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A "Comfortable" Church?

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every

Should you look for a church where you can easily word of God" Luke 4:4.
"fit in" and where you can be "comfortable?"
They have believed that Jesus was God in the flesh.
A Charlotte Observer columnist recently wrote: That He died to pay the penalty of sin for all
"'Comfortable in church.' The phrase has always humanity, rose from the dead after three days and
driven me crazy. The idea that we would go to nights in the grave (Matthew 12:40) and now sits at
church to get comfortable, to be comfortable, to be the right hand of God the Father as our active High
with people around whom we are comfortable, is Priest, and soon-coming King.
offensive, maddening and just plain loony.
'Comfortable' is what I want when I put my feet Such truly converted people will surrender to Christ
up to watch TV. Comfort for the churchgoers I as "Lord", the One who they will obey. Therefore,
know is about class, education level, country club through Christ living within them through the Holy
and race. And yes, too often about politics to boot. Spirit (Galatians 2:20), they will strive to live by the
We like to worship with people who think like us, teachings of the Bible. These are the people who
look like us, and drive the same kinds of cars we make up the true Church of God!
drive." I am sure you are familiar with these
attitudes. But is this the approach to true religion So if you are willing to "get real," then please be
that Jesus Christ taught His true followers? willing to listen to what the Bible actually says. For
God does have a true Church here on earth. That
Jesus said: "If anyone comes to Me and does not Church is genuinely preparing its members for
hate ["love less"] his father and mother, wife and eternal life. That Church is genuinely doing the
children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life Work of God today!
also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does
not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be
My disciple. So likewise, whoever of you does
not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple"
Luke 14:2627, 33.

No, Jesus Christ does not intend that we strive for a We care about the addict that still
suffers, and we are here for anyone
"comfortable" existence in following Him! The true who is hurting 24 hours a day. We
Christ of your Bible talked constantly about the want to help you get your life back
and break free of addictions. Please
need to "give up" one's life in order to truly serve feel free to contact us at any time to
the only One who can actually give us eternal life! get information or to talk to

The true Church is composed of people who have Your life CAN change in an instant, and you CAN recover from addictions
through the power of Jesus Christ. You were not created to be an addict, a
genuinely surrendered their lives to God through prostitute, a drug dealer, a gang banger, or a criminal.
Jesus Christ. They have believed in the existence of
You are a child that is beloved by a God who wants to heal you from your
the One true God, the Creator of heaven and earth. hurts. If you would like information, please contact us at the number below.
They have believed in the literal inspiration of the We are here for you day or night, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Bible (not a version), and will have dedicated We have been there, we understand, and we want to help.
themselves to following Jesus Christ's instruction: Pastor Craig 715-827-0812 Email: Pastor_Craig@Live.com
What We at FBC Believe the Bible Teaches The New Testament Epistles present a new model for Gods people,
the church, the body of Christ, and that model involves an authority
Many have asked questions on What and Why we at First structure unique to the church, not for the nation of Israel or any other
Baptist Church in Augusta believe. In a day when Truth is going by Old Testament entity.
the wayside, especially in Mainline Churches, we need to continually
go back to Gods Word, and see what the Bible declares. Similar arguments are made using Priscilla and Phoebe in the New
Testament. In Acts 18, Priscilla and Aquila are presented as faithful
We understand that people have feelings, preferences, and teachings ministers for Christ. Priscillas name is mentioned first, perhaps
they may have been raised with, so we encourage each to study the indicating that she was more prominent in ministry than her husband.
Bible and see what it has to say on these topics. We will try to Did Priscilla and her husband teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to
address one subject each month. We will also attempt to keep these Apollos? Yes, in their home they explained to him the way of God
posted on our website and Facebook page. more adequately Acts 18:26. Does the Bible ever say that Priscilla
Pastored a church or taught publicly or became the spiritual leader of
a congregation of saints? No. As far as we know, Priscilla was not
"What does the Bible say about Women Pastors?" involved in ministry activity in contradiction to 1 Timothy 2:1114.

