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Journal of Medical Genetics (1971). 8, 37.

Though phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare con- fancy or by the screening of sibs of known cases.
dition, it is one of the few causes of mental retarda- With the introduction of screening on blood samples,
tion for which medical treatment is available. There the net has been widened further.
are, however, those who doubt this statement, claim- Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. It is
ing that the evidence for it is not proven and sug- mainly metabolized to tyrosine but catabolism also
gesting that actual harm may be done by a low occurs to phenylpyruvic acid and subsequent con-
phenylalanine diet (Bessman, 1966; Birch and version to other metabolites. Carpenter, Auerbach,
Tizard, 1967). and DiGeorge (1968) have discussed five enzymes
Much of the confusion has arisen, firstly, from a which may be involved in the production of hyper-
failure to realize that hyperphenylalaninaemia can phenylalaninaemia. These include phenylalanine
arise in a variety of ways and PKU of the type de- hydroxylase, dihydropteridine reductase, phenyl-
tected by Phenistix is only one of these. Secondly, alanine transaminase, tyrosine transaminase, and
the quality of the dietary and biochemical care has p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid oxidase. The in-
not been uniformly good, and, thirdly, the diet has hibiting effect of raised metabolites on one or more
been stated at a variety of ages, often when marked of these enzymatic mechanisms must also be con-
brain damage has already occurred. sidered.
During the past few years it has become apparent In PKU of the kind recognized for a number of
that the Phenistix test on urine for the detection of years now, there was a rapid rise in phenylalanine
classical PKU is unsatisfactory. In October 1968 levels in the blood to high values, increased meta-
the Medical Research Council Working Party on bolites in the urine, and the development of severe
Phenylketonuria reviewed some mass screening mental retardation. In a few such patients direct
procedures and considered that the Guthrie test on measurement of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity
blood (Guthrie, 1961) would be a suitable procedure in the liver has shown a deficiency (Justice, O'Flynn,
though it was hoped that its introduction would not and Hsia, 1967). Before the development of any
be a deterrent to the continued use and further study dietary treatment almost all cases of PKU must have
of other screening tests. As a result of this report been of this type (classical PKU).
the Department of Health and Social Security However, from screening techniques dependent
recommended in HM (69) 72 that Phenistix testing on the detection of phenylalanine in blood, patients
of infants should be replaced by the Guthrie test on have been discovered with smaller increases in
blood. Since the Phenistix test does not become phenylalanine than seen in classical PKU. One
positive until significant quantities of phenyl- group may be considered to have atypical PKU;
alanine metabolites are present in urine, the method during the neonatal period the plasma phenyl-
only detected those children who had high phenyl- alanine level rises more slowly and levels off below
alanine levels in the blood and large quantities of 30 mg./100 inl. Metabolites such as phenylpyruvic
metabolites in the urine. With the introduction of acid are present in smaller amounts, and these
screening tests which detect raised levels of phenyl- children can tolerate larger amounts of phenyl-
alanine in blood (this includes the Guthrie test), alanine in their diet than those with classical PKU
greater numbers of children give a positive result (Carpenter et al., 1968). Loading such patients
and diagnosis has become increasingly complex. with phenylalanine does not differentiate
Historically, the way in which PKU has been from those with classical PKU, and few directthem esti-
diagnosed has therefore undergone marked changes. mations of liver enzymes have been performed.
Originally patients were found by screening popula- Whether or not children of this type should really be
tions of retarded patients in mental institutions. treated with a low phenylalanine diet is not really
Later, some patients were still found in this way, but known. In a further group of patients the phenyl-
others were found by routine urine testing in in- alanine level lies between 5 and 20 mg./100 ml.
38 Barbara E. Clayton
plasma. There is no absolutely reliable evidence ture instead of a hydrolysate has been used with
on which to base a decision as to whether diet considerable success (Bentovim et al., 1970); it
should or should not be used, but probably this allowed the inclusion in the diet of greater amounts
clinical situation is harmless (Carpenter et al., 1968). of phenylalanine-free foods, and was more palatable
High levels of phenylalanine may occur without and readily accepted. As a result food problems
excess phenylpyruvic acid in the urine. These were greatly reduced.
findings are associated with a high intake of protein The treatment given to children with PKU has
and are corrected when the intake is reduced. It is been of a variable standard. The diet is un-
thought that the condition arises from an abnor- doubtedly difficult, particularly since phenylala-
mality in the phenylalanine transaminating system nine is an essential amino acid. Extremely
(Auerbach, DiGeorge, and Carpenter, 1967). worrying side effects have been observed including
Occasionally an infant is born with delayed matura- anaemia (Royston and Parry, 1962), retardation of
tion of the enzymes necessary for the catabolism of growth (Fisch, Gravem, and Feinberg, 1966),
phenylalanine. Such an infant presents all the severe protein deficiency (Pitt, 1967), and even death
biochemical features of PKU but on treatment he (Dodge et al., 1959). There is evidence too that
requires increasing amounts of phenylalanine to early infantile undernutrition can be detrimental to
maintain a normal level in the blood. Such patients intellectual development (Davison and Dobbing,
eventually grow out of the condition completely 1966). The use of the diet is, however, compatible
(Moncrieff and Wilkinson, 1961; Stephenson and with healthy physical growth, and the fact that in
McBean, 1967). some children treatment has been poor is no reason
About a quarter of infants of low birthweight and for condemning it.
