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Critical Play Radical Game Design Mary Flanagan ‘The MIT Press. Cambridge, Masses Londo, Egand Ia BOARD GAMES nope pce cet. Therefone fe ale wit oenraag ce py_ iy tn wh ie vr rom win net ané iia ange wae ape sd whats posible when plays ply: Designers can sei dag toler ope the posi of deren langage Thi dirt agunge mas bea vil ng aire therelancein te Wet on sl xk (Ss gn, honogp ony thas morenterengy be suas ngs poe the Sel pn ened demons. Chess hani-tand combat oe wo bins Ande Beton, Pre Re Le dm) Some ofthe erie eridenes of human pay can be found in the Bord gates uncor- tien ancient burial grounds or deed in ancien ravings and casings. nial, | oly bee a large prof le, the ling cs june in pay a wall ad ‘ore gun se for ing and parc ved. here bone wee made of hoy iene and other precious meri Laer thes iting igus fhe Inderal revlon enable th ge ayo dg we ow ty sly ge boars port oa deer ot ony bec they src cll nosso given ne bt ls bean tc ay ers contin wo inenc eoncemporsy design, Clsenaily an Benn age tht ply words bec the mage cle of gre defines is pace aed mae pratt the tein of ge vlantry By eamvention» gue met ln the range of nl plier ned oak in. Pay leo oars eli wat sce sd wha lent ‘lj wil be iver. “Within ei nied to-eporal we he plier ean stuads hinself oe proces, ating wisoa eleonssitenes” Fro the xt fiesta ams have ingot Huns“ wel arlene of Bouse and chance nthe die. ‘eben! gues embody indamenc direc in piso Go ad hes, ‘cmp ae seat gre at Fare pfs inant, Ak ifornavion consti the aye ofthe ganesh ae ord ‘eal tines May man seat srg ge fe nls payers mote pecs on the board renting 2 eof engong pores for ehe yer thwart, The eae ama 1 board games, however, were Based onan clement of imperfecta ks han complete Infos. Many ganes incorporate chance. Wile we cinnoe delve tthe om plex anes ofthe myriad game formsinexitnee, we sn acetate ache cal fences from prominent examples ie mancl, Go, lca ames an, finaly chose ‘The oldest gums ae found at ste of the worlds ancien ciao, Mesopo smi and Egypt, andin ares now know at Cypeas, Palestine, aq ran ed Jordan “These ates are the origin of group of gues nwa ammo counting, sow. ing, and eapare games Other ames or hese Kinds of gues are ava nae ah, aches, quis bo, and mazar, Pllaagly or min hoes," South Indian version ofthe game? "Manel comes from the Arabic word nap, Iecly “to move” The com- son Ghanian name ose cones from Ti legend tht describes aman and woman playing the game together endlessly. To someday end al of heir aris gate hey mare, hence “wr” which means he or she marti has cong fs Origh rally an ware or mapeats “board cold he crete from depesions inthe earth Laer, stone benches! and bles were carved out. Moves in mencla ae crested 25 the ple selec an ndentason betwee the tw ros of indentations and on by ‘one dtrbuesa collection ofbead, tone, of ses Wile mana seen spe, ‘here are many lbal and regional varasons, and ferent mani rons eras dierent ue for movement cpr, and eben. ‘Game phy in mancala arly syrmetis, meaning tit players we the same smtegy and play by the same eles in Order to win. H. JR, Mutray (1952) and Ress (2000) eaegorze these mancla ypes by deseiing the board the nomber of ros ‘edn the game, and the psticlr cules for capt; fr instance, one may con tinue around the bose, oF sop inte storchouse. The olde Neoleie version of ‘mamela were uneuthed in Jordan, fom he Beidh discovery in 1946 (ing fom appeouinstly 6900 BC). Nearly ao, the Ain Ghaal exeration of 198 dated game board fom appeesintaly 5800 BC* While the bar have subtle varintions| in hei numberof hols, they ae all Blend to