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I met a traveller from a distant realm

Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Settra, Khemrikhara, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! 11
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Yet what a fool this traveling man,
To think those kings forsook this land.
For though it true that death doth reign,
Lack of life impairs no claim
upon these endless desert sands
where armies fight and kingdoms span
And the eons of a lesser life
Amount to nothing more than strife.
For lightning god and three eyed king,
Undying lord and bestial thing
All have tried to stake their due,
And make those serve who only rule
Yet here I must make end my tale
of the kings of old who still prevail
Amongst the ancient ruins old.
turn back,
you have been told.

- Inscription upon the

obelisk of Desert's End
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TOMB KINGS .............. 4 THE RESTLESS LEGIONS .... 66 Tomb Herald in Royal Chariot .... 94
Myths and Legends .............. 8 Forces of the Tomb Kings . . . . . . . . 68 Tomb Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
An Age of Chaos ..... . .......... 9 Allegiance Abilities ................ 69 Skeleton Chariots ... . .. . .. . .... 95
Sigmar's Storm ...... .. ... . .... 10 Lore of the Mortuary Cult ..... . ..... 70 Skeleton Warriors .............. 96
The Endless Deserts ............. 12 Artifacts of Power ................. 72 Skeleton Archers .............. 97
The Mortuary Cult ...... . ....... 13 Skeleton Horse Archers ..... . ... 97
The Imperishable One ........... 14 WARSCROLL BATTALIONS .. 74 Skeleton Horsemen ............ 98
The Ruins of Settrapolis ..... . ... 15 Grand Tomb Legion ............... 75 Necropolis Knights ............ 99
King Pharakh the Vain . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mortuary Cohort ...... . ... . .. . .... 76 Ushabti .............. . . . .... 99
The Ancient Epochs . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Phalanx Cohort ................... 77 Tomb Scorpion .............. 100
Legions of the Sands ............ 22 Swift Vengeance Cohort ..... . .. . ... 78 Bone Giant ........... . ..... 100
Stone Wrought Cohort ..... . ........ 79 Khemrian Warsphinx ......... 101
UNDYING ORDER ......... 24 Stalker Cohort ........... . ... . .... 80 Necrosphinx .......... . ..... 102
Legions of Death ............... 26 Artillery Cohort ................... 81 Necrolith Colossus ........... 103
Masters of the Dead ......... . ... 28 Legion of King Pharakh ......... . ... 82 Hierotitan .......... . . . ..... 104
Monarchies of the Tomb ......... 30 Legion of Khahara ................. 83 Khemric Titan ............... 105
Mortuary Cohort .......... . .... 32 Tomb Legion ............ . ... . .... 84 Sepulchral Stalkers ... . . . ..... 106
Phalanx Cohort ................ 34 Royal Chariot Legion .............. 85 Carrion .................... 107
Swift Vengeance Cohort ......... 36 Tomb Swarm ............... 107
Stone Wrought Cohort ........... 38 Screaming Skull Catapult ...... 108
WARSCROLLS .............. 86
Stalker Cohort ........... . ..... 40 Necropolis High King .............. 88
Artillery Cohort ................ 42 High Queen of Asaph ....... . .. . ... 89 THE RULES ............. 110
Prince Apophas ................... 89 Pitched Battle Profiles ........... 114
SCIONS OF SETTRA . ...... 44 Tomb King .................. . ... 90
Tomb King in Royal Chariot ......... 90
Royal Warsphinx ............ . ..... 91
THE KINGS AT WAR ...... 52
Liche Priest ...................... 92
Conquests of the Kings ......... 54
Casket of Souls .... . ... . .. . .. . .... 92
Time of War .............. . ... 56
Necrotect ........................ 93
Desert Tides .................. 58
Tomb Herald ... . .. . ...... . .. . .... 93
Kill the Messenger .. . .... . . . ... 62
Cover Art: Kenneth Erickson
Illustrations: Kenneth Erickson (pages 5, 8, 9 , 18-21, 27 , 35 , 38 , 57 , 58 , 60 , 68 , 72 , 82, 83) ; Jason Clark (pages 6-7 , 15, 55) ; Max FitzGerald (pages 37,
61, 69); Jairnd Owen (page 13); Thoma s Kailson (pages 1, 31, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 82); Ollie Cuthbertson (page s 29, 83); Eric Herkert-Oakland
(pages 22 , 23); Tom Bailey (pages 22, 23) ; Tyler Mengel (pages 22, 23)
Models built and painted by Tyler Mengel and Vince Venturella (pages 46 , 52-53, 79)
Background Writer: Tyler Mengel
Editors: Michael Zorzella , Nikki Curtin
Rules Writing: Tyler Mengel, Thomas Lyon s, Vincent Venturella, Gabriel Menendez
Special thanks to Games Workshop for the fantastic setting and inspiration and Robin Crnddace for doing such a good job with the Tomb Kings in 8th
Edition. A super special thanks to the team that helped make this possible: Steve Foote, Alexander Nygard, Kenneth Erickson , Eric Herkert-Oakland ,
Thomas Lyons , Vincent Venturella, Jason Clark , Michael Zorzella , and Max FitzGerald. Thank you to Chris Tomlin and Brad Schwandt for feedback on
mies, and to my wife for supporting me while making this and helping with editing.


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters , settings, etc. are the propert y of Games Workshop. The author is in no way associated with the owners,
creators, or produ cers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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Deep within the deserts of the Realm of Death, a shattered empire stretches from horizon to horizon. Vast necropolises and tomb-
cities, isolated islands amongst the sands, stand testament to the power of the Tomb Kings of old. Monarchs of immense influence
and hubris, the Tomb Kings, command entire legions of the dead as they march forth to conquer all before them.

Heralded by the rumble of bronze-clad Priests of the Mortuary Cult, their stone hides amongst the press of their Tomb Guard.
wheels, the Tomb Kings visit death and are all but impervious to the enemy's blows.
destruction upon any who have invoked Each Tomb King rules over their own
their ire. When the armies of the monarchs While the armies of their foes battle against necropolis and are forever seeking to
of the sands march forth from their tomb- the rolling tide of the King's vengeance expand their domains. Their ambitions not
cities they do so in legion, an unending made manifest, their flanks are harried by limited by the boundaries of the deserts
column of bleached bone, glittering gold, swift riders on skeletal steeds and bronze- they call home, they often venture forth
and polished stone. Rank after rank of clad chariots. Even the very creatures of the into distant realms and have even
skeletal warriors, clutching ancient sands rebel against those who challenge established new kingdoms amongst the
weapons, are sent forth to enact their their lord's will. The Tomb Kings foreign lands. It is an ill omen indeed when
master's will, smiting all before them, themselves, never ones to shirk their duties, the dry winds of the deserts blow through
while alongside their phalanxes stride true lead from the front bringing their the realms precipitating the Tomb Kings'
behemoths of war, massive reanimant considerable martial skill to bear from atop wrath, for few have the resolve to resist the
statues imbued with life by the Liche golden chariots, gilded Warsphinxes, or inevitable march of death.

he fire duardin scattered before his chariot, some leaping lifeblood immolating even more of Queen Sati's forces in its
out of the way, while others were crushed beneath the death throes.
hooves of his skeletal steeds, or the bronze clad wheels of
the war machine. Lashing out with his flail, Photep, Tomb These duardin were tough, he'd give them that, but the city of
Herald to the great and mighty Queen Sati, crushed the skull of Betone was foolish to hire their services. With a spark of
one of those who thought himself safe, the Fyreslayer's helmet irritation, Photep noticed that his chariot was pulling slightly to
caving in from the impact. His chariot continued to rumble on the right, sending him wide of his target - a particularly
across the desert sands while behind him the rest of the chariot belligerent duardin with a rather impressive beard. His rictus
legion ploughed through the duardin berserkers who still stood. grin hid the mild shock he felt, as he leaned over the side of the
war machine to asses the problem. Imbedded firmly in the side
To his right, a colossal Necrosphinx barreled through a of his chariot was a duardin ax, and still gripping the handle
gathering of duardin armed with great axes, their blades merely was the Fyreslayer himself, spitting curses in his strange tongue
bouncing off of its stone hide. In response, the reanimant reared as he was dragged along the rough terrain.
up before crashing back down amongst the enemy, pulping
several of them beneath its titanic bulk. To his left, one of the "Be gone fire gnat," he snarled, as his flail came down yet again,
Fyreslayers' magma beasts flailed violently as a phalanx of the skulls adorning the ends of the chains swatting the duardin
skeletal warriors corralled it between their blades. Dozens of from the chariot, and sending him sprawling beneath the wheel.
the Tomb Kings' warriors were immolated by its fiery breath With a snap of his reins, he pulled his war machine around for
before a regiment of Tomb Guard hacked it apart, its very another pass, his tireless chariot legion forming up behind him.
X m X

T he Tomb Kings are not
one to allow slights against
their honor to go unpunished.
It is not unknown for entire
necropolises to empty their
legions at the king's beck
and call to bring retribution
,, upon the poor soul who invoked ,,
their ire.

When a Bonesplitterz warclan

sought to claim the war
spirit of one of King Rakesh's
Warsphinxes, they managed
to chip its ancient marble
skin before escaping into
the sands. Enraged at the
damage inflicted upon one
x of his prized possessions, King
Rakesh mobilized a full forty
cohorts of his legion and
marched forth into the desert
seeking revenge. The warclan
of orruks found themselves
caught between the Desert's
Spine Mountains and an
army of retribution.

Though they put up a valiant

effort, the Bonesplitterz were
wiped out to an orruk. Those
who fled into the wilds were
hunted down for months, until
at last the tribe's Wurrgog
Prophet was slain by Rakesh
personally. The marble chip
from the Warsphinx was torn
from the orruk's many totems
and reverently affixed back in
its rightful place. To this day,
Rakesh's legions can be heard
from leagues away as the
skulls of an entire warclan of
Bonesplitterz rattle against
their chariot's sides.
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The Tomb Kings have a long and storied history that stretches back into the mists of time, an origin lost to the Age of Myth, and
roots that may stretch back even further. Though the Tomb Kings now reside in all corners of the realms, their history is closely
tied to that of the Endless Deserts of Shyish.

No one is sure where the undead monarchs Some point to several temple murals that were not the only inhabitants, and the
of the Endless Deserts came from. As far as appear to depict a large robed figure mountain ranges were known to harbor
many are concerned they have just always sweeping across the land, leaving only the tribes of orruks and ogors, as well as the
been and always will. Some claim that they dead in its wake. Speculation is that this cavernous holds of several duardin clans.
were once mortal kings who became depicts none other than the master of Shyish, The free people's town of Betone also
suffused with the power of the realm upon Nagash. The kings stay silent on the matter; stood defiant, little more than an outpost
their deaths. Others that they were created however, the fact that they harbor a grudge for an empire from a distant land, a
at the birth of the Mortal Realms to against the great necromancer is no secret. realmgate fiercely guarded at its heart.
maintain order, and yet others that they are They serve his will like all others within the The sands often shook to the sounds of
survivors from the World-That-Was. Only Realm of Death, and march to war at his war as the deathrattle legions fought to
the kings themselves know what the truth is beck and call, but are no friends of his, keep these forces in check and repulse
for sure. Whatever the case may be, their bestowing upon him the title of Usurper. them from their sovereign lands. Numerous
rule over the desert kingdoms is absolute were the clashes between the dead and
and unwavering. those who dared to try and make the desert
their home.
Across the sand dunes and savannahs are
dotted the necropolis city-states of the It was not only the living who earned the
undead kings. Each one a kingdom unto ire of the kings however, for the dead are
itself, and each jealously guarded by its forever jealous of what is denied to them.
own deathrattle legions. During the Age of It was not uncommon for entire
Myth, legend says that the living and the necropolises to empty their holds, only to
dead coexisted in a form of symbiosis march upon their neighbor. These wars of
amongst the kingdoms. The living the dead engulfed entire empires, with
venerated the kings, and supplied tribute to centers of power shifting amongst the
their mortuary cult. In return the dead victors. Tales speak of massive legions of
provided them protection, and refuge from chariots and reanimants battling amongst
the dangers of Shyish. Legends tell of the sands for years on end, neither side
whole cohorts of skeletal warriors tiring. Envoys of Nagash were often
marching side by side with phalanxes of forced to fight the Tomb Kings to enact
bronze-skinned hop lites, the vitality of the their master's will. Though the king's
living coupled with the endurance of the eventual, begrudging, obedience is never
dead. By the time of Archaon's invasion As the Age of Myth drew to a close, the in question, egos must be fed, and
however, the necropolis cities were silent desert revenants held their realm in an iron appearances maintained. For a Tomb King
tombs, home only to the dead, the grasp. Nothing escaped their gaze within the to bend their knee without defiance is
deathrattle legions ' ranks swollen with the desert's borders, and they guarded its cities against their very nature, regardless of the
remnants of their old allies. and treasures jealously. Despite this, they futility of it.
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The Age of Chaos saw many kingdoms fall, and countless civilizations face extinction. Within the Endless Deserts, the hordes of
the Everchosen sought to crush the Tomb Kings' skulls beneath their heels, but the tyrannical monarchs do not accept defeat
easily, and will kneel for no one.

