Dallas ISD

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Dallas ISD




All District employees shall perform their duties in accordance with

state and federal law, District policy, and ethical standards for pro-
fessional educators. [See DH(EXHIBIT)]
All District personnel shall recognize and respect the rights of stu-
dents, parents, other employees, and members of the community
and shall work cooperatively with others to serve the best interests
of the District.
VIOLATIONS OF Employees shall comply with the standards of conduct set out in
STANDARDS OF this policy and with any other policies, regulations, and guidelines
CONDUCT that impose duties, requirements, or standards attendant to their
status as District employees. Violation of any policies, regulations,
or guidelines may result in disciplinary action, a report to the State
Board for Educator Certification (SBEC), and/or termination of em-
ployment. [See DH(LEGAL), DCD, and DF series]
HARASSMENT OR While acting in the course and scope of their employment, employ-
ABUSE ees shall not engage in prohibited harassment, including sexual
harassment, of other persons, including Board members, other
employees, vendors, contractors, volunteers, students, or parents.
[See DIA, DH(EXHIBIT), FFH, and FFG series]
Additionally, District employees shall work, shall supervise others,
or shall be supervised in a work environment free of discrimination,
harassment, and bullying [see DIA(LOCAL)]. Accordingly, the use
of discriminatory remarks and/or epithets regarding an employees
race, color, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender
expression, sexual orientation, age, military veteran status, disabil-
ity, religion, or national origin is prohibited.
WORKPLACE The District considers workplace bullying to be unacceptable and
BULLYING shall not tolerate it under any circumstances.
Workplace bullying is engaging in written or verbal expression,
expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that oc-
curs in the workplace that:
1. Has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming an-
other employee, damaging the employees property, or plac-
ing the employee in reasonable fear of harm to the employ-
ees person or of damage to the employees property;
2. Is so sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive that the
action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abu-
sive work environment for the employee;
3. Exploits an imbalance of power between the employee perpe-
trator and the employee victim through written or verbal ex-
pression or physical conduct; or

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4. Interferes with the victims employment or substantially dis-

rupts the operation of the work location.
Workplace bullying does not include the legitimate exercise of em-
ployee management, including task assignment, employee coach-
ing, and work-related employee discipline.
Employees who believe they are being bullied may file a complaint
by following the complaint procedures outlined in DGBA(LOCAL).
Consequences for the confirmation of the allegation of workplace
bullying: The Superintendent of Schools or designee shall take
appropriate action to prevent further bullying and to address the
actions of the accused employee, which shall include disciplinary
actions up to, and including, termination.
RELATIONSHIPS WITH Employees shall not form romantic or other inappropriate relation-
STUDENTS ships with students. Any inappropriate relationship to include, but
not limited to, a sexual relationship between any student and a Dis-
trict employee is prohibited, even if consensual. [See DF(LEGAL),
FINANCIAL All District employees have the responsibility to protect District as-
IMPROPRIETY sets and shall be expected to be alert to the potential for:
Theft of property;
Theft of services;
Theft of anything of value;
Misappropriation; or
Financial impropriety as defined by CAA(LOCAL). [See CAA
EMPLOYEE'S DUTY Any employee who knows or suspects an occurrence of fraud,
TO REPORT misappropriation, financial impropriety, criminal act, or violation of
Board policy shall immediately notify one or more of the following:
The Districts hotline at (800) 530-1608;
The Professional Standards Office (PSO);
The police and security department; or
The employees supervisor.
An employee who suspects his or her supervisor of fraud, misap-
propriation, or financial impropriety should report such matters to
the hotline, PSO, or the police and security department.

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Any reports received by a supervisor, PSO, or the police and secu-

rity department shall immediately be reported to the hotline.
An employee who suspects the Superintendent of Schools or a
senior administrator of the District as defined hereinafter as chief
officer, deputy superintendent, assistant superintendent, general
counsel, or their equivalents of fraud, misappropriation, or financial
impropriety shall report such matters to the Office of Internal Audit.
The chief internal auditor shall assign the matter to one of the
Boards external legal counsel for investigation if the report ap-
pears to have merit.
If the allegation involves an employee of the Office of Internal Au-
dit, the Office of Legal Services shall assign the matter to external
legal counsel for investigation if the report appears to have merit.
If the allegation involves an employee of the PSO, the Office of In-
ternal Audit shall assign the matter to one of the Boards external
legal counsel for investigation if the report appears to have merit.
The employee shall not discuss the matter with anyone other than
with the assigned investigator or his or her supervisor, unless the
supervisor is the subject of the allegations.
Employees who knowingly make false allegations shall be subject
to discipline up to, and including, termination.
EMPLOYEES During an investigation, an employee shall:
INVESTIGATION 1. Direct all inquiries from suspected individuals or their repre-
sentative regarding the allegations to the assigned investiga-
tor. All inquiries from the suspected individuals attorney shall
be directed to the Office of Legal Services.
2. Refrain from contacting the suspected individual in an effort to
determine facts or demand restitution.
3. Refrain from discussing the case, facts, suspicions, or allega-
tions with anyone outside the organization or those within the
organization unless specifically authorized to do so by the as-
signed investigator. If the allegation is against the Superin-
tendent of Schools or a senior administrator of the District as
specified herein, authorization must be received from the Of-
fice of Internal Audit.
4. Cooperate with the investigative process as follows:
a. Throughout the course of an official District administra-
tive investigation or inquiry, every District employee has
an affirmative duty to provide all relevant and factual in-
formation about matters inquired. An employee failing to