be manly games. Anoer cen maneia game wa found in Westen Ten (tag fom approximately 6300- 5900 BC), Relleon argus that thes Finds prove that Nel people had ese time an an ines in games of ehance The Neolithic petiod wis a relutionry ‘ran human erosion, ving which humans bea recognisable Homo sipiens sd developed an agrarian ealtae capable of reting onthe whins of mre and fe, Tatmaneal sje ges involve an action modeled on plating seeds sowing Set ge yeti 1 HE a eh fel soporsthiclain. Maneaa may be dhe most opal aihmetiel gue inthe rr Tn ts simplest orn, without counting the sed" tokens, cean be payed as ime af pure hance. Played along nore compl ines manele pre of tategy {hike chesr nd checks, pomenes “perfec iformation in at al sown pens td open ie btare the peer Manel, in Being such erly evidence of human pay, resembles comempory pe tard by having terres (ener for psy, actions (moving stn), rls (resto on boar umber of ok dissbuted), tokens pecs that represen the player, the player team, or other pes of subject ostons) and feedback (ameuns “elle, Theft hat thee cary ancl Boards were developed snd stoned ‘esis to the sesthete importance of ges and how dhe ply experi has, Fr tho ‘sds of es been inteeviad with asthe ‘ath chonse operons and est pame board were evidenced inthe ancont {nes ofthe Mile Ea. The Bgyptan game of Senet (ure 3.1), ba known a ‘Thin Squares, was discovered in Fie Dynasty combs at Aba Ravash, ca. 3050 BC; ‘ner bors buen even more deonsted and ome: The Roysl Game of Ur, abo [now a Tent Squares i alo bea wth paces on che boned ceding dec- rcv even ithe et ul ane staf mystery. Do che absuae symbols repre seat something abou sine or space? In HJ. Re Murrys & Hitary of Bart Ger (thr son hes (1952) Murray deseribes the Ur gune found ina queen grave dated «4.2600 BC. The board aparently models race and nclade seven pics for exch player nd even teers dice, four of which produce tows with low’ numbers fom zero to four. The gune appears mw provide places or captring an opponents pies, a well ar safe sare where players may avoid their opponents (ee gue Aect sen - MEDEA 5.2, Sq sven ad igh on the ven gure dare thought representa ees orc dass fn ian ayn pe rd ge ‘While Ye Unies resp Roe S ranbaugh bese wo be soo many “fs hs bard Key pyexting be ate Thre pled the Uegme ad fn oo a este eben sad oan Ingest, which ofc woul ld some rer eet ply) sna board ‘fan in Krosson, ret, nd wie Branbugh lane hegre pjd fer 2c end unblingpurpons Muy eter bd neve he UP pore ton suc" Inde earner niece at ning a ono ‘ed wih sgn, ut gubing if consaln nrtvned wh he hist ey ‘beac mene ia cnjnton with he de gue to wich te Roman “Enpaot Canis msi tobe ated Thi gue an php lard ye) wine on Lats ml, ad he ten mented in conjncion wit tas betes board gue" The material of Ran ba rn asl Seo ‘oto ery doendiog on he wh ofthe game owes The Spm ea IentrinLidre sho ected gue eld ho» Raman foro bch In cing the Araki ane of Nr." Ovid essed a aes ot based on wit woud now be date x gener he hy pees of aman gm ee nvr onde igure ny eal uals fergie hound and ictal ares ke ches The Maori gune of Mu Toe sido be at ear generations od, ws orginally pudon a igerayedstrstaped eatine etched int pee of wood or ark. Ply refrain fishion sina the Bris deghs or Arereascechrs. TO hes exch hve for pepe, o pesos who saron the ouside ofthe pins nd amp oro the opp sie. Bet (1917) posed several questions ofthe ame Jad is ngs. Is an orginal game, aot much i known ofits history, if olfeasion on draughts or chckes why wa the ar shape added ro the lay? “The Spiritual Side of Board Games |e he foes of much mantis esentch nthe Ie ent and ear ene Fentress