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Quantum Powers
Mostets. Ppwr~ List -.
Lev.el OnesQuanturn Pow ers.:

thing other than Strength. such as Stamina or a Quan-
tum Bolt (but never quantum points).
Characters cannot absorb more power thi:!n is avail-
able; the Storyteller should. 1f necessary. allow a certaio
number of dots of Strength to a power source to deter-
mmeJtlSI how much power Ii can add to a character. For
example. no matter how much Absorption a nova has.
he should not be allowed to gain more than a single point
of Strength from the power m. For example, a typical
ho1.1sehold appli<ince.
Absorption Extras: Exte11ded Effect (dots of Strength gamed
from Absorption last for a scene}: Energy Magnet {char-
IA!vel: 2 acter with energy Absorption can absorb energy from
QuanbJm MinimUm: I sources al [Q,1antum x 10 meters] range as an attack, if
Dice Pool: Stamina .,. Absorption absorbed from a nonsenl;ent sovrce {such as a fire 01
Range: Self electrical socket], no roll other charr the one to deter-
Area: NIA mine how much power 1s absorbed i5 required: 1T used
Duration: Special on a sentient source. such as another nova, the player
Effect: The nova converts damage or energy mto must roll MampulatJOn -t Absorption to succeed with his
Strength at the rate of one dot per success. to the lirn1t attempt. then roll the normal Stamma + Absorption dice
of the damage done. to detemune how much energy 1s absorbed).
Multiple Actions: No
Description: This powe~ allows lhe nova t.o absorb
damage caused by attacks and convert it mto Strength.
The power works against either energy damage.,(like
Quantum Bolts or fire) or kinetic damage (punches,
knives or bullets); the character must define which phe-
nomenon his Absorption works against when he buys it.
When the nova 1s hil with iJn attack of the type he
can absorb. he may <:hoose to absod> some or all of the
effect. Doing so takes no time. may be applied before or
after the character's normal soak, and the character may
do it even if he has already acted for the lrn ; the char-
acter need not declare he will use Absorption until after
an attack has hit and done damage to him. ach success
rolled on a Stamina + Absorption roll subtracts one health Animal/Plant Mastery
level of damage from the attack; the character must pay Level: 2
one quantum point per health level absorbed. Every lwo Quantum Minimum: 1
health levels of damage are converted into one extra dot Dice Pool: Perception ... Animal/Plant Mastery
of Strength; above five dots of Strength they become Range: Vanable
dots of Mega-Strength. Dots in the power mdicate the Area: Special
maximum dots of extrn StrengU1(or Me9a-Stt.e11gth) the Duration: Special
character c:an gain: the character may still use Absorp- Effect Nova can communicate with and summon
tion to reduce damage rrom attacks. though. animals or plants.
For Example: Jason Mercator has Absorption 4 that Multiple Actions: No
affects energy. I-le is hit with a Quantum Bolt that causes Descriptiott: A nova wHh this power has the ability
Four health levels of damage to him. He decides to ab- to c.ommun1eate with a11imals or plants (she must choose
sorb the damage mstead He rolls Stamina + Absorption, only one when the player buys the power). This cornrnu-
scores six successes and spends four quantum points. nicabon 1s telepathic, but 1f the creatures have the abil-
He absorbs all faw health levels of damage and suffers ity to make noises or communicate 1n other mundane
no m1ury. r urthermore. he now has two extra dots- I or fashions. she c:an understand those as well (though she
Strength He may gam two more dots of Strength be- may not be able to reply, and in any event suc:h, ..lan-
fore he maxes oul. r'
guages" are likely to be crude mdeed).
However. extra dots of Strength gained from Ab- Furthermore, the character can emit a telepathic
sorption don't last forever. They Fade away at the rate call to summon a particular creature (or any creatures
of one pomt per (Quantum power rating) turns. At the withm range) to her side. This c.all has a range equal to
Storyteller's opt10n, Absorbed dots may mcrease some- two kilometers per dot 10 Animal/ Plant Mastery. Any


c:reatures subject to the caU will come to the character plates that cover his body. Usually the form of the pro~
al their best speed; plants, of course, cannot move and tection 1s based on the nature of the character's powers.
will not be able to respond. Once 1n the character's pres- A character who can manipulate ice and cold might be
ence. they will treat her ma friendly fashion and do their covered with a suit of "ice armor," for example. while a
best to respond to her requests, though they am not shapeshtfter might warp his skeleton into stegosaurlike
obligated to take her orders. plates. However. special effects are not required; it's
Plants C8nnol physically uproot themselves; how- possible for the character simply to be more durable than
ever. characters can attempt to animate foliage in the normal and still look the same as always. ln any evenl,
immediate vicinity. For example, trees might club at foes the power is permanent, costs no quanti.1111 points lD
with their branches, while vines might wrap themselves mamtam and can be turned on and off al will.
around the character's enemies. The system for this For each dot of Armor, the character may add three
power is treated as the Animation technique under the to soak bashing and lethal damage. At the Storyteller's
Molecular Manipulation power (p. 212). except that the I option, the player may vary the ratio of the soak. as-
character substitutes her Plant Mastery rating for the signing more to bashing and less to lethal or vice versa.
Molecular Manipulation rating. Extras: 51Jperhc;>.avy Armor (nova can spend three
Animals (or plants. depending on the power) will quantum points to fortify his Am1or for a scene; while so
regard a c:harncter with Animal (or Plant) Mastery as their fortified, the nova's Armor provides four extra soak against
friend and boon c:ompanion until the character does bashing/ lethal a~s. and the difficulty to hit him 1nr.reases
something to prove otherwise. They will not harm her, by one per dot of Armor; howeve.r, he loses three from
and they will seek to prevent others from harming her as Initiative [minimum I]. two from walking speed and frve
well. This power does not enable them to overcome their from running/ sprinting speed. and loses one die from all
basic natures; the Storyteller should feel free lo assign Dexterity-based dice pools [minimum 1])
specific personalities to creatures based upon their na-
tures. For example. lions and tigers mrght seem regal;
poison ivy sarcastic and snide; antelopes nervous and
edgy. However. whatever their 11..atures, they will still try
to help the character. "
Extras: Nat1Jre Mastery (character can exercise
both Animal Mastery and Plant Mastery).

Level: 1
Quantum Minimum; I
Dice Pool: Stamina Biolununescence
Range: Variable
Area: Special
Duration: 10 minutes per success
Armor Effect: Character emits light.
Leve~ 2 Multiple Actions: No
Quantum Minimum: 1 Description: A nova with Bioluminescence can emit
Dice Poot: N/ A visible light. This light is not strong enough to blind other
Range: Self characters. but 1t definitely lielps fight the way through
Area; N/A the dark places. To use it, the character spends one quan-
Duration: Permanent tum point and rolls Stamina T Biofuminescence, allowing
Effect. Character receives+ 3 soak against bashing him to emit a soft glow for about 10 minutes per suc-
and lethal damage per dot in Armor. cess. This light 1s bright enough to read by easily: 1t rnay
Multiple Actions: No make the character look either eerie or angelic (depend~
Description: This power represents a nova who is mg upon the character and his special effects).
more resistant to damage than most. He may have thick. For an additional quantum point. the character can
d1it1nous skin, a glowmg force f1ekl of some kind (nol to project a beam of light like a flashlight. This beam has a
be confused with the power of the same name) or metal


range of l'i meters per success. aod 1t lasts as long as htS useful as anm/ hands The character subtracts one rrom
glow multiple action penalties (so a character taking three
E.xtr.s: Increased Spectrum (nonnal Brolurnmes- multiple actions would ad al -Z..-3 and -4 penalties in-
c.ence 1s only v1s1ble light; with this extra 1t en11ls infra- stead of the Usual -3. -4 and-~) . Tl11s bonus IS applied
red and ultraviolet lighl as well) before any reductions from the Multita5k1ng enhante-
menl (p 169)
Extni Health Levels: (one novt1 point/ three ex-
perience po111ts) l he c.haracter has extra health levels.
perhaps because he has "duplicates" of some or all of
his important organs One nova po1nl buys an e:dra
~Sn.used" health level or two extra "Maimed'" health lev-
Gills: (one nova poml/ three expenence points)
The character has 91rls that allow hun to breathe under-
Spines: (two nova points/ six experience points)
Tl1e character can oxtrnde spikes from his body. or per-
haps his body 1s naturally edged (for example. a 11ovo
Body Modification made ol l1v1n9 uystal) The spmes change the nova's
clinches. holds and tackles to lethal damage and inUtet
Level: NIA an amount ol lethal damage equal to the at tacker s dam-
Quantum l age dtce pool (maximum 10 dice) on anyone conlactlng
Otc.e Pool: NJ A the nova with a Brawl or Martial Am attCKk
Range: SelF Tendril: (one novit poml/ three experience
Ar~ N/A
points) The character can extrude a tentacle. whip. Ha-
Ounition: Permanent
gellum or other sint1lar Mltmb.- This limb can be physical
Effect: Modifies character's body m vanous ways. or made of energy: 1t can be used to grab, lash or con-
Multiple Actions: N/ A strict a target . or For the character to swing on. The ten-
Description: This power s11nulatcs o rnodif1cation
dril extends lwo meters per nov<l point/ lliree expe11-
lO the novas body. This mod1l 1c.at1on is permanent; it
ence points spent lhe tendril can 1nf11d Strength +4
cosls no quantum points to maintain or use. any more
baslung damage (or Strength +2 letlial damage: player's
than the character"s arms or legs do
choice): 1f the tendril 1s made of energy or !iome other
Listed here are some suggested moclif1c.att0fls. along unusual substance. rt may. w1th the Storytellers perm1s-
with the nova- or expenence-po111t costs to buy them.
s1on. do damaqe b~d on some othef" Altnbute
P\ayers may create ct.hen. 1f they wish. but the Story-
Webbed Hands/Feet (one nova point/three ex-
teller must approve all new mod1fteat1ons. See also the
perience points) The characters hands and/ or feet are
Claws power. webbed. allowing the character to swtm al double run-
Adhesive Gnp: (two nova points/four expenence ning speed.
pomts): The nova can physically or 1omcally bond with
Wings/Patagia: (three nova points/ six ellpen-
surfaces This allows her to walk up walls or along ceil- ence points) ., he llOva grow~ a pair of leathery bat Wings
ings at normal walkmg speed. and to cling lo those sur-
or feathered bird wings. or he s1111ply stretches a llap of
faces with her normal Might ratmg
hts own skin along his sides beneath his arms. This modi-
Chromatophores: (one nova point/ l.hree expen fication allows a character to control his Falls ~foly or
ence points) The charader"s skm can change color. like
glide at his normal runnrng pace (This mod1rcation d~
a chameleon"s or sqmd"s. The player adds three dice to
not confer the same amoont of control or speed as the
his Steahh skill totals, as long as the character 1s mostly
Right power)
naked or weanng attuned euf1ber Extras: None
Extra Limbs: (one nova pornt/ three expenenc.e
pomls) The character has one or more extra limbs; he
may define what they are and to what part of his body
they are attached. These limbs are considered to be as


Bodymorph; even one success allows him to assume his
alternative form m time to absorb some o~ the force of
the attack, and each succe-;s reduces the damage the
attack inflicts by one level.
Here are some gu1delmes ~or the general proper-
J ties of most forms:
Stone/metal/hard solid: Thecharaclei automat1-
\ \. cally inflicts two extra dice ol damage with Brawl and
Marltal Arts attacks, and all attacks directed at the char-
acter incur a d1ffteulty penalty of one lo hit him.
Bodymorph dots often translate into levels of Density
Body morph Control (Increase), Armor or Claws.
Level: 2 Liquid/amorphous: The charade< automatically
Quantum Minimum: 3 g:ains the ab1lrty to breathe and exist in water, may move
Dice Pool: Stamina ~ Bodymorph through water at twice normal running speed, gains the
Range: Self Flciub1lcly enhancemerrt (p. 1:.V), a11d may use the As-
Area: NIA phyxiation combat maneuver (p. 246) . Among other
Duration: Maintenance things. Bodymorph dots am translate mto equivalent dots
Effect: Allows character to take on aspects of one of Density Conlt'ol (Decrease), Po1soe1 or lmmolate (for
spec1fcc type of matter or energy characte(S who tum into acid). At lecr;l one Bodymorph
Multiple Actions: Yes dot must be assigned to Density Control (Decrease)
Description: Bodymorph 1s a powerful ability pos- Gas: While transformed. the charac!er may ao-
sessed by only a few novas. 1t allOW$ the nova lo trans- tomat1cally move through air at the diaracter's normal
form her body into a 5pec1fcc type of matter or energy. rwining speed, gains ..1 soak vs physical damage (fists.
For example. she could lransform her body to rock. to bullets. etc..). gams the Flexibility enhancement (p. 159).
fire, to wmd or to computer chcps and circlfltry. The and may use the Asphyxiation combat maneuver (p. 246)
player must choose ..mat foi,m that the character can Among other lh1119s. Bodymorph dots can translate into
assume when he buys the pow'er. The Bodymorph power eqorvalent dots of Density Control (Decrease). Poison.
provrd!!~ ~rlain ba~@ ab1ht1e~. dependmg on the form Flight or Storm (allo~ the dimi:!Ar lo b~~om~ a wh1rl-
chosen: thereafter, Bodymorph dots essentially simulate 1ng tomado. Lhus inll1ctin9 the equivalent of the Storm
enhancements or dots of other Level One and Two pow- !echnn:1ue [p. 196 J in her- onmediate vicinity) At least
ers: when transform1119, all Bodymorph powers activate one Bodymorph dol musl be 11ss1gned to Density Con-
simultaneously when the character pays the quanlum cost trol (Decrease)
to transform Energy: While transformed. the character inflicts
The character may transform herself auto111at1Cally. lethal damage with Brawl and Martial Arts attacks, and
However, the character's dots 1n Bodymorph define how attacks directed at her incur a d1ff1cufty penalty of one
effective the change 1s. It rs up to the player to def me to strike her Bodymorph dots m19l1t be asscgned to lm-
where his character's Bodymorph dots are allocated, mofate. lnvulnerab1l1ty (to the appropriate energy type).
subject to Storyteller approval, but once they are de- the EMP technique of Magnetic Mastery (p. 206), the
fined. they cannot be changed For example, when cre- 1edromagneb' Vision enhanc<>menl {p 162). Forte
ating a character with a rock body, a player might buy Field. or Density Control (Decrease) dots.
Bodymorph 4 and assign one dot to Armor and three to These are general guidelines only; players can al-
Density Control (Increase) He cannot change that allo- low Bodymorph dots to represent a number of powers
cat1011 later. Of c.ou~e . cf he buys another level ol (or even invent their own) subject to the Storyteller's
Sodymorph wcth expenence points he can decide where 11pproval. Many of the techniques listed under Elemental
that dot 1~ allocated al that lcme. Ant ma and Elemental Mastery are suitable as Bodymorph
If a nova wishes to use Bodymorph as a defense powers. However. all Bodymorph powers are avl!ilable
aga1nsl an 111com1ng attack (for example, to turn to flame only while the character 1s trans~ormed. Ul!lmately, the
to avoid being damaged by a flame blast), he inay do so Storyteller must arbitrate the use of this power.
This form of defense does not requrre an actton. but 1t 1s For Example: Houston Torn<Kio 2 buys four dots or
easier 1I an action cs available. 1f the character does not Hie Bodymorph (Arr) power, definrng ibis as the ability
have a delayed action to use to do this, he must spend a to turn ml o wrnd. She automal1cally may move tlirough
point of Willpower instead. He then rolls Stamina .- the iJlf al ru11n111g speed and use the Asphyxiation com-


bat maneuver (forcmg air out of her foe's lungs); Fur-
thermore. she gams 1soak. versus attacks and
may use the Flexibility enhancement. Now HT2 assigns
her four dots to Density Decrease. Density Decrease.
Density Decrease and Storm. Whenever HT2 1s m wmd
form. she can make herself much harder to hurt (can
activate up to three levels of Density Decrease) and can
sp111 herself into a localized whirlwind (can activate the
Storm technique as though she hi!d one dot m Elemental
Mastery). However, these powers work only while trans-
formed, and the character must pay lhe Bodymorph Claws
quantum cost lo adwate them.
Extras: None Level! I
Quantum Minimum; I
Dice Pool: NJ A
Range: Self
Area: NIA
Duration: Maintenance
Effect: Converts character's dose combat damage
into lethal damage
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: Tuts power allows the nova to grow
claws. talons or similar natural weapons - maybe even
a field of h1!tsmg quantum energy around the character's
When used m close tombat. Claws convert I.he bash-
mg damage caused by the character's normal punches
Boost and stnkes into lethal damage Furlhennore, the charac-
Level: 2 ter rnay roll one extra dama9e die per dot he hi!s in ClaM.
Quantum Minimum: l Thus, a Strike by a charac.ter with Claws 3 would do
Dice Pool: Quantum + Boost Strength + 2 (for the maneuver) +3 (for the claws). or
Range: Touc.h Strength .. ~. lethal damage.
Area: NIA btras: Kinetic. Discharge (the character actually
Duration: Vanable stores up kinetic energy 1n her body. then channels it
E.ff~t Et)Ch success adds one dot lo a spec1fred through anything she touches; Lh1s allows~ charocter to
Attribute; p01nts fade at the rate of one per (Quantum + add the extra damage to rne!ee as well as hand-to-hand
power rating) t\Jms attacks or. by spending a quantum poml per shot, lo dianjc
Multiple Actions: Yes thrown obiects and bullets wtlh the extra damage)
Description: Boost allows a nova to increase one oF
hss Atlnbutes temporarily. 1he Attribute affected by the
power must be defined when the power is bought. and 11
cannot be changed thereafter To use it. the nova musl
roll Quantum + Boost Each success adds one dot to the-
Attnbute Above 5. the Attribute converts to Mega-At~
tribute I, lo a maximum of Mega-Attnbute 5. The added
dots fade at the rate of one per (Quantum~ power rat-
ing) tums. and the power may be used only once per
btras: Extended E.ffect (dots of Attribute gained
from ~t last for a scene); Extra Attnbute (power af-
fects one additional Attnbute at lhe same time); Other
Person (nova may boost e.ther his or another character's:
Attnbules; other person must be touched to be affected). Clone
Level: 3
Quantum Minimum; 5
Dice Pool: Stamma ~ Clone
Range: Self