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cooperate with the investigation shall receive a directive

from an administrator to cooperate. The employee's
failure to comply with the administrators directive consti-
tutes insubordination and a violation of District policy,
which shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and
including termination. [See DCD and DF series]
b. If the investigation is against the Superintendent of
Schools or a senior administrator of the District as speci-
fied herein, and the employee fails to cooperate with the
investigation, the chief internal auditor shall notify the
Board President. The Board President shall have au-
thority to issue a directive to the employee to fully coop-
erate with the investigation and shall notify the Board
immediately. The employees failure to comply with the
Board Presidents directive constitutes insubordination
and a violation of District policy, which shall be grounds
for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
c. Subject to directions by the Board President, the chief in-
ternal auditor, an administrator, or a District investigator,
an employee shall consent to an interview and/or submit
a written statement. Intentional falsification, misstate-
ment, or the concealment of a material fact in connection
with an administrative investigation shall be deemed as
providing untruthful statements and shall be grounds
for disciplinary action up to, and including, termination.
5. If ongoing investigations or other information that is confiden-
tial by law or policy is made public, the District may investi-
gate to determine the source of the disclosure and take ap-
propriate disciplinary action, including possible referral to law
RETALIATION The District prohibits retaliation against an employee who makes a
claim alleging to have experienced discrimination or harassment or
who files or makes a complaint, or against another employee who,
in good faith, makes a report, serves as a witness, or otherwise
participates in an investigation.
Examples of retaliation may include, but are not limited to, termina-
tion, refusal to hire, demotion, and denial of promotion. Retaliation
may also include threats, unjustified negative evaluations, unjusti-
fied negative references, or increased surveillance. [See

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An employee who intentionally makes a false claim, offers false

statements, or refuses to cooperate with a District investigation
shall be subject to appropriate discipline. Disciplinary action taken
against such an employee shall not constitute retaliation.
SAFETY All employees shall adhere to District safety rules and regulations
REQUIREMENTS and shall report unsafe conditions or practices to the appropriate
TOBACCO Employees shall not use tobacco products at school or school-
related activities. Use of tobacco products shall be prohibited in all
buildings, facilities, and sites and in all vehicles that are District-
owned or District-leased. [See GKA(LEGAL)]
ALCOHOL AND DRUGS An employee whose conduct is in violation of the drug, alcohol,
and controlled substances prohibitions of Board policy shall be
subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. [See
An employee need not be legally intoxicated to be considered un-
der the influence of a controlled substance.
EXCEPTION An employee who uses a drug authorized by a licensed physician
through a prescription specifically for that employees use shall not
be considered to have violated this policy.
NOTICE Each employee shall be given access to a copy of the Districts no-
tice regarding drug-free schools. [See DI(EXHIBIT)]
WEAPONS The District prohibits the possession, display, or use of any fire-
PROHIBITION arms, explosive weapons, illegal knives, clubs, or prohibited weap-
ons as defined at FNCG on school premises, at District-sponsored
activities, or on other property under the jurisdiction of the District
at all times.
EXCEPTIONS No violation of this policy shall occur when the possession, display,
or use of an otherwise prohibited weapon takes place as part of a
District-approved activity supervised by proper authorities.
This policy shall not apply to any employee whose duties authorize
or require such employee to be in possession of a firearm, provid-
ed that at the time in question such employee is engaged in the
performance of such duties. [See CKE(LOCAL)]
ELECTRONIC MEDIA Electronic media includes all forms of social media, such as text
messaging, instant messaging, electronic mail (e-mail), web logs
(blogs), electronic forums (chat rooms), video-sharing websites,
editorial comments posted on the Internet, and social network
sites. Electronic media also includes all forms of telecommunica-
tion, such as landlines, cell phones, and web-based applications.

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USE WITH In accordance with administrative regulations, a certified or li-

STUDENTS censed employee, or any other employee designated in writing by
the Superintendent of Schools or a campus principal, may use
electronic media to communicate with currently enrolled students
about matters within the scope of the employees professional re-
sponsibilities. All other employees are prohibited from using elec-
tronic media to communicate directly with students who are cur-
rently enrolled in the District. The regulations shall address:
Exceptions for family and social relationships;
The circumstances under which employees may use text
messaging to communicate with students; and
Other matters deemed appropriate by the Superintendent of
Schools or designee.
An employee shall comply with the Districts requirements for rec-
ords retention and destruction to the extent those requirements
apply to electronic media. [See CPC]
PERSONAL USE Employees shall be held to the same professional standards in
their public use of electronic media as they are for any other public
conduct. If an employees use of electronic media violates state or
federal law or District policy, or interferes with the employees abil-
ity to effectively perform his or her job duties, the employee is sub-
ject to disciplinary action, up to, and including, termination of em-
PHOTOGRAPHIC / An employee shall obtain written consent from a students parent
AUDIO RECORDING / or guardian [see FL(LEGAL)] and from his or her principal before
VIDEOTAPING OF the employee may make or authorize a photo or videotape of a
STUDENTS student or record or authorize the recording of a students voice.
PRINCIPALS The principals written consent prior to photographing, videotaping,
APPROVAL or recording a student shall be obtained even when the law does
not require the consent of a parent or guardian, such as when the
photograph, videotape, or recording shall be used for purposes of
safety or for a purpose related to regular classroom instruction, as
provided by law. [See FL(LEGAL)]
EXCEPTION In the case of videotaping a deposition for an employee termina-
tion/grievance action, the only consent to be obtained in advance
shall be that of the students parent or guardian.
EMPLOYEES CARING Employees shall not bring their own children or other persons chil-
FOR NONENROLLED dren to a campus or District facility during the workday for the pur-
CHILDREN pose of child care or babysitting without the authorization of their