The hordes of Archaon spewed across the the vile host into the Barren Wastes of the while in Ghur, the necropolis of King
realms as the Age of Chaos broke, and the western deserts. There, the last vestiges of Hotep aligned itself with the emerging
domain of the monarchs was no exception. the chaos invasion were smashed asunder in Ironjawz tribes, and clung onto its
Tribes of Bloodbound, and Rotbringers, the titanic Battle of the Burning Sands. domains, but at great cost.
rampaged across the sands, shattering Hundreds of dynasties, and numberless
several deathrattle legions, their bones legions, ground the Chaos horde under their Not all fared as well, and countless
taken as grisly trophies. The kings, seeing bronze-clad wheels, with Archaon 's general necropolises fell to the Chaos invaders,
the need for swift action, set aside their fleeing back through the realmgate from becoming naught but silent tombs to the
petty squabbles and united as a single once he came. truly dead. In Ghyran, the empire of the
force. Golden chariots and phalanxes of Scarab Borne fell silent, its pyramids and
skeletons marched in lockstep with obelisks overgrown with creepers and the
mercenary Fyreslayers and savage tribes returning jungle. Whispers speak of
of orruks to repel the invaders from the malignant spirits who claim the ruins as
lands. The mighty bastion of Settrapolis their own and the fey folk of the forest are
bore the brunt of the Chaos onslaught, and sure to give the crumbling ruins a wide
after many brutal years of ceaseless battles berth. Some kings were even spared the
it was left naught a smoking ruin. horrors of the Age of Chaos, fleeing to
safety within the gates of Azyr before
The Tomb Kings were not to be dismayed Sigmar shut them for good. These
however, and a great council of kings was monarchs have the most to prove, and
convened. Fearing the power struggles of As the age drew to a close, the majority of are shunned by the rest of their kin as
the Cult of Settra once again, no single the invading forces had been defeated, but cowards and servants to Ghal Maraz.
king was appointed as lord over the others. the taint of Chaos was never completely Even within Shyish some cities fell, such
Instead, the disparate necropolises eradicated. Roving warbands still plagued as cursed Mephitt, lost to the Mirefells
marshaled their forces into a grand the dunes, and several necropolises laid in forevermore.
coalition, the likes of which had not been ruins. Despite this, the desert kingdoms
seen since time immemorial. The mighty were free from the tyranny of Chaos, but at Unlike the mindless hordes of the Usurper,
host of skeletal warriors, monstrous the cost of constant warfare. the legions of the Tomb Kings did not
reanimants, and vengeful royalty, relieved swell with the dead from the invading
necropolis after necropolis until, after many The Endless Deserts did not stand alone in hordes. Though their warriors may be
decades, the forces of Chaos were forced to their defiance of Chaos. All across the long dead, the forces of the Tomb Kings
pull back, or face total annihilation. Realms, Tomb King empires stood resolute are not mindless automatons, and they
against the encroaching darkness. The will not suffer the filth of the barbarians.
The Tomb Kings were not ones to give legions of the Burning Khopesh in Aqshy Instead, the enemy dead were left where
quarter however, and gathering the full threw back the crazed hordes of Bloodbound they fell, feeding the carrion well.
might of the Endless Deserts, they pursued that saw countless other kingdoms fall,
All across the Realms the Storm of Sigmar broke, pushing back the tide of Chaos through fierce battle, and sheer determination.
Within the domains of the Tomb Kings, Sigmar's wrath was slow to come, a mere trickle instead of a deluge, but come it did.
With the dawn of a new age, the desert monarchs saw new opportunities, a chance to cleanse the desert sands once and for all.

Despite Sigmar's Storm heralding the new accompanying them. The kings themselves the winds of fate changing. The
age, the Endless Deserts continued on led their armies, surrounded by their royal champions of the dark gods knew that
much as they had before. The kings courts of princes, priests, necrotects, and now, more than ever, they had to push
continued their war against Chaos, only heralds. The Age of Chaos had come to an their advantage. Feral war bands of
vaguely aware of the Stormcast Eternals. end, and they intended to finally reclaim all Bloodbound and pestilent war hosts of
No gate to Azyr resided within the sandy of their lands from the tainted tribes that Rotbringers gathered their might and
domains, so the changes to the realms still held sway in the wilds. Across the rest prepared to fight for their gods, calling
beyond were largely ignored. The nearest of the Realms, the remaining kingdoms set upon dark favors and demonic allies.
portal to the Realm of Heavens sat within about purging their own lands, and drawing
the Chaos infested ruins of Desert's End, a up plans for reconquest and expansion - All the while, emissaries from Sigmar
once thriving port town on the coast of the some even striving to return to their finally crossed the obelisk marked
Sour Sea, outside of the king's domain. homelands within the Endless Deserts. threshold into the deserts. A host of
Regardless of their intentions, all felt the Stormcast led by Nihlus Tidalborne
Despite this, news still reached the pull of the one they resented more than any sought out allies of old to aide their god
monarchs of the shifting tides of war, and other. Nagash had awoken, and the kings once more.
many of them set their legions in motion. knew that when he called, they would have
Gates flung wide, and row after row of no choice but to answer.
skeletal warriors marched forth, colossal
stone constructs and gilded chariots The kings were not the only ones to sense
Deep within the Realm of Death lies an arid and barren landscape, a veritable sea of dunes and sand that consumes the hope of
all who enter its borders. Seemingly inhospitable to life, the Endless Deserts of Shyish are, in fact, home to the vast kingdoms and
empires of the Tomb Kings, the undying monarchs who claim dominion over the sands.

The Endless Deserts stretch for uncounted perish from thirst, or one of the many and invasion. When the hordes poured through
miles within Shyish, the Realm of Death. varied dangers that lurk within the sands. the realmgates, they found themselves beset
Its borders marked by mammoth obelisks Only those who know the secret paths by both the realm's defenders, and the sands
hewn from single slabs of stone during the through the desert can hope to traverse it, themselves. The Chaotic armies quickly
Age of Myth. Carved into the ancient and even then, there is no guarantee of safe became fractured and disparate, losing all
monoliths are strange shapes and symbols, passage. cohesion amongst the shifting paths.
illegible to most, to ward away any who
would dare enter the realm. The land itself Entire armies have been known to disappear Rising above all are the vast necropolises
a sprawling sea of sand, devoid of all amongst the sands without a trace. that the dead make home. Towering
reason, and any attempt to map it is Malignant spirits travel upon the wind, pyramids and labyrinthian crypts stretch
doomed to fail. Its sun bleached uniformity preying upon any living that they find, for miles, often enclosed within thick
is broken only by vast swathes of cracked while Sepulchral Stalkers jealously guard fortress walls. Each necropolis differs
earth, and the occasional crumbling edifice. their master's realm. If the natural predators from the other. Some as silent as a tomb,
of the desert don't claim any trespassers' others a nest of activity and commerce.
Unwary travellers unlucky enough to find lives, then the roving bands of Bloodbound Each city is ruled over by a single king
themselves within its borders may become may. and their court of lesser nobles. With the
helplessly lost amongst the rolling sand dawn of the Age of Sigmar, the kings and
dunes and barren salt plains. Cursed to During the Age of Chaos, even the Endless their legions march forth once more, and
wander for the rest of their days until they Deserts weren't spared from Archaon's woe betide any who stand before them.
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The Mortuary Cult is the bedrock of the Tomb Kings' civilization. Established in ancient times to learn the secrets of death and
the afterlife, it is the single most powerful institution within the necropolises, next to the monarchies themselves. Within the
Mortal Realms, the cult is the only link to their Lost Pantheon, and the Tomb Kings' last hope for freedom long denied.

Legend says the Mortuary Cult was created Much of the truth of this has been lost to THE LOST PANTHEON
by Settra himself, long ago on the World- time. In a realm suffused with the very Though Nagash reigns supreme as the god
That-Was, as a tool to unlock the very essence of death, the Mortuary Cult is the of all of the dead, the Tomb Kings still
secrets of death. It soon grew in power and last link the Tomb Kings have to a greater secretly worship their long lost gods. Ptra,
eclipsed all other aspects of the ancient age, and to their lost gods. The Liche Priests the sun god, heads the pantheon, with
religion, suffusing their culture with death horde secrets as a means to hold onto their many others such as Djaf, Nern, and Asaph
and all of its imagery. The myths from power, yet serving the kings nonetheless. serving below him. Usirian, the god of the
those far gone days speak of a grand Each necropolis' Mortuary Cult is tasked underworld is highly revered as well,
illusion, a deceit woven by the priests, who with maintaining the tomb-city's wards, and though some claim in hushed whispers that
stole the secrets of immortality for reciting the ancient incantations that imbue he and Nagash are one and the same.
themselves, and denied it to the monarchs. the Tomb Kings' forces with vitality. Whatever the truth may be, many consider
Promised an afterlife of grandeur and Secretly, they are constantly searching for a these gods long gone, and nothing more
golden bounty, the Tomb Kings flew into a way to slip from beneath Nagash's iron grip, than a fool's hope. Still, the priests call to
rage when they awoke to moldering a task appointed to them from the High them ...and sometimes something answers.
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There have been many great Tomb Kings and Queens throughout the ages that have laid claim to the desert sands. None have
cast as large a shadow across the annals of history though as The Imperishable One, a man many claim to be nothing but a myth
- a fabrication of a grander time who never existed.

The Endless Deserts are an ancient land, the Usurper. That, unwilling to bend his own After the fall of Settrapolis, during the Age
and its legends are many and varied, knee in supplication, the Great Necromancer of Chaos, the cult disbanded, its members
befitting of a land with such an illustrious tore him apart, and with his death, so died fleeing or killed. There are still those who
history. There is the tale of King Kuushar, the world. Others say that Settra can never fervently believe in the return of The
who single-handily bested the dread demon truly die, and whatever fate befell that Imperishable One, clinging to their faith
prince, La'kerth the Vile, in single combat, doomed world, he survived, living up to his with all of their might. Shunned by many
or the Jade Kingdoms of Luxair whose name. Yet others claim that he turned to of the kings, they are forced to wander the
chariot legions cleansed the Cryptonic darker powers to gain what he needed to deserts with their dwindling skeletal
Lowlands of the many orruk tribes who defeat Nagash. Whatever the case may be, legions. They alone amongst the Tomb
threatened the nearby necropolises, in a what is known is that The Imperishable One Kings are known to raid the ruins of
solitary night of bloodshed. himself was gone, lost to the mists of time. Settrapolis, in search of relics from their
One legend stands above all others. A To many of the younger kings, he is nothing
legend that stretches back to the time but a myth. A legend created by those too As the Age of Sigmar dawns across
before time, to the World-that-Was. He scared of Nagash, and too proud to serve. Shyish, there are hushed whispers of
goes by many names: The Imperishable However, there are those still ruling who Settra's return, for hope can breed such
One, The Defier, Khemrikhara, Mighty know that he was no more a myth then the folly even amongst the dead. With the tides
Lion of the Infinite Deserts, Great Hawk of Usurper himself. Little hope is held out for of Chaos breaking upon the bulwark of
the Heavens, and more still that if recorded his return by anyone, seeing him as the last Sigmar's forces, many of the kings see this
would fill volumes untold. To those whose great hope, and the last great failure of the as an ideal time to throw off the yoke of
lineage stretches back beyond memory, he desert monarchs. During the closing years Nagash's tyranny. Priests point to portents
was known as Settra, king of an ancient of the Age of Myth, a powerful new religion that hint at a great tipping point fast
land that is now but a myth itself. It is said formed, calling itself the Cult of Settra. approaching for the desert kingdoms.
that in life, the kingdoms prospered like Comprised of fanatics and demagogues, Surely, a sign of The Imperishable One's
they never had before, and never would they claimed that The Imperishable One still return, they say. Others, however, dismiss
again. In death, his reign was mightier still. walked the Mortal Realms. The cult quickly it as merely a fool's notion. These kings
All of the desert monarchs of the World- spread, establishing a foothold in the city of find strength within themselves, and
that-Was bent their knee to him, lest they Settrapolis, and wringing its way into the proudly proclaim that they need no ruler
face his wrath, and a fate worse than death. other necropolises. The priests and kings of to bend their knee to for help. Whatever
It is said that he was the only one who was the cult would often send out expeditionary the truth may be, there is one thing
able to defy the great Usurper, Nagash, and armies to scour the Mortal Realms for their everyone can agree upon; Settra's return
send him fleeing before his might. That lost savior. Thus did an age of expansion and would indeed usher in a new age for the
was, of course, until The End, the conquest begin, as the Deathrattle Legions desert monarchs and their domains.
unknown calamity that tore the World-that- poured through distant realmgates into all of Whether this would be for good or ill
Was apart. In hushed whispers it is the realms, searching for any sign of the though, none can say.
suggested that Settra was unable to defeat figure of their devotion.
The haunted ruins of Settrapolis are a tangle of half-collapsed statuary and abandoned temples, standing as a testament to the
destruction rained down during the Age of Chaos. A mere shadow of its former glory, it still dwarfs all other settlements within
the desert's boundaries, a monument to the folly of the ambitions of the fanatical followers of the desert kings.

During the Age of Myth, Settrapolis was When Archaon's hordes spilled into the The remaining priests of the Cult of Settra
the most prosperous and powerful of the Endless Deserts, Settrapolis acted as a believed their time was at an end without
necropolis cities of the desert kings. beacon, drawing the ire of the Chaos hordes. the protection of Settrapolis. Those who
Though they recognized no single ruler as After years of battle, even the might of the did not flee were executed by spiteful
having sovereignty over them, the kings of greatest necropolis of the Deserts was kings and the jealous priests of the
Settrapolis held sway within many rival unable to weather the storm of Chaos that Mortuary Cult. The ruins of Settrapolis
courts. Their armies were without end - a now battered its walls. Eventually the city itself were left abandoned, many seeing it
legion of the tireless dead ready to enact was breached by the hell machines of the as a slight on their honor they would rather
their commands at a moment's notice. Zharr, and within the span of a week it was forget. Since its fall, no single necropolis
sacked, its kings hung from the walls yet has been allowed to gather as much might
Most importantly, the city was home to the unable to die, and the priests either put to and influence as Settrapolis once held.
Cult of Settra, whose devout believers the sword or exiled into the dunes. The once
grew throughout the Age of Myth, restoring glorious monuments and temples that lined To this day it is said that the laments and
it to its place as the single most powerful the avenues of Settrapolis were toppled, cast moans of the city's defeated kings can still
group amongst the sands. Many of the other to ruin by the rampaging brutes. Glutted on be heard within its streets and upon the
kings did not agree with the Cult's edicts, victory, the hordes of Chaos were wind, as they hang from the walls denied
but had little choice but to at least feign unprepared for the counter attack from the the escape of a true death for centuries
compliance, lest they face the city's full other necropolises, shattering their might untold ...
might. and scattering them to the winds.
The Deathrattle Legions of King Pharakh are feared across the Endless Deserts. An army of impeccable skill and tireless will,
they crush all opposition before them. Whether they are ground beneath the brass shod wheels of his chariot elite, or torn apart
by the spears of his warrior phalanxes, once an enemy has earned the ire of the tyrannical king, there is only one outcome.