Area; N/A ' character does not have to possess any rele'Vant Ab1l1 ~
Duration: One scene ties (like E.ngmeering) in order to use these ab1ht1es. but
Effect: Creates one duplicate of the character per 1t is not uncommon for cyberkrnetics to know such skills.
success. A cyberkinetrc can send his const:1ousness through
Multiple Actions: No a computer network, allowing him to affect a distant COITl-
Description; This power allows a nova to creata puter. 1f he can locate the machine at all (typically a Hack-
"clones" of hn~lf from quantum energies and nearby rng Feat) Doing so costs one Willpower, requires total
molec.ules. To use rt. he rolls Stamma ~ Clone E.ach suc- concentralron (no other ad1ons) and raises the difficulty
te<i5 equals one done - assuming the character wants of the skill roll as follows:
to pay For 1l. At th15o time, the character must spend one Computer Affected Time to Accomplish Difficulty
quanlum point per cio11e created. up lo the number of Same network Three turns 1
successes; he may, of course. spend fewer quantum points Same city One minute ... z
1f he wishes fewer clones. Same continent 10 minutes ..3
Clones are exa<l duplicates of the character - they Transcontinental One hour +4
have the same Attnbutes. Ab1l1t1es, powers, clothes and As with Elemental Anrma and Mastery, this power
equ1pme1it (eiccept that clones do not have the C'lone provides several techniques. A nova may learn and freely
pnwer themselves). However, they are separate persons use one technique per dot m the power. She may attempt
1n a !JllITTe sense: 1f one 1s knocked unconsc:tOl.IS or killed, other techniques. but she must pay double quantum cost
the others are not affected Clones do not have any sort and roll agamst a difficulty penalty of one to adivate
of telepath1e 1rnk: they communicate by talking just like these powe~. Techniques include:
ordinary groups of people
Clones are not as powerful as the original d1arac-
Alter Data
ter. Clones lose one die from all Traits (Attnbutes, quan-
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (yberkrnes1s
tum powers. etc.) for each done created, to a minimum
of l. Thus. 1f a character created three clones. those Duration: Concentr;it1on
Upon a successful Intelligence .. Cyberkines1s roll.
clones would have -3 ratings m 1111 Traits. Moreover, all
dones have only half of their creator's Qu;inlllm Pool the cyberk1netic can interface with a computer or simi-
lt takes only one tu~n for a nova to create clones, lar piece of equipment to alter. read or remove eiusling
but the character can do rlotfong else that tum (not even
data or insert or create new 1nfofTilat1on. The character
walk mg). Once created. the duplu::ates remain for a scene can read or alter appr()}l1rnateJy I00 megabytes ii; Quan-
tum of informabon per minute. For each success ac.h1eved
or until they "recombine with the ongtnal character
on the lntelligence Cyberkmes1i; roll beyond the First,
(usually referred to as the "ho-st" by the clones) To re-
this time rs c;ut in half. Any clianges lo or deletions of
combme, two or more duplicates need only touch end
information are pernta11ent; the data must be reentered
use an act.Jon; again, they perfom1 no other action
into the computer by hand.
dunng that him. Recombining is automat1C . Clones that
do not recombine dissolve into nothmgness at the end of Control
the scene,~ the energies Forming them diS51pate. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Cyberk1nes1s
Extras: None Area:N/A
Duration: Concentration
The cyberkmelic can take control of any machine
with electronic, mechamcal or hydraulic parts. The num-
Cyberkinesis ber of successes achieved on a Mampulatron +
Level: 3 Cyberkrnesis roll indicates the "Strength .. of the
Quantum Mmimum: 4 ~ cyberk1net1c' s control. lf the machine (or its user or
Dice Pool: Variable driver) tnes to counteract the control. assign the ma
Range: (Quantum power rat1119) x 10 meters or chine a ''Strength" to reflect its power and resolve the
Special situation as a resisted action
Area: Spec 1a1 Fool
()uration: Spenal Dice Pool: Manrpulation + Cyberkmes1s
Effect: Controls computers and machines: the more Area: NIA
successes achieved. the greater the control Duration: Concentration
Multiple Actions: Yes The cyberk1net1c can insert false images rn sensors.
Description: Cyberkmes1s is the ab1hty to manipu- security systems or communKalions devtcei;. The nurn-
late madimes. particularly electronic machines and com- be1 ol successes achieved on a Man1pulatron ..
puters, e11compass1n9 a variety ol related abilities. n1e Cyberkines1s roll indicates the "Manipulation" rating of


the cyberkinehc's control. The Storyteller should assign Reprogram
Lhe devrce (or its user) a Perceptron rating; the more Dice Pool: lntellince + Cyberk1nes1s
sophistJCated and powerful the machine, the greater its Area: NIA
Perception A -Mampulat1on" versus Pen;:ept1on resisted Duration: Concentration
action then determmes whether the cyberkmetic's at- A complement to Alter Data. Reprogram allo~ the
tempt to trick the machine succeeds. cyberkinet!c to change the instructions or programming
Overload used to nm a computer or similar device. The difficulty
Dice Pool: Wits -t- Cyberkinesis of the Intelligence + Cyberk1nes1s roll should be deter-
Area:NJA mined by the Storyteller; the more sophisticated the
Duration: lnstant computer and its software. the greater the difficulty. A
The cyberlunetic overloads the machine 1n some standard desktop computer would mcur no d1ff1culty
way - sends a pulse of electnc1ty or electromagnetic penalty, for example. while a highly defended military
energy through 1t. stresses 1t so that 1t pms or selles up. mamframe computer would incur a penalty of three. The
If the novas Wits+ Cyberkines1s roll is successful, the changes or add1t1ons to a computer's software are per-
machine will not work. The Storyteller may increase the manent until otherwise altered.
difficulty of the roll for machines that are particularly Extras: None
advanced or d1H1cull to affecl for some reason.


liveness of the character's own at
tacks by half, char.Kie< iNy oon
through cracks al the nite of ~
~ter per tum. +2 d K 4t to~
(character afloM" around attacks)
Completely tnbtn91ble to physical
attacks; character 1s affected nor
mailly by energy attx!u. gravity
f 1clds. psychic atb>cks .and lM like
While 1nt.angibl4!. the cl11ncter can
~ through walk and ignore the
Density Control effects of phyosKal attacks Attacks
Level: 1 such as Strobe. which effects
Quantum M1ninun: 3 scnw-s the character 1s. st1ll ~ng.
Dice Poot: Vanabl. and any power whKh 1ffects the
Range: Sflf character's mind ~1ke Mirage or
Aree:N/A Mental Blast). st1ll 1ff&et the char
0u1"8lion! Maintenance ec.ter even though he 1s intangible
Effect: Iner~ or decrease! the character's den- An 1ntang1blf! charactw needs to
sity. granting her armorllke prot.ect100 or 1ntangtb1l1ty breathe. so cannot walk lhrOIJ9h ~
Multiple Actions: Yes enhre E.411'th; he c,an take damage
Descnpbon: Th11 power- aDOW$ tM character to ei- from atblcks such as gaws unless
ther mcrea~ her deffl1ty or decrer;e 1t. but not both: M has the AdaptabJ1ty f'flhance
the player must choose ~ ab1l1ty ltM! character has ment While mtang~ . the c~rac
when t~ ~ 1s pure~ ter cannot affect the tangible WOfkl
Achanicler who can 10CreH4t her d~s1ly becomes tn any Witf - he canoot f1re a gun,
heavier but also tougher and stronger. To u~ ll11s power, pick up any obj eel. purKh someone
the character rolls Quantum. adding a number of auto- or do anything of the ~ort . j dice
matic succe">s~ equal to ber Oern1ty ( ontrol rat mg: each to dodge
success doubles her ~ght and adds one dot of Strength Completely mtan91ble to physteal
(or one dot of Mega-Slref191h 1f Streflgth ellceeds 5. to attacks, takes hair damage from
a maximum of M~a-Strength 'l) and one extra soak Mffgy attacks and suff~ ooly half
aga10-.t bashing and lethal damage. The extra Strength normal effects from ener9y f telds
gained d~ not 1ncr~se 1 characters Jumping ability. +) dice to dodge; otherwise.
In many charKters an 111Cl'ea$4! 1n density rs accompa- eflects are r; at ~1ty Control
nied by v1s1ble effects such as the charACler's body tum- .above.
11tg to rock or metel, but this effect is not required. Completely 1nlang1ble to all forces
A character who can decrease her density can do except 1>5YCh1c attacks Character
so without roll; howe\'er, t~ character must have. and may take an action to tum parts of
use. an appropriate numb of dots m the power to de- hor body solid. enabling her to at-
crease density EKh level of Dens1ly Control adds one to tack with a soltd1fied fist. foot etc.
the d1ff1e1.llhes of h1tt1ng the chancier with all physical altackef's may target the solid1f1ed
attacks ellcept Artt1 aod Explostve attacks. so long as parts. but at nmal lar9f:t1ng ~n
the character has t~ ~ acttv1ted llbes. ?3 dice to dodge . ot~1se.
Density Decrease Ufect effects are as at Density Control
Reduct!<! density, +I die to dodge. .above
character may 001e or se-ep through Extras: Full Control ( can both mcrec:ne Mid
cracks and other tmy openmgs at doc~ his density). Affects Othe~ (character may
the rate of one centimeter per tum. change the density of perwns or obiect~ for a Kene by
Greatly reduced density. reduce by t ouching them and rolling Manipulation .. ~ns1ty Con-
half the damage the character takes trol: an unw11!1ng target may roll RestStance to res1St: en
from any physical attack, obiect made superdense gains extra soak and weight.
correspondingly reduce the effK while an object made less denw loses soak or tvHi be-
comes completely 111tan91ble)


ented and unable to take action effectively. The effect
can be physical (inducing nausea) or mental (creating
hallucinations) , depending on how the power 1s defined.
but the end result is the same.
To use Disorient. the nova rolls Mampulat1011 +Dis-
orient; the target may oppose this with a Willpower roll.
Each net success reduces all of the target's dice pools by
one. If any dice pool is reduced to half or less, the target
cannot use that power or ability at all unless she spends
a point of Willpower; any dice pool reduced to zero can-
not be used at all. The target may spend a point of Will-
Disintegration power to shake off the effects, but the attackmg nova
Level: 3 may use the power on the same target multiple times.
Quantum Minimum: 5 Oisonent. as a Maintenance power. lasts for the
Dice Pool; Dexterity+ D1sintegrat1on normal (Quantum + power rating) turns. The nova may
Range: (Quantum power rating) x 10 rneters then spend extra quantum points to maintain the power
Area:N/A automatically at the same level of successes. However,
Duration: lnstanl the opponent may make another Willpower roll, and she
Effect: Causes (Quantum ... successes) levels of ag- gains an automatic success on this roll. lf the nova wishes
gravated damage. to maintain the power for yet another period, the
Multiple Act ioos: No opponent's next Willpower roll gains two automatic suc-
Description: This terrifying power allows the char - cesses, and so on.
ader literally to disintegrate (or in some similar way ut- Extras: None
terly destroy) a person or physical object. To use it, the
character pays the quantum-point cost and rolls Dexterity
+ Disintegration. His successes. plus a number of automatic
successes equal to his Quantum, equal the number of levels
of aggravated damage the attack inflicts.
Extras: None

Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 3
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Disrupt
Range: (Quantum t power rating) x 10 meters
Area: N/A
Duration: Maintenance
Disorient Effect Redui:es the effectiveness of powers by one
dot per success.
Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 1 Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: This power represents a nova's great
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Disorient
control over q11antum energies. With 1t, he can disrupt
Range: (Quantum .,. power 111t1n9) x 10 meters
another nova's control over any quantum power (but not
Area: NIA
Mega-Attributes or enhancements). To use it, he need
Duration: Maintenance
only spend the quantum points and roll Intelligence +
E.ffect: Allows character to confuse and weaken
Disrupt. The target may resist with a Quantum + Node
roll. E.ach net success the nova achieves over the num-
Mult iple Actions: Yes
ber of successes achieved by his target reduces the power
Description; A nova with Disorient can cause an-
other character to become confused, weakened, drson- by one dot per success.

Disrupt can affect any power; the nova may, for the nova scores more successes, he succeeds 1n achiev-
example, disrupt his target's Quantum Bolt one turn. and ing control. The degree of control depends upon how
his Force Field the next turn. However. without an txtra many successes the nova has left after subtracting the
it cannot affect multiple powers at once. Moreover, 1t is v1ct1m's Willpower successes, as follows:
difficult to use Disrupt multiple bmes 1n succession After control has been achieved. a character af-
against the same target; each subsequent use of Disrupt fected by Domination may roll Willpower; 1f she succeeds.
against the same target incurs a +I difficulty penalty. she may then spend one point of Willpower to decrease
Extras: Extra Power (Disrupt may affect any lwo the attack's effectiveness - the Willpower point re-
powers at once) duces the successes (and thus the command 1ntens1ty)
by one. For example, a character who 1s bemg Dominated
is told to shoot a friend . She makes a Willpower roll at
nonnal difficulty, succeeds. then spends a point oFWill-
power to reduce the effect to Major. The Storyteller rules
that she summons up enough strength of will to turn the
gun aside and shoot a wall instead of her comrade.
In order to use Domination. the nova must be able
to communicate with his subject - Domination 1s not
inherently "te1epath1C :- lf the target is too far away to
hear a command or cannot understand a command for
some reason, even Total Conlrol may be useless.
Extras: Telepathic (Domination 1s telepathic - or-
ders can be communicated automatically. without the need
for speech): Parasitic Possession (nova spends three quan-
Domination h.1m and a Willpower point to discorporate and psychically
Level: 2 possess victim; nova's body disappears, and nova becomes
Quantum Minimum: 3 a bemg of quantum-charged brainwaves 1nhab1tmg v1d1rn 's
Dice Pool: Manipulation Domination central nervous system: may substitute own personality for
Range: (Quantum + power rating) >< 10 meters that of victim, up to the l1m1t of the successes rolled; while
Area:N/A in possession the nova gatns. the v1ct1m's physical Traits.
Duration: Concentration Appearance and nova powers. as well as his own Mental
Effect: Take c9ntrol of target's brainwaves; num Traits. Charisma, Manipulation, W1llpoy,-er and mental pow-
ber of successes indicates degree of control. ers , and may leave the host body via the expenditure of a
Multiple Actions: Yes hirthei three quantum and one Willpower pomt: however.
Description: This mental power allows a nova to if nova-possessed dies while nova 1s possessing, the
project his quantum consciousness into a sentient target's nova's consciousness dies as well; this power has a range
brainwaves. With suff 1cient successes, he can make his ol [Quantum+ power rating] meters, and the nova must
victim do anything. up to and including killing himself. make eye contact with the victim; v1cbm resists with Will-
To use Domination. the nova must spend the nec- power per normal Oormnation rules)
essary quantum points and roll Manipulation .,. Oomina-
twn in a resisted action against the target's Willpower. If

Sue~ Command \rtefts>

One:: M1r.idr/Q.u1rlt)1;~ltQR. ellt a bug ~ear; <l'l!flrti[ulief.; snifof Clc~
Twe ~11J!>f/Nale~orttly1 Q~ the 111.wirs eh ere~ bd;Y JuncH lt .som~one ~au ha~..
Th11ee fampl~i}Ali~1theffc;.ilS Wor~hp: a foreiS!J, o~;. fallow a arlltufoF e of"{ffmtQ.lfS!("flll oul: Alits
form. mj9 *tu'Wi es-Ban:e.~A from 8Q1se; ldah~. an~(~li (Join:g to, t-aEe:6tlt a ftill-pag~
~wspaperad'Wll enreads~-'); attack eor teTu1 fi;Ql1}4lfulcktng) whom~tfiep.oyajf@~te'S irr
bbtn at
Tota eontfoJ. ~rrlmlsElCtde: perfomn a~~~. (JQ qial~roh'&w di.ff'llf at v~e.



Elemental Anima based on the nature of those elements and the specific
techniques the nova masters. TI1e player may pick one
Level: 3 of the listed techniques For each dot the nova has 111 the
Quanb.lm Minimum: 4 power: these techniques are ones the nova has .. mas-
Dice Pool: Variable leted" and may freely perform. The techniques chosen
Range; Special should be appropriate to the element that is being con-
Area: Special trolled - fire or water powers may provide movement
Duration: Variable abilities. for example. but it's unt11<ely that darkness would.
Effect: Character can control a particular substance The character may also try to perform other techrnques,
or phenomenon. either ories listed here or entirely one-shot. off-the-cuff
Multiple Actions: Yes "stunts." However. such effects cost double the quan-
Description: A nova with Elemental An11na can tum points and suffer d1Ff1culty penalties of one; the nova
proJed her quantum conS<:iousness into a particular el- has mastered only the tee hrnques her dots allow her to.
ement - fire, sound. ice. electricity or whatever the The Storyteller has the absolute right to allow or refuse
player can think of and the Storyteller will allow - in- a particular use of power, based on her interpretation of
vesting 1t with "'life." This power allows her to take con- the element's inherent lumts
trol of it and shape 1t to her will Note that the character For Example: La Nitta buys Elemental Amma at 3, de-
cannot c~ate the element (doing that requires the El- fining the power as the ability to manipulate. focus and
emental Mastery power) - she can only affect <1nd disperse air and wind For her three mastered ab1lit1es, she
manipulate elemental "matter" that already el(ISts. The chooses Enhance/ D1mm1sh (can whip winds to a gale or
player must choose which element the nova can control calm them). Lethal Blasl (l<nife!tke wmdserpents" that
when buying the power vaguely resemble hissing moray eels) and Movement
This control offe1-s the nova a variety of technigues, (shapes wind$ into a doakhke form, enabfmg her to sail
The exact techniques differ from element to element. aloft and glide through the air) She 1rmy use these abilities


at the standard difficulty. IF Nina wished to Focus air into a Enhance/Diminish
defensive screen (the Wail ability). she could try. but she'd Dice Pool: Intelligence + Elemental Anima
have to pay double (six quantum points). and she'd suffer a Range: (Quantum + power ratmg) x JO meters
difficulty penalty of one. Area: (Quantum ... power rating) x 10 meter radi1JS
If the Storyteller or a player wishes to create addi- Duration: Maintenance
tional techniques, the examples can serve as guidelines The character can increase or decrease the effect
for levels of power and rules. As a basic rule of thumb. of the element in an area - for example, brighten or
no technique g<11ned through Elemental Anima should be dim light, or mer ease or decrease the damage caused by
as powerful as the same or similar ability bought on its fire. The effect can be enhanced or diminished by 2S%
own. per success rolled If the element 1s a damaging effect.
The duration of Elemental Anima techniques var- each success increases or reduces the intensity of the
ies Attacks are typically Instant; movemenl techniques element (or any element-based power) by two damage
usually have a duration of Maintenance; other durations drce, TI1e nova may not enhance he< own or another
are noted below. The range of a technique 1s typically character's powers with this effect, but she may attempt
the standard (Quanlum ... power rating) x lO meters, but to reduce a rival elemental's powers If another
different ranges rnay be noted in the text, as is the area character's power 1s being reduced, a resisted action p1t-
ol any technique that covers one. trng the nova's Quantum + power rating against the
Alter Temperature target's Quantum + power rating 1s required; each net
Dice Pool: NI A success reduces the target's power ra!lf'lg by one dot. lf
Range: Variable the power rating 1s reduced lo zero, the target cannot
Area: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters use his power for a number of turns equal to the
Duration: Maintenance elemental's power rating.
The character can increase or decrease the tem- No roll is required. but quantum points must be paid
perature of the air m an area around himself (which is as usual.
appropriate for fire and ice powers primarily). The char- Note: If the element controlled is air, and the nova
acter alter temperature by 10 degrees Celsius for reduces the effect to 0%. she creates a vacuum in the
each dot in the power. No roll is required, but quantum area. Characters without appropriate Life Support who
are caught in a vacuum may suffocate: see "Suffocation
points must be paid.
and Drowning," p. 257.
Dice Pool: Dexterity+ Elemental Anima
Lethal Blast
Range: (Quantum po"'ler rating ) x lO meters Dice Pool: Dexterity + Elemental Anima
Area:N/A 1 Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters
Duration: lnst~nt
The nova shapes, strengthens and redirects the el- Duration: Instant
ement. tum mg 1t mto a damaging blast that inflicts [Quan- The character can shape an existing quantity of the
tum x 2] levels+ (power rating x 3) dace of bashing dam-
element into a deadly attack - sharp shards of stone,
age. 1f there 1s only a small amount of the element avail- razor-sharp tendrils of water or air, a laser or the like.
able. the Storyteller may reduce the range or damage. This attack inflicts [Quantum x 2] levels+ (power ratrng
x 2) dice of lethal damage.
Elemental Shield
Dice Pool: Wits+ Elemental Anima
Range: Self Dice Pool: N/ A
Area: N/A Range: Self
Duration: Area: N/A
The character can tum the element away from him- Duration: Ma111tenance
self. thus protecting himself and anyone directly next to
The character directs the element rn such a "'lay
him from the brunt of its effects Roll Wits + Elemental that he can move quickly. The nature of the movement
Anima; each success counts as four soak that apply only depends on the element: Novas who control wind have it
to attacks based onthat element. This technique can be pick them up and waft the111 where they wish to go;
aborted to as a defensive action,
elementals who control earth and rock ride waves of
earth or tunnel through the soil. The character can move
at the rate of (power rating)( 2) + 20 meters per action,
or (40 x power rating) kilometers per hour out of com-



