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SCHOOL: Secondary school .Jezina gimnazija


SUBJECT: English

TEACHING UNIT / LESSON: Unit 2 In the minds eye

STUDENT TEACHER: Ines Grgurinovi

MENTOR: eljka Mimica

LENGTH OF LESSON: 45 minutes

DATE: 11 April 2011

AIM: to improve students language skills and enlarge their vocabulary


- to introduce and practice new vocabulary items

- to develop learners language skills (reading comprehension, speaking, writing)

TEACHING STRATEGIES: explaining, questioning, evaluating

LEARNING ACTIVITIES: reading comprehension, answering questions, guessing, fill-in


TEACHING MATERIALS AND AIDS: blackboard, student teacher created material

STUDENT GROUPINGS: whole-class grouping, individual work


1.1. Housekeeping Estimated time: 2


Greeting the students

Introducing myself

Checking the attendance

2.1. Warm up: the memory test Estimated time: 3


Objective: to arouse learners interest for the new topic


- distribute the materials

- tell the learners to do the test individually

- comment on their results

Aids and materials: created materials


2.1. STAGE 1: Introducing new words Estimated time: 3

Objective: to check learners comprehension and pronunciation of some words


- tell the learners to do the exercise no. 2 with new words by matching adjectives to
their meaning

- check the results

- check if there are any unknown words, write them on the blackboard and explain their

Aids and materials: the created materials, blackboard

2.2. STAGE 2: reading the text Estimated time: 20


Objective: to help learners understand what the text is about, to make them think about the

- ask the learners about their own abilities to remember faces and names

- tell the learners how important is to be more observant

- ask them to skim read the text and to think of a title for it

- discuss the best title

- write their suggestions on the blackboard

- ask them to do the exercise no.4 individually

- check the answers with the class

Aids and materials: the created material, blackboard

2.3. STAGE 3: Further practice of reading skills Estimated time: 8


Objectives: to read the text carefully in order to find specific information


- ask the learners to read out loud the questions in exercise no. 5

- ask the learners to read the text out loud and ,while reading, to find evidence for their

Aids and materials: the created material

2.4. STAGE 4: The brain and perception-extending vocabulary Estimated time: 7


Objective: to revise new vocabulary items


- tell the learners to do the exercise no.6 in pairs

- check the answers with the class

- tell them to make their own sentences with the words from the exercise for homework

Aids and materials: the created material


3.1. Ending the lesson Estimated time: 2 minutes

Objectives; to round up the lesson


- Remind the learners of their homework assignment

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