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9. -
This handbook on Recoil Systems has been pepae m ofaeries on Carriages
and Mounts. It presents information on the fundamental Olu principls of re-
coil systems and the design of recoil systems and their o-po.g
Text and line illustrations were prepared by The Franklin Iwiktfte under contract
with Duke University, with the technical assistance of the Ordnance Weapons
P EFAC ............................................................... i

Lar OF FIoURES ........................................................ v

lssr oP SYMUM ........................................................ vii

L INmmTOUCToN .................................................... I
A. General .................................................. I
B. Function of a Recoil Mechanism ............................ I

1. THE REIm SYsTEM ............................................... 3

A. Definitions ................................................ 3
B. Description of the Basic Components ........................ 3

Hi. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECOIL CYCLE .................................. 5

A. Single Recoil System, Sequence of Operation .................. 5
B. Double Recoil System, Sequence of Operation ................. 5

IV. PRINCIPAL TYPES OF RECOIL MECHANISMS ............................. 5

A. Hydrospring Type ......................................... 5
B. Hydropneumatic Type ...................................... 5
C. Types of Counterrecoil Buffer ............................... 6

V. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS........................................ 6
A. General .................................................. 6
B. The Recoil Brake ........................................ 6
C. Hydrospring Mechanism ................................... 7
D. Hydropneumatic Mechanism ................................ 9
E. The Puteaux Mechanism .................................... 10
F. The Schneider Mechanism .................................. II
G. The Filloux Mechanism .................................... 13
H. The St. Chamond Mechanism ................................ 13
1. Double Recoil System ...................................... 13

VI. SELECTION OF A RECOIL SYSTEM ...................................... 16

A. G eneral ..................... ........................... 16
B. Requisites of the Recoil System .............................. 16

VII. PRELIMINARY DFSIGN DATA ............................................. 16

A. Velocity of Free Recoil ......................... ........... 16
B. Recoil Force .............................................. 17
C. In-Battery Force ........................................... 17

D. Velocity of Counterrecoil ................................... 18
E. Buffer Force .............................................. 18

VIII. DESIGN OF RECOIL MECHANISM COMPONEN1T .......................... 19

A. Suggested Materials ........................................ 19
B. Recoil Piston Rod ......................................... 19
C. Recoil Piston .............................................. 20
D. Packings .................................................. 20
E. Belleville Springs .......................................... 21
F. Recoil Cylinder ............................................ 22
G. Recuperator, Hydropneumatic ............................... 23
H. Recuperator, Spring Type ................................... 23
I. Counterrecoil Buffer ....................................... 23
J. Floating Piston ............................................ 24
K. Regulator ................................................. 25
L Recoil Throttling Valve ..................................... 25
M. Regulator Valve ........................................... 27
N. Manufacturing Procedures .................................. 28
0. Maintenance Features ...................................... 28

IX. Smos REcxxL SvsrEM CALCULATIONS ............................... 29

A. Propellant Gas Force vs. Time Curve ..................... .. 29
B. Recoil Force Chart ........................................ 29
C. Recoil Calculations ........................................ 29
D. Analysis of Fluid Behavior During Recoil .................... 31
I. Recoil Force ........................................... 31
2 Orifice Size ............................................. 32
3. Losses in the Hydraulic System ........................... 33
4. Compressibility of Hydraulic Fluid ........................ 34
5. Analysis for Recoil Throttling Valve ....................... 35
E. Counterrecoil Calculations ................................. 38
X. DESIGN OF CONCENTRIC RECOILMECHAKIS& .......................... 42
A. Introduction .............................................. 42
B. Types of Concentric Recoil Mechanism ....................... 42
C. Recoil Calculations, Concentric Types ........................ 42
D. Orifice Design, Concentric Types ............................ 43
E. Spring Design, Concentric Types ............................ 44

XI. DESIGN OF DOUBLE RECOIL SYSTEMS .................................. 46

A. Introduction .............................................. 46
B. Recoil Forces ............................................. 47
C. Procedure for Dynamic Analysis ............................. 47
I. Nomenclature .......................................... 47
2. Detailed Discussion ..................................... 48

XII. RECOIL SYSTEMS FOR SMALL ARMS ................................... 60

A . Introduction .............................................. 60
S" iii
B. Design and Operating Characteristics of Ring Springs .......... 60
C. Design and Operating Characteristics of the Sleeve Brake ....... 63
D. Design and Operating Characteristics of the Hydrospring Adapter 66

XIII. SUPPLEENTAL DESIGN FEATmES.................................... 66

A. Muzzle Brakes...................... .............. 66
B. Liquid Reserve Indicator, or Oil Index ....................... 67
C. Replenisher............................................... 67


.............................. 68

GO sy ............................................................. 77

REUCS.......................................... 79
INDIEX ................................................................ 80

Figwe Page
I Weapon Showing Recoil Mechanism (Recoil Brake and Recuperator)... 2
2 Diagram of Recoil Mechanism Types (General) ...................... 3
3 Diagram of Hydrospring Types .................................... 4
4 Diagram of Hydropneumatic Types ................................. 4
5 Recoil Mechanism Force Chart .................................... 7
6 Methods of Orifice Area Control (Right Sections Are at Pistons) ....... 8
7 Hydrospring Recoil Mechanism (Schematic) ......................... 9
8 The Puteaux Mechanism (Schematic) ................................ 10
9 The Schneider Recoil Mechanism ................................... 12
10 The Filloux Recoil Mechanism ..................................... 14
II The St. Chamond Recoil Mechanism ............................... 15
12 Recoil Force. System. .................................... 17
13 Rod-Breech Ring Attachments ..................................... 19
14 Typical Packing Assembly ......................................... 20
15 External Buffer ................................................... 24
16 Internal Buffer ................................................... 24
17 Respirator ....................................................... 24
18 Floating Piston ................................................... 25
19 Piston Flange Loading Diagram .................................... 25
20 Regulator, Sh-iwing Oil Flow Paths ................................ 26
21 Recoil Throttling Valve ........................................... 26
22 Regulator Valve (Valve Closed for Counterrecoil) .................... 27
23 Propellant Gas Force-Time Curve During Projectile Travel in Bore .... 30
24 Propellant Gas Force-Decay Curve After Projectile Leaves Muzzle .... 30
25 Forces and Reactions on Recoiling Parts ............................ 32
26 Oil Chambers of a Recoil Mechanism ............................... 34
27 Counterrecoil Force Chart ......................................... 38
28 Functioning Components During Counterrecoil ...................... 39
29 Concentric Recoil Mechanism (Concentric Spring Type) ............... 43
30 Concentric Recoil Mechanism (Multiple Cylinder Type) ............... 43
31 Concentric Recoil Mechanism with Separate Counterrecoil Assembly .... 44
32 Force-Time and Acceleration-Time Curves .......................... 45
33 Velocity-Time Curve of Recoil ..................................... 45
34 Velocity-Distance Curve of Recoil .................................. 46
35 Gun With Double Recoil Mechanism ............................... 47
36 Preliminary Forces of a Double Recoil System ....................... 48
37 Forces on a Double Recoil System .................................. 50
38 Acceleration Diagram of a Double Recoil System ..................... 51
39 Applied Loads and Reactions on Cradle ............................ 54
,41 Ring Spring W ith Single Spring Element ............................ 61
41 Ring Spring Constants and Efficiency ............................... 62
42 Load-Deflection Diagrams of Ring Springs .......................... 63
43 Load-Deflection Diagrams of Similar Ring Springs ................... 63
44 Sleeve Brake Recoil Adapter Disassembled ......................... 64

UST OF FIGURES (Concluded)
Figure Page
45 Force-Friction Relations of a Sleeve Brake Mechanism ................ 65
46 Force-Displacement Diagram of a Sleeve Brake Adapter .............. 65
47 Oil Index ........................................................ 67
48 Replenisher ...................................................... 67
49 Recoil Force Chart for Sample Problem ............................. 69




a Maverage recoil acceleration during At F. available counterrecoil force before throttling

ab m acceleration during buffing Fb - total buffer force
a - counterrecoil orifice area F - buffer net decelerating force
a. - recoil orifice area F,, - hydraulic resistance of counterrecoil orifice
a - buffer orifice area F& = initial Belleville spring load
a, - acceleration during counterrecoil F, - coil spring force of recoil throttling valve
A - effective area of recoil piston F - initial coil spring load
A, - contact area of packing on cylinder wall Fc, - net counterrecoil accelerating force
Ab - effective area of buffer piston F, - frictional resistance of slides during counter-
A, - cross section area of control rod recoil
A,. - area of counterrecoil pisto- A;4p'ywnti-t F, - propelbunt gaSforce
system) F. - hydraulic resistance of recoil brake
As - bore area of gun tube F, - force on counterrecoil piston
A. - peripheral discharge area of recoil throttling F, - force on counterrecoil piston
valve FR - recuperator force; same as force on floating
A, - root area of thread piston
At - recuperator area; same as area of floating F, - spring load in general; the combined load of
piston coil and Bclleville springs
A, - root area of valve stem F, - combined initial spring load of coil and
A, - effective pressure area of throttling valve Belleville springs
b - width of packing F,, - spring force when buffers are contacted
c - open periphery of valve head Fe - radial force of packing on cylinder
C, - counterrecoil orifice coefficient h - velocity head
C. - orifice coefficient in general or for recoil h, = lift of recoil throttling valve, coil spring
orifice active
Dt - inside diameter of recoil cylinder h, - lift of recoil throttling valve, both springs
E, - kinetic energy of counterrecoil active
E, - kinetic energy of recoil k - stress concentration factor
f4 - total frictional resistance of packing in recoil K - total resistance to recoil
brake and counterrecoil cylinder K. - resistance offered by elastic medium of
- hydraulic resistance of recoil orifice during recuperator
counterrecoil Kb = Belleville spring rate, recoil throttling valve
f, - hydraulic resistance at each restriction in K, - coil spring rate, recoil throttling valve
flow path other than controlled orifice K, = frictional resistance of cradle slides during
- total frictional resistance of packings recoil
- frictional resistance of a packing assembly K, =- spring rate in general; spring rate of corn-
= frictional resistance of packing in recuperator bined coil and Belleville springs
F = force tending to accelerate recoiling parts K, = pressure factor
F =- static force of recuperator in battery K, = recoil rod force
- static resistance to counterrecoil
-F L = length of recoil
F2 - recuperator force, end of recoil L,, =-length of counterrecoil stroke to contact
F. = net accelerating force or inertia force of buffers
recoiling parts M = mass equivalent of projectile and propellant
Symbols peculiar to double recoil systems are listed in gas
paragraph 149 and those for recoil systems for small arms Mb = bulk modulus of fluid
in paragraph 187. M, = mass of recoiling parts


n - polytropic exponent Av - change in velocity
n - subscript denoting value at stated interval v, - average velocity during AS
n-I - subscript denoting value preceding the v% - velocity of counterrecoil during buffing
stated interval v/ - maximum velocity of free recoil
P , pressure in recoil brake cylinder Av/ - change in free recoil velocity
P- pressure drop across counterrecoil orifice vyt - velocity of free recoil at time, t,
P", oil pressure before throttling through v/2 - velocity of free recoil at time, 12
counterrecoil orifice V., - muzzle velocity of projectile
P, - oil pressure before throttling through recoil v. - velocity of flow through orifice
orifice during counterrecoil v, - counterrecoil velocity
P0 minimum recuperator pressure, in-battery Ai, - change in counterrecoil velocity
P, gas pressure at end of recoil j - velocity of floating piston
P2 gas prcssure when buffers are contacted V0 - gas volume, in-battery
P. axial pressure in packing V, - gas volume at end of recoil
P# buffer pressure V2 - gas volume when buffers are contacted
P, propellant gas pressure AV - gas displacement
P* pressure rise caused by orifice w - density of fluid
P.- maximum fluid pressure W.. - available energy in recuperator for counter-
AP. - pressure drop across recoil orifice during recoil
counterrecoil W, weight of propellant charge
Pp - proof pressure Wp - weight of projectile
P, recuperator pressure or equivalent pressure W, - weight of recoiling parts
of spring W, - erergy required to overcome static resistance
P -- radial pressure in packing x - distance of recoil at time t
P, -axial pressure in packing produced by Ax - distance recoiled during At
spring x# - distance of buffer travel at any time t
P - gas pressure at any position of recoil x - displacement of control rod
P, w fluid pressure on packing x, - distance of counterrecoil at any time t
Q - rate of flow Ax, - distance counterrecoiled during At
- rate of flow through counterrecoil orifice I = angle of elevation
- rate of flow through recoil orifice during X = in-battery sustaining fa-tor
counterrecoil - coefficient of friction
R - secondary recoil force - leakage factor
Sb - length of buffer stroke p - mass density of fluid
S -- factor of safety - radial stress
t - time - tensile stress; hoop stress
At - change in time - yield strength
Vs - recoil velocity -- maximum shear stress

, a-
1. INTRODUCTION the other side represents the total momentum of the
projectile and propellant gases moving in the op-
A. GENlER.L posite direction. The only unknown value, the
velocity of free recoi!, can be determined by ap-
I. This is one of a series of handbooks on Car- propriate substitutions in Equation (Ic). Once this
riages and Mounts. This handbook deals with velocity is found, the kinetic energy of the recoiling
the design of recoil mechanisms. mass can be calculated (see Equation 3a Par. 78).
At this stage, the method by which the kinetic
3 FUNCTION OF A RECOIL MECHANISM energy is dissipated becomes the sole basis of design
of the recoil mechanism.
2. A recoil mechanism moderates the firing loads 4. It would be possible to attach the gun tube
on the supporting structure by prolonging the time rigidly to its carriage, thereby exposing the structure
of resistance to the propellant gas forces. As the to the full propellant pressure force which may
gas pressure propels the projectile toward the exceed two million pounds in large guns. However,
muzzle, it exerts an equal and opposite force on the to be strong enough to sustain this tremendous load,
breech, which tends to drive the gun backward. the structure would become overwhelmingly large
The main purpose of a recoil mechanism is to and unwieldy. The expanse of thz base to providt
cushion this force and limit the rearward movement, stability, that is, to prevent tipping over, would be
3. The dynamics of recoil presents a study in the enormous. Pistols and shoulder arms of the closed
conservation of momentum. From mech,,,II.S We breech type are designed to this concept. hut they
have the expression for a force, rely upon the human body to provide the recoil
F= ) (1) 5. In practical design of larger weapons, the gun
is permitted to recoil, or move back, a prescribed
where: m - mass, distance and against some predetermined resistance.
V - velocity. Figure I shows a weapon with a recoil mechanism.
The function of a recoil mechanism is to absorb the
The forces tending to separate two bodies are equal energy of recoil effectively and then return the gun
and opposite in direction, thus, equating the forces to the "in-battery" position. The large rearward
in the above equation we have thrust acts for a very short time, only so long as the

F, -d(m- -) - F2 -m2X-2 ) (la) propellant gas pressure acts. In order to confine the
"dt dt supporting structure to reasonable size and weight,
and to achieve sttibility with a relatively small firing
and d(mIV,) - dm 2 2, ). (lb) base, it is necessary to prolong the duration of
Integrating we have resistance to the impulsivce force of the propellant
m19'1 - m2v2. (Ic) gas.
6. The propellant gas pressure force, instead of
This principle is 'cctly applicable to the recoil being applied directly to the carriage structire,
activity of Ivins where one side of Equ,,tion (Ic) merely accelerates the gun and other recoiling parts
represents the momentum of the recoil'ng part%and in their recoil motion. This motion is retarded by
* Prepred by Regina. Latbnratoriei for Research a predetermined and controlled force. The retard-
and I[mlonpmmnI of I he Iranklin Institute. ing force is the one which must be taken by the

0 E -

0 4
w C
0 0 U
0 4
hI 0
U) t
o 8

U - 0
5 0

oC 0
* z *1



structure. It is much smaller than the original trolled and limited to certain parameters by one or
- propellant gas force, because it acts over a much more recoil mechanisms.
greater interval of time and an appreciable dis- 10. The recoil mechanism is that component %f
tance; the longer the distance, the smaller the force, a recoil system which absorbs and stores the recoil
The resistance to motion is provided mostly by the energy and then returns the gun to battery position.
recoil mechanism and partly by gun slide friction. II. There are two types of recoil systems: a
A detailed analysis of this activity is discussed in single and a double system. A single recoil system
Parts D.I and D.2 of Chapter IX. is one wherein the recoil mechanism (or mecha.
7. The product of recoil distance and retarding nisms) has its recoiling parts moving, as a single
force is recoil energy, which is a primary criterion coordinated unit, in one direction (see Chapter III,
* in the design of a rec,)il mechanism. When the Part A).
weapon is fired, recoil begins immediately. The 12. A double recoil system is one in which the
energy of recoil is developed in the short time the recoil mechanisms control two separate units of
propellant gas forces are acting. This energy is recoiling parts, with both coordinated units moving
expended in several ways, namely: (1) a small in the same general rearward direction, but in paths
amount is stored in deflecting the structure and not necessarily parallel (see Chapter !11, Part B,
ordinarily may be safely ignored; (2) some is and Chapter XI).
absorbed by gun-slide friction; (3) the greatest por-
tion is dissipated by the recoil mechanism; and
(4) a sufficient amount is stored in the recuperator DESCRi"T1ON OP THE aSIc COMPONErS a*
to return the gun to the in-battery position. 13. A recoil mechanism is comprised of three
8. While returning to the in-battery position, basic comr -nents: a recoil brake, it counterrecoil
the moving parts acquire a counterrecoil energy. mechanisr ind a buffer as shown dilrammatically
Some means must be provided to absorb this in Figs. and 4. The recoil brakt consisL of a
energy and ease the unit into the in-battery position. hldraul ilinder and piston assetibly. As the
This is accomplished by the counterrecoil buffer. pistoi yes within the cylinder, a force is gener-
ated by restricting the flow of hydraulic fluid i,=-
the pressure chamber of the cylinder. The magni-
!1. THE RECOIL SYSTEM tude of this restricting force is a function of the
flow of fluid through one or more orifices, whose
size is regulated to provide the desired recoil velocity
and pressure curves. The recoil energy absorbed
9. A recoil system is defined as an assembly of by this restricting force is dissipated as heat.
components whereby the forces acting on a gun and 14. The counterrecoil mechanism is composed of
its related mount during a firing cycle can be con- a recuperator and counterrecoil cylinder assembly.






Figure 2. Diagram of Recoil Mechanism Types (General)




PrW. 3. Diagram of Hfydroqpri Typeo


Flowe 4. Dhagram of Hydroprmmatic Type

The latter may be a separate unit or it may be the During recoil, the spring or gas is compressed
recoil brake components operating in reverse. The further, storing the additional energy needed for
terms counterrecoil mechanism and recuperator are counterrecoil. While in transit, gun locks, either
sometimes used as synonyms. However, to avoid with or without the aid of the in-battery force, hold
confusion, the recuperator is defined here as the the recoiling parts in position.
equipment which stores some of the recoil energy 15. The buffer functions similarly to the recoil
for counterrecoil, whereas the counterrecoil mecha- brake; it absorbs the energy of counterrecoil. There
nism is defined as the unit which returns the recoil- is sufficient recuperator energy to drive the recoiling
ing parts to battery. It derives its energy from the parts into battery at an appreciable velocity. If this
recuperator. The recuperator can be of either the were not controlled, an impact would occur, which
hydrospring type or the hydropneumatic type. The might cause the weapon to nose over, create struc-
hydrospring type stores the energy required to tural damage, or both. The buffer is usually a
return the gun to the battery position in a mechan- dashpot type of device.
ical spring, or springs. The hydropneumatic type 16. The components are described above as
stores this energy in compressed gas. There is separate units, which sometimes is the case. Fre-
always some recuperator force present to hold the quently, though, they are integrated into a single
recoiling parts in battery at all angles of elevation, mechanism. However, whether separate or inte-

gral, all components are interdependent and func- weapon is now in battery and ready to be loaded
/ tion as one unit. and fired again.


111. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECOIL CYCLE 22. In a double recoil system, two masses are
joined to each other and to the fixed structure by
recoil mechanisms. The primary recoiling parts
A. SINGLE RECOIL SYSTEM, SEQUENCE OF OPERATION consist of gun tube, breech housing and operating
17. As soon as the gun is fired and the projectile mechanism, breechblock assembly, and those parts
starts forward, propellant gas pressure accelerates of the recoil mechanisms not fixed to the cradle.
the recoiling parts backward. This motion is re- In some instances, the recoil piston rod, the counter-
sisted by the inertia of the recoiling parts, friction, recoil piston rod, and the buffer are attached to and
and the recoil mechanism. The force exerted by move with the recoiling parts; in others, these items
the recoil mechanism comes from both the recoil are fixed to the cradle while their associated cylin-
brake and recuperator. Acceleration of the recoil- ders constitute a portion of the recoiling parts.
ing parts takes place during the time of travel of The secondary recoiling parts are composed of the
the projectile in the bore plus the time of pressure cradle, top carriage, that portion of the primary
decay after the projectile leaves the muzzle. recoil mechanism that is affixed to the cradle, and
18. The retarding force occurs over the entire those parts of the secondary recoil mechanism
recoil stroke. At the very instant of firing, only which move with the top carriage. The secondary
recuperator and friction forces are available. After system action is somewhat modified by the fact that
motion begins, these forces are augmented by the the secondary system does not begin to move until
hydraulic throttling force. The recoiling parts the primary is definitely under way. Its recuperator
reach maximum velocity when the retarding force resistance and inertia are sufficient to delay the
is equal to the propellant gas force, and then deceler- start of motion. The primary system is well on
ate until motion ceases. Meanwhile, due to the the way in counterrecoil before the secondary has
further compression of its spring or gas, the re- fully recoiled. Ordinarily, the primary is in battery
cuperator force increases gradually, storing the while the secondary is still in counterrecoil.
energy needed for counterrecoil.
19. At the completion of the recoil stroke, the
recuperator begins to return the recoiling parts into IV. PRINCIPAL TYPES OF RECOIL
battery. Its force can never be less than that re- MECHANISMS
quired to hold the gun in battery. Therefore, that
part of the area of the force-distance curve which
represents stored counterrecoil energy is somewhat A. P.YDROPRUNG TYPE
predetermined. 23. The hydrospring mechanism utilizes a me-
20. A quick return to battery is an advantage in chanical spring for the recuperator and a hydraulic
rapid-fire guns but is undesirable in single-fire guns. system for recoil and buffing. Sometimes, the
Here, high forces cause ptoblems in strength aad spring is mounted concentric to the gun tube; in
stability. As counterrecoil velocities are sometimes other arrangements, it is concentric to the recoil
limited to 2 or 3 feet per second, even more restric- mechanism; or the spring may he a separate unit.
tion of hydraulic flow than in recoil may be neces- The manner of mounting depenJi upon the size of
sary. spring needed, the available space and its location,
21. Before the counterrecoil stroke is completed, and on the effects of eccentric forces.
the moving parts contact the buffer, which is dc-
signcd to absorb the remaining counterrecoil
energy. The moving parts should stop just as they . MYDRONEMATC TYP
reach the in-battery position. The recuperator 24. The hydropneumatic mechanism uses com-
force is still acting, but at its minimum value. The pressed gas for its recuperator, usually dry nitrogen
because of its relative inertness. It may be either is not applicable at the beginning because the recoil
"independent" or "dependent," or variations of resistance should not exceed the propellant gas
these two. force if prompt recoil motion is desired.
25. In the independent type, the recuperator is 29. The total resistance is a combination of a
an entirely separate unit from the recoil brake hydraulic force, a spring force, which may be
(refer to Figures 9 and 10). The piston rods of mechanical or from compressed gas, and friction.
both brake and recuperator are joined directly to Nhichever combination is used, it works as a unit,
the recoiling parts. As the gun recoils, hydraulic the parts affecting each other as they act simul-
fluid or oil is forced into the compressed gas taneously. Therefore, the entire system must be
chamber. As the fluid compresses the gas still analyzed as a unit.
further, the pressure increases. During counter-
recoil, this action is reversed. The gas and fluid
may be separated by a floating piston, or they may
be in direct contact. If in direct contact, sufficient 30. Since the recuperator force-distance curve is
oil must be provided so that gas cannot escape somewhat determined by its battery position force,
through the port to the counterrecoil cylinder, it is necessary to adjust the hydraulic brake curve
26. In the dependent case, only the recoil piston so that the total curve will be as desired (see Figure
rod is joined to the recoiling parts (refer to Figures 5). After the friction and recuperator curves are
8 and 11). Fluid is forced from the recoil brake known, their ordinates may be subtracted from
cylinder into the recuperator, where it is throttled. those of the total resistance curve. The differences
The recuperator normally is connected directly to of the ordinates form the design brake curve.
the recoil brake cylinder, but a floating piston 31. The recoil brake force, at any point along
separates gas and fluid. the stroke, depends upon the recoil velocity and
orifice area at that point. It is therefore necessary
to vary the orifice area from point to point to suit the
C. TYPES OF COUNTERRECOIL BUFFER changing velocity and force. This may be done in
27. Buffers operate by means of a controlled any of several ways, or in combinations thereof.
restriction of hydraulic flow and are of two general Figure 6 illustrates some of these methods.
types. One acts over a short distance during the 32. A throttling bar (Fig. 6a), whose cross sec-
end of the counterrecoil stroke. The other, where tion varies along its length, is fastened along the
lower forces and finer control over velocity are cylinder in such manner that it cannot move longi-
needed, acts during the entire length of stroke. tudinally. This bar passes through a fixed-area
orifice in the piston. As the piston moves, the net
orifice area changes with corresponding change in
V. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS restriction to fluid flow. The same effect may be
had with a solid piston and a varying groove cut
into the cylinder wall (Fig. 6b). Either method
A. GENERAL offers excellent control over the pressure curve.
28. All recoil mechanisms work on some com- Two bars or grooves diametrically opposed are
bination of the same basic principles; that of recommended for a balanced pressure load on the
providing a controlled resistance over a set distance piston.
to check the motion of the recoiling parts, then 33. Another method varies orifices through the
returning them to the firing position and providing piston (Fig. 6c). A rotatable disk with matching
a sufficient restraint to hold them in that position holes is assembled to the piston. A projection of the
at maximum elevation. This resistance to recoil disk is guided by a spiral groove in the cylinder
should be nearly constant, since, for a prescribed wall. As the disk rotates, the orifices change in
recoil distance, this will produce the smallest size. Again, excellent control is possible.
possible force on the structure (see Figure 5). The 34. Controlled throttling may bK attained by use
area under the force-distance curve representh en- of a perforated sleeve inside the cylinder (Fig. 6d).
ergy and, clearly, a rectangular curve will yield the Holes are properly spaced so that those back of the
lowest peak force. However, a rectangular curve piston provide the restriction during the first part


U Fo

t I



Kn a Sgu

Figure 5. Recoil Mechanism Force Chart

of"the stroke and those in front during the last part. C. HYDROSPRING MECIAIMM
35. The flow may be regulated by a spring- 3.Ashmtcdaig i yrsrn
loadd vlvecse
inwhih he resureis onsant system is given in Filpre t, showing each element
or nearly so (Fig. 6e). separately. In practice, it is preferable to combine
two) or all three elements into one housing to secure
Scompactness. Sometinx-t the spring is wrapped
iaround the gntube, permitting the use of a larger
S~spring, resulting in a more compact gun assembly.