Shaping ally leaves the ground (unless the character 1s creating a

Dice Pool: Wits .. Elemental Aninia screen of hardened <1ir molecules. for 111stance). The Sto-
Range: (Quantum ~ power rating) x 5 meters ryteller may declare the wall useless against certain at-
Area: Special tacks; for example, a wa!I of wind would blow aside physi-
Duration: Maintenance cal attacks and snuff fires, but 1t would have little effect
The character may alter the shape of a quantity of on electricity.
the elemeJlt. No more than (three cubic meters oF the Extras: None
element x power rating) can be affected at once. The
character can create geornetnc. shapes or s11nple "S<ulp-
tures'' such as fire-people or ice statues. If the player
makes an Arts (Sculpture) roll, the character can create
extremely detailed and beautiful shapes. If the nova at- Elemental Mastery
tempts to use this power offensively (for example, to Level: 3
sculpt a pit under a foe or trap an opponent m a burning Quantum Minimum: 5
ring of fire), the player must make an attack roll (Wits+ Dice Pool: Variable
E.lemental Amma), which the target can dodge nonnally. Range: Variable
Area: Variable
Wall Duration: Vanable
Dice Pool: N/ A Effect: The nova can create, alter and control vari-
Range: Special ous substances or phenomena.
Area: (Quantum + power rating) cubic meters Multiple Act.ions: Yes
Duration: Maintenance (and see below) Description: E.lemental Mastery 1s similar to. but
The character raises a wall of the element 111 front transcends. Elemental Anima. Whereas Elemental Anima
of him. For each dot 1n the power. the nova gains two allows a nova to manipulate an existing element, Elemental
soak against appropriate attacks unle'>-s the attacker can Mastery allows l11m actually to create that element or
somehow shoot around 1t. The wall moves as lhe charac-
ter moves, but 1t 1mmed1ately collapses 1f she intention-
phenomenon. thus greatly expanding Ihe range of his el- tum point during the 1mlial at tack. it 1nf11cts. damage as
emental ab1l1t1es would a clinch
Like Elemental Anmra. Elemental Mastery provides
a list of tedm1ques. and charact~ may master one tech-
lethal Blast
nique pt-r dot in Elemental Mastery. Characters may at- Dice Pool: Dexterity Elemental Mastery
tempt to use techniques they haven't mastered, but the Range: (Quantum power rating) x 10 meters
players must pay double cost and roll against a d1ff1culty Area: N/A
penalty ot one The techniques chosen should be appro- Duration: Instant
pnatc to the clement being generated - r1re or earth The character can "throw" or proiect a lethal dam-
powers may provide Imprison. for example. but it's un- age blast of the element - anything from a blast of
likely that light powers would. freezing cold lo a dehydral1ve attack that sucks the wa-
Characters may choose from the techniques listed ter out of the target's body Thts attack 1nH1cts [Quan-
here or make up their own, with the Storyteller's per- tum x 2] levels + (power l"ittng x 2) dice of lethal d.mi-
mrss1on and approval age.

Blast Propel
Dice Pool: Oexter1ty ~ Mastery Dice Pool: N/A
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters Range: Self
Area: NIA Area:N/A
Dlratioo: Instant Duration: Mamlenance
The nova generates a blast or bolt of the element By creating a "blast" of the element behind him-
that inAtCts [Quantum x 2] levels + (power rating x 3) self. the characltr can move al rapid speeds - {power
dice of bashing damage ratmg x 2) + 20 meters per action. or (40 x power rat
ing) kilometers per hour out of combat Where and how
Crush the character can move depends on the ell!fTl ent; Propel
Dice Pool: Otxtenty + Elemental Masttry based on fire would be like Flight. whertas Propel based
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters on water would work only in water and would be like
Area:N/A Hypersw1mmmg
Duretion: Instant
The nova is able to create a quantity of the element
that picks up the target and slams him into a nearby sturdy Dice Pool: N/A
object such as a bu1ld1ng or tree, or simply crushes him. Range: Sell
This attack could reprtsent an mtense burst of wmd. a Area: NIA
hand of stone which grows out-of the ground and grabs Dc.rabon: Maintenance
the v1ct1m or phoenix-talons of fire The character rolls The character can create a Force F1eld-hke pro-
Intelligence+ power rating: eacfi success allows the tar- tectrve barrier of the element around himself This bar-
get to be moved up tp 10 meters (1f the nova so desires): rier provides two extra soall. ~r dot versus bashing and
the v1ct1m takes a nutnber of bashing damage levels equal lethal damage. For an extra quantum point. the Shield
to twice the successes rolled, and her lnit1ahve on the causes harm to anyone who touches 1t (11 1nr11cts a num-
next tum 1s reduced by one per success. ber of dice of bashing damage equal to the character's
power The Shield slightly obsc~ others view
Imprison of the character. but 1t does not interfere with his v1s1on
Dice Pool: Wits ,. Elemental Mastery at all
Range: (Quantum power rating) x 10 meters
Ar~: N/A
Otr.tioo: Maintenance Oioe Pool: Dexterity ... Mastery
The nova 1s able to confine a target within a quan- Range: (Quantum power rating) .x 10 mete~
tity of the eltment tllamples include creating a fiery Area-. (Quantum power rating) x 3 meters
cage. suspending a victim in an inv1s1ble f1st of air or caus- Duration: l nst11nt
1n91someone to smk up to his neck into solid rock. The The character can prOJl!d a large ball or sphere of
confinmg element has a Might equal to twice the number the element, which injures anyone w1thm its radius. The
of successes rolled: the trapped character may break out bfast mfl1cts (power rating x )) dice of bashing damage
m the listed radius
of 11 JUSt as he would From a clinch Imprison mfhcts no
damage ord1nar1ly. but 1f the nova spends an ex:tra quan-



Storm stronger or weaker. Doing so does not necessarily prompt

Dice Pool: Wits Jo. Elemental Mastery the target to do anything. but 1t does rnake 1t more likely
Range: (Quantum power rating) x 10 meters that the target will take S-Ome kind of action. For example,
Area: (Quantum + power rating) x 5 meters if a nova detects that a target is angry at the govern-
Duration: Concentration ment. he might heighten that emotion to a blinding rage.
The character can generate a stormlike area filled How the target deals with his range is beyond the nova's
with the element. Examples include blizzards. firestorms, control. The target might begin a vitriolic letter-writing
sandstorms, earthquakes, tornadoes. sonic fields and ice campaign, or he might pick up a submachine gun, walk
patches. Each turn, Storm typically inRicts two levels of into the nearest courthouse and begin firing.
bashing damage per dot in the power rating. reduces To detect a target's emotions. the nova must roll
opponent's dice pools by two (from whipping winds. fi- Perception .,. Empathic Manipulation in an opposed roll
ery gouts or poor footing) and halves movement and vi- against the target's Willpower. Even a single net success
sion. Other effects are up to the Storyteller and should on the nova's part is enough for him to determine the
be based on common-sense views of the effects of the target's emotional state and against whom or what that
element. For example, anyone moving through a blizzard emotion is directed.
or earthquake might have to make an Athletics or Flight Man1pulat1ng those emotions requires a Man1pula-
roll to keep from slipping and falling, and they would risk t1on ~ Empathic Manipulation roll. resisted by the target's
hypothermia; anyone en a firestorm would take lethal Willpower. For each net success achieved, the nova can
damage instead of bashing. adjust the target's emotions up or down on the following
Extras: Nooe table by one step. The Storyteller shotild use this table
as a guideline for emotions not covered.
The emotional changes brought about by E.mpathic
Manipulation last a scene or so (in the case of weaker
emotions) or as long as the nova concentrates on them
and pays quantum points per (Quantum,. power rating)
turns to maintein them (in the case of strong emotions).
After that they abate normally. Lesser emotions take tune
to fade. but extreme emotions ciuickly down" to
lower levels. C'1rcumstances may affect this. however.
Extras; None

Empathic Entropy Control

Manipulation I I Level: 3
Level: 2 Quantum Minimum: 4
Quantum Minimum: 2 Dice Pool: lntefligence.,. E.ntropy Control
Dice Pool: Variable (Willpower resisted) Range: Variable
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 20 meters Area: Variable
Area: NIA Duration: Special
Duration: Special Effect Character can control and manipulate en-
Effect: Controls and manipulates a target's emo- tropic forces.
tions. Multiple Actions: Yes
Multiple Actions: Yes Description; A character with this suite of abilities
Description: Empathic Manipulation is. in essence, 1s a master of the forces of entropy that are always at
a highly specialized form of Dom1nat1on or Telepathy. lt work in the universe. His quantum consciousness is able
allows a nova to detect and manipulate a single target's to tap into. summon and manipulate entropy the same
emotions. For example, the nova can make emotions way other novas play with fire or ice.

,..1Rappilless A{l9er ~t e fila9"ed J~ousy/Ehvy

No~cfthapr.r ang_cy No~ lus.tfol Apathetis f.lot hati?fuf N'9,t Jellf9osfe1W~ou~
Sii~/h!l~p, igi;y ;lt\feres ed Lllfe ~JS!iki Je~kiusJenvious
D~Pflll ~!-efoted EnllClged (le~u~ ~ve 1\iat~~ Gi:eedy
ll1$ ra'i.lg~tle~ta{];, ~!iii< Un er 9 lu~ #'!If loye B) d hatreJ. B~rrJlealWJsxf env~
As with Elemental Anima and Mastery. this power
provides several techniques. A nova may learn and freely
use one technique per dot in the power; she may attempt
other techniques. but she must pay double quantum
po111ts and roll at a d1ff1culty penalty of one to use these
alternative techniques. Techniques include:
Bioentropy Storm
Dice Pool: Dexterity+ Entropy Control
Range: (Quantum .,. power rating) x 10 meters
Area: (Quantum+ power rating) x 5 meters
Duration: Instant
'The nova can create a field 1n which entropic ef-
fects pertaining to Irving creatures run not. The victims
age, suffer spontaneous in Juries and experience other
biological breakdowns. The nova rolls Dexterity + En-
tropy Control rn an opposed contest against the victims'
Stamina; each net success inflicts one health level of le-
thal damage. Victims cannot soak this damage unless they
have the Hardbody Mega-Stamina enhancement
Dice Pook Intelligence .,. Entropy Control
Range: (Quantum ,,. power rating) x 10 meters
Area: NIA
Duration: Special
The nova can cause any machine, device or similar
obJed to stop functioning as some part of 1t breaks,
wears out or loses power. This power's effects are per-
manent until someone repairs the device, provides it with
more power or the like. To use Breakdown, the nova rolls
lntelligence + Entropy Control in an opposed action
against the device's "'Stamina." The Storyteller should
determine the device's Stamina rating For these purposes.
The more complex or technologically advanced a ma-
chine 1s. the lower its Stamina - it's hard to use Break-
down on a simple object or one with few moving parts,
but the more compiicated a device becomes, the more
opportunities there are for entropy to gain a foothold.
Entropic Shield
Dice Pool: Stamina ... Entropy Control
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Maintenance
The character sun-ounds himself with a field of en-
tropic energy. Tilis field heightens the entropic reac-
tions wit.hin any 1ncom1ng attack (especially those based
011 physical objects, such as bullets), thus d1sruptm9 and
weakening them. Each success achieved on a Stamina+
Entropy Control roll grants the character an extra soak
agamst bashing and lethal damage. However. this extra
soak. does not apply to attacks by living matter, such as
fists or animals.


Probability Corruption
Dice Pool: Entropy Control s~ aeo)y
Range: (Quantum ... power rating) x 5 meters Gri(} _ \(~Rair;4stbau~sep~iJtg
Area: NIA t1111Gu~"' w~.oil~~~i"~ (,
Duration: Maintenance h~n1t9;i.t!t.1 1mJ
This technique allows a nova to cause the force<; of sr.~~IYhLGrtY. p~~p~en, fW
entropy to overwhelm a single target. making it more ~r1se: or ltazy~rcep1(01Tdltl nof-
likely that he will fail disastrously. To use it. the nova rolls mal'sell$~-
Entropy Control. Each success achieved results in a loss F'~~tper<;ep{t_o.p, Orf~~
of one die (or one automatic success) for all rolls made an\ily.b1~rtY f1eJqepti~ hqr-
by the target Additionally. the target will botch a roll 1f rtial si!f1$;~; dii'li u~~~tie 110\1;1
he rolls no successes and any die comes up I or 2. These serts.e. thpog~i will t e vr~J\azy.
negative effects last as long as the nova pays quantum N~~r-1]:etfetf.p~~epJmn With all
points to keep the entropic forces focused on the vic- neiif!al sensesf bllli::cy f>E2_ll'~tioa
tim. >VI~l'.IO~,q, sen~..
Extras: None P-e'r~~)?ercep~ron'WJtti n6hniJt or

Extras: Distant Scan (range 1s increased to [Per-

ception,. power rahng] x IOOO km. but the process of
scanning al this distance takes at least 15 minutes pi:r
1000 km of distance. and the nova may take no other
actions. or even perceive his 1mrned1ate surrmindmgs.
while so scanning; furthermore, the Perception 1- E.SP
roll to target 1s at + l difficulty per 2000 km)

Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 3
Dice Pool: Perception + ESP
Range: (Perception + power rating) x 20 meters
Area:. NIA
Duration: Concentration
Effect: Allows character to sense his surroundings
from a ..focus point" at range.
Multiple Actions: No 1
Description: By attuning himself to 'quantum ebbs
Level: 2
and flows. the nova may sense thmgs at much greater
Quantum Minimum: l
ranges than he normally could. The sense that E.SP af
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Flight
feds must be chosen when the power 1s purchased and
Range: Self
cannot be changed thereafter.
Area: NIA
To use ESP, the nova need only spend the quantum
Duration: Maintenanc.e
points and concentrate. He then defines a "focus point"
Effect: Allows character to fly at the speed of
somewhere within the power's range. He can sense from
(power rating x 4) + 40 meters per action,
that focus point as if he were standing right there. Thus,
Multiple Actions: Per normal movement rules.
this power 1s perfect for Hseeing through walls" or oth-
Description: This power allows the character to fly
erwise spying on people.
through the air, outer space and similar three-dimen-
The nova must make a Perception + ESP roll (no
sional areas. He can fly at a speed equal to (power rating
range penalties) to target the power. and the clarity of
x 4) .,.. 40 meters per action tn combat: out of combat his
the scan 1s based on the number of successes rolled:
speed rs (Quantum + Flight) x 50 kilometers per hour.


Normally. no roll ts required to t1se Flight. lf the
character wants to perform aerobatrc stunts or fly
Gravity Control
through narrow openings at high speeds .,,.ithout hurting Level: 3
himself. the Storyteller may require a Dexterity + Flight Quantum Minimum: 4
roll to determine whether the character succeeds. The Dice Pool: Variable
character may also substitute Dextenty + Flight for a Range: Variable
normal Dodge roll while in the air; depending on the Area: Variable
character's movement, this may allow him to dodge ex- Duration: Va1iable
plosions and area attacks, though particularly large-scale Effect Character is able to manipulate gravity and
blasts might cost the character his entire action. gravitic fields.
Extras: Underwater (character may use his Flight Multiple Actions: Yes
underwater and through other bodies of liquid) Description: A nova with this power is a master of
gravity. He is able to liFt and move ob3ects. fly by ma-
nipulating grav1tic forces and otherwise control gravity.
As with Elemental Anima and Mastery, this power
provides several technrques. Anova may learn and freely
use one technique per dot in the power; she may attempt
other techniques, but the player must pay double quan-
tum cost and roll against a difficulty penalty of one to
activate these powers. Techniques include:
Gravitic Blast
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Gravity Control
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 10 meters
Duration: instant
By manipulating micropockets of intense gravity
Force Field around a target. the nova can bash and tear it apart. The
Level: 2 end result is similar to a Quantum Bolt. Tl1is attack does
Quantum Minimum: 2 [Quantum x 2) levels+ (power rating x 3) dice of bash-
Dice Pool: Stamina + Force Field ing damage or [Quantum x 2) levels .. (power rating x 2)
Range: Self dice or lethal damage (nova's choice).
Duration: Maintenance Gravitational Field
Effect Quantum .. (2/success) extra soak versus Dice Pool: Wits + Gravity Control
bashing and lethal damage. Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 5 meters
Multiple Actions: Yes Area: (Quantum + power rating) x 3 meters
Description: This power provides extra protection Duration: Concentration
for a nova. Most nOVi\S are already pretty hardy, but one The nova can alter the gravity 1n a given area. For
with this power may be virtually untouchable. Force Field each success achieved on a Dexterity -r Gravity Control
provides a number of extra soak equal to the character's roll. he can warp local gravity by up to S g (normal Earth
Quantum. The nova then rolls Stamina+ Force Field. Each gravity is 1 g). Weight of objects is increased or de-
success adds ahother two soak. This soak protects ver- creased by an equivalent amount; a 100 kg object m a
sus bashing and lethal damage. lS g field weighs 150 kg. Objecls ma zero-g field weigh
Force Field can be used to block or parry attacks, nothing, while ob1ects in a negative-g Freid fall upward
including attacks with quantum powers. The novas Force until out of the field The nova can be selective if he
Field rating 1s substituted for Brawl o; Martial Arts. wishes, increasing some obiects' mass, decreasing oth-
Extras: Wall (allows character to proiect a "wall" ers and leaving yet others alone. A creature or object
of force at a range ol three meters per dot in Force field: that becomes too heavy cannot move (or be moved), and
the basic wall is two meters long by two meters high and it may collapse under its own weight if it becomes heavy
can be made f wo meters taller or longer per dot m the enough. lf the nova tnes to affect a living thing with a
power; the character can alter the dimensions with each Gravitational Field, the target may resist with Willpower.
use 1f he so chooses).


