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1. Fill in the blanks

a. Donkey, elephant, camel which carry load should be given ................................ type of food.

b. Carnivorous animals eat .......................................

c. All the animals depend on ................................... for food either directly or indirectly.

d. A .......................... traps small insects in its web.

e. The mouth parts of various animals are modified according to the type of food they ...............................

f. We need food reo remain .................................

g. Food gives us all the ........................ we need to do daily work.

h. Animals obtained food from their ........................................

i. Plant eating animals are called .......................................

j. Flesh eating animals are called ................................

k. Animals that eat both plants and animals are called ..............................................

l. The flesh eating animals depend indirectly on ............................ for their food.

m. Birds directly ................................ their food whole.

n. Elephant uses their ....................... to tear off grass and branches and put it in their mouth.

o. Carnivorous eat their food by ............................... and chewing.

p. Frogs shoot out their ....................................... to catch food.

q. Butterflies suck ............................................... from flowers.

r. Egg laying animals should be given ...................................... foods.

s. All animals depend directly or indirectly on ....................... for food.

t. Animals which eat both plants and animals are called .....................................

u. .................................. nibble their food.

v. A mosquito sucks blood using its .................................... .

w. Crocodiles have large, .................................. teeth.

x. Carnivorous have sharp ............................. and curved teeth.

y. Mosquitoes and Butterflies use its long tube like structure which is called ........................ to suck blood

and nectars of flowers.

2. Write true or false:

a. A lizard uses its loan and sticky tongue to catch insects.

b. All animals have same ways of eating food.

c. Crocodiles and alligators have large mouth.

d. Veterinarian is a doctor who treats disease and injuries of animals.

e. A butterfly uses the proboscis to suck blood.

f. Mice and rabbits lap liquids like water and milk with their tongue.
3. Write the name of animal who has it?

a. Broad and sharp front teeth. .............................................................

b. Sharp, pointed and curved front teeth . .............................................................

c. Long tube to drink nectar. .............................................................

d. Needle like pipe to drink blood. ............................................................

e. Sharp and strong front teeth. ............................................................

f. Small teeth for grabbing the food to help them to swallow their whole food. .................................

g. Have broad, flat and sharp front teeth to cut their food. .............................................................

h. Animal first swallow their food and later bring back the food into their mouth and chew it slowly.


I. Having large grinding teeth to chew and grind their food. ............................................................

j. Having large, sharp pointed teeth to grab animals . ............................................................

k. Having long and sticky tongue. ............................................................

4. Complete the food chains:

a. ....................... caterpillar birds.

b. Plants ...................... dear

c. Grain ........................ Humans

d. ....................... fishhumans

e. Insects.................... snake

5. Define the following

a. Herbivore:




b. Carnivore:




c. Omnivore:



d. Proboscis:




e. Veterinarian:




f. Chewing the cud:




6. Name two animals which

a. Swallow their food ................................................... .....................................................

b. Tear, Grind, Chew ................................................... .....................................................

c. Nibble the food ................................................... .....................................................

d. Lap the food ................................................... .....................................................

e. Chewing the cud ................................................... .....................................................

f. Suck the food ................................................... .....................................................

g. Beast of burden ................................................... .....................................................

7. Write the answer of the following questions:

a. Give two example to show the different ways in which animals use their legs to move.



b. A mosquito does not have teeth then how does it bite us?




c. You are walking to school with your friend, you hear a puppy cry. The puppy is crying because some boys

are hitting it with a stick. Then what will you do in this case.




d. Cockroaches generally live in kitchen where they get food. They spread diseases. If you see cockroaches

in your kitchen. What you will do in this case.




e. What difficulties a tiger will face if he has a toothache?




f. What is difference between proboscis and a straw that you drink liquids with.




g. Why do birds swallow some stones?




h. Why do cats have a rough tongue?



i. The teeth of lizards and snakes are not useful for chewing. Can you tell how do they eat?




j. On what basis are animals classified into three groups.




k. What kind of food should be given to animals like horses and donkeys why?




l. Why does a cat lick its own fur?




m. Why do dogs bark at us when we tease them?




n. Are animals needed on earth along with human beings? Justify you answer.




o. How can we take care of domestic animals?




p. Why do animals need food?




q. How does a snake swallow an animal which is larger than its mouth.



r. What type of teeth do carnivores have?




s. Describe the feeding habits of a cow.




t. What do elephants eat?




u. What food should be given to beast of burden?




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