some full-term ones show raised tyrosine levels of up Where the care of a child with PKU has been
to 20 mg./100 ml. plasma (British Medical Journal, good from the early weeks of life adequate intel-
1968). It is quite usual to find associated raised lectual development takes place (Clayton, Moncrieff,
levels of phenylalanine up to about 15 mg./100 ml. and Roberts, 1967; Baumeister, 1967; Fuller and
It is thought that the raised tyrosine or parahydroxy- Shuman, 1969; Hudson, Mordaunt, and Leahy,
phenylpyruvic acid inhibits the phenylalanine 1970). Though the mean intelligence quotient of
hydroxylating system. these early treated patients tends to lie about 10
The cause of mental retardation in PKU is far points below that of the normal population, they
from understood. There is incomplete myelina- are educable at normal schools and differ strikingly
tion of the central nervous system (e.g. Malamud, from most untreated or late-treated PKU children
1966), and Menkes (1968) has suggested that there whose mean intelligence quotient is about 50.
may be decreased synthesis of myelin. Certainly, For good results these children should be treated
animal experiments indicate that high doses of in centres where there is a team comprising not
phenylalanine early in life can cause marked only the paediatrician but a dietitian, biochemist,
changes in the composition of the brain (Agrawal, psychiatrist, and psychologist. In this way the
Bone, and Davison, 1969; Chase and O'Brien, staff gain experience in caring for these children,
1970). In addition, phenylalanine and its meta- laboratory facilities can be geared to their needs,
bolites inhibit the transport and concentration of and proper dietary supervision can be provided.
other amino acids in liver and brain, and they inter- Where a dietitian looks after numbers of these
fere with the activity of enzymes involved in the children she can provide the recipes and domestic
metabolism of amino acids (Neame, 1961; Tashian, 'know-how' so essential for the mothers. How to
1961). bake a low phenylalanine birthday cake is just as
In the dietary treatment, the aim has been to important as accurate phenylalanine levels or
maintain the plasma phenylalanine levels at or clinical care! In my experience the single PKU
slightly above the normal range. In the diet patient at a hospital does not in general get this type
natural protein is largely replaced by artificial pre- of care, and it is in this situation that disastrous
parations low in phenylalanine. These are generally effects of poor diet are liable to occur.
commercial preparations containing protein hydro- It is already known that the offspring of phenyl-
lysate, and they have an unpleasant taste and are ketonuric mothers not on diet show a variety of
often bulky. Their actual phenylalanine content abnormalities including defective growth, convul-
varies according to the preparation used, and with sions, microcephaly, and congenital heart defects.
some of them it can be difficult to lower the plasma The literature on this has been reviewed recently
phenylalanine level and yet provide sufficient (Yu and O'Halloran, 1970), and no less than 65 of 68
nitrogen intake. Recently a pure amino acid mix- offspring were mentally retarded. These children
Phenylketonuria 39
did not have PKU but had been damaged in utero by ing. With increasing knowledge and awareness
circulating metabolites. In due course treated of the problems still posed, the future looks hopeful.
PKU mothers of normal intelligence will become
pregnant, and this poses a new problem. The BARBARA E. CLAYTON,
reintroduction of a low phenylalanine diet during The Hospital for Sick Children,
pregnancy is essential but presents considerable Great Ormond Street,
difficulties. It is unpalatable and, since there is London W.C.1.
much that is poorly understood about dietary re-
strictions in pregnancy and amino acids are actively
transported across the placenta, severe maternal REFERENCES
dietary restrictions may be necessary. In addition, Agrawal, H. C., Bone, A. H., and Davison, A. N. (1969). Inhibition
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112, 27P.
conception. Information is sparse, though Allan Allan, J. D. and Brown, J. K. (1968). Maternal phenylketonuria
and Brown (1968) have described the successful use and foetal brain damage. An attempt at prevention by dietary
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bolism, p. 14. Ed. by K. S. Holt and V. P. Coffey. Livingstone,
treated patients are now in their teens. Some Edinburgh.
thought must be given to the way their care will be Auerbach, V. H., DiGeorge, A. M., and Carpenter, G. G. (1967).
Variations in hyperphenylalanmemia. In Amino Acid Metabolism
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neither the experience nor facilities for providing New York.