The Endless Deserts are home to many obelisks, mammoth pyramids, and colossal It was Pharakh who held the expansion of
kings and princes, mighty lords of undeath statues, all guarded by his fearsome the Betone at bay. Phalanxes of spears and
who require absolute obedience from all of deathrattle legions, and hordes of swords met the heavy cavalry charge of the
their vassals. Some rule over but a single reanimants. Many rival kings have free peoples with shields planted, blunting
tomb complex, lone pyramids amongst the challenged him and been crushed by his their momentum. A large group of tomb
dunes. Others hold court over an entire army's might in return, their cities and guard, led by Prince Ptramose, counter
necropolis, sprawling mazes of temples, military might subsumed into Pharakh's charging into the stalled knights, scything
pyramids, and catacombs. Some even hold own, or forced to pay a heavy tribute. It them down like chaff. The defeated mortals
sway over multiple cities, often taken by was Pharakh who quelled the orruk were forced back behind the walls of their
force from their counterparts. incursion into the Pharaonic Badlands, fortress city, with Pharakh hot on their heels.
when all else fell before the rampaging As he stood before the gates, marshalling
No one king can claim dominion over the horde. Over one thousand chariots met the his army's strength, they sued for peace
rest, their tremendous hubris too much for orruk boar riders upon the open plains in a rather than allow him the time to position
any one individual to master. King Pharakh battle, said to have lasted for seven days, his catapults for the inevitable siege. He
the Vain, though, is certainly both feared before a contingent of reanimant constructs, only relented after the lords of the city
and respected by the others. A ruler of including a megalith colossus, smote the surrendered their first born children,
tremendous might, his necropolis dwarfs remaining greenskins beneath their stone depriving the city of its next generation of
others in the realm. A city of towering shod skin. leaders.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

It was Pharakh who personally led the he is much more than that to many of his deathrattle legions in tow, crushing all
charge against the Rotbringer warlord, fellow kings. Though they may covet his opposition before him, with the names of
Bilespurt, and his grand coalition of Chaos power, and envy his status, he represents a long dead gods upon his lips, his domains
tribes. The Nurgle war host was crushed rare beacon of hope. To some, he calls to ever expanding as the Age of Sigmar rolls
between the unstoppable might of the mind a great king of old, the only one of on. It is his will, and the will of all of the
king's chariots, and the heavy cavalry of their kind who had been able to unite the kings, that the Endless Deserts be the sole
his herald amongst the World Ribs, warring factions, and stand defiant before dominion of the royal dead; the taint of
effectively stopping the uprising before it Nagash. Chaos purged from the sands, and all
could gather enough might to truly others subjugated or destroyed.
challenge the kings. Pharakh shuns such a mantle, either
unwilling to shoulder the responsibility, or
His martial might is unquestioned amongst thinking himself unworthy to honor the
the kingdoms of the Endless Deserts, but memory. For now, he marches forth with his

"I will brook no dissent within my court," commanded a voice

that was simultaneously as dry as the desert wind and as
and I will march when I see fit," Pharakh said. "If it benefits
the Usurper, then so be it, but it is my decision and mine alone."
cold as the grave. "Not even the Usurper's lickspittles are The vampire rose, his hand upon the pommel of his sword.
exempt from my command, leech," the booming voice sneered. "His name is Nagash, and you would do best to remember
The mummified corpse occupying the massive throne in the whom you serve, whether it displeases you or not," he said with
center of the room leaned forward, a sinister green glow some trepidation, knowing what fate likely awaited him. "You
emanating from the eyes of his deathmask. "These lands are not are not the Imperishable One. That silly myth your kind
his to command, these legions are not his to do with as he harbors does you only harm. All kneel before Nagash in the
wishes. I. Am. Not. His. Vassal." end."

The alabaster skinned vampire, kneeling before him, shifted Pharakh glared at the dark emissary before him, the cavernous
slightly, his eyes fixed firmly upon the sandstone floor. "His will chamber not nearly enough room for the hubris that lay behind
is all of our wills," the creature whispered in a honeyed voice. his eyes. "I grow tired of this leech. Remove him." The vampire
He looked up slightly, locking eyes with the desert monarch. "All shifted his weight onto his back foot, preparing himself as
of Shyish is ... " the vampire was abruptly cut off as the king skeletal guards around the perimeter locked their shields to
smashed his fist into one of his armrests, the marble cracking block all exit. "Permanently." At this last command the two
under the blow. "Not Pharakh!" The king bellowed, the green reanimants leapt forward, stone claws bared, and tore into
witchfire behind his mask intensifying. The vampire flinched, Nagash's envoy.
clearly not relishing the task appointed to him. "Nagash
commands," he said smoothly yet again, "and all must answer. "I do not kneel," Pharakh said defiantly to himself. Somewhere
Even you." He looked once more into the eyes blazing in the depths of his mind a cold laughter echoed, as a vastly
with arrogance and defiance before quickly adding, "my liege." powerful entity took amusement in the petty defiance of one
whose will was but a fraction of its own.
The king settled back into his throne as two massive leonine
reanimants prowled out from the shadows, their movements "I do not kneel. .. "
accompanied by the sound of softly grinding stone. "My legions
All life within the Endless Deserts of
Shyish is extinguished in a single horrific
event, with the undead legions of the Tomb
Kings unable to protect their living
counterparts. Spoken of in hushed whispers
THE TIME OF ENDING, this is believed to have been the work of
THE TIME OF BEGINNING Nagash, the Usurper.
ARE RAISED TO PROTECT BOTH The near mythical Hieroscorpion, thought lost with
THE LIVI NG AND THE DEAD the World-That-Was, emerges within the desert
sands wreaking havoc. Many tomb-cities fall before
its wrath is bound to the will of a single Liche Priest,
disappearing once more below the dunes.

The sky kingdoms of Ghur repel wave after wave

of orruks, their massive reanimants hurling the
greenskins bodily over the sides of the sky bridges.
The orruks finally are brought low when the tomb-
city's herald defeats the warboss in single combat.

The Cult of Settra begins its rise to prominence,

founding the great city of Settrapolis as the
unofficial capital of the kingdoms. During this time,
many dynasties venture forth into other realms to

Deep within the Desert 's Spine Mountains,
away from the prying eyes of the legions
of Khahara and the duardin who call the
range home a rift to Stygix yawned wide.
Amongst the soul crystal fields of this
blighted region a dark pact was sealed,
damning the souls of the resting dead to
wander the Mortal Realms once more.
With Settrapolis gone, the forces of Chaos attempt
to push their advantage, splitting up to single out
each necropolis. Their ambitions prove their
downfall as the remaining Tomb Kings rally when THE GATHERED MIGHT OF EVERY
their own domains are threatened, turning the tide. TOMB KINGS DYNASTY WITHIN THE
At the Gates of Steel within
Chamon the forces ofTzeentch SEEN BEFORE OR SINCE, GRINDING THE
waylaid a mighty host of the CHAOS FORCES INTO THE SANDS BENEATH
Kings were victorious that day, FORCE DEFEATED, THE DESERTS ARE
they found their bones coated in SPARED THE HORROR MANY OTHER
a living metal forevermore. REALMS SUFFER IN COMING
The massive necropolis of Settrapolis is brought low
by the war engines of the Zharr, heralding the collapse
of the Cult of Settra 's power. With the forces of Chaos
poised to conquer the Endless Deserts, the remaining
Tomb Kings rally and push them back from the tomb-
cities into the wilds of the deserts.

On the Ashlands of Aqshy, the forces of King
Pthah align themselves with the Fyreslayers of
the Vorstag lodge. Together, the two forces
repel a raging Bloodbound horde, securing the
King's tomb-city and the hold of the duardin SUNKEN DYNASTIES
equally. Within the Mirefells of Shyish the

sunken beneath the marshy land and

encased within an amber like layer of
necroplasm. Whether through the foul
machinations of Chaos or as petty
AN AGE OF revenge from the Usurper, none yet
MADNESS AND RUIN remain who can speak to the truth of the


SANDS THEY STRODE UPON. AS SIGMAR AND HIS The Stone Wrought Cohorts of King Thotep clash
ALLIANCE OF GODS FOUGHT FOR THE MORTAL with the Ale guzzler Gargants of the coastal jungles
REALMS, THE ENDLESS DESERTS WERE LARGELY along the Sour Sea. The tremors of the conflict are
FORGOTTEN, FORCING THE TOMB KINGS TO said to have been felt miles away as the reanimants
FEND FOR THEMSELVES AGAINST THE CHAOS ground through the gargants, their skull now lining
Amongst the verdant forests of Ghyran, the
defenses of King Sokehep's necropolis are
NAGAS H FLEE INTO THE ENDLE SS breached by a band of Spite-Revenants and
DESERT S AT THE HEAD OF LARGE a valuable relic stolen. In retaliation, the
ARMIES SEEKING ASYLUM FROM King led his army against the Sylvaneth in
THE DESTRU CTION BEFALLING THE retribution, building a million new chariots
REST OF SHYISH . THOSE NOT from the wooden bodies of his defeated foes.


Betone, the bastion of the Free Peoples within
the Endless Deserts, is besieged by King
Pharakh after their unsuccessful attempt at
expansion. The siege is only lifted after the
nobles of the city forfeit their first born children,
depriving them of a generation of leadership.

Though now far distant from Archaon's rampage,

all of the Liche Priests feel the fall of Nagash at the
Everchosen 's hands. A great weight around the Tomb
Kings' necks is lifted as the shadow of the Usurper's


A band of Tzeentch Arcanites venture into the ruins
of Settrapolis to seek some long forgotten relic of
power. Beset on all sides by the ghouls who make
the city their home, they make it out only to be slain



The Skull Krumpuz Ironjawz tribe
FOES, CONVENES A COURT IN THE TOMB-CITY rampages through the Endless Deserts,
OF KHAHARA. TWELVE KINGS FROM THROUGH- destroying three total necropolises and
OUT THE ENDLESS DESERTS ATTEND, NINE OF countless legions. They are only
-... ......~ -. THE DESERT MONARCHS, TWO EXILED KINGS OF ~ ~ - stopped after their Megaboss is
THE CULT OF SETTRA, AND THE GHOUL KING assassinated by Prince Apophas in the
OF RUINED SETIRAPOLIS. AFrER NINE dead of night and the remaining Bosses
DAYS AND NINE HOURS, THE COURT IS resort to infighting to seize power.
A second stormhost, this time of the Anvils of the
Heldenhammer, lands within the Endless Deserts.
The forces of the Rotbringers gather their Caught between several Tomb Legions, the
might to assail the necropolises once again. Stormcast are forced to retreat into the dunes,
A host of demons and diseased mortals lay fighting a failing battle of strike and retreat.
siege to the tomb-city of Queen Tala for
months before the priests of the Mortuary
Cult are able to harness enough of their
power to burn the foul blight from the
sands with Ptra's might.


The first of the Stormcast Eternals led by Nihlus POINT IN THEIR HISTORY FAST APPROACHING.
Tidalborne arrive within the Deserts' borders SOME SAY THIS HERALDS NAGASH'S RETURN
seeking to renew alliances of old. Fighting through TO ONCE MORE GRIP THE KINGDOMS IN HIS IRON
Bloodbound and Tomb Kings, they arrive before WILL, WHILE OTHERS THAT IT SIGNALS THE

The Tomb Kings of thirteen neighboring tomb-cities

go to war amongst each other, with each claiming the
others were the transgressors. After months, the Kings'
armies are depleted and unable to defend themselves;
five of the cities fall to an unexpected skaven assault.

An Alfrostun of Beastclaw Raiders ventures forth

into the desert sands in an attempt to escape the
Everwinter always at their heels. The legions of
King Khalesh are frozen solid for decades after their
The armies of Betone sally forth
from their walled city in search
of revenge. The crusading army
is slaughtered by Pharakh's
legion and their heads returned
The Ghoul King of ruined
to the city by his battery of
Settrapolis and his court are
Screaming Skull Catapults.
slaughtered amongst the World
Ribs as they attempt a foul
ritual. The reanimant legions
of Sobek return victorious and
__,,,.. ~,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-


The Tomb Legions of the desert monarchs are many and varied, with each King bedecking his warriors in his personal heraldry
and colors. Though faded with age, these proud colors still show through the dust and grime, declaring for all to see whose hand
directs their doom.


The Skeleton Warriors of the Legions of King Pharakh bear large white shields The elite of King Pharakh, the Tomb Guard, wear much
adorned with symbols of death in the turquoise of their king. heavier armor and carry a mix of swords and halberds.

Crashing through the enemy lines, there are few warriors who can stand before the might of one of King Pharakh's fearsome Warsphinxes.
Carved from a dark marble and covered in gilded armor, the howdah is crewed by elite Tomb Guard armed with bronze pikes.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

The Legions of Khahara from the Desert's Spine Mountains wear a royal purple,
an ominous color amongst the Tomb Kings due to its ties to the Usurper.

Under the watchful eye of Queen Sati, the Phalanx Cohorts of her Necropolis This Bone Giant of Khahara was carved from a dark
march forth, bringing ruination to any who defy her. green stone to appear as if it's made from actual bones.


The Ushabti of Aqshy have stone The warriors of the Legion of the Burning Khopesh The Gilded Legions of Chamon have
hides hardened by the magma flows. have charred bones from residing in Aqshy. encased their warriors in solid gold.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-


The Legions of the Tomb Kings are vast, and unrelenting, in their single minded pursuit of their master's will. Each Necropolis
can call to arms rank after rank of Phalanx Cohorts, thundering Swift Vengeance Cohorts, stoic Stone Wrought Cohorts,
devastating Artillery Cohorts, stealthy Stalker Cohorts, and magical bastions of might, in the form of the Mortuary Cohorts.