aed to poolarcler ann puto, the rg gine ody of every Uife—here de Cen, Lefebvre and, more ec, Highnore ‘hould be nored—the sadly of games hes lagged behind. Ber gsmes are legitimate forms of medi, human expression, and elrlesportanc, and the ways ges r= fet the morn and elie of her rounding clturess essen understanding Toth games theses andthe nights thay may prove nto human experience In this pyle approach to medi, boar! grnes become one of several aries of| stoi alte eed ote soil paces and belief Game nto and ues en ‘ie characciand a principal play etre an heeft are at aniqe to ges but seals shared asrocs ngeage systems, soil order, ad is of ship a, and ‘Seholss of game history, including Mursy, Brumbaugh, and Austin, have * researched sme ofthe lng ofparcu games. For exsmple, backgammon could fave been nfenced by both the sncen Egypenn ge Senet and Mesopotamian Ur For chon tying to cod ow thee gases fanctoned che rls are race the game pieces ae cif and she documents that reference game play are colected. What fends to be overlaked by sany current scolar af games iste purpose beyond the pasting; nome cats, shor ay Ine sigh ofthe Ft that eran gues were rot ime spstines tl ven ray, the noed and prolife trene-ceneury fame scholaaoids and even tine dsorsges, gue snl connections, voting thac itis difal wo see how he private operations ofthe magcen call he sdoped bythe secalr member of tribe ein dur we must ok elsewhere for dhe ogi of most boardames"* nthe 1970s anthropologists and play scholars Caseennialy and Bennet ot tit gues of chance "ceo ave eneosed from the dvinatry aspect of| Feligous cetemoniai®™ Games of chance and dvnasion were closely aligned for ‘many thopsands of yar fr haan have long soup guidance fom the changeble, ponerfl frees they belived may rule over one detiny al contol the probable ‘ouomes fer hung, wat and sees barvess. Indeed, Carentnay ang Beant srg that divination brings to these who eck ita sense of posi. Fa thermore, "man who engage in dvinaion a consequence els ht his vse project ae more nary able cape withthe posses impinging on his evenly Iifeand sa resale his experience loner wo ply than © worm ‘Ther is evidence tha ancient gums involving chance cen held spc and situalisicimporane. Senet offered board designs fortwo ply and ues incor portg chance. Hounds and Jacl or Fiy-igh Hole, peed in Egypt in he Middle Kingdom roand 2000 BC and const of ewe paral racks of twenty-nine holes semble in groups of ve. x Hounds ad Jal the rack of the two ply fer were mtr independent and the goal wa 2 singly win he ee, not cpa ‘the opponent’ pieces "In lt example of fl-cenrary-BC reron ofthe ae, the board is created from asealeae of hippepotis, pepe Tavee the goes of ‘maternity and childbirth The pices shows, thovgh noc original ffm this boat, ae opped with godheade figures reptesening Anubis and Hors, ender pees, Inston similar t the modern pame of eage” Aoniquics spss have eecostrated the rus ofthe gue by examining ‘other amples of Pify- Bight oles fund in ste om the Dgypean Midle King dam 2040-1782 BOT play this game, ine ite the top of he hippopotamus ‘ein fgre 33, players tea tae ving thei pin-shaped pees forward longa path. Arte al nd ear the sid, wo speci ols reversed th action, seing pices bulova onthe board and two holes ata hallow near the end oe the plier an ‘eden. This chance based bond ame resembles game ke Sefer end Lae in that hanes operations dive iteracon allowing ft to ners in play “The name of he Egeption board ame Sene(3800 BC) might als connote “pte ing” because ie was wo be played daring she journey to the afte The Senet baad (rth is metaphoric ace aguas fs) was