Gravitic Flight
Dice Pool: N/A
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Maintenance
The nova is able to manipulate gravity to pick him-
self up and fly crudely. His flying speed 1s equal to (power x 2) + 20 meters per actwn. or ( 40 >< power rat-
! mg) kilometers per hour out of combat


Gravitic Shield son to be healed and spend one quantum pomt per health
Dice Pool: N/ A le.vel to be healed. The character may heal a number of
Range: Self bashing health levels up to twice her power rahng. or a
Area: N/A number of lethal health levels up to her power ratrng.
Duration: Maintenance This power may be employed only once per victim per
The character can pro1ect waves of gravity around scene.
herself. Doing so provides an excellent defense against Alternatively. if a character is suffermg from poi-
incoming projectiles and deflects hand-to-hand physi- son or a disease. each quantum poJnt adds one die to the
cal attacks. Each turn, the character can subtract her afflicted character's Resistance roll. Once the roll suc-
dots 1n Gravity Control from the attack successes of any ceeds, the poison or disease stops affecting the charac-
physJcal projectile attack (bullets, thrown objects, etc.); ter. Any damage already taken can then be healed with a
furthermore. the Gravitic Shield provides one soak per normal application of Healmg.
dot against any projectile attack that does connect. She Healing can even regenerate severed limbs or ru-
may subtract half her dots in Gravity Control (round up) ined organs, but to do so costs double ciuantum and a
from the attack successes of any hand-to-hand physical Willpower point.
attack. Gravitic Shield does not affect pure energy at- E.xtras:None
tacks, like flame attacks or electrical blasts.
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Gravity Control
Range: (Quantum+ power raling) x 10 meters
Duration: Concentration
The nova may use his ability to manipulate grav~ty
to pick up objects. He can then throw them or hit other
characters with them. Doing so is performed in a fashion
identical to use of the i elekinesis power (p. 224), ex-
cept that the dice pool is Dexterity + Gravity Control
and the nova must score two successes to gain one suc-
cess on the Telekinesis liFttng charl
extras: None
Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 1
Dice Pool: Mampulation + Holo
Range: (Quantum + power ratmg) x 10 meters
Area: (Quantum .. power rating) x 5 meters
Duration: Concentration
effect: (reates images; each success adds one to
the difficulty of Perception rolls to detemiine the true
nature of the image
Multiple Actions: No
Description: This power allows a nova to create
images - illusions. if you will - with which to trick
and befuddle other characters. The player must choose
which sense the images affect when he buys the power.
Healing As its name suggests, Holo is usually used to create im-
Level: 3 ages which can be seen. but auditory images are also
Quantum Minimum: 4 popular.
Dice Pool: N/ A To use Holo, the nova rolls Manipulation Holo to
Range: Touch determine how precise and accurate his itnages are. Fail-
Area: NIA ure indicates that the nova fails to create arJ accurate
Duration: Instant image. Each success above the first increases the diffi-
effect Heals one health level of lethal or bashing culty of Perception rolls to determine lhe true nature of
damage per quantum point. the illt1s1on by one. If an observer fails his Perception
Multiple Actions: Yes roll, he believes the images are real until he has reason
Description: This power enables a nova to heal her-
self or others. To use Healing, a nova must touch the per-


to lhmk otherwise (at whkh point he may roll Percep- ter. As long as the character has a line of sight to them,
tion again). lf he makes h1'5 Perception roll at any time. he can control what they clo, JUst as 1f they were sbll a
he instantly reco9mzes the images for whal they are and part of his body U line of sight 1s lost, or 1f they some-
can perceive what (if anything) they are hiding. how pass beyond the power's range. they will continue
Images created by Holo cannot directly cause hann, with whatever actions they were performing until their
even 1f they affect the sense of touch. However, they tasks are completed and then stop moving until line of
could trick a character into harming himself. For example, sight and range are reestablished
1F Holo 1s used to make a cl1H seem like a grassy meadow. If a detached body part is attacked, 1t 1s consid-
anyone who fails his Perception roll could easily walk right ered to have the same Attributes and Trails as the char-
off the cliff lo his doom. acter. but 1t acts separately from the char;lcter (1.e.. 1f
Extras: Extra Sense (power affects one additional the c.haracter decides lo dodge in a particular turn. his
S't'nse at the same time). detached body parts do not have to dodge: they can at-
tack. block. or do whatever else Lhey want. .rust as 1f lhey
were separate characters). If one 1s stunned or knocked
unconscious, the other may continue to act. lf lhe de-
tached body part 1s killed. the character loses that part
of his body permanently.
A ~sma ll creature" homunculus has no quanlurn
powers, but it is otherwise considered to have half rat-
mgs m the character's normal Trails (1 e.. 1f the charac-
ter has a Strength of 4, the homunculus has a Strength
of 2), half nom)at soak and a Bite/ Claw at lack of Str +I
lethal damage The player may shift points around 1f he
likes (reducing Strength to add to Dexlenty, for example).
lf killed, the main character takes one automatic health
level of lethal damage.
Homunculus At two dots and higher. the character can create
Level: 3 more than one hornunC\Jlus. At two dot..s he can create
Quantum Minimum: 4 two homunculi; at three dots, four homuncu[1; at four dots,
Dice Pool: Stamina .... Homunculus srx homunculi; at five dots, 10 homunculi. These homun
Range: Self culi can all be the same, or can be different. It costs no
Area: N/A additional quantum points to create multiple creatures
Duration: Specral Furthermore, if the cha~ter has Homunculus 4,
Effect: Allows nova to $Cparate parts of his body she can break down her entire body into a "homunC:illus
CM" create small creatures from his own body. swarm" of thousands of insect-sued creatures. The
Multiple Actions: Special swann moves at the character's normal speed and can
Description: S1m1lar m many ways to Clone, this flow over an opponent, automatically 1nFhctin9 a number
power allows a nova to separate parts of his body yet of levels of lethal damage per turn equal to the power
retain control over them (for example, detaching his rating (soak protects normally agamsl this damage). The
hands and letting them strangle someone on their own), swarm can flow over multiple opponents; the character
to create small creatures from his own body, or even t<1 simply divides the levels of lethal damage between or
break down his body into a swarm of tmy creatures. Use among all appropriate targets. 1hus, 1f the homunculus
of the power does not cause the nova any damage.I swarm could potentially mflict four levels of lethal dam-
To use Homunculus. the nova spends the required age per tum. the character could flow over three oppo-
amount of quantum points and rolls Stamina .. Homun- nents. tnAicting two levels per tum to one foe and one
culus. Success means that a body part can be detached level per tum to the otner two. A homunculus :;warm takes
or a creature can be created. The creab.lres m question a maximum of one health level of damage from most at-
cannot be perfect dupltcates of the nova - that re- tacks, but fire. explos101'1 and area attacks affect 1t nor-
qurres Clone - but they could be smaller, or warped mally.
and twisted. versions of him. It takes only one tum for a nova to create a single
Detached body parts or creatures can move up to homunculus, but the character can do nothing else that
10 meters per dot in Hornuncull1s away From the charac- tum (not even walking) Once created, the homunculus


does not cost quaotlJrn pomts to maintain: it remains at the some booms (consider this effect the equivalent of
no cost until 1t recombmes with the ongmal character causing d<1m<19f' equal to the Mega-Strength enhance-
To recombine. t''o or more homuncul1 need only touch ment Thunderclap ~9 the characters backward tra-
and use an 11cl100. again. this ts the only act 1on they can Jedory, but subst1tut1ng dots tf1 Hypennovemffit lor dots
perform that tum Recombmmg 1s automatic . 1t does not m Mega-Strength) Characters usmg Hypermovement
require a roll have to be very careful about their effect on the world
Extras: None around them
A character who moves at full tilt may take no other
actions (except Hyperspeed or Aerial Slam) while so
doing, but the diff 1culty to hit him rncreases by one per
dot in the power, thus. anyone attacking a nova men-
tioned W1lh Hyperrunmng 4 has to roll against a d11l1-
wlty peoalty of at le~t f00< 1f the target 1s movmg at
Full speed
If a character has to manewer suddenly wh1lt' us-
ing Hypermovement. the Storytellef' can have him make
a Dexterity ... Hypcrmovement roll w do so
Extras: E.xtra Mode (power affects one acld1t1onal
mode ol movement)

Level: 2
Qmntum Mini1T1Jm: 1
Otce Pool: Dexterity + Hypennovement
Ouretion: Maintenance ,, -r
Effect: Increases character's ru11n1n9. f ly1J19 or 1'1 ( - ......
'JW1mm1119 Sp<'ed ,, I'

Multiple Actions: NIA "\ l\~'

Oescnption: A nova wrth Hypermovemef"lt can run.
swim or fly al super-fast speeds At higher levels.
Hypermovement allows a character to outpace bullet Hypnosis
boms. 1etf19hters and other vehicles The play~ must Level: I
spec1fy which mode of movement Hypermovemeot en- Quantum Mm1nun: I
hances (ninn1n9. swimming or Flight, but not techniques Dice Pool: Intelligence + Hypnosis
from powers suc.h as Elemental Mastery or Gravity Con- Range: (Quantu111 ~ power ratm9) meters
tirol) whe11 he btiys the power Area: NIA
HypermOVt!tllent works by increasing the mult1pl1er Duration: Special
ll'Sed to cc1lculate the character's movement rate. Each Effect: Hypnotizes target: number of successes
dot adds six to the multiplier For example. in combat all defines degree of control
character> can spnnt at a rate equal to (Dexterity x 3) .. Multiple Actions: Yes
20 meters per act100 A character with Hyperru01lm9 I Oescnphon: HypnO'Srs 1s, in effect, a~~ ver-
moves at (Dextenty x 9) .. 20 meters per action If he sion of Domination Wl11le 1t allOW5 characters to exert
rncreases the ~o~er to Hyperrunmng 4, he moves al '50me control over the minds of others, rt 1s harder to
(Dexterity x 27) 10 meters per action A character use, and 1t establishes a lower degree of control over the
with Hypersw1mmm9 treats his base sw1mrmng score as v1ct1m than Oom1natton does.
equal lo his sprinting score, then adds the mod1f1ers ac- A nova with Hypnosis can do anything a ch11rc1cter
cordingly. with the enhancement Hypnotic Gaze (p 174) can do
Out ol combat, Hypermovement snnply converts to (though all rolls made are Intelligence + Hypnosis. not
a speed of ?00 kilometers per hour limes the dots in the Manipulation or Mega-Manip.ulation rolls) Add1t 1onally.
power lhus. a character with Hyperrunn1ng 4 moves at he can establish more powerful mental control i o do so.
2000 kph - breaking the sound barrier. thus causing he need only spend the required quantum points and roll
s19mf1cant dama9e to structure'.> he rum pcist because of 1ntell19enc~ Hypnosis in a resisted action aq31nst the


target's Willpower. If the nova scores more successes, in an opposed test against the victtm'3 De>tlerity Each
1'11! succeeds 1n acliiev1ng control. The degree ol control net success. plus t1 number of automatic successes equal
depends on how many successes the nova has lefl after to the novas Quantum. reduces the target's Dexterity
subtract mg the v1ct1m 's Will power successes. as follows.: by one (Mega-Dextenty dots are lost first) Attacks on
Successes Command Intensity a partially 1mmob1lized target gain bonuses to hit (seep.
One Very Minor: "You are getting 249 for speofu:s) When the target's Dexterity reachef>
sleepy.... zero, he is \Ompletely 1mrnob1l1zed
Two Quirky: Wear a particular suit of To break oul of lnunobil1ze. the v1ctm1 must exert
dothes. pet an 1mag1nary dog his Strength or some other Attribute. ln most cases
Three Minor: Eat a bug; go lo a particular. Strength 1$ lhe proper Attnbule, but the St-0ryleller may
easily accessible location choose another Attnbule 1!- he feels that is more appro-
Four or more Ma1or/Noleworthy: Perfonn a rela priate - for example. 1f the lmmob1lile 1s defined as
tively easy task for the nova "lodung up lhe v1ct1ms mmd," Willpower or Wits would
Obviously Dommation ts much more effective m work better for break mg out. The lmmobilrze is consid-
most situations. However, when used cleverly. Hypnosis ered to have an effecl1ve Strength, 5oak and number of
can be very effective. Hypnosis also has a longer dura- "health levels" equal to the novasQuantum ... power rat-
tion than Domination. As 10119 as the nova concentrates ing. If this total ranges above 5. every two additional dots
on lhe target, Hypnosis remains 1n effect. On<:e he stops provide the lnunobil1ze with effective levels of Mega-
concentrating. Hypnosis remains m effect, 1f appropn- Strength - thus. a nova with Quantum 4 and lmmobi-
ate. for a number of days equal to the character's dots in lue I) creates lmrnob1lae effects that b111d targets as
Hypnos1s.1h1s grace penod usually last!> long enough for though they had Mega-Stre119th 2. When the victim does
the nova to make his getaway, use an mplanted post- enough damage to the lrnrnob1hze to break free, 1t shat-
hypnotic suggestion or take some s1m1lar aclton. ters or otherwise varnshes A fully 11T1mob1lrted target
Extras: None can be automatically hit, but the Immobilize power's soak
total protects the v1d1m1
Extras: Supertough (the Immobilize effect's health
levels are doubled): Intangible (lmmobilize's soak and
health levels do not protect v1ct1m)

Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 1
Dice Pool: Dexterity ... Immobilize
Range: (Quantum .,. power x 10 meters
Level: 2
Duration: One scene or until destroyed ,
Effect: This power renders a target 1mmob1le: each Quantum Minimum: 2
'WCC~ subtracts one from the target's Dextenty At zero
Dice Pool: N/A
OeJttenty. the target rs p;;iraly;ced. Range: Self
Multiple Actions: Yes Area: N/A
Description: A nova with this power 1s able to para-
Duration: Maintenance
lyze or ensnare targets 1n some way. wluch ranges from Effect: Character surrounds his body with a dam-
creating blocks of ice around them, to <;ecreting a para- aging effect; anyone who touches lhe nova takes (Quan-
lytic poison. to imprisoning them within a quanium field. tum.,. power rating) x 2 dice of bashing damage or (Quan-
1o use lmmob1l1ze. the character spends the re- tum T power rating) dice of lethal damage
quired quantum points and rolls Dextenty ~ lrrimobil1ze Multiple Actions: Yes



Description: ll11s power. a variant of Quantum Bolt. Description: Intuition 1s a lesser fom1 of the Pre-
allows a nova to surround himself with Flame, electricity. monition power. Like Premonition, it warns a nova of
raw quantum forces or some other dangerous substance. potential threats and dangers. However. it 1s less sensi-
The player must choose when he buys the power pre- tive, and it works somewhat differently.
cisely what surrounds the nova. and this decision cannot As with Premonition, the player must make a Per-
change thereafter. ception + lntuition roll to determine 1f there is danger.
When a nova Immolates, he damages anything he The differences are twofold. First, lntuition 1s perma-
touches. or anything lhat touches him. His touch inflicts nent. The character does not have to spend quantum
Quantum + (power rating x 3) dice of bashing damage, points or otherwise tum his lntuition on: ifs constantly
or Quantum + (power rating x 2) dice of lethal damage. active and on the lookout for dangers. Second, the warn-
The player must choose upon purchasing the Immolate ing provided by Intuition is much less precise than the
power whether the eHed is bashing or lethal. and this one given by Premonition. When the character makes
decision cannot be changed thereafter. his roll. the Storyteller simply tells him that he feels that
lf the nova deliberately tnes to touch someone. "something 1s not nght here." The more successes the
doing so counts as an attack. However. the nova can use character achieves on the roll, the more precise the Sto-
a t1ormal dose combat attack (such as a punch) and also ryteller should be, but 1n no instance should he provide
cause damage from Immolate without the use of Immo- as much mformat1on as Premonition does.
late counting as a separate action. Similarly. anyone who lritwtion alerts the character only to dangers to
touches or grabs the character automatically takes the hm1self. It provides no warning 1f someone nearby is 1n
Immolate damage. This damage does not count as an ac- danger.
tion or attack by the nova. Extras: None
Immolate can be extremely effect.Ne 1n combat, but
1t can also cause problems. s11ice anything the nova
touches takes damage. If he bumps into an innocent by-
stander. smashes through a wall or gas pump or simply
walks down the street, he damages those people and
objects - with potentially disastrous results.
Extras: Variable (Immolate may be either of two
damaging substances; charncter mily switch between
them as an action); Aggravated (Immolate inflicts [power
rating] levels of aggravated damage)

Lave!: 2
Quahtorn Minimum: I
Dice Pool: Wits + Invisibility
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: M<'!intenance
ffect: Quantum .., number of successes versus
opponent's Perception to remain undetected
Multiple Actions: Yes
Intuition Desaiption: Invisibility renders a nova undetectable
Level: I to v1s1on. and possibly other senses as well. lnv1s1bility works
Quantum Minimum: 1 against all variants of visual senses (Electromagnetic Vi-
Dice Pool: Perception~ Intuition sion.High-End Electromagnetic Scan, machines and secu-
Range: Self rity devices), but attempts to detect the invisible charac-
Area: NIA ter with such enhanced vision gain an extra die unless the
Duration: Permanent nova spends a Willpower point to fortify his invisible state.
Effect: Heightens character's awareness of dangers.
Multiple Actions: Yes



To use Invisibility, the player needs only pay the quan- Description: Invulnerability is just what 1t says -
tum points and roll Wits .. lnvisibility. The number of suc- it makes a character invulnerable, or nearly so. to a spe-
cesses achieved, plus a number of automatic successes equal cific form of attack. Each dot 1n the power adds six soak
to the character's Quantum rating. is con1pared to an when resisting damage from that kind of attack, eveo jf
Aw<ircness roll for any persons directly attempting to de- the attack 1s aggravated. ln the case of mental powers
tect the character. Players of characters who are not spe- such as Domination. each level of lnvulnerability provides
cifically trying to perceive the 1nvis1ble character (such as six extra successes to any Willpower roll to resist the
the average person the invisible character passes on the power's effects.
street) are not allowed to roll Awareness at all. If the nova The character must 'hoose the type of attack to
achieves the same or more successes, those trying t.o per- which his Invulnerability applies. Typically this applica-
ceive h1rn are completely unable to do so. Any attacks made tion is based on a given phenomenon (fire attacks) rather
based on that sense suffer Blind Fighting/ Fire penalties than a specific power (Quantum Bolt). Some possible
(assurn1ng the afuicke.r 1s making his attack in the proper examples mclude: any one attack form defined by an El-
direction or location at all) emental Anima or E.lemental Mastery (fire. ice, earth or
If tl1e onlookers achieve more successes, they per- light); magnetic attacks or mental powers. Characters
ceive the character dimly - enough to launch attacks may not choose to be Invulnerable to uquantum pow-
against the chal(Jcter at a difficulty penalty of only one. ers." ''physical attacks" or "energy attacks."
Invisibility does not doak a character against detection Extras: Broad Category (player can choose to be
by othersenses - he may still be heard, smelled, or registered lnvulnerable ro "physical attacks.. or "energy attacks:'
on sonar, for example. Howe11er, the Enhanced Effect Extra. but not "quantum powers")
below. allows lnvistb1l1ty to doak the c:haract:er against detec-
tion by additional senses. In the case of other senses, the Story-
teller should determine any appropriate effects. For example,
lnv1s1b1hty to smell might reqwre a dlaf'acter with Bloodhound
(p. 162) to mal1e his tracking rolls at increased difficulty.
1nv1sibility works only for the character's body; ren-
dering one's clothes, effects or carried items invisible
requires the Attunement Background (p. 139).
Extras: Enhanced Effect (lnvis1bihly works versus
one additional sense per success rolled)

Level: 1
Quantum Minimum: 1
Dice Pool: Luc.I<
Range: Self
Area; N/A
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Successes achieved on roll reduce damage
and make tasks easier.
Multiple Actions: N/A
Invulnerability . Description: A nova with this power 1s extraordi-
1 narily lucky. Somehow his quantum consciousness is able
Level: 2
Qoanhlm Minimum: 1 to tap into and manipulate fate. probabilities and per-
Dice f>ool: NI A haps even reality itself. R09ardless of how it's done, Lady
Range: Self Luck smiles on the character and looks out for him.
Once per scene. a character may ask to roll his Luck.
Duration: Permanent It 1s in the Storyteller's discretion whether the charac-
Effect: Provides .. 6 soak per dot against a specific ter may roll Luck; sometimes it's better for the game if
type of attack the character depends on his own abilities. When the
Multiple Actions; N/ A character rolls Luck, each success achieved influences
the outcome of other events. Exactly what happens is up
to the Storyteller. but here are some guidelines.