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DRESS AND The dress and grooming of District employees shall be clean, neat,
GROOMING in a manner appropriate for their assignments, and in accordance
with any additional standards established by their supervisors and
approved by the Superintendent of Schools. [See
DH(REGULATION) for appropriate attire and grooming guidelines.]
District employees shall act as role models, exemplifying the high-
est standards of professional appearance, to teach community val-
ues and proper grooming and hygiene.
The Superintendent of Schools may waive the dress code for Dis-
trict employees when school is not in session or based on season-
al weather conditions, special events, and the like.
CELLULAR PHONES The following shall apply to the use of cellular phones in school
1. Teachers may use cellular phones for business calls, includ-
ing parent contacts, only during planning periods and other
off-duty times during the instructional day.
2. Personal calls may not be made or received during class pe-
riods. Cellular phones shall remain off during instructional
ELECTRONIC Unless specifically required by law, employees shall not electroni-
RECORDING cally record by audio, video, or other means, or allow or authorize
CONVERSATIONS other persons to electronically record any conversations or meet-
AND MEETINGS ings unless each and every person present has been notified and
consents to be electronically recorded. Persons wishing to record
a meeting or conversation must obtain consent from anyone sub-
sequently joining the meeting or conversation who had not re-
ceived such notice. A copy of the recording shall be kept in ac-
cordance with the Districts records retention policies. [See CPC]
The District shall not be required to create a transcription of the
recording unless specifically required by law or Board policy. [See
TELEPHONE Unless specifically required by law or Board policy, employees
CONVERSATIONS shall not electronically record a telephone conversation or allow or
authorize other persons to electronically record a telephone con-
versation unless all persons participating in the telephone conver-
sation have consented to be electronically recorded. A copy of the
recording shall be kept in accordance with the Districts records
retention policies. The District shall not be required to create a
transcription of the recording unless specifically required by law or
Board policy. [See CPC]

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OPEN MEETINGS These provisions are not intended to limit or restrict the electronic
AND OTHER PUBLIC recording of publicly posted Board meetings, Board committee
MEETINGS meetings, appeals and grievance hearings, and any other Board-
sanctioned meeting recorded in accordance with Board policy.
OFFICIAL These provisions are not intended to limit or restrict electronic re-
INVESTIGATIONS / cordings by parties involved in authorized investigations or law en-
LAW forcement operations conducted by the police and security ser-
ENFORCEMENT vices department, the Office of Internal Audit, or PSO.

ARRESTS, An employee shall notify the Superintendent of Schools, in writing,

INDICTMENTS, within three workdays of any arrest, indictment, conviction, no con-
CONVICTIONS, AND test or guilty plea, or other adjudication of the employee for any
OTHER felony, any offense involving moral turpitude, and any other offens-
ADJUDICATIONS es as indicated below:
1. Crimes involving school property or funds;
2. Crimes involving attempt by fraudulent or unauthorized
means to obtain or alter any certificate or permit that would
entitle any person to hold or obtain a position as an educator;
3. Crimes that occur wholly or in part on school property or at a
school-sponsored activity; or
4. Crimes involving moral turpitude, which include:
Dishonesty, fraud, deceit, theft, or misrepresentation;
Deliberate violence;
Base, vile, or depraved acts that are intended to arouse
or gratify the sexual desire of the actor;
Felony possession, or conspiracy to possess, or any
misdemeanor or felony transfer, sale, distribution, or
conspiracy to transfer, sell, or distribute any controlled
substance defined in Chapter 481 of the Health and
Safety Code;
Felony driving while intoxicated (DWI);
Acts constituting abuse or neglect under the Texas Fami-
ly Code;
Public lewdness; and
[For additional information, see DBAA(LOCAL).]

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RATIFICATION OF Employees entering into unauthorized procurement transactions

FUNDS may be personally liable and subject to disciplinary action. [See
ADOPTION OR LAST This policy was last adopted or amended on April 28, 2016.

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PURPOSE STATEMENT This regulation has been established to provide guidance regard-
ing employee standards of conduct in the workplace.
APPROPRIATE ATTIRE Employees are expected to dress in a manner that projects a pro-
fessional image for the employees, the school, and the District.
Male employees will wear a dress shirt, dress pants, or other ap-
propriate professional attire.
Hats are not to be worn inside, unless used as protective wear ap-
propriate for ones job function.
Female employees will wear professional dresses and skirts that
are no shorter than three inches above the bend of the knee in
length, dress pants, or other appropriate professional attire.
Administrators will have the discretion to make exceptions to ap-
propriateness of attire as it relates to culture, religious beliefs, vo-
cational courses, physical education, maintenance, medical neces-
sities, field trips, and spirit days. Additionally, employees required
to wear District-issued uniforms are exempt.
All attire should fit appropriately (not excessively tight or excessive-
ly loose). Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to, form-
fitting, snug, sagging, or transparent clothing. The following cloth-
ing is not considered professional attire pursuant to this regulation:
Athletic wear
Revealing/provocative attire
Necklines that expose cleavage
Spandex/form fitting
Professional footwear is required at all times. Slippers, flip-flops,
house shoes, sneaker-style, and other similar foot apparel are not
considered professional attire.
GROOMING AND All employees are expected to exemplify proper grooming stand-
HYGIENE ards and personal hygiene in a manner that projects a professional
image for the employees, the school, and the District.
Male employees will keep their hair and facial hair groomed neatly.
Employees will not display piercings/gauges with the exception of

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Employees will not be allowed to display any jewelry, tattoos,