designed to involve chance. The amples all eons of rerangular bord of thy squares wth accompanying game piers of lay an ior. To players toss wooden sks vo deteine a mabe, nd then mone ‘heir gume pies around the lng bard na snaking fashion." While Senet s under "stood tobe socel game historcl documents reel strongest tals of Ey ‘an cure. Several ncngs ave been found Un depic Sene player plying alone, far agus sprit opponent, suggesting tha the gue may have ben played ins 1a il forte denen this wy, the game may hae unetined si edu connetng the ving othe netberwora, Historians sch icone note "ha he gum could be played recreational or sealiscealh" Decumetatin rn ‘erlang melanie hrc Wn 1h Book ofthe Dead depict the player navigating what may beimerpeted as vatous "els of death inthe ame Al slong ply had opal and imal elements ‘hewter,dvsaton kind tose histo of te Chine ge Wh Cced Go in Jopn the gue lee to ve eloped rm dacon pa teed by empors od salogr in Zou entre Tete song been ence Sheth Stang Dyoay dr ent-cevendh entry BG) wed ca on re ‘hela adn sina! Bones o pref areal havea weather. Dion teased wih he legendery “Yl River Dag and the "0 Record” mr nr ido an be reve othe mice {Ero Xt won he bucks dgor-bre nd tre" The eens of ee Glogs to a Gobo sing. Aording ge Ntorin Devil ala in is set iyo Bard Game, Go yb eed natn prac fein Ne nd wht stones on bud repent he hemes orca nd here ad interpeting he renting pees" This set ome weigh yh comming oy loved oy the bears wich deel sng soli or geomane rms shen ele Tage or if ener four ones ofthe bonr sree ‘rtd to carnal retin ad some eight specially marked pnts re call Hos, ‘rst. Ching the "Wang You Qing Le Jor Tle Cre andi Pin Cl. ‘ation, 2 Go mama fom he early rel ener, and one ofthe pee det ur viving docment, Fasten nae: "The number ofl things in Nature begins wich ‘one. The points onthe go board umber thee hundred and sy plas one. Ones he firs ofl living numbers I ocepies the pola pot ofthe bone around which he for quarter revolve The ater dre hundred and sy points epeient the amber of daysin (una) year. They are divided infor quarters which represent the Foe “The si fom Shang dyna ding which dvinaon diagrams were popu, 0 de ru dys, when yin and ang and other aio ans were emerging my ane helped shifeannepreesin of he ge from ts ot in ition to econo rar deny a a rv guests, Ifwe stunted cresion of ex bard genes alongside the advent of other types of divination mates, the compan points to 4 Neithe shift in onsiounes {ar agrcaore brought wo much ofthe world or thi generstion of peopl he st was ot oly schnalgial ching fo fod gathering ote sowing end planing of materia but lo an nlc aki, especly in the redefinition of space and time ca his uphewal engendered. Agila planing, the sving of es an ial breeding and domesiation, loa wi the abaracton ofthe hee or ee tocrene calendars demonstrate ne ways of understanding ne Separating hun ng pce in greater pce, the divin of and in fenced eas andthe inven ‘on of plang inription, geomet, nd mathematics made the abstraction of ope ‘highly pried mena pros. Board games appea to manfr he concep sh their fet on relaensips, bk socal and physic by presenting ter na se ritualized form. When encountered on gare bar challenge and competion ae ‘old and eplored within patclry se bound Soto were the antiens af religiows or situa rial, incafing magic, shamanism, and ivinason. Scholars ‘who hare propose this ype of speaach othe inerpreon of aint peoples ond ‘gums include noted anheopologs Gay Rllfion As pe scholr H. J. Murnay has note, was not un the ely ctu AD that European stholors paid mach atenton eo game, and no ul he ties