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2017 Delphi Basics : Case command

Case A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal

1 case Ordinal expression of

Ordinal value {,Ordinal value...} : Statement;
else Statement;
2 type Name = record
Declarations ...
case {Tag :} Ordinal type of
Ordinal value {,Ordinal value...} : (Declarations);

Description Example code : Standard case statement usage

The Case keyword provides a structured equivalent to a var

sequence of if statements on the same variable. colour : TPrimary;
number : Integer;
The Case statement is more elegant, more efficient, and
easier to maintain than multiple if nestings.
Version 2. Is used for Records declarations. It is then called a // Show the colour before it has an assigned value
Variant. It provides a means of mapping two or more differing ShowColour(colour);
sets of declarations onto the same section of the record.
// Now set the colour and try again
It is mostly used when handling different types of dataset for a colour := Green;
record, where the datasets have mostly the same content. See
the example for clarification.

The Tag provides identification of the case element. // Calculations can also be used in the case statement
number := 17;
Case number mod 2 of
Related commands 0 : ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 = 0');
1 : ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 = 1');
Else Starts false section of if, case and try statements else ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 is unknown');
End Keyword that terminates statement blocks end;
If Starts a conditional expression to determine what to end;
do next
Packed Compacts complex data types into minimal storage
Record A structured data type - holding fields of data // Procedure to show the colour of a passed
Then Part of an if statement - starts the true clause procedure TForm1.ShowColour(colour : TPrimary);
// Use a case statement to see the colour of the passed var
Author links // Note how important the else clause is, even though we have
// apparently covered all TPrimary values!
Case colour of
Buy Website Traffic at Red : ShowMessage('The colour is Red');
Green : ShowMessage('The colour is Green');
Buy Proxies at Blue : ShowMessage('The colour is Blue'); Yellow : ShowMessage('The colour is Yellow');
else ShowMessage('The colour is Unknown!');
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The colour is Unknown!

The colour is Green
17 mod 2 is 1

Example code : Case within a record

// Declare a fruit record using case to choose the
// diameter of a round fruit, or length and height ohterwise.
TFruit = record
name : string[20];
Case isRound : Boolean of // Choose how to map the next section
True :
(diameter : Single); // Maps to same storage as length
False :
(length : Single; // Maps to same storage as diameter
width : Single);

apple, banana, fruit : TFruit;

// Set up the apple as round, with appropriate dimensions := 'Apple';
apple.isRound := True;
apple.diameter := 3.2;

// Set up the banana as long, with appropriate dimensions := 'Banana';
banana.isRound := False;
banana.length := 7.65;
banana.width := 1.3; 1/2
26.08.2017 Delphi Basics : Case command

// Show the attributes of the apple

fruit := apple;
if fruit.isRound
then ShowMessage( +' diameter = '+
FloatToStrF(fruit.diameter, ffFixed, 2, 1)+'"')
else ShowMessage( +' length = '+
FloatToStrF(fruit.length, ffFixed, 2, 1)+'" width = '+
FloatToStrF(fruit.width, ffFixed, 2, 1)+'"');

// Show the attributes of the banana

fruit := banana;
if fruit.isRound
then ShowMessage( +' diameter = '+
FloatToStrF(fruit.diameter, ffFixed, 2, 1)+'"')
else ShowMessage( +' length = '+
FloatToStrF(fruit.length, ffFixed, 2, 1)+'" width = '+
FloatToStrF(fruit.width, ffFixed, 2, 1)+'"');
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Apple diameter = 3.2"

Banana length = 7.7" width = 1.3"

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