosing or sub-dosage(1-7,10,12,13,15,16,19). performed. Once the information on different dose ratios

252 Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologa

Morphine PO
0 4.84 9.68 14.5 19.4 24.2 29 33.9 38.7 43.5 48.4 53.2 58.1 62.9 67.7 72.6 77.4 82.3 87.1 91.9 96.8 102 106 111 116 121 126 131 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 169 174 179 184 189 194 198 203 208 210
Morphine SQ (2:1)

0 3.23 6.45 9.68 12.9 16.1 19.4 22.6 25.8 29 32.3 35.5 38.7 41.9 45.2 48.4 51.6 54.8 58.1 61.3 64.5 67.7 71 74.2 77.4 80.6 83.9 87.1 90.3 93.5 96.8 100 103 106 110 113 116 119 123 126 129 132 135 139 140
Parenteral morphine (SQ-IV)

0 1.61 3.23 4.84 6.45 8.06 9.68 11.3 12.9 14.5 16.1 17.7 19.4 21 22.6 24.2 25.8 27.4 29 30.6 32.3 33.9 35.5 37.1 38.7 40.3 41.9 43.5 45.2 46.8 48.4 50 51.6 53.2 54.8 56.5 58.1 59.7 61.3 62.9 64.5 66.1 67.7 69.4 70
Tramadol PO
0 19.4 38.7 58.1 77.4 96.8 116 135 155 174 194 213 232 252 271 290 310 329 348 368 387 406 426 445 465 484 503 523 542 561 581 600
Tramadol IV
0 16.1 32.3 48.4 64.5 80.6 96.8 113 129 145 161 177 194 210 226 242 258 274 290 306 323 339 355 371 387 403 419 435 452 468 484 500 516 532 548 565 581 600
Buprenorphine SL

Volume 39, No. 4, october-december 2016

0 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.26 0.32 0.39 0.45 0.52 0.58 0.65 0.71 0.77 0.84 0.9 0.97 1.03 1.1 1.16 1.23 1.29 1.35 1.42 1.48 1.55 1.61 1.68 1.74 1.81 1.87 1.94 2 2.06 2.13 2.19 2.26 2.32 2.39 2.4
Buprenorphine IV
0 0.5 0.1 0.15 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.34 0.39 0.44 0.48 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.68 0.73 0.77 0.82 0.87 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.06 1.11 1.16 1.21 1.26 1.31 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.69 1.74 1.79 1.84 1.89 1.94 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.1
Buprenorphine TD

S7-5 S7-10 T-20 T-30 T-40

Tapentadol PO

0 16 31.9 47.9 63.9 79.8 95.8 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 255 271 287 303 319 335 351 367 383 399 415 431 447 463 479 495 500
Oxicodone PO
0 3.23 6.45 9.68 12.9 16.1 19.4 22.6 25.8 29 32.3 35.5 38.7 41.9 45.2 48.4 51.6 54.8 58.1 61.3 64.5 67.7 71 74.2 77.4 80.6 83.9 87.1 90.3 93.5 96.8 100 103 106 110 113 116 119 123 126 129 132 135 139 140
Oxicodone IV
0 1.61 3.23 4.84 6.45 8.06 9.68 11.3 12.9 14.5 16.1 17.7 19.4 21 22.6 24.2 25.8 27.4 29 30.6 32.3 33.9 35.5 37.1 38.7 40.3 41.9 43.5 45.2 46.8 48.4 50 51.6 53.2 54.8 56.5 58.1 59.7 61.3 62.9 64.5 66.1 67.7 69.4 70
Hydromorphone PO
0 0.97 1.94 2.9 3.87 4.84 5.81 6.77 7.74 8.71 9.68 10.6 11.6 12.6 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.4 18.4 19.4 20.3 21.3 22.3 23.2 24.2 25.2 26.1 27.1 28.1 29 30 31 31.9 32.9 33.9 34.8 35.8 36.8 37.7 38.7 39.7 40.6 41.6 42
Codeine PO
0 32.3 64.5 96.8 129 161 194 226 258 290 323 355 360
Dextropropoxyphene PO
0 21 41.9 62.9 83.9 105 126 147 168 189 210 231 252 273 294 315 335 356 360
Nalbuphine IV