ORDP 20-342

_______________________________________ ORIFICE -







o Go
0 00




Figure 6. Methods of Orifice Area Control (Right Sections Are at Pistons)

n nn
I II III I I I I I I I i i i S






71 OIL
I I.


Figure 7. Hydrospring Recoil Mechoanism (Schemofie)

31. The advantages of a hydrospring system are: ditions.

a. Simplicity of design. d. The capacity to absorb small modifica-
b. Ease of manufacture. tions of the weapon without requiring
c. Low initial cost. recoil system redesign.
d. Rapidity of repair in field. e. Relatively long recoil is possible.
e. Fewer seal or packing problems. f. Flexibility of design approach.
The disadvantages are: g. Adequate warning of imminent failure.
a. Unpredictable spring life. h. Low field maintenance.
b. High replacement rate. Disadvantages are:
c. Bulkiness. a. Specialization required in manufacture,
leading to high cost and some difficulty
D. HYDROPNEUMATIC MECHANISM in procurement; although it lends itself
to mass production, fitted or select
38. The points in favor of the hydropneumatic assembly is usually necessary.
system are: b. Maintenance in storage requires great
a. Reliability. care to avoid deterioration and damage
b. Durability because of little mechanical by internal corrosion, particularly with
articulation. leather packing.
c. Smooth action, because gas pressure c. Variation of gas pressure with ambient
can be finely adjusted to varied con- temperature affects recoil velocity and

distance. This may require some form is not self-sufficient, being a simple hydraulic unit
of compensation. which merely provides a force to retard recoil.
d. Greater number of internal cylinder The magnitude of the force is regulated by throttling
walls requiring accuracy of form and in the recuperator. The recoil brake comprises a
high surface finish. Dents or scratches cylinder, piston, and piston rod. The recuperator
in the inside walls cause rapid failure of contains a regulator, a throttling or control rod, a
the packing passing over them. floating piston, and other associated parts.
e. Difficulty of maintaining high rate of 41. The regulator has three cylindrical sections,
fire because of effect of heat on packings the ends, or heads, being much larger in diameter
and antifriction metal. than the middle section. It is fixed in position, being
39. There is a great variety of possible designs held in place by the closure at the breech end which
of hydropneumatic recoil systems for the same gen- is threaded to the recuperator. The front head is
eral performance, as in the case of the hydrospring. hollow and fits the cylinder bore. Its rear wall con-
In the following sections, from E to H, several exist- tains one-way valves which permit fluid passage
ing designs are described. These are presented as only during recoil. The front wall is a flat plate
some examples of past experience, but are not in- having a central orifice. The regulator is bored
tended to put any limit on new ideas or resource- axially through the rear head and middle section
fulness. into the chamber of :he front head to form a cylin-
drical housing for the control rod and a return
passage for the fluid during counterrecoil. The
L. THE PUTEAUX. MECHANISM bore may be grooved longitudinally for flow
40. The Puteaux mechanism in Figure 8 illus- control.
trates a hydropneumatic, dependent type of recoil 42. The control rod is tapered and passes through
mechanism. It consists of a hydraulic brake, the orifice. At its forward end, it is attached to, and
directly connected by a port to the recuperator, centered by, a diaphragm. The breech end of the
which also houses the controls. The recoil brake control rod is centered in its housing by a piston




777. RNTO



Figure 8. The Puteaux Mechanism (Schematic)

I0 I
rwhich provides restriction to fluid flow during ever, in this directon, the ffuid takes a different

counterrecoil when that feature is desired. The path. The one-way valves in the regulator head
control rod is drilled through its entire length to are closed and the fluid is diverted to the center bore
t accommodate the fluid gage (index) actuating rod. of the regulator where it flows along the control
rod. To preclude excessivecountcrrecoil velocities,
43. The floating piston separates the gas from
the liquid and also indicates the volume of fluid the flow is usually restricted atthe breech end of
in the system. It lies directly in front of the dia- the control rod, either by slots in the control rod
phragm, separated from it by a compression spring, piston or grooves in the wall of the regulator bore.
The spring insures proper positioning of the con- This restriction to flow is sometimes construed as
trol rod just before recoil starts, as it forces the buffing over the entire counterrecoil stroke, but
diaphragm against the orifice plate. The volume would better be considered as a way to restrict
of fluid between the piston and diaphragm is the the maximum counterrecoil velocity.
fluid reserve. A slender rod, attached to the piston, 48. The Puteaux recoil mechanism has these
extends through the hollow throttling rod to actuate particular advantages:
the fluid gage. Thus, the position of the piston a. Compactness.
indicates the amount of liquid in reserve. b. Light weight.
44. The above description does not include any c. Provision for a fluid index.
reference to a counterrecoil buffer because the d. One rod connection to the breech lug
buffer arrangement has no bearing on the identi- or to the front end of the cradle.
fication of the Puteaux mechanism. For light ar- 49. It also has these characteristic disadvantages:
tillery, where the energy to be absorbed is small, a. Inadequate fluid reserve may allow the
a buffer may be built into the front end of the recoil gun to fall out of battery at high eleva-
cylinder. For heavy artillery, separate buffers may tion.
be necessary to insure adequate performance. b. Control rod is not positively tied to the
45. During the recoil stroke, the retarding force gun, therefore its correct position is not
is created by pressure built up on the rod end of inherently assured.
the recoil piston. The piston forces fluid to flow c. Repairs require special facilities and ex-
into the regulator, where it opens the one-way pert mechanics.
valves and contiaues on its way through the orifice.
The fluid forces the diaphragm and floating piston
forward against the recuperator gas pressure. As
the diaphragm moves forward, it draws the throt- 50. The Schneider mechanism (Fig. 9) illustrates
tling rod through the orifice and, because of the a hydropneumatic, independent type recoil mechan-
proper taper of the rod, adjusts the net orifice to ism. It comprises a recoil cylinder, a counterrecoil
the desired area at each increment of stroke. The cylinder, a recuperator, and a built-in buffer.
energy of recoil is principally absorbed by throttling There is no communicating passage between recoil
through the orifice. Some is stored in compressing cylinder and either counterrecoil cylinder or recu-
the gas and a small amount is consumed in over- perator. All controls are contained in the recoil cyl-
coming the combined friction of all moving parts. inder; the counterrecoil cylinder and recupcrator
46. At the very start of recoil, the diaphragm is simply store energy. The recoil and counterrccoil
pressed against the orifice plate and no flow can piston rods are separately attached to the cradle
occur. This n.eans that, for a brief instant, the and are stationary. All threecylinders are mounted
resistance is provided only by the recuperator gas on, and move with, the recoiling parts.
pressure and almost no control exists over the 51. The recoil brake consist.% of three concentric
hydraulic pressure curve. As soon as an appreciable components: the outside cylinder, the recoil piston
recoil velocity is attained, the orifice is regulated and hollos% piston rod, and the centra! contro! ro6.
to produce the desired resistance. 52. The control rod is rigidlN attaiched to the
47. As recoil ends and counterrecoil begins. the cylinder and. therefore, alo mose, %itth the rcc(1-
flow of fluid reverses. The gas pressure pushes the ing parts. It extend, :hrougt" the or:fice and int,
floating piston toward its original position. thus the hollo% pitor rod. Its contour i,. kucl- that it
forcing the fluid back through the orifice. Ho%%- properly regulate- lh! uritize a, it pa;ses through it







Figure 9. The Scueider Recoil Mchahioso

and also permits clearance inside the hollow rod placed on the pressure side of the piston is much
for free flow of the fluid. greater in volume than the void created by the with-
53. The buffer consists of a piston at the breech drawal of the control rod. Consequently, enough
end of the control rod. It slides a short distance on fluid is available to control the pressure as it is
a spindle and thereby acts as a one-way valve, forced through the orifice.
During recoil, pressure forces it away from the end 56. The space from iwhich the control rod has
of the control rod and uncovers the ports, allow- been displaced is readily filled with fluid through
ing free flow to the void created by the withdrawal the one-way valve, which is open during recoil.
of the control rod. During counterrecoil the valve However, when recoil ceases and counterrecoil
is forced shut and the flow must be bypassed begins, the valve closes and the fluid is forced be-
around the buffer piston. The bore of the hollow tween the buffer piston and the wall of the hollow
piston rod is slightly conical for the last part of the piston rod. Buffing occurs, then, over the entire
counterrecoil stroke, which further restricts the counterrecoil stroke, and the moving parts are
flow and provides the necessary buffing force, finally brought to rest by the narrowing of the
54. Fluid movement is not impeded except by restriction described in Paragraph 53.
gas pressure between the counterrecoil cylinder and 57. The Schneider recoil mechanism has these
the recuperator, as no control is attempted in these merits:
units. The recuperator is of the direct contact a. It provides adequate counterrecoil buff-
type with no floating piston between gas and liquid. ing.
55. While in battery position, all compartments b. No floating piston is used.
of the recoil brake cylinder are filled with fluid. c. The control rod is secured to the gun,
During recoil, the control rod is withdrawn from insuring correct position.
the piston rod while the piston rod moves out of d. Maintenance in the field is rel,'tively.,
the cylinder, each motion enlarging the volume of simple because assembly and disassem-
its respective compartment. The fluid which is dis- bly are readily accomplished.

58. It has the following drawbacks: a. Variable recoil, to suit all angles of
a. The recoil and counterrecoil cylinders elevation, is provided.
require separate filling. b. Adequate counterrecoil buffing is pro-
b. No fluid index is included. vided.
c. A fluid index is proviaed.
The special disadvantages
Inadequate are:may permit the
fluid reserw,.
G64. G.J:HA~SMa.
59, The Filloux recoil mechanism (Fig. 10) is an gun tc fall out of battery at high ele-
example of the hydropneumatic, independent type, vation.
incorporating variable recoil, It comprises a recoil b. Repairs require special facilities and
brake and an entirely separate counterrecool cy!indcr expert mechanics.
with attached recuperator. c. The recoil and counterrecoil cylinders
60, The recoil brake cylinder contains the recoil require separate filling.
piston, a hollow piston rod, a control rod, and a
buffer. It is similar in some respects to the Schnei-
der mechanism, The piston has two ports, 1800 H. THE ST. CHAMO.D MECHANISM
apart, leading from the pressure side to the inside 65. The St. Chamond mechanism. Figure II, is a
of the hollow piston rod and to the tapered throt- hydropneumatic dependent recoil mechanism, rea-
tling grooves in the control rod. In this case, the turing variable recoil. It comprises a recoil cylin-
control red does not taper but instead there are der, a recuperator with floating piston, and an
two pairs of longitudinal throttling grooves. One independent buffer assembly. The recoil cylinder
pair is short and regulates the fluid flow for high and recuperator are interconnected.
angles of elevation. At high elevation, stability 66. During recoil, the flow of fluid from the
of the weapon is not a serious problem, but ground recoil cylinder to the recuperator is regulated by a
clearance for the recoiling parts very often is. spring loaded throttling valve located between
Therefore, a short recoil stroke with relatively high them. Variable recoil is obtained by alteiing the
force may be advantageous. At low angles of limit of valve opening. The pressure which pro-
elevation, the situation is reversed and a long stroke duces the retarding force is determiaed by the
with smaller force is desirable. This latter is ac- amount of valve opening and the recoil velocity.
complished by bringing into play, additionally, the 67. During counterrecoil the one-way counter-
other pair of throttling grooves which are long. recoil valve opens and fluid flows back to the recoil
The control rod can be rotated so that only the short cylinder by this path. In the last part of the stroke
grooves, or both long and short, or a continuous the parts are brought to rest by an externa! dashpot
graduation in between, are exposed to the discharge buffer.
from the ports in the piston, This rotation is 68. The desirable features of the St. Chamond
accomplished directly and positively from the ele- mechanism are:
vating motion by a cam and gear arrangement. a. Variable recoil is provided at all eleva.
61. No attempt at throttling during counterrecoil tions.
is made in the recoil cylinder, except for buffing b. It i: compact.
during the final part of the stroke. Instead, a c. It i* lhht in weight.
regulator vaive, located in the recuperator, re- 69. The undesirable features are:
stricts fluid flow in counterrecoil. The recuperator a. An inadequate fluid supply may permit
is of the floating piston type, where gas and liquid the gun to fall out of battery at high
are separated. elevation.
62. The operation of this reccil mechanism is b. No fluid index is provided.
characteristic of hylropneumatic systems and need c. Repairs require special facilities and ex-
not be repeated here. Finally, cuunterrecoil buff- pert mechanics.
ing is accomplished by a spear buffer located in the
recoil cylinder.
63, The peculiar advantages of the Filloux mech- 1. DOUBLE RECOIL SYSTE.M
anism are: 70. All mechanisms heretofore discussed are



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single recoil systems. Sometimes, particularly with and independent systems, or upon the type of
heavy weapons, it is advantageous to introduce a buffer selected.
secondary recoil system between top and bottom 76. Another requisite of extreme importance is
carriages. Double recoil systems are discussed in ease of maintenance. Ability to be repaired in the
detail beginning with Paragraph 147. field is a prime asset. Ruggedness and durability
should be intrinsic in the design, so that ordinary
wear and tear may be withstood for long periods of
VI. SELECTION OF A RECOIL SYSTEM time without overhaul. When maintenance work
does become necessary, it will be greatly eased by
simplicity in the mechanism. A minimum number
A. GENERAL of parts facilitates disassembly and replacement.
71. Selection of the type of recoil system is Special techniques should be eliminated so that
governed by the characteristics of the weapon, such mechanics, with only ordinary skills, can make
as size, purpose, rate of fire, and range of elevation repairs merely by following instructions. Damaged
angles. Hydrospring systems are usually limited to parts of one unit should be replaceable by service-
light artillery and short recoil distances. Hydro- able ones from disabled weapons. The advantages
pneumatic systems can be adapted to either Lght or of using standard and commercially available parts
heavyartillery. Heavy mobile weapons may require cannot be overemphasized. They cost less, are
double recoil systems. readily procurable, and can be made in less time
72. The options as to whether the mechanism than special parts.
shall be independent or dependent, variable or
constant recoil stroke, floating piston or direct
contact, internal or external buffer, all are strongly VII. PRELIMINARY DESIGN DATA
influenced by basic factors such as recoil force and
distance, space available, stability, and ground
clearance. The foregoing discussion of several A. VELOCITY OF FReEE RECOIL
designs, and their merits and shortcomings, is in- 77. The original design data required for the
tended as a guide for future determinations, recoil mechanism are the length of recoil and the
recoil force. These items are interdependent and
their values are based on the momentum of the
8. REQUISITES OF THE RECOIL SYSTEM recoiling parts and the combined momentum of
73. A long recoil stroke is usually desirable to projectile and propellant charge. Preliminary
minimize recoil forces. However, the length of figures for recoil force and length of stroke are
stroke may be limited by ground clearance, espe- based on the velocity of free recoil, which is de-
cially at high angles of elevation. At low elevations, termined from the momentum:*
where stability is critical, clearance is available for a
longer stroke. This suggests the use of variable. c + 4700W.
*v, (2)
recoil or double recoil. W,
74. The recoil distance is also influenced by a where: v!
f tx v yf,of free recoil,
maximum velocity
high rate of fire. The recoil cycle must be com-
pleted quickly to be ready for the next round. It v muzzle velocity of projectile, ftlsec,
may be necessary to shorten the stroke and design =weight of propellant charge, lb,
the structure to withstand the higher forces which W, =weight of projectile, lb,
result. A rapid counterrecoil stroke requires a large W == weight of recoiling parts, lb.
energy storage in the recuperator. Even more
critical is the large buffer force required. Free recoil defines the condition where no resis-
75. The most important single factor having the tance is offered to the recoiling parts. The value
greatest influence on the selection of the recoil of 4700 feet per second is the assumed velocity at
system is the space available. This may dictate which the propellant gases leave the muzzle. It is
the use of a hydrospring mechanism instead of Page 242 of reference I. References are found at the
hydropneumatic, or the choice between dependent end of this handbook.


II| II I I I I Iil IiI

. an empirical value based on firing tests. This ponent W, si, M, d2x changes directions. The
formula is approximate but is sufficiently accurate on
for its intended application. If desired, more exact value of K in Equation (3) is eventually de-
accurate methods are available in texts on termined by trial through a step-by-step integration
ballistics. (see Chapter IX, Part C) but, first, a reasonably
close value must be found to put it in the working
range. The energy of free recoil and the length of
. RtECDL FOE recoil are used for this purpose.
78. The general equation for the forces acting on E, - *M, Vf , (3a)
the recoiling parts is:
where: F, - kinetic energy of free recoil,
F# + W, sin* - K - (3) v - mass of the recoiling parts,
- maximum veloity of free recoil
where: F, - propellant gas force, (Eq. 2).
K - total resistance to recoil, This energy, divided by the length of recoil, gives
M, - mass of recoiling parts, the average resistance necessary to stop the moving
W, weight of recoiling parts, mass. To this resistance must be added the static
I - time of recoil, force component of the weight of recoiling parts
x - length of recoil at time t, (W, sin#). The first approximation of the total
0 - angle of elevation. resistance to recoil is:
Figure 12 illustrates this force system. The expres-
d2x K i, + W, sin#, (3b)
sion M, &, according to D'Alembert's principle, L
represents the inertia force. The propellant gas where: L - length of recoil,
force soon becomes zero and, since K always op- 0 - angle of elevation.
poses recoil and is greater than the weight cor- Although the recoil rod force, KR, is reduced some-
what from K by the frictional forces of the cradle,
K, as defined in Equation (3), will be used without
modification as a preliminary design load for the
recoil mechanism. The error involved will be
small and conservative. For final design, these
frictional forces may be considered.

79. The minimum force required of the recupera-
tor is that which is sufficient to hold the recoiling
parts in battery plus the force necessary to over-
Or I come all frictional resistance. In equation form:
F =-X(W, sine +- sW, cos + fp), (4)

+ where: F -- static force of the recuperator in

f, - total frictional resistance of packing,
W, - weight of recoiling parts,
X TA R s N ccIL 0 = angle of elevation,
, - MASS00' RECOILING PARTS A = in-battery sustaining factor,
Of - coefficient of friction.
0 - ANGLE Of" ELEVATION Present design practice assigns the following values:
igo 12. R"I Force System = 0.30 F1,

- 1,30,* Procedure for designing mechanical spring and
- 0.30.* compressed gas recuperators to obtain the desired
characteristics are discussed in Chapter VIII.
The value 0.30 F, is used as a preliminary estimate. 82. Some of the recuperator energy must be used
After the sizes of the recoil cylinder and the re- to overcome the static resistance of the system.
cuperator have been established, a more correct The work expended by this resistance is:
figure for the packing friction can be obtained by
the method outlined in Paragraph 90. The in- W. - F*L., (7)
battery sustaining factor, X, can vary. Other fac- where Fj is the static resistance to counterrecoil,
tors have been used such as X - 1.15 for the expressed as:
175mm gun.t
F= W, sine+ pW, cose +f, (7a)
D. VELOCITY OF COUNTERRECOIL If no resistance is offered to fluid flow, the kinetic
80. The velocity of counterrecoil is usually criti- energy of the counterrecoiling mass when it first
cal because of its influence on the stability uf the contacts the buffers is:
weapon. High velocities may mean large buffing E,, - We, - W. (8)
forces sufficient to nose over the gun. Hence, low
counterrecoil velocities must be maintained, except andcth axu
for rapid fire weapons. For large guns the total velocity is:
time of the firing cycle is relatively long, Velocities (9),
as low as two feet per second are common.
81. The energy available to return the gun to where: M, - mass of recoiling parts.
battery is stored in the recuperator. In a hydro- Although this method is not final, it indicates
pneumatic recuperator with polytropic expansion what must be done to meet the specified counter-
of the gas, the available energy is: recoil velocity. If it is too low, more of the recoil
- _p2Venergy must be stored. If it is too high, the fluid
W., flow must be restricted. Usually the required
orifice area for return is smaller than that for recoil.
where: P, = gas pressure at end of recoil, The procedure for obtaining the correct velocity
ewhen buffers are con- follows a step-by-step integration involving a trial
tacted, and error approach. This procedure is discussed

VI - gas volume at end of recoil, in detail in Chapter IX, Part E.

V2 - gas volume when buffers are con-
n - polytropic exponent defined in the 83. The buffer force is baied on the kinetic
relationship PVJ - constant.t energy of the counterrecoiling parts, the static

If the recuperator is a mechanical spring, the avail- resistance, and the recuperator pressure. That
able energy is: part of the force which stems from recuperator
pressure does not affect weapon stability. If an
W., = JF 2 + FIA)L., (6) approximately constant retarding force is desired,
the energy component of the resistance is:
where: F2 - recuperator force at end of recoil,
Ff- -spring force when buffers are V Ell,
, - length of counterrecoil stroke to where: S - length of buffer stroke.
point where buffers are contacted. The required buffer force is:
Part lOofReference2. Fa = F - F+ + F,, (10)
t Pape 32 of Reference 3.
t Past practice has used the value of a - 1.3. Page 385 where: Fl - the static resistance, (Eq. 7a)
Reren 4. F, - force on counterrecoil piston

18 4

"4its pressure is: where rigidity is essential, a lower strength steel
P&= Fb
P (11) is more economical and will serve as well.

where: A4 - effective area of buffer piston. 3. RECOIL PISTON ROD

84. The recoil, counterrecoil, and buffer forces 86. The recoil piston rod is a tension member.
having been approximated as set forth in Para- One end is attached to the recoil piston, the other,
graphs 77 to 83, it is now possible to turn to the usually, to the breech ring. It may be threaded
design of recoil mechanism components. to the piston (see Fig. 14). or it may be integral
with it. Figure 13 shows two methods of attaching
the rod to the breech ring. Figure 13(a) illustrates
VIII. DESIGN OF RECOIL MECHANISM the conventional method while Figure 13(b)
COMPONENTS illustrates a quick detachable method which has a
screw adapter with an interrupted thread. Large
diameter, hence rigid, rods are an asset because
A. SUGGESTED MATERIALS distortion prone, slender rods may soon damage
85. Except for bearings, bushings, and packings, packings to the extent where leakage is inevitable.
all components of the recoil mechanism are made The strength of the rod is readily found because it
of steel. Bearings are of antifriction metal, com- is a simple tension member. However, there are
prised chiefly of tin, antimony, and copper, similar some abrupt changes in diameter, especially at the
to Specification QQ-T-390, Grade 2. Bushings threads, which introduce stress concentration.
are of bronze. Packing materials are discussed These can be taken into account with factors that
later in Part D. High strength steels should be are found in available references. For example,
avoided unless there is a positive advantage in the maximum stress in the rod of Figure 13(b) is
their use. Moderate yield strengths of about the tensile stress of the root area of the thread,
70,000 psi are recommended. The factor of increased by the concentration factor, k:
safety, based on the yield strength, should not be K&
less than 1.5. Usage will often influence the choice -
- k A, (12)
of material. Where high strength-to-weight
are needed, high tensile steel is indicated. But, *Table XVII of Refemm 5.



