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Presenting myself

Checking attendance

2 min

Warm up activity:

A word game:

Shark,Pound,One,Restaurant,Thursday- should I write this on the board or not?Will it be confusing to

the students?

1st stage

Open your books on the page no.88:

The title of today's lesson is Are you a sportsman?-write on the board

Ask the Ss: do you play any sports?

What sports do you like?

Do you like PE?

Have you ever played hopscotch,tag or dodge ball- write the words on the blackboard

Do the test individually:

Ask them how many points do they have. Comment the scores. Tell them how important sport is for
the health.

2nd stage

Name me as many sports as you can remember-write the words on the board

Ask them: Which of these are indoor, outdoor, team,fast,dangerous sports?

Look at the page no.89:

First listening- listen to the converaton, try to answer the questions(what sport),tick the right boxes.

Read the questions in the 2nd task

2nd listening:

Put the questions in the order you hear in the conversation

3rd stage

Open your workbooks

The first task is for homework

Now, we'll do the task no.2


The importance of doing sports

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