Combat: When the character is 111 combat, the player
may divide the successes he gets for Luck in a given turn
between his attack and his defense. Successes added to
an attack grant one die per success to make the attack
and detef11line its effects. Successes added to defense
provide one success (not one die) to all dodge, parry or
block rolls (or similar rolls to avoid other effects, such as
Willpower rolls to counteract Domination).
Abilities: Each Luck success adds one success (not
one die) to any use of Abilities out of combat. If a char-
acter makes two or more Ability checks during the same
time frame (turn. minute, or whatever else the Story-
teller decides is appropriate), he must d1v1de his Luck
successes among the different rolls
Backgrounds: Luck affects rolls associated with
Backgrounds iust as it does with Abilities.
Remember, though. that Fate is a fickle bitch. If a
character botches a Luck roll, he suddenly becomes re-
ally unlucky for a scene. An unlucky character botches if
he rolls no successes and any die comes up 1or 2.
Extras: None

Magnetic Mastery
Level: .3
Quantum Minimum: 4
Dice Pool: Variable
Range: Special
Area: Variable
Duration: Variable
EFfect: Character is able to manipulate magnetism
and magnetic f 1elds
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: A nova with this power 1s a master of
magnetism. She 1s able to lift and move metallic objects,
proiect magnetic blasts and pulses and otherwise con-
trol and manipulate the forces of magnetism. If this power
1s active, a nova may Block any incoming metal attack,
using Dexterity+- Magnetic Mastery as the dice pool. The
character may automatically make a Perception +- Mag-
netic Mastery roll to accomplish minor feats like sensing
magnetic north, gauging the strength of local magnetic
fields, and the like.
As with Elemental An11na and Mastery. this power
provides several tec.hmques. A nova may learn and freely
use one technique per dot 1n the power; she may attempt
other techniques. but the player must pay double quan-
tum points and roll against a difficulty penalty of one to
use these powers. Techn1ques include:
Dice Pool: Wits + Magnetic Mastery
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters
Area: N/A
Duration: lnstant

The nova can emit an electromagnettc pulse that I Magnetic Shield

disrupts electronic equipment. To use it. the character I Dice Pool: N/A
pays the required quantum points and rolls Wits + Mag- Range: Self
netic. Mastery. The Storyteller opposes this power with Area: N/A
a roll based on the target device's "Stamina." The Sta- Duration: Ma111tenance
ryteller should determine the machine's Stamina based The character can polarize rnetal weapons and pro-
on how well sh1eldP.d il is against such attacks. Most ma- Jectiles away from herself. Each turn. the player can sub-
chines have a Stamina of 1(at most); some m1htary equip- tract her dots in Magnetic Mastery from the attack suc-
ment, though, might have a Stam111a of 5 or higher. For cesses of any metal weapon used against her character.
each net success the nova achieves, the machme is un- This defense also works against novas whose powers in-
able to function for one hour. At the Storyteller's option, valve metal.
minor technolog1cal devices may be permanently shorted
out. Magnetic Storm
Dice Pool: NI A
Magnetic Blast Range: Special
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Magnetic Mastery Area: (Quantum power rating) x S meters
Range: (Quantum .. power rating) x 10 meters Duration: t once11tral1on
Area: NIA This power allows the nova to telekinet1cally lift all
Duration: lnshmt in-range ferrous objects of 40 kgs or less, then whirl
The nova can project a damaging blasl of magnetic them around him in a sort of "magnetic tornado." He will
force, similar to a Quantum Bolt. This attack inflicts not be hurt by the flying ob1ects., b1.1t anyone within the
[Quantum i< 2] levels (power rating x 3) dice of bash- area of effect acts al -Z to all dice pools and takes (power
ing damage. rating x 2) dice of bashing damage. The damage depends
Magnetic Field in part on the objeds available lf there are few metallic
Dice Pool: Wits + Magnetic Mastery objects m the vicinity. the Storyteller may reduc.e the
Range: (Quantum .,. power rating) x 5 meters damage done proportionately. If there are a lot of sharp
Area: (Quantum+ power rating) x 3 meters objects (like knives or nails), the damage may be lethal.
Duration: Concentration Magnetize
The nova can create an intense magnetic field in a Dice Poo~ Perception ,. Magnetic Ma!.tery
given area. This Field interferes with electronic equip- Range: (Qwintum ... power rating) x 10 meters
menl Each success achieved on a Wits+ Magnetic Mas- Area: N/A
tery roll imposes a diff1eulty penalty of one for any tasks Duration'. Maintenance
attempted by or with electronic equipment. At the The nova magnetically charges ferrous metal items
Storyteller's option, some shielded equipment may be wilhin the vicinity, causing them lo attract or repel one
able to resist thtS effect with a "Stamina roll. as with
another. This could, for example. wrench a gun from a
the EMP power. foe's hand or trap an armored guard against the metal
Magnetic Levitation bars of a pnson cell A magnetic ally charged ferrous ob-
JCCt exerts an effective ..Might.. equal to the character's
Dice Pool: NI A
Range: Self Quantum plus the successes scored on a Dexterity
Area: N/A Magnetic Mastery roll,
Duration: Maintenance Magnetokinesis
The nova 1s able to manipulate ambient magnetic Dice Pool: Dexl!mty Magnetic Mastery
Fields to pick himself up and crudely. His flying speed Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters
is equal to (power rating x 2) + 20 meters per action, or Area: N/A
(40 x power rating) kilometers per hour out of combat. Durati<in: Concentrot1on
The nova may use his awesome magnetic powers lo
pick vp metallic. obi eds. Once he has lhein he can throw
them or hit other characters w1lh them . This Feat mir-
ror; the use of the Telekinesis power (p. 224 ). except
U1at the dice pool is Dexterity ... Magnetic Mastery, and
only metal obiecls can be mantpulated.
Extras: None


For fJcample: Karen Roper has Strength 4 and Mat-
ter Chameleon 4. She st1cl<s her hand into ajunction box
and scores four successes on a Stamina -r Matter Cha-
meleon roll. thus changing into living electricity. Although
her Matter Chameleon ratmg ts quite high. she can nor-
mally i11F/1ct no more than six dice of lethal damage -
the amount ofcurrent available from the energy source
However. since Karen scored four successes on her roll,
the Storyteller allows her to inflict eight dice of lethal
damage by touch (after all. sire's bigger than a junction
box. thus might have more current running through her).
Matter Chameleon Next, Karen touches a Flawless diamond. scoring a
Levek 3 single success on the Stamma + f<t1atter Chameleon roll.
Quantum Minimum: 5 The Storyteller judges that a being made ent1Te/y from
Dice Pool: Stamina .. Matter Chameleort diamond would have al least TB extra soak: however.
Range: Self because Karen has Matter Chameleon rating of only 4.
Area: N/A she may gam a maximum of 12 extra soak by duplicating
Duratio11: Maintenance the diamonds structure. n1e Storyteller rules that Karen
Effect: Allows character to duplicate properties of gams two extra dots of Strength (raising Karen's
specific types of matter. Strength to Mega-Strength I) and the eqwvalent of F-our
Multiple Actions: No dots in the Claws power. as Karen s Fingernails become
Description: Matter Chameleon 1s s11nilar to diamond-hard.
Bodymorph, but instead of allowing a character to as- lf a nova wishes to use Matter Chameleon as a de-
sume only one form, it gives her the power to have her fense against an incoming attack (for example, to as-
body take on the properties of any type of matter or sume the properties of Fire based on being hit by a blast
energy she touches. ff she touches rock, her body be- of flame). she may do so. Doing so does not require an
comes as durable and strong as stone. If she touches tear adron, but 1t is easier if an action is available; 1f the char-
gas, she becomes 1ntang1ble and can blind people with acter does not have a delayed action to use to do so, she
her touch. lf she touches water, she can flow through must spend a point oF Willpower instead. She then spends
pipes and ignore many forms of attack lf she touches quantum points and rolls Stamina + Matter Chameleon;
fire. she becomes a living Aame. even one success allows her to assume that attack's prop-
To use Matter Chameleon, the nova must pay the erties, and each success reduces the damage the attack
required quantum and touch the form of matter or en- inflicts by one die or level.
ergy whose properties she wishes to assume (doing so For Example: Karen Roper is attack.ed bynerve gas.
does not cause her any damage, even rf the substance She rolls Stamina + Matter Chameleon, scoring three
would normally be dama91119). and the player must roll successes. The Storyteller rules that Karen c.ompletely
Stamina~ Matter Chameleon. Even one success is suff1- ignores the eFFecf of the gas and changes to gas herself.
c1ent to allow her to assume the propett1es of that form; She gains properties similar to Bodymorph (gas); addi-
as long as she keeps paying quantum points. she will re- tionally. anyone enveloped by Karen will be affected as
tain those properties. though doused with nerve gas (see the Appendix, p. 280,
Specific. Tra1ts granted by Matter Chameleon de- for details).
pend entirely on !he material copied, often mdudrng ex- Matter 0 1ameleon has a few other nice side effects,
tra Strength. so<Jk. or damaging effects. The possibili- too. By spending a quantum point. the character can walk
ties are nearly endless, and the Storyteller must ultimately on water or other flt1ids at normal speed (this does not
adjudicate as she sees f'it. Some general guidelines are: protect against the effects of flutds like acid or magma).
No 5ubstance may provide more damage or soak than By spending three quantum points and touching a solid
the lower of a) the substance's normal properties; b) the such as a wall or floor, the character can attune her mo-
nova's power rating x 3. No substance may provide more lecular composition to that substance. allowing her to
extra Strength levels than the nova's power rating. Ex- uphase" through the solid at normal walking speed.
ceptional levels of success may allow for modification of SeeBodymorph (p. 185) for guidelines on the prop-
these guidelines. erties possessed by various substances.
Extras: None


There is an additional restriction on Matter Cre-
ation. The soak, health levels, and/ or dice of damage
the object provides/ causes may not exceed the creator's
Quantum + power rating total Thus. a character witn
Quantum 5 and Matter Creation _) can create ob1ecls that
have eight health levels, provide eight soak and/ or in-
flict eight dice of damage (or less): he cannot create an
object hard or durable enough to have nine health levels
or provide nine soak.
At the Storyteller's option, creating complicated
Matter Creation devices may require the character to have the skills nec-
essary to build such a device from scratch. Those Abili-
Level: 3
ties substitute for Wits in the roll. For example, to create
Quantum Minimum: 5
a car, the character would have to roll E.ngmeenng +
Dice Pool: Wits+ Matter Creation
Matter ( reatron.
Range: (Quantum + power rating) meters
Once created, the substance or object remains rn
Area: NIA
existence for one hour per dot 111 Matter Creation A sub-
Duration: Special
stance or object can be made permanent at the cost of a
Effect: Creates matter of various sorts
point of permanent Willpower.
Multiple Actions: Yes
Extras: None
Description: A nova with Matter Creation can lil-
eraUy create matter out of nothingness. He can create
matter 1n its raw form - such as ordinary iron or wood
- or he can create actual ob1ects and devices - such
as a sword, computer or chair
When creating raw materials. the nova simply rolls
Wits .. Matter Creation. The amount of matter created
depends on the number of successes rolled:

~i:le$Ses Amo1.1i!h,JM:atter.
"One \,~
TWO m ~.
F,Our l,,O'oQkiJ Mental Blast
fle l0,000 f(9 Level: 2
_cft;"~ttog:oi)jt\Ct~and wi>!f ~a littl~mor~ Quantum Minimum: 3
cf.ff1cultii.~~. "or:nh~l' 9f1U~~se,s)'.eq'-'1reel.deo# llP,Oll>
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Mental Blast
t}Fr;iatur . 0.fPe"ebjec,t;~\~~obJe~t~~e. Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 10 meters
~oo~es . 'O&j~ ty~f.~lfy Area:. NIA
qn~ Simpta;!}~~i 14.~it'i. a.ew
Duration: Instant
Tv(<l t!bmplex-Qb ~cl$~f~~nittlre".rb~ij
Effect: Causes one level of bashing damage per suc-
'Thi:~ filmBte Gev1~A':9o?~ alaajp. cess.
F8'1.1r 6'01'fpje'll.-Oev1~~ desKtppeom
Multiple Actions: Yes
pi!ler,.:an, a1:1iomoblle
Description: Thrs power allows a nova to project
VE# triSmfi!l%1evic!es: An :a'if his "quantum consciousness.. directly into another being's
mind, causrng psychic pain and IOJUry. To use Mental
Blast. the character pays the reqUtred quantum points
5m.aJf!.~fo/~i1;19}0Jl~uld holdin
and rolls lntelltge11ce + Mental Blast in a resisted roll
Qrt~~~hct o_
narm a gainst the target's Willpower. Each net success achieved
Mediuor..c$.oytn\l'ig_y-ou:vf90ld need>'
c auses one health level of bashing damage; if bashing
f.wc>.illiltiS f8jlold
health levels go below zero. further Mental Blast dam-
Lar~~Noyttiln'gy&\J:w.o.uld ne~d
age is lethal.
twe y: ll1flr ~pJe. to hg)cl / Extras: None
~eqlatgti:Aw~iojyo~- o\lkt
iiee<Wl\fofkUff to fiQJd.
'1<'2 ~i,ijtoadive
.,.$ Onknowr,1 'stibs&ii:reei s'u~n.ce Wa:r
tfe~Ji&nrral properh~of'~\Cli -elifiber, fo.ttel(3trlpTej
Once the nova establishes the illusion. he must con-
centrate on it to maintain iL He will know how the target
is reacting to it, and he can cause it to read accordingly.
lf the illusion does not react as the target expects (for
example, someone who is the target's friend does not
know who he is), the target may make a Perception roll,
opposed by an Intelligence + Mirage roll. to break free
from the 1!1us1on.
Unless the nova achieves three or more successes,
a target cannot take damage From illusory attacks, though
he might. for example, be tricked into running in front of
Mirage a car as he reacts to an illusion. At three or more suc-
Level: 2 cesses, the victim's mind will cause him to suffer 111juries
Quantum Minimum: 3 corresponding to those caused by illusory attacks - 1f
Dice Pool: Manipulation +Mirage shot with an illusory gun, he will take the same damage
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 20 meters which he would take from a real gun - bul regardless
Area: NIA of the type of damage the attack would nonnally do, the
Duration: Concentration damage is Stun Attack damage only (see Stun Attack, p.
Effect: Creates illusions in target's mind. 223).
Multiple Actions: No Extras: None
Description: Unlike Holo, which creates an image
that many different characters can see at once. Mirage
allows a nova to project an image directly into a single
target's mind. To use Mirage. the nova must spend the
necessary quantum points and roll Manipulation + Mi- Molecular
rage in a resisted action against the target's Willpower.
If the nova scores more successes, he succeeds in im-
Level: 3
planting the illusion. The more net successes he has. the
Quantum Minimum: 5
more complex and believable the illusion is.
Dice Pool: Variable
Range: Variable
Area: Variable
lllslqn Intensity Duration: Special
S1mple'"illus10 Ch~nge appeara"~ Effect: This power gives a character the ability to
Qr11atore of ex1s:flng<cilijects fr: manipulate and control molecules.
13.el'.SQns ~rate illustorr tfti~ ftle~ Multiple Actions; Yes
a ~minor obj~or peoRTe where Description: A nova with this power wields ultimate
none ac uall)li e-x1sl control over inorganic and unliving organic molecules.
<to t ]lusfon: Chan\e>appeat While he cannot change or affect living things in any way,
an_$e or natur~ of irgo rtant exl$. his power 1s still quite impressive.
in~o~ea.s,or p r,sl>~ Greate;il By spending a quantum point a molecular manipu-
lus1on1that &~a~ imp fanl ob lation can make a Perception + Molecular Manipulation
eel~ oi; pe:oe,le wher;e rrorreaci(1.1 roll to identify the chemical composition and properties
alt ex~t; mino~cl1ang,esotopver<all of any substance within a range of [Quantum + power
envJronmeR~ rating] x 20 meters.
v~~Compl~ 1Uosron; 11 usion e'an As with Elemental Anima and Mastery, this power
coinpl~ty change fbe ~ar~ers en provides several techniques. A nova may learn and Freely
v1ronrnem or tile P.:eeple and ob use one technique per dot in the power; she may attempt
~ts a olmd him. other techniques. but the player must pay double quan-
tum cost and roll against a difficulty penalty of one to
activate these powers. Techniques include:



others while animated). 1t may use lhern; the Storyteller

Animation should determ111e the ei<act effec.ts and appropriste dam-
Dice Pool: Monipulabon Molecular Man1pulat1on age.
Range: (Quantum .. power rat1119) 11. 3 rneters
Area:. N/A Destruction
Duration: Concentration Dice Pool: Dextenly + Molecular ManipulalJ011
The nova may ' animate.. 1nan11nate objects, g1v1n9 Range: (Quantum ... power rating) x 10 meters
them 11 c.rude so1t of quasi-life. Wheeled ob1ects roll, Area: N/A
furniture and other Items with legs walk or run and other Duration: 1nstant
obJee.ts do their best to hop or otherwise rnot1V<1te them- The character unravels or destroys the molecular
selves. The character rnay animate 011e object of roughly bonds holding an unli..,ing ob1ect together. causing 11 to
human srze for each success on the player's Intelligence dis111te9rale. Domg so inflicts Quantum+ Molecular Ma-
-. Molecular Manipulation roll. Thus, animatmg a couch, nipulation health levels of damage to the target object.
which 1s approximately twice the size of a normal hu- Ob1ects may soak; the Storyteller should determrne how
man. would take two successes. Animated objects move m\.lch dam119e they can soak based 011 the materials they
at the character's walking pace, but this speed may 1n~ are made of and how well they are constructed.
crease to his running pa<:e if he spends an additional
q1.1antum point.
Molecular Alteration
Animated Qbjects can attack targets. The Story-
Dice Pool: lntell19enc:e + Molecul;ir Manipulation
Range: (Quantum+ power ratir,g) x S meters
teller determines the objects' Strength, St.anuna and
Are:a: NIA
health levels based on their size and the materials they
Duration: Permanent
are made of (the Material Strength chart on p 257 pro-
The character c:an convefl the molecules of an
vides -some guidelines); an ob1ect"s Oaxterity is equal lo
unliving solid or liquid nto molecules of another un11vmg
the character's narrnal Wits Attribute. If the object has
solid or l1qu1d, thus. for e1<ample. transforming a wooden
any special abilities (such as a gun, which could shoot
chair into ;i st.eel chair. The nature of the changes a char-