eur tat European weer ean deste games x they were played in thei respective coun In Europe thane aves geetlly dite bak Roman of Celt intoenes* The most signieane genre of hori Europe bon ges tf (abl ume. Vbings considered che succes phy of Tits valableaebute saiention ths35 sue Sagas, An abate ge wth perenne fon no chince, and mkiple—ehagh geerlytwo-plyers, the Old Nore erm Inf noes 3 Ban of ames wal layed ona checkered or cros-shpel oar "Tf teams of uneven suengh and dames of rounding, o ing, the king an hs ary, Often thought of as precursors co ches, ome examples of Tal are the tenh-centry Ballndery gue andthe Brando gums of Teelan, The gue Te borin, om Wales is docomented inlaw a game play resis eight poss onthe ings tom, but steen on te agresor’. Tabet fom Lapland” and Hac in Telind were played acre mach of Nortem Europe wn ches supplant then dhcing the twshcentan” Halal ts fom the fourcenh entry andi men ‘ined inthe lean pom the Gres Saga" The game i rele vo Fidel in Telan, Geyaebwyl in Wales, Fox and Geese in Bin, Geran, aad Franca Sheep and Wolf in Sweden. Bleed to have ben a game invented bythe Cee go ‘gh, crain seudents of Celi culture exphin Feel as + demonstration of how tne negosites the wal brwesn the physic! world andthe spiriual” Mesh there is eidence Cat Tal wat one af the Sex born geme gees imprint enough {ina place within the government and the chur viene thatthe church in Europe had an inert in games pleniial I se, ales, + gue piyed with die, war pay om a hackgnon Board. While Europeans in the Middle Ages were expt by the gene, the church fhe lng god hard ofr play In 1254, St Lous IX of Feeneforinde Ta at our cling “he game “abe ud Ths the bre beowesn govetnment or eligi gros and games is at estas ld ahi venti not mach oer. However, when fc ith the uncontrolled popular of Tsp games in Europe, tbe crc Sally decided to se the game to forthe ts religions message, The cvelfr- ESTY, OR INGRATITUDE, mus rer tohisformer tation and not een shi of pines, mach lest partake of Tewarhope shar den would ake thse princes wo ett and cones whole seme ugh thesia os of competing or potions, projecting thomsen Int situations of gon and ev, and enjoying the company of their pyres and ‘ay In einfosing the igh morl peices oF sine, Mion of Hopes, ie many ler gone, was played wih spinner oe “eescam," 9 9p of tp the rhe spy won nel uy rl mena wy thar dite conveyed (ee igure 510). The “boards,” pulsed in dhe sme manner ewe 3t8 stm of he este ss prin pp ade i lle Trineeing note shat whe Pr Boi pbs Meio ty sn 194 whe the gare vat siya yay sewed the end eee sce ef nae, Patol, Cent Rates, Pore ado Fly and San of Danio, ur has seed he women Dsaein he howe of ect the enred rao of we Pe ing is dpe othe af vie” th 18-1, Mion Bryce th moraine une The Chae eo if, wich Heise tel god ets nd pul ad one: Wire Min of pina red ind es cheney pea Te Cee Gao tts yon any a ing pron vrai sem one abe “lappy OW Ag” wath Gy ie ok 10 pin owe ge: Wey te ena gee pe ‘pice ws vor a i, Peso, Sry Hanes, Hone Clee nd Frc Oe bough pins, nd Matinony ad Tra wee pes Ot at fe Lodges rm he id cde oH Paro hat Dy ‘ety fe cago 0 se pewmenon he oparenns te tae pole Per rater” Te Gaus Pang Dra Se 89) ‘sed pyro puch te mt gop sings oping ip Ainge sant paper playhouses these mass-produced Bard gues were phy ina gras= ar homespun fbi. Phy for cldren catered on the home a: the hese of = ok inoraiy ond ecanomic consumption (Osher eary games wed sil interests aed epi ale in ei desi, Tak fox camp the MeLoughlin Brother’ 1883 game, Bull and Bers: The Gret Wat | Sret Game (Sigur 3.1) As Hofer notes, "By Ue 18805, wealth had emerged a8 the lining