(to)CO.vTIONAL Arritc~wmr (p,) o111r DorACNAOL ,ASSENOL Y

Figure 13. Rod-Breech Ring Attochments

where: ,, - rod tensile stress, A- i
K& - recoil rod force,
A, - thread root area, where: A - effective piston area,
k - stress concentration factor depend- - = fluid p
in,the on
raio Laiu
andi ofu.
insonteratios and, The piston diameter is determined from:
Type II of Reference 5.
A . !(DI2 -- J2) (-
C. CI PISTON where: D1 - piston diameter, also ID of cylinder,
87. The thickness of the piston is controlled by d -piston rod diameter.
the space needed for the packing and so is greater
than would normally be required for strength. The All diameters are selected to the nearest nominal
net piston area, and hence the diameter, is governed size in order to conform to commercially availabe
by the maximum fluid pressure. This pressure is stock and materials.
limited by the ability of the packing to seal. Past
practice set the limit at 4500 psi* but because of . PACKINGS
D Figi
better packing materials, higher pressures are now
permissible. 88. Figure 14 depicts a typical packing assembly.
The packing illustrated is proportioned after those
Putrt 17.o RdeC
ne 2. already in use, so that previous experience is an


fligu 14. Typica Packig Anon*

Simportant factor in its design. Packings prevent pressure on the packing equals the spring pressure
) leakage past moving parts, such as pistons and plus the fluid pressure:
piston rods. The packings are forced firmly against
the moving surfaces both by the pressure of the , "P + Pu axial pressure on (15)
fluid itself and by springs. Because of the nearly packing;
hydrostatic behavior of the packing material, P -" V,. radial pressure on (I5a)
axial pressure is nearly equal to the radial pressure packing,
which is necessary for sealing. The ratio of the A, = ,rDlb, contact area on cylinder wall,
radial pressure to the applied axial pressure is a where: D, mID or cylinder,
property of the packing material and is called the b - width of packing.
"preure factor." It is somewhat analogous to P#- fluid pressures on packing at any
Poisson's ratio. To insure positive sealing, the recoil position,
radial pressure must be greater than the maximum F. - AlPi, radial formeofpacking (1Sb)
fluid pressure. This is possible because of the on cylinder
force applied by the springs. This ratio is known pa ckifrctonal force of a (15m)
as the "leakage factor" and is usually at least 1.0. packing assembly,
Sometimes a small amount of leakage is desirable where, for leather,, - 0.05 and for silver, -
for lubrication; at such times the leakage factor is 0.09.0 The force); is the general expression for
less than 1.0.. the packing frictional forces: f, in the recuperator
The radial pressure exerted by the packing ex- and f, in the recoil brake cylinder. if the recoil
presed in terms of fluid pressure is: mechanism is an independent type, the total fric-
P.) - PP
Pa - K,(P, + ei"-i(P;+t-P.) (14) tional force due to packings is:
fo "f. +f, (13d)
where: K, - pressure factor,t
P - leakage factor, But, if it is a dependent type, then:
P. - maximum fluid pressure, A
P, -axial pressure in packing produced fo "f. + A.
"" by spring-
Solving for P,: where: A - theeffective area ofthe recoil piston,
P--K A(- the area of the floating piston.
89. The packing filler has been made of rubber. E. DLLEVILL SPRINGS
The liner or packing ring in contact with the 91. Springs are used to augment the packing
cylinder has been made of leather. Silver rings, pressure. Belleville springs are selected because
having a right angled cross section, were commonly they require very little space and provide large
used to confine the corner of the leather packing loads at small deflections. The design of Belleville
to prevent it from extruding between piston ring springs is outlined in most spring manufacturers'
and cylinder. Recent developments hnz shown al- handbooks.t These springs are extremely sensi-
ternative materials, such as polytetrafl,,!,-oethylene tive to small changes in dimensions, and manu-
(Teflon) for leather and an aluminum alloy for facturing variations can produce large load dif-
silver, to be satisfactory. ferences. Therefore, each spring assembly should
90. The spring pressure being known, the pack- be tested for load before installation. The required
ing friction can now be found. The total axial spring load is:
This value is taken from the design specifications. For F (r22 - rt2)P,. (16)
example, specifications for the recoil mechanism or the
175mm Gun Carriage, 176, call for a leakage factor of 1.3 where: P, - packing pressure required of spring
for the floating piston and 0.88 for the stuffing box. Lubri.-
cation was desired for the latter. * Page 12 of Reference 6.
t For rubber filler, K, - 0.73. Page 12 of Reference 6. t Reference 7.

_) 21


load (determined from Equation It is also known that:

Pt - inside radius of piston ring,, -pp. (17d)
r2 - outside radius of piston ring. Substituting in Equation (17b) the values of 1.5
for S4, w, from Equation (17c), and r, from Equa-
tion (178), we have:
F. RECOIL CYVUNDER 0, - (-PP) - fr (17e)
92. The inside diameter of the cylinder is de- or, collecting terms
termined by the piston size (Paragraph 97)o The
outside diameter depends upon the pressure due P4 - (19)
to fluid or packing, and the yield strength of the
recoil In this and
mechanism, rigidity of more vessels
otheris pressure t
concernofthan Thus, forthe
find that theproof
selection s, 4,
pressure, in should
Equation (n7v),
never we
recol rigdit
mchaism isof ore oncrn han one-sixth of the yield strength of the material, or,
high strength to weight ratio. Thick walls mini- onversely, the yield strength should be six times
mize the possibility of local damage and prevent the proof pressure. This establishes minimum
excessive dilation which makes the seals!s f tef pofpesre-hsetbise iiu
fexcesive. dilation, whicihofmakes theyisteath lsfyield strength. A higher yield strength may be
fective. Therefore, steels of moderate yield streng~th specified if a larger factor of safety isdesired. On
are recommended. To detect defects, all pressure s it al dre to d useta aterial h n
vessels should be subjected to hydrostatic poof occasion, it may be desired to use a material having
tests, usually at one and one-half times the working a higher yield strength thane, - 6Pr To maintain
pressure. That is: the factor of safety of 1.5, the hoop stress should be:

1, -1t.5 P ,, -=1.5' -1r, .

where: P.- maximum fluid pressure,
pwee proof pressure , where P. is the same proof pressure used in Equa-
ieon (18).
The proof pressure, being higher, becomes the 93. When a maximum allowable working pres-
basis for design. The maximum shear stress ac surm of 4500 psi is used,
cording to the maximum shear stress theory of - 1. -
Tresca and Saint Venant,* is given by:
and, for the conditions leading to Equation (18),
I o" -2 W,
, - z
2' (17) the minimum yield strength is:
2, -- 6P, - 40,500 psi.
or W-- W,, (17a) The dimensions of the pressure vessel may be found
where: a, - radial stress, using the equation of Lam6:
- hoop stress of cyllnder, ID22 + D12N
- yield strength, - PbP -- D12) (18b)
- maximum shear stress where: Di - inside diameter of cylinder,
A vessel should not be stressed beyond the yield D2 - outside diameter of cylinder.
strength at proof pressure; thus, to be slightly con- Solving for D2 gives:
servative, a factor of safety of 1.5 is introduced. +
Equation (17a) now becomes: D2 -- Di (108)

-- (17h) Using the known values of ., and P, and consider-
ing that DI is determined by the diameter of the
where S1 - 1.5 - the factor of safety. piston, the minimum outside diameter may be
If we arbitrarily select w, to be twice . then: found. For example, the conditions leading to
Equation (18).,at and P, - It,, when sub-
-, jo', (17c) stituted in Equation (18) give:

Pap 39 of Refoeme S. - - 1.41O)I. (18d)

After the outside diameter becomes known, the H. RECuPe.MTMOA, Sm o i
) various stresses may be computed by conventional 97. The upper and lower limits of .ae spring
methods for high pressure vessels, forces are set up similarly to those of the hydro-
pneumatic recuperator. The in-battery force is
0. RECUPERATOR, HYDROPNEUMATIC obtained by Equation (4). Then:
94. The recuperator is the energy reservoir of F2 - 2FI,
the recoil system. Its gas pressure holds the gun where: F, - in-battery force,
in battery. During recoil, the gas is compressed F2 - force at end of recoil,
further to store the energy required for counter- 2-
- F, rate (21)
recoil. There are, then, both maximum and
mum operating pressures to be considered.
95. The area of the counterrecoil piston and The applied loads and spring rate being known and
eventually the size of the recuperator of an inde- the available space ascertained, the remaining
pendent system (Paragraph 25) is determined by the parameters necessary for design of the spring (or
in-battery force, Equation (4), and the minimum springs) are the torsional modulus of rigidity and
gas pressure Po: allowable torsional stress (see Paragraph 144).
(19)F These may be obtained from standard references.*
"A, 0 A spring having a slenderness ratio (free length di-
vided by mean coil diameter) greater than four
For a dependent system, the piston area was de- may tend to buckle, as does a column. Curves
termined by Equation (13). The minimum pressure which indicate when buckling may be expected
is also the charging pressure; consequently, it is are available.* The ends must be restrained from
dependent upon the source of supply, usually high- lateral movement or buckling may occur at lengths
pressure bottled gas. As the source is, in effect, less than shown on the curve. The equations for
exhausted when its pressure becomes equal to that stress and deflection may be found in textbooks or
of the recuperator, the initial difference in pressures handbooks of spring manufacturers.t Because
) should be large. For efficient use of bottled gas of the interdependence of the variables, several
at 2000 or 2500 psi, a recuperator minimum pres- trials may be necessary before a satisfactory spring
sure of about 800 psi is recommended. The is evolved. Also, if a single .spring cannot be
maximum pressure at the end of recoil is selected worked out, it is possible that multiple springs will
at about twice the in-battery pressure but not to ex- satisfy the requirements.
ceed a pressure which would induce leakage past
the packings. It must, however, be adequate to
assure prompt counterrecoil.
96. The maximum and minimum pressures . COUNTERRECOIL DUmE
having been established the recuperator size can 98. Counterrecoil buffers may be hydraulic or
be found as follows: pneumatic. The hydraulic type is a form of dash-

AV -" 2P0 , pressure at end of recoil,

mLA pot and may be an external, separate unit or an
change of gas volume during recoil, integral part of the interior of the recoil mechanism.
AV - gas volume at end of recoil, In either case the stroke is so selected that the
-w V, gas volume, in battery, buffer force will not unduly disturb the stability
of the weapon. An external buffer is illustrated in
From the equation of polytropic expansion: Figure 15. As the counterrecoiling parts contact
P10 . (Vo'j"
V the piston rod head, hydraulic fluid is forced
(20) through a confined space around the piston to gen-
erate the buffing force. At -the same time the
where: n = 1.3.0 spring is compressed. During the next recoil
The quantities PO, P, and AV being known, the stroke, the spring forces the piston to return to its
! of V, and Vo are readily determined. *-
* Reference 9.
Ppa 385 of Reference 4. t Reference 10.

.------ ?IO~NscT

Figure 15. Extermal Buffer

A/ 1
Figure 16. Internal Buffier
AM,FLOW // ,T 7,77 ,-7
buffing position, the one-way valve being open to tx,,v, Os,--- -v&Lvt
facilitate this movement. Figure 16 shows an 19TRI,to ft")

internal buffer, consisting of a dashpot ane buffer FiR 17. Req-pirtor

spear. The spear is fixed to the recoil piston.
During the first part of the counterrecoil stroke the
dashpot is filled with fluid. As the spear enters the small, hand-adjustable orifice remains open, per-
dashpot, this fluid is forced out through the clear- mitting the air to escape at a controlled rate, thus
ance, and the restriction of flow creates the force regulating the pressure which stops the counter-
needed for buffing. recoiling parts. A tendency is present for the inner
99. Another hydraulic buffer, first-mentioned in cylinder walls to rust from exposure to the atmos-
Chapter IV, Part C, controls the velocity along phere. Proper lubrication will reduce the tendency.
the full counterrecoil stroke. Not a true buffer in
the sense that it does not absorb the shock of a
moving mass, it merely is an orifice (Figures 8 and . FLOATNG PISN
20) which provides a controlled restriction in the 101. The floating piston separates the liquid
path of the returning fluid that precludes the from the gas within the recuperator. It has no
counterrecoiling parts from exceeding a desired piston rod and moves freely as the gas changes in
maximum velocity. The mechanics are discussed volume. During recoil, hydraulic fluid forces the
in Chapter IX, Part E. piston to compress the. gas; then during counter-
100. A pneumatic buffer is known as a respirator recoil, the gas pressure forces the piston and fluid
(see Fig. 17). It consists of an air chamber at the to return to their original positions. The piston
end of either recoil or counterrecoil rylinder, de- has two heads joined integrally by a shank (Fig.
pending upon the type of recoil mechanism. As 18). Each head contains a packing as described in
the operating piston is withdrawn during recoil, the Paragraph 88. The void around the shank is
check valve is open and atmospheric air flows packed with grease for lubrication. In some ap-
freely into the chamber to fill the space vacated. plications an index rod is attached to the fluid side
When unterrecoil begins, the one way check of the piston to gage the amount of fluid reserve.
valve cioses, trapping the air in the chamber. A The floating piston must move smoothly and, con-


i ,. .i ...
, . . . . . . .... ... ... . - - ...
'Z A The moment due to the spring load, F,, is:

q2w Po,- !.*(R,'- R,) - k,h,. (22b)

where: R, is the distpmnce to'the center of the spring

0 The total bending moment is:
M - ,+ k,),. (22c)
The section modulus at the shank is:
Z - JM2 - JRtdM2 -k,~ (22d)
Mg" 18. Floaing Piston The bending stres is:

* * Z- k (22e)

"103. The regulator, Figure 20, when used, is
housed in the recuperator cylinder as, for example,
F/gur 19. Piston Flong Loading; Digrm in the Puteaxa mechanism, Figure 8. Its com-
ponents are discussed in Chapter V, Part E. Since
it provides the means of reguating pressures during
recoil and counterrecoil, it must control the flow of
sequently, must be long enough to prevent bind- hydraulic fluid in either directian. The design is
ing; in practice, usually one and one-third di- essentially one of configuration; reasonable pro-
102estn oportions generally insuring adequate strength.
102. ctive strength of the flauge is determined, The diameter should be large enough to provide
conservatively, by treating a sector cut out by the the flow channels. Pressures are controlled by re-
angle, at, as a cantilever beam acting independently stricting the flow with orifices. The orifices should
of adjacent sectors (see Figure 19). We obtain an exercise most of the control; the channels, in-
expression for the center of gravity of the pressdre cluding open valves, being relatively free of re-
area of a very small circular element described by striction. To realize this control, the channels must
*R,, R3 , and a. The pressure load may be con- be much greater in cross section than the orifice
sidered as concertrated here. For the remainder area; a ratio of 5:1 seems reasonable. According
of these calculations, the angle, A, need not be to Equation (36), when the combined area of all
assigned a value because, as will be seen, it divides parallel channels leading toward an orifice is at
out in the summation of equations. The total least five times the largest orifice area, the rise in
spring load, F,, is concertrated at R,, midway be- pressure accountable to the channels will not ex-
tween R2 and R3 . The bending moment from the ceed four percent of that due to the orifice.
pressure load, F,, is:
P4, = ',.(R, - R,)
- p 2 (R2 - R) (R, - R1 ) - k, ., (22) 104. A spring loaded throttling valve is used in
where: R, is the radius to the center of pressure, some dependent types of mechanism for control of
the hydraulic resistance to flow from the recoil cylin-
2 sin * (R3 - RI) der into the recuperator. It is adaptable to variable
2 (R 1recoil and is a feature of the St. Chamond mech-
A (22a) anism (Paragraphs 65 to 69). It usually has two
2 3) springs, as shown in Figure 21. A coil spring is





. for light loads and, because of s limit- va s res nce to opening comes oly from
ticra, a stiffer flelletville sprin for heavy loads, coil spring and recueratrIprssur. This pemt
The sprinp may be peload ue if nesmearye the valve to open wide thusn providing the la o-he
105. At low angles of elevation, with long ice needed. When the gun is elevated to inter-
mcil stroke and relatively small force, the throttling mediate angles, the control arm, actuated by the
elevatinS motion move the upper spindle closer to
the lowe . When the valve is partially open, the
two spindles come into contact, bringing into
COmNO. saw action the higher capacity Belleville spring to pro-
VALVE -vide the increased resistaxce to further valve travel.
S----\,, At maximum elevation, the two spindles are in
VILLE- contact from the very start of valve travel, and the
" valve resistance is that of both springs.
--- 106. The design of the recoil throttling valve is
based upon recoil velocity and required orfice
pressur As a starting point, the velocity of free
recoil (Eq. (2)) and the approximate recoil force
(Eq. (3b)) ae used. Friction is neglected at this
time, but the recuperat pressure is an important
factor and must be considered.
VLVE s$rnU 107. Te orifice ama to obtain the necessary in-
crease in reco cylinder pressure may be found
RECOIL PLOW from Equation (36), rewritten in terms of pressure
Srise. The peripheral discharge area of the recoil
OIL throttling valve is:

A/. - (23)

L CYL.OE,-- Symbols are defined in Paragraph 121. Th largest
orifice is used for low elvation angles and the cor-
Rpmw, 2.
a NT ro
liwag Vo&. responding valve travel is:

. (3a) This constitutes a preliminary design procedure
c ~ Later, in Chapter LX, Part E, a method is gpreented
where c -the open periphery of the valve head. for the analysis of flow through a throttling valve
For good control, most of the flow restriction must aln th enir reoi stoe hsaayi e
alongstheedvtired recoignstoke this aalysisod-
be in the orifice. Therefore, to minimize the effect pnns
he pot, tsarea must be at least five times
of alv
thateo troghflow. Thus:
10S. A regulator valve (Fig. 22) is sometimes
where D, -diameter of valve port. used, as in the Filloux mechanism, as the counter-



22 ReuaoW av
FECgureT VleCce o ortr~oI
recoil brake. It is housed in the liquid end of the Apart from the danger involved, field disassembly
recuperator and regulates the flow of hydraulic is discouraged because the interior parts become
fluid from recuperator to counterrecoil cylinder exposed to dirt that may cause leaks7 by scratching
throughout the counterrecoil stroke. During re- highly polished surfaces or that may become lodged
coil, fluid under pressure opens the valve, per- in valves and packings. The ideal recoil mechanism
mitting relatively free passage through the ports. from this viewpoint, which presents a challenge to
As counterrecoil begins, the reversed flow of the future designer, is one having ready and corn-
hydraulic fluid, plus the valve spring force. seats plete field maintenance features.
the valve. The valve spring must be stiff enough to Ill. Maintenance activities may be performed
do this promptly. There are now only small either in the field or in the shop. The latter pertains
orifices in the valve available for fluid flow. These to all work associated with repair and replacement
are designed to provide the proper restriction and if disassembly of the whole or part of the recoil
to maintain specified counterrecoil velocity as mechanism is necessary. Inspections and minor
discussed in Chapter IX, Part B. adjustments may be performed in the field. These
include checking for damage, wear, failure, or
impending failure of all structural components.
: N.
MANIWACTUIG P 5 A dented cylinder, scored or worn sliding surfaces,
109. No special techniques are involved in the a bent piston rod, or crushed threads are positive
fabrication of the recoil mechanisms. They can be indicators of need for repair. Check points, filling,
constructed by standard machine shop operations, and drain plugs should be readily accessible. The
It should be emphasized however that surface oil index or replenisher should show a sufficient oil
finishes and clearances for moving parts are critical. reserve at all times. Both gas and oil should be
According to Ordnance Finishes Specification measured for proper working pressures. Leaks
URAX6, the limit on surface finishes of cylinder should be detected and, if minor, stopped by
bores is 4 microinches RMS, that on antifriction tightening the fitting involved. If leaks persist, re-
metal is 16 RMS, and that on parts sliding in quiring continued refills, defects at the packings or
packings is 8 RMS. To obtain these finishes, the seals are indicated and call for shop repairs.
cylinder bore is radially honed and draw polished. 112. Recoil mechanisms have relatively large,
The bearing on the piston is turned on a lathe, highly finished interior surfaces which are subject
The one in the stuffing box is bored by lathe. The to deterioration when in prolonged disuse such as
piston rod is ground, honed (hone fixed, rod ro- during storage periods. This progressive damage
tated), and draw polished. Suggested clearance be- may be retarded considerably by the use of oil
tween sliding members of the recoil brake is containing corrosion inhibitors but such help is
0.0030 - 0.0005 in. and of the recuperator is confined to those parts containing oil. Formerly
0.005 - 0.001 in. The antifriction metal of the the principal cause of deterioration has been the cor-
bearing, whether on piston or in stuffing box, is rosive effect of unlubricated packings on cylinder
fitted on assembly to assure the pWope sliding fit. walls and rods attributed to the residual acid in the
leather. Exercising the mechanism by moving rods
and pistons to re-establish the oil film between pack-
0. MAINTENANCE resium ings and sliding surfaces practically eliminates all
110. A sound recoil mechanism, always es- corrosion tendencies. Exercising may be ac-
sential for a well-performing weapon, demands complished by pulling the recoiling parts with a
proper maintenance. Ease of maintenance thus winch or similar apparatus or, better still, by firing
becomes a principal design criterion. Today's re- the weapon if this is practical. The operation
coil mechanisms, with their high pressures or large should be performed at least once in each six-
sprii.g forces, are potentially too dangerous for month period in normal climates and, unless in-
any attempt at disassembly in the field. Main- spections indicate otherwise, oftener in extreme
tenance activity, except for inspection, is limited to climates. Tests show that newly adopted Teflon
the confines of an arsenal or a specially equipped packings have eliminated all traces of corrosion.
base shop where experienced crews are available. However, until the improvements shown by this de-


velopment have been firmly established over long
~ in Paragraph 78. It is now desired to separate the
] periods, the practice of exercising the mechanism retarding force into its several parts. A chart is
should continue, drawn representing increments of stroke as ab-
scissae and the corresponding forces as ordinates
(see Figure 5). First, the total retarding force is
IX. SINGLE RECOIL SYSTEM plotted. Next, frictional resistance, K., of the
CALCULATIONS cradle guides and recoil brake packings is sub-
tracted and the net result, K, plotted. Now the
A. PIoP!Z.tANT GAS FoRCE v. CURvE recuperator force, K,, plus its packing friction and
other losses, (f, + f.), are shown. The difference
113. Recoil calculations are based on the prin- between the net retarding force, less friction, and the
ciple of linear impulse and momentum which states total recuperator force, including friction,
in essence that the linear impulse equals the provided by the hydraulic resistance of themust be
change in linear momentum. Expressed mathe- brake, F, Finally, the net recuperator force, less
matically, friction, is that which is available to return the gun
- M(n - , (24) t1 the in-battery position.

M - mass equivalent of projectile C. RECOIL CALCULATIONS
and propellant gas, 115. A long recoil stroke is desirable as it re-
v, - projectile velocity at time, t1, duces forces, but the length will necessarily be lim-
S- projectile velocity at time, t2. ited by the size and arrangement of the weapon.
ti2 Calculations of recoil forces and length of stroke
The expression FAdt represents the impulse of are based on the mass of recoiling parts, the gas
]I p oforce-time curve (Figures 23 and 24) and the recoil
the applied force and is obtained uy measuring the force-distance curve (Figure 5). The gas force acts
area under the force-time curve between the timle from the time the projectile first begins to move in
limits of t, andlimis
t. o:This
Tis curve is obtained from the
1 ndurveis btaned romthe the tube until after it has left the muzzle and the gas
interior ballistician (see Fig. 23). The subject of in- thessube has led
to merog
terior ballistics is covered in a separate Ordnance pressure has decayed to zero.
Corps Pamphlet, ORDP 20-247, Design for Pro- 116. On the force-time curve, select an increment
jecion (C). of time, at, small enough that the included curve
may be reasonably represented by a straight line,
F, - PA,, propellant gas force, (24a) and take for the average gas force, F, a value half-
where: P, - propellant gas pressure way along at. The average force tending to accel-
Aw - bore area. erate the recoiling parts is this gas force plus the
e t r rep. component of weight parallel to the bore:
Since the expression M(v 2 - vl) represents a
change in the momentum of projectile and pro- F - F, + W, sin e. (25)
pellant charge, then, according to the law of the The force is opposed by the total retarding force,
conscrwation of momentum, K (refer to Figure 5), so that the net accelerating
M(V - V1) - M,(VA - VA
1) (24b) force is:
where: M, - mass of recoiling parts, F, - F- K M X x - Ma, (25a)
=f,- velocity of free recoil at ti, where: a - average recoil acceleration during At.
v= velocity of free recoil at t2.
According to D'Alembert's principle, F, also rep-
resents the inertia force of the recoiling parts.
l. RE~COnL FORCE CHART Despite all endeavors to the contrary, the recoil
114. The length of recoil stroke and the ap- (retarding) forces seldom work out to be constant
proximate retarding force were determined earlier during the first part of the stroke and so must be



o o-

J t-

0 a $ 4 6 0 7 0 I t0


gure 23. PropellantGas Force-Tim. Curve Durig Po*cil Travel en Barg




20 a0 o 0 0 0 -


0 ___- ....

