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I. Executive Overview
A. The mission of the Born to Move program is to provide the residents of
Killeen/Fort Hood area with the right resources to increase physical activity in
children and adolescents ages 6 to 19.
1. Born to Move in corporation with ASYMCA will work to use the
available programs currently available with the ASYMCA to increase the
activity in the target audience. The Born to Move program will provide
health professionals to assess the activity levels of the participants,
provide recommendations for those who are not capable to participate in
100%, and to provide caregivers with alterative exercise in situations
where the resources are not available.
2. Born to Move is a program ran by health professionals in conjunction with
medical professionals who provides necessary referrals. Our goal is to
plan, implement, and evaluate a program to improve the community

B. The need for the intervention

1. To assist the priority population ages 6 to 19 to initiate or increase their
physically activity level.
2. Lack of physical activity over time may cause obesity, type 2 diabetes,
energy imbalance, cardiovascular disease, low bone density, and some

C. The reason for this intervention is to meet the CDC recommendation of at least 60
minutes of physical activity for those ages 6 to 19. Currently only 21.6% of the
population at risk meets the requirement.1
1. Objectives
a. Primary Objective: To provide a list of simple activities that those
ages 6 to 19 may complete or achieve at least 60 minutes per day
of physical activity to prevent illness such as cancer, obesity, low
bone density. The plan is to enhance their health literacy through
print media (fliers, brochures, etc.).
b. Secondary Objective: To increase the physical activity in the target
audience through participating in a cardio event to improve their
cardiorespiratory health. The plan will use the self-efficacy
approach through printed and social media.
2. The project will lay out the different programs available through the
ASYMCA and how the Born to Move program will marry the two to
create a user-friendly project that leaves little to interpretation.
3. Outcome
a. In six months, increase the knowledge of 80% of children and
adolescents age 6 to 19 of how simple it to be physically active.
b. Increase physical activity in children and adolescents age 6 to 19
by 50% by the end of 2018.
II. The Customers (Market Review)
A. Making Health Communication Programs Work
1. Behavioral introduce recreational activities to provide options to the
participants, currently there are numerous competitive sporting events,
running events (10k, 5k, 3k, etc.), neighborhood watch program that will
be a conduit to spread the information and the same outlet can be used to
organize groups to motivate each other to be more active.
2. Cultural provide material in both English and Spanish to reflect the
target audience, have programs that accommodates the single and working
family household which mirrors the current family structure, incorporate
fun activities for the entire community such as color runs.
3. Demographic this community consist of 50% of veterans with an
average income of $57,000, a majority of the population have some
college, with 59% white collar employees and 41% blue collar.2
4. Physical the average age in the community is 40, men out numbers
women by less than 100. The risk of obesity in minimal, about 2% with a
disorder or illness, and with a healthcare participation rate of 92% medical
needs are often addressed without hesitation.2
5. Psychographic an active veteran community who has a good outlook on
life, self-image is important to maintain their life as Soldiers. The
community has strong beliefs, values, and personal traits, one area of
improvement is to increase the physical activity in youth.

B. Secondary target audience 18 years and older, only 21.7% meets the CDC
guidelines for physical activity for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity
and 51.7% for aerobic activity.3 Born to Move intends to recommend family
participating when possible and coordinate activities reflective of their work
schedule to increase participation.

III. The Product (Product Review)

A. Who we are
1. The Born to Move in partnership with ASYMCA addresses the
importance of physical activity focusing on children and adolescence.
2. The two entities provide separates services but works together to
facilitate the entire program. Born to Move provides health educators
and professionals to educate the audience on the program. While
ASYMCA provides a venue which already has the facilities and
programs in place for the audience to use.
3. The Born to Move and ASYMCA compared to other products such as
Lions Club, Kidz Zone, and the Active Youth Club provides
education and guidance. The listed competitors provide a facility
with equipment for participants with no oversight, while our
partnership has educators to ensure the proper use of the equipment,
guidance on alternate events for those with limitations, education of
the importance of your heard work, along with follow-up and
feedback to improve productivity.
D. The program is unique compare to others because of the feedback provided to
assess progress. The program has a website independent to the ASYMCA
website with resources aimed to improve current behaviors. The program health
educators are available for questions and concerns.

IV. Strategies
C. Position
1. Imaging: The number one goal of Born to Move is the health of
children and adolescents ages 6 to 19.
2. Distinctiveness: The program provides support to families through
access to health educators and dependable resources.
D. Product
1. Features: The ASYMCA provides access to a before and after school
program, camps (summer, winter, spring break), swim classes,
basketball, racquetball, dodgeball, spinning, and an outdoor path for
running, walking, and biking. They also provide tutoring therefore
school performance is not affected by physical activity. With having
health educators at their disposal, parents can address their concerns.
2. Necessity: The above features are important to the target audience by
providing options and activities outside competitive sports. These
features meet the need of the target audience by providing resources
that removes the restrictions on becoming or improve physical
E. Price
Price: Access to the Born to Move health educators is free of cost.
Joining the ASYMCA is free, $10-15 monthly due for the target
audience and $75 for the before and after school care.4
2. Value: The cost of ones health is priceless. Families often cannot
afford added costs of monthly dues nonetheless it is worth the safe
environment that the children will have but if it is not feasible the
Born to Move program is free of cost and the ASYMCA makes
exceptions on a case by case basis.
F. Promotion
1. Selling points: Good health is important and takes commitment.
Born to Move will provide the target audience with convenient
resources (assessment, health education, facilities). Our program will
create a safe and healthy options to include all family members with
or without limitations.
2. Promotional places (Channels): Information on our program can be
found at,, the
advertisement section of the Killeen Herald,,
and bulletin boards in the local schools.
V. Budget

A. Cost projection:

Items Budget Actual cost

Computers $5,000 $4,975
Software $500 $500
Stationary (paper, pen, $1,000 $978
clip boards, ink, etc.)
Printers $1,000 $900
Desks $2,000 $1,520
Chairs $3,200 $3,000
Shelves $2,400 $2,100
Media relation cost $2,000 $1,950
(posters, brochures,
newspaper ads,
Health educators n/a n/a
Medical professionals n/a n/a

B. The program will not require as much as it would as a standalone organization.

Born to Move provides the administrative portion while ASYMCA provides the
structure and resources. The program will raise funds to help offset the cost of
membership and assist with equipment (ball, nets, racquets, etc.) replacement.

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