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Respect Skit

Criteria Achieving Greatness Succeeding Needs Struggling


Understanding Factual information Factual Factual Information is

of Topic is accurate information is information is inaccurate
(x4) Indicates a clear mostly accurate somewhat Presentation is off
understanding of Good accurate topic
topic understanding of Fair
topic understanding of

Presentation Student shows Student shows Student is unsure Portrayal stalls

(x4) confidence some confidence of responsibility Lacks information
Informative Mostly informative Somewhat Audience seems
Entertaining; Engages informative bored
engages audience audience Engages Student mumbles
Student speaks Student can be audience and is unclear
loudly and clearly heard intermittently No use of
Appropriate use of Some use of Student is hard to appropriate body
body language appropriate body hear language
language Little use of
appropriate body

Content Includes ALL of the Includes most of the Includes some of Includes few of the
(x3) following elements following elements the following following elements
are clear to the are clear to the elements are may not be clear to
audience: audience: somewhat clear to the audience:
Characters Characters the audience: Characters
Protagonist Protagonist Characters Protagonist
Antagonist Antagonist Protagonist Antagonist
Dialogue Dialogue Antagonist Dialogue
Problem Problem Dialogue Problem
Solution Solution Problem Solution
Logical Ending Logical Ending Solution Logical Ending
Logical Ending

Script Script has the Script has the Script has the Script has the
(x2) following content: following content: following content: following content:
Each character is Each character is Each character Each character is
assigned lines assigned lines is assigned lines assigned lines
Script has little to Script has some Script has many Script has more
no mechanical mechanical mechanical than 15
errors (1-4) errors (5-10) errors (10-15) mechanical errors
Script shows

Student Name: ________________________________________ Score: ____________________

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