The legions of the Tomb Kings are their lords and masters. the dust kicked up by their chariots and
reflections of the military might they once skeletal steeds, these forces strike at the
held in life. Well drilled and organized, The Cohorts embody different aspects of enemy in their flanks, as they are already
they adhere to a strict structure, allowing war, each suited to conquering a unique task, reeling from the Stalker Cohorts. Bursting
for only small deviations here and there. or working in concert with each other to from the sands, and swooping down from
Where other armies of the undead are crush all before them. The Phalanx Cohorts the skies, the Stalker Cohorts harass the
ravening hordes, milling forth in a dead are the heart of every legion, providing the rear of the enemy lines, all the while the
eyed rabble, the Tomb Kings take great endless ranks of skeletal soldiers that march Artillery Cohorts rain death down from
pride in the structure they have imposed, forth at the Tomb Kings ' bequest. Behind afar. All of these Cohorts are bolstered by
even in death. Marching in lockstep, the them stride the Stone Wrought Cohorts, an the magical might of the priests of the
Skeleton Warriors of the Phalanx Cohorts unstoppable force of stone skinned Mortuary Cohorts, their blades gifted with
demonstrate the impeccable will of their reanimants, whose very footfalls shake the the might of their lost gods while the foes
desert kings, organized into ordered ground before them. Along their flanks race whither under their scrutiny, muscles
regiments, under the unwavering eyes of the Swift Vengeance Cohorts. Swathed in turning to dust.

ing Pharakh surveyed the massed ranks before him as To his side, a lone chariot approached, its sides gilded in reliefs
they marched to war in perfect unison. The warriors of of death and glory. Arnot, herald to the king, pulled back on his
his Phalanx Cohorts moving in perfect blocks, the reins, bringing his skeletal steeds to a halt beside his king.
symmetry of the regiments pleasing to their liege lord. The
bronze tips of their spears glittered in the desert sun, and their "It is a glorious sight indeed, my lord," the herald rasped,
banners snapped in the dust choked wind. At their head was guessing at Pharakh's thoughts. "The Swift Vengeance Cohorts
Prince Ptramose, resplendent in his gilded armor, and stand ready to bring the relief of death to the foe at your
surrounded by his personal Tomb Guard, who stood with their command," he said gesturing to the massed ranks of war
shields locked even in this time of relative safety. Seeing his king machines, horsemen, and Necropolis Knights who stood ready
and father staring approvingly at the Cohort under his behind the Tomb King on the slight incline. Pharakh turned his
command, Ptramose lifted his tomb blade high in salute, imperious gaze behind him, to the forces he was to lead
garnering the slightest nod of acknowledgement from Pharakh. personally into battle. Beyond even them, he saw the Artillery
Parting the swirling dust clouds, like the kraken of the Sour and Mortuary Cohorts, preparing for the coming battle as
Sea, were the mighty reanimants of the Stone Wrought Cohorts. catapults and Caskets of Souls were dragged into position.
Vast colossi of stone skinned death, the sphinxes and bone Turning back towards the horizon, he could now make out the
giants strode alongside the skeletal warriors of the lesser Chaos rabble who were the focus of his legion's wrath, Carrion
cohorts, paying them as little heed as a god would a gnat. from the Stalker Cohorts already harrying their lines. Behind
Around their feet, the Ushabti prowled, glaives and bows held his death mask, a smile crossed his withered face as he gathered
ready to deal death at a moment's notice. up the reins of his chariot, and drew his sword for war.
Necropolis High King High Queen of Asaph
Tomb Kings and Princes


Tomb Herald in Royal Chariot
Tomb Guard Royal Warsphinx
Skeleton Chariots Necrosphinx Ushabti
Skeleton Warriors
Necropolis Knights Warsphinx Bone Giants
Skeleton Archers
Skeleton Horsemen/ Archers


Tomb Scorpions Necrotect Casket of Souls
Sepulchral Stalkers Screaming Skull Catapults Liebe Priests
Tomb Swarms Skeleton Warriors Hierotitan
--. ---..cb----~...::Z.--~~.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-


Many rulers lead the Tomb Kings' legions to war, but there are none as feared as the Necropolis High Kings and High Queens of
Asaph, who rule over all within their undead empires. While a Tomb King is a mighty warrior upon the field of battle, these rulers
dwarf even them in battle prowess, while the spectre of dread Prince Apophas skirts the battle's edge, watching for worthy souls.

NECROPOLIS HIGH KINGS The High Kings lead their legions through suitors or challengers to her throne who
Though the courts of the Tomb Kings' Realmgates to conquer far off realms, with dare present themselves. When she marches
necropolises are large and sprawling, filled many of these kings resettling in their to war, she is accompanied by endless ranks
with fathers, sons, cousins, and distant conquered lands. They are just as likely to of skeleton archers, as are all High Queens
relatives, they all kneel to one ruler above wage war amongst the sands of the Endless of Asaph, for the goddess guides their
all else - the Necropolis High King. Each Deserts, either against those who infringe arrows with unerring accuracy. Many a foe
tomb-city is ruled over by one of these upon their domains, or against rival kings have fallen before a withering volley, their
lords of death, the will of the city theirs to who are deserving of their ire. No High King bodies pierced from head to toe with bronze
command. Sometimes the High King is an will submit to the will of another - a contest tipped arrows.
ancient king of old who sired the rest of the between rival High Kings will only end
court, while other times they have secured with death or banishment.
their position through bloodshed and strife. Prince Apophas is an anomaly amongst the
Their rule is absolute, and they bow to no Tomb Kings. A lone desert revenant who
other being, living or dead. It is their will The High Queens of Asaph are unique haunts the sands, it is said that he committed
that drives the machinations of the Tomb amongst the rulers of the Tomb Kings - a grave crime during his life, and was
Kings, and each embodies their city - heart, blessed by the goddess Asaph with lightning cursed to an eternity of torment. In hushed
mind, and soul. It is not uncommon for speed and terrifying precision, the High whispers it is mentioned that he committed
entire kingdoms to be referred to simply as Queens are just as powerful and feared as the the most heinous of treasonous acts by
the domain of the High King who rules it. Necropolis High Kings. Their lineage can be killing his own family to claim his throne.
traced back to an ancient High Queen known For his crimes, he was sentenced to death -
When they go to war, they lead their as Khalida, who has been lost to the mists of entombed alive with chittering swarms of
legions from atop gilded chariots of the time. Each of the High Queens has a burning flesh eating scarabs. When the casket was
gods, armed with Blessed Blades of Ptra - hatred of the Soulblight Vampires who serve opened, all that was left was his flesh-bare
holy artifacts bestowed with the power of Nagash, with a particular hatred borne for skull, which was inscribed with a curse and
their ancient god. The High Kings of the N eferata, the queen of those foul wretches, thrown to the desert sands.
undead monarchs are not some foppish, but none can remember the beginnings of
decedent, fools like those found among the these bitter feelings. Many an emissary from Now he is cursed by the god of the dead to
kingdoms of the living, but hardened the Usurper has found their welcome less find a soul to replace his in torment, forever
warrior kings whose expertise in battle has than warm amongst the tomb-cities of the scouring the realms for his equal. Carrying
been honed over countless millennia. They sands. the very blade that spilt his family's blood,
wield the very powers of death, imbuing he hunts for heroes to lay low, offering their
their forces with renewed vigor, and Some of the necropolises are ruled over not souls to his dread master. With rumors of
outside of the secretive priesthoods, only by a High King, but by one of those blessed Usirian's demise, the true master he serves
the High Kings know the secret by Asaph instead. Queen Sati is famous can only be guessed at. Apophas still
incantations of the Mortuary Cult. amongst the Endless Deserts for the iron grip searches, all these millennia later, for no
she maintains upon her kingdoms, killing all two souls are truly equal.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-


Though each necropolis is ruled over by a single High King or Queen, the royal courts of the dead can contain numerous lesser
kings, queens, heralds, and various other dignitaries. All serve the will of their liege lord, but this does not stop them from
pursuing their own agendas and plays for power.

TOMB KINGS King has their own favored method of war. The Tomb Herald will often be sent abroad
The monarchs of the Tomb Kings are a Some take to the field of battle on foot, to enact the king's will. When they do so
tyrannical and jealous lot, none wanting to leading vast Phalanx Cohorts of glittering their voice carries all of the weight of the
bend the knee to another or admit any fault spears and impenetrable shield walls. Others king themselves. It is not unknown for a
of their own. In life, there were many race ahead of Swift Vengeance Cohorts on Tomb Herald to appear before the gates of
children of kings who held positions of their gilded chariots, shouting praise to the a rival necropolis, demanding recompense
power who did not wish to relinquish it. lost pantheon over the thunderous rumble of against their lord for some perceived slight.
Many of these rulers even went on to take the bronze-clad wheels. The most It is not only the other Tomb Kings who
the crown after their parent passed into the prestigious of them even go to war on top of receive this honor, for even an enemy as
care of the Mortuary Cult. In death, they a mighty Royal Warsphinx, crushing the reviled as the forces of Chaos who rove
do not wish to abandon their birthright, enemy beneath the near invincible bulk of a across the dunes are often first paid a visit
but within each necropolis there can be Stone Wrought Cohort. by a Tomb Herald. The demise of a Tomb
only one High King. Forced into a position Herald in these situations is seen as the
of servitude, or facing expulsion, a great Whatever their preferred method of war may gravest offense and will be swiftly rebuked
many of these kings and queens choose be, the battle prowess of a Tomb King is by the forces of the Tomb Kings. The
the former, begrudgingly serving the will undisputed. With millennia of warfare to Bloodbound tribes of the Desert's Spine
of the one amongst their number great their names, few enemy champions can Mountains were quickly eradicated by the
enough to claim the Crown of Dominion. stand before one of the desert monarchs and legions of Khahara after they adorned their
live to tell the tale. standards with the still chattering bones of
Within the necropolis walls there is a their king's Tomb Herald.
constant power struggle as siblings, TOMB HERALDS
distant relatives, and rulers, separated by Tomb Heralds are the personal champions In battle, they carry the king's Standard of
centuries during their mortal lives, vie for and sworn protectors of the Tomb Kings. the Undying Legion, a magically imbued
ascendancy within the royal courts. Most In life they were picked from amongst the banner that binds the legion's spirits to it.
Tomb Kings have entire cohorts under ranks of the Tomb Guard, having proven When its magic is unleashed, fallen
their command, if not entire legions. It is their worth as the most skilled warrior in warriors across the battlefield rise once
not uncommon for particularly large that king's legions. They were bound to more from the sands to fight. So skilled in
necropolises to have several legions all their lord so that, at the moment of the the ways of war are the Tomb Heralds,
marching under the banner of one High king's death, the Tomb Herald themselves that they will sometimes be given
King or Queen. Each of these legions and were also killed and buried alongside their command over a cohort in their king's
cohorts are commanded by a skilled Tomb lord so that they were prepared and ready to place. Whether on foot, horseback, or
King, for it is not in their nature to leave serve them in the afterlife. Not only are the atop a gilded chariot, a Tomb Herald is a
the business of war to others. In fact, most heralds skilled warriors, ready to give their fearsome foe to face, delivering their
Tomb Kings revel in the tumult of battle, own life for their king's at a moment's king's vengeance upon the enemy.
seeing it as a distraction from the notice, but they are also the first course of
monotony of unending life. Each Tomb what passes for diplomacy.
ing Rehu-Sah drove his
dynastic blade through the
skull of the Blood Warrior,
the ancient sword easily passing
through his foe's helmet. All around
him the tumult of battle roared as
his legions of skeletal warriors
battled against the hordes of the
Chaos filth that still infested the
dunes. It was a hard fought battle,
but a worthy one, he thought. These
debased worshippers might have
been misplaced in their temerity to
dare step foot within his domain, but
by the gods, they put up a good fight.
Before him, a particularly massive
warrior in armor the color of dried
blood roared a challenge in his dark
tongue, leveling his two headed ax at
Rehu-Sah. His Tomb Herald,
Khnum-Khefu, stepped before him
with his bronze sword drawn in

"No," Rehu-Sah intoned, "he is

mine." The herald merely bowed his
head shallowly in acceptance before
stepping aside, the legion's banner
held high. Flexing his ancient joints
to a chorus of pops and cracks, the
Tomb King swung his blade through
a series of practice strokes.

"By the might of Ptra and The

Imperishable One, let us see what
you are made of."

The hulking Bloodhound champion

grinned in amusement, if not
understanding, then charged
forward with his dark god's name
on his lips. As the notched ax came
down, Rehu-Sah knocked it aside
with his Tomb Shield before parting
the champion's head from his neck
in one smooth motion.

"Pitiful," he scowled, as he waded

into the fray once more.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ----- - ..A ______ ...__

The Mortuary Cult is an ancient and powerful sect within the Tomb Kings. Its creation predates recorded history, for the Mortal
Realms themselves, and their gods, are long gone. Despite this, the power its members wield is undisputable, and on the field of
battle the Liebe Priests are organized into Mortuary Cohorts to imbue their own forces with godly might and to smite the foe.

LICHE PRIESTS fact the Mortuary Cult uses to maintain their casket race across the battlefield, jealously
The Liche Priests make up the ranks of the position of power. stripping the life away from any living
Mortuary Cult - the most ancient and thing they can find. Not only is it a potent
sacred institution within the Tomb Kings' weapon, but it also acts as a battery of
The Hierophant is the chief Liche Priest
ranks. It is their duty to renew the seals on power for the Mortuary Cult, imbuing
within a necropolis, usually the High King's
the temples and tombs of each necropolis, their incantations with the very essence of
or Queen's older sibling, by tradition, but as
as well as invigorate the skeletal minions of death.
the cruelties of time have worn on, some
the kings with the spark of unlife. Unlike HIEROTITANS
have fallen to be replaced by aspirant priests.
the deathless servants under Nagash's rule, Hierotitans are massive statues with heads
Where the Liche Priests are able to channel
the skeletons of the Tomb Kings retain a carved in the likenesses of the ancient gods
the power of the gods through themselves to
sliver of their essence from life. Some are of the Tomb Kings. Commissioned to stand
affect minor changes, the Hierophants can
the merest flicker of individuality, while sentinel near the summit of a king's burial
reshape the entire field of battle to their
others are an almost complete reflection of pyramid, they act as guides to ensure a
liking. Vastly more powerful, and steeped in
their mortal selves, such as the kings smooth transition to the afterlife. Interred
millennia of knowledge and lore, the army's
themselves. The Liche Priests are duty- within the chest of each of these magical
Hierophant is a force to be reckoned with.
bound to preserve these embers of colossi is a Liche Priest, who has fallen in
They are second in status only to the High
personality from the all-smothering will of battle. Unable to perform their day to day
King or Queen themselves, and demand
Nagash, as well as being the last remaining duties, they are gifted with the honor of
nearly as much respect. While their impact
connections between the Tomb Kings and empowering a Hierotitan. Though not truly
on the battlefield can be monumental, the
their lost pantheon of gods - the Liche dead, these Liche Priests are not wholly
loss of a Hierophant can lead to a
Priests alone remember the ancient aware of their surrounding - they merely
devastating magical cascade that can strip
incantations and prayers to commune with act as a source of power for the constructs.
the embers of unlife from nearby warriors.
the deities of the Great Land of old.
CASKET OF SOULS It is thought that the Hierotitans are the last
On the field of battle, the Liche Priests At the heart of each necropolis lies a Casket true link to the Lost Pantheon of the Tomb
invoke the gods to imbue the soldiers of the of Souls. A symbol of the Tomb Kings' long Kings - embodiments of the gods' will in
Tomb Kings with preternatural abilities, diminished covenant with their gods, each the Mortal Realms. In one hand, they hold
strengthening their sword arms and turning casket is bound with the souls of those the Icon of Ptra, thought to ward away
enemy blows aside. They can also call upon unfortunate enough to fall to the undead in demons during the passage of the king's
the gods to desiccate their enemies, battle. Each is tended by a keeper - a soul, and in the other, the Scales ofUsirian,
withering them to dried husks or tormenting powerful Liche Priest who has mastered the the tool to measure the king's worth. In
them with razor sharp sand storms. art of death, who can summon them to the battle, these artifacts can unleash the wrath
Whether these powers actually come from field of battle, emerging from the sands of their patron gods, smiting their foes.
their lost gods, or from the very Realm of through a pile of skulls, guardians in tow. Heavily imbued with magic, the mere
Death itself, is up for debate, and something presence of a Hierotitan empowers the
that not even the kings themselves know - a When opened, the tormented souls of the incantations of the priests.
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The Phalanx Cohorts are the heart of every Tomb Kings Legion. Comprised of rank upon rank of Skeleton Warriors, and
supported by vast regiments of Skeleton Archers, they are a veritable bulwark of bone, bronze, and wood. Led into battle by
a Tomb King, or their trusted Tomb Herald, and protected by the elite Tomb Guard, there is little that can stand in their way.