0 1.61 3.23 4.84 6.45 8.06 9.68 11.3 12.9 14.5 16.1 17.7 19.4 21 22.6 24.2 25.8 27.4 29 30.6 32.3 33.9 35.5 37.1 38.7 40.3 41.9 43.5 45.2 46.8 48.4 50 51.6 53.2 54.8 56.5 58.1 59.7 61.3 62.9 64.5 66.1 67.7 69.4 70
Hydrocodone PO
0 4.84 9.68 14.5 19.4 24.2 29 33.9 38.7 43.5 48.4 50
Fentanyl TD

25 g/h 50 g/h
Fentanyl IV

0 0.03 0.06 0.1 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.26 0.29 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.58 0.61 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.9 0.94 0.97 1 1.03 1.06 1.1 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1.39 1.4

PO = Oral route; SQ = Subcutaneous route; IV = Intravenous route; SL = Sublingual route; TD = Transdermal route.

Figure 1. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic doses for opioid rotation.

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses
Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

was collected, a selection was done taking into account the 1:1.1 to 1:2.3(1,2,5,7,12,14,15,20,22,23,25-28). These recommenda-
frequency at which a ratio recommendation and clinical evi- tions are based on clinical studies, and variations in ratio
dence was repeated, priorizing those supported by high-quality may be explained in terms of bioavailability. Many of the
evidence and recommended in practical guidelines issued by guidelines and systematic reviews recommend to use a 1:1.5
renowned medical associations. ratio between oral oxycodone and oral morphine(5-7,14,20,25-28).
For this nomogram, we chose a 1:1.5 ratio between oral oxy-
RESULTS codone and oral morphine.
The oral bioavailability of oxycodone is about 50% to
Selection of equianalgesic dose ratios 60%(3,29). According to several equianalgesia tables based on
systematic reviews, an equianalgesic dose ratio from 1.5:1 to
Morphine 2:1 was established between oral oxycodone and parenteral
oxycodone(1,2). In a number of clinical studies it has been
The original equianalgesic table suggests that 60 mg of oral shown that the relative potency ratio between parenteral
morphine are equianalgesic to 10 mg of parenteral morphine; oxycodone and oral morphine varies from 0.7:1 to 4.1:1(3,7,20).
so, a ratio of 6:1 between oral morphine and parenteral A study comparing different doses by means of patient
morphine (both intravenous and intramuscular) was initially controlled analgesia (PCA) demonstrated that the potency
considered. Nevertheless, the recommendation is based on between parenteral morphine and parenteral oxycodone is
a clinical trial in an acute pain model, in single doses and very similar (ratio of 1:1)(3,20). Moreover, a 2:1 ratio between
without previous opioid tolerance(2,3). oral and parenteral oxycodone, and a 3:1 ratio between oral
In a very consistent manner, the majority of tables most and parenteral morphine are mathematically consistent with
recently developed refer to a ratio of 3:1 between oral mor- a ratio of 1:1 between parenteral oxycodone and morphine.
phine and parenteral (subcutaneous and intravenous) mor- Due to these reasons, a 1:1 ratio between parenteral morphine