brands, or similar artifacts that are either obscene, distracting, or
may cause disruptions to the educational environment.
EXCEPTION The above standards are meant to maintain an orderly educational
environment and will not infringe on any individual's culture, reli-
gious beliefs, or protected free speech.
COMPUTER USE AND The Districts electronic communications systems, including its
DATA MANAGEMENT network access to the Internet, is primarily for administrative and
instructional purposes. Limited personal use of the system is per-
mitted if the use:
1. Imposes no tangible cost to the District;
2. Does not unduly burden the Districts computer or network
3. Has no adverse effect on job performance or on a students
academic performance; and
4. Adheres to all standards and provisions as noted in the DH
and CQ series policies.
Electronic mail transmissions and other use of the electronic com-
munications systems are not confidential and can be monitored at
any time to ensure appropriate use.
Employees who are authorized to use the system are required to
abide by the provisions of the Districts communications systems
policy and administrative procedures. Failure to do so may result
in suspension or termination of privileges and may lead to discipli-
nary action. [See CQ(LOCAL)]
USE OF ELECTRONIC The following definitions will apply for the use of electronic media
MEDIA WITH with students:
1. Electronic media will mean all forms of social media, such
as text messaging, instant messaging, electronic mail (e-
mail), web logs (blogs), electronic forums (chat rooms), video-
sharing websites (e.g., YouTube), editorial comments posted
on the Internet, and social network sites (e.g., Facebook,
Snapchat, Instagram, Tumbler, Twitter, and LinkedIn). Elec-
tronic media also includes all forms of telecommunication
such as landlines, cell phones, and web-based applications.
2. Communicate will mean to convey information and includes
a one-way communication as well as a dialogue between two
or more people. A public communication by an employee that
is not targeted at students (e.g., a posting on the employees
personal social network page or a blog) is not a communica-

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tion; however, the employee may be subject to District regula-

tions on personal electronic communications. Unsolicited
contact from a student through electronic means is not a
3. Certified or licensed employee will mean a person employed
in a position requiring SBEC certification or a professional li-
cense and whose job duties may require the employee to
communicate electronically with students. The term includes
classroom teachers, counselors, principals, librarians,
paraprofessionals, nurses, educational diagnosticians, li-
censed therapists, and athletic trainers.
Certified or licensed employees may communicate with students
who are currently enrolled in the District through electronic media
about matters within the employees job responsibilities. All other
employees are prohibited from communicating with students who
are enrolled in the District through electronic media unless they
have express written permission from the Superintendent of
Schools or a campus principal. All employees communicating with
students through electronic media must comply with the provisions
outlined below. [See CQ(LOCAL)]
Exceptions may be applicable if the employee has a social or fami-
ly relationship with a student. For example, an employee may
have a relationship with a niece or nephew, a student who is the
child of an adult friend, a student who is a friend of the employees
child, or be a member or participant in the same civic, social, rec-
reational, or religious organization.
An employee who is authorized to use electronic media to com-
municate with students will observe the following:
1. The employee will limit communications to matters within the
scope of the employees professional responsibilities (e.g., for
classroom teachers, matters relating to class work, home-
work, and tests; for an employee with an extracurricular duty,
matters relating to the extracurricular activity).
2. The employee is prohibited from knowingly communicating
with students through a personal social networking page.
3. The employee may communicate with students using a pro-
fessional social network page, which must be District ap-
proved and accessible to both administrators and parents.
4. The employee will not communicate directly with any student
between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. An employee
may, however, make public posts to a District-approved pro-
fessional network site, blog, or similar application at any time.
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5. The employee does not have a right to privacy with respect to

communications with students and parents.
6. The employee will continue to be subject to applicable state
and federal laws, local policies, administrative regulations,
and the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Ed-
ucators, including:
a. Compliance with the Public Information Act and the Fam-
ily Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), includ-
ing retention and confidentiality of student records. [See
policies CPC and FL]
b. Copyright law. [See policy EFE]
7. Prohibitions against soliciting or engaging in sexual conduct
or a romantic relationship with a student. [See policy DF]
8. Upon request from the administration, an employee will pro-
vide the phone number(s), social network site(s), or other in-
formation regarding the method(s) of electronic media the
employee uses to communicate with any currently enrolled
9. Upon written request from a parent or student, the employee
will discontinue communicating with the student through e-
mail, text messaging, instant messaging, or any other form of
one-to-one communication.
An employee may request an exception from one or more of the
limitations above by submitting a written request to his or her im-
mediate supervisor.
TOBACCO USE Use of tobacco products are prohibited in all buildings, facilities,
sites, and vehicles that are District owned or leased. Tobacco in-
cludes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking to-
bacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, nicotine-delivering devices,
chemicals or devices that produce the same flavor or physical ef-
fect of nicotine substances, e-cigarettes, and any other tobacco
WEAPONS The District prohibits the possession, display, or use of any fire-
PROHIBITION arms, explosive weapons, illegal knives, clubs, or prohibited weap-
ons, as defined at policy FNCG, on school premises, at District-
sponsored activities, or on other property under the jurisdiction of
the District at all times.
EXCEPTIONS No violation of this policy occurs when:
1. Use or possession of a firearm by a specific employee is au-
thorized by Board action for the performance of his or her du-

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ty and the employee is engage in performance of those duties

at the time in question. [See CKE]
2. The use, possession, or display of an otherwise prohibited
weapon takes place as part of a District-approved activity su-
pervised by proper authorities. [See FOD]
The following should be used as a guide for employees whose ac-
tions result in a ratification of funds to be taken to the Board for re-
view and possible action.
RATIFICATION OF Procurements that do not follow the adopted Board policy and cur-
FUNDS rent administrative procedures will be considered unauthorized
transactions. All unauthorized transactions will be reported to the
chief financial officer. Employees entering into unauthorized pro-
curements may be personally liable. The Board may ratify any un-
authorized transaction. [See CH(LOCAL)]
Each chief shall designate one or more employees to become the
certified approver (designee) for purchase orders (POs), check re-
quests, and/or contracts for his or her department.
Prior to handling POs, check requests, and/or contracts, the de-
signee must be appointed by his or her chief and trained by the
financial and legal services departments.
Additionally, designees must be trained annually.
Upon notice of the need for a ratification, the designee may be
subject to submitting a ratification with justification to the senior
staff and/or the Board and if necessary attend the Board briefing
and Board meeting, and may be subject to the following discipli-
nary actions depending upon severity:
1. Letter of Concern;
2. Reprimand; or
3. Restitution and/or Termination.
EXCEPTIONS Exceptions may be made to this regulation by the Superintendent
of Schools or designee.
ADOPTION OR LAST This regulation was last adopted or amended on September 9,

