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The power sources which we use may not be able to provide us constant voltage. This
may affect the proper functioning of the eletronic device. Zenerdiode is a special
type of diode having a sharp cut off voltage during reverse biasing. At cut off
voltage it conducts to large values of current, but voltage remains at constant
values. Even the input voltage varies or the external load varies, the output
voltage remains at a steady value. Such Zenerdiode voltage regulators are used
mainly in voltage stabilizers, T.V's etc.
In general, electronic circuits uses tubes or transistors for a source of d.c.
power. In pracitce, d.c power for electronic circuits is most conveniently obtained
from commericial a.c lines by using rectifier filter system called a d.c power
An ordinary or unregulated d.c power supply contains a rectifier and a filter
circuit. The output from rectifier is a pulsating d.c. These pulsations are due to
the presence of a.c. component in the rectifier output. The filter circuit removes
the a.c. component so that steady d.c voltage is obtained across the load
A rheostat is an electrical component that has an adjustable resistance. It is a
type of potentiometer that has two terminals instead of three. The two main types
of rheostat are the rotary and slider. The symbol for a rheostat is a resistor
symbol with an arrow diagonally across it. Rheostats are used in many different
applications from light dimmers to the motor controllers in large industrial

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