phine(1,2,5,7,12,15,20). Some references extend the ratio between and oxycodone was chosen.
oral and parenteral morphinefrom 2:1 to 3:1(2,14,21-23).
Most of the guidelines suggest that subcutaneous morphine Fentanyl
and intravenous morphine require similar doses at a 1:1 ra-
tio(21). Moreover, there is evidence that the bioavailability of In the nomogram, lines for intravenous fentanyl and for trans-
morphine via subcutaneous route varies from 83% to 100%(24); dermal fentanyl were included. The original equianalgesic
so, some clinicians recommend to use higher doses of sub- dose table recommends an equianalgesic ratio of 1:100-200
cutaneous morphine than intravenous one (2:1 ratio). For between 50-00 g of intravenous fentanyl and 10 mg of par-
purposes of the nomogram, a 3:1 ratio between oral morphine enteral morphine and corresponding to a ratio of 1:300-600
and parenteral (intravenous and subcutaneous) morphine was between parenteral fentanyl and oral morphine(3). However,
selected, and an alternative version with a lower ratio, 2:1, most recent evidence highlights the fact that parenteral fen-
for subcutaneous morphine was included. tanyl (intravenous and subcutaneous) is only about 80 times
more potent than parenteral morphine(2). In some opioid
Oxycod one rotation studies, 1:60 and 1:70 ratios(7,30-32) have been used
in a number of patients. In consequence, several tables and
With regard to oral oxycodone, the original table specifies that practical guidelines recommend to modify the original table in
a 20 mg-30 mg dose of oral oxycodone is equivalent to 60 mg order to include 1:80-100 ratios between parenteral morphine
of oral morphine, and to 10 mg of parenteral morphine. The and parenteral fentanyl(2,3,7,30-32).
ratio between oral oxycodone and oral morphine would be Although the evidence available for equianalgesic dose
then 1:2-3(3). Correcting the original table with the currently calculation of parenteral fentanyl (intravenous and subcuta-
most accepted ratio between oral morphine and parenteral neous) is relatively scarce, there are studies which suggest
morphine (3:1), equianalgesia would be 20-30 mg of oral the possibility that most of the information collected about
oxycodone to 30 mg of oral morphine with a 1:1-1.5 ratio.
Some authors have recommended rotation between oral
equianalgesia of transdermal fentanyl may be extrapolated.
Hence, in a study of 20 patients with terminal cancer it was
oxycodone and oral morphine at a 1:1 ratio leading to effective found that the dose of intravenous fentanyl, titrated by means
and safe analgesia in a series of cases(7,25). The vast majority of patient controlled analgesia (PCA), corresponded to a 1:1
of the tables and practical guidelines; however, recommend ratio to that released by a fentanyl transdermal device(33).
to consider oral oxycodone as a more potent drug than oral Thus, different authors have recommended an equianalgesia
morphine, even though the recommended relative potency ratio of 1:1 between intravenous, subcutaneous and transder-
ratio between oral oxycodone and oral morphine varies from mal fentanyl(15,22,23,32,33).

