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Make it real with Gelatine!

Gelatines multifunctional technological properties provide

product developers with an unrivalled toolbox for current and
future food applications.

Many people associate gelatine with its

most classic application: gummy
candies. And its true: the ingredients
gelling property is arguably its best
known and most important
quality. Another prime
gel formation example
and a major
application in terms of
market volume, is
table jelly. Although
other gelling agents
are available, none of
them can match the
texture of table jellies and gummy candies made with gelatine. Their characteristically
clear, elastic, gum-like texture can only be achieved by using this hydrocolloid.
Additionally, many consumers appreciate the smooth
mouthfeel that gelatine-based gummy candies or table
jellies provide. They rapidly absorb water in the mouth,
gently melt at body temperature and provide ideal flavour
release profiles.
Tailored to market needs
Gummy candies also exemplify just how versatile gelatine is as a texturizing agent.
By using different gelatine variants with varying bloom values, or by working with
different gelatine concentrations, a products elasticity and firmness can be adjusted
to achieve particular results. This allows manufacturers to design textures according
to the preferences of a specific geographical region or culture, ranging from soft to
firm products and/or a short or long bite. Be it the US, Asia or Europe, each market
has its own requirement when it comes to the properties of its gummy
candy. Whatever the preference in bite or texture, though,
gelatine is usually the key ingredient. As a
rule of thumb, high bloom gelatines tend to
result in firmer products with shorter
textures, whereas lower bloom
gelatines generate softer
products and more elastic

Texturizing low fat

Gelatines gelling properties also
play a critical role in the development
of a number of low fat items, including
low fat butters, margarines and spreads.
Large amounts of water are needed to
manufacture these products and, to maintain their consistency, structure and
spreadability, water is combined with gelatine to create a texture that mimics the full
fat equivalents. By making use of gelatines excellent gelling, emulsifying and
stabilizing properties, various low fat dressings as well as low fat dips and sauces
can also be produced that comply with the highest quality standards.
In the meat processing industry, gelatine is used to manufacture aspic products and
terrines, which have a considerably lower calorie content than other meat products
(such as sausages and cold cuts). Furthermore, collagenous proteins also make it
possible to cut down on calories in parboiled specialties such as hot dogs,
frankfurters or Lyon sausages without compromising on flavour or texture.

Foaming at its best

From a thermodynamic point of view, foams are unstable two-phase systems that
tend to collapse with time. Therefore, to create a successful foamed product, it is
crucial to maintain a stable foam. Whenever a soft-foamed product with a narrow air
bubble size distribution and low mean bubble size is needed, gelatines foaming and
foam stabilization properties come into play.

These properties are fully exploited by the confectionery industry in products such as
marshmallows, wafer fillings and fruit chews. Here, gelatine fulfils three functions at
once: foam formation by reducing the surface tension of the water phase; providing
long-term stability by stabilizing the foams continuous liquid phase; and texturizing
by providing the desired elasticity.
One for all
Furthermore, gelatine offers additional benefits in foamed multiphase systems such
as nougats that contain emulsified fat in a supersaturated sugar solution. In these
products, gelatine not only acts as a foaming, stabilizing and texturizing agent, it also
functions as an emulsifier and enhances the mouthfeel by impacting the
recrystallization of sucrose. This multifunctional approach
can also be found in foamed milk-based
desserts such as mousses,
yogurts, curds and ice
creams, which are three-
phase systems of air, oil and
water. Here, gelatine
decreases the surface
tension of the water,
enhancing foam
generation by
mechanical whipping.

With gelatine, its easy to clean up and shorten the ingredient list as a variety of
different functionality requirements can be fulfilled with a single ingredient. In todays
world of clean and clear labelling, brevity is paramount, providing a huge benefit for
consumers wishing to make healthy and well-informed choices. Classed as a
foodstuff in its own right, and not as an additive, gelatine can be used to replace
ingredients with e-numbers for clean label formulations.

The innovation game

Statistics repeatedly show that companies with a prominent innovation culture are
more successful than others. Whether its to meet current consumer needs, reach
new markets, exploit niche opportunities, improve overall profitability or just stay
ahead of the competition, it is critical to focus on adapting, improving, modifying or
developing completely new products.
Innovation is key for GELITA. From healthy reformulations such as fat or sugar
reductions and free from to convenient, fortified and tailored products for special
target groups, or novel taste and texture combinations, gelatine offers a wealth of
current and future product development opportunities. To showcase the creative
potential of collagenous proteins, GELITA regularly develops inspiring product ideas.

For example, gelatine allows for the production of convenient pizza toppings in which
all the desired ingredients can be combined in one product. In this format, the topping
can be stored in the fridge and is easy to use. Quick and
convenient to prepare, this novel idea offers an
almost unlimited range of
topping combinations.

also enables the
production of gummy
candies offering two different
flavours and textures in one chewy delight.
Whereas the outer gum layer delivers a traditional taste
and texture experience, the incorporated bubbles offer quick bursts
of intense flavours as a refreshing twist. And, for consumers looking for a novel, guilt-
free confectionery treat, gelatine can also be used to prepare cotton candy that is
pure protein, has no glycaemic load and is made with zero sugar delivering that
fun fair feeling without the guilty conscience.
Process innovation
Innovation is not just about developing completely new products. In fact, more often,
innovation manifests itself as the optimization of a production process to make it
more efficient. As such, the final product remains unchanged, but the manufacturer
benefits from more reliable production or time and cost savings.

GELITAs experts are

constantly available to help
customers with technical
support, process
enhancement and recipe
improvements. Most
importantly, they suggest and
supply tailored gelatines to
meet the requirements of
each individual customer and
formulation. Considering the
desired properties of the final
product, other ingredients in
the recipe as well as the
available production
equipment, these tailor-made
variants are carefully selected
to deliver the best possible
outcomes. Consequently,
manufacturers can achieve
the outcome they are aiming
for with a product that truly
appeals to the consumer.

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