0o 10 20 $0 40 50 40 70 I60 Ct0 O00


Figure 24. PropellantGos Force-Decy Curve After Projectile Leaves Muzzle

considered as an average along "x, the recoil K. is selected as the point on the curve where it is
travel during at. Then: anticipated the recoiling parts will have reached at
the end of At (Paragraph 78 and Fig. 5). After Ax
K - J(K.-, + KQ. (26) has been calculated, it is checked for compliance

) with K.. If Kg, is significantly different from K,,
another trial must be made and the process re-
formance analysis must then be repeated until
close agreement between specified and computed
peated. After K has been established and the net recoil distances is achieved. (See samole orobr'mn,
accelerating force calculated, the acceleration of Paragraphs 210 through 213.) It is possible that
the recoiling mass is found from Equation (25a): the above recoil calculations, as well as those for
counterrecoil (see Paragraph 120), can be adapted
a ,(2) to high-speed computers.

where: M, - mass of the recoiling parts.

The change in velocity is:
I. RNeoil Force
119. The total retarding force is the sum of the
and the total velocity at the end of each interval: hydraulic (brake) force, the recuperator force, and
S. - . 2 the sliding frictional force of the recoiling parts.
)Siding friction is governed by the weight of recoil-
The average velocity during At becomes: inS parts plus the effects of eccentricities. Assum-
ing a dependent type of mechanism, with only one
- (. +v.),
- (30) rod attached to i breech ring, the reaction on the
where v. is velocity of recoil at beginning of At, front cradle bearing is calculated by taking moments
and the distance traveled during At is: about the intersection of A2 and Ky and solving for
Ax - V, At. (31) ,l (see Fig. 25):
The total travel becomes: Rt - K + tW,cos
x Zx. (32) +W- - F. (33)
117. At the beginning of recoil, where the recoil
velocity is zero, the total resistance must be pro- The lengths a and b are defined in Fig. 25. The
vided by the recuperator. If the orifice area is zero directions of R, and R2 may be the same or op-
at this point, no fluid flow can occur, so the initial posite, depending on the value of R, compared with
recoil travel depends solely on fluid compressibility. W, cos 0. If R, < W, cos e, then the reaction on
However, there is no assurance in some recoil the rear bearing is:
mechanisms that the orifice will be opened after
the fluid is compressed, with the result that high R2 - W, COS - R1, (34)
peak pressures will occur. This condition may be actinginthedirectionof R. IfR
A> W, cos9, then:
corrected by providing the minimum orifice at the R2 - R, - W,cos 9, (34a)
beginning of recoil stroke to assure oil passage dur-
ing the entire stroke. Then, the recoil force may be acting in the opposite direction. When computing
varied from the minimum, or recuperator force at friction of the slides, the reactions are added
the beginning, to the maximum at some arbitrary arithmetically, thus,
point after motion begins. The rate at which the
recoil force increases should be as near that cf the K! - , (R, + R2), (35)
propellant gas force as possible until the maximum is the frictional force. The total resistance to recoil
retarding force is reached so as to assure the consists of two components:
maximum efficiency of the recoil mechanism and K - K1 + 4 (35a)
still not develop peak pressures.
118. When recoil motion ceases, the distance where Kt - recoil brake rod force or rod pull.
traveled should be equal to the specified recoil According to Equations (25) and (25a),
distance. If there is a lack of agreement of more
than 1.5% the recoil force, K, must be adjustc i to F, - F, + WVsin 9 - K. (35b)
compensate for the discrepancy. The entire per- Now, by making the proper substitutions in Equa-



Figure 25. Fore and Reaction on Recoil Parts

tion (33) with the values obtained from Equations F, is taken as zero and R, and R 2 are assumed con-
(34) through (35b), the front reaction is: stant over the total recoil distance.
120. The recoil rod force, K, comprises the
d + b -- , ,s+ - Fr force, F generated by the restriction of the con-
"A, d a trolled orifice, the force due to the elastic medium
of the recuperator, K. the packing frictional force,
(3c) fr and the resistance, f,. of oil flow through the
various ports. The force required to overcome the
when R, < W, cost , or inertia of hydraulic fluid and the moving internal
parts of the system is so small in comparison with
A, -df K+ - ,Wcos other forces that it can be excluded with negligible
a + 2,4d, a + 2 ,4 o error. Alsof may be so small as to be negligible.
+ -d, A spot check only is required to decide when it
a+ 2 ,4
I (35d) should be considered.

when RA > W, cos 0. This is a tedious process if 2. Orfice Size

made for each step of the detailed analysis. Since
the propellant gas force is present for only a short 121. From hydraulics, the rate of flow:
recoil distance, the error introduced is ncjigible if Q - "

where: A - effective area of recoil piston, tics Raearch Lab offers another ap-
a - area of orifice,
e) proach but conigs it W concentric recoil mechan-
, - recoil velocity, isms. It incorporates ie use of drag coefficients in
',m velocity of flow through orifice, relation to the ratios dpiston areas to orifice areas.
C. -orifice coefficient or coefficient of 123. Equation (36) mumes that all the fluiddis-
discharge. placed by the recoil pioon passes through the ori-
In teams of the velocity head, : fle. If some of the &riaced fluid does not flow
through the orifice but remains to fll the void left by
v. - % h. the moving control rod, as in the Puteaux mechan-
Now if, P -, hydraulic pressure in recoil brake ism, the equation mut be revised. The derivation
of the revised equation appears in Paragraph 135.
cylinder, The orifice a becom:
P, - recuperator pressure or equivalent
Pressure of spring, 3 Al -- A,3
Pk - P - P, - pressure rise due to orifice, C. A )'
) (3-
then P, - wh - hydraulic pressure head, where: Aa - recupemo cross section area,
where: w - density of fluid, A, - control rod cross section area.
a .-PA - hydraulic force generated The area of the control rod varies but, for use in
by orifice, Equation (37), it may be considered as constant.
i A, is small compared with At and the error intro-
p - - mass density of fluid. duced will be negligible.
Substituting these values in the flow equation for J, L.s,~. In the Hydnafc System

Au m C. a. 124. Conlidering the losses in the hydraulic

P system, the orifices generate the resistance:
Solving for the orifice area, F. - Ki - K, - (f, +- f.). (38)
"a - (36) Paragraph 90 discusses the packing frictional
C. "&2 forces, f. In some recoil mechanisms, the fluid
122. The orifice coefficient, or coefficient of dis- does not flow directly from the recoil piston to the
charge, depends to a great extent on Reynolds orifice but passes through other restrictions such
number and on whether the orifice is sharp or as ports between cylinder and recuperator and
round-edged and to a lesser extent on its shape, through valves of regulators. These restrictions
e.g., circular or rectangular. A list of coefficients are not necessarily deleterious to the proper func-
previously used and their manner of application tioning of the recoil mechanism as they merely
follows*: contribute to the throttling pressure. For good
control, however, their total influence must be small
C, = 0.95, throttling bar (round), compared to that of the regulated orifice. Accord-
C. - 0.95, rectangular groove (counterrecoil), ing to Equation (36), the rorce on the recoil piston
C. = 0.77 to 0.91, throttling valve (recoil), necessary to develop the pressure at each restriction
C. - 0.71 to 0.83, rectangular groove (buffer), in series is:
C. =0.60, for sharp edge orifice. 1,
f. p- (39)
., A,;
Flow through the orifice in a recoil system is con- -

fined to the turbulent range. Also, the ratio of ori- C, may be taken as unity. The terms in Equation
fice area to piston area is generally less than (39) are dcfined in Paragraphs 120 and 121, cx-
0.02. Consequently, according to Rousct a dis- cept for A,, the port area. As stated in Paragraph
charge coefficient of 0.60 is recommended. Ballis- 120, a spot check quickly determines whether this
force c-n bc treated as negligible.
* These values were provided by Watertown
t Page 261 of Reference II. * Reference 12.

4. Compressibilityof HydraulicFluid V - V0 - xA, (40)
125. If the fluid were incompressible, the where: V0 - the initial fluid volume,
distance travelled by the moving parts would be A - effective area of the piston,
directly proportional to the volume of displaced x - travel distance of recoiling parts at
fluid. But the fluid does compress, and the recoil any time t.
piston will move farther than the distance indicated
by the displaced volume. When this additional The change in volume due to compressibility is:
distance becomes appreciable, allowance must be p
made for it in design. Experimental data are in- - V (41)
sufficient to conclude precisely when this factor w
should be considered, hence it remains a matter of where: MA-bulk modulus of the fluid,
engineering judgment. As a conservative measure, - f
compressibility should be considered if it permits P - fluid pressure in-batter stion
an increase in recoil stroke of more than 29 per-
cent of the overtravel. Overtravel is defined as an (minimum recuperator pressure).
additional distance provided in case the recoil The recoil travel distance then becomen:
energy, for some uncontrollable reason, is not com-
pletely absorbed within the limits of the specified x X' + Ar, (42)
recoil travel distance. Consider the mechanism in where: x' , travel distance if the fluid is inr
Figure 26. The travel of the piston (and, there- compressible,
fore, the recoiling parts) and of the control rod are AV
both influenced by the compressibility of the fluid. AX -
The volume of the hydraulic fluid between brake A
piston and orifice plate is represented by: The calculations showing the control rod displace.






Figure 26.

Oil Chambers of a Recoil Mechanism

ment are somewhat more involved. All the liquid The compressibility changes this volume to this
forced from the brake cylinder does not flow value:
through the orifice. A small amount, equal in vol-
ume to that part of the control rod which passes V1 - V 1 (I - M.AP 2)+ V*(l - MA Fa). (47a)
through the orifice, fills that void. The volume of where: AP, - Px - P,
fluid flowing through the orifice is: Apo - P. - Po.
l - (xA - a1 V) - Vo, (43) Thus the component Vr, will increase in volume and
where: V, - displaced volume of control rod. IV1,will decrease. The distance traveled by the
control rod now becomes:
Although the diameter of the control rod varies, Y_.
the mean area of the rod is assumed to extend xN - (48)
A ,
along its total length to simplify the calculations.
This is permissible as the area of the rod at any The control rod diameters will be the same as
point is small in comparison with the area of the re- those for the incompressible fluid but at different
cuperator; hence, only a negligible error is involved, locations along its length.
The total displacement of floating piston plus con-
trol rod is:
=. Analysis for Recoil Throttling Valve
126. The calculations for a recoil mechanism

where xR - travel of control rod, that is controlled by a throttling valve (Figure 21)
and the displacement of the control rod is: such as for the St. Chamond are basically the same
Y - A, xR. (45) but somewhat more involved than for the mechan-
ism whose orifice size is controlled by the position
Subt-acting the two volumes: of the recoiiing parts. In the latter, the orifice area
is determined from established recoil forces and
velocities as discussed in Chapter IX, Parts C, D-1
or, AN - A, A~xN m (xA - AY) - V. and D-2. The behavior of the throttling valve is
AR more complex because neither recoil force nor
But ARxR = (xA - IV), hence, velocity can be determined indlependently of the
fluid flow. For example, suppose that a constant
V1 (A, A (46) pressure rise through the spring-loaded throttling
AN valve is desired during the total recoil stroke. A
where: AR . area of the recuperator cylinder, constant pressure rise and, hence, a constant force
Aw r average area of the displaced
c ar- applied to the valve means a constant spring de-
tion of the control rod. flection, and, conseqiently, a constant orifice area.
But, according to Equation (23), to maintain all
During recoil, the gas is compressed and the pres- these functions constant, recoil velocity must re-
sure increases, thus: main constant. Since the recoil velocity does vary
P0 =, fluid pressure, in-battery position,
gas pressure at any position of
(from some positive vaiue to zero) the above ex-
ample is unsound. Generally then, the pressure
recoil, rise, and, hence, the n.coil force cannot be eval-
uated on the basis of recoil distance and velocity
The licuid in the low pressure chamber between the alone. However, an acceptable recoil force-
floating piston and the orifice plate has a slightly distance curve can be otainced by therelection of
larger volume than if it were sbeted t the valve springv cnih appropriate spring rates.
pressure in the brake cylinder. The total volum in 127. The chaeracteropriac. f the springs cannot be

the low pressure chamber becomes: determined in onc operation but must dcpcnci on i
V- = V, + l', (47) trial and error anailysi,.. Assuming that the various
parameter,, including the recoil brake diameter, the
where: 1f = the initial fluid volume. recuperator ,izc and prcvurc, the length of recoil,



and the valve dimensions, have been given fixed Values are determined similarly for the maximum
values, preliminary valve spring rates can be de- angle of elevation. For this condition Pk is larger ' P
termined. and A, is smaller.
128. Two conditions determine the spring rates.
The rate of the coil spring for long recoil depends Ro - ch,, (4*)
on horizontal firing whereas the combined rate of where: h, - deflection of the combined coil and
Belleville and coil springs for short recoil depends on Belleville springs.
firing at the maximum angle of elevation. In
either case velocity and energy of free recoil are T o r
found from Equations (2) and (3a), respectively, F, - A. P, (49f)
and the first approximations of K, the total re-
sistance to recoil, is found from Equation (3b). and the combined spring rate is: 4
Equation (3b) shows that K is appreciably smaller F-
for horizontal firing, where recoil distance is long, Ks -, (49g)
than for high angle firing, where recoil distance is
short. The maximum value of F., the hydraulic where: F,' - the combined initial spring load.
resistance, is obtained from force-distance curves The initial Belleville load is:
similar to Figure 5. The curves are based on the Fit F - r. (49h)
value of K, above, and on the recuperator pressure
For the initial analysis assume that F - ,
found according to Part G, Chapter VIII. It is

assumed that maximum F. is acting at the maximum

velocity of free recoil. Since F, = AP, (Paragraph The required Belheville spring rate is:
12 1), Equation (23) may be solved for the maximum K* - K. - K,. (49i)
discharge area of the valve. Thus, writing Eq. (23), -

but substituting the maximum velocity of free re- 129. The values obtained from the equations of
coil V1 for V, the 49 series are preliminary and are used for the
first step-by-step analysis of the recoil system. The
," pA 2 (49) procedure followed in the analysis is developed in
2 Phf'
ph Chapter IX of Reference 4. First consider the
where: A.= peripheral area of valve, horizontal firing position for long recoil:

But from Eq. (23a), -VAVi I-1) + (v1,I- A4M, a,

A. - oh, (49a) (50)
where: c = the open periphery of the valve head, the recoil velocity at interval n,
h, = coil spring deflection or valve lift. where: A = effective recoil piston area,
According to Paragraph 121, Kf = frictional resistance to recoil,
M, - mass of recoiling parts,
P - P, + P,. (49b) - = recoil brake pressure during the past
Thus, for the force on the coil spring, interval.
F, = /I, P, (49c) The change in free recoil velocity:
where: A, = effective pressure area of the valve. Vs. - V&_._ - ,4, (30a)
Solving for the coil spring rate: is determined by the method discussed in Para-
graph 116.
K = hf (49d) Select a short time interval (say at = 0.001 ;ec)
where: F: = the initial coil spring load, on the propellant gas force curve (Fig. 23) and
the force F, at 1.1t, assuming it acts througihout
For the first trial assume, F,. F .11. The accc'erating force on the recoiling parts
becomes, according to Equation (25),

F -F, +W, sin 0. It is well to remember tlm for the first step the
-" At 0 , 0, zero angle of elevation, the accelerating recoil velocity is:
force simply becomes the gas force. Since the A(P, - + K "
acceleration, M9a. -l (Sir)
FM. (50b) After the analysis is comlpleted, the recoil force-

distance curve is shown % compare it with the

the change in free recoil velocity is: original assumed curve. fthe calculated distance,

,Avf a-a Fx, Al. (500) - ZPW, (52)

lacks agreement by more tbm 1.5 percent with the

During this time, resistance to recoil is offered by specfied distance and if the resistance to recoil,
K, the frictional forces, and AP, the recoil brake X - AP 4K (52a)
force. This resistance can be expressed in terms peaks at any time, the s should be redesigned
of "change in velocity", similar to Equation (50c), and the analysis ,ntil
repeated the results are

AP(.,) + (d acceptable.
AV ,, AU- (50d) 131. For the shortest mcal, i.e., for maximum
angle of elevation, the recoil calculatio6s follow the
If Wt is small, the use of P(.-,) rather than P, which same general procedure as for long recoil. K,, the
is unknown, is permissible as the error involved is combined spring rate, is acting throughout the ;e-
small. coil stroke and the expression for B and m change
130. The pressure in the recoil brake cylinder is accordingly:
solved by the equation AZgK,
m )? 3)1>m
- "
B M ....- _(-,+

+ N3 -( N6 )111_ 23 + P, (51) A-.

+ -0 - + P where: A, = area of the vave stem.
where: P, = the recuperator pressure, oil end. For the first step:
N3= + - (Sla) 4A,-,. + K,
27m-' , N,,-:W t

B pA2 (52d)
2CcA .(51b 132. After the recoil particulars have been es-
Jv,2 - F, tablished for zero and maximum angles of eleva-
m A-A (51c) tion, the intermediate firing positions are eval-
uatcd. The problem, heire is to determine when
_A 2 (Sid) to bring the Belleville springs into action to augment
2A-, the coil spring. At low angles of elevation, this
- mass density of fluid. action is delayed until near the end of recoil. At
higher angles, it is brought into play near the be-
Except for short distances at the beginning and end ginning. The space between the valve stem and
of recoil, 1/730 becomes negligible in comparison the IBelleville spring spindle sets the distance
with N64 and may be omittcd without serious through which the coil spring must deflect before
error. Equation (51) therefore reduces to the Belleville springs begin to fuiction. This
space is regulated by a cam attached to the tipping
P = m (N - J) + P,. (51e) parts so that the higher the elevatien, the smaller


the space. During the early part of recoil, the cal- The F, here, is the coil-spring load just as the
culations are the same as for zero elevation, valve stem contacts the valve stop to bring the
During the later part of recoil, the calculations Belleville springs into play.
follow the procedure for the maximum angle of
elevation with the exception that:
S- J + P(52e) 133. If free counterrecoil is permitted, i.e., no
A, additional restrictions to fluid flow exist other than
where: F,'- F. + 1a. (52f) those during recoil, the velocity of counterrecoil

0 fCr


0 6 10o 12 12.5









Figure 27. Courerrecoil Force Chart



00 A,--*
P, 0
0 0


Ripw 28. Funidming Componenws owing C,0. mc

usually will be excessive. For rapid-fire guns, more - the total out-of-battery packing fric-
freedom of flow is required and other flow channels tional force of the recoil brake and
must be provided. However, when low counter- the counterrecoil cylinder,
MW velocities are specified, additional restrictions j - frictional force of packings in re-
We necessayM . The calculation procedures for cuperator.
"thislast type are discussed in detail, although the 135. The counterrecoil force is further ;-duced
Computations are essentially the same for all types. by the restriction of flow through the orifice de-
134. The counterrecoilis force
134.cTheratoir fo is provided by the
the termined for recoil regulation. If a further re-
reuperator and i27obtained from a chart similar to duction is necessary to maintain lcw counterrecoil
Firure 27. Before it aoelerates the counter- velocities, the hydraulic fluid is directed through an-
recoiling mas it loses some of its potential in frkc- other orifice before it reaches the counterrecoil
.tiorl resistance of slides and packings. The pack- cylinder. Figure 28 is a schematic drawing of the
iMg losses are found, according to the method in functioning components during counterrecoil,
Paragraph 90, for the in-battery position and the
position just before counterrecoil begins. The mean where:
of the two results is assumed, without serious A - area of counterrecoil piston,
error, to act over the total stroke, thus: A, - area of control rod,
A -- f, + f.), (53) AR - area of floating piston,
a, - area of orifice for counternecoil,
fu + f-.).
S- (53a) a. - area of orifice for recoil,
P - oil pressure in recoil brake cylinder after
The:* - oW, cos$, (54) throttling through a.,
P.o - oil pressure before throttling through an,
where: Ft - frictional resistance of slides during P, - oil pressure before throttling through a,
counterrecoil, P, - recuperator gas pressure,
f - the frictional force of packings of p = mass density-of hydraulic fluid,
the recoil brake and the counter- C, = orifice coefficient of a,.
recoil cylinder, CG = orifice coefficient ofa..
f - the in-battery packing frictional
force of recuperator, During counterrecoii there are two pressure drops,
f, - the out-of-battery packing frictional one at ,.,
force of recuperator, aP P. - P, (55)
= the total in-battery packing fric- and the other at a.
tional force of the recoil brake and
the counterrecoil cylinder, AP= P., - Pe" (55a)

From hydraulics, the flow rate throughe, it: where: vx - velocity of t%6UgS piston and the rate
of1Bow ipt, the wounterrecoil cylinder is: t60c)
12 -sire ira Ot

likewise, at a6, where: , - the counterrecoil velocity;

.CA . (4) solving for v.,,

Solving for AP and P,: t, - A'" (60d)

AP =- ' (2C) Therore.

?Q. - ,(Aa-A.) (606)

2C.2 a."
but Q Q so Now substitute the expression for Q2, from Equa-
tion (60e) into,AEquationPfA.
0 A?1 - -Ae\'3A3
Ca Air 2C2,V A. n
From Figure 28, it is observed that:
p(1AR- A)3A3 1 2 Af 6
P . ;(58)
sutit tinPfor+APndAP k -A.
substituting for A? and P. we have: By subtracting the frictional resistance of Equa-

PP +2 () tions (53a) and (54), the net accelerating force is:

2C - Fm-f -- F- (61)
Since the forces on the Boating piston must bat- For convenience, simpler terms are provided for
ance, the expressions in Equation (601). Thus, the

F, - P,.(Aj - A.) + PA. +1.. (59) resistance provided by the counterrecoil orifice is:
where: F, - the recuperator force. FAp jA - AA 3 A3
Substitute for P.. of Equation (58a) into Equation F - , 'A -A, ) (61a)
(59) and collect terms so that: and the resistance supplied by the recoil orifice is:

The force on the counterrecoil piston is: Equation (37) has the solution for a.. Substituting
it in Equation (61b) yields:
F, - PA. (60)
F, can be determined from Equation (59.) by A - F., (61c)
substituting the expression for P obtained from 1
Equation (60) and solving for F,: The values for t, and F, are available from the re-
coil calculations. The available static force on the
F, -A--
, A Ac 12P Q2 \ counterrecoil piston transposed from the force
It p2 2- a 2CA due to the recuperator gas pressure on the floating
A. (60a) pisto n is: Ai
F, =- Alt (61d)
136. The flow rate through the counterrecoil
orifice, Q, may also be written in terms of velocity and similarly, by transposing the frictional re-
and area: sistance of the recuperator floating piston packing
(Ai - A.)vjb (60h) to the counterrecoil piston and adding it to the

-- total of the recoil brake and counterrecoil cylinder, Find the values of v md P, corepondinlg to the
the total frictional resistance of the packings is: distance x, in the reoil calculations and obtain
fs u the average value over the increment:
f Al+t (61e) , + 2+.F (64a)1
The simplified equation for the net accelerating V.-4+ +(64a)
force is obtained by subtracting frictional and Similarly, from Equation (61a), F&is calculated u
hydraulic resistances from the available static force the average value ove the increment:
on the co unterreco il p isto n : A)3 A 3 + V,)

F,, - F, - (fp + f,, + Fe + Fp). (61 f)

if F,, F, _ _F is the available counter-
recoil force before throttling, then, and find Fte from Equation (61f) or (62). The
F. - L-
Aj,- (62) ounterrecoUl acceleaion is then found:
F, f,-F.
r (62)F,

Note that when the fluid flow is restrained to limit a, - (65)

the counterreco.1 velocity, F, should theoretically and the velocity checked from the equation:
become zro when ihis limit is reached. Actually,
for a constant orifice, the limit mayThen, be exceeded
in order s, - ev, + 2a,'x,. (66)
during the early part of the
that the velocity not exceed the limit when buffing If the calculated velocity in the last equation does
tarts, F, becomes negative over a portion of the not equal the selected value at the beginning, then
stroke. This is demonstrated in the example prob- the selected value must be revised and the calcula-
lem (see Tables 5 and 6). tions repeated. After the two values agree, the
137. The counterrecoil calculations follow a time is calculated:
step-by-step intcgration procedure and each step At- - (67)
involves trial and error computations. The a,
critical but unknown factor is the size of the and: i - 1.- o+ At. (68)
constant orifice required (similar to the one shown
in Fig. 20) to control the counterrecoil velocity. 138. The buffer, at the end of the stroke, has two
As a first approximation of an orifice of rmasonable force components. One is the decelerating force
area, assume that it is 10 percent of the maximum required to stop the counterrecoiling parts. The
orifice area used during recoil. If, in the process of other is the net recuperator force determined by
making the counterrecoil calculations, it appears Equation (62).
that the velocity will be too high', the area must be If a buffer is selected with a constant orifice, the
reduced; if too low, it must be increased. After calculations continue as for counterrecoil with the

the orifice area has been selected, the counterrecoil addition of another factor, Fd, the total buffing
calculations are made. The values off, and F force. Thebuffer net decelerating forceis:
are determined from Equations (61e) and (54) and F,- F, - Fb; (69)
are assumed constant. The values of F, and f, ,
are calculated from Equations (61a) and (61c). and: Fb- -L (69a)
The value of F, is read from the curve in Figure 27. 2C2a.
Select what appear to be reasonable values of Av, where: A, - area of buffer cylinder,
and Ax,, the changes in counterrecoil velocity and a., - buffer orifice area,
distance, respectively. Obtain F, from the curve, C. - orifice coefficient,
half way along x, at (x,, + tax,). Because v, is p - mass density ofbuffer fluid,
not constant, the followink procedure is not exact vb - velocity o(counterrecoil during
but, if Ax, is short enough, the approximations will buffing.
be sufficiently close to be acceptable. The acceleration during buffing is:
Then: x x, + ax., (63) F,
and V,. = v,_,- AV,. (64) a (69b)
and the velocity of counterrecoil during buffing attempted to design the latter to the usual high
becomes: standards of precision.