254 Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologa

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

Most of the equianalgesic doses studies for transdermal trend towards a ratio of 1:5 between oral hydromorphone and
fentanyl do establish conversion ratios with respect to oral mor- oral morphine(2,5,6,14,22,23,28,34,39,41). This 1.5 ratio has proven
phine. Manufacturers of fentanyl transdermal devices recom- to be effective and safe(6,39-42).
mend an average ratio of 1:150 between transdermal fentanyl Based on the enormous consistency among recent recom-
and oral morphine (90 mg/day of oral morphine equivalent to mendations and the good quality of evidence supporting it,
a device delivering 25 g/h, that is, 0.6 mg/day), correspond- a 1.5 ratio between oral hydromorphone and oral morphine
ing to a 1:50 ratio between transdermal fentanyl and parenteral was chosen for the nomogram.
morphine (assuming a ratio of 3:1 between oral morphine and
parenteral morphine). However, due to the fact that the devices Tapentadol
are manufactured in fixed doses, extended ranges of oral mor-
phine are usually recommended, which should be rotated to one Tapentadol is an opioid drug of recent clinical appearance.
same fixed dose of the transdermal device. So, the officially Hence, it has not yet been included in many of the equian-
recommended ratio actually varies from 1:75 to 225(2,14,32,34). algesic dose calculation tables, including the original one(3).
Este documento
Nevertheless, es been
it has elaborado porthat
observed Medigraphic
such recommendation A 1:2.5 ratio was one of the first ratios recommended for the
results in too low doses in 50% to 58% of the patients, and calculation of equianalgesic doses between oral morphine and
only 40% of patients receive an adequate dose. Therefore, most oral tapentadol. However, this recommendation was based on
of the patients usually get a dose of transdermal fentanyl that experimental studies in animals(43-45).
could have been calculated by using a 1:70-100 ratio between In subsequent clinical studies, it was observed that the ratio
transdermal fentanyl and oral morphine instead(14,35). It has was closer to 1:3. For example, a phase IIIb study found a
been shown that a 1:100 ratio results in rotations with good 1:2.9 ratio with regard to oral morphine and a 1:4.3 ratio to
response, and such ratio is usually recommended by a number oral oxycodone (as relevant to the ratio of 1:1.5 between oral
of the reviewed authors(1,2,6,12,15,36,37). Some authors have even oxycodone and oral morphine)(46). A study of opioid rotation
proposed clinical algorithms using a ratio of 2 mg/day of oral from and to tapentadol in cancer patients found that a 1:3.3
morphine to 1 g/h of transdermal fentanyl (1:83 ratio)(38). ratio resulted in effective and safe rotations(47). Based on
Based on this review, it may be concluded that the relative these considerations, a conversion ratio of 1:3.3 between oral
potency of fentanyl with regard to morphine was overesti- morphine and oral tapentadol was chosen for the nomogram.
mated in the beginning, and more recent studies have been
progressively reduced the conversion ratio. The official con- Hydrocodone
version ratio is 1:150 between transdermal fentanyl and oral
morphine, and 1:50 in regards to parenteral morphine. This The relative potency of hydrocodone in relation to other opi-
ratio will be appropriate in 40% of the patients, but in the oids has not been studied appropriately and is rather based on
remaining patients a subsequent titration will be necessary. clinical practice and empirical knowledge(14,15). Hydrocodone
This percentage could be reduced changing to a 1:100 ratio is not included in the original equianalgesic dose table and
with regard to oral morphine (1:33 to parenteral morphine), many other tables do not incorporate it either(3). In those
and even more if changing to a 1:70-80 ratio (1:23-27 to tables where it is included, a 1:1 ratio with oral morphine
parenteral morphine). However, overdosing risk is increased is always considered. In these tables, pairs of equianalgesic
when switching to transdermal fentanyl. doses, such as 20-30 mg of oral morphine equivalent to 20-30
Therefore, emphasizing the need of safe opioid rotations of oral hydrocodone(2), 30 mg of oral morphine equivalent to
and the importance of monitoring the titration, it was decided 30-45 mg of oral hydromorphone(15), or 30 mg of oral mor-
to use the ratios recommended by the manufacturer (1:150 phine equianalgesic to 30 mg of oral hydromorphone, may
with regard to oral morphine and 1:50 to parenteral morphine) be observed. In spite of important limitations of the available
in this nomogram. evidence, the recommendations are sufficiently consistent to
determine a 1:1 ratio in regards to oral morphine to be used
Hydromorphone in the nomogram.
The original equianalgesic dose table suggests that 60 mg of
oral morphine is equivalent to 7.5 mg of oral hydromorphone;
that is, a 1:8 ratio between hydromorphone and morphine(28). As with hydrocodone, the data for the calculation of equian-
However, different tables created subsequently uses different algesic doses are originated rather from empirical knowledge
ratios ranging from 1:4 to the original 1:8(1-3,15,22,23,34,39,40). than from good quality evidence and the original table does
A number of more recent clinical studies have used nar- not include them either(2,3,14,22,23,28). In tables included in good
rower ranges of ratios between 1:4.9 and 1:5.7, with a central quality systematic reviews and guidelines, an equivalence of