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The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward stu-
dents, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community and
shall safeguard academic freedom. The Texas educator, in maintaining the dignity of the pro-
fession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify hones-
ty. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, shall extend just
and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The Texas educator, in accepting
a position of public trust, shall measure success by the progress of each student toward rea-
lization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. The Texas educator, in fulfilling respon-
sibilities in the community, shall cooperate with parents and others to improve the public
schools of the community. 19 TAC 247.1
1. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices, and Performance
Standard 1.1. The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly engage in
deceptive practices regarding official policies of the District, educational institution, edu-
cator preparation program, the Texas Education Agency, or the State Board for Educator
Certification (SBEC) and its certification process.
Standard 1.2. The educator shall not knowingly misappropriate, divert, or use monies,
personnel, property, or equipment committed to his or her charge for personal gain or
Standard 1.3. The educator shall not submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement,
expenses, or pay.
Standard 1.4. The educator shall not use institutional or professional privileges for per-
sonal or partisan advantage.
Standard 1.5. The educator shall neither accept nor offer gratuities, gifts, or favors that
impair professional judgment or to obtain special advantage. This standard shall not re-
strict the acceptance of gifts or tokens offered and accepted openly from students, par-
ents of students, or other persons or organizations in recognition or appreciation of ser-
Standard 1.6. The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so.
Standard 1.7. The educator shall comply with state regulations, written local Board poli-
cies, and other state and federal laws.
Standard 1.8. The educator shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or a re-
sponsibility on the basis of professional qualifications.
Standard 1.9. The educator shall not make threats of violence against District em-
ployees, Board members, students, or parents of students.
Standard 1.10. The educator shall be of good moral character and be worthy to instruct
or supervise the youth of this state.

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Standard 1.11. The educator shall not intentionally or knowingly misrepresent his or her
employment history, criminal history, and/or disciplinary record when applying for sub-
sequent employment.
Standard 1.12. The educator shall refrain from the illegal use or distribution of con-
trolled substances and/or abuse of prescription drugs and toxic inhalants.
Standard 1.13. The educator shall not consume alcoholic beverages on school property
or during school activities when students are present.
2. Ethical Conduct Toward Professional Colleagues
Standard 2.1. The educator shall not reveal confidential health or personnel information
concerning colleagues unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is re-
quired by law.
Standard 2.2. The educator shall not harm others by knowingly making false state-
ments about a colleague or the school system.
Standard 2.3. The educator shall adhere to written local Board policies and state and
federal laws regarding the hiring, evaluation, and dismissal of personnel.
Standard 2.4. The educator shall not interfere with a colleagues exercise of political,
professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities.
Standard 2.5. The educator shall not discriminate against or coerce a colleague on the
basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, family status, or
sexual orientation.
Standard 2.6. The educator shall not use coercive means or promise of special treat-
ment in order to influence professional decisions or colleagues.
Standard 2.7. The educator shall not retaliate against any individual who has filed a
complaint with the SBEC or who provides information for a disciplinary investigation or
proceeding under this chapter.
3. Ethical Conduct Toward Students
Standard 3.1. The educator shall not reveal confidential information concerning stu-
dents unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law.
Standard 3.2. The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly treat a stu-
dent or minor in a manner that adversely affects or endangers the learning, physical
health, mental health, or safety of the student or minor.
Standard 3.3. The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly misrepresent
facts regarding a student.
Standard 3.4. The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program,
deny benefits to a student, or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of race, col-
or, gender, disability, national origin, religion, family status, or sexual orientation.

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Standard 3.5. The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly engage in
physical mistreatment, neglect, or abuse of a student or minor.
Standard 3.6. The educator shall not solicit or engage in sexual conduct or a romantic
relationship with a student or minor.
Standard 3.7. The educator shall not furnish alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any
person under 21 years of age unless the educator is a parent or guardian of that child or
knowingly allow any person under 21 years of age unless the educator is a parent or
guardian of that child to consume alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs in the presence
of the educator.
Standard 3.8. The educator shall maintain appropriate professional educator-student
relationships and boundaries based on a reasonably prudent educator standard.
Standard 3.9. The educator shall refrain from inappropriate communication with a stu-
dent or minor, including, but not limited to, electronic communication such as cell phone,
text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, blogging, or other social network communi-
cation. Factors that may be considered in assessing whether the communication is in-
appropriate include, but are not limited to:
a. The nature, purpose, timing, and amount of the communication;
b. The subject matter of the communication;
c. Whether the communication was made openly or the educator attempted to con-
ceal the communication;
d. Whether the communication could be reasonably interpreted as soliciting sexual
contact or a romantic relationship;
e. Whether the communication was sexually explicit; and
f. Whether the communication involved discussion(s) of the physical or sexual attrac-
tiveness or the sexual history, activities, preferences, or fantasies of either the
educator or the student.
19 TAC 247.2

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INFORMATION The Superintendent of Schools or designee (normally the head of

TECHNOLOGY the technology department) is charged with providing the technolo-
gy environment to support the Districts goals.
The Information and Technology Services Department (ITS) is re-
sponsible for design, development, implementation, and deploy-
ment of reliable technology and information systems, products, and
services that support the educational infrastructure of the District.
Additionally, ITS is responsible for managing risks to the informa-
tion systems and for collaborating with departments and campuses
throughout the District to determine and implement controls that
appropriately and proactively address the risks.
TECHNOLOGY The head of the technology department will establish and chair a
GOVERNANCE Technology Governance Committee to facilitate the timely input,
COMMITTEE advice, policy proposals, implementation of projects, and informa-
tion technology-related issues to influence the Districts technology
Agendas will be posted prior to each Technology Governance
Committee meeting and meeting minutes will be posted after the
meeting. As the committee chair, the Executive Director of ITS will
be responsible for setting the agenda for each meeting.
The Technology Governance Committee is responsible for creating
and maintaining the charter that establishes the mission statement,
governance structure, and roles and responsibilities for technology
governance in the District, which include but are not limited to the
1. Advise the Superintendent of Schools on the strategic tech-
nology direction for the District to ensure:
a. IT policy development protects information assets and
minimizes vulnerabilities;
b. Project implementations meet the Districts goals and
objectives; and
c. Governance of the IT infrastructure allows for adequate
resources to maintain the Districts information assets.
2. Recommend and advise on the security procedures and regu-
lations relating to technology and security of information as-
3. Approve technology projects.
4. Respond to issues, provide input, feedback, and advice to the
administration and staff on concerns relating to technology.