The very foundation upon which every
Tomb Kings Legion is built is the humble
skeleton warrior. During their mortal years,
the mighty Tomb Kings had untold
numbers of soldiers who fought and died
for them, forever pushing the boundaries
of their lord's empires. As each warrior
fell in battle, their remains were entombed
within the vast necropolis, until the day the
king himself slipped into Usirian 's embrace.
Upon that day, the remainder of the king's
legions marched resolutely into the dark
depths of his tomb, armed for war. There,
they met their ultimate fate, as the tomb
was sealed with them inside, prepared to
serve their lord in death, as they had in life.

Now the skeletal legions of the necropolises

are truly numberless. Countless generations
of warriors, and numerous dynasties' legions
all combined to make up the mighty hosts
who march to war at the High King's
bequest. Armed with bronze khopeshes or
leaf bladed spears, and protected behind
their ancient tower shields, few foes can
withstand the unceasing assault of the
skeletal phalanxes. Though individually
they may be weak, as a massed infantry
block, coupled with their bottomless
reserves of energy, even the most fearsome
of enemies will eventually be ground down
beneath their skeletal feet. Unlike the
soulless automatons of Na gash's hordes,
the skeleton warriors of the Tomb Kings
retain a small ember of their essence from
--. ---.J.b----~...::Z.--~~.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-...-

life. Where the warriors of the other found themselves before the necropolis walls. embrace to serve their king in the afterlife.
Deathrattle empires of Shyish fight only for Thinking victory was imminent, the
their master's will, the legions of the Tomb Fyreslayers were dismayed when all light Now in death they continue to serve much
Kings fight for much more, retaining the fled from the land, the normally ash-choked as they had in life. It is rare to see a Tomb
same loyalty and devotion to their king skies even darker than usual. From the walls King not accompanied by their royal guard.
they had in life. of the tomb city, volley after volley ofblack- Gifted with the finest armor of scaled
shafted arrows were loosed. As soon as one bronze, inlaid with gold, and infused with
missile had been fired, another was notched. the unnatural vitality of the undead, the
The Tomb Kings alone, amongst the many
The runes burnt into the duardin 's flesh Tomb Guard are some of the most fearsome
and varied armies of Shyish, are famed for
proved little protection against the storm of troops at the king's disposal. Their very
their vast archer regiments. Armed with
arrows, and after the last had fallen, all that weapons are ensorcelled by the Liche
ancient bows, the skeletal archers can
remained before the city walls was a field of Priests of the Mortuary Cult, able to cut
advance without breaking stride,
corpses. King Pthah declared that the ur-gold through the toughest armor with ease.
unleashing volley after volley of bronze-
was to be harvested from their remains and When not at war the Tomb Guard stand
tipped arrows. It is said that even amongst
crafted into new arrowheads for his legions. vigil across the inner sanctums of the
the sun-drenched lands of the Endless
To this day, the Vorstag lodge holds a deep necropolises, ensuring that none gain
Deserts the arrows of the Tomb Kings can
grudge against the Tomb Kings of Aqshy. entrance to their king's domains. It is not
block out all light, so dense are the volleys
Not wanting to breed unwarranted hostility, uncommon for high ranking Liche Priests,
of death loosed towards the enemy.
King Pthah has decreed that he shall return or Necrotects, to be gifted with an entourage
the duardin's ur-gold to them - one arrow at of Tomb Guard as well. Upon the field of
Many battle lines have crumpled beneath
a time to any who dare trespass his domains. war, they are a truly terrifying foe, directed
the onslaught of a Skeleton Archer
to where the fighting is thickest to dole out
regiment. Even blessed sigmarite isn't
the king's wrath.
proof against their efforts, as thousands of
arrows descend upon them, finding any
chink in their armor. The Warrior Chamber At the Battle of the Burning Sands it was
of Nihlus Tidalborne had to adopt a King Pharakh's royal Tomb Guard who
fighting style that involved the Liberators stood defiant before the charge of the
creating a protective dome around dreaded Varanguard. The elite warriors of
advancing forces with their tower shields, Archaon, upon their monstrous steeds, had
just to survive long enough to make contact TOMB GUARD trampled all in their path, leaving a trail of
with the undead lines. The Prosecutors The Tomb Guard are the most elite of the destruction and broken bones in their wake.
have had to learn to become particularly Tomb Kings Legions. In life, they served as Upon the anvil of the Tomb Guard they
adept at dodging incoming arrows, lest they the king's personal guard, chosen from were broken, their charge blunted, and their
fall to the ground, struck through like pin amongst the most skilled of his warriors. steeds hacked to pieces by their ancient
cushions. To become a member of the Tomb Guard bronze halberds. Dragged from their
was the closest a warrior born of common saddles, the Varanguard put up a valiant
In the ashlands of Aqshy, the Fyreslayers of blood could come to nobility. So high in the effort, dispatching over half of Pharakh's
the Vorstag lodge were hired to halt the king's esteem were they held, that upon their royal guard. In the end it mattered for
growing borders of King Pthah's Tomb death they were mummified, a ceremony naught, as the vanquished Tomb Guard rose
King empire. The duardin fought through normally reserved for those of a noble from the sands once more, their martial
wave after wave of gilded chariots, and lineage. Those that outlived their lord were skill and devotion to their king proving to
bronze clad skeletal warriors, until they entombed alongside him, accepting death's be more than a match for the chosen of Chaos.
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Where the Phalanx Cohorts are the beating heart of the Tomb Legions, the Swift Vengeance Cohorts are the sword arm, striking
fast and without mercy. Whether racing along the sides or driving straight up the center, the Skeleton Chariots and Necropolis
Knights hammer the foe while the Skeleton Horsemen and Skeleton Horse Archers harry their flanks.

SKELETON CHARIOTS Princes, for no other can be trusted with SKELETON HORSEMEN
The Skeleton Chariots of the Tomb Kings' such an important task. These noble warriors Though not as heavily armored or as
Legions are renowned for their ferocity are bedecked in jewels and armor befitting durable as the chariots of the Swift
and ability to cleave deep into the enemy their status, and their chariots are often Vengeance Cohorts, the Skeleton
lines, scattering the foe before them. equally as gilded. Horsemen are still a valuable asset
Heralded on the horizon by a billowing amongst the Tomb Legions of the Kings.
cloud of dust, the deadly war machines In death, these regiments of chariots have In life they were a prized addition to the
race forward, peppering their opponents lost none of their potency, and are even more armies due to the difficulty of maintaining
with arrows as they take shots of reliable to the Tomb Kings. Their standards, horses in the harsh desert conditions. Any
opportunity. While the enemy is still imbued with the magic of the Mortuary Cult, warrior given the privilege of riding one
reeling, they crash into their lines, crushing have the power to reknit broken bones and had to prove their worth ten times over
bodies beneath their bronze shod wheels, mend fractured chariot hulls. It is a frequent before they were entrusted with their new
while the skeletal crew aboard strike out sight for a Skeleton Chariot to be pulled role. Armed with spears and tall tomb
with swords and spears with exceptional down in the fray, only for the jubilant enemy shields, the Skeleton Horsemen charge
skill. Bogged down by the bodies around to find themselves faced with the same foe along the army's sides, outflanking the foe
them, they continue to push through before they only just vanquished moments earlier. in brutal hit and runs.
they break free to continue their onslaught While the Phalanx Cohorts form the
anew. backbone of many a Tomb Legion, it is not Not as heavily armored as other armies'
uncommon for the King to maintain a large cavalry, they are able to react swiftly to the
The skeletons who crew these fearsome contingent of chariots, so valued and feared changing circumstances of war and redirect
war machines are no average warrior are they. King Pharakh is said to have more their charge at a moment's notice. Despite
pulled from the rank and file. To be gifted chariots in his Swift Vengeance Cohorts this lighter load, the bronze tipped cavalry
with the honor of serving in the King's than warriors amongst the rest of his legion. spears they carry still hit with enough force
chariot legions, one must be of noble birth, At the Battle of the Burning Sands, it is to skewer a foe through, making them a
for touching a horse is beneath their status. claimed that his chariots were so numerous fearsome proposition for any unlucky
So it is that only those fortunate enough that they blanketed the sands, leaving not a enough to be on the receiving end. In the
are allowed to take the reins of the jewel single grain visible. So effective have his Swift Vengeance Cohorts, they often race
of the desert legions. Raised from a young tactics proven, that many other Legions have ahead of the main battle line and pin the
age on how to fight from these moving begun to follow suit. The necropolis of enemy in place long enough for the heavier
platforms of death, the skeletal crew of the Khahara has recently begun an expansion chariots and Necropolis Knights to slam
chariots are adept at their chosen form of of their own chariot legions to match their into the fray. With the foe now decimated
warfare from the moment they join the rivals, and the forests of Ghyran have by the combined charge, the Skeleton
ranks of the legions, and were highly become an ever more frequent target of the Horsemen will peel off before selecting
regarded in life. The Master of Chariots, Tomb Kings' conquest as they search for a another target of opportunity, directing
who leads the units into battle is often a reliable source of lumber for their valued their skeletal steeds into a full gallop with
blood relative of one of the Kings or war machines. their spears lowered and shields raised.
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SKELETON HORSE ARCHERS NECROPOLIS KNIGHTS in the victory over the Fyreslayers. While
above ground, the archers whittled the
Striking as swift as the desert wind, the The Necropolis Knights are the true elite of
duardin's numbers down; below ground,
Skeleton Horse Archers of the Tomb Kings the Tomb Kings. Mounted atop their
the Necropolis Knights met the sneak
are the bane of unwary foes across the Necroserpents, massive snake like constructs
attack of the Runesmiters head-on in the
realms. Armed with naught but a bow, these of stone and metal, they can tear through the
freshly bored magma tunnels. The
nimble scouts can weave between the enemy lines like parchment. Lashing out with
Necroserpents made short work of the
enemy lines, picking off lightly armored their powerful tails they can crush a man in a
Auric Hearthguard who seeked to take the
units or careless commanders with ease heartbeat or still the hearts of a monster with
Tomb Kings by surprise, their stone hides
before disappearing back into the dunes their toxin coated fangs, all while the Tomb
all but impervious to their magmapikes.
from once they came. Unburdened by Guard slashes out with their long polearms
It is a foolish general indeed who
heavier baggage, the Horse Archers have from atop the reanimant's hood. Carved in
underestimates the Necropolis
always acted as the scouts of the Tomb the likeness of the sacred cobra, the
Kings' forces, ranging far ahead of the Necroserpents were constructed as guardians
main battle line to harry the enemy and of the temples of the Mortuary Cult, forever
generally make a nuisance of themselves. keeping watch. The cobra of the Endless
In death they are only more reliable. No Deserts is a truly deadly creature, its toxin
longer needing such trivialities such as able to kill a full sized Mawcrusher with a
food or sleep, they endlessly prowl the single bite, and this same toxin mysteriously
dunes of the Endless Deserts, constantly coats the fangs of these very statues.
alert for trespassers to their realm.
In life, Tomb Guard who had proven
While the main force of the Swift themselves as especially accomplished
Vengeance Cohort confronts the foe fighters were given the honor of being
directly, the Skeleton Horse Archers dance entombed within the pedestals of these
around the periphery, shooting into the reanimant statues. Cutting their hands,
swirling melee, their arrows nimbly they would then smear their open
avoiding their fellow combatants to strike wounds on the toxin of the snake's
true against the enemy. It is not only fangs, killing them instantly and
amongst the sands of the Endless Deserts forever bonding them to their
that they these scouts are deployed. In the future mount. Once
ice fields of the frozen tundras of Ghur, the reawakened by the
Skeleton Horse Archers of King Faroash priests of the Mortuary
patrol his domains, nipping at the heels of Cult, this noble
the Chaos armies that encircle the kingdom. warrior's spirit not only animated their own
Known as the Biting Blizzard, these scouts deceased body, but that of the Necroserpant ,
will appear out of the swirling snow ensuring they act with one mind upon the
without warning, loosing a hail of arrows field of battle, honing their reactions
into the enemy encampment only to vanish to an unimagined level. When units
as quickly as they appeared. Denied any of Necropolis Knights take to the
rest, the forces of Chaos are constantly on field, victory is all but assured. In
edge, ever alert for the sound of skeletal Aqshy, the Knights of the Legion
hooves and bow strings being pulled taut. of the Burning Khopesh were key
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When the Tomb Kings march to war, not only do they empty their holds of their numberless Skeletal Legions, but the holds
themselves rouse for battle. Statues raised in honor of long dead kings or in dedication to their lost pantheon pull free from their
pedestals. Ushabti, Warsphinxes, Bone Giants, and even the dreaded Necrosphinx shake the ground as battle calls.