Volume 39, No. 4, october-december 2016 255

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

200 mg of oral codeine to 30 mg of oral morphine is con- muscular route) and 10 mg of parenteral morphine(3,14,55,56).
sistently considered corresponding to a 1:6.7 ratio between On the other hand, there is very limited evidence about the
morphine and codeine(2,14). relative potency of sublingual buprenorphine, although there
In some of the tables published for local operational pur- is one study that directly compared the effects of sublingual
poses, an equivalence of 7.5 mg of oral morphine to 60 mg of buprenorphine versus its parenteral formulation showing that
oral codeine is also mentioned; that is say, an extended ratio of 0.4 mg of sublingual buprenorphine are equivalent to 0.3 mg
1:8(22,23,38). In spite of the limited quality of evidence, due to of parenteral buprenorphine (intravenous and intramuscular
the higher methodological quality of reviews recommending route) corresponding to a 1:0.75 ratio between both formula-
it, the ratio of 1:6.7 between oral morphine and oral codeine tions(14,57).
was preferred for the construction of this nomogram. For the nomogram purposes, a 1:1 ratio between paren-
teral buprenorphine and the amount actually administered of
Buprenorphine transdermal buprenorphine was selected. In addition, a 1:100
ratio between transdermal/parenteral buprenorphine and oral
Conversion ratios were investigated to construct lines in the morphine (given a 1:33 ratio between parenteral buprenor-
nomogram for buprenorphine administered by parenteral and phine and morphine) was considered. Likewise, a 1:0.75 ratio
sublingual route, and through transdermal devices. between sublingual buprenorphine and parenteral buprenor-
In some countries, buprenorphine has been available since phine, and one of 1:75 between sublingual buprenorphine and
the 1960s in its parenteral and sublingual form. Nevertheless, oral morphine were chosen.
clinical evidence about its relative potency has been scarce.
The recent development of systems for transdermal delivery Nalbuphine
has largely increased the number of studies conducted with
buprenorphine(48). Just as with codeine and hydrocodone, the existing evidence
In most of the papers where equianalgesic doses of trans- regarding the calculation of equianalgesic doses of nalbuphine
dermal buprenorphine were investigated, it was compared is very limited, and it is another opioid not included in the
to oral morphine. The recommended ratio varies from 1:75 original equianalgesic dose table. In the few clinical studies
to 1:115 (between transdermal buprenorphine and oral mor- that have been conducted(3), it was found that its potency
phine)(48,49). In all cases, ratios were calculated based on the ranges from a 1:0.8 ratio to a 1:1 ratio with regard to paren-
amount of buprenorphine that was actually administered per teral morphine. And the scarce tables including hydrocodone
day, and not the amount contained within the device. consistently used a 1:1 ratio in relation to parenteral morphine.
During the first years of development of the device, a 1:75 Therefore, such ratio is used in the nomogram.
ratio (0.8 mg/day of transdermal buprenorphine equivalent
to 60 mg of oral morphine) was recommended, although it Tramadol
was determined based on preclinical studies and initial ap-
proaches(2,36,37,50,51). Subsequent studies, however, showed Tramadol is available for oral and parenteral administration
that this ratio could lead to doses higher than those required route. In a very consistent manner it has been found that the
upon switching to a transdermal buprenorphine device(50). relative potency of parenteral morphine with regard to par-
Thus, a 1:100 ratio between buprenorphine and oral mor- enteral tramadol is 1:10 to 1:11, and the most repeated and
phine has been consistently recommended(14,22,23,50,52). More used recommendation is 1:10(14,22,23,58,59). Some tables recom-
recently, some authors state that such ratio might be as high mend this same 1:10 ratio when converting doses between
as 1:110-115(51,53,54). oral morphine and oral tramadol. The bioavailability of oral
Just as with transdermal fentanyl(33), it would be expected tramadol (80% to 100%); however, is much higher than that
that the amount actually administered of transdermal bu- of oral morphine (30% to 50%)(6), so maintaining the 1:10
prenorphine keep a ratio of 1:1 with buprenorphine adminis- ratio would be paradoxical.
tered via the parenteral route. Although there are no studies The 1:10 ratio between oral morphine and oral tramadol
available directly comparing this ratio, if it was true, it would
be expected that assuming a 3:1 ratio between oral morphine
has only been found in studies that were not designed for this
purpose, but to compare groups of patients with one or the
and parenteral morphine, and a 1:100 ratio between trans- other drug product without performing an opioid rotation. In
dermal buprenorphine and oral morphine, the ratio between opioid rotation studies, the final ratios were found rather be-
parenteral buprenorphine and parenteral is 1:33. tween 1:3.8 and 1:5.3(60,61). With regard to this range, which is
This mathematical hypothesis has been confirmed in sev- more appropriate considering the differences in bioavailability,
eral clinical studies demonstrating an equivalence between there are many tables recommending a 1:5 ratio between oral
0.3 mg of parenteral buprenorphine (intravenous or intra- morphine and oral tramadol, but they come from not clinical