Second Skin
Dice Pool: N/A
T~ion Range: S.elf
Change StJbs~nce: :The dfanie- Area:. N/A
ter may d'lange lhe cleniCnts Qr Duration: Maintenance
sulmance of which l'n ob; cl is By hardening air molecules 1n a film about himself.
"'ade, but-he cannot chan~ the the nova can protect himself with a fayer of armor. For
objecfssfiape or stiQ. Awoodert each dot in Molecular Alteration. the nova gains +2 soak
chair becomes a chair of solid versus bashing and lethal damage.
,golct;.a steel lcilafe becon a
krufe of >Si1k Shape Alteration
iwo QlangeSize: As Chi~ Sub- Dice Poof: Wits~ Molecular Man1pulat1on
st~ plus thediartder coo Range: Touch
malcetb0liject Ult~ or.smaller Area: NIA
by up to10'% per SUCCOSll ~er Ountioo~ Special
one (20% at Uie m1n1rnum twQ The character can alter the shape of inanimate ob-
successesiieeded for tli1s ef feet; jects. He can alter the shape of 10 kilograms of any given
409Jat three succ~ses; and $0 substance per success rolled on an lntelhgence Mo-
forth). lecular Manipulation roll He need not affect an entire
1hree Change Snape: As Change Size, object to alter its shape. but he can alter only that part
p!Us tbe obJecf$ shape can be of the ob1ect wtuch he 1s able to affect. He can cause a
changed..A wOOacn Chair can be hole to open rn the object (handy for getting through
tr.msfOmieCI mto a lump of gold: locked doors). make 1t grow crude arms or legs. or JUSl
a steel kiiifebetom 9 dress of change its appearance or ab1lrty to function The changes
..5tlk.o remain until the nova rever;es them or repairs are made
FoLU Change Complexity As Ctiango A nova with this power can attempt to repair inor-
Size. plus the obJcic I , nature or ganic obiects The nova must have at least some knowl-
complexity <'al:l b~ lran:.formed edge of the subject lo be Fixed (generally speaking. at
- it.~ be mad& into working least one dot 111 Engineering). The nova then rolls Mo-
electrical c1r<:uits and 1nov1"9 lecular Manipulation i' Engineering (or other appropri-
parts. Thus. ~ ltee csn ~ o ate Ability); each success repairs one "health level" of
changed'intu ii Working computer damage suffered by lhe ob1ect.
or ii car Extras: None

acter can enact with Molecular Alteration depends upon

the number of '>Uccesses he achieves on an lntellgen(e +
Molecular Mampulat1on roll.
The character may not create objeds Irom thin air;
that requires Matter C'reabon.
At the Storytellers opbon. creatmg dev.ces with
Change Complexity may reqwre the charac.ler lo have
the slulls necessary lo build sucli a device from <;er.itch
Those Ab1l1t1cs sub5lttute for lntell1gence in the roll For
example. to create a car. the character would have lo roll
Engineenng Molecular Manipulation Poison
Once created. the substance or object remains in Level: 2
existence for one hour per dol 1n Molecular Man1pula- Quantum Minimum: 1
t1on A substance or object be made permanent at Dice Poof: Stamina ... Poison
lhe cMt of a point of permanent Willpower Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Donation: Instant
Effect: Character's touch can poison or infect an-
other person
Multiple Actions: Yes


Description: A nova with this ability can poison or
drug someone with a touch or infect him with a disease.
For purposes of this power, poisons, venoms, toxins.
drugs and similar substances are considered to do Stun
Attack (per the power of the same name), bashing or
lethal damage; some poisons subtract from dice pools
instead. The amount of damage the character's touch can
inflict depends upon the type of damage and a Stamma +
Poison roll; the character may add a number of successes
equal to his Quantum Each success gives him one level
of Stun Attack damage; two successes are required lo
get a level of bashing damage, orto subtract one die from
the v1et1m 's dice pools. and three successes are required Level: 2
for each level of lethal poison damage. Quantum Minimum: I
Diseases are handled differently. The number oF Dice Pool: Perception"" Premonition
successes achieved on the ro11 determine the virulence Range: Variable
of the disease that can be inflicted. The victim may re- Area: Special
sist with a Res1stahce roll; net successes are compared DU11ttion: One scene
to the table below: Effect: Allows character to detect danger or threats
to himself.
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: This sensory power warns the nova of
impending dangers or threats. To use 1t, the character
pays the quantum-point cost, which allows her to detect
danger for one scene. Whenever she is confrohted with
any danger during that time - she is about to trip a
i:h?ee trap. someone p01nts a gun at her, etc. - the player
four may make a Perception ~ Premonition roll to detect it
The difficulty should be set by the Storyteller, depend-
ing on the severity of the danger (the greater the po-
tential harm, the easier tt 1s to detect) and how likely it is
to affect the character (a direct threat IS easier to de-
Conventional armor, including powers such as Force tect than something that might adversely affect the char-
Field, usually offers little protection against poisons and acter but isn't intended for her).
diseases. A nova with the Adaptability enhancement may Premonition can detect threats specifically directed
soak poison effects with his Stamina/Mega-Stamina at the character (someone about to stab her with a knife)
soak; at the Storyteller's opt10n, a Resistance roll may as well as threats directed at her general area (a
help to counteract a poison's effects (in whole 01 in part). lerronsCs bomb that's about to destroy the building she's
Remember lhal most poisons and diseases do nol work m). The danger must be within about (100 x Premoni-
instantly - they have an "onset tune" measured in bon) meters of him m mosl cases. though the Storyteller
hours, days. or weeks. Characters who expect to use this rnay, at her discretion, expand this range. Specific dan-
power to cause fatalit ies in combat are likely to be dis- gers (such as a sniper pointing a gun at the character
appointed from a thousand meters away) can usually be dete<led
Extras: Pro1ectile (cal'I spit. exhale or otherwise further away than general threats.
expel a venom or virus at a range of lO meters x power Asuccessful Premonition roll does not tell thed1ar-
rating) . acter exactly what the danger 1s, only that she 1s exposed
to It and from roughly which direction or location 1t 1s
coming. In most cases warning 1s enough to provide the


character with the information she needs to avoid the For dramatic purposes. the Storyteller may. at hrs
danger. For example. suppose the character is about to discretion. increase the timeframe. For example, 1f a nova
walk through a door and her Premonition alerts her to a with Pretercognition Found an ancient Egyptian artifact,
possible threat. If the Premonition indicates that the dan- the Storyteller might let her "read" images assoctated
ger is coming from the door itself. the door is probably with its creation, even though it is thousands of years
rigged for some kind of booby trap. lf the danger comes old. because those visions contain a clue she needs to
from beyond the door. a more likely explanation 1s that solve a mystery.
someone - or something - 1s waiting on the other Storytellers should be very careful about allowing
side of the door to attack or hurt the character. this power in their series. It can have an enormous im-
Premonition does not detect danger to those near pact on the characters' actions and on society. and it
the character unless the character herself 1s somehow can make it virtually 1mposs1ble to run scenarios that re-
exposed to the threat. volve around mysteries or puzzles. However, there's no
Extras: Others (the character's Premonition can guarantee that the visions received are absolutely accu-
detect dangers to anyone within about (10 x Premoni- rate....
tion J meters of the character) E.xtras:None


Pretercognition Psychic Shield

Level: 3 Level: I
Quantum Minimum: 4 Quantum Minimum: l
Dice Pool: Perception .. Pretercognitioo Dice Pool: N/ A
Range: Self Range: Self
Area: N/A Area: N/A
Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent
Effect: Allows character to foresee fu ture (or view Effect: Provides two extra successes per dot on all
past) events; number of successes determines timefrarne. attempts to resist mental powers.
Multiple Actions: No Multiple Actions: N/ A
Description: Pretercogmtion allows a nova to fore- Descriptiori: Psychic Shield is a potent defense
see future events or grants glimpses of the past. against powers that directly affect a nova's mind (Domi-
The timeframe within which the character can nation, Hypnosis, Mental Blast. Mirage or Telepathy).
"view" events is based on the number of successes Each dot grants two extra successes to any roll to resist
achieved on a Perception .. Pretercognition roll. mental powers. If the power causes damage, like Mental
Blast, then Psychic Shield also provides two extra soak
per dot. Psychic Shield is permanent. but a character
~~es ti01eframe, may voluntarily shut 1t off rf he wishes (he can reactivate
rte Up t'&one Hoar pe~ dot it at any time. which does not require an action).
twti y,'10 ~~j'.la,_ _,pe dot Psychic Shield does not work against emotion-con-
The {JP;to onaweelr.i>er dot trolling powers (Empathic Manipulation, many of the
f'our lJfttOii!tl mof'l~~pe t!ofr Mega-Social enhancements). only direct 1111nd control.
F'iYe VcP.: ta one: ti'fil p,e'r d@t Exb"as: Extra Mind (character may extend his Psy-
Six \Jf\1 tdJO'y.ean. per: dfit chic Shteld to protect one other person whom he is touch-


age. not [power rating x 41: however, each such shot
inflicts a bashing health level of damage on the nova due
to the stress of channeling the excess energy. and any
botd1 on the targeting roll inflicts a point of temporary
i a1nt)

Quantum Bolt
Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 1
Dice Pool: Dextenty .,. Quantum Bolt
Range: (Quantum .,. power rating) x 15 meters
Area: NIA
Duration: Instant
Effect: Inflicts [Quantum x 3] levels .. (power rat-
ing x 4) dke of bashing damage or [Quantum x 2) levels
+ (power rating x 4) dice of lethal damage (player's
Quantum Construct
choice). Level: 3
Multiple Actions: Yes Quantum Minimum: 4: must also have Force Field
Description: Quantum Bolt, in its myriad forms, 1s or better
one of the mos! common offensive powers used by no- Dice Pool: Manipulation + Quantum Construct
vas. lt aUows a nova to project a damaging blast of en- Range: (Quantum + power rating) meters
ergy at a target, The damage may be either lethal or bash- Area: NIA
ing (the player must choose what type of damage the Duration: Maintenance
power does when he buys it). The target takes [Quan- Effect: This power enables the character to create
tum Trait x ~]levels .. (power ratingx 4) dice of bashing "creatures" or objects out of quantun) force: the num-
damage or (Quantum Trait x 2] levels+ (power rating x ber of successes achieved indicates what beings can be
4) dice of lethal damage. summoned and how many.
A nova might try to pull an unusual ~stunt'' with her Multiple Actions: No
Quantum Bolt. such as bouncing it off a surface to hit an Description: A nova with Quantum Construct is ca-
opponent in the back The Storyteller may, at his dis- pable of generating raw quantum forces, then shaping
cretion. allow this effect 1f the nova achieves a sufficient them inlo animate creatures that act at the nova's wbim.
number of successes on a Dexterity+ Quantum Bolt roU. Many novas with this power use it to summon "demons"
A nova's Quantum Bolt must be defined as a spe-- and other such creatures of legend. Regardless of the
cif1c type of energy or power, such as fire, ice, lightning, creatures' appearance, though, they are obviously made
bioenergy or a laser. when the character is created. The from quantum forces - a character with control over
energy type cannot be changed thereafter. electromagnetic energies might summon constructs of
Quantum Bolt cannot normally use the standard living lightning, radiant energy or the like. Quantum Con-
Ranged Combat Maneuver.;, such as Automatic Fire (p. struct cannot create a duplicate of a specific person or
247). However. for each dot in the power above three, a the like.
nova may choose one such maneuver For her Quantum To use Quantum Construct. a nova must spend the
Bolt. She does not have to use the maneuver unless she required quantum points and roll Manipulation ... Quan-
wishes to, but ifs available as a ~ power stunt" that she tum Construct. The number of successes 1nd1cate whet
has trained herself to perform. Performing a maneuver type of creature can be summoned.
costs one extra quantum point 1n addition to the points Characters may create more than one being in some
spent to fuel the power itself. circumstances. First, if they want a being smaller than
Extras: Extra Energy Type (power may manifest as those listed on the chart, they may "divide" the listed
one additional form of energy): Supercharge (character size up among multiple beings. For example, with two
can spend three quantum points to have her Quantum successes, a nova could create one human-sized being,
Bolt inflict [power rating x 6 j dice ot appropriate dam- two beings of half human size, four bei119s of one-quar-


simply review and approve what the player create'> The
8e1!19(s) SUrnm:oned Storytdler should be care! ul not to let this power unbal.
m!111g no lar;gor than a :slit-ep ance or ruin the game; J~t because a nova has the ilb1l-
(Slre119tfi an(j Sta:n1ne t Oexter- 1ty to summon an anny or demonic soldiers doe-sn't mt'an
ity3. four h~lth levds) he should be allowed to
One being 1lO larg~1 tlian a human Th LS power is extremely wrenching to the -;urround-
(All Phy cal Alh~b\11~ 2. norma) mgs. and 1l as best used only once a scene. 1f a nova at-
hUIJlilM ~e;ilth levels) tempts to use it more than once per scene. each add1-
One being no larger lhan twice hu- t1011al attempt costs double the quantum poll\ts and in-
man ~ze {Streti~tti a1\d Stamma 4. curs a d1fi1c1.1lty penalty of one
Oelltenty 2.. eight Ii alth level$) Extras: None
Four 01 liei no l~cr lhnn four.
ll1ne5 lit.1m<1n srt (M'19a-Strongth
!/Strength 4, Stamina 4, ~ter
\l}'i 2,'ilt soa~ 10 "Hurf' h lh lev- .o
Five One being no 9"f than 19~t /'-...>

times JiuQian s11e \Mega-Sti~gtll
2/Str~tti 4, Stamina ~.t>t.<ter
tt)'.2. 2 Soak: 12 "Htlrt health lev-
Constr:Ucts re S1!1lP.!Y ma of suan-
tm energy; they; C)C"e irected tJy th cir c:realOf, have no
Menta SOc1al or Will~~ ifra1~. ano cire immune to
attacks d"pendent on tliose':rra1ajfor examf!IC. Domi- Quantum Conversion
nation 01 Dreadful Mien) Furthennore. constn1Cls feel Level: I
no pain and ~ufk no wound po11alt1~ Coh5trucl9 can Quantum Minimum: I
liowever, l>e d1~pe!led by-powe1 s ~ch as Dl~rur,L t Dice Poor: Slc:tm1no Quantum Conve~1on
Range: Touch
Area; NIA
Duration: Special
ler human size or a larger number of mouse- or 1nsect- Effect: May convert up lo one quantum pomt per
s1zed creatures Second, 1f thl" character ac.h1eves more dot mto standard forms ol energy.
svccesses than needed to create the bein<J he wants. he Wtiple Actions: Yes
may u~ the extra soc~ to ancreaw the numbers - Oescnption: Quaolum (onvet'Sloo ts somel.Jme<; con-
each extra succ~ doubles tne number ol c.onstruc.ts sidered one of the more unusual powe1"S novas d1~ay. yet
for example, suppose a nove wants to summon a human- rt is undoubtedly one of the mo<e useful ones an a practical.
saed demon. and the player rolls four successes The two ~ay s.ens4!' It allows a novoi to convert part of his per-
additional wcce~ double ht'S numbers twice, allowmg sonal quantum energies his Quantum Pool - rnto stan
lllm to summon four demons. dard fonns of ~perquaol:um eoen;iies svcJ.. as heat. fire or
Some constructs may hcive add1t 1onal powers A electnc1ty The player must choose what type of ffiet"gy
creation success can be converted into frve nova points. the nova can convert his quantum points into
which are u..ed to provide Mega-Attnbutes or quantum Quantum Conversion can convert up to one quan-
powers to the summoned creatures All such creatures tum point per dot into another form of eoe1 gy If (On-
have a Quantum Tra1t ol 1and 12 quantum points unless verted into electnc1ty. one quantum point would be
the nova spends creatton succ~ses to raise Quanlllm enough to power a typical large telev1"S1on tor about an
(one success per one add1t1onal Quantum dot) hour. The Storyteller IS the fmal arbiter or how much
The nova who summoned the constructs may (at electncity 1s needed lo power a given dev1te, and for
any time and any range) "banish" them. dispersing them how long. He also deler1r11nes the effects and uses of
mto the surrounding med11un No roll 1s required to do other forms of energy
so Quantum Convcn1on can also be used lo <0use dam-
Ultimately. the Storyteller as responsible for com- age to other people 1f lhe nova touches them while enut-
ing up with the game statistics and rules !or created con- tmg the energy Doing so causes one Ilea Ith IE"Vel ol ba:.h-
structs. though he may let the player do the work and


tng damage per quantum point converted (or one health Furthermore. when usmg his 1JTiprmted powers, the
level of lethal damage per two quanlw11 points con- nova may only roll the base Attnbute - he does not get
verted). but the person touche.d may soak this damage to roll any dice for the power itself For example. 1f 11
normally nova 1mpnnted two dots' worth of Quantum Bolt. he
Extras: Extra Energy Type (power may convert would roU only his Dexterity, not Dextenty ... Quantum
quantum points into one add1t1onal type of energy; char- Bolt, when determ1run9 the power's effects.
acter choos~ which type of energy lo emit with any 91ven Extras: None
use of the power)

Quantum Leech
Quantum Imprint Lev~I: 2
Leve~ 3 Quanh.Jm Minimum: Z
Quaotum Minimum: 4 Dice Pool: N/ A
Dice Poo~ Dexterity + Quantum lmpnnt Range: Touch
Range: Touch Area: NIA
Area: NIA Duration: Instant
Duration: Maintenance Effect: A successful use transfers (Quantum +
Effect Copies the powers and ab1l1ties o! charac- power rating) quantum points from the target nova to
ter touched. the nova using Quantum Leech
Multiple Actions: No Multiple Actions: Yes
Description; Quantum Imprint allows a nova to copy Description: Many novas fear tht5 power, for it takes
tire quantum s1gnah.Jre of another nova. By touching an- from them the one thing they treasure mo.:;t - quan-
other nova, he can duplicate s<>me or all of that nova's tum power, In the form of quantum pomts To use this
powers m himself. fhe nova touched does not lose any power, a nova pays one quantum pomt and touches the
of his powers or suffer any injury v1ct1m (standard contest of Derlenty 1! the touch 1s re~
To use Quantum lmprmt. the nova must make a s1sted). The player rolls lntelhgence Quantum Leech
Dexlerity + Quantum Imprint roll to touch the victim. lf against the victim's W1llpower. lf lhe nova wITTs the con-
the touch succeeds. the nova may copy one of the v1ct1ms test, he tra11sfers a number of quantum points equal to
Attributes. skills. abilities or powers for each dot he has his (Quantum power rating) from the v1ct1m to his (the
in Quantum Imprint - but he may only copy them up to nova's) own Quantum Pool. This transfer even allows the
his number of dots m Imprint. For example, 1f a nova to eKceed his natural Quantum Pool limit. up to twice
nova has Quantum lmpnnt 2 and wants to copy two of his normal Quantum Pool; however. 1f the nova botch~ a
another nova's powers. he may do so, but he only gets roll lo steal power exceeding his normal l1m1ts. he garns
two dols in each power. even ii the other nova has frve one or more points of temporary Taint. He retains those
dots m them. He may also never gain more dots or use points until he uses them or becomes unconscious (1n-
the power at a greater level of effect than the target dud1n9 going to sleep). The nova from whom the points
nova - for example. if a nova with':> and Quan- have been leached recovers them 1n the usual fashion at
tum Imprint 5 steals a Quantum Bolt from a nova with the normal rate.
Quantum 2 and Quantum Bolt 2. the Quantum Bolt ca11 xtras: Energy Siphon (may use Quantum Leech at
mflicl no greater damage than permitted with Quantum a range of [Quantum +- power rat111g] x 5 meters)
2and Bolt ]. The nova must also pay one more
guantum point to use a stolen power than he would have
to pay 1f he had that power "naturally." Thus, the nova m
the previous example would have lo pay three quantum
points to throw his copied Quantum Bolt