USHABTI powerful Ushabti, for they are not mindless Warsphinxes tower over all around them.
The Tomb Kings were nothing if not a race constructs animated by the will of a foul Originally built as protectors to the many
of man dedicated to the idea of immortality. necromancer, but vessels for the souls of burial pyramids and temple complexes of
Cheating death through the secrets of the some of the Tomb Kings' greatest heroes. the necropolises, they now stride to war at
Mortuary Cult was not enough for them, as When a Liche Priest rouses the souls of the the Tomb Kings' bequest.
each king's legacy had to survive the many dead back into their bodies for war, those
ages to come, so all could know their that have proven themselves worthy are Often carved from marble or obsidian, their
splendor. The vast pyramids and temple instead gifted with these nearly impervious hide is all but impervious to the blows of
complexes raised in their honor are the bodies crafted in the very image of their the enemy - swords snap upon their flanks,
epitome of this hubris, yet their own honor beloved gods. Once bound into an Ushabti, maces bounce harmlessly away, and axes
was not enough. Each monarch wanted to the warrior's soul is forever imprinted upon stay stuck fast in the stone, quickly pulled
prove their devotion to the lost pantheon, it. Even if one of the reanimants falls in from the warrior's grasp, all while these
and the Mortuary Cult that served it, battle, the fragments are merely gathered up deadly reanimants are unleashing their
hoping to outshine all who came before to be repaired by the tomb-city's Necrotects, master's wrath, raking the enemy with
them. Many a Necrotect was tasked with soon ready to receive the soul of its warrior their razor sharp claws, or crushing them
crafting works of beauty and worship to once agam. beneath their massive bulk. These leonine
their distant gods, the most numerous of constructs can also breath fire, scorching
Taking to the field of battle with great two- the foe before they can even meet in
these being the Ushabti.
handed glaives, the Ushabti are truly a combat. Some have large blades on their
The Ushabti are towering statues - a terrifying prospect for any foe to face. At the lashing tails, while others have venom-
combination of man and god, cast through battle of Bloodfell Delta, it was a group of coated stingers, both equally deadly.
the warping lens of the Tomb Kings ' Ushabti who broke the charge of the
Bloodbound's juggernaut charge, their Most Warsphinxes are ridden to war by a
obsession with death. Standing head and
shoulders above even the tallest warrior, glaives easily cleaving through the armored small unit of elite Tomb Guard riding in an
these macabre monuments lined many a beasts. While some Ushabti revel in the armored howdah mounted upon its back.
temple thoroughfare, their stoic animal carnage of close combat, others prefer to From their perch, the Tomb Guard stab
master the art of war from afar, wielding down upon the enemy with their spears,
skull heads silently judging all those who
passed in the name of Ptra and his massive great bows; these Ushabti lend their adding to the mayhem of the reanimant's
pantheon. No one knows for sure how long fire to that of the archers and catapults, their wrath and directing its attacks. Some
the oldest of these statues have stood, with giant arrows skewering entire ranks of the particularly ornate Warsphinxes were
some claiming they pre-date the very mists enemy at a time. crafted to stand guard over a Tomb King's
of time. WARSPHINXES own burial chamber, and now carry the very
While the Ushabti are undoubtedly mighty, kings they were commissioned for into
The very best and bravest warriors in a the Warsphinxes of the Tomb Kings make battle. From atop the Warsphinx, the king
monarch's personal guard are given the them appear as mere children. Truly massive can direct the ebb and flow of the entire
honor of waging war as one of these constructs of stone, gold, and precious gems, battle.
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NECROSPHINXES similar stones. Graven images of their lost the Desert - massive ballistae that can
The ancient and mysterious Necrosphinxes gods, or forgotten kings, these stone skewer even monstrous targets such as a
are feared across all of the realms, and not construct Bone Giants are sometimes Carnosaur, or lay waste to entire regiments.
just by those who oppose the Tomb Kings, referred to as Necrolith Colossi. Whether
but by the very kings themselves. No one bone or stone, the Bone Giants of the Tomb With the soul of a particularly courageous
knows where they came from, for they Kings wreak utter devastation in the midst and brutal warrior inhabiting it, the Bone
have always been - these dread centaur like of battle. Armed with gigantic blades, they Giants can easily turn the tide of battle.
constructs have stood watch over the can demolish entire enemy formations When King Tharoth invoked the ire of
domains of the dead longer than even the single-handedly, unleashing their Queen Sati, it was not long before he found
memories of the long-lived Liche Priests wrath, and that of their kings', upon his legions crushed, and his necropolis
can recall. To the Tomb Kings they are their foe. Others take to war armed with being torn apart brick by brick, by no less
the very embodiment of death. No massive two-handed glaives, while still than ten Bone Giants. To this day, his
noble soul animates these kingdom lies in ruin, the desolation
fearsome statues - in fact, no watched over by a solemn guardian Bone
one is sure exactly what force Giant, its massive bulk slowly buried by
the sands.
that they are in fact embodiments of KHEMRIC TITANS
the shattered god Usirian, others say
Of all of the reanimants that fight for the
that the fell will of Nagash drives them
Tomb Kings, the Khemric Titans are the
forward, forever keeping a watchful eye on
most massive. Towering over even small
his begrudging servants. Whatever the truth
temples, these scarab constructs are more
may be, their usefulness in battle is
myth than truth, for so rarely are they seen
undeniable. Avatars of pure destruction,
on the field of battle. Powerful loci of
they can slay a Stardrake with a single
magical might due to the ancient Liche
blow from their scything blades, and wade
Priest entombed within the Shrine of
through entire regiments of infantry
Eternities, they are a true force to be
without a scratch upon their stone hides. It
reckoned with. During the Age of Myth it
is a foolish Tomb King indeed who denies
is said that several of these Titans were able
his legion the use of one of these fearsome
to subdue a Godbeast that rampaged through
reanimates due to their mysterious
the desert sands. To bind one of these
reanimants to their will is a perilous course
BONE GIANTS of action for even the most prestigious of
The towering Bone Giants of the desert kings. It is not unknown for entire tomb-
sands are a welcome addition to any Tomb cities to be laid to waste by a rogue
Kings' Legion. Although many are made Khemric Titan due to a single incorrect
out of the reanimated skeletons of fallen syllable during its incantation of
gargants, not all adhere to their namesake reawakening. Though the risk is great,
so literally. Many Bone Giants thereward is even more so for any
are, in fact, carved from king willing to test their will
obsidian, marble, or other
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Stalker Cohorts are comprised of all of the creatures of the desert sands who guard the Tomb Kings' domains. Towering
Sepulchral Stalkers tunnel alongside the skittering Tomb Swarms, and hulking Tomb Scorpions, bursting from the sands to attack
deep behind enemy lines, all while mummified Carrion swoop low from the skies to pick off unlucky stragglers.

SEPULCHRALSTALKERS they have to contend with their immense Carrion can be found circling high above
Deep beneath the sands of the Endless strength and deadly blades, but the very gaze in the desert skies, waiting for an unwary
Deserts, the Sepulchral Stalkers lay in wait. of the reanimant itself - locking eyes with traveller to pounce upon. When the Tomb
Reanimant constructs whose creation is lost the Sepulchral Stalker's transmogrifying Kings march to war, the Carrion are often
in the mists of time, these giant snake-like gaze will turn any enemy into a pillar of drawn to the field of battle with the promise
beings are imbued with the spirits of sand, which will blow away at the first of fresh prey. The power of the Liche
warriors whose physical forms were breeze. Priests can also harness and direct these
beyond even the ministrations of the Liche massive avian terrors where they are most
Priests. The Sepulchral Stalkers now lay in Though most common within the deserts of needed. The Tomb Kings who ventured
wait, jealously guarding the borders of the Shyish, Sepulchral Stalkers can be found forth from Shyish into the other Mortal
Tomb Kings' domains from intruders. Any anywhere in the vast empires of the Tomb Realms often took some of these Carrion
trespasser unlucky enough to cross their Kings. Within the barren lands of Aqshy with them to curry the favor of Ualatp, and
paths will have little warning before the they are known to travel along the magma for their undeniable usefulness. Within
Sepulchral Stalkers burst from the ground, tunnels that perforate the land, while in Ghur, the Carrion are often seen circling
Ghyran they burst forth through the tangled above the errant Tomb Kings' necropolises,
root systems of the continent-spanning and have become a favored hunting target
jungles and forests. of the orruks who occupy the wild plains.
The Bonesplitterz, in particular, see the
Carrion as worthy prey, with many savage
The massive mummified Carrion of the
orruks attempting to harness their power of
Endless Deserts once made their home
amongst the mountain chains, and
within the western desert. The Tomb
Kings saw them as avatars of their
vulture headed god, Ualatp, and had
them mummified and buried within
their tomb complexes. Once awakened
by the Liche Priests they returned to the
wilds from once they came.
TOMB SWARMS Though native to the deserts, they can be Scorpions are still able to ward themselves
The sands of the desert are home to a found infesting the necropolises of Tomb from arcane attacks. Particularly powerful
multitude of creatures large and small. The Kings across the realms. Tomb Scorpions are even able to directly
one thing that all of these share in common interfere with enemy wizards, disrupting
is their state of undeath. Even the smallest their spells at the source.
beetles and scorpions, and even the sacred Tomb Scorpions are massive constructs of
Khopra beetle, in the Tomb Kings' domains bone, marble, or even the carcasses of giant Tunneling through the ground, Tomb
are but hollow husks, animated by the fel sand scorpions. Affixed with the symbols of Scorpions are able to launch surprise attacks
energies of Shyish. These undead insects death, these reanimants are more than just against enemies who previously thought
are pulled to each other, forming giant another tool of war. Unlike their Sepulchral themselves safe. With their powerful pincers
swarms which tunnel beneath the rolling Stalker cousins, Tomb Scorpions have a and stinging tail, there are few adversaries
dunes. more individual sense of identity. Entombed who can withstand their might. Though still
within each is a Liche Priest, either felled in performing their duty for their liege lord,
These Tomb Swarms are the end of many battle or laid low by other means. Though being entombed within a Tomb Scorpion is
an unwary traveller, their bodies picked unable to perform their normal duties, these a fate dreaded by many a Liche Priest - cut
clean by the ravenous insects. When a Liche Priests still have a vital role to play. off from the magical energies that flow
Stalker Cohort takes to the field of battle, through the Realms, it is not uncommon for
the swarms are drawn to the magical When a Stalker Cohort goes to war, it is led an entombed priest to be driven mad for an
energies of the Tomb Scorpions, following by one of these magically imbued Tomb eternity.
in their wake. Much like the Carrion, the Scorpions, the withered Liche Priest within
Tomb Swarms' actions can be directed and directing the actions of its brethren.
controlled by a Liche Priest, often a Liche Although unable to directly harness the
Priest entombed within a Tomb Scorpion. magical powers they once possessed, Tomb
--. ---..cb----~...::Z.--~~.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

The Artillery Cohorts of the Tomb Kings' Legions are the fiery wrath of the kings made manifest from afar. Batteries of Screaming
Skull Catapults crewed by skeletal attendants are whipped into a fervor of frantic activity by their Necrotect task masters as they
rain their wailing ammunition down upon the heads of the foe.

NECROTECTS repair their statues as the rigors of war take monuments in their honor. These artisans
The vast and megalithic necropolis cities their toll upon the stonework. Using a are often given lavish gifts, such as retinues
of the Tomb Kings are marvels of combination of their undeniable skill, and of Tomb Guard, to protect them from harm.
engineering and planning throughout the darker abilities imbued to them by the lands Some of the most legendary Necrotects'
Mortal Realms. Each of these massive of Shyish, they can make the stone of their names ring throughout history, such as the
cities was built under the auspex of a reanimants flow like wax - gouges and chips near mythical Ramhotep. Whatever their
master Necrotect, and their guild of lesser filling in seamlessly to restore them to their status, any Necrotect is a welcome addition
architects. In life, these artisans were full godly might. to a legion's fighting prowess.
highly sought after by the kings to build
their tomb complexes. After their project While at war, they are commonly found
was complete, each Necrotect was expected directing the efforts of the Artillery Cohorts, The walls of every tomb-city are lined with
to be buried within their now completed extolling the crews of the Screaming Skull large creations of twisted and fused bone,
tomb to continue serving their lord in the Catapults to ever greater feats with their lash crewed by hunched skeletal attendants. The
afterlife. Some have suggested this was and blade. Masters of pushing even the dead Screaming Skull Catapults are a deadly
also done to prevent rival kings from to the edge of collapse, they are able to turn force to be reckoned with - each a
hiring out the services of the same the already deadly war machines into truly combination of ancient bone, petrified wood,
Necrotect, to potentially build a new tomb frightening propositions upon the battlefield, and moldering leather bindings. The firing
that might rival their own. While many of coaxing the crews to crank the arms back arm crafted to look like a giant claw, it hurls
the Necrotects saw this as an honor, and into position with unearthly speed, and to the skulls of its past victims back towards
willingly went to their deaths, others were reload before the first shots have even the enemy. These magically imbued skulls
less cooperative and suffered unfortunate landed on the enemy. Knowing the potential scream with witchfire as they arc through
accidents shortly thereafter - whether it be vulnerability of their war machines, each the skies before crashing down amongst the
faulty scaffolding, or mysteriously Artillery Cohort is also requisitioned a packed ranks of the enemy. Whether slain
poisoned tea. detachment of Skeleton Warriors to protect by the exploding shrapnel of the macabre
the catapults from enemy forays. These ammunition, or scorched by the wicked
Now in death, these tireless architects warriors are equally encouraged by the balefire, many a stalwart regiment has
continue to maintain their ancient works, Necrotect's whip, invigorated with the turned and fled, their sanity stripped away
constantly refurbishing and repairing the undead overseer's anger and hatred, rushing by the ceaseless wailing.
walls of their cities. Their craft wasn't just towards any who dare intend harm upon
simple brick and mortar however, they their charges. Strapped to the pillars of the catapult itself
were also great artists, creating impressive are the withered husks of rival monarchs
statues all across their lords' domains. The The Necrotects of the Tomb Kings also hold who have invoked the Tomb Kings' ire.
Ushabti, Warsphinx, Necrosphinx, much influence within the royal courts, with Unable to die, but drained of all vitality,
Sepulchral Stalkers, and Necropolis particularly talented Necrotects often they are forced to watch for all eternity as
Knights' mounts are but a few of their courted, if not downright threatened by rival the king's wrath is delivered upon his foes,
creations. When in battle they will often monarchs, to lure them into building a weak moan of pain their only commentary.
A Liebe Priest summons forth a magical incantation to imbue his Tomb Guard with the might of the gods.

' \

The Ushabti of Queen Sati meet the charge of a Tzaangor herd upon the desert badlands.
The Sepulchral Stalkers spring their trap, keeping the entrance to the necropolis safe.

' \

The Tomb Guard of King Pharakh stand sentinel over one of the many tombs of their city.
. .




. .




. .




. .




--. ---..cb----~...::Z.--~~.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-


When the Tomb Kings march to war, they do so without reservations or doubts, for they know the conquest of their enemies is
their undeniable right. The expansion of their kingdoms, or the meeting of threats, real or perceived, with overwhelming force
has become the hallmark of these desert revenants, and only those who bend the knee live to tell of it.