If the orifce is variable, constant deceleration pro- L TYPE O CONCENTRIC RECOIL MECHANISM
vides a constant 11. Thus solving Equation (69) 140. There are three types of concentric recoil
for F., the total buffer force becomes: mechanism. All have the same basic hydraulic
system, concentric with the gun tube but differ in
Fb - F,, - r*. (70) spring arrangements. The first has one spring, con-
Considering constant deceleration, the buffer centric with the tube (Fig. 29). When the diameter
velocity can be found from: of the gun is large, it is impractical to use a con-
centric spring. More space is required to house it
t-; + 2 j x#, (70.) and the spring itself is difficult to manufacture to the

where: i, - buffer acceleration, prescribed specifications. Then, the second type,

% - counterrecoil velocity at buffer a multicylinder recoil mechanism, is used (Fig. 30).
contact, Usually, four smaller spring assemblies, each con-
n- travel at any time,s. isting of two springs concentric
are located 90* apart around the with each other,
periphery of the
When x& - S#, the total buffer stroke, t - 0, system. This permits flattening the cylinder
and housing between springs, thus conserving space.
_- (70b) The third or separate type has the counterrecoil
25&- mechanism completely divorced from the recoil
tcbecomes: brake (Fig. 31). It may be used if space is available
the net decelerating force bfor the spring assembly because it has two distinct
F, - M, ad. (70c) advantages. The spring design is ;ot dependent
An the factors are now known and the orifice area upon the dimensions of the recoil brake mech-
a he falcuteors anism and there is freedom in handling the com-
plete arrangement without disturbing the recoil

a0. 2-0 ~ .
- 7)
(71) brake.
X. DESIGN OF CONCENTRIC RECOIL 141. Recoil calculations are made either graph-
MECHANISMS* ically or analytically. The graphical method is dis-
cussed for the concentric system. First an interior
ballistics curve of pressure vs. time is obtained from
A. INTODUCTrIoN the proper source. From this information, the
139. The concentric recoil mechanism is similar propellant gas force is computed, added to the
in principle to other types, having a hydraulic weight component of the recoiling parts and plotted
brake and a mechanical spring recuperator. How- against time on large scale paper (Fig. 32). Simply
ever it is frequently mounted on tanks whose re- by adjusting the scale by a factor, 11M (from
quirements differ sharply from those of field F - Ma, where M is the mass of the recoiling
artillery. Recoil and counterrecoil forces can be parts), the same curve becomes the acceleration-
set high because of the rigidity of the carriage, time curve. The retardation of the recoil mechan-
Actually they have to be high because of the limited ism is ploted as a deceleration vs. time curve and
travel imposed by the turret. This is one example the resultant of the two becomes the net effective
which illustrates that under most conditions the acceleration curve. From the beginning of recoil,
design requirements of the tank take precedence the retarding force is made to vary linearly with
over the recoil mechanism although it is always respect to time from zero to a maximum at the
- . time of maximum propellant gas pressure, where it
The material on Concentric Recoil Mechanisms was
provided by Ordnance Tank-Automotiv'C becomes constant. This is an arbitrary p-actie and
Mich. is not inviolable, but any deviation from it should
42 4

Sii iq | i iiIIii i ii | m




Section of A- A
Iengitudinal section of one recoil cylinder (through complete unit)

Rowe. 30. Concenri *"Io Medwimaeu (Multiple Cylinde TYPO)

not disturb proper recoil motion (see Paragraph culated distance differs from the specified recoil
117). distance, the retarding force is adjusted and the
142. For the first trial, the retarding force may process repeated. After some proficiency has been
*be obtained from Equation (3b). After the net acquired, more than two trials are seldom neces-
acceleration curve is plotted, it is integrated by sary.
planimeter, by counting blocks, or other suitable
*means to obtain the velocity-time curve (Fig. 33).
Integrating the velocity-time curve yields velocity D. ORIFCE DESIGN, CONCENTRIC TYPES
vs. distance which is plotted (Fig. 34). If the cal- 143. The orifice area is determined by the

) 43




Pigw. 31. Cantcerw Recoild Mecdaim with Separat Cotrrecoi Ambl,

method described in Paragraph 121 and based on visable to include the spring force, in which instance
a sharp-edged orifice with a discharge coefficient of the hydraulic resistance will be reduced accordingly.
0.60. To assure the sharp-edge effect, the lip of the
piston adjacent to the orifice should not exceed
1/16-inch in width. The orifice area may be reg- E SPRING DESIGN, CONCENTRIC TYPMS
ulated by varying the inside diameter of the cylin- 144. Springs are designed by conventional
der or by cutting grooves of varying width or formulas and are stressed to the elastic limit.
depth in the inner wall. Care must be taken with Dynamic stresses are not considered because a life
the former method as accumulated tolerances on of 100,000 cycles is satisfactory and, in practice,
piston and cylinder diameters may result in annular springs so designed usually exceed this number.
areas which are much too large. Hydraulic systems Buckling of springs must be prevented, either in-
now in use operate at pressures from 1000 to 5000 herently in the design of the spring itself or by pro-
psi, depending on individual requirements. 0-rings viding guides to insure lateral stability. Some-
or T-rings are used for seals. In most cases, times as many as 15 or 20 springs, with variations
spring resistance is small and is not considered in wire diameter, coil size, and number of coils,
in computing recoil distance. However, this is a may be investigated before one is selected. Each
matter of judgment and it may sometimes be ad- end should be provided with an inactive three-

44 t
6I00 6000




-- NOTE:
400 .4000
S -- 2 3000

0 8I I0

"200 2000 -O - -


a IU


O -


0 0 J5t 1 20 25 so 36 40 45 so 55
R ECOL ( 1110111)

h. 6 Figure 32. Veoicity.Tme

O CurvThe

V0 112
00 5 t 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Figure 33. Velocity- Time Curve of Recoil

Ilk 45





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 a.?

Figure 34. Yeokci/y-Distance Curve oi Recail

quarter coil. The spring is never permitted to systems, one designated the primary and the other
reach solid height at maximum recoil, but, should the secondary recoil system (see Fig. 35). There
have approximately 1-inch between coils so that are certain advantages to this type of gun over one
hydraulic fluid may flow freely between them. with a single recoil system, particularly in large
Special, noncommercial manufacturing and in- calibers where a long recoil is required. For a
spection procedures are used. Tolerances are se- limited space, a larger recoil distance results thus
vere. Ground stock is always used, generally reducing the horizontal ground reaction as well as
heat-treated and shot peened. providing greater stability of carriage in or out of
145. If guns are to be fired at high angles of te- battery. It also permits a lower silhouette and
vation, up to or approaching 90%, the installed, or shorter guides or rails.
in-battery, spring-load should be 130 percent of 147. The primary recoiling parts consist of gun
the weight of recoiling parts. Where high eleva- tube, breech, either guides or sleigh, and certain
tions are not required, as in tank guns, this figure parts of the primary recoil mechanism that are not
should be 100 percent, if possible. Sometimes, fixed to the secondary system. It recoils on the
particularty in tanks, space limitations may dictate guides in the cradle of the top carriage and is in-
still lower loads, down to the equivalent of 45 cluded among the elevating parts. The secondary
elevation (see Paragraph 139). recoiling parts consist of top carriage, cradle, part of
the primary recoil mechanism that does not recoil
with the primary, and that part of the secondary
Xf. DESIGN OF DOUBLE RECOIL SYSTEMS* recoil mechanism which is not fixed to the bottom
carriage; in fact, everything that recoils upon the
bottom carriage, exclusive of the primary recoiling
A. INTRODUCTION system. The secondary guides on the bottom
146. A double eccoil gun has two scparate recoil carriage are fixed in a horizontal position. A turn-
* The theoretical approach is based on original work table beneath, and connected to the bottom car-
done by Dr. Rupert Eksergjan or The Franklin Instiute. riage, allows for traverse of the equipment.





Fipgr U5. G. Wdf Do".a Recoil Medoahm

a. acoa. macn the primary and secondary recoil forces while a

148. In a gun with a double recoil system, there suming that the forces are constant throughout the
we two recoil forces, one between primary and length of recoil.
secondary recoiling parts, known as the primary Step 4. Determine the components of the pri-
red for, and one between secondary recoiling mary and secondary recoil forces in order to
parlfand bottom c ae, known as the secondary design the various parts of the recoiling systems.

recoil force. The primary recoil force, denoted by Step 5. Determine the variation of the relative
K consists of three components: the hydraulic velocity of the primary recoiling mass with the
resistance to recoil in the recoil cylinder, which is relative primary recoil distance and of the velocity
the principal resistance to recoil; the force due of the secondary recoiling mass with the secondary
to pressure in the recuperator cylinder; and the recoil distance.
force due to friction on the primary guides. Te Step 6. Determine the primary and secondary
feondary recoil force, denoted prim also consists forces in the recoil cylinders by a step-by-step
o andhydraulic force, a recuperator force, and integration of the equations 6f motion of the
friction force , primary and secondary recoiling masses.
Step 7. Investigate counterrecoil.

1. Nomenclature
C. FPROCDURE FOMDYNAMIC ANALYSIS The following nomenclature applies to the double
149. The final calculations for the recoil action of recoil calculations:
a double recoil system are long and laborious. In Fs - propellant gas pressure force
order to reduce the work to a minimum, several g - acceleration of gravity
preliminary solutions are initially made. These us- K - primary recoil force
amily enable the final step-by-step integration of the Lt - primary recoiling distance relative to the
equations of motions of primary and secondary re- secondary mass
coiling masses to be performed but once or twice, L2 - secondary recoil distance
effcting a considerable saving in time and labor. L, - total horizontal movement of center of
The complete procedure is summarized below fol- gravity of m during recoil
lowed by a detailed description of each step. mI - primary recoiling mass
m2 secondary recoiling mais
Step I. Assume a primary and secondary recoil m - mI + m2 - total recoiling mass
distance. NI - normal reaction of primary recoiling parts
Step 2. Find the preliminary primary and sec- N2 - normal reaction of secondary recoiling parts
ondary recoil forces using the assumed primary R - secondary recoil force
and secondary recoil distance. s = displacement of center of gravity of m during
Step 3. Determine accurately by trial and error recoil

* 47
At increment of time '

9 -velocity
" velocity of
of primary
f- initial velocity of secondary recoiling mass
,-initial velocity of primary mass (velocity of
free recoil)
p. -- horizontal velocity of center of gravity of m
- initial horizsatal velocity of center of gravity
a,, - velocity of primary recoiling mass relative to
the secondary mass
vk - initial velocity of primary mass relative to
W, - secondary mass mass.... scdyto-o
weight of primary
W2 - weight of secondary mass ,,,,,,... -,v,,.,v/,, :^,
x, = primary stroke relative to secondary stroke Rp 36. Phww Foa of a Dmit wi

# - angle of elevation of gun measured from the SW

Z 'DetaledDi m the propellant gs folbe F,, have dissipated.
Figure 36 is a diagram of the preliminary forces of
150a (Step I) Recoil Dirtaes.*A primary and a double recoil system. To simplify the derivation
secondary recoil distance must be selected first, for the preliminary values of the recoil forces, sev-
This selection is based upon size of equipment, eral assumptions are made. (I) the primary and
space available for the recoil mechanisms, high or secondary recoiling masses reach zero velocity
low silhouette, and other ordnance considerations. simultaneously, (2) when the initial recoil velocity
Once the recoil distances have been established, the is imparted to the pnmury mass, the secondary
problem resolves itself into making a design to velocity is still zero, and (3) in the derivation, Kand
meet these requirements. Full advantage should R are constant.
he taken of these recoil distances, for greater
distances mean lower recoil forces and lighter Derivation:
equipment. m - M, + 2W. (74)
151. (Step 2) Preliminary Recoil Forces. With
the primary and seccndary recoil distance de- From conservation of momentum:
termined, preliminary primary and secondary re- tMV - mt (V, cOal + V2) + m2 V2 ; (75)
coil forces may be found from the expressions de-
rived below. The formulas for the primary recoil the initial momentum:
force Kand the secondary recoil force, R, are: nm,W - mI (VWcosl + VZ) + m2VZ; (76)

K M, f I 42 2
Lo l+m
8OS 1 but by assumption, ft is zeo. Then,
L +ose L,2 M 2 mow - micoss. (7T)
+ W, sin0; (72) Also, mL. - -l,(Lcosf +L2)+m 2L 2, (78)
and: and: mdkh - om,t, + d + 2!
R (VIcOs$) 2
Ima (73)dt (WS Y -t-m t-'
+m 2)
L, cosO + L2m:
-MI For the primary recoiling mass, from the law,
The maximum velocity of free recoil is imparted F = ma:
instantaneously to the primary recoiling parts, i.e., mi /(cos e~'+
dv ?) =*-K cost + N, sne:

Step numbers of sub-headings in Paragraphs 150 to 182 -dt d K 8

refer to stips summarized in Paragraph 149.


*1 A
and for the secondary recoiling mass: Substitute e/ for v,,. Although vr- v,, + ep, the
expresson is written v. - e, because ft is assumed
M2! - +Kcost-R- Ntsine, (81) to be zero:

where N is the normal reaction on the primary re- R - W)m2 (73)

coiling parts and also is the normal load applied L, COS 0 + (mi +7

to the secondary recoiling parts. \ MI I

Solving for the primary recoil force, K, from the
Now, adding Equations (80) and (81): law of the conservation of energy, and assuming
MI (CO 8!t, + d11)+ M2 R; now thatKas well asRis cnastant:
Imv - XL, I +"RAL 2 --WIW,-Lsin -;
(82) triS

and combining Equations (79) and (82): from which: K - mj2 - A L2 + WILt sin 0

m R. Substituting for R:
But: , - fmt L2
de,. _ts de,.Lt cost + L 2 ( m
di i MM d K L (mi~m,
therefore, + Wt sine;
d. -; and:
0s K mi 1, -L 2 Cos2e

and: t .u.d - L C'm Mis"L

-mV2 + W, sin 9. (72)
and: 2 - -RL,,;
2 152. (Step 3) Recoil Forces, Constant. While
from which: the primary and secondary recoil forces obtained
in Paragraph 151 are preliminary, they yield a good
1<R= _ starting point. These values will not give the
2L, proper distances because they are derived from as-
Now, substituting in this equation the following sumptions which are not rigorously applicabla.
values of m, Lt, eui, It is necesrary that the forces be more nearly cor-
rect, which is accomplished by a trial and error

m - mi + M2 , (74) method. The approach is described below, first

for the primary recoiling mass and then for the
mm,1 +COS
it', (77) secondary recoiling mass. Both recoil mechanisms
mi + M2" are designed for their respective critical con-
0+ L2 ) + m2L
mLCos ( ditions, maximum elevation for the primary and
4,. - ( L + 2m (78) zero elevation for the secondary.
there results: 153. Calculations for the primary recoil distance
are divided into two parts: (a) the distance traveled
mi V",CCos 0%2 while propellant gas pressure is acting amnd (b) the
A__(MI + 2_ _ iMt+ m2 L distance traveled aiter the gases cease to act. In
rmiL cos+ L) + MA both cases, the prcliminary values for K and A
2 '(L')Mi + M2 found in Paragraph 151 are used. As just men-
tioned, they will not immediately yield the correct
M2 (v,, cos 0)2 recoil distances but, by adjusting their magnitudes
"m,(Li cos 9 + L2 ) + m2L2 several times and solving for the distances in each


case, the trend toward the correct values
can be Substituting in the equation F - ma,
found and proper values of K and R will soon be there rults
for the force along the primary guides the equation,
determined. It is also possible to adapt double
recoil calculations to high speed computers. I
dynamics of the primary and secondary The mi. + "cose)- F -
recoiling t\ d do -
masses of a gun with a double recoil K + Wt sinG; (83)
action are and for the force perpendicular to
presented in the following derivation. the prima
and efothe fo n,
154. Figure 37 shows the forces on a
double re- giides, the equation,
coil system. Also, refer to the schematic
Figure 36 and the vector diagram in sketch in
Figure 38. mt sin - - W*cos9 (84)

t at COS 0)




m1(0r+GzCOS 8 ) - AXIAL

Figure 37. Forces on a Douol* Recoil System

Dividing by ml:
)d._, F, - K,-
+ Wsin-

-Kcos2 0 W, COO sine 0 qRcose0 (9

d., m2 + m+sin 2 , (
"d"-155. (Parta). If an increment of time and the
Ld--COS - !a sc corresponding increment of velocity are known, the
t product of the two will be the increment of distance
" ONIZONTAL traveled during that time. Therefore a convenient
increment of time, at, is assumed and the cor-
responding increment of relative velocity, av,, is cal-
FIW' $8. Acceaion Diagram of a Dout* R" culated from Equation (89):
System . + W sin. -

For the secondary recoiling mass, the equation of , -W, sin

$ (90)

- Kcos, - N, sin, - A. (85) The increment of distance, Ax, is found by multi-

Now, from Equation (84): plying the time by the corresponding velority.

t rZAt,
NI - m I sin9 + W, cos;. 0, -YZv,,
t vax, - v, hI, the increment of distance during ac-
Sulb~ttuting this value of" N, in Equation (85) celeration,
there results: d X - zeatx,

zd - Kcos 9- m, sin 2 These calculations may be conveniently tabulated

as shown in Table
- Wcosesin, - R;
transposing: TABY" I

(2 + Msin20)~ d2. KCO 8 at , AX,

dl t ' (zAV) , (XIz,)
Wcos sin# - R.
W- (86).. ..
Now, to find the relative acceleration of (the
primuary recoiling mass, from Equation (83):
MI - F, - K + W, sin 0 - m, 0 cos
c 0;; (87) 156. (Part b). To calculate the distance traveled

from Equation (86): after the propellant pressure ceases, it is necessary

to find acceleration and tume for the remainder of
d m2 + ml sin2 R (88) the primary recoil stroke. With the propellant gas
force, F,, equalling zero, Equation (89) becomes:
Then, substituting the ,alue of duJdk obtained in
Equation (88) into Equation (87), there results: 0, =W sin*- K
dv 2
m"- F - K + W, sin, Kcos
K 2, -- mW, sin cos22 f - Rcosf
2 + m, sin f - (89a)
(Kcos2, - Wt cos2 ,sin 0 - Cos,)MI
-m + m, sin2 0 and since all terms are constants, a, is also constant,

and negative, indicating a constant deceleration. In this case, K, is the primary counterecoil force
The total time of deceleration is: of the recuperator less friction forces. The time
required for the primary mass to reach the specified
t# -
a, (91) velocity is:

where 9,, is the relative primary velocity wben pro- U. . (91d)

pellant pressure ceases. The primary recoil stroke a,
during deceleration is: And from Equation (88), the acceleration of the
.- id, 41 (91a) secondary recoiling mass is:
Kt cos -- W, sin scose -- R
Therefore, the total relative primary recoil distance m2 + ml sin 2 9
traveled during recoil will be the sum of that
traveled durig the propellant pressure period and The distance traveled by the secondary mass is:
that traveled after the propellant pressure period. xd, - rt. + 4
X a . (91e)
157. In order to determine the secondary recoil
distance, the calculations are divided into three from.t(Parimc)ofCaculatethemdistancetreled
parts, (a) the distance ~traveled
the relative ~ until~velocity,
primary the time when
bcmszr, v,, from
vlcte,, thetotime
the timeaithat the
pia secondary
the relative primary velocity,* v,, becomes zero,
(b) the distance traveled from the time the relative becomes zero. The secondary velocity at the end of
primary velocity becomes zero until it reaches a t, becomes:
predetermined maximum counterrecoil velocityt V2 - V2 + a2l. (910)
and (c) the distance traveled
the elaiveprimry from the he
eloityattans time r~.
that From Equation (88) the secondary acceleration
the relative primary velocity attains the prede. becomes:
termined counterrecoil velocity to the time that the
secondary velocity becomes zero. As before, the Kcos O- W, sine cos 9- R
preliminary values for K and R are used. am2- m msinl+ 2 S
158. (Part a). Calculate the distance traveled the time is:
x2. during the time, t, of primary recoil. From
Equation (88): t, (919)
24- Kcose-- W si - R and the distance is:
a,2 + Mta,
1 - aath
jaat 2 , (91b) x -ij, + a2,4,.
v% - az.t. (91c) j The total secondary recoil distance is the sum o the
above three distances. Thus:
159. (Part b). Calculate the distance traveled
"from the end of primary recoil until the primary 2 + x2i-
X2 - x2. + x U (92)
mass attains its specified maximum counterrecoil 161. (Step 4) Components of the Recoil Forces.
velocity %,. From Equation (89a), the relative The foregoing calculations provide for the de-
primary counterrecoil acceleration is: termination of the total primary and secondary re-
WI sin 0 - K, coil forces for the given recoil distance. However,
ml in order to design the recoil and counterrecoil
mechanisms and the recuperators, it is necessary to
_Kn cos 2 0M-- W sin9cos
, 2
9- RcosO know the values of the components of the total
m2 -+ m1 sin 2 6 recoil forces; i.e., how much resistance to recoil the
The velocity or the primary recoiling mass relative to recoil cylinder offers, how much the recuperator
the secondary recoiling mass is referred to as the relative offers, and how much friction offers. Stated in
primary velocity, for brevity. Similarly, the velocity of the equation form, the primary recoil force is:
secondary recoiling mass is referred to as the secondary
t This assumes that there will be a buffing device provided K - K, + K + KX, (93)
t curtail the zounterremoil motion. and the secondary recoil force is

R - R5, + R. + R1, (94) weight of the mass resting or. 9't plus the ver'ical
component of the K force. out tor the primary
guides, the normal forces are influenced by several
KA - hydraulic resistance in primary system, contributing tactors, all of which are not so simply
K. - recuperator resistance in primary system, evaluated. One is the normal component of the
g, = friction resistance in primary system, static weight of the primary redoiling mass; another
R, - hydraulic resistance in secondary system, is the dynamic forces due to the accelerations of thi
f. - recuperator resistance in secondary system, primary and secondary recoiling masses; and a
R1 = frictional resistance in secondary system. third factor which develops because the accel-
Now K and R have been calculated and the K, and erating forces are located so that they produce a
moment about the cradle guides or bearings, and
, for~ces throughout tb. length of recoil may be thus may increase the normal reactions. Figure 39
calculated from the formula for polytropic com-
shows these forces and reactions. Pamphlet. No.
pression: ORDP 20-341 on Cradles discusses in detail how
Po V - P. P; the reactions are obtained. If R, and R2 act in the
but: same direction, their sum equals the sum of the
forces parallel to them. However, if R, and R2
V, - V0 - Ax,

q P
V0 A
1are (95)
opposite in direction, their arithmetical sum is
greater than the sum of the normal components of
the forces, thus increasing the frictional forces.
and the recuperator resistance at any recoil distance 164. There will always be a normal component
is: of the static weight of the primary recoiling parts
K.. - P.A, which will produce friction on the guides. The
w A -effective recoil piston area, dynamic force on the primary guides resulting from
whexe. A etroil ponen , the acceleration of secondary recoil varies with the
n rpolytropic exponent, angle of elevation simply because, at high angles of
P0 -recuperator gas pressure in battery, elevation, the normal component of the dynamic
P, recuperator gas pressure at x, force due to secondary acceleration is a larger part
Vo - gas volume in recuperator in battery, of the total. Experience has shown that, at high
,- gas volume in recuperator at X, angles of elevation, the secondary accelerations
x - any rcoil distance. may be as large as those at low angles, but occur
162. The recuperator gas pressure for the pri- for a much she: ,. t;ne i'r'cvR
mary sy!", a is found in the same way as for 165. Theoretically this dynamic force should be
single recoil systems. Rewrite Equation (4) to considered when designing the primary recoil
associate it with a double recoil system. cylinder but, from a practical viewpoint, it is better
to omit it. If it were included, the design hydraulic
K. 1 ,,i t(Wsin6 + AAWt cos9-+f). (96) brake force would become smaller because a
Refer to Chapter VIII, Part G for the discussion on greater proportion of the total retarding force
the method for determining the primary recuperator would be composed of friction. Then, if the recoil
characteristics. The characteristics of the see- cylinder were designed to this reduced hydraulic
ondary recuperator can be determined in the same force and the frictional force failed to be realized,
way except for the initial force in battery which is: there would be insufficieni hydraulic recoil re-
sistance over most of the stroke. Recoil velocity
=' ) 2 (W1 + WZ), (97) would exceed specified limits: there would be a
where, based on previous experience, \2 = 0.25. greatly increased hydraulic force toward the end of
163. The frictional forces resisting both primary the stroke, and the recoil distance might easily
and secondary recoil are determined from the forces become inadequate, perhaps to the extent or
normal to the guides. In the case of the secondary causing damage.
guides, the total frictional force is readily de- 166. On the other hand, if the friction force of
termined because these guides are always hori- the dynamic load is excluded from the calculations
zontal, and the sum of normal forces is the static but does occur in reality, no great harm is done. It







