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Guesstimates Basic Data

S.No INDICATOR Name Value Year of Survey

1 GDP of India 2.1 Tn USD(2016) 2015
2 Population of India ~1.3 Bn
3 Rural ~.88 Bn
4 Urban ~.43 Bn
5 Population -Delhi ~18 Mn
6 Population- Kolkata ~5 Mn
7 Population- Chennai ~8 Mn
8 Population- Mumbai ~20 Mn
9 Population- Banglaore ~11 Mn
10 Area-Delhi ~1500Km2
11 Area- Kolkata ~185 Km2
12 Area- Chennai ~426 Km2
13 Area- Mumbai ~603 Km 2
14 Area- Bangalore ~750 Km2
15 Average Family Size India ~5 (4.8)
16 Sex Ratio- India 943 2011
17 Sex Ratio - Urban 926 2011
18 Sex Ratio - Rural 947 2011
19 Mobile Pentration ~1.1Bn 2016
20 No. Of zeroes - 1 Trillion 12
21 Number Of Zeroes-1 Billion 9
22 Number of Zeroes- 1 Million 6
23 Number Of Zeroes-1 crore 7
24 No. Of vehicles/ 1000 people in India 18
25 Estimated employed population 42 crores 2015

Sources - Census 2011,

Demographics India Population by income
Age Group Percentage population Year of Survey Income Range
0-15 28.50% 2011 Above 17 Lakh
15-24 18.1 2011 3.4 -17
25-54 41 2011 1.5-3.4
55-64 7 2011 Below 1.5
above 65 6 2011
Population by income
Population (Mn) Year of Survey
359 2010

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