The Tomb Kings are fiercely territorial and were a hated foe of the monarchy of the legion followed suit. Blocks of skeletal
it is not uncommon for an entire war to be sands. As the Cult of Settra rose to power, warriors marching in behind the initial
instigated due to a simple accidental the empires of the Tomb Kings began to advance would secure the site and before
transgression by a neighboring monarch, or expand outside the borders of the former long, new empires were being founded in
a wary adventurer passing through. Their domains as the priests of the cult led the distant lands. The Legion of the Burning
status and power is directly related to the expeditions to search for their lost lord. At Khopesh established a sprawling and
size and power of their necropolises and first they expanded into the other reaches of powerful kingdom in the burning lands of
kingdoms, and any threats to those must be Shyish, but it was not long before the other Aqshy while further empires were built in
dealt with directly. During the Age of Mortal Realms began to feel their wrath. As Ghyran, Ghur, Ulgu, and every other corner
Myth, the kings would often fight amongst the realmgates yawned open, a blast of dry, of the Realms. Then came the forces of
themselves to assert their own will and desert wind would herald the imminent Archaon.
expand their empires within the borders of arrival of the Tomb Kings Legions. Chariots
the Endless Deserts. The other denizens of and horsemen pouring forth in a swift tide As the Endless Deserts reeled under the
Shyish were not exempt from their wrath would overwhelm what meagre defenses the assault of the Chaos forces in Shyish and
either; the Soulblight Vampires in particular enemy could muster before the bulk of the the Cult of Settra fell, the distant empires
--. ---..cb----~..::Z.--~~.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

were left cut-off and isolated. Though the remaining Chaos threat that lingers amongst
Tomb Kings prevailed against the Dark the dunes. Still, others look to recapture
Gods, they were left fractured and abandoned outposts in distant realms,
disjointed. Now, with the dawning of the leading their armies on marches of
Age of Sigmar, new opportunities arise. conquest through the foreign lands. In
The empires of far off realms look to regain Ghyran, the forests are cleared by the
territory lost during the dark days of the khopeshes of King Hoath as he reclaims
past age, while the Tomb Kings of the his lost empire and provides lumber for his
Endless Deserts push back against a new burgeoning chariot legions; while in Ghur,
wave of invaders. The emissaries of the the orruks are reeling under a new assault
God King Sigmar have breached the by the undead forces. There is nary an idle
Desert's boundaries in search of a sword amongst the legions of the Tomb
rekindled alliance, while other forces see a Kings, as monarchs consolidate their power
chance to pillage treasures long thought or push outwards to expand. There are even
lost. those who claim the time is now right to
throw off the yoke of servitude thrust upon
The Tomb Kings do not stand idle during them by the Usurper, Nagash. Whatever
these times. Seeing the turning of the age their cause, the Tomb Kings have awoken
as a moment of great opportunity, many to the opportunities that abound in the Age
legions have mobilized against the of Sigmar and will let none stand in their way.

he vines and creepers obscured much of the ancient pass, for vengeance shall be swift."
temple that lay beneath, but Khaset was sure this was
the correct location. Waving his hand while muttering The Captain of his Tomb Guard inclined his head, "Our lord
a quick incantation, the vines on a nearby block of stone will be pleased. It has been too long since we were forced from
withered away to nothing, revealing the base of a limestone these lands." Khaset stepped back, a satisfied smile creasing his
obelisk. Many of the inscriptions were barely legible, the cuts in weathered face, "Indeed. Signal the rest of the cohort, we are to
the stone weathered away to shallow indentations from the make way back to Hoath himself. I shall deliver the good news
centuries of humidity and water. Leaning heavily on his staff, in person." His skeletal steed pawed at the ground in impatience
the venerable Liebe Priest hobbled over towards the newly as the Liebe Priest slowly made his way through the
revealed ruin. undergrowth, the Tomb Guard forming up around him. As he
neared, a massive arrow speared from the surrounding forest,
"Yes. Yes, this is it. I am sure of it," he proclaimed while his shattering the horse's skull, fragments of it embedding in the
Tomb Guard stood silently by. Tracing one of his gnarled guard nearby. Calling upon the magical might of the Lost
hands across the hieroglyphs he recited, "Here marks the Pantheon, Khaset summoned a magical barrier around his
boundaries of the domains of the Lord of the Verdant Coast, remaining guard as more of the giant arrows splintered against
the Bane of the Buroughwood, Terror of the Forest Folk, Hewer the shield. Sprinting from the dark shadows of the trees, lithe
of the Heartwood; he who can trace his lineage back to Phar of limbed Sylvaneth roared in defiance. "It appears Ghyran is not
Nuumoas, defier of the Khemrikhara and the Usurper, King yet ready to bend the knee," snarled Khaset as he imbued the
Hoath, may Ptra bless his name and deeds. Beware all who halberds of his Tomb Guard with magical might.


Deep within the deserts of the Realm of Death, the revenant kings of old fought to hold off the encroaching Chaos hordes,
while at the same time Sigmar sought to renew old alliances. The following rules are specific to battles fought within this
barren realm and recreate its fantastical and desolate nature during the Realmgate Wars.


If you decide a battle is taking place in
1 Arcane: Add 1 to the result of any After setting up all scenery and choosing
the Realm of Death, then you can
casting or unbinding rolls for a wizard deployment zones, but before setting up any
specify it is occurring in the Endless
within 3" of this terrain feature. units both players roll a dice. The player that
Deserts. If you do, the following rules
rolls higher may re-set up any one scenery
2 Mystical: Roll a dice in your hero piece of their choosing anywhere on the
INTOLERABLE HEAT phase for each of your units within 3" board.
Roll a dice for each of your units in your of this terrain feature. On the roll of 1
hero phase, on the roll of a 1 they begin the unit is befuddled and can't be
to feel the effects of the harsh sun. They selected to cast spells, move, or attack
are at -1 Movement for the rest of the until your next hero phase. On a roll LEGIONS OF THE DEAD
game. These effects are cumulative and of 2-6 the unit is ensorcelled, and you All Wizards in the Endless Desert
any units whose Movement is reduced can re-roll failed wound rolls for the count as having the keyword Death
to O are removed from play as they unit until your next hero phase. for the purposes of casting summoning
perish. Death, Daemon, and Seraphon
units are immune. 3 Sinister: Any of your units that are
MONUMENTS TO THE DEAD within 3" of this terrain feature in Wizards that already have the Death
Half of your scenery may be designated your hero phase cause fear until your keyword receive + 1 to their casting
as Monuments to the Dead. Once you next hero phase. Subtract 1 from the roll for summoning spells instead.
have deployed your scenery, but before Bravery of any enemy units that are
rolling for its effects, pick half (rounding within 3" of one or more units that
down) and roll a D3 on the following cause fear.
table instead.


If you win a major victory in a battle in the Endless Deserts, you can roll on the following table instead of the Triumph table on
the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules sheet.
D6 Reward
1 The Blessing of Ptra: Pick one 3 Amulet of Queen Sati: Pick a S Blade of Usirian: Pick one Hero
Hero in your army. They have been Hero in your army to wear the in your army. They have uncovered
blessed by the rays of the ancient sun Amulet of Queen Sati. All enemy the ancient and powerful Blade of
god Ptra. When this Hero dies, roll a units are at -1 Bravery while within Usirian and are at+ 1 to hit for the
' dice at the end of that turn. On a 4+ 3" of the Hero as they are struck rest of the game.
they are placed back on the table numb with fear.
where they were killed with half of
their starting wounds, rounding up.

2 Curse of Settra: At the start of the 4 Lore of the Dead: Pick a Hero in 6 The Mantle of King Phar: Pick
game, after deployment, nominate your army. They may use the one Hero in your army to wear the
one enemy unit. They are at -1 to hit Legions of the Dead spell attribute Mantle of King Phar. They are
for the remainder of the game as the even if they are not a Wizard or in imbued with the stubborn will of
ancient curse atrophies their limbs. the Endless Deserts. the ancient Tomb King and add 1
to their Wound characteristic.


A whirling dervish of sand and skulls, The revenants of the desert only serve
Skullstorms are an ever present danger Nagash begrudgingly. If a Death army USEKHP'S INCANTATION OF
out in the long stretches of desert. At the contains both units with the Tomb King
start of each turn roll a D6, and on a 5+ a keyword and Nagash, Arkhan the Black, All Wizards with the Death key-
Skullstorm appears. The player whose Mannfred, or Neferata, then all Tomb word in the Endless Deserts know
turn it is places it anywhere on the board King units are subject to the Nagash's Will the Usekhp's Incantation of
at least 3" away from any unit, friendly special rule. Desication spell in addition to any
or enemy. You may either model your own other spells they know.
Skullstorm, or simply use any marker They must stay at least 3" away from any
such as a spare dice or coin. There can of the heroes listed above and may never Usekhp's Incantation of Desication
only ever be 1 Skullstorm on the board at willingly join a combat that the listed units has a casting value of 6. If
any time. are a part of. Tomb King units may also successfully cast, pick an enemy unit
never shoot at an enemy unit engaged in within 12" and in line of sight of the
In their hero phase, the controlling player combat with one of the listed heroes. caster. The enemy unit suffers -1 to
may move it up to 10" in a straight line. their hit, charge, and save rolls until
Any unit touched by the Skullstorm However, if Nagash is present, he may your next hero phase.
suffers D3 mortal wounds. The affected attempt to enslave them to his will. If you
units are also at -1 Bravery until the wish a Tomb King unit to perform one of
controlling player's next hero phase. the above actions then you may roll two
D6 and compare the result to Nagash's
At the start of each turn, both players roll Bravery characteristic. If it is less then his
a dice for the active Skullstorm on the Bravery then he has bent them to his will
board. Whichever player rolls highest and they may behave normally, ignoring
controls the Skullstorm for that hero the Nagash's Will special rule. The
phase. affected Tomb King unit suffers -1 Bravery
for the remainder of the game, as their
A Wizard or Priest may attempt to sense of self is slowly eroded by the
disband a Skullstorm in their own hero Lord of Undeath. Tomb King units
phase in lieu of casting a spell on a 6+ if summoned by Nagash are automatically
they are within 18" of the Skullstorm's enslaved by Nagash.
current position.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

When the Age of Sigmar dawned across the Mortal Realms, the God-King was quick to send envoys to every ally of old, whether
they resided within the forests of Ghyran, the ash plains of Aqshy, or the barren deserts of Shyish. To this last realm, he tasked
Nihlus Tidalborne to find the Tomb Kings and broker an alliance. However, the deathless kings are not quick to forgive, nor forget.

The narrow avenues of the tomb-city best shot at finding one amongst the Tomb clad warriors of Sigmar so much as flinched
sprawled out before the Stormcast Eternals. Kings whom they may parlay with. when an imperious voice, dry as the crypt
The thoroughfares lined with ancient from once it came, called back.
statues of forgotten gods, their grim visages Sigmar had sent them to this blighted realm
glaring down threateningly at the intruders to seek an alliance with the desert monarchs Standing before the towering might of his
in their midst. At the center of the of old, and rekindle a friendship lost against own tomb, a king clad in tattered rags
necropolis rose a massive pyramid, a the hordes of Chaos. Calling out amongst which bore the nobility of a past age, and
winged skull perched above the single the rubble and ruin, Nihlus' voice echoed surrounded by his skeletal guard, hearkened
portal granting entrance to its shadowed across the tomb-city before it was lost upon to them. What business did they have within
secrets. According to their captive guide, the howling desert wind. Advancing warily the domains of his liege, King Pharakh?
this necropolis wasn't even large by the into the ruins, the Lord-Celestant and his When Nihlus announced his proclamation
standards of the Endless Deserts, but likely Warrior Chamber spread out, covering all of peace and common cause, the king
one of a lesser king who paid fealty to an avenues of attack, their reluctant guide, a merely sneered in derision. Sigmar had
even greater power. It mattered naught to warrior of the Blood Maiden, kept sheltered abandoned them, and would find no friend
Nihlus, for this was their first sign of protectively behind their tower shields. The here, he declared. The Tomb Guard around
civilization amongst the burning sands of city seemed as bereft of life as the rest of the him readied their weapons, shields locked.
the deserts, a veritable oasis of civility sprawling sands, yet still they kept their Unconcerned with such a small threat, the
amongst the barren landscape, and their guard. To their credit, none amongst the gold Stormcast prepared for a quick battle, but

Nihlus Tidalborne, a Lord-Celestant of the Hammers of Sigmar, was gifted with his own
Warrior Chamber, and tasked with seeking out the deathless monarchs within the Endless
Deserts by Sigmar himself. A renowned warrior of superb skill amongst the gladitoriums
of Sigmaron and the purging crusades of Azyr, his mission among the sands was his first
true test against the enemies of the God-King. While his past is swathed in mystery even to
Nihlus himself, all that is known is that he hails from the shadowy mists of Ulgu with a
particular affinity for the turbulent seas lending him a suitably dour disposition. Beneath
the relentless suns of the desert he proved to be a true titan of combat, single-handedly
dispatching numerous Bloodbound chieftains in his quest to find the Tomb Kings and
fulfill his duty. His loyal friend and confidant, Gallous Cairnwalker, Lord-Relictor of the
Tidal borne, was never far from his side during their trials, and it was his steady hand that
was essential in curbing some of Nihlus' more destructive tendencies. As the first of
Sigmar's sons to broach the domains of the Tomb Kings, proper decorum was essential.
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their plans were undone with the sharp tombs, ancient weapons in hand . Down the hammer smashed into the skeletal horses
crack of stone . In a strike swifter than its cracked pavers of a grand thoroughfare a pullin g it and snappin g right through the
massive bulk suggested possible , one of the legion of chariots rumbled , the skeletal yoke.
animal headed statues linin g the roadway nobles born into battle loosed volley after
cut a Liberator clean in two with its volley of black shafted arrows into the Whil e pyrrhic victories scattered the
massive glaive. Soon after, more followed intruders before them . While many of the battlefield as the Stormc ast fought valiantly
suit. The previously immobil e statues broke Stormca st were able to shelter behind the against the impeccable advance of the
free from their plinth s, wading into the tower shield s of the Liberators, or trusted in Tomb Kings, the outcom e seemed all but
golden lines of the Stonnc ast Eternal s, their the protection of their sigmarite armor , not sealed in the favor of the deathless legions.
dour likenesses lit by the flickering azure all were so fortunat e. The stone skinned reanimant s ran amok
light of fallen warriors spearin g back into through their lines, with more breaking free
the heave ns. Realizin g if he didn 't act quickly the battle from their plinth s by the minute. As imbued
would be beyond his ability to save , Nihlu s with Sigmar 's might as they may be, the
What had seemed like a forgone conclu sion ordered his Warrior Chamber to withdraw Stormcast were no match for the power
only moments ago was now thrown into behind the shields of the Liberators , while a granted to the colossal statues by the Liebe
disarray, as the Stormcast were forced onto contingent of Retributors marched forth to Priests of the Tomb Kings. While Gallous
the back foot. Titanic sphinx es ramp aged challen ge the chariots that ravaged their Cairn walker held the center of the line ,
through the lines, crushing any Stormcast flanks. The stoic Paladins shrugged off the Nihlu s rallied his Paladins to push towards
underfoo t who opposed it. Now fighting for flimsy wooden a1rnws pattering against their the desert monarch who directed his troops
their very survival , there was little they armor, and barged their way into the path of under the shadow of his own tomb . If he
could do as rank after rank of skeletal the war machin es. One chariot was flipped could convince the eITant King of the value
waITiors marched forth from their burial end over end as the Retributor 's massive of their proposed alliance , then maybe he
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

could stop the bloodshed. If the Tomb King Runeblade reaping a deadly toll amongst
refused to listen to his pleas, then he would the Tomb Kings who assailed him. As they
have no choice but to end him in single neared their target, a large shadow fell over
combat. the group as a fearsome Necrosphinx
landed before them with a bone-rattling
As the small group of Stormcast pushed crunch, knocking several of the Paladins
their way through the tumult of battle, they from their feet. The centaur-like reanimant
felled skeletal warrior after skeletal warrior. scythed through their sigmarite armor with
Even the mighty Ushabti, who were tearing ease, its bladed arms carving through the
through their own lines, were brought low warplate as if it were paper. The Paladins
by the Retributors amongst their number. quickly encircled the monster, Lightning
The stone legs of the statues were turned to Hammer, Stormstrike Glaive, Thunderaxe,
powdered dust by the blows from their and Starsoul Mace all took an equal toll on
Lightning Hammers, sending the constructs the stone hide of the beast. Unperturbed by
tumbling to the ground where they were the onslaught, the Necrosphinx continued
easily finished off or left behind in the its assault, seemingly reveling in the
wake of the Stormcast's advance, clawing violence. Behind the construct, the Tomb
feebly after the golden warriors. Nihlus King stood imperiously. With a nod from
himself was a blur of motion, his his Retributor Prime, Nihlus darted
between the statue's legs towards his target.

ihlus moved quickly through the vast trunks of stone approached, his own weapons held low and to the side.
that were the Necrosphinx's legs, carefully avoiding its
leonine paws as they came crashing down in its rage. "I do not come to fight you," the Lord-Celestant said. "I come
His Paladins paid a heavy price to grant him the time he bearing a message of goodwill from Sigmar. Once, you fought
needed, knowing their chances of survival against the construct side by side with his warriors, pushing back the tides of Chaos.
were minimal at best. His only hope to save his Warrior He wishes to renew these vows of friendship. He seeks the
Chamber was to convince the Tomb King of his folly, and forge might of the Endless Deserts. Only with your help can we
the alliance he was sent here to broker. secure Shyish and purge the taint of Chaos."