Figure 39. Applied toads and Reactions on Cradle

simply means a shorter recoil distance, because the is difficult to determine closely, due to the un-
recoil resistance is greater than calculated leading certainty of the friction coefficient, which may be
to a conservative design. 0.1, 0.2, or even 0.3. Not too much dependence,
167. Another source of friction which may be then, should be placed upon friction as a means of
figured to be very large is the moment on the resisting recoil. So, for these reasons, and because
primary guides mentioned in Paragraph 163 (see 0 in neglecting it is conservative, friction caused by the
Fig. 37). In the initial stages of design, however, moment on the primary guides is omitted from the
this moment cannot be accurately calculated be- computations. For primary recoil calculations,
cause of the vagueness of the weights and centers of the only guide friction considered will be that
gravity of the various parts. Even in final design it caused by the normal components of static weight


of the primary recoiling parts. The coefficient of a. During the period of primary recoil,
friction will be assumcd as 0.15 and the resulting
friction is the K, force.
168. The friction of the sc-ondary guides has b. From the instant tda the primary relative
been separated into two parts for ease of computa- recoil ve!ocity equals zer until the primary re-
tion. That which is due to the static weight resting coiling mass is reacceleraml to a constant maui-
on the guides is designated as Rf,, and the friction mum velocity (in countersel):
arising from the vertical component of K, the
primary recoil force, is called Rh. Again a co- Vil - ; + 2 a2.x,.; (100)
efficient of friction of 0.15 is used. c. From the instant that the primary counter-
169. Now, at ar.y point during rcoil, the forces recoil velocity attains the mnstant value until the
K, R, K., Kf, R., and R., are known and therefore secondary velocity equals aro:
it is possible to calculate K, at any point. From
these data, curves are drawn indicating the variation 9I, . V, + 2 as. xi,, (101)
of hydraulic, gas pressure, and friction forces with where in each of the expresions the letters v.,. a2,
recoil distance for the primary and secondary recoil and x2 pertain to velocity, acceleration, and dis-
systems. tance of the secondary recoil. Due regard for posi-
170. (Step 5) Variation of Recoil Velocities with tive and negative signs must be exercised.
Recoil Distances. The previous paragraphs ex- 172. From these data, cwves are drawn, one
plain the derivation of hydraulic forces in the showing the variation of the relative wrimary reciit
recoil cylinders for any recoil distance. In order velocity with the relative primary recoil distance
to design the recoil cylinders, it is also necessary to and one showing the variation of the secondary re-
have the variation of primar) relative velocity with coil velocity with the secondary recoil distarte.
primary relative recoil distance, of secondary veloc-
ity with primary relative distance, and of second- ths curves mabe drawn on the se raps
th rat n onte for ewithc
e ma
ary recoil velocity with secondary recoil distance.
These are calculated as follows: The variation of dices (e paindin Smp 4, Pr ah re1).
recoiling mass with distance
velocity of thehasbee Withntes setsoacres tn thePrary recoi
he ro- With thewe sets of curves, then, the primary recoil
has been calculated through the end of the pro- orifice may be determined by substituting the ap-
pellant gas period (see Paragraphs 154 and 155). propriate values in Equatio (36):
After the propellant gases cease to act and until the
relative primary recoil velocity is zero, the following w, (102)
formula is used to determine the primary velocity at 4
any distance of recoil: where: a. - orifice area,

i,, - V'",+2axp, (98) C. - orifice constant,

where: A - effective piston head area in the
recoil cylinder.
v, the relative primary velocity at the end of p - man; density ot hydraulic fluid.
the propellant period, K,, - hydraulic force,
a, = the acceleration; if a deceleration, the sign v, - velocity of recoil.
before it must be minus, The orifice area for the secondary recoil mechanism
x= any distance from the position at the end of is ca!culated similarly.
the propellant period to the end of recoil. 173. (Step 6) Recoil Forces. Variable. In the
171. For the variation of velocity of the sec- design of the recoil control rods, it was first as-
ondary recoiling mass, the calculat'rns are divided sumed that the recoil forces wire constant, which
into three steps in accordance wit;, the three di- is not true; in fact, it is impossible. Peak% will
visions previously estab!ishied for the determination occur at points along the travels of both primary
of the secondary recoil distance (see Paragraphs and secondary recoil masses, particularly near the
158, 159, and 160). The three steps are listed end of the recoil Wtroke. It is now necessary to
below with the formula to be used for each. ascertain the magnitude of these peaks and check

the recoil rods with due zonsideration of the peak- d02 (Kcose - Wi cos0sine - R dt. (104)
ing. The primary constant recoil force was ob- M2 -+mi sin 2 8 /
tained for its critical condition, maximum gun ele- These equations are organized in tabular form in
vation. Thrt, using primary constant force, the Table 2, Paragraph 174, and are integrated step-
secondary constant recoil force is computed for its by-step. K and I forces are divided into their
critical condition, zero degrees gun elevation. The respective components, as shown in the tabler
control rods are tentatively designed to satisfy these These two compneutauins must be made at zero
conditions. To check both recoil rod designs for gs degrees
dges andand maximum
maximum gung ekvation.
elevat If, upon
excessive peaking, the two equations expressing the completion, the calculations disclose that recoil
acceleration of primary and secondary recoiling force peaks too high near the end of recoil, idi-
masses are used. From Equation (t cating the need for more recoil distance, the recoil
d Fv K + W, sinA rod or rods must be redesigned. If this be the
dpm) dcase, the entire procedure must be repeated from
the beginning. The precise method for carrying
- ,XCO S - W, COS2 sin 8 - Rcos ON dt; out the step-by-step integration is given below.
M2 + Mt SinU2 #J The table headings are shown in Paragraph 174
(103) and each heading is explained in detail in Para-
and from Equation (88), graph 176.

174. The form for step-by-step integration of equations of motion of double recoil action for the
determination of recoil force is shown in Table 2.

1 2 3 4 5-1 6 7

S U ,AX, XP ,

in. in011)
e c i ls/eW in / cin

l 9 10 !1 12 13 14

,,7 ." F' .1'2


lb -(l5,) Ib lb K* ,+K.+, lb in/sec

15 16 17 iS 19 20 21

in/sac 1b 2
in/stc Inin.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

P/1 RA R ki F, k2 K k #R

O sin 0 + R1 , + st,
lb lb 1b lb

TABLE 2 (Coat.)

"29 30 31 32 30 34

k4 .19F kAs ks R Ae Aft

kP 5 + kAK kjK + ks. + km

+ iR+ k.,

175. Definitions of Symbob in Table 2: 176. Following are eplanations of the column
S- reiativc velocity of piny reoilin h headings of Table 2 mordinjg to the numbered
with respect to the secondary recoiling mass, sequence of columns:
S- velocity of secondary recoiling mass, 1. Time is divida into intervals that are
x, - relative recoil distance of primary recoiling aritrarily emlted to fulfiil a corn-
mass with respect to the secondary recoiling promise. The muller the interval,
mass, At, the mom accurate the calculation
x2 - recoil distance of secondary mass, but the weaw the labor. A good ap-
9, - recoil velocity with constant recoil force, proach is to assume small increments
K,%- hydraulic force in primary recoil cylinder of about 0.00i to 0.004 second during
with the recoil forces K and R assumed the propdlaw pressure period, where
constant, forces arw lbW and changing rapidly.
K, - hydraulic force in primary recoil cylinder Aflte the prpellant period, larger
with the recoil forces K and R variable, intervals, 0.020 to 0.040 second, may be
Kr, - primary recuperator force, used. Howe, near the end of recoil,
K/ m friction force on primary guides from static it is good practice to again take small
weight only, increments ia order not to miss the
R. - secondary recuperator force, peaks which may build up very ,ud-
Ri, - friction force on secondary guides from denly.
static weight only, 2. Av, is the estimated change in primary
RI, - friction force on secondary guides produced relative recoil velocity during .11 and is
by the primary recoil force, K. later to be checked against Column 30.
Rh - hydraulic force in the secondary recoil 3. v, is the primary relative recoil velocity
cylinder with the recoil forces K and R and is the summation of lv,.
variable, * -, L te inrement of displacement
ef the primary
c, recoiling
R, - hydraulic force in secondary recoil .ylinder during
with the recoil forces K and R constant, mass relative to the secondary recoiling
0 - coefficient of friction, mass and equals v, U.
* - angle of gun elevation measured from the 5. xr, is the displacement of the primary
horizontal, recoiling mass relative to the secondary

IaM, recoiling mass and is the summation of

mI + m 2 6. v, is the velocityof the primary recoiling
k2 -m (i 2 + m sin' 2 9) mass, which is obtained from the curve
drawn by assuming the primary and
S COS secondary recoil forces, K and R. to be
2 +mi sin 2 a constant (see Paragraphs 154 to 172).
sine 7. (vjv, )? is the ratio used to convert the
2 mt2)gsin2
"M(MI ++ m 2 primary recoil force. K, from a constant
to a variable to conform with the
ks - lhydraulic force, K,. This ratio is ap-
+ mI sin2
2 plied at c tch increment of time through-
W, sin a cos 0 out Ihe length ofirecoil. The piston rod
" +- sin2-0 26 force of a recoil cylinder is:

m m m | m m m

(p AlJf~\18. vz, is *he velocity of the %condary re
k'=2C~oa. ' coiling hwass obtained from the curve
(102 rearranged) drawn by assuming the recoil forces,
See Paragraph 172 for symbols. From K and R, constant (see Paragraphs 171
this equation it is evident that the force and 172).
is directly proportional to the square of 19. (V2/v,,) 2. See description of Column 7.
the relative primary recoil velocity 20. R., is the hydraulic force acting on the
which is the same as the relative primary secondary recoil piston head obtained
piston rod velocity. Since no dimen- from the curve drawn with K and R
sions or constants have been altered, assumed constant.
the only term in the expression that 21. Rh is the secondary recoil piston rod
changes is the velocity, v,; hence the force with varying forces, K and R, and
ratio (,/0)2. is the product of R., and (v2/v2,) 2 .
8. K*, is the hydraulic force acting on the 22. R, is the secondary recupcrator force,
primary recoil piston head, obtained from the curve drawn according to
from the curve drawn with K and R as- Paragraph 169.
sumed constant (see Paragraph 169). 23. Rf is the friction force on the secondary
9. Kt, is the hydraulic force acting on the guides due to the weight only and
same piston head with variables K and equals the coefficient of friction, p,
R, and is obtained by multiplying Kh, multiplied by total static weight normal
by the ratio (v,/v,) 2. to the secondary guides (this includes
10. K, is the primary recuperator force primary and secondary masses). is is
and is taken from the graph drawn assumed as 0.15.
according to instructions in Paragraph 24. Rt. is the force due to friction produced
169. by the primary recoil force, K, and
It. K,. is the friction force on the primary equals MK sin$, where is assumed as
guides assumed as the product of the 0.15.
weight component normal to the guides 25. R is the total secondary recoil force cor-
and the coefficient, ,. Assume u equal sisting of the secondary R,, the sec-
to 0.15. ondary R., and the secondary Rf, and
12. K is the total primary recoiing force Rs2
consisting of Kh + K, + K. where 26, 27, 28, and 29. These are the different
each force is as explained above, components of Av, simplified so a.- to
13. F, is the force acting on the projectile aid in the computation. The various
due to the propellant pressure and constants have been defined in Para-
equals the pressure multiplied by the graph 175.
bore a-ca. The pressure is obtained 30. Ap, = k 1F, + k2 K + k 3 R + k4. This
from the ballistic curve of propellant is the inc zinent of the relative primary
pressure plotted against time. recoil velocity. It represents in con-
14. av 2 is the increment of velocity of the densed form Equation (103):
secondary recoiling mass and is ob- =F,- K + W, sinG\
tained from Column 34. i1, =At
15. v2 is the velocity of the secondary re- _ 1Kcos2- W, cos2 0sing - Rcos0\
coiling mass and is the summation of - m2-+ mnsin 2 9 t.

16. Ax 2 is the increment of displacement of

the secondary recoiling mass and 31, 32 and 33. The items in these columns
equals v 2 at. are the different components of At 2
17. x 2 is the displacement of the secondary simplified so as to aid in computation.
recoiling mass and is the summation The various ccnstants are defined in
of AX2. Paragraph 175.

34. At 2 = k 3 K + k 5 R + k 6 . This is the 178. The above procedure is necessary ror the
increment of the secondary recoil first increment of time and may be applied to each
velocity. It represents in condensed additional interval but a sontewbat les laborious
form Equation (104): method is rxcommtnded. Forench new increment
K s 9 - W: cos0 sin 0 - R of time, the average primary reoI velocity is taken
A -(co 0m + e - Asin t. (104a) as the velocity
thereby at the end of the preceding interval,
eliminating the tedious and incessant trials
177. Following is the procedure for step-by-s.ep and errors. This simplified method introduces
integration, using Table 2. Assume an increment of some inaccuracy, which can be minimized by
time, At. Estimate the change, Av,, in relative assuming very small incrementsdtime throughout
primary recoil velocity which occurs during at. the entire procedure. Even though a greater num-
The summation of this plus all preceding increments ber of small intervals are used, there will still be a
in velocity is the total relative primary velocity at substantial saving of time and effort. The greater
time, t, and is designated v,. Ax,, the increment of accuracy of the trial and error method seldom justi-
primary travel during At, is computed from Ax, ffies its tedium. Whichever procdure is em-
v, At, and the summation of Ax, is x,, the total ployed, it is carried through until the recoil
travel at time, t. From the graph, based on distances have reached their maximum values. If,
constant recoil forces, of primary relative velocity within these distances, the recoil motions have
versus primary relative distance, the velocity, v,, at become zero and the forces lae not peaked ex-
this distance is found. Calculate (V,/v,) 2 . Find cessively, nor gone to infinity, the design is satis-
K., from the graph, based on constant recoil forces, factory. Otherwise, the need for redesign is
or primary force versus distance. K, is calculated indicated.
from K, =- KA, (v,/V)2. K. is determined from the 179. (Step 7) Cownterrecoil. The procedure used
graph of primary recuperator force versus primary for recoil calculations is also applied to counterre-
relative distance, based on constant recoil forces, coil. However, design requirements are less
Kris the primary static weight component, normal stringent than for recoil. All that is necessary is
to the primary guides, multiplied by the coefficient to return the gun to the in-battery p,sition with
of friction. K is the sum of K,, K., and Kp The force- sufficient to overcome friction, but rPot to
propellant pressure force, F,, is found from the create such high velocities that the weapon can
curve of propellant pressure versus time. AV2 is overturn during buffing. In guns of large caliber,
found from Column 34 and v2 is the summation of where double rec, I systems are used to bcsL ad-
Av2. x 2 is the summation ofv 2 At. Knowing x 2 , the vantage, there is ample time between rounds for
secondary velocity, v2,, is obtained from the- graph, counterrecoil and very low velocities are accept-
based on constant recoil forces, of secondary recoil able. Generally, forces large enough to overcome
velocity versus secondary distance. Calculate friction under all design conditions are adequate
(V2/v2,) 2. R5 , is found from the graph, based on to insure a timely return.
constant recoil forces, of the secondary hydraulic 180. The forces prcducing counterrecoil motions
force versus the secondary recoil distance. R, is are imparted by the recuperators and the velocities
equal to R,, (t 2/ 2,)2 . R, is taken from the graph are regulated by buffer mechanisms, the type of
of secondary recuperator force versus secondary which depends upon the recoil system employed.
distance. Rf, is the secondary guide friction due to Careful control of buffing is necessary as the in-
static weight only. The secondary friction due to battery position is approached so that the inertia
primary recoil is Rf, = juK sin 0. The total sec- forces in retardation remain commensurate with
ondary recoil force is R = RA + R. + R11 + Rf-. stability. The counterrecoil velocities sometimes
All the constants, ki, k 2, k3, k 4 , k 5, and k,, are are permitted to increase at will, until the buffers
calculated for the increment of time selected, and are contacted, anj then decelerated to rest. Or.
kjF, k 2 K, k3R, Av,, k.jK, k.R, and Av2 arc all they may be controlled throughout their strokes,
readily determined. If the final value of Av, is not so that they increase from zero to some prede-
in conformity with the value estimated at the be- termrned values, are held there for the grc.,ter part
ginning of the computation, the calculations must of thceir atrokes, and then are hutted to rest.
be repeated until agreement is reached. I81. To calculate counterrLcoil act~on, the 'ame

basic equations are used as in the primary and tarding force from friction between a braided wire
secondary recoil computations. It is a continua- sleeve and a brake-liner covered rod oscillating
tion of the same calculations, but with the addition within the sleeve. This force is always opposite in
of primary and secondary buffer forces, K# and direction to the motion of the recoiling mass to
R. Friction is reversed, and recoit forces K and R which the brake rod is attached. (3) The hydro-
become negative as the recuperator forces now spring adapter generates its braking force by re-
exceed the other components. Thus, stricting the flow of a hydraulic fluid by an annular
orifice. The fluid flow is deliberately made turbu-
K - Kk - K. + Kf + Kb, (105) lent to increase the frictional loss for energy dissi-
and+ pation and rapid stabilization of the oscillations.
R - S - R, + R +- RI +, (106) The sleeve brake and the hydrospring adapters are
where, as before, forces assigned the symbol, K, more effective than the ring-spring type as they re-
refer to the primary action and those designated R duce peak-to-peak variations in trunnion force to
refer to the secondary action. about 50 percent of those permitted by the ring
182. Forces constituting K and R are all pre- spring.
determined except Kb and Rb. Since both Av,
and av2 are functions of K and R, plus : constant
weight component, it is possible, by assigning B DESIGN AND OJ nATMCARAA u Mt1CS OF
proper magnitudes to the buffer forces, to control RM SPRINGS
w,and v2 ir, counterrecoil. It is in this manner, by 185. The ring-spring assembly consists of a
manipulating the buffing, or throttling forces, number of inner and outer closed rings contacting
4 and Rb, that counterrecoil motion is regulated. each other along conical surfaces. See Figure 40.
When axial force is applied, the rings telescope into
each other. A nearly uniform distribution of cir-
XII. RECOIL SYSTEMS FOR SMALL ARMS* cumferential stress is obtained in both inner and
outer rings; the outer rings being stressed in tension
iNnODucrtON and the inner ones in compression. The rings are
highly elastic and, as the spring assembly is com-
183. Designers of modern, lightweight weapons, pressed, the outer rings dilate and the inner con-
particularly for aircraft, are confronted with con- tract as each conical surface telescopes into the ad-
flicting demands for increased fire-power and de- jacent one. Each pair of telescoping conical sur-
creased weapon weight. These requisites, involving faces is considered a spring element. The total
high muzzle energy, reduced recoiling mass, and deflection of a spring assembly is the sum of the
short recoil and counterrecoil time and distance, travels of the individual elements. Figure 40 also
combine to increase transient recoil forces. Large, shows a cross section of a single spring element.
cyclic pulsations in these forces result in severe The dimensions indicated, together with the num-
vibration problems in airframes and associated ber of elements, determine the design of a ring
equipment. It is necessary that these recoil force spring.
oscillations be mechanically damped to thi- smallest 186. In designing ring springs for recoil adapters,
possible amplitudes without impairing rate of fire, the outside diameter and solid height are dictated
operating dependability, or accuracy. This is done by space considerations. The highest resistance of
through the application of what are known as the spring is equal to the maximum recoil force.
"soft mounting" techniques. The maximum deflection is based upon the maxi-
184. Recoil mechanisms for small arms are mum travel of the recoiling mass and upon the
termed "recoil adapters." Of the several types that spring preload, if any. A specific slope of the
have been or are being developed, three will be dis- conical surfaces must be assigned. Generally, a
cussed. (I) The ring spring represents the initial minimum angle of approximately 14 degrees en-
attempt to produce a soft recoil mounting. Sim- sures release of the spring. Dimensions and certain
plicity of design and operation, plus durability, are characteristics of the ring elements and spring as-
its advantages. (2) The sleeve brake derives its re- sembly are determined by the mathematical re'a-
* Reference 13. tionship given below.

DETAIL A -- siOWINS 011ma08O0 OP

Fig"ur 40. Ring srng with S, Sping EImn

187. Nomenclature for ring spring design cal. * - mechanical efficiency of spring.
*cilations.See also Figure 40. % - coefficient of friction
Al - sectional area of outer ring element (area of a - numerical average of all circumferential
outer ring) stresses at load, F, disregarding signs
A2 - sectional area of inner ring element (area of a, - average circumferential compressive stress in
inner ring) inner ring at load, F
b - half the width of each outer and inner ring r, - average circumferential tensile stress in
C - constant used in Equation (107) and per- outer ring at load, F.
taining to the recoil motion 188. Mathematical Relationships
C, - constant used in Equation (108) and pertain-
ing to the counterrecoil motion c tan + %
D - outer diameter of outer ring tana (I - u tanct) (107)
D - inner diameter of outer r
tana - p
D- mean diameter of outektng C, - tana (I + Itan&)
d - outer diameter of inn# ring
d2 inner diameter of in ir ring
I - mean diameter of i. er ring FS
W-- (no preload) (109)
E - modulus of elas -.4v
F - axial force requiri* i. compress spring to its W
W. C
solid height "(
h - solid heightA**pring
' total number of spring elements (twice the 2

number of outer rings)

R - load deflection rate during compression s , D, + d2 _ (112)
R, - load deflection rate during return
- mean radius of the rings
S - total deflection or travel of spring
= sS
- (113)
s - maximum travel of each spring element
Y = total volume of ring spring assembly h = nb (114)
Y, = volume of outer ring element A, u, = A20 (115)
V2 = volume of inner ring element
W = work done during compression of spring
D2 +--bt-na- (116)
W. = elastic work done during compression of 2
spring di + - brana (117)
- of conical surface 2

D.,, + di,, (11$) permissible to work the inner rings to their elastic
M2Ean a limit b-cause the stresses are compressive and the
2irEACtan2 adanger of breakage is remote. However, the outer
R - (ings are stressed in tension that should be suf-
nr(1+~' ficiently below the elastic limit to insure safe opera-
tion of the spring. The inside diameter, d2, of the
RI 2EACtan2 a inner ring, may be determined as the quantities
( + (120) D,, h, and V are now known. Equation (112)
A 2. yields the magnitude of s, the maximum travel of
EStan a each spring element, and Equation (113) givea the
"e ( A+ (121) value of n, the number of spring elements. If a is
2 not an even number, the next higher even number
is selected and s is recalculated. The dimension, b,
a-, C (122) is found from Equation (114). Equation (1153, --
At C available for finding the areas, A, and A2, which are
189. F, S, h, and DI are set up by the design re- necessary to determine d2. After finding D. and d,
quirements of the problem. a is assigned and is from Equations (116) and (117), respectively, the
subject to some manipulation. E and a are prop- maximum travel, s, of the spring element can be
erties of the material to be used. i is not known checked with Equation (118). If close agreement
accurately and must be assumed, possibly supple- with the original value of s is not reached, the
mented by physical testing. With all these quanti- spring must be revised.
ties at hand, Equations (109), (110), and (11) are 190. It is convenient to have a chart, as in Figure
used to find the required spring volume, V. It is 41, to read directly the values of C, CI, and e for

2.00 ,1.00 120

lls 'E C- -/G ar 130


140~a .6 340
1.60 - 0.60 -5

e.) J

9 a- 15
C a-= 140
1.40 -- 0 I

I l 1 I

Iii U
1,001 01
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Figure 41. Rting Spring Constants and Efficiency


o 0




Flew. 42. Load-D.4%cfien DWogramt of MV~ Sipeg

various combinations of a and i. There is a wide 3o0o

variation in the coefficient of friction (from 0.01 to
0.22) depending upon type of lubricant and finish
of the conical surfaces.
191. The theoretical load deflection rates (R and j /
RI) for the compression and return motions of a
ring spring are calculated from Equations (119) /
and (120) and plotted as in Figure 42(a). TheU oo
shaded area, Ap represents the energy dissipated by
the spring in the form of friction. Area, A,,, rep-
resents energy stored in the spring during the com-
pression stroke and is available for returning the 01 0. 6.0 o 0.5 1.0
mass to its original position. The mechanical DEFLECTION (W. DEFLECTION (W)
efficiency is: (.) POOl CONTACT (b) 6000 CONTACT

SF, A, Owe 43. Load-Deftedio., Dkogram of Skmiaw Ring

""S ",4+
Af A. (122a)
192. Ring springs are generally preloaded when
used as recoil adapters. Figure 42(b) is a load- tw effect of imperfect surfaces while graph (b)
deflection diagram of a preloaded ring spring shows the characteristic of practically perfect sur-
The amount of preload is given by ordinate AC. fao-to-surface contact.
The line CD represents compression of the spring
while the curve DB is the load deflection relation-
ship during its return to the initial preloaded con- C. DGi AND O9qA1ING OIAAtL'll l OU THU
dition. The dotted lines complete the curve to
illustrate the diagram applied to the same spring 194. The sleeve brake adapter consists of recoil
if it were not preloaded. spring, brake spring, and brake. Figure 44 shows
193. Figure 43 shows the force deflection curves the components of the mechanism. The recoil
for two similar ring springs, using the same lubri- spring stores the energy for counterrecoil as it is
cant. The striking difference in their efficiencies il- compressed during recoil. The brake is esentially
lustrates the importance of correct contact between a braided wire sleeve which, when strached by the
inner and outer conical surfaces. Graph (a) shows brake spring& decreases in diameter mid causes a


I l I I I I m" .. ..
Rmeaer Stop

Fo StNAk
aegoit Sprig Torne
are .1 5gee.
at.~ l

IgW. 44. Shm #.mU AdA*# Dbmu. W rd

fkitional drag on the moving brake-liner covered without using any lengthy numerical or experi-
rod. The relation of the various parameters af- mental procedures. A tubula wire braid for the
fecting the sleeve friction force is given by Equa- sleeve bWake is completely specified by the follow-
tion (123):* in data:
. (1. tube inner diameter,
F* (13) 2 type of wire (Material)
3. diameter of wire
where: 4. number of wires per strand,
tan P - ratio of circumference of wire strands 5. number of strands,
to pitch, 6. Wtrand pitch.
Ff - rod force required to overcome friction, 195. The following represents a typical braid de-
F# - brake spring force,
L length of contact between sleeve and rod, Sign
r radius of rod, 1 0"W5 in. inner diameter of tube,
p - braid angle or angle between wire strands 2. siless steel (TS - 250,000 psi) or brass
and the axis of the sleeve, coated steel wire,
- oefficient of friction between rod and 3. 0.01 in. wire diameter,
sleeve. 4. 9 wires per strand,

Figure 45 is a plot of Equation (123) for various val- 5. 24 strands,

ues of Lfr and for - r/4 radians. From this, it 6. 2.555 in. pitch.
is evident that if the ratio Llr is large, the braking Using 0.76 in. as an approximate mean diameter:
force, F. will be nearly constant, provided the fric-
tion coefficient is reasonably large. The variation
in F,/F, is less than 10 percent for a friction co- tan 2.5550.
efficient varying from 0.25 to 1.00 for an LIr ratio of
10 and with a of v/4. Equation (123) will give the P 43*.
maximum friction force for a given friction brake Fatigue failure of the braided sleeve is dependent
*For derivation of Equation (123), see Refe-re 14. uptn the tensile force applied to it by the brake


t "
'l Pil l IIIPl
, nlll I


00.4 7'A

JU 0.4


Ff /_Fb -_I-*
IF _
_ I LR

law 0
0 0.2 0. 4 0.6 0.8 1.0

gwe 45. Fol -Frksw Relao of a Slowe@ &-a* Mdcwais
spring. Sleeves similar to the one exemplified creased, the braking force increases so as to ap-
showed signs of fatigue failure at the end of 3000 proach the brake spring force and the ratio
cycles with a tensile force of 4000 pounds. When FI/Fb of Equation (123) approaches 1.00 as a limit.
this tensile force was reduced to 225 pounds, no Static tests results also indicate that the coefficient
failure occurred during 50 cycles. In static of friction decreases with increased braid tension.
tests, degreased sleeve brakes produced higher 196. Figure 46 shows an idealized force - This
Sbrake forces than brakes tested in the greased, or placement diagram of a sleeve brake adapter.
oiled conditions. As the length of the sleeve is in- adapter contains a single recoil spring which has a

preload equal to the force OA on the diagram.