laraceristic of sccet in Amesicon games, bin ife™ Payers rok on the rols of specular, bakers, and broke ad che ame incorporated aricaares neo magnates Willa Henry Vandread Jay Goal aswel asthe investor {Crus el, Police carson of the tne lampooned che tree a erique spine ponepliic load polices the prevncd marke competion and esi nationl tos or shipping. ‘While gies inthe United Stas wer feast on moaliy and behvion, many open boar pames recounted felts and historical evens. Encoanes with Car ‘ais or Asters the mychoogial "Wandering Jew," were papa by Chri tins thoughout the Mile Ages and beyond, Accorting oa fl tly his Ancient rine gore ined Jess on his way to the cos, bd became an ioral det + ese rom les Sightings sed to ocar aros Europe, parcels the Milde ‘Age with documented vis om Mecow and every Wenarn European enc ing London’ Byte nineteenth entry mor sightings of the Wandering Jw were ‘sched with de mental il, br the legend became celbrted in okra forms thor Expne Sue wrote bi oun version of the an-Semii ale, Le ai Ent, ich vas serialized in 184-1845 Inher, the Wandering Jew (vhost nae to Mesioral Jews ws ference eo fol) and his ster are bound to protect the Reanepont fly fr if this fly eves the eth, both the Wanderer andi ster villas their nmol: The Jesuits have persecuted te family, whch hs grown {dts members pera o bacon generals Indian pene, wvknan deren ‘Jest sionry in the Americas: Meare, here a lage freane to ke gine lye remaining members of he omy, ad he Jou and sei henchsen ae hid ingal sound, ateropting to aire the funds, Te imo Wandering Jew an his Ste help che fay at rail omens sich when they re about be "saipa”| bythe Nae Americas or hive been sentence wo prison, The sila ara is plenty fcbsacles ad advente while reinforcing orl bss Sues sensational narrative was then pn he arse Jf Eran, ot The Win ving Jew (1887-1883) Aro he gnme board Bure 3.12 players encoun the ‘Wandring Jew and evens rom the vel. This ge sito Ronnd the Woo ges. Inthe Jo Fgereapeaesooking hike seressypicl versions of Moss, with & era Pe The ge Pa er ae ener ea “windswepecape and ong bar He pes like a ghost acces, inthe idle of wae tone, and othe estos whl the vavousnonwanderng eharces lounge sbout a tla French ding rooms. The Wandering Jew so cet epesent the choles tpiemic—sehererer he gor, choles comes n his wake, and this mest have somes ‘hing odo with he desig. ‘Sklar in trac, the French game of ev de lr Rtn, oF The Freed Re- nin Game. 1850), wtition onthe wallow Je de PO, he French er sion of SalesLadder. The players move slong path made of vsares and mone ahead sing die thown alcratively by each player (gure 3.13. The fst payer to rea the end ofthe pa she winner, onthe way, if lye ans on the “al” ‘are, he she mas wt there uni another pyr al eplacig he player In Pardee Revit end ofthe pt the National Asser "The use of game design a erique took hold among game designers. though some of ther productions would embarss and fend ences toy. Sty Mar ra the Dak Cosine fr the Bal of Ein Ba (1890) is «board gue ef in ene Cat i se ee Ba: Pa ‘hat dees the journey of Brish-boen Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1508) dova ‘he Congo to Lake Victorian Ace (ute 3.14). Stanley was known asa rthes explorer who eavered Ais looking for ways tope cou illige the consist during is colonial ineuesions The game box depics Stinky with chain of AfScan people rang behind him, caying is bogs, and nchides lying pines representing a white oe lade ing group of lak pores Here the case moa ge o tel game st boot reskined to foster racist bee and jasicaon for colonia. Conemporny jnernlis noted ofthe game “Tnocent fin when