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5. Establish a standards sub-committee to create a baseline of

District standards for hardware and software and monitor
compliance after the baseline is established. This sub-
committee will review new project and product requests for
compliance with standards and will recommend any additions
or changes to approved standards to the Technology Gover-
nance Committee.
6. Ensure that the technology policy and regulations are properly
communicated throughout the District.
7. Establish a Technology Plan sub-committee to be responsible
for developing a Technology Plan, based on input from cam-
pus staff, central departments, parents, students, and com-
munity members.
8. Develop and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools
the Technology Plan.
9. Establish sub-committees as needed to govern major tech-
nology projects and initiatives.
10. Establish parameters for which technology projects and/or
initiatives must be reviewed and approved by the Standards
Sub-committee and/or the Technology Governance committee
and communicate those processes to all affected stakehold-
The Technology Governance Committee may establish a
Technology Advisory Council to solicit input on technology
use, service quality, and initiatives from a broader group of in-
dividuals of varying roles and perspectives within the District.
The Technology Governance Committee may sponsor various
community outreach activities, including focus groups, fo-
rums, Webcasts, online discussion groups, a technology task
force, and any other means necessary to obtain input and
feedback on technology use, service quality, and initiatives.
DISTRICT PROPERTY Unless third parties have clearly noted copyrights or some other
rights including contract rights on the messages handled by these
electronic communications systems, all messages generated on or
handled by the District electronic communications systems are
considered to be the property of the District.
NO PRIVACY Users have no expectation of privacy while using District technolo-
EXPECTATIONS gy resources.
INTENDED USE In general, the Districts computer and communication systems are
intended to be used for business and educational purposes only

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and are intended for use by employees, teachers, students, ven-

dors, contractors, the community, and other third parties. Use of
District technology and the District network requires that all users
conduct themselves in a professional, responsible, decent, ethical,
and polite manner at all times. Inappropriate system use or beha-
vior will result in the loss of the privilege of using this educational
and administrative tool and may result in disciplinary action includ-
ing termination as well as civil or criminal penalties.
LIMITED PERSONAL Limited use of the Districts computing resources for personal pur-
USE poses is permissible as long as the incremental cost of the usage
is negligible, no District business activity is preempted by the per-
sonal use, and the usage is not likely to cause either a hostile
working environment or a poor behavioral example.
The Districts electronic communication systems must not be used
for political advocacy efforts, religious efforts, private business ac-
tivities, or personal amusement and entertainment. The Districts
electronic communication systems may be used for charitable
fund-raising campaigns only with the express written permission of
the Superintendent of Schools. News feeds, electronic mail mail-
ing lists, push data updates, and other mechanisms for receiving
information over the Internet must be restricted to material that is
clearly related to both the Districts business and the duties of the
receiving users.
USE BY THIRD Use of the Districts computer and communication systems by third
PARTIES parties must be authorized and third-party users must adhere to
the same rules and regulations and controls deemed appropriate
for employees, teachers, and students to ensure that sensitive in-
formation, assets, and resources are protected. Third parties must
sign acceptable use acknowledgements for general use of the
Districts computing resources. They must also sign non-
disclosure and confidentiality agreements before being granted au-
thorized access to sensitive information.
ACCEPTABLE USE The following regulations for acceptable and unacceptable use of
computing devices using voice, video, and data networks, including
the Internet, will apply to all District employees, teachers, students,
vendors, contractors, and other third parties:
1. The District network, including the Internet, will be used pri-
marily for instructional and administrative uses. This system
will not be used for private gain, selling products or services,
lobbying, or in violation of other law, policy, or regulation.
2. If the user identifies or knows of a security problem on the
network, the user will notify a teacher or the site administrator.
The teacher or the site administrator will then notify the Tech-

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nical Assistance Center, who, depending on the severity of

the problem, may notify Internal Audit. Except for notification,
the user will not demonstrate and/or broadcast the security
problem to other users.
3. Users must know the identity of the source of information and
that it is a trusted source.
4. Users must use virus detection software prior to opening e-
mails, documents, and other attachments.
5. Users will not install software on the District-supplied comput-
ers from the Internet or procured elsewhere without appropri-
ate authority.
6. Users must confirm identity before releasing any internal Dis-
trict information, entering into any contracts, or ordering any
products through public networks.
7. There should be signed contracts in place, and non-
disclosure agreements for third parties and written agree-
ments should be signed before any information is exchanged.
8. Spoofing, which is misrepresenting, obscuring, suppressing,
or replacing a users identity on the Internet or any District
electronic communications system, is forbidden. The user
name, electronic mail address, organizational affiliation, and
related information included with messages or postings must
reflect the actual originator of the messages or postings.
9. Users must not post unencrypted District material on any pub-
licly accessible Internet computer that supports anonymous
FTP or similar publicly accessible services, unless the posting
of these materials has been approved by the director of public
relations. The Districts internal information must not be
placed on any computer unless the persons who have access
to that computer have a legitimate business need to know the
involved information.
10. Use of social networking sites (MySpace, Facebook, Linke-
dIn, Blogging, Twitter, and the like) and blogging should ad-
here to the following:
a. Limited and occasional use of the Districts systems to
engage in blogging is acceptable if authorized, provided
that it is done in a professional and responsible manner,
does not otherwise violate the Districts policy, is not de-
trimental to the Districts best interests, and does not in-
terfere with an employee's regular work duties. The Dis-