The constant frictional force opposing recoil is
represented by the line AC and ACIAO > 1.00.
The frictional force AFduring counterrecoil equals
AC. In actual practice, these frictional forces are
larger than the spring preload and, on the basis of
C a force alone, would not permit the gun to return to
battery. However, the inertia of the moving
counterrecoiling mass is sufficient to overcome the
; excess friction near the in-battery position.
o 197. Point 0 represents the initial static con-
SISPLACEMENT dition of the adapter. The curve OCD represents
* the recoil conditions of the brake rod. When the
Figure 46. Force-DisplacemiintDiagram of a Sleeve force of the propellant gases is transmitted to the
Broke Adapter brake rod, no motion occurs until this force ex-

* 1i 65

ceeds OC. Line CD represents the force- dis- W
placement curve during recoil. Its slope is es- FL - (125)
tablished by the rate of the recoil spring. Counter- where: 2
recoil activity is represented by the curve DEF.
The dotted line is the force-displacement curve L is the recoil distance over which the force, F, acts.
of the preloaded recoil spring. Since the area under The total recoil resistance has two components:
the line CD represents the total recoil energy and
that under line EF is ti;e recoverable recoil energy, F - F, + F., (126)
the frictional loss is given by the area within the where:
parallelogram CDEF.
F, - spring force.
F. - hydraulic force.
D. DESIGN AND OPeXATINO cHAA cs oF The value of F, may be found for any distance, x,
HYDROSPRING ADAPTER along L, and F. is then determined:
198. The hydrospring adapter for small arms is
similar to the hydrospring recoil mechanisms of F-F + Kx, (127)
larger weapons. The basic principle is the dissi- where:
pation of energy resulting from the restricted flow of K - spring rate,
a hydraulic fluid through an orifice. The orifice F,, - initial spring force.
can be either of constant or of varying area. After F. is known, the ori&.e area, a, may be cal-
Equation (36) reads culated from Equation (36). This can be done
9, readily because the deceleration is uniform and
- CV JZFo all other parameters are known:
If the orifice area, a, is held constant and the V2 2ax. (128)
velocity of recoil, v, decreases with travel, the The above method neglects the effects of the re-
hydraulic resisting force, F., must also decrease so tarding force during the propellant gas period be.
that the ratio, v/i/j, is a constant. This will cause its sole purpose is to illustrate the me-
result in either a long recoil strcke or high initial chanics of combined spring and hydraulic forces.
forces. Neither choice is desirable; hence, in at' A more refined analysis must follow according to
most all cases, a constant orifice is not recom- the procedure outlined in Chapter X. Another
mended. method for recoil analysis is found in Reference 15.
199. The most efficient recoil mechanism is one
providing a constant resistance to the recoiling
mass. If the only resistance to recoil is by hydraulic XIII. SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGN FEATURES
means, then, to have a constant force, the orifice
area must vary parabolically. However, an appre-
ciable part of the recoil resistance comes from the A. MUZZLE BRAKES
recoil spring. Since this force is not uniform, the 200. The propellant gas forces are totally respon-
hydraulic resistance must also vary so that the sible for recoil motion both during the time of pro-
total resistance is constant. Thus, the orifice area jectile travel in the bore and after it leaves the
must vary somewhat differently from a parabolic muzzle until the gas pressure becomes ineffective.
curve. At the instant that the propellant gases cease The curve of gas pressure versus time is obtained
to act on the gun, the energy of the recoiling mass is: from the interior ballistician. Interior ballistics are
treated in another series of Ordnance Corps
E, M (124) Pamphlets beginning with Pamphlet No. ORDP 20-
2" 150.
where: 201. After the projectile has left the muzzle, the
/ velocity of free recoil; propellant pressure persists for a short time and the
5I e y rgases are expelled at high velocity. The muzzle
assuming a constant recoil force which may be de- brake utilizes some of the energy still present in
termined from the equation: these gases to impede the rearward motion of the


) recoiling parts. The brake has a definitely bene. assembled back of the regulator (Fig. 8) and are al-
ficial effect on recoil forces. When a muzzle brake ways subjected to the oil pressure which tends to
is used, the designer of the recoil mechanism de- force the lower rack outward. This tendency is
pends upon the gun designer to provide the per- restrained by a rod, attached to the floating
formance data for the muzzle brake. The method piston and butting against the upper rack. When
for obtaining performance characteristics of muzzle the liquid reserve between piston and regulator dia-
brakes is discussed in the Ordnance Corps Parn- phragm diminishes, the rod moves outward,
phlets on Guns, beginning with ORDP 20-250. forcing the upper rack to move in the same direc-
tion. The lower rack, through action of the pinion,
pulls the indicator into the housing; the length left
a itV INDiCATOlR, {) OIL INDEX extending indicates the amount of reserve fluid.
202. The liquid reserve indicator, or oil index, is a During recoil, the floating piston withdraws the
convenient means of showing the quantity of hy- rod from the upper rack leaving the index free to
draulic fluid in reserve. Not all recoil mechanisms move outward. When all components of the recoil
are equipped with fluid reserve indicators. The mechaninm resume their in-battery position, the oil
Puteaux and Filloux mechanisms are two that are index too assumes its normal position and again
so equipped (Refer to Chapter V. Parts E and G). correctly indicates the oil reserve.
A liquid indicator is an advantage in that it pro-
vides a quick, positive way to check for an adequate
203. Figure 47 illustrates one type of oil index. It 204. A replenisher is the oil reservoir for the hy-
consists of two parallel racks on either side of, and draulic brake on some independent recoil mechan-
mpped by, a pinion. The three components are isms. It functions mainly as an expansion chamber



so"r 47. 0. Indeox

Ur~ UI U UU~k

"-' 1'0ItlrOL CYLIkOF0S

Figur 48. Rep .sr


orIcon- I I+III I I

to offset the efforts of thermal expansion or con-

traction of the fluid brought about by changes in K -- +L W, sin -

air temperature or by activity of the mechanisms.

It consists of a cylinder and a spring loaded "6400 X 2340.90
12.5 + 6
.06-2,0 b
28,00lb. i"60
piston (Fig. 48). A line connects the replenisher to 32.2 X 2 X F2
the low pressure end of the brake cylinder. The
by continually applying pressure tO the This is the total recoil force used in the first series of
fluid, maintains a completely filled brake cylinder at calculations. It also determines the maximum
all ime. The replenisher also serves as an oil pressure in the brake cylinder. Assume a recoil
index providing a means for checking the liquid piston diameter of ID - 4.0 in. and a piston rod
volume. An access hole is provided on the spring diameter of d - 1.5 in.:
end of the replenisher cylinder from which the
position of its piston can be measured. The A- E (D, - d2) - 10.80 in 2 effective piston area.
distance is calibrated to indicate whether the fluid 4
volume is in the working range. If the piston is too From Equation (13):
near the spring end, liquid is in excess and must be
removtd. If too far from that end, fluid must be P. - L 28,100
added to the replenisher until the correct volume is,- - - 2600 psirecoil
pressure in
This pressure is well within the former limit of 4500
psi (Refer to Paragraph 87) and so is acceptable.
XIV. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS, 201. lecuperator Gas Capacity.
From Equation (4):
205. To exemplify the procedure followed in F, -' (W, sin# + #W, cm 0 +f), in-battery force,
making recoil calculations, a hypothetical weapon
is selected with given characteristics upon which - 1.15 (6400 X 0.906 + 0.30 X 6400 X 0.423)
the recoil mechanism is designed. This example + L.15 X 0.30F, - 10100 lb.
problem applies to a single recoil system. The cal-
culations are set up for the weapon firin, at its The force, F1, is required to hold the gun in battery
maximum angle of elevation. The recoil mechan- and to Overcome all frictional resistance.
ism is of the Puteaux type (Fig. 9). From Equation (19):
206. Weapon Data.
L =- 12.5 in., total recoil stroke, F-
i 10,100
9. - 3400 ft/sec, muzzle velocity, PO - D - ! - 935 psi, initial recuperator
W,- 6400 lb, weight of recoiling parts, pressure,
W, 10 lb, weight of propellant charge, AV - LA - 12.5 X 10.8 m 135 in3, gas displace-
W,- 15 lb, weight of projectile, mert,
- 650, maximum angle of elevation.
207.* Effective Piston of. oP, - 1.5 Po -- 1400 psi, recuperator pressure at
end of recoil.
From Equation (2): From Equation (20):
r"Wy, + 4700 W,

15 X 3400 + 4700 X 10
40 but V, - Vo - AV;
and n w 1.3.
- 15.31 ft/sec, velocity of free recoil.

From Equations (3a) and (3b): Then V o11.366,

re I.SSt-3 - - 135


II II'I' 1-1
15 ~ ~~28____




0 2 4 6 a I0 12.5
No"w 49. Itecog Fort dineS for Sawqge hrb
V0 -503.8 in initial gas volume in recuperator. of the recuperator fcern. For a finished design,
quaton 20),tW as pessre a my
Retuningto these figures can be later substantiated by a rigorous
distarnce reuaion (x0) this:pesrea
tof anL'ysis and the prop. corrections made. The
distancef recoilcxfis: curves have been prepred for the time
_.__!_P_ 93 503.8 " thtthe projectile is in the bore and for the time re-
o-AVYJ (503.8-10.84-*3 tquaired for the presur to become zero after the
and the recuperator force is: projectile leaves the mnuzle. The values are ob-.
10.0 Ptained
K. -AP, from lFigures 23 and 24. To simplify the
- AP - problem, the total recoil force is assumed
The chart showing the various recoil forces may constant for the entire recci stroke.
now be drawn (see Fig. 49). It may be assumed for 209. The. reod calculations follow a step-by-step
*purpose of analysis that the friction of the modl integration procedure. Results are more readily
brake and sliding surface constitutes 12 percen t of observed if in tabulated form as presented in
the total recoil force and also constitutes 12 percenPt Table 3, Paragraph 215. To illustrate the pro-

cedure, one step will be isolated here. Consider realized. The recoil energy for this distance be-
the time from 0.006 to 0.0065 sec: comes:
0.0065 -- O06 sec. AE0 - 2.263 X 22,300
AE 50500 in-lb.
From the curve in Figure 23, half way betwn Applied over the total stroke of 12.5 in., the result-
u - 0.006 and t - 0.0065, izg change in recoil resistance is:

F, - 343,000 lb, propellant gas force. AK -- AE,

1 - 4000 lb.
From Equation (25): The calculated stroke being less than the desired
F - F, + W, sin 0 - Y3,000 + 6400 sin 6r = one indicates that the original K was too large,
348,800 lb, the accelerating force on the recoiling hence the new quantity becomes:
K - 24,800, the total resistance to recoil. The K - 28100 - 4,000 = 24,100 lb.
value for K is assumed constant for the entire 212. A second series of calculations is then
recoil stroke; made. This time the total recoil stroke is 12.985
F. - F - K - 324,000 ib, the net acceleating in. or 0.485 in. over the desired distance indicating
force on the recoiling parts; that K is slightly too low. The new recoil re-
F- 15 ilistance over the last part of the stroke is K -
-- ,t 18,300 lb. Correcting again, the additional energy
coiling parts; required to stop the recoiling mass in the allotted
n parXwhen distance is:
W. - -- oe
of reolig 04mass
!-E,84 -; 0.4z5
t X 18,300 8876 in-lb;
!Aw - aw - 9.79 iu/sec, change in velocity be-. hn M E
tween 0.006 and 0.0065 sec; 12 -7.5 lb

' -- + AV - 48.50 + 9.79 - 58,29 inisec. Tbe corrected total recoil resistance becomes:
velocity of recoiling parts at end of 0.0065 sec
and v.-, is the velocity at the end of 0.006 see; K - 24,100 + 700 - 24,W0 lb.
v. - I + w) - 53.40 infsec, the average 213. The third series of calculations is made
velocity between 0.006 and 0.0065 see; based on this new magnitude of K and is shown in
ax - v, At - 0.0267 in., the distance that the me Table 3 of Paragraph 2!5. The total recoil stroke
coiling parts travel between 0.006 and 0.0065 sec; is 12.365 in. This distance is acceptable as it is
x - x,_. + Ax - 0.0782 + 0.0267 - 0.1049 in, only one percent less than the required stroke of
the total distance that the recoiling parts have 12.5 in.
travelled in 0.0065 sec. 214. A convenient check of the calculations is
210. The recoil calculations involve a trial and prov21ed bycomputing the work done for each in-
error procedure with the total recoil force, X being poiedb of t ie gThea
are based on
the determining factor. All results
thisvalue. In Paragraph 207, the first value ofK AE - FAx
28,100 lb was computed. Subsequent calculations where F, is the net recoil accelerating force and is
(not shown) proved that, using this resistance, the positive during the first part of the stroke and
length of stroke necessary to stop the recoiling negative during the second part when the recoiling
parts is 10.237 in., or 2.263 in. less than the stip- mass is decelerating. If the summations of nega-
ulated stroke of 12.5 in. Since this result is not tive and positive results are numerically equal, the
acceptable, another series of calculations must be calculations may be considered correct. Thus:
made based on a corrected K.
211. Increasing the calculated 10.237 in. stroke (AE X( -)AE

to 12.5 in. lowers the net recoil resistance to K For the example just completed,
22,300 lb after propellant gas forces cease. Let us
assume that this is the force that would be applied E - 155,350in-lb,
over the last 2.263 in. if the full stroke is to be Z(-)4E - -155,150 in-lb.

)215. TABLE 3. ecou Cekuadoeu
41' F0 F K F* a
(Sac) (Sac) (lb) (0000__
b) (lOr0 lb) (IO.Wb) (in/,b,.)
0 24.8
0.001 23 28.8 4 242
0.001 24.8
0.001 47 52.8 28 1691
0.002 24.8
0.001 92 97.8 73 4407
0.003 24.1
0.001 172 177.8 153 9237
0.004 24.8
0.001 258 263.8 239 14429
0.005 24.8
0.0005 316 321.8 297 17931
0.0055 24.3
0.0005 334 339.8 315 19011
0.006 24.1
O.O05 343 348.3 324 19562
0.0065 24.3
0.0005 343 348.8 324 19562
0.007 24.1
0.001 3w 313.8 219 .17448
0.008 24.3
0.001 233 238.8 214 12920
0.009 24.8
0.001 173 1833. In9 I60F
0.010 24.8
0.0005 140 145.11 121 730
0.0105 24.8
0.0005 129 04.8 110 6641
0.011 24.3
0.001 90 95.8 71 4237
" 0.012 24.8
0.002 69 74.8 so 3020
0.014 24.s
0.002 51 56.8 32 1933
0,016 24.3
0.002 43 48.8 24 1450
0.018 24.8
0.002 37 42.8 to 1017
0.020 24.8
0.005 28 33.8 9 544
0.025 24.8
0.005 19 24.8 0 0
0.030 24.3
0.005 12 17.3 -7 -423
0.03 24.8
0.005 8 13.8 -11 -664
0.005 $ 10.8 -14 -1846
0.045 24.3
0.005 3 8.8 -16 -966
0.050 24.8
0.010 2 7.8 -17 -1027
0.060 24.8
O.OIQ 1 6.8 -18 -1067
0.010 24.6
0.010 0.3 6.1 -21.7 -1129
0.030 24.8
0.010 0 5.8 -19 -2148
0.090 24.8
0.0695 0 5.8 -19 -1148
0.1595 24.8

TABLE 3. Rem Cadut.m (Contina d)

a 0 0
0.24 0.12 0.00012
0.001 0.26
1.691 0.0001
O,002 1.09 0.00109
1.93 0.0012 30
0.003 4.14 0.00414
6.34 0.0054 302
9.237 10.96
0.006 0.01096
1553 0.0163 1677
14.429 22.80
0.005 0.00280 5450
30.01 0.0391
8.966 34.30 0.01725
0.0055 9.509" 38. 0.0564
43.74 0.02137 6890
0.006 43.49
9.781 0.0783
.53.38 0.02669
0.0065 58.27 86,30
9.781 0O106
0,O07 63.16 0.0313s
68.03 0
0.1365 10"D
17.448 76.71
0.006 0.07673 22190
3550 0.2133
0.009 91.96 0.09196
96.42 0.3O52 196w0
9.600 103.22
0.0110 198.02 0.10322 16416
3.653 0.4066
109.35 0.05493
0.0105 111.67 666
3.30 0 4634
11 13.33 0.05667
0.011 114.99 6234
4.39 0.520
117.14 0.11714
0.012 3320
6.06 119.23 122.30 0.1342
0.2646 12330
0.014 125.32
3.S66 0.3318
0.016 127.26 0.2543
13!.19 1.136 3138
2.90 130.64
0.013 0.2612 6269
132.09 1.3973
2.174 133.18 0.2663 4793
0.020 2.12 134.26 135.62 0.673118 1.636 6100
0.03 0 .91 96 2.342
136.96 0.6849 0
0.030 136.96
--2.12 3.027
135.92 0.6796 32 -47650
0.03-5 --2.32 134.86 3.706
133.25 0.6660 -7'330
0.040 131.34
--4.23 4.37i2
0.065 129.38 0.6469
127.22 5.019 -9060
0-4.83 126.81
0.030 0.6241 --9990
122.39 5.643
--10.27 117.26
0.060 112.12 1.1726 --19930
--10.37 106.69
0.070 101.25 1.0669 -19200
0-11.29 7.833
95.61 0.9l71 -17880
0.010 -1l1.43 89.96 8.I39
34.22 0.3422 -16Ia(00
0.09 "73.43
-71.43 9.661
39.24 2.684 --51000
0.1584 0 12.365


rod216. The orifice
diameter area and eventually
are determined the control
from Equation (37): - 019

.. /pA 3 (AR - AA3. The hole in the orifice plate has a diameter of if in.
'6 ', !T2F,
\, AR / ' Now solve for d, the co)ntrol rod diameter at the

then: A - 10.Sin2,effective reaofrecoilpiston, orifice. Cakulatioes are shown in Table 4, Para.

An - !9.64 in2, recuperator area, graph 217.
A. = 0.99 in2, control rod &rea (see Para-
graph 123), a. - (I.1252 - d);
C, - 0.70, orifice coefficient,
F. = hydraulic resistance,
g - 386.4 in/sec 2, d, ;I 'A56 --
9 w recoil velocity,
w = 0.0315 ib/in3, density of fluid, Since the ams of the recoil piston and the re-
p m wig, mass density of fluid. cuperator are not equal, the distance that the con-

The value of F. is obtained from Figure 49. It is trol rod .aoves varies as the ratio of their areas
assumed that the losses in the hydraulic system, A
thefr +f. of Equation(38), constitute 12 perent X - xA;
of the net recuperator force. Substituting the
constants in Equation (3Ah the orifice area becomes: X, - 0.55x.

217. TABLE 4. Cakulatiosfoe Control Pod msoiu

z P. W.a. - C

2 2 (E._L)
*(1116) ___- (k.) Ob - ( -,..)__
__ ) (in ) 00' 01n ) 0
o 0 10,500 M247 0 0 0 1.2656 1.125
o0.0001 0.000 10,00 102.47 0.24 0 0 1.2656 1.123
0.0012 0.00066 10.,5 102.47 1.9 0.0056 0.0071 1.2585 1.122
0.0054 0.0030 10,500 102.47 6.34 0.0185 0.0236 1.2420 1.1I5
0.0163 0.0090 10,500 102.47 15.58 0.0456 0.0581 1.2075 1.099
0.0391 0.022 10,500 102.47 30.02 0.0178 0.1118 1.1538 1.074
0.0564 0.031 10,500 102.47 38.99 0.1140 0.1451 1.1205 1.058
0.0782 0.043 10,500 102.47 48.50 0.1418 0.1805 1.0851 1.042
0.1049 0.058 10,500 102.47 58.29 0.1704 0.2170 1.0486 1.024
0.1365 0.075 10,400 301W.9 68.08 0.2000 0.2546 1.0110 1.005
0.2133 0.117 10,400 I01.9" 85.50 0.25312 0.3198 0.9458 0.973
0.3052 0.168 10,400 301.96 98.42 0.2891 0.3681 0.8975 0.947
0.4084 0.225 10,400 101.98 108.02 0.3173 0.4040 0.8616 0.928
0.4634 0.255 10,300 101.49 111.67 0.3296 0.4196 0.3460 0.920
O.5=20 0.236 10,3M0 101.49 114.99 0.3394 0.4321 0.8335 0.913
0.6372 0.350 10,=00 101.49 119.28 0.3521 0.4483 0.8173 0.904
0.8818 0.485 30,200 301.00 125.32 0.3717 0.4732 0.7924 0.890
1.136 0.625 10,00 301.00 129.19 0.3832 0.4879 0.7777 0.882
1.399 0.768 10,100 100.50 132.09 0.3938 0.5014 0.7642 0.874
1.664 0.915 990 99.50 134.26 0.4042 0.53146 0.7510 0.867
2.342 1.288 9700 98.49 136.98 0.4167 0.5305 0.7351 0.857
3.027 1.665 9500 97.47 136.98 0.4210 0.5360 0.7296 0.854
3.706 2.038 9200 95.92 134.86 0.4212 0.5362 0.7294 0.854
4.372 2.405 9000 94.57 131.54 0.4154 0.5289 0.7367 0.858
S5.019 2.760 8700 93.27 127.22 0.4066 0.5202 0.7454 0.863
5.643 3.104 8500 92.20 122.39 0.3977 0.5064 0.7592 0.871
6.816 3.749 8000 89.44 112.12 0.3755 0.4781 0.7875 0.887
7.883 4.336 7500 86.60 301.25 0.3503 0.4460 0.8196 0.905
8.839 4.861 7000 83.67 89.96 0.3221 0.4101 0.8555 0.925
9.681 5.325 6600 81.24 78.48 0.2894 0.3685 0.8971 0.947
11.066 6.086 53800 76.16 54.57 0.2146 0.2732 0.9924 0.996
11.951 6.576 520 72.11 30.55 0.1269 0.1615 1.1041 1.0531
12.365 6.800 490 70.00 0 0 0 1.2656 1.123


j ~! l P ! Ji ! !! ! , pi
218. The sample calculations for counterrecoil at , 9.681 in., Ax, - 1.385 in. and x, -
are based on the same hypothetical weapon that 2.684 in.
was used for the recoil calculation. The maximum From the chart of Figure 27, Fw - 12,300 lb.
counterrecoil velocity is specified as 2 ft/sec or From Table 4, Paragraph 217, the recoil calculations
24 in/sec over a distance of 9.685 in. before show:
the buffer is contacted. According to Equation - 660 lb F - 5800 lb;
F,, - F., - fc, - F-. v, - 78.48 in/sec, v,, - 54.57 in/sec.