Quantum Quantum Vampire

Level: 2
Regeneration Quantum Minimum: 3
Level: 2 Dice Pool: Stamina + Quantum Vampire
Quantum Minimum: 3 Range: Touch
Dice Pool: N/A Area: N/A
Range: Self Duration: Special
Area:N/A Effect: A successful use transfers a defined At-
Duration: Special tribute or power from the target nova to the nova usmg
Effect: Spend one Willpower to add (power rating Quantum Vampire.
x 2) to the amount of quantum points recovered per hour Multiple Actions: Yes
Multiple Actions: Yes Description: Quantum Vampire 1s similar to Quan-
Description: Most novas recover the spent quan- tum Leech, but it allows a nova to steal powers or abili-
tum points at a steady. predictable rate - two points ties other than quantum points from another person
per hour while at ease, or four points per hour if com- (nova or not). The player must define which single power.
pletely relaxed. A nova with Quantum Regeneration can Attribute or Trait the nova can steal when he buys the
recover them far more quickly than that. power. Quantum Vampire cannot steal Mega-Attributes
To use Quantum Regeneration, the charatter waits or quantum powers from a dormant nova, nor can it steal
until he is about to start resting to recover quantum quantum powers that have been affected by the Disrupt
pomts. He spends one or more points of Willpower (not power (p. 190).
quantum points). For each pomt of Willpower spent, he To use this power, a nova pays the normal ctllan-
may add twice his power ratmg to the amount of points tum-point cost and touches the victim. The player then
he will recover in the next hour. For example. if a nova rolls Stamina +- Quantum Vampire against the v1ct1m's
spent two points of Willpower and had Quantum Regen- Willpower. lf the nova wins the contest, he transfers a
eration 4. he would recover 20 quantum points ( 4 +- 8 + number of dots of the Trait equal to his number of suc-
8) in an hour of complete relaxation. cesses From the victim to his (the nova's) own Trait He
E.xtras: Double (doubles the effect of Willpower retains those dots of power for one hour per dot 1n Quan-
spent when using this power: each point of Willpower tum Vampire; the victim loses them for that penod of
spent counts as two points). time. No Trait can be reduced below zero.
If stealing an Attribute from a victim with a Mega-
Attribute, the nova steals the Mega-Attnbute dots first;
however, the nova must transfer stolen dots to his nor-
mal Attribute (raising it to S) before ga1mng the appro-
priate Mega-Attribute. lf the energy vampire is 111 the
Mega-Attribute range, points transferred from a simi-
lar Mega-At tribute raise the novas own Mega-Attribute
normally; however. 1t stealing normal Attribute dots to
raise a Mega-Attribute, the nova must :;teal two Attribute
dots to raise the Mega-Attribute by one dot


For E.xsmple: Abyss, wtfh Strength 3. no Mega -
Strength and Quantum Vampire 4, attacks Core, wh0
has Mega-Strength 3 Abyss hits Core and rolls three
net successes. Core loses all three dots of his Mega-
Strength, reducing him to his normal Strength rating of
S Abyss 9ams three dots of Strength, pushing him t0
Mega-Strength I (Strength 4, then Strength 5, then
Mega-Strength /). lf Abyss uses the power on Core
again, he must score two net successes (reducing Core
to Strength 3) to raise his Mega-Strength to 2.
If a nova uses Quantum Vampire to steal a power o r
ab1l1ty he does not possess on his own (for example. he
Sensory Shield
leaches Quanl.lJm Bolt. but he do~ not possess that power Level: I
himself). the nova may roll only the base Attribute - Quantum Minimum: 1
he does not get to roll any dice For the power itself. For Dice Pool: N/ A
example. if a nova leached two dots' worth of Quantum Range: Self
Bolt. he would roll only his Dexterity. not Dexterity + Area: N/A
Quantum Bolt (or Dextenty +Quantum Vampire, for that Duration: Permanent
matter). when determining the power's effects. Further- Effect: E.ach dot cancels two successes on Strobe
more, he must pay an additional quantum point when us- attacks made aga111st the character.
ing any such power. Multiple Actions: N/ A
A nova may define this power as the ability to steaI Description: Sensory Shield provides novas with
"life energy" (health levels) from his v1cl1m: 1f this op- protection against Strobe attacks and olher phenomena
tion 1s chosen, the target may resi!>t with Willpower or that might inlerfere with their senses. It can represent
Resistance (whichever is greater). The target takes au- eyes which are accustomed to extremely bright lights,
tomatic bash1119 damage. while lhe nova gains HBruised'' armored skin which is so tough the character's nerves
health levels lf Quantum Vampire reduces the target cannot be numbed and many other abilities.
below Incapacitated. the nova may begin mflitting lethaI Sensory Shield requires no rolls. Instead. each dot
I n the power counts as two successes to c<incel out suc-
health levels of damage with the power, gaining life-force
{extra health levels) normally. Damage inHict.ed by Quan- cesses achieved on Strobe rolls and successes From at-
tum Vampire 1s lreated as normal damage and may be tacks such as tear gas.
healed normally; this does not affect lhe vamp1nc nova's Extras: None.
stolen health levels
Extras: Extended Duration (the nova keeps stolen
powers for l wo hours per dot, and the v1ttlm loses them
during that time); Multiple Traits (nova may steal dots
from two Traits at once: successes rolled must be di-
vided between lhe two Traits in whatever proportion the

nova l' player wishes)

Extras: None


Level: 3
Quanb.Jm Minimum: 4
Dice Pool: Stamina Shapesh1ft
Range: Self
Area: NIA
Duration: Maintenance
Effect: Allows character to alter her shape; the
degree of alteration depends upon the successes
a ch1eved.


Multiple Actions; v~
Oesaiption: Shapnh1ft 1s om!' of the most versa-
tile nova po~rs It allow\ 1 nova to use quantum ener-
91e-s to reshape her own body. With the proper degree
of power and ~kill. she can turn herself into vanous am-
mals. pieces of furmtur or JU'5l about anything else she
can think of
Once 1 chara<:tcr has so much as a single dot m this
power. '5he 11 able to 1lter htr shape However. she m19hl
not be able to make her transformation complete - 1t
requires cons1der.ible precision to copy every detail of
an ob1ect An untra1~ nov1 might. for ex.ample. Lum
hunself into 1 hger but not manage lo create the claws: Level:l
or she could change Wipe into 1 bird but not create the Qt.iti.n Mminun: I
WlllCJS properly, so she woold not be~ lo fly More Dice Pool: Dextenty Shroud
~penenced shapesh1fters rarely have these problems Range: (Quantum pOWtt rating) x IS meters
The degree of change a character can work on her Area:. (Quantum power rating) x ':> meter radius
own body depends on the number of successes achieved Otrabon: Coocentrat1on
on a Stamina Shap~h1f t roll lf even one succ~s 1s Effect: Creates a field that stifles senses; each suc-
x.h1~d . the c.hMacte-r C.An alter her shape, but not her cess subtracts one from effec.tiw Pen.eption Trails
s11e or mM.S, and ~ caonot smlUlate any powers or WtijM Acbons: Yes
Mega.-Attnbute enhancements Succenes beyond~ Oescnpbon: Tiie nova ueate-s h~ld of o~
f rst may be divided among thP ~or enhancements quantum energy. mky bbckncss, bl1nd109 m~ or other
that the character w1Shn to simulate For example. 1f ~ !MJCh effect This Shroud 1s d1fl1cult for other charad~
character wants to assume the form of an eagle and rolls to see through By spending o Willpower pomt on act1-
frve succ~ses. she could allocate one ~ccess each to vat1on, the c..haracter can also hinder other forms of vi-
(l;iw, and F11ghl and two to Shnnking to simulate her sion; for example. the Shroud could also affect Electro-
eaqle body Some example-; of powers and enhancements magnetic V1s1on.
often u'>('(! by shapesh1fters include: Armor, Body Mod1- To use Shroud. the character m~t roll to target
liC<1t1on (each Body Mod1f1cat1on costs one dot), Claws, the area he wants to affect wrth his Shroud field, usmg
Clinging, A19hl, Growth, Shnnk1n9 and Life Support Oextenty + Shroud. Failure rnd1cates the power misses
When simulating a that requires a roll, the char- outright Each succ:e55 achieved subtracts one from the
iK'ler substitutes her Stamina Shapesh1ft skill total for effed1ve Perception Tr.11ts of all b.1ngs immersed m the
the power's normal dice pool A nova may put no more Shroud (or who are trying to perceive rnto the Shroud)
dots into a duplicated power than she has 1n the , Characters whose Perception Trails ere reduced to zero
Shapcsh1ft power; for example, a nova with Sh1pesh1ft 3 canool percerve into or through the area at all and are
who wishes lo tum her skeleton into armored plites may considered '"bland" 1f f1ghtm9 w1thm 1t See the Strobe
not convert more than three Shapesh1ft successes into power (p 223) for more infom1at1on on the effects ol
Armor doh; bhndnet5.
A nova can use Shapesh1h to d11901se herself as 1 E.xtrn: Sensory Deprivation Field (Shroud alleds
someone else Lookm9 l1ke a ~neric Mother person- re- ooe add1ttonal nonnat or nova seo~ per S41Cces~ on the
qtllres only one success lm1tatrn<J 1 spec1iic person re- ~roll - for ex.ample. hea11ng. SOfW or Quantum
quires at least two successes 00tng so allows the char- Attunement}, Semrwl1d (Shroud halves movement of
iK:ler to simulate the Mega-Ap~arance enhancement charactef's trapped w1th111 1t and can bt. formed mto 1
Copycat '"walr to soak one level of bash1r19 or lethal damage P'l"
Note that the Storyteller is perfectly w1thm her dot m the power rating)
rights to deny simulated powers she feels are unreason-
able for the shape anumed Generally speakrng.
Shapesh1ft may duphcale only physical powers. For ex-
ample, a who -;hapesh1fts into a dragon m19hl
well gain S11emorph (Grow). C11~ and Armor powers.
but he could not gain the ab1l1ty to breathe Fire (Quan-
tum Bolt)
Extras: Non


then takes all four extra Bn115eC boxes ~his normal
Hiui box. If he then retums to normal sae, those four
extra boxes of 8rwred damage are applied normally lo
reduce htm to Cnppl~
Extras: None

Sixemorph (Grow)
Level: z
Quantum Minimum: I
Dice Pool: NI A
Range: Self
Area. N/A
Duration: Maintenance
Effect: Double height and rnass. +2 Stren9th. + 1
S!am1na a11d one extra "Bruised" health level per dol
Multiple Actions: N/A
Description: By channeling quantum forces into his
. Sizemorph (Shrink)
Level: 2
molecular structure. the character may increase his
Quantum Minimum: I
height. E.ach dot doubles the character's height. reach
Dice Pool: NJ A
and mass. E.ach dot of Saemorph (Grow) al~o increases
Ranqe: Self
the i;haracter's Strength by two and his Stamina by one
Area: NIA
and adds two to his Dexterity solely for purpose<s of de-
Duration: Maintenance
termining how fast he can walk or run. If Strength or
Effect: ~ach level halves height and reduces mass
Stamina exceeds 5, the power lhen provides the appro-
to 1/8 normal, adds one to all Stealth attempts and in-
priate Mega-Attribute, up to a maximum of?. Addit:on-
creases d1H101lly lo hit character by one.
ally, each dot of Sizemorph (Grow) adds an extra
Multiple Actions: Yes
"Bruised.. health level to the character's damage track,
Oescrlption: S12emorph (Shnnk) allows a nova to
making 1l much harder to incapacitate him
become smaller and lighter than normal - sometimes
However, all is not sunshine and r~ . E.very two
much -;mailer E.ach dot of (Quantum ~ S11emorph
dots ol S1zemorph (Grow) grants opponents an extra die
(Shnnk)) reduces a nova's height by half and h1~ mass to
to attack or perceive the character. Furthermore, 1f lhe
1/8 of normal Furthermore. each (Quantum+ S111~morph
character suffers more than two boxes' worth ot dam-
(Shnnk)) level adds one die to all Stealth a!lempt5 and
age (bashing or lethal) while grown, those boxes may be
increases the difficulty to hit the character with attack~
absorbed (m whole or in part) by the extra "Bn.usecf"
by one. S1ze1norph (Shrink) also has less tangible ben-
health levels. but if the damage is not healed before he
efits, such as allowing a character to fit inside small pipes,
relurns to normal sJtc (and loses those extra levels). the
crawl un<ler doors and be earned m a friend's pocket.
boxes of damage are applied to the character's damage
ach level of Sizemorph (Shnnk) r61fuces the
track nonnally- so a seemingly tnv1al wound suffered
character's Strength and offensive powers by one dot
while ~'"9 S1rernorph (Grow) may actually prove fatal
(to a minimum of 1). U1ough not against creatures who
when the character returns to his ordmary S>re.
are likewise shrunk or Just very small Additionally. each
For &ample: Abelard Smith /las S1zemorph (Grow)
level of S1lemorph (Shrink) halves the character's walk-
4 and a normal Strength 3, Stamma 3. providing him with
ing/ running and swimming movement rates while he 1s
..-8 Strength (whteh equates to Strength 5. Mega
shr1.1nk (but not other modes of movement. like Flight or
Strength 5), .,.4 Stamina (which equates to Stamina 5.
the expansion of runmng provided by Hyperrunn1ng), By
Mega-Stamina 2) and Four extra "Bruised .. health lev-
greatly decreasing lhe character's mass. Suemorph
els. Wilde usmg S11emorph (Grow). lie takes six boxes
(Shrink) also makes 1t easier to throw the character,
ofbashmg dnmage. 1his damage reduces him to Bruised,
knock him around with attacks or bowl him over with
gusts of wind,
Extras: Full Power (character's Strength and offon-
srve capab1hl1es do not decrease as he shnnks)


Strobe Stun Attack
Level: 2 Level: 2
Quanb.lm Minimum: I Quantum Minimum: J
Dice Pool: Wits + Strobe Dice Pool: Dexterity + Stun Attack
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters Range: (Quantum .. power rating) x 15 meters
Area: N/A Area: N/A
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Effect: E.ach success disables one of the target's Effect: (Quantum + successes) levels of damage
senses for one turn. only to daze or knock out target.
Multiple Actions: Yes Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: This power allows a nova to project Description: This attack power is similar to Quan-
an energy field that disables one of an opponent's senses tum Boll, but it does not cause fasting harm to a target.
temporarily. It 1s usually used to blind a character"s sight All it can do is daze the target or knock him unconscious.
(typically through a flash of bnght light or something sur11- For this reason it has no effect on unliving targets, such
lar), but it can also deafon a target (through extremely as buildings, vehicles or devices.
loud focused sound). deprive him of his sense of smell or To use Stun Attack, the character spends the re-
numb his sense of touch. quired quantum points and rolls Dextenty +Stun Attack.
The player must choose which sense his power af- The successes achieved, plus the nova\ Quantum, are
fects when he buys it. which cannot be changed thereaf- compared to those rolled by the target with his Stamina.
ter; exotic senses, such as ESP and Premonition, are also If the nova has the greater number of successes, the net
susceptible to this power. To use the power, he spends successes are compared to the target's Stamina. lf they
the required quantum points and rolls Wits ~Strobe. Each equal the target's Stamina or exceed 1t by one, the tar-
success depnves the target of the use of that sense For get is Dazed; if they exceed the target's Stamina by two
one turn; five or more successes wipe out the sense for or more, the target is rendered Unconscious. See p.
an entire scene. A blind character 1s subject to Blind 249for information on Dazed and Unconscious charac-
Fighting/ Fire penalties; a numb character has a ..3 diffi- ters.
culty on all tasks involving touch (including holding and The target may spend Willpower to reduce the
wielding a weapon or gun). The Storyteller should adju- nova's successes. Each point of Willpower spent negates
dicate the effects of the loss of other senses on a case- one success.
by-case basis.
Extras: Sensory Deprivation Wave (power affects
one normal or nova sense per success on the targeting


in Telekmesis.
Telekinesis has other uses as well. For example. a
nova might use 1t to grab another character and keep
him from mov1119. Doing so requires a resisted action pit-
t1119 lhe nova's player's successes against the v1ct11n's
successes on a Might roll Ties 90 to the nova. and the
v1ct1m remains trapped. TK can also be used to throw
obJecls as if the nova's successes were successes on a
Might roll (see p. 236). lt 1s usually easier lo throw ob-
jects at another character rhan to try lo hold him
Extras: None telelrn1ebcally.
Telekmesis can be used to bash other characters
Telekinesis with ob3ects or lelek1nebcally "punch" or crush them. ln
tl11s case. the successes on a Dexterity .. Telekinesis roll
Level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 2 count as health levels of bashing damage. which may be
Dice Pool: Dexte.-ity .,. Telekinesis soaked as norraal. Additionally. Tl< can be Used to guide
and/or accelerate a thrown weapon, object or similar
Range: (Quantum .,. power rating) x 10 meters
projectile; the character spends quantum points normally,
Area-. NIA
throws the obiect. then may assign dots in her Telekine-
Duration: Maintenance
Effect: Character may Jiff and move physical ob- sis power rating to the obJed's attack or damage dice
pool. Dots in the power rat1119 may be split between at-
iects without touchi119 them: the more successes ob-
tack and damage dice pools ( e.g, a character with Tele-
tained. die greater the weight that can be lifted.
kines1s 4 can add two dice to her roll to hit and two dice
Multiple Actions: Yes
to her damage effect).
Description: Telekinesis is the ability to lift and
Performing delicate tasks with Telekinesis can be
move obiects without touching them by applying quan-
difficult; it works better for uuder act1v1t1es like lifting
tum energies lo them. This ability may manifest as a men-
tal power, focused winds. energy tcnUicles" or ..talons." and moving. If a character tries to use a Dexterity Abil-
ity w1lh TK, he first must be able lo perform that Ability
gravity manipulation or many other powers.
To use Telek in es ts (''TK "). a nova musl pay the re. naturally - Telekinesis doesn't automatically teach a
character how to pick locks or pilot aircraft. Assuming
quired quantum points and roll Dexterity+ Telek1nes1s.
adding a number of automatic successes equal to Quan- he has the required skills, every two successes on his
Oexlenty + Telekinesis roll count as one success for pur-
tum. The number o! successes indicates how much weight
poses of pe1formi1i9 the skill.
Telekinesis has no action/ reaction: a character
S\Kc~ cannot be dragged by something which he 1s holding onto
O!le. telekmetically (say, a vehicle). Nor can he use TK to pick
two himself up and fly.
'ffi~ Extras: None

the character can hfl

A character can move an obiect he has picked up a Telepathy
riumber of meters per action equal to 10 meters per dot level: 2
Quantum Minimum: 3
Dice Pool: Perception ~ Telepathy
Range: Line of sight or Speoal


Area: N/A
Duration: Concentration
Effect Allows character lo read mrnds. scan for
minds and alter memories.
Multiple Actions: No
Description: This versatile and effrc1enl power
grants a nova several related abilities which typically
manifest as ''mental powers." A telepathic nova 1s able
Lo use his quantum consciousness to read the minds of
others and perform s1111rlar tasks.
Spec1F1cally. Telepathy can do three thm9s: read an-
other person's mind and "talk" wrth hnn mentally. sense
other minds and alter another persons memories For
Lastly, Telepathy can be used to alter existing
each use, the player must pay the required quantum
memories or false memories. The number of successes
points and roll Perception + Telepathy: the more suc-
needed to alter or implant a memory depends upon how
ces-ses he gets. the greater the 11ova's degree of power
important that memory is.
Telepathy can be used to read and communicate
with any mind within range. provided tJ1e nova es-
tablish a line of sight ta his target. A character whose
mind is being read 1s automatically aware of that Fact and
of who 1s doing the read1119. E.ach success achieved on
the Perception.,. Telepathy roll allows the telepath to find
and read one fact per action. Thus, with five successes a
nova could find and "read" five facts per actron. The
Storyteller may. in his discretion. rule that some facts
are so well-hidden that they require multiple successes
to Find and read. For example. intimate or very personal
thoughts might require three successes each; crimmal
activities or information with which the character could
be blackmailed require four successes each and the deep-
est, most hidden thoughts or facts re<jUrre five successes
each. Mental conversation takes place at the same rate Extras.: Surreptitious (v1ct1m will not be aware his
as normal conversation. but Telepathy overcomes the mind is being read if nova does not wish him to be): Tele-
language barner - two characters who cannot speak pathic Channeling (the telepath may use other mental
to each other verbally because U1ey don't know the same powers. such as Domination, Mental Blasl or Mirage.
languages can communicate without difficulty usrng ie- through a telepathic lmk. regardless of distance between
lepathy. the telepath and target)
Telepathy can also be U!.ed to scan for another
persons mind or ''mental signature." The telepath may
find a specific mind w1th1n a variable distance, provided
he scores at least one success on his roll. That one sue~
cess tells him the person's general local.ion and direc-
tion, but nothmg more. The more successes. the more
precisely the location can be determined. A telepath must
have a specific mind to search for. If he can only de-
scribe the mind ''generically"' (''I'm looking for the mind
of the nearest UN official"). the difficulty of the roll m-
creases by one or more (Storyteller's discretion). Once
he finds the victim's mind. the telepath may attempt
mental communication/ reading normally.
Level: 2
Quantum Minimwn: 7.
Dice Pool: Perception.,. Teleport
Range: Self