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trict reserves the right to block access to these or other

Web sites.
b. Blogging by employees, whether using the Districts
property and systems or personal computer systems, is
also subject to the terms and restrictions set forth in this
regulation. Blogging from the Districts systems is also
subject to monitoring.
c. Users are also prohibited from discussing specific Dis-
trict business within any personal home pages they may
have established on these sites outside of District busi-
ness hours.
d. The Districts Data Classification and Retention Regula-
tion also applies to blogging. As such, employees are
prohibited from revealing any District confidential or pro-
prietary information, trade secrets, or any other material
covered by the Districts Data Classification and Reten-
tion Regulation when engaged in blogging.
e. Employees will not engage in any blogging that may
harm or tarnish the image, reputation, and/or goodwill of
the District and/or any of its employees. Employees are
also prohibited from making any discriminatory, dispa-
raging, defamatory, or harassing comments when blog-
ging or otherwise engaging in any conduct prohibited by
the Districts Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment
f. Employees may also not attribute personal statements,
opinions, or beliefs to the District when engaged in blog-
ging. If an employee is expressing his or her beliefs
and/or opinions in blogs, the employee may not, ex-
pressly or implicitly, represent him or herself as an em-
ployee or representative of the District. Employees as-
sume any and all risk associated with blogging.
g. Apart from following all laws pertaining to the handling
and disclosure of copyrighted or export-controlled mate-
rials, the Districts trademarks, logos, and any other Dis-
trict intellectual property may also not be used in con-
nection with any blogging activity.
11. Users must not use the save password features on their
Web browsers or electronic mail clients. The Districts com-
puter users must refuse all offers by software to place a coo-
kie on their computer so that they can automatically log on the
next time they visit a particular Internet site.

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12. Users will not use or try to discover another users password.
13. Users will not let other persons (other than authorized staff
members) use their name, logon password, or files for any
14. Users will not erase, rename, or make unusable another per-
sons computer files, programs, or storage media.
15. Users will not copy, change, or transfer any software or do-
cumentation provided by the District, teachers, or students
without authorization from the site administrator or designee.
16. Unauthorized access to the network, including so-called
hacking and other unlawful activities, is prohibited. Such ac-
tivities may include, but are not limited to:
a. Writing, producing, generating, copying, propagating, or
attempting to introduce any computer code designed to
self-replicate, damage, or otherwise hinder the perfor-
mance of any computers memory, file system, or soft-
b. Intentionally damaging the system, including hardware
and other associated equipment, damaging information
belonging to others, misusing system resources, or al-
lowing others to misuse system resources;
c. Using unauthorized TCP/IP address assignments; and
d. Implementing non-TCP/IP network communication pro-
tocols without authorization by the Technology Services
17. Users will not access or create any obscene or objectionable
information, language, or images. If such information is ac-
cessed accidentally, the user will immediately notify the site
administrator or designee. The site administrator or designee
will notify Network Services and will provide Network Services
with the Web address of the site.
18. Users will not remove technology equipment (hardware or
software) from District premises without written permission
from the site administrator. The site administrator will keep
such permission forms on file for a period of two years from
the date of the authorization.
19. Users will not use the computers to transfer to others profane
language, obscene images, or threats for the purpose of an-
noying or harassing others.

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20. Users will not delete or change the electronic mail belonging
to another system user or interfere with the ability of other
system users to receive/send electronic mail without permis-
21. Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal
information (e.g., picture, full name, home address, or home
phone number, passwords or credit card numbers) regarding
students, Board members, and employees of the District is
prohibited. Users must never respond to unsolicited requests
for personal information. Any such message should be im-
mediately reported to the Information Security department.
[See District intranet, inet.dallas-isd.org/forms]
22. Users will not defeat or make inoperative anti-virus software
installed on District-owned workstations except temporarily for
the expressed purpose of installing additional software when
the anti-virus software interferes with the normal software in-
ACCESS CONTROL Access to information assets must be authorized, controlled, and
monitored based upon job-related function and need-to-know crite-
ria. [See CQ(EXHIBIT)-F] All information assets will be protected
from unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication, modification,
appropriation, destruction, loss, misuse, and denial of use.
PROTECTION All District communications devices must be physically protected
by locking in secured areas when not in use. All personal comput-
er equipment must be marked with identification information that
clearly indicates it is the Districts property.
COPYRIGHTS The reproduction, forwarding, or in any other way republishing or
redistributing words, graphics, or other copyrighted materials must
be done only with the permission of the author or owner. Users
must assume that all materials on the Internet are copyrighted un-
less specific notice states otherwise.
Making unauthorized copies of licensed and copyrighted software,
even if for evaluation purposes, is forbidden. The District permits
reproduction of copyrighted materials only to the extent legally
considered fair use or with the permission of the author or owner.
REPORTING Users must promptly report all information security alerts, warn-
SECURITY INCIDENTS ings, and suspected vulnerabilities to the Technical Assistance
DAMAGED, LOST, OR Damaged, lost, or stolen equipment must be promptly reported to
STOLEN EQUIPMENT appropriate authorities and personnel.