There is perhaps no more hotly debated issue in the church today than In Romans 16:1, Phoebe is called a deacon (or servant) in the
the issue of women serving as pastors/preachers. As a result, it is very church and is highly commended by Paul. But, as with Priscilla, there
important to not see this issue as men versus women. There are is nothing in Scripture to indicate that Phoebe was a Pastor or a
women who believe women should not serve as pastors and that the teacher of men in the church. Able to teach is given as a
Bible places restrictions on the ministry of women, and there are men qualification for elders, not deacons (1 Timothy 3:113; Titus 1:69).
who believe women can serve as preachers and that there are no
restrictions on women in ministry. This is not an issue of chauvinism The structure of 1 Timothy 2:1114 makes the reason why women
or discrimination. It is an issue of biblical interpretation. cannot be pastors perfectly clear. Verse 13 begins with for, giving
the cause of Pauls statement in verses 1112. Why should women
The Word of God proclaims, A woman should learn in quietness not teach or have authority over men? Because Adam was created
and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the
authority over a man; she must be silent 1 Timothy 2:1112. God, woman who was deceived (verses 1314). God created Adam first
through the apostle Paul, restricts women from serving in roles of and then created Eve to be a helper for Adam. The order of creation
teaching and/or having spiritual authority over men. This precludes has universal application in the family (Ephesians 5:2233) and in the
women from serving as Pastors over men, which definitely includes church.
preaching to them, teaching them publicly, and exercising spiritual
authority over them. The fact that Eve was deceived is also given in 1 Timothy 2:14 as a
reason for women not serving as Pastors or having spiritual authority
There are many objections to this view of women in pastoral over men. This does not mean that women are gullible or that they
ministry. A common one is that Paul restricts women from teaching are all more easily deceived than men. If all women are more easily
because in the first century, women were typically uneducated. deceived, why would they be allowed to teach children (who are
However, 1 Timothy 2:1114 nowhere mentions educational status. easily deceived) and other women (who are supposedly more easily
If education were a qualification for ministry, then the majority of deceived)? The text simply says that women are not to teach men or
Jesus disciples would not have been qualified. have spiritual authority over men because Eve was deceived. God has
chosen to give men the primary teaching authority in the church.
A second common objection is that Paul only restricted the women of
Ephesus from teaching men (1 Timothy was written to Timothy, the Many women excel in gifts of hospitality, mercy, teaching,
Pastor of the church in Ephesus). Ephesus was known for its temple evangelism, and helps. Much of the ministry of the local church
to Artemis, and women were the authorities in that branch of depends on women. Women in the church are not restricted from
paganism, therefore, as the theory goes, Paul was only reacting public praying or prophesying (1 Corinthians 11:5), only from having
against the female led customs of the Ephesian idolaters, and the spiritual teaching authority over men. The Bible nowhere restricts
church needed to be different. However, the book of 1 Timothy or women from exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians
Paul nowhere mentions Artemis as a reason for the restrictions in 1 12). Women, just as much as men, are called to minister to others, to
Timothy 2:1112. demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:2223), and proclaim
the gospel to the lost (Matthew 28:1820; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15).
A third objection is that Paul is only referring to husbands and wives,
not men and women in general. The Greek words for woman and God has ordained that only men are to serve in positions of spiritual
man in 1 Timothy 2 could refer to husbands and wives; however, teaching authority in the church. This is not because men are better
the basic meaning of the words is broader than that. Further, the same teachers or because women are inferior or less intelligent (which is
Greek words are used in verses 810. Are only husbands to lift up not the case). It is simply the way God designed the church to
holy hands in prayer without anger and disputing (verse 8)? Are only function. Men are to set the example in spiritual leadership in their
wives to dress modestly, have good deeds, and worship God (verses lives and through their words.
910)? Of course not. Verses 810 clearly refer to all men and
women, not just husbands and wives. Women are to take a less authoritative role. Women are encouraged
to teach other women (Titus 2:35). The Bible also does not restrict
Yet another objection to this interpretation of women in pastoral women from teaching children. The only activity women are
ministry is in relation to women who held positions of leadership in restricted from is teaching or having spiritual authority over men.
the Bible, specifically Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah in the Old
Testament. It is true that these women were chosen by God for This disqualifies women from serving as Pastors to men. This does
special service to Him and that they stand as models of faith, courage, not make women less important, by any means, but rather gives them
and, yes, leadership. However, the authority of women in the Old a ministry focus more in agreement with Gods plan and His gifting
Testament is not relevant to the issue of Pastors in the church. of them.
Sunday Service:
Current: The Book of EZRA Help us get the Word Out!
Sunday Bible Study:
Saturday Evening:
Current: Gospel of JOHN
Current: Feasts of Israel
Saturday Evening Service each
Tuesday Morning: Current: Book of Genesis Saturday at 7:00 PM!
Church Address: First Baptist Church
Meal, and Food Pantry!
218 W. Lincoln St. (P.O. Box 32)
Augusta, WI 54722-0032

Church Phone: (715) 286-2042

Church Website: www.SeekingTheWord.com We always want
Church Facebook: to be aware of
those who have
Pastor Craig & Julie Lindgren need in our
Email: Pastor_Craig@Live.com Community as
Pastor: (715) 827-0812 Julie: (715) 703-8583
well as our Church Body. If you know of a need
Prayer Requests: Linda Lone (715) 286-2412 for food, please contact one of the Church Board
Julie Lindgren (715) 703-8583
to help meet that need!