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the mother. 338.
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intellectual deterioration can be prevented, pro- British Medical Journal (1968). Disorders of tyrosone metabolism.
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vided the diet is begun early. Their experience is Carpenter, G. G., Auerbach, V. H., and DiGeorge, A. M. (1968),
such that it would be unethical to conduct a ran- Phenylalaninemia. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 15, 313-
domized clinical trial of diet at this late stage. It 323.
Chase, H. P. and O'Brien, D. (1970). Effect of excess phenylalanine
may be that some hyperphenylalaninaemias are be- and of other amino acids on brain development in the infant rat.
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diagnostic criteria this may be avoided in the future. treatment of phenylketonuria: a follow-up study. British Medical
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this stage: what plasma phenylalanine level should Davison, A. N. and Dobbing, J. (1966). Myelination as a vulnerable
period in brain dev elopment. British Medical Bulletin, 22,40-44.
he try to maintain with diet and when can the diet Department of Health and Social Security (1969). Screening for
be stopped ? early detection of phenylketonuria. (H.M. (69) 72). London.
Dodge, P. R., Mancall, E. L., Crawford, J. D., Knapp, J., and Paine,
In the light of past experience it is to be hoped R. S. (1959). Hypoglycemia complicating treatment of phenyl-
that trials will be organized for metabolic disorders ketonuria with a phenylalanine-deficient diet. New England
other than PKU now being recognized more fre- journal of Medicine, 260, 1104-1111.
Fisch, R. O., Gravem, H. J., and Feinberg, S. B. (1966). Growth
quently as a result of new screening procedures. In and bone characteristics of phenylketonurics. American journal
of Diseases of Children, 112, 3-10.
histidinaemia for example no less than half the sub- Fuller, R. N. and Shuman, J. B. (1969). Phenylketonuria and intelli-
jects with the biochemical stigmata are mentally gence: trimodal response to dietary treatment. Nature (London),
221, 639-642.
normal. In addition, within one family apparently Guthrie, R. (1961). Blood screening for phenylketonuria. journal
identical biochemical findings may be associated of the American Medical Association, 178, 863.
with normal intellect in one sib and severe mental Hudson, F. P., Mordaunt, V. L., and Leahy, I. (1970). Evaluation
of treatment begun in first three months of life in 184 cases of
subnormality in another. The indiscriminate use phenylketonuria. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 45, 5-12.
of diet in every infant with a raised level of histidine Justice, P., O'Flynn, M. E., and Hsia, D. Y. Y. (1967). Phenyl-
in the plasma is therefore to be deprecated, and it is alanine-hydroxylase activity in hyperphenylalaninaemia. Lancet,
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difficult to see how the problem can be solved Malamud,N. (1966). Neuropathologyofphenylketonuria. Journal
with either a randomized clinical trial or very careful of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 25, 254-268.
Medical Research Council Working Party on Phenylketonutia (1968).
follow-up of untreated infants. Present status of different mass screening procedures for phenyl-
In spite of all the difficulties, the results for well- ketonuria. British MedicalJournal, 4, 7-13.
treated PKU patients in Britain are most encourag- Menkes, J. H. (1968). Cerebral proteolipids in phenylketonuria.
Neurology, 18, 1003-1008.
40 Barbara E. Clayton
Moncrieff, A. and Wilkinson, R. H. (1961). Further experiences in Stephenson, J. B. P. and McBean, M. S. (1967). Diagnosis of
the treatment of phenylketonuria. British Medical Journal, 1, phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency, tem-
763-767. porary and permanent). British Medical_Journal, 3, 579-581.
Neame, K. D. (1961). Phenylalanine as inhibitor of transport of Tashian, R. E. (1961). Inhibition of brain glutamic acid decar-
amino-acids in brain. Nature (London), 192, 173-174. boxylase by phenylalanine, valine, and leucine derivatives: a
Pitt, D. (1967). Phenylalanine maintenance in phenylketonuria. suggestion concerning the etiology of the neurological defect in
Australian PaediatricJournal, 3, 161-163. phenylketonuria and branched-chain ketonuria. Metabolism, 10,
Royston, N. J. W. and Parry, T. E. (1962). Megaloblastic anaemia 393-402.
complicating dietary treatment of phenylketonuria in infancy. Yu, J. S. and O'Halloran, M. T. (1970). Children of mothers with
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 37, 430-435. phenylketonuria. Lancet, 1, 210-212.

Annotation: Genetics of Immunity Deficiency, Syn-
dromes, by Kay, December 1970, Vol. 7, p. 310, in the
section discussing IgA deficiency, column 2, lines 29-31
should read
... the anology of fetal haemoglobulin formation in
trisomy-D (Patau's syndrome). However in trisomy-E
(Edwards' syndrome) immunological abnormalities have
not been . . .

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