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USE OF PERSONAL Use of non-District-owned technology equipment must meet a min-

EQUIPMENT imum set of security standards before connecting to the Districts
network. Users must adhere to the same rules and regulations
and controls deemed appropriate for the Districts networks. Those
standards are established by the information and technology ser-
vices department and appear in CQ(EXHIBIT)-E. Personal equip-
ment is subject to the same monitoring and privacy expectations.
PROPERTY PASS Computers, communication systems, and related information sys-
tems equipment must not leave the Districts offices without proper
authorization from the employees supervisor/principal.
CHECKOUT OF Site administrators may permit District employees to take District-
HARDWARE AND owned technology hardware and software home for use in conduct-
SOFTWARE BY ing District business while at home. Such permission will be in
EMPLOYEES written form. The site administrator will keep the forms on file for a
period of two years from the date of the permission form. [See Dis-
trict intranet, inet.dallasisd.org/forms]
PERIODIC BACKUP All sensitive, valuable, or critical information resident on the Dis-
tricts communication devices must be periodically backed up. All
end users are responsible for making at least one current backup
copy of sensitive, critical, or valuable files.
Users should be mindful that the e-mail system is not backed up,
and lost or deleted e-mail/information is not recoverable.
RECORD RETENTION E-mail and other materials created on the Districts network are
subject to District and state record retention requirements.
DISPOSAL OF The storage media of all technology equipment will be removed,
EQUIPMENT destroyed, or purged prior to disposal or transfer of ownership out-
side the District.
UNAUTHORIZED Neither District employees nor any other group will connect net-
NETWORK DEVICES work devices not provided through, or approved by, the technology
services department to the District network. Examples of such de-
vices are: servers, routers, switches, hubs, wireless access points,
and the like.
INAPPROPRIATE The use of inappropriate language in any electronic communication
LANGUAGE is prohibited, including the transmission and re-transmission of
electronic mail containing illegal, profane, slanderous, libelous, de-
famatory, abusive, derogatory, threatening, obscene, racist, sexist,
or otherwise offensive materials, harassment, and bullying.
TERMINATIONS When employees, teachers, students, vendors, contractors, and
other third parties are terminated from the District, all access to in-
formation assets will be promptly removed.

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INTERNET SAFETY, All District employees will monitor the use of the Districts network
ACCEPTABLE USE, to ensure that the guidelines are followed. [See CQ(EXHIBIT)-A]
In order to ensure the safety and security of students, employees,
and District information resources, access to e-mail, chat rooms, or
other forms of direct electronic communications will only be availa-
ble through Board-approved methods of electronic communication.
Principals and department heads will be directly responsible for all
e-mail, chat rooms, or other forms of direct electronic communica-
tions originating from the school/department to which the princip-
al/department head is assigned. Being responsible entails taking
appropriate and timely disciplinary action upon the principal or de-
partment head becoming aware of the unacceptable use of elec-
tronic communications by either students or employees. [See DH
(LOCAL) and (REGULATION) regarding Personal Use of Electron-
ic Equipment and Use of Electronic Equipment with Students]
STUDENT Students will find the Acceptable Use Policy delineated in the Stu-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT dent Code of Conduct. The annual signing of the Student Code of
Conduct agreement by a student or by a students parent/guardian
denotes acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy. However, fail-
ure to sign the Student Code of Conduct agreement will not affect
the applicability or application of the CQ(LOCAL) policy and this
regulation. Any student who fails to comply with both the spirit and
the letter of the Board policy [see CQ(LOCAL)] or its regulations
may lose system privileges. Students may be disciplined in accor-
dance with the Student Code of Conduct or other Board policies
and District regulations governing student discipline. Students may
also be the subject of appropriate legal action for violation of the
policy in this code or its implementing regulations. [See
STUDENT E-MAIL Student use of the Districts e-mail communications require direct
ACCOUNTS teacher supervision, parental consent, and the use of Childrens
Internet Protection Act (CIPA) solutions approved by the Technolo-
gy Committee.
EMPLOYEE Employees must sign an annual Acceptable Use Policy agreement
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT before gaining access to the Districts network. [See
CQ(EXHIBIT)-D] Failure to sign the Acceptable Use Policy agree-
ment will not affect the applicability or application of CQ(LOCAL)
and this regulation. Any employee who fails to comply with both
the spirit and the letter of this policy or its regulations may lose sys-
tem privileges. Employees may also be subject to disciplinary ac-
tion up to and including termination.
NO DEFAULT Users using District computer and communication systems must
PROTECTION realize that their communications are not automatically protected
from viewing by third parties. Unless encryption is used, users
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must not send information over the Internet if they consider it to be

confidential or private.
MANAGEMENT At any time and without prior notice, the Districts management re-
REVIEW serves the right to examine electronic mail messages, files on per-
sonal computers, Web browser cache files, Web browser book-
marks, logs of Web sites visited, computer system configurations,
and other information stored on or passing through the Districts
OFFENSIVE WEB The District is not responsible for the content that users may en-
SITES counter when they use the Internet. Users using District comput-
ers who discover they have connected with a Web site that con-
tains sexually explicit, racist, sexist, violent, or other potentially
offensive material must immediately disconnect from that site and
report to the Technical Assistance Center.
BLOCKING SITES The District may, at its discretion, restrict or block the downloading
AND CONTENT of certain file types that are likely to cause network service degra-
TYPES dation. These file types include graphic and music files.
DEFINITIONS The following definitions will apply:
Blogging Writing a blog. A blog (short for Weblog) is a per-
sonal online journal that is frequently updated and intended
for general public consumption.
Communications Devices - personal computers including lap-
tops, notebooks, desktop workstations, and the like. Also
handhelds, portables, personal digital assistants (PDAs),
smart phones, and the like.
Cyberbullying Written/oral expression or physical conduct
using the Internet:
That will have the effect of physically harming a student,
damaging a students property, or placing a student in
reasonable fear of harm to the students person or dam-
age to the students property; or
That is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to
create an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educa-
tional environment for a student.
Mobile Device Portable cartridge/disk-based, removable
storage media (e.g., floppy disks, compact disks, USB flash
drives, external hard drives, and other flash memory
cards/drives that contain non-volatile memory) or portable
computing and communications device with information sto-
rage capability (e.g., notebook/laptop computers, personal

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digital assistants, cellular telephones, digital cameras, and

audio recording devices).
SPAMMING Unauthorized and/or unsolicited electronic
mass mailings.
Third Parties Include vendors, contractors, members of the
public or community, and others doing business with the Dis-
trict and/or requiring use of the Districts information assets.

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