Tuesday: Looking for People interested in these
Mens Study and Prayer
9:00AM Ladies Study and Prayer Ministries
Thursday: (3rd of each month) Missions Heart: To Help us
10:30AM Nursing Home Service Develop a Missions Heart and
Outreach. We just dont want to
7:00PM Evening Worship and Fellowship send money out. We want to be
Community Meal & Food Pantry spiritually connected to our
Missionaries and Missions we
Sunday: support. Is Missions on your
9:00AM Morning Prayer
9:30AM Bible Study Heart?
10:30AM Morning Service
Food Pantry available following All Services COMPUTER Ministry: As our ministry has grown and is
expanding, we are looking for someone who has the Desire
and Heart to work with our Audio and Visual equipment for
Worship and Special Services. Has God given you that

Apprenticeship and Bible Student: Have you been sensing

Gods tug on your heart to be involved deeper in ministry? We
are offering an opportunity for those hungry for what God is
calling them into to earn a degree and be credentialed. We
have an evangelistic thrust, and are in need of people sensitive
to Gods Calling in their life. Be a part of Church, Prison, and
Nursing Home ministries, as well as other ministries.


starting two Community Based groups. Prison Family
Outreach, which will minister and help families who have
https://www.mixcloud.com/pastorlindgren/ someone in Jail or Prison. Christian 12 Step Program, for
families and individuals who have had addictions impact their
and lives, and desire to have a Christ Centered Change in their life.

You often hear 2 Chronicles 7:14 quoted in reference to Gods Purpose is Life and Peace: God desires for you to
seeking God for revival: If my people who are called by have life and peace now and for all eternity. I have come
My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land. Recognizing the Problem: We are created to know, love and
glorify God. When we choose to go our own way, living life
in willful disobedience to God, we are choosing to be
But what does it mean to seek God? separated from God.

Before answering this question, we need to specifically The Bible says we are sinnersFor all have sinned and fall
understand, Why am I feeling compelled to seek after short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
Him? Trying to wrap our minds around the answer will
lead us to the first step of seeking Him. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have
Bottom line: If youre feeling compelled to seek God, it is eternal life. John 3:16
only because He has first sought you out for Himself. Let
the magnitude of that statement sink in. Dont miss it!!! For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal
life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
You will never seek, hunger for, or run after, the Almighty
We Cannot Save Ourselves: Because God is Holy, He
without Him first wooing and calling you to Himself.
cannot allow sin to enter into Heaven. Most people attempt to
save themselves by their own efforts, good works or church
Scripture informs us that we will not turn to God on our attendance.
own. Our natural inclination is self-dependence and self-
absorption. But He mercifully steps into our self-absorbed- The Bible saysThere is a way that appears to be right, but
lives to wake us up to His reality. in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12.
He places a glorious tent of Grace above our heads to
capture our attention and woo us with the wonder of His So then, How then can a sinful person
being. He sends the Holy Spirit to move us and turn us enter Heaven where God allows no sin?
upward in worship.
We are Saved by Grace: The Good News is this in spite of
He invites us to bend the knee in wonder at the sight of a our sin, Christ died for us.
newborn baby, and the miracle of new life. His fingerprints
can be seen all over creation. He leaves invitations to seek For it is by grace you have been saved through faith and
Him in the smallest particle and shouts His glory to us from this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not of
the farthest regions of space. works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

And when His invitations cause us to shake off our self- But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we
absorbing dream long enough to notice Him, He sends His were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Spirit to open our eyes and gives us grace to enter into
relationship with Him. If you would like to have Jesus as Lord of your life, you
can pray a prayer something like this:
So make no mistake, when we are being drawn to seek
Him, it is only because He first sought us. We seek Him in Lord, I confess that I have sinned against You and ask You
response to His invitation. to forgive me. Im sorry that my sin has hurt You and other
people in my life. I acknowledge that I could never earn
salvation by my good works, but I come to You and Trust in
When I hear a woman say things like: I dont want to miss
what Jesus did for me on the Cross. I believe that You Love
out on all God has for me. I want to know Him more and
me and that Jesus died and rose again so that I can be
experience intimacy with Him, I get excited because I
Forgiven and come to know You. I ask You to come into my
know God is at work! She is being drawn by the Spirit to
heart and be Lord of my life. I trust You with everything,
taste more deeply of Christ. Shes received an invitation to
and I thank You for Loving me so much that I can know You
come close and learn more.
here on earth and spend the rest of eternity with You in
heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.
Are you seeking Him Today?

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