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Name : Dody Penalosa Manurung
Nickname : Dody
Place and Date of Birth : Jakarta, November 26th , 1993
Address : Perum, laguna regency Blok H2 No.8, Batam
Hobby : Travelling, Singing, Reading.
Email :
Phone : 0852-7067-2884
GPA : 3.26


(2012 - 2017) Institute Technology of Medan ,Geological Engineering Departement

(2008 - 2011) SMAN 01 LAWANG KIDUL, South Sumatera
(2006 - 2008) SMPN 03 TANJUNG ENIM, South Sumatera
(2000 - 2006) SDN 026 TANJUNG ENIM, South Sumatera

TOEFL with score 460


Geology Student Organization ; Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi Toba Institut
Teknologi Medan (Hmtg Toba ITM )
Geology Institute Technology Of Medan Student Chapter Of American Association Of
Petroleum Geologists (Gitmsc Of AAPG)
Geology Student Organization ,Organization Mahasiswa Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia
Institut Teknologi Medan (SM IAGI ITM)

Geological Mapping of the Desa Panggong, Aceh Jaya, Kecamatan Krueng Sabee,
Kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Provinsi Aceh 2015, Main Responsibility : identification lithology
of Mapping Area, Identification Geology Structure, able to determine position on Map
with GPS, Compass, Able to make and explain of geology mapping area.
Assistant In Mineral Optic Laboratory at 2015 2016, Main Responsibility : able to
knowing mineral under microscope polarization belong to indentifying feature of optical,
knowing name of mineral.
Assistant In Petrograph Laboratory at 2016 2017, Main Responsibility : Identification
rock under microscope after sliced, knowing distributing mineral in thin section, able to
knowning distributing ore in thin section. My experience was ever to identification ore in
Lecturer Project.
Final Project in PT.BA ( Bukit Asam ) Persero, Tbk. From 18 July until 15 September
2016 with title of Final Project Interpretasi Lingkungan Pengendapan Batuan Pembawa
Batubara Pada Unit M2 Berdasarkan Stratigrafi Terukur Dan Data Wireline Log Pada
Lokasi Tambang Banko Barat Pit III Timur, di PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk. Unit
Pertambangan,Tanjung Enim, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Field trip in PT. PERTAMINA EP Rantau Field to understanding about geology regional,
to analysisi and determine a reservoir and host rock in location.


AAPG Course Introduction To Reservoir Modelling And Reserves Estimation, by
Galih Wisudhandi Agusetiawan (BP Migas)
AAPG Course Introduction To Reservoir Modelling And Reserves Estimation, by
Setyo Pamungkas (IAGI)
HMTG TOBA ITM And AAPG Course Development Of The Oil And Gas In
Indonesian To Encouraging Student Undergraduate Career, by Ir. Minter Silalahi,
MM (PT. Energi Mega Persada, Tbk)
AAPG Course Basic Geothermal System, Overview Prospect Geothermal Energy In
Indonesia And Prospect Career As A Geoscientist in Geothermal Exploration, by
Herlambang Setyawan, ST (Dirtjen Ebtke)
AAPG Course Basic Fracture Reservoir, by Jeres Rorym Cherdasa (Lundin
AAPG Course Introduction To Shale Gas Formation Evalution, by Naslin Lainda
AAPG Course Structure Geology Analysis And Implication Oil And Gas Industry,
by Hikmadan Gultaf, ST (ETTI)

AAPG Course The Exploration Of Eastern Indonesia (Tangguh Block Papua):

History, Tools And Technology And Integrated Geology &Geophysic (G&G) And
Career, by Leonardus S. Tjahjadi (BP Indonesia)

This Curriculum Vitae is prepared in valid data by my good intention to be used by any
parties needed.

Sincerely Yours,

Dody Penalosa Manurung

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