Area: NIA Teleportrng one's clothes. earned objects and the
Duration: lnstant like requires the Attunement Background (p. 139).
Effect: Allows character to move without passing E1ttras: Safe Blind Teleport (d1ff1culty for
through the 111tervening space. teleporting blind is reduced by one, and the character
Multiple Actions: No takes bashing damage instead of lethal damage if she
Description: Teleport 1s an advanced form of move- accidentally teleports into a solid ob1ect); Combat
ment 1n which a nova does not cross through the inter- Teleport (teleport does not take an action: character may.
venmg space. Instead she simply ''disappears,. at Point for example, teleport to a foe's Flank or rear. then make
A and "reappears'' at her desired destination of Point B. an attack normally: the character gains three extra dice
bypa55in9 completely any mtervening barners. such as to dodge 1f using Teleport while doing nothing except
walls or bmldmgs. tal(lng a defensive acbon: moreover. the character can
To use Teleport. a nova spends the required quan- dodge an area or explosive attack as though 1t were a
lum points, and the player rolls PercE.'phon ~ Teleport. ln normal attack)
combat or other stressful s1Wat1ons. a nova may teleport
up to 100 meters per success. Provided the nova has a
full tum to concentrate. she may teleport a variable dis-
tance, as indicated on the chart. In either case. each p<>int
of Quantum she has counts as an additwnal automatic
success. Using Teleport counts as a character's entire Manipulation
action for a tum. Level: 3
If a character i5 unable to see her destination, or 1s Quantum Minimum: 5
not fam1l1ar with 1t due to previous v1s1ts there, she 1s Dice Pool; Variable
"teleportmg blind" and may miss her destination and end Range: Variable
up somewhere else. The character must make a Percep- Area: NIA
tion + Teleport roll to ~hit,. her specified destination Duration: Variable
The difficulty JS one htgher 1f she 1s teleporting more Effect: Character can manipulate time.
than two kilometers, two higher 1f she is teleport1ng more Multiple Actions: Yes
than 20 kilometers and three higher 1f she is teleport1n9 Description: This exceedingly rare power gives a
fTtore than 100 kilometers. nova control over lhat most basic, yet mysterious, of
phenomena - time itselr. He can after or reverse time
to achieve a number of effects. but he cannot actually
travel through time. That has proved beyond the abili-
ties of even the most powerful novas.
As with E.leme.ntal Amma and Mastery, this power
provides several techniques. A nova may learn and freely
use one technique per clot mthe p<>wer; she may attempt
other techniques, but the player must pay double quan
Ulm cost and roll against a difficulty penalty or one to
activate. these powers. Techrnques inc.lude:
Internal Clock
Range: Self
Area: NJ A
If the nova nusses. the Storyteller should determme Duration: Permanent
randomly where she weflt. Roll one die to determine the This technique ts known automatically by all ttme-
d1redion (1 north, 2 z northeast. and so on; reroh 9s mampulators and does not use up a dot 1n the power A
and IOs) and another dte to determine how many units character with Temporal Manipulation possesses a highly
of measurement the char<ider is "off~ (1f she 1s accurate internal clock. He always knows exaclty how
teleporting a distance m meters, it's one to 10 meters; 1f much lime has passed between two events, and he can
kilometers, one to 10 kilometers: if tens of kilometers, mentally time events as if using an extremely precise
one to 10 trmes 10 kilometers). It she accidentally stopwatch. TlllS ability requires no roll and costs no quan-
teleports into a solid ob1ect, she re<tppears in the near- tum points; it functions automatically.
est empty space but takes ldlO health levels oF lethal
damage. reduced by one for each st.ICCess achieved on a
Stamina ~ Teleport roll


Age Alteration Accelerate Time
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Temporal Manipulation Dice Pool: Wits+ Temporal Manipulation
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 5 meters Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters
Area:N/A Area; N/A
Duration: lnstant Duration: Maintenance
This ability allows a nova to make another person This ability allows a novci to put himself or another
age rapidly or regress back to his youth. For each suc- person inside a bubble of '"fast time." Doing so makes
cess acl11eved on a Manipulation + Temporal Mampula- the character move and act much more quickly than a
tcon roll. the nova may add or subtract up lo two years person Jn a normal time frame. Each success on a Tem-
from the target's age; the tarqet may resist with a Stamina poral Manrpulattoo roll allows the character to take one
roll. For reasons as yet unknown to $Clence, th's ability add1t1onal action per turn. These actions are not mul-
has no effect on the size or power of another novas tiple actions: they are extra actions. However, they may
Mazarin-Rashoud node. It also does not affect the be used only to take add1t1onal physical actions (punch-
victim's mind or memones. A v1d1m of Age Alteration ing, running, or dodging, for example, but not using more
will simply hav<> to hve wilh the effects ever after unless Temporal Mampulation powers). The nova's power rat-
he can get another time-manipulator to reve~ them. ing dictates the maximum number of extra actions that
Age Alteration can also be used on objects. De- may be gained.
creasing their age will repair minor damage (wear and
tear) and make them look newer and shinier. Every two
years added to an object inRicts one health level of dam-
age on it. possibly causmg 1t to crumble into ruin.


Dilate Time Effect Allows character to create .. gates~ permit-
Dice Pool: Wits-+ Temporal Manipulation ting her or other characters to move v{lthout pass1n9
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 10 meters through the intervening space.
Area: NIA Multiple Actions: No
Duration: Maintenance Description: Warp is similar to Teleport in many wa'jS
Dilate Time is the reverse of Accelerate Time; 1t - it involves the same method of moving without passing
allows a nova to slow down anothe:- character by slowing through intervening space. However, whereas Teleportation
the flow of time around him E.ach success on an Intelli- normally works on one person only (the nova who pos-
gence+ Temporal Manipulation roll reduces the victim's sesses it), Warp creates a "gate'' that anyone can tise
Initiative ratmg by one. lf Initiative falls below I. the vic- It takes an entire turn to create a warp; the nova
tim 1s treated 3s having an Initiative rating of 1, but he may take no other actions during this turn. Warps ;ire
may act only once every other turn. typically three meters square; the nova may alter the
shape by one meter (either dimension) per dot, Any-
Stop Time thing that cannot fit through the warp cannot use it.
Dice Pool: Intelligence Temporal Mampulal1on Warps are usually opened up at ground level. but a nova
Range: (Quantum + power rating) meters may create a warp anywhere w1th1n his range.
Area: N/A To use Warp, a nova simply spends the required
Duration: Mamtenance quantum points. ln combat or other stressful situations.
This power Is perhaps the most potent one 1n lhe a warp can teleport anyone who passes through 1t up to
Temporal Manipulator's arsenal. It allows him literally to 100 meters per success; 1f the nova has a full turn to
stop lime around a specific person or object. That per- concentrate, Warp can teleport persons a vanabie dis-
son cannot move or use any powers or Abilities, he does tance. as shown on the accompanying table. In either
not age and he cannot be affected by (and 1s unaware case. each point of Quantum she has counts as an addi-
of) any outside force. phenomenon or attack while m tional automahc success Passing through a warp volun-
suspension. Stop Time is very difficult to set up - the tarily counts as one of a character's actions for a turn.
nova's player must achieve a success on an Intelligence+
Temporal Manipulation roll at a difficulty penalty of two.
and a livll1g victim may make a Willpower roll to resist
Once established, the effect lasts as long as the charac-
ter pays quantum pomts to maintain 1l.
E.xtras: None

A nova may use Warp as an attack by opening it up m

front of a target A moving target may dodge to avoid pass-
ing through it; this dodge fokes no time. A nomnovmg lar-
ge! may be ''enveloped" by the warp 1f the nova's player
succeeds with a De,>denty + Warp roll; the target resists
that roll with an Athletics roll. Doing so 1s alwa15 a "com
bat~ warp; a nova could not, for example, warp a foe into
Warp the vacuum of space unless she had a full tum to concen-
Level: 3 trate and the v1cl1m was helpless to dodge the warp.
Quantum Minimum: 3 Characters can see t11rough the warp (unless con-
Dice Pool: N/ A ditions on one "side" of it prevent sight) and w1fl know
Range: (Quantum ... power rating) meters where they are going before they pass through 1L
Area: NIA xtras: None
Duration: Special


Level: 3
Quantum Minimum: 4
Dice Pool: Variable
Range: Variable
Area: Variable
Duration: Variable
Effect: Character may alter and manipulate weather.
Multiple Actions: Yes
Description: Weather Manipulation provides the
character with power over weather in its many aspects.
As with Elemental Antma and Mastery, this power pro-
vides several techniques. A nova may learn and freely
use one technique per dot 111 the power; she may attempt
olher techniques. but the player must pay double quan-
tum cost and roll against a difficulty penalty of one to
activate lhese powers. Techniques include:
Alter Temperature
Dice Pool: NI A
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 2 kilometers
Area:. (Quantum .,. power rating) x S kilometers
Duration: Maintenance
The character can increase or decrease the tem-
perature of the air 111 an area around himself. The tem-
perature can be altered by 10 degrees Celsius per dot in
Weather Manipulation. No roll is required to do so, but
quantum points must be paid.
Dice Pool: lntell1gence + Weather Manipulation
Range: (Quantum power rating) x $ meters
Area: (Quantum ~ power rating) x 10 meters
Duration: Ma1t1lenance
The character is able to create a thick bank of fog
over a wide area (or, if the player prefers, hard, driving
rain which 1s so thick as to mhibit vision). The fog inter-
feres with sight, making driving and other forms of move-
ment hazardous. E.ach success achieved on an Intelligence
+ Weather Manipulation roll adds one to the difficulties
of all visual Percepbon rolls made to see into or through
the fog. The fog lasts as long as the character pays quan-
tum pomts to 111a1ntain it. then dissipates at normal rates
for the current environmental conditions.
Lightning Bolt
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Weather Manipulatt0n
Range: (Quantum ... power rating) x 10 meters I

Area: NIA
Duration: Instant I
The character may proJecl bolts of lightning. These
inflict (Quantum x 2] levels+ (power ratmg x 2) dice of

lethal damage. Typically the bolts are projects from the
character's hands. but the player may have them strike I
down from stonndouds, for dramatic purposes, if he Extras are special advantages that can be added to
wishes; however, this effect should not provide any bo- ex1stmg powers. They make the power better in some
nuses to hit a target or other combat benefits. way - more effective. able to work at ranges
Weather Alteration or effective against more targets. The choice of whether
to take an Extra, either the ones listed with specific pow~
Die& Pool: Intelligence + Weather Manipulat ton
ers or the ones described here (which can apply to any
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 2 kilometer;
appropriate power) 1s up to the player and requires the
Area: (Quantllrn + power rating) x 5 kilometers
Storyteller's perrniss10n. Extras arc never reqwred.
Duration: Maintenance
Tak1119 an Extra has two effects beyond the ben-
This effect 1s the most basic of the Weather
efits of the Extra ilsclL First. 1t raises the power's level
Manipulator's abrhties. He con, as the power's name in-
by one for purposes o~ the cost to purchase 1t with nova/
dicates, alter weather patterns over a large area. For each
experience points and power 1t with quantum points. For
success achieved on an Intelligence + Weather Manipu-
example. a Level 2 power with an E.xtra becomes a Level
lation roll, he may adjusl lhe current wcaH1er conditions
3 power m terms of its cost to buy and use. Since there
up or down one step on the following table.
are no powers above Level 3. Level 3 powers cannot take
E.xtras. Aplayer can purchase up tot wo Extras for a Level
W.ther Phen metla 'table One power,
Swe~ng Hea~ A power with an E.xtra 1s considered a separate,
<rlearv:Suru,y distinct power, A character may not buy one power and
q qdy/H~ several Extras and then 'trade off" the Extras From turn
Orazfe- to turn to get the most effective attack An Extra, once
RaYnstonn (or~ w,. Ir~~el'afui:e mil<.mt'@ssi&I~ purchased for a power, must always be used when that Relnftnundef'S[Qrru power is used
GiJfe Gaining Extras with Experi-
Hurr1 ane,(:iorr(ad1J/iryp(1m~lfatard
A character may-upgrade - her power by purchas-
Thus. 1f the c.urrent weather is a rainstorm (and the ing an Extra later in lhe game, with the Storyteller's per-
player of a nova achieves two successes on his lntell1- mission. The cost of doing so is equal to the total differ-
gence +Weather ManipL1lation roll), a nova may increase ence between the costs of all the dots without the Extra
it up to a gale or decrease it to cloudy/ hazy. If the nova and the cost of all the dots with Lhe Extra. A character
changes the weather conditions to gale or higher, the may halve this tost by taking a point of Tamt at the Lime
effect is treated as the Storm technique of Elemental the Extra is purchased.
Mastery (p. 196). For Example: Lotus fnfmde has Quantum Bolt J
After practicing a good blf with her Infinity Justifier
Windriding special maneuver, she wishes fo buy the Area Extra as a
Dice Pool: N/ A permanent feature ofher power. The total expenence-
Range: Self point cost to purchase Quantum Boll 3 ''from the ground
Area; NIA up is 30 points (5 10 + 15), while the s1mtlar cost to
Duration-. Maintenance buy the power wtth an Extra is 44 points (1 14 21).
The character mampulates winds so that they carry The difference between the two costs (14 poi'1ts) is what
him, similar to Flight. The character can move at the rate U must pay to buy the E.xtra.
of (power rating x 2) + 20 meters per action. or ( 40 That's pretty expensJVe. so U takes a point oFTamt
kilometers per hour x power rating) out of combat. to purchase the Extra For halfcost. Afterspending seven
Players can create other Weather Manipulation experience points, she may now use the Area Extra with
techniques ir they wish. btit the Storyteller must review every shot of her Quantum Bolt; howf!ver, she pays
and approve all such techniques. three. not two, quantum points to fire the attack.
Extras: None



Aggravated fl1cts full damage/ effect on the three-meter-diameter

Thrs Extra, when applied to a power that causes area at "ground zero of the attack. However, for every
bashing or lethal damage. makes that damage aggravated three meters after the three meters at ground zero, one
1he character inflicts a base amount ef aggravated dam~ S1.1ccess (or health level of damage) 1s subtracted from
age equal to Quantum, then adds attacl~ successes From the total applied, When the successes/ damage reaches
her skrll roll to determine the t.otal aggravated damage zero, the Explosion has reached its maximum radms.
inflicted. For information on aggravated damage, see p. Damage adds are lost before damage dice.
253. For Example: Derrick Tremaine uses a Quantum
Bolt. Expfos1on against an enemy, Raf Karnaz1an. The
Area center of the explosion 1s seven meters away from
This E.xtra allows a power to affect an areCI. It ap- Karnaz1a11. The first three meters radius covered by the
plies only to powers, such as Quantum Bolt. that do not explosion take the Full damage - 18 health levels of
already have an area of effect. The typical area is (Quan- damage. The three meters beyond that take 17 health
tum,. power rating) x 5 meter radius, but players should levels of damage. The three meters b~yood that. where
lonfer with their Storyteller to determine the area he Karna11an 1s, take /6 health levels. Karnazian may soak
wants a power to have. this damage norrnal!y,
For informalion on lhe effects of powers that af-
fect an area, see p. 248. Homing
A Homing attack can "lock or( lo its target and
Armor Piercing follow it no matter where it tries to move or dodge The
A power with this Extra 1s able to pierce soak eas- attack suffers no penalties or mod1f1ers for range (though
rly. For every attack success. the attack may ignore two 1t cannot move beyond its maximum range) and the at-
levels of soak. Armor Piercing cannot be applied to pow- tack ignores the target's first dodge success.
ers that do not inflict damage.
Burning Impervious 1s an Extra for defensive powe~ like
This Extra ts typically applied lo an attack power. Force Field. Impervious soak 1s not reduced by Armor
but it 1s appropriate for a few other types of powers as Piercing, and it converts any aggravated damage into
well A Burning attack inflicts normal damage when it normal lethal damage. which can bt' soaked normally.
first hits. but it continues to "bum the victim on subse-
quent turns. The victim of a Burmng attack automati- Increased Duration
cally takes half damage from the attack (whrch. of course, A power with this Extra lasts longer l.han normal
rnay be soaked as normal) for an additional number of - 1l is doubled. Obviously, this Extra can be applied
turns equal to the attack's power rating. only to power-;; thal have a duration defined by some unit
of time.
This Extra allows a nova to generate an attack 1n Increased Range
the form o~ a cloud of gas or energy. It fills an area equal This Extra, which applies only to powers with a de-
to three meters radius per dot, which adds one die to fined range m meters, doubles the medium range of the
attack rolls: extra successes on the attack roll do not in- power. The power can be used at long range all lhe way
crease the attack's dam39e or effect. However, Lhe at- out lo line oF sight.
tack lingers 1n the area for one extra turn. during which MIRV
it 111fhcts half damage on anyone who moves into it or A MIRV ranged attack power 1s able to split itself
remains inside 1t. The cloud will tend to fill up enclosed up among separate targets. The attacking charcider de-
spaces and sink to the lowest part of the area it fills. clares which targets he wishes to affect and makes one
Explosion is wnilar to Area, but 1t works differ-
ently - rt covers a bigger area, but its effect decreases
gradually over that distance. A power with Explosion in-


roll to hit then1 using the worst modifiers for any single Reduced Quantum Cost
target: die bonuses apply only if all targets would pro- A power with this Extra costs only half as many
vide that bonus. If he succeeds. all targets are hit. though quantum pomls to use and maintain (round m favor of
each target may dodge normally. He must then divide his the character). A Level One power with this Extra costs
damage dice among the various targets. lf the power has no quantum points to use.
a damage add, e:Very target takes the base damage -
only the additional damage dice must be split. Spray/Jet
For Example: Derrick Tremaine. with Quantum 2. This Extra allows the nova to use a power (typically
has a bashing MIRV Fire Blast (Quantum Bolt 5). He a Quantum Bolt) as a "spray" or "jet" attack, like a liv
wants to use it to hit Five l3rgets - one at point-blank ing flamethrower. Each tum, the nova can choose to use
range, three at medium range and one at maxunum range a jet or spray. When using the power as a Jet, the nova
(+2 difficulty). He must make one attack roll at +2 d1ff1- makes a normal attack roll; the range of a iet power is
culty; he gels no bonuses for a point-blank attack, since halved. but each tum the nova uses the power. she gains
not all targets are at point-blank range. He manages to an additional die to accuracy, to a maximum of five extra
achieve two successes. so he hits all five of his targets. dice.
Each target takes the damage add of six health levels of When using the power as a spray, the nova emits a
damage. and he splits his extra 20 dtJmage dice evenly steady stream of energy. not unlike a fire hose, which 1s
among the targets. Each target, then. takes [6}.,. 4dl0 swept over an area. This energy spray Functions like the
damage From the MIRV attack Strafing maneuver (p. 246), addmg 10 dice to a stan-
dard attack roll, with a difficulty penalty of one for each
Range meter in area of effect covered beyond the first. Suc-
Powers with a rcmge of Touch can work at a range cesses are d1v1ded up JUSt as in strafing and applied to
of 10 meters per dol 1f they have this Extra. To attack, the damage effect.
use the normal dice pool for the power: if there 1s none. Difficulties of dodge rolls against a jet or spray are
use Dexterity+ power rat mg to hit. increased by one.


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