i was crested toned with liferentmcanings today But He mos problematic medi remesting rac t= reagpes, inet the game was nt innocent when it was slessed, Sines the ise of etoral board games they have been used to edu and infor, om a patinle usin of viru, ehenngh thee play gare chat Im Bogon a te use pcre sive" in his egard. Games lanl can embel aia nd esr bts unr the ue "i cancun enti ‘ofianocent pian they mas be contin examine fr this wb ender. Tao of, play ted a “loophole for madi, a plac wher ai, sein nd as sim apes inthe hopes sey will be wolrted as less problematic—snee after ll, "esonlagane Hopeflly lok at hese historic examples she ight on presen Ay lesen nace representa in ges. “Te Lonls Game was the fist gue co be grand a US. patent, in 1904, ly Habeth (Lie) Magi,» Quaker woman from Virgina, Mie inverted Te amy Game to proore the soil ideas bein the Single Ta Movement (gre 3.19) Magie war aFllower of pita economist and San Franco ourait Henry George. Distrbal ly poverty a California ina ine of thers economic presper- iy, George wrote a book tied Pages, 9), delrng the Fadameta sine of prey ole al wna ang al land, Cong poe oso sng, high, wifrm tx Be appli raw of developed, The belie ‘ac a eens pte eo ea te hth “Single Ta” would dsoungempsclion, dere fn pies, and thc cevence fo th sre George ponsone hi sen a orm Of “PTE Fy hat wel llow for free ade ad fly td vely competitive marks The (Ge bed on Gcrpespeincipls nd designe by Mage econreged ply nai selon epending on tee Gy or region and beesme auc. Te 1924, Magi broaghe The Landod's Game toa lage conmercl pubes, prterBreters ge company, edn Salen, Masachures But Psker was nim = frosedand thd Magic her game was to complicated, wo educational and wart “TES en. Worse, te game wos ako pola, which w Parker meant high Bk in | fhecommercil mare. Ths, the game vas rece for publxtion- Bt focal the vendre (nthe Midwest, Penoyana and Aine Ci, New Jere at Srtiyealege profesor and dcr stents, and tok on cu flowing dorng dhe {ots and 193s pariah reat tock marke cash of 1922 ‘Chars Brace Drs played the Ate Gy enon, ested his. own version ihn gaps, and by 1934, was seling bis Noed game ae Wanarakers Depa Tren Soc in Philadelphia. sows ate ened Moga is enormous snl to The Landis Gane. Each Dard ofr single pth of fry spaces Each has four rods an two wiles, water and ecie Each offs ene properts whose tates ines Each boar lo ince park pcs, jail spies an "go 0s pace. Dar fled patent on is odifcaion, and sold his gare wo Parker rot tes now under President Robert Daron, Later, Magi tent was also purchased sll or tow pie) to acknowledge hex pie rights. Parker Brothers released th frst version ofthe Moray ame i 1933 By 1935, hala milion copies had so Meola rasewor sees bred sens of sabveson peop ees of is erga ination, Economies profesor Ralph Aspach invented Ant-Man 1914, packaged ina way thar bore tong resemblance ote oii Mong Aas pach hed ef cand the gu sth new langeage. One sac, or exp Inseue ayers 0 “Go Pic Waris ofl Rewriten, the gan’ goal Challenge he concept of monopoly har uri the gue Mapa ced wo id 2 gun which would be rc fan as Menopol int wold show the darkside of monopoles” Anepach enember “Aer sore wens challenged me a my iver Si decd ol the pap by cresting game which sagan monapolis™* “Ani Manel cereres nia conventions. The bat starin ast of manop- ‘ly and ies upc the payers o compe i aye of ee exer to return the [pene hk cme, re rarer ten, When Antoun appear Prior Breter claimed trademark vlan. In 197, he dsc comet raed fiver of Pathe Brothers, and eis of egal reinforcement nd revels conined

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