The packing frictional force, f,, and the slide fric- Afer two trials, , - 25.02 in/sec is finally selected
tional force, F,,, are assumed to constitute 12 per- and from the fourth column of Table 5, when
cent of F, in Equation (61d). Thus the available X, ,_ 1.299 in., ,-, 24.90 in/sec.
counterrecoil force, F,, is plotted and can be read Then:
directly from the curve in Figure 27. By substi- fA.24.902
2 + 25.022N 15800 + 6600M 4 b
tuting the average of F, over each increment, k54 572 + 78.482 845 lb.
Equation (6a may'be written X7 84
a a FThis represents the throttling through the recoil
A,_,+,-(+, +F) (2) orifice. Substituting known quantities in Equation
f" V.2_, + V.2 - 22) (130a):
The force, F,, generated by the orifice during recoil F 0089 620 + 626 = 11,420 lb, the throt.
and the recoil velocity, v, are obtained from the 0.0049 2 /
recoil calculations. The value of v,, the counter- thug through the counterrecoil orifice;
recoil velocity, is determined by trial and error. Fe, - 12,300 - 843 - 11,420 - 35 lb, the
From Equation (64b): counterrecoil accelerating force;
F.. - (A,-._i.625+
p,--;--/ , ,2.11 - in/= 2. the counter-
recoil acceleration; .-
Since the constants are the same as those for the
recoil calculations (Paragraph 216), the equation M, 36.400 16.56 lb-sec2/in.
reduces to S0.089 V + V From Equation (66):

o.2g 2 (130) v._, + 2a,A x,,

219. The maximum orifice area during recoil is 620.0 + 2 X 2.15 X 1.385,
0.4212 in 2 . In accordance with Paragraph 137, a 620.0 + 5.8 - 625.8 inAseW ,
constant orifice area of 0.04212 in 2 was tried but it v, , 25.02 in/sec.
held the counterrecoil velocity to less than 17 This agrees with the sclected Yelocity at the be-
in/sec. The orifice was increased to 0.07 in 2 and ginning of the calculations.
subsequent calculations showed a counterrecoil 220. The sample buffer calculations illustrate the
velocity of 22.55 in/sec just as contact with the method of constant deceleration and variable ori-
buffer begins (at x - 2.5, Table 5, Paragraph 222). fce. From Equation (70b):
This velocity is reasonably close to the desired 24
in/sec and, until more exact frictional data become # -- 101.64 in/sec2,
available, it may be considered adequate. One step b -
a . in
of the calculations is detailed below: when: - 508.2 inZ/sec 2 (see counterrecoil cal-
x -distance from in-battery position, culations, Table 5, Paragraph 222),
from Table 4, Paragraph 217. $, - 2.5 in., buffer stroke.
x,- travel in counterrecoil, 12.365 - x. From Equation (70a):
- x,. - x,,.
X, V2 _2+ 2ax,

-4' .. i. 1 203. 2 8 x,. i',+ L F,
From Equation (70c) /" "
F= M,ab - 16.56 X (-) 101.6 - -1683 lb; (355.74 + 304.92-1
and from Equation (70) .8,117 17,6.8,
- F', - FF, + 1683 lb. Accordingto Paragraphs 219 and 220:
221. The calculations for one increment of F, - M a, +
buffer travel are shown at the buffer travel of x# -
1.0 in. This corresponds to the counterrecoiling +3 ,
.0.0898"355.74 + 304.92 5
parts being at x - 1.5 in. from the in-battery
--0.0049 ( ) -5589 lb.
From Equation (62):
- -203.28 X 0.25 - -50.82 in2/sec 2 (Table
F,, - F,, f.-- A.
6, Paragraph 223),
- 9250 - 184 - 5589 - 3477,
355.74 - 50.82 - 304.92 inW
/sec2, and S-
vb - 17 .46 in/sec. Fb - F, + 1683 - 3477 - 1683 - 5160 lb.
From recoil calculations (Table 4, Paragraph 217) From Equation (71):
interpolate between x - 1.664 in. and x - 1.399 in.
& _ 4 iiA:,, 0.033
to find v for x 1.5 in. -. 3 b-C
v - 132.92 in/sec, Ab - 2.356 in2, buffer piston area,
F, - 10,000 lb (Fig. 49). C, - 0.70 orifice coefficient,
From the chart in Figure 27: p = wtg, mass density,

, ) F,, - 9250.
From Equation (61c) when x - 1.5,
% = 0.0315 lb/in3, oil density,
-0.0- 17-46
- 0.033 7..
008 i2.
0.0080 in7.

222. TABLE 5. CoiterrecoilCalculatons

(in.) AX). FP,4 Fit Fe
(in.) (b.) (in/sec) Ob) (Ib) or 2",x,
(in 2/s9=2 )
(lb) V
o (in/se2) (n 2/g" 2 )
0 -
0.408 13,300 -0
2063 3496 7740 467.4 381.4 0
0.408 19.53
0.891 12,800 1406 381.4
1.299 9178 2214 133.7 238.2
2. 68 1.385 1,300 619.7
2 3.02 s45 11,420 35 2.11 5.8 625.
0.842 11,800 591 11,347 -138
3.526 24.74 -8.33 -14.0
0.956 11,400 612.0
4.482 477 11,067 -143 -8.70 -16.6
1.067 11,000 396 595.5
5.549 10,745 -143 -6.64 -18.4
6.722 1.173 10,600 340
23.61 10,397 -137 -8.09 -19.4
0.624 10,300 557.6
305 10,127 -132 -7.97 - 9.9
7.346 23.40
0.647 10,100 47.3
7.993 237 9944 -131 -7.91 -10.2
0.666 9900 537.5
273 9758 -131 -7.91 -20.5
8.659 22.96
0.679 9700 264 527.0
9.338 9566 -130 -7.85 -10.7
0.527 9500 235 526.3
9.865 9392 -127 -7.67 -8.08

2, 75

223. TABLE 6. fer CakCuanons
m'... ( a'l (n....._. ( seo On/Km ) (ini/see O ,)
LSO0 0 0- 508.20
22M5 136.98 19.,764
2.23 0.25 50.82
too 457.38 21.39
0.50 50.82 406.56 20.16
1.75 0.75 50.82 135.61 18,6 9380
1.50 355.74 18.86 134.60
1.00 50.82 304.92 1U17 9300
1.125 1.375 17.46 132.92 17,668
0.75 76.23 228.69 15.12 9
1.73 76.23 152.A6 149.02 16,646 9150
0.375 2.125 12.35 122.08 14,960
76.23 76.23 8.73 9050
o 2.50 I05.15 11,070 8903
76.23 0 0 0 0 800

(in.) 1) (Ob16) o() o() ()

2.50 (in_)
9,600 9315 260
2.25 9,700 -75 1,606 40.1
$384 250 766 0.0185
2.00 9.800 7452 2,449 49.5 0.0143
1.75 228 1700 3,3a3
9,900 6521 206 58.2 0.0114
1.50 10,000 253 4.2 65.3
5589 184 3477 0.009
1.125 10,200 4192 $,160 71.8 0.0080
0.75 10,250 159 4799
2795J24 2 35.5 0.0055
0.375 10,400 6131 7,814 U.4
1397 92 7461 0.0546
0 10,500 O 9,144 5.6 0.0
72 3828 10,583 10.5 0


brak pa. The force applied to the recoil brake ad reuem A quantity of oil available in a recoil
rod during recoil. mechanism to replenish the supply of working oil
rThe structure used for closing the as the latter becoines depleted from leakage.
rear end of a gun tube. oil reserve lhadisr. A gage indicating the quantity
Iresshmie. The structure attached to the rear of reserve oil in a hydropneumatic recoil cylinder.
of the gun tube which houses the breechblock Also called lqidd reserve indicator.
and its bomponents. orifice. An opening of controlled size through
beIueir. A device used to absorb the energy of which fluid pases for the purpose of absorbing
counterrecodl and bring the recoiling parts to a energy.
stop without shock. See: recolg pars. poIrt. A passage of sufficient size to transmit fluid
beffer, imeeoet A buffer whose action is not without appreciable loss of energy.
controlled by the recoil brake or recuperator. p cme facer. The ratio of the radial pressure ofa
I rod. A rod articulated by the recoiling packing to the appeied axial pressure.
parts, and whose motion regulates the size of the propellant chge. The quantity of propellant used
orifice of a recoil mechanism. in firing a gun.
m prol The motion of the recoiling parts as opoelmit gas fre. The force due to the pro-
they return to the in-battery position after recoil- pellant gases that drives the gun rearward in
in&. See: recollig pIrts recoil.
esON nme
cylber. The cylinder that houses the recoil. The movement of the gun tube and at-
counterrecoil mechanism. tached parts in direction opposite to the pro-
ara&. That element of a gun carriage or mount jectile travel.
that supports a cannon and allows movement of recoil adapter. A recoil mechanism for small
the recoiling parts. arms.
ift plh... An unattached piston that is used recoil brake. The part of a recoil mechanism that
to separate the gas from the hydraulic fluid in the develops the resistance to recoil.
recuperator of a hydropneumatic unit. recoil, coestant. A recoil mechanism that provides
8s carriage. The structure which transmits to the the same recoil-stroke distance regardless of the
ground the forces resulting from firing of a angle of elevation.
weapon. In mobile weapons it also serves as part recoA cyliuder. The cylinder that houses the recoil
of the structure during transport. brake.
Ism m iet. The supporting structure of a gun. recoil energy. The energy of the recoiling parts
gV tobe. The gun barrel, that part of a gun which during recoil.
controls the initial direction of the projectile. recoil force. The total resistance to movement of
bi-battery. The position of the recoiling parts in the recoiling parts.
the extreme forward position in the cradle. recoil mechamism. The unit that absorbs the energy
inkage factor. The ratio of the radial pressure of of recoil. storing some for returning the recoiling
a packing to the applied fluid pressure. parts to battery.
Nqal reserve mdlcator. See: oil reserve indicator, recoil mechaoism, dependent. The type of hydro-
mrzle brake. A unit attached to a gun muzzle, to pneumatic recoil mechanism that has direct oil
divert the propellant gas rearward, utilizing the flow between the recoil cylinder and the re-
gap momentum to decrease the total recoil mo- cuperator. The recoil brake rod is the only at-
mentum. tachment to the recoiling parts.
mnzzle velocity. The velocity of the projectile as it recoil mechanism, Filloux. A hydropneumatic, in-
leaves the muzzle. dependent, variable recoil mechanism with a
oil index. Same as oil reserve indicator, floating piston. Hydraulic resistance is de-


veloped by a control rod with axial grooves of elevation; at high angles of elevation, the re-
over which the recoil piston rod slides. coil stroke is shortened.
recoil seechani, bydtrpoematc. A type of re- recofing parts. The components of a gun and its
coil mechanism that forces hydraulic fluid supporting structure that move during recoil.
through an orifice to develop the recoil brake recermat. The portion of the recoil mechanism
force and uses gas under pressure to store some that stores some of the energy of recoil for
of the recoil energy for counterrecoiL counterrecoiL.
real nedua .m, hydirosprg. A type of recoil recperator, direct coutaL A recuperator in
mechanism which operates similarly to the which the gas acts directly against the hydraulic
hydropneumatic except that a spring is used to fluid, without separating piston.
store the energy for counterrecoil. reesp, ator, byIropumsatic. A recuperator that
recoil mecham , 1i1epes1 1 The type of hydro- contains a compressed gas for its energy storing
pneumatic recoil mechanism that has the recoil medium.
brake independent of the recuperator and rieperater, sping. A recuperator that has one
counterrecoil cylinder. Each has its own rod at- or more coil springs for its energy storing
tached to the recoiling parts. medium.
mell .ecmI, P 'ar A hydropneumatic, rugolhter. A structure used in some hydropneu-
dependent type recoil mechanism of constant matic recoil systems, located in the oil end of the
recoil with a floating piston in the recuperator; recuperator, which contains the means provided
hydrauiic resistance is regulated by a control rod to control the hydraulic pressure during recoil
passing through an orifice and attached to and and counterrecoil.
positioned by the floating piston. gdaI k valve. A valve housed in the liquid end
reeo mecksanjm, ScPuid M. A hydropneumatic, of the recuperator which regulates the flow of
independent type recoil mechanism of constant liquid during the counterrecoil stroke, to pro-
recoil. It has a direct contact recuperator. The duce retardation.
hydraulic resistance is regulated by a control r1p1 er. A reservoir for the hydraulic brake
rod passing through an orifice and attached to the fluid that maintains nearly uniform pressure on
recoiling parts. the fluid and keeps the brake cylinder filled with
reel nechadm , St. CbhmesiL A hydropneu- fluid.
matic, dependent type recoil mechanism of respirator. A pneumatic type buffer which admits
variable recoil with floating piston recuperator. air during recoil and releases the air during
Its hydraulic resistance is regulated by a throttling counterrecoil through a small orifice. See: buffer.
valve. Hbg spring. The spring of a recoil adapter made
reea rod. The rod that transmits the resistance of of a series of inner and outer overlapping rings.
the recoil brake to the recoiling parts. the mating surfaces being conical.
reol system. The complete unit that involves the aghe brake. The part of a recoil adapter consist-
recoil and counterrecoil process. ing of a sleeve made of braided wire covering a
res system, doubl The system that has two brake rod to form the braking mechanism.
complete recoiling systems; the primary system throttll bar. A bar of varying cross-sectional
and the secondary system. area, usually circular or rectangular, which
rol systek, pbinry. The system of the double changes the orifice area of a recoil mechanism.
recoil type which includes the recoil mechanism 0tifib valve. A spring loaded valve that con-
for the gun tube And its components. trols the hydraulic pressure during recoil, as a
reens system, secoinsny. The system of the means of obtaining variable recoil.
double recoil type which permits the top carriage velocity of causterrecoll The velocity of the re-
to recoil, thus effectively using the mass of the coiling parts as they move in counterreoil.
structure to reduce recoil forces, velolcty of free recolil. The velocity that the recoil-
mel system, slioge. The system that has only the ing parts would attain if no resistance were pro-
gun tube and its components as recoiling parts. vided during recoil.
melo, iarlable. A recoil mechanism having a velocity of re4L The velocity of the recoiling
stroke that var.s in accordance with the angle parts during recoil.


1. T. J. Hay es,,mts of Ordhker, John Wiley & Sons, 9. "Design and Application of 4elcal and Spiral Springs
New York, 1938. for Ordnance," SP-9 2nd Ed., Society of Automotive
2. "Elements of Mobile Carriage Design," Ordnane Engineers, Inc., New York, 1945.
Dept. Document No. M043, October 1922. 10. A. M. Wahl, Mec cf S~O , Neaton, Cleveland,
3 "A Report on the Analysis of Gun Carriage, 175 mm, 1944.
"776," The Franklin Institute, Final Report F-2240, 11. HunterRoue,FluidMedsm'dufor'H HydrmkEWbwm,
Part II, Contract DA-36-034-ORD-l 12, January 1953. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1938.
4. 'Theory and Design of Recoil Systems and Gun 12. N. Kauasic "Use of Drag Coeflcients to Describe the
Carriages," Ordnance Dept. Document No. 2035, Hydrodynamics of Recoi Systems," Aberdeen Proving
September 1921. Ground, BRL Report No, 913, June 1954.
S. R. J. Roark, FoemIem for Stress and Strain, McGraw- 13. "Preliminary Design Notes on Ring Springs Sleeve
Hill, New York, 1943. Brake, and Hydrospring Recoil Adapters for Auto-
IL "Theory and Design of Recoil Systems and Gun matic Weaponi," Springfield Armory, January 1956.
Carriases," Ordnance Dept. Document No. 2035-A, 14. Armour Research Foundatiun, Report No. 8, Appendix
January 1922. A, Contract DA-ll022-ORDI824.
7. "Handbook of Mechanical Spring Design," AMociated 15. H. P. Gay, "On Calculating the Motion of Recoil
Spring Corporation, Bristol, Conn., 1951. Systems for Automatic Weapons by the Phase Plans
8, Hoffman and Sachs, Introduction to tAe Theory of Method," Aberdeen Proving Ground, DRL Report
Pksetyfor Ek.eaers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953. No. 874, June 1953 (Corndential).



Adapter, recoil, (A,63, 66 Liquid rwreininicato, 11, 13, 24,67

Belleville sprin& 21
BmkP6 fo Verewl,
31Maintenance, 28
Brake rod force, 31 Mmuactuiin, 28
Buffer, 4,5,.12,18, 23, 42 IIi~1
Mechanisms, recoil. Ser Recoil mechanuism
force, 18, 42 Momentum, conservation of, I
i*ternal, 23 Mum~e Lorake, 66
Calculations. See Recoil calculations Oil rfemev indicator, 11, 13, 24, 67
Coefficient of discharge, 33 Orillce
Compressibility of hydraulic fluid, 34 o icka~t, 33
Concentric recoil mechanism, 4Q desima 32, 39. 43.,66, 73
Control rod, 10,34 Varible area, 6
buffer. Sne Buffer Packing design 20
calculations, 38, 42, 74 Packing frictional reistance, 21
mechanism, 3 Polytro* exponent, 18, 23, 53
Velocity, 18 Proo pressure, 22
Puftaux recoil mechanism, 10
Dependent type recoil mechanism, 6
Dynamic analysis 47 Recoil
External buffer, 23 adapter, 60, 63, 66
adapter, hydrospring, 60, 66
Figurs fit, vbrake, 3, 6
Figurs, lit, vcalculations
Filloux, recoil mechanism, 13 concentric, 42
Floating piston, 6, 11, 24 double, 46
Fluid reserv, 11. See a~st Ine.7cator, oil rsresingle, 29, 6as
Free recoil velocity, 1, 16 cycle, 5
cylinder design, 22
Glossary, 77 force, 6, 17, 31, 47
Hydropneumattic fecupefator, design, 23 classification of, 3
Hydropncumatic type recoil mechanism, 5, 9 concentric, 4-2
Hydrospring recoil adapter. See Recoil adapter, derendnt type, 6
hydrospring Filloux, 13
Hydrospring type recoil mechanism, 5, 7 hydropneumatic. S5,9
in-battery force, 17 hydrospring, 5, 7
independeent type, 6
Independent type recoil mechanism, 6 Puteaux, 10
Index. See Indicator, oil reserve St. Chamond, 13*
Indicator, oil reserve, 11, 13, 24, 67 Schneider, 11
Internal buffer, 23 piston design 19
"-, Recoil (Continued) St. Chamond recoil mechanism, 13
piston rod design, 20 Schneider recoil mechanism, I I
systems Selection of system, 16
double, 5, 13, 46 Shear stress, maximum, 22
primary, 47 Sleeve brake, 60, 63
secondary, 47 Small arms recoil system, 60
throttling valve, 13, 25, 35 Spring
velocity, 1, 16 Belleville, 21
Recuperator, 3, 23 design, 44
Referen'oces 79 recuperator type, 23
Regulator, 10, 25 ring, 60
Regulator valve, 27 Symbols, list, vii
Rqelenisher, 67
Resprator, 24 Throttling bar, 6
Retarding force, total, 33 Throttling valve, 13, 25, 35
Ring spring. 60
Rod Valve, regulator, 27
contrl, 6, 10, 34, 73 Valve, throttling, 13, 25, 35
pull. 31 Velocity, counterrecoil, IS
throttlin& 6 Velocity, recoil, 1, 16

S(. qr) ll( ,\ i~ l I'F1 1 , ! F I l 7 t). ', -,, .' ';S'\
I~~The Engineering Design Handbook Series io intended to provide a compilation of principle. and fundamental data to
qoernet eoperienoe in assisting engineers in the evolution of new designs which will moot tact@ica and te Chcal
needs while als0 embodying satisfactory prodacibility and maintainability.
Listed below &re the Baadbookewhich have beeu published or submitted forpublitatloa. Handbook@ with publication
dates prior to I August 1962 were published as 20-series Ordnance Corps pamphlets. AMC Circular 310-36. 19 July
1943. redesignated those puablications as 706-series AMC pamphlets (i.e..* ORDP 20-13S was redesignated AMCP 706-
136). All new. reprinted. or revised handhooks are being published as 706-series AMC pamphlets.

General end Misellaneou Sobjecte Ballistic Missile Series

*vebev Title Numxber Title
Tfr- Elements of A u;~n Esilaering. Past O~o. W111[D) weapon System Effectiveness (U)
Seurcee Of Energy 352 Propulsios sand Propellants
*107 Element at Armammen Engineering. Part Two. 144(C) Trajectories (U)
Bellistics 286 Structures
I" Elemens of Asrnament Eaineerifg. Peat Three.
Veepes Systaemsaed Components Ballistics Sorias
110 Muerimental Statistics. Secttlos 1. Bealtc Corn- 140 TraJectories. Differential Effects, sandData
tep" sad Analysis of Meeasuement Data for Projectiles
III Experimnental Statistics, Secttios . Analysis of 164(5) Elements of Terminal flallistics. Past Om.
~Sanrative van Classificatory Data Introductioa. Ill Mechanisms. and
Ila Rmerks"nA" ftatistics. secttios 3, Planning Wa Vulnerability (U)
Asslysis of Cesupesetive, flperimouent 161(5) Elements of Tevrminal 5ellistics, Part 7rw.
113 lieprtmsntal Statistics. Section 4. Special Collection and Analysis of Data Concern.
Topic lag Targets (U)
114 RDeprtmntsal Steftstces. Sectioen S. Tables 162(8-ED) Eleon-Ats of Terminal Ballistics. Part Three.
134 ManteanAe Engineering Geld. for Ordnance Application to Missile and Space Tasgets(U)
339 byontioss. Patents, aOWRelated Manoers Cbzr!Iage and Mounts Series
136 Isrvtecbntsch me. Section 1. Theory 341 Cradles
13? SrvsMec~baatismo. Secttls 2. Measuremeat 341 Rsetail Systems
end ligal Convertors 343 Top Carriages
13& Sernmcbsutems. Secttlon 3. Amplificatios 344 Bottomn Carriges*
F I"13

Servemuchodsme, Set5 4. Paowr Elements
t Spstem Design
Armor an Is Application to Vehicles (U)
Elevating Mechanism@
Traversing Mechanisms
270 Propefllan Actuated Devices
M9(C) Warheads--Genral (13) Materials Handbooks
331 Compensating Elemnents (Fire Control Series) 301 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
399 The Automotive Assembly (Automotive Series) 302 Copper and Copper Alloys
303 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
Amoinl~a &nd DEmloelves tortes 309 Titanium and Titanium Alloys
179 Som1 Propeliants, Past Gee 306 Adhesives
17%4C) noli Propsllane. Past Two (U) 307 Gasket Materials (Noametallic)
17? Provertdes of Deaploelves of Military Wntrest, 30S lawe
secttle. 1 309 Plastlcs
170(C) Pr"Ofeties *I Ulpweive. of Military loterest. 310 Rubber sad Rubber-LiAk Materials
211(C) It (U) 331 Corrosion and Corrosion Protection ad Metals
use., Proiadmiy, EleetricaL. Part Gee (U) 3asface-to.Air Missile Series
312(g) Fuses, Proximity. Electrical. Past Two (U) 291 Part Oae. Syste Integration
21 34) Fuses, Proximitay. Electrical. Part Three (U) 292 Part Two, Weapon Control
214 (8) Fuses, Proximity. Electrical. Past lous (U) 293 Part Three, Computers
ZIN(C) Fuises. Proxmity. Electrical. PWat rive (U) 294(5) Part Four, Missile Armrament IV)
244 lectls 1. Artillery Ammntios--Genoral. 299(5) Past Frivs, Countermeasures (U)
wM Table of Contents. Glossary and 296 Part Siz, Structures and Power Sources
bede for series 297(3) Part Seven. Sample Problem (U)
345(C) Sectties 2, Design for Terminal Effects (U)
244 Secttle 3. Design for Control ad Flight Char-
347(C) Secttlon 4. Design for Projection (U)
240 Secttle S. Inspection Aspects of Artillery
Aronaiton Design
249(C) Secttle 6. Meanfacture of Metallic Compenste
of Artillery Aw~mitos (U)

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