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cneencasTsserus @ WI sisal Product Data ‘it 5477 Description: High Alumina, Low Sica Castabe for Severe Abrasion Features: Fine grained + Outstancing abrasion resistance rom dust erosion, rubbing, and heavy impact, + High temperature resistance for hydrogen servi. Uses: + Lining areas subjected to rubbing, gindng, or high-veocty,dustladen gases + Fiygrogen transfer ines and secondary ammonia reformer linings, «High temperature burner blocks and high temperature thermal combustors. + Waste heat bol tgh temperature bol inlets + Upper case sections of copper and iron vertical channe! induction unis (Chemical Analysis: Approximate (Calined Basis) Sica (SiO2) 0.2% ‘Alumina (8:03) 94.1% Iron Onde (e205) 0.2% Titania (T02) 0.1% Lime (C20) 5.1% Magnesia (MgO) 0.1% ‘Alkales (NaO#K:0) 0.2% Physical Data (Typical) Vibration Cast Maximum Senice Temperature 3400°F (1870°C) Material Required 168 ft (2.69 gion?) Bulk Density To (ole?) Atos 20°F (105°C) 169 to 175 2.71 0280) After 1500°F (815°C) 460 to 168 (2.56 to 269) Modulus of Rupture Tin? (MPa) ‘iter 220°F (105°C) 4.400 @.7) ‘Aer 1500°F (815°C) 4,750 (121) ‘After 2000°F (1085°C) 960 (6.8) After 2500°F (1370°C) 41510 (104) (Cold Crushing Strength Tin? (MPa) Afr 220°F (105°C) 7,000 to 18,000 (48.3 to 124.1) After 1500°F (815°C) 7,000 to 11,000 (48.3 758) Aer 2000°F(1095°C) 7,920 (54.8) ‘After 2500°F (1970°C) - 9.830 (67.8) Permanent Linear Chenge ‘After 20°F (105°C) None ‘After 1500°F (815°C) 0.0t0-0.2% ‘After 2000°F (1095°C) 404% ‘After 2500°F(1370°C) 06% After 2900°F(1595°C) 07% After 3200°F (1760°C) 05% ‘Abrasion Loss| ‘Alter 1500°F (815°C) < 12000 Page of? GREENCAST®-94 PLUS RY HUWI baitisonweter Product Data ‘Thermal Conductivity Buin Jor-2:°F (WiC) ‘AL A00°F (205°C) 306 (4.41) At BO0"F (425°C) 21.1 (3.04) ‘At 1200°F (650°C) 16.3 (235) ‘At 1800°F (870°C) 14.4 (203) ‘At 2000°F (195°C) 136 (1.98) ‘AL 2400°F (1315°C) 1452.09) Note: The test data shown are based on average results on production samples and are subject fo normal variation on indvdual tests. The test data cannot be taken as establishing minimum or maximum specication purposes. ASTM test procedures used when applicable Hiking and Using nfrmaton (Water calculated at 8337 bigalon) ‘Sb ibbag 1000 bbe “S001 bag ‘Water Required—Vibration Casting (Weight 8.3%) Pounds 48 830 1245 Gallons 08 100 49 Liters 24 378 584 ‘eter Required—Hand Casing (Weight 9.1%) Pounds 50 sto 1965 Gallons 08 109 164 Liters: 23 412 619 Working Time Brinutes For detaed ming and using instructions, contac your HW representative or vst wn HeatupDyout Schedule See HWI Dyout Schedule PLUS Rated Castabes and Gunning Castables Insalaton Guidelines See HW instalation Guldeines CC-1—Conventonal Castables Standard ‘Shot Life (Under Proper Storage Contions) 365 days Page2ot2

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