256 Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologa

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

studies(22,23,28). On the other hand, there are clinical studies on nine-step instructive was developed in order to guide the user
opioid rotation supporting the use of a 1:4 ratio(14,62). Due to when using the nomogram to calculate opioid equianalgesic
this evidence, we used a 1:10 ratio between parenteral morphine doses (Table II).
and parenteral tramadol, and a 1:4 ratio between oral morphine
and oral tramadol. Therefore, a 1:1.2 ratio between parenteral Selection of safety recommendations and use instructions
tramadol and oral tramadol is assumed.
Most of the authors have recommended that any opioid
Dextropropoxyphene rotation system shall be accompanied by practical guide-
lines emphasizing the limitations of any equianalgesic dose
Dextropropoxyphene is an old drug initially used based on calculation system, the need of titrating the dose following
efficacy and safety studies of poor quality(63,64). At present, any opioid rotation, and the implementation of measures to
due to its poor benefit-risk balance, it is recommended not to decrease to the utmost potential risks of overdosing or sub-
use this drug(2). Only few equianalgesic dose tables include dosage(1-7,10,12,13,15,16,19). It is also suggested to always include
it, and these usually consider that a 130 a 200 mg dose of such recommendations in a clear manner in any calculation
dextropropoxyphene is equivalent to 30 mg of oral mor- tool in order to increase safety and usefulness(7). Thus, this
phine and 200 mg of oral codeine(63-66). The clinical studies nomogram includes some important recommendations on
comparing its efficacy with other drug products consider that safety. One of the most repeated and emphasized aspects is
65 mg of dextropropoxyphene is equianalgesic to 65 mg of that every user of an equianalgesic dose calculation system
codeine(63,64,66). Given that the most accepted equianalgesic shall bear in mind that all of them are only heuristic guide-
dose ratio between codeine and oral morphine is 200 mg to 30 lines and may not consider individual biological variability or
mg, for this nomogram we consider that dextropropoxyphene clinical characteristics such as age, level of organic function,
is equianalgesic to codeine and, thus, maintains the same ratio predisposition to adverse effects or pharmacogenetic and
(1:6.7 between oral morphine and oral dextropropoxyphene). physiopathological differences(1,3,5,7,14).
Creation of the nomogram Therefore, upon functioning as a heuristic tool, the calcu-
lated equianalgesic doses may provide results with different
The final version of the nomogram is shown in figure 1. The levels of efficacy and safety. High doses increase the pos-
selected equianalgesic dose ratios are listed in table I. A sibility of having an appropriate efficacy, but also the risk of

Table I. Equianalgesic dose ratios selected for the nomogram creation.

Oral morphine 3:1 Parenteral morphine

Oral morphine 2:1 Subcutaneous morphine
Oral oxycodone 1:1.5 Oral morphine
Parenteral oxycodone 1:1 Parenteral morphine
Oral oxycodone 2:1 Parenteral oxycodone
Parenteral fentanyl 1:1 Transdermal fentanyl (released dose)
Parenteral/transdermal fentanyl 1:150 Oral morphine
Parenteral/transdermal fentanyl 1:50 Parenteral morphine
Oral hydromorphone 1:50 Oral morphine
Oral morphine 1:3.3 Oral tapentadol
Oral hydrocodone 1:1 Oral morphine
Parenteral buprenorphine 1:1 Transdermal buprenorphine (released dose)
Parenteral/transdermal buprenorphine 1:100 Oral morphine
Parenteral/transdermal buprenorphine 1:33 Parenteral morphine
Sublingual buprenorphine 1:0.75 Parenteral/transdermal buprenorphine
Sublingual buprenorphine
Parenteral nalbuphine 1:75
Oral morphine
Parenteral morphine
Parenteral morphine 1:10 Parenteral tramadol
Oral morphine 1:4 Oral tramadol
Parenteral tramadol 1:1.2 Oral tramadol
Oral morphine 1:6.7 Oral codeine
Oral morphine 1:6.7 Oral dextropropoxyphene
Oral codeine 1:1 Oral dextropropoxyphene

Volume 39, No. 4, october-december 2016 257

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

Table II. Nomogram usage instructions and safety recommendations.


This nomogram may be used to calculate equianalgesic doses in opioid rotation when switching from another opioid
and/or from a different route of administration or when using the same opioid drug but switching to a different route of
administration. To use it, make sure the steps below are followed:

1. Calculate the total opioid dose received by the patient within 24 hours
2. Identify in the nomogram the line corresponding to the original opioid and the route of administration
3. Find the daily dose received by the patient on the selected line
4. Trace a perpendicular line intersecting the lines of the remaining opioids upwards and downwards from the mark found
for the daily dose
5. Identify in the nomogram the line corresponding to the opioid and route of administration to which it will be switched
or rotated. The equianalgesic dose corresponds to the point in which this line is intersected by the perpendicular line
traced in the previous step
6. For reasons of safety, based on the identified equianalgesic dose, always apply a 20%-50% decrease. Usually, a 30%
decrease is needed, but reductions up to 50% may be required in elderly or medically fragile patients
7. The calculated equianalgesic dose corresponds to the total daily dose to be administered. It has to be distributed in
adequate doses throughout 24 hours taking into account the pharmacokinetics of the chosen opioid
8. It is very unlikely that the first selected dose is the ideal one. Thus, after having initiated the treatment with the selected
dose, monitor the efficacy of treatment and the presence of adverse effects. Increase or reduce the dose accordingly
to find the optimal dosage
9. The dose calculated by this method is only an approximate guideline. You should always use your medical judgment
and clinical experience for determining the daily dose and its posology. Take especially into account age, race, co-
morbidities of the patient, and the presence of kidney or liver failure

decreasing safety. Lower doses are more secure, but are less cording to the unique circumstances of each patient, especially
likely to be effective. related to possible pharmacokinetic variations secondary to
The optimal result of an opioid rotation is choosing a dose organic failures (as in renal and hepatic insufficiency)(1,5,7,14).
that is effective and safe at the same time. When this combina- Once chosen, it is critical to monitor the efficacy and safety
tion may not be achieved, the second best alternative is a dose of the starting dose in order to implement a titration process.
that is less effective, but safe. The idea of improving efficacy Hence, the calculation of an initial equianalgesic dose is only
in exchange of reduced safety is not acceptable(14). However, the first step of a titration process aiming to find the optimal
it is also important to avoid using too low doses leading to dose(1,5,7,14).
poor efficacy or withdrawal syndrome(3).
Due to this reasoning, it is always preferred to act slightly DISCUSSION
conservative when choosing a dose for opioid rotation. The
objective is to reach the optimal dose between sub-dosage and The nomogram herein described makes easier the process
overdosing. This may be achieved by means of a systematic of equianalgesic dose estimation and reduces the risk of
decrease of the calculated dose(1-5,7,14). Another reason to try mathematical error. Nevertheless, due to the low-quality of
this systematic decrease when calculating the dose of a rota- the evidence currently available, the huge individual vari-
tion is the fact that cross tolerance among different opioid ability among patients, and the variation among results, risk
drugs due to heterologous sensitization is usually lower than of error in calculation cannot be totally avoidable. Thus, any
that caused by homologous sensitization(1). estimation of opioid equianalgesic dose may be potentially
Different published practical guidelines recommend ap-
plying a 25%-50% reduction when using a tool to calculate
erroneous. Likewise, choosing a ratio may imply a personal
bias, considering that there is no ratio unanimously accepted
an equianalgesic dose. The most usual reduction is 30%, as the best one.
with major decrease in elderly, non-Caucasian and weakened Therefore this nomogram, or any other method, must al-
patients(1,2,4,5,7,14,15,22,23). ways include a clear notice explaining that such tool should
Likewise, experts have repeatedly recommended to clearly be used as an initial heuristic guideline when looking for an
indicate that these tools do not replace the medical experience appropriate dose in opioid rotation, and further titration and
and judgment, and it is always important to adjust the dose ac- monitoring processes should always be in place.

258 Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologa

Hernndez-Ortiz A. Nomogram to calculate equianalgesic oploid doses

CONCLUSIONS tools or guidelines currently available meet such recom-

Opioid rotation is an essential medical intervention when
looking for efficacy and safety of opioid analgesics in clini- Acknowledgements
cal practice. When switching to a new opioid, it is necessary
to find a dose providing an adequate efficacy along with an Literature research, adaptation of the opioid rotation meth-
acceptable level of safety. This is often achieved by the calcu- odology and ratios were supported by the clinical staff and
lation of equianalgesic doses. Equianalgesic dose calculation residents from the Pain and Palliative Medicine Service at
is a complicated process with a high probability of error. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Mdicas y Nutricin Salvador
In this paper, we propose a nomogram as a new tool able to Zubirn.
reduce the complexity of calculation and to decrease the risk
for the patient in terms of safety as well taking into account Disclosure information
the available scientific evidence and following the measures
recommended in the literature. There is no conflict of interest. This document has only the
In the future, it will be important to determine by means financial support for the editorial and publication process
of well-designed clinical studies whether the different from Grnenthal.

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