As he surmounted the last steps up towards the king's colossal A strange and unsettling sound emanated from the ancient
tomb, he was met by a phalanx of Tomb Guard, their shields king, it was laughter Nihlus decided moments later. "You seek
locked tight, and their sword at the ready. our aid, lightning warrior? It was your God-King who
abandoned us," he spat with vehemence. "Where was he when
"Let him through," a dry and dusty voice called out. "Let us see the horde poured forth from the Western Wastes? Where was
if he can best King Khuresh the Vengeful, first of his name, he when the Blood Maiden sacked the city of King Barhoth,
Lord of the Pharaonic Badlands, Vanquisher of the Green and strapped him to their banner, still shouting in indignation?"
Horde, and favored descendant of King Pharakh, glorious be Khuresh flexed his sword arm in anticipation, the dry bones
his name." With that, the wall of bronze clad warriors parted, creaking in protest. "I think not. I think it was time you paid
revealing their king with sword and shield ready. Nihlus for your own lord's cowardice," he said advancing forward.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

In these perilous times it is often THE ARMIES TOMB KINGS' OBJECTIVES

uncertain of who is truly your ally and The Tomb Kings player is always the An old ally who abandoned you in your
who is your foe. This was the case when defender and the opposing player is hour of need in the past has come pleading
Sigmar sent the Warrior Chamber of always the attacker. It is recommended for help. They dare to trespass within
Nihlus Tidalborne to secure the aid of for the Tomb Kings player to have the your domain and have the nerve to ask
the ancient Tomb Kings of Shyish in the larger army to represent the fact that the you to commit your forces to their cause.
Realmgate Wars against Chaos. Tasked attacker has been caught unawares. They must be shown that none shall escape
with a simple diplomatic mission, the the consequences of past transgressions.
small military force was caught off guard The general of each army has a unique You must marshall your forces and wipe
when the statuary around them in the command ability, shown below, in their army from the battlefield as an
necropolis sprung to life, reaping a addition to any others they have. example to their wayward leader.
bloody tithe through their ranks. The
enraged Tomb King cursed them and ATTACKER'S OBJECTIVES
their God-King for abandoning them You have been tasked with securing aid
during the Age of Chaos and was deaf to from an uncertain ally. Though you have
their attempts at reasoning. It was up to had common cause in the past, of late,
Nihlus to convince the errant monarch tensions have been high and nerves
of the alliance's value, or die in the frayed. As you approach the keep of your
attempt. potential ally, an ambush is sprung and
your army is forced into an unwanted
battle. With your options limited you
must either seek out the opposing general
and convince them of your common
cause or wipe out their forces and extract
your army from certain doom.


End This Madness!: While engaged in I Defy You!: Your general is too proud
combat with the opposing general, your to listen to the arguments of your one
general may muster up his best time ally and seeks only retribution for
arguments when trying to secure an their past transgressions. While this
alliance. You must declare that you are ability is in effect, 1 friendly unit within
using this ability in your hero phase and 12" of your general, or your general
it lasts until your next hero phase. When themselves, is urged on to victory. They
in use, your hero may do nothing else receive + 1 to their to hit roll until your
besides move, run, and charge the enemy next hero phase.
general. This ability adds + 1 to your
Listen to Reason! rolls.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-


The battle takes place at the gates of the Do not use the set-up instructions on the In the first battle round, the Tomb Kings
defending army's keep. The attacker had Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules sheet, player gets the first turn. The attacker may
been attempting to seek an audience with Instead, the Tomb Kings player deploys attempt to seize the initiative on the roll of
the Tomb Kings' general before the trap along the board edge that has their keep. a 6+ and take the first turn instead. The
was sprung. They can set up their entire army within attacker receives + 1 to their roll if they
12" of the board edge. finished deploying first.
You can either generate the scenery for
this battle as described on the Warhammer: The attacker deploys their army in a 24" AMBUSHERS
Age of Sigmar rules sheet, or use the square in the center of the table with one The Tomb Kings player may choose to hold
example scenery shown on the map edge along their own table edge. as many Reanimant units in reserve as there
below. are scenery pieces on the board. On the Tomb
The attacker deploys the first unit. Both Kings' first turn, half of these units may be
A suitably impressive structure should players then take turns deploying a unit deployed, on every following turn, roll a dice
be used to represent the gate to the until everything has been deployed. You for each remaining unit and they appear on a
defending army's keep. This is set up on may not deploy within 18" of an enemy 4+. These units must deploy wholly within
the center of the defending player 's unit. their chosen scenery piece and at least 9"
table edge. away from an enemy unit. They may not
move or run on the turn they arrive, but may
shoot, charge, and fight as normal.
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--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f------.-.-

ENDLESS RESERVES than the Tomb Kings', then they have VICTORY
The Tomb Kings are fighting within their successfully convinced the Tomb King of The attacker achieves a major victory
home territory and have access to more joining their alliance. Add+ 1 to this roll immediately if their general succeeds in a
reserves than the attacker. When a unit for each friendly model with the Totem Listen to Reason! roll. If they wipe out
from the Tomb Kings' army is taken off keyword within 6" for either side. If the the Tomb Kings' starting force (this includes
the board they may re-enter in the Tomb general's bravery is 7 or lower, then add ambushers, but does not include any
,I + 1 to the roll if a unit of 20 or more models brought back on due to Endless
Kings' next movement phase at full
strength from their keep's gate. If you do models is within 6". You may only ever Reserves or from summoning) then they
not have a suitable scenery piece to have a total bonus of +3 to your roll. achieve a minor victory.
represent the gate to the keep then they
re-enter from the center point of the Tomb If the attacker's general is slain, then The Tomb Kings player achieves a minor
Kings' table edge. This rule does not another Hero model must be nominated victory if all of the attacker's Heroes are
apply to the Tomb Kings' general. as the new general. However, whenever slain. They achieve a major victory if they
they choose to use the Listen to Reason! manage to wipe out all of the attacker's
LISTEN TO REASON! special rule they must roll a D6 starting forces (excluding summoned units).
The attacker did not come to this land beforehand. On a 5+ they fly into a rage
to fight, but to seek an ally. When the instead and must attack as normal. If this If, at the end of the fifth battle round, none
attacker's general is in combat with the model is also slain, then another Hero of these objectives have been achieved
Tomb Kings' general they may opt to model must be chosen until there are no then the winner is determined according
forego all of their attacks when activated more Hero models left. to the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules
in an attempt to reason with the opposing sheet.
general. To do this, both players roll a The Tomb Kings' general can attack as
D6 and add the result to their general's normal when activated, regardless of any
Bravery. If the attacker's total is higher Listen to Reason! attempts.
THE __ _
-. ----'b---~....i...::Z.-~~.,,,,, ~-~ ----- - -<f--------0:-.-


On the following pages, you will find exciting rules and abilities for your Tomb Kings army. These include powerful allegiance
abilities, warscrolls, and warscroll battalions that describe the ordered and deadly forces of the Tomb Kings for you to use in
games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES Battle Traits: An army that shares WARSCROLL

From powerful mortuary magic to arcane common goals and ideals is a much more BATTALIONS
relics from a lost age, this section provides deadly enemy than a rag-tag force of This section describes formations made
rules and abilities for Tomb Kings armies. unlikely allies. To represent this, armies up of several units that march to war as
that share the same allegiance benefit from one, combining their strengths to gain
ALLEGIANCE powerful additional abilities. powerful new abilities. By fielding these
formations you can muster a mighty
Every unit and warscroll battalion
Command Traits: Whether cunning Tomb Kings Legion on the tabletop.
in Warhammer Age of Sigmar owes
strategist or berserk butcher, every general There are rules for fielding the
allegiance to one of the Grand
has their own unique style of command. most legendary of Tomb King legions,
Alliances - either Order, Chaos,
You can use the rules and table found here each possessing its own strengths and
Death, or Destruction. Many units
to determine which command trait your distinct character, as well as a unique
and warscroll battalions also have
army general has. and striking heraldry and legion colors
more specific allegiances, for
that adorn the forces of the deserts as
example, Stormcast Eternals or
they march to war.
Tomb Kings. If all the units and
warscroll battalions in your army
are Tomb Kings, then it has the
This section describes the
Tomb Kings allegiance. An army
characteristics and abilities of the
with the Tomb Kings allegiance -
individual Tomb Kings models and
sometimes known as a Tomb Kings
army - can use the potent allegiance
abilities found on the following
Artifacts of Power: Artifacts of power are All of the Battle Traits, Command Traits,
deadly treasures, borne to war by the Artifacts of Power, spells from the
When your army qualifies for more
mightiest heroes. You can use the tables in Spell Lore, and Warscroll Battalions are
than one allegiance - e.g. all of the
this book to determine which magical completely unofficial and not supported
units are Tomb Kings and Death -
artifacts the Heroes from your army or endorsed by Games Workshop in any
you must choose which allegiance
possess. way. As such, please always get your
your army will use before each
opponent's permission before using them.
game. These restrictions aside, you
They are a fun addition to the game, but
can use allegiance abilities Spell Lore: The Mortal Realms sing with
not created by Games Workshop and may
whenever you play games of sorcerous power, which many races have
not be familiar to many players. Thank
Warhammer Age of Sigmar. learned to harness in unique and deadly
you and I hope your legions of Tomb Kings
ways. Wizards from your army can
make great use of these additions to their
generate an extra spell from the table
in this section.
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A Tomb Kings legion is an unstoppable force of death that cuts down all before it, drawing upon arcane energies and ancient
incantations. This page describes the battle traits that a Tomb Kings army possesses, and the command traits that its general
can have.

BATTLE TRAITS Hierophant: The Hierophant is the head COMMAND TRAITS

Armies with the Tomb Kings allegiance Liche Priest within a necropolis' court, and In addition to their command abilities,
have the following abilities: also chief advisor to the king. Although the the general of a Tomb Kings army can
saturation of magic within the realms is have a command trait from the list
Undying Servitude: Tomb Kings forces enough to sustain the undead legions on below. Pick the trait that best suits your
are imbued with the very essence of its own, the presence of a Hierophant on general's personality. Alternatively, you
death and the realm of Shyish. This, the field of battle can give a noticeable can roll a dice to randomly determine
coupled with the unbending will of their boost to their stamina. The loss of one a trait. If, for any reason, you must select
tyrannical masters, ensure they are however, can lead to a cascade of magical a new general during a battle, immediately
extremely difficult to kill, rising once power causing nearby warriors to crumble generate a trait for them.
more from the desert sands to bring death to dust.
to the enemy. D6 Command Trait
1 Terrifying Visage: All enemy models
One Liebe Priest in your army must be
within 3" of this model are at -1
All Tomb King models roll a dice when designated as the army's Hierophant. They
they suffer a wound or mortal wounds allow you to re-roll failed Undying
2 Indomitable Will: In your hero phase
while within 10" of the army's general or Servitude rolls for all Tomb Kings units
pick a Deathrattle unit within 6" of
any other Hero model. On the roll of a 6 within 10" of them. In addition, if the
this model, they may move an
or more, the wound or mortal wound is Hierophant is killed, then all Tomb Kings
additional 3" this turn.
ignored. units within 10" of him are at -2 bravery
3 Strength of the Tomb: All attacks
' \ for the next bravery phase. They may also
from this model cause a mortal wound
Legions Eternal: The Tomb Kings are cast 2 spells per turn instead of 1. If you do
on a wound roll of a 6+ in addition to
famed for their highly disciplined legions not take a Liche Priest then these rules do
their normal damage.
of soldiers. Warriors from a bygone age, not apply.
4 Ancient Stamina: This model has 1
the skeletal regiments fight in glittering
additional wound.
phalanxes supported by roving bands of
S Forbidden Knowledge: This model
cavalry and thundering chariots.
counts as a Wizard who knows Mystic
Shield and Arcane Bolt and can cast 1
If an enemy unit is within 3" of a unit of
spell per turn. If they are already a
Skeleton Warriors or Skeleton Archers,
Wizard then they may cast 1
then any Skeleton Horsemen, Skeleton
additional spell per turn.
Horse Archers, or Skeleton Chariots that
6 Death Incarnate: The Undying
also charge the same unit can pile in up
Servitude save roll is increased by 1
to 6" instead of 3" in the combat phase.
for all models within 10" of this Hero.
vanished from the Mortal Realms. With these beliefs, they harness the power of Shyish.

Each Wizard in a Tomb Kings army Note that each Wizard in a Tomb Kings HINTS & TIPS
knows an additional spell chosen army can know a different spell. If you Many spells known to Tomb Kings
from the Mortuary Cult spell lore. prefer, you can instead generate (pick or Wizards either enhance the abilities
This ancient, deadly magic allows the roll) one spell that will be known by all of friendly units or degrade the
priests of the Mortuary Cult to harness your Tomb Kings Wizards. abilities of enemy units. Couple
the power of Shyish and their lost these together with other spells or
gods. Pick one that best matches the D6 Spell abilities to get the best combinations
background story of legion of your 1 Ptra's Incantation of Healing Light out of your units. A unit with Neru's
wizard. Alternatively, you can roll a 2 Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades Incantation of Protection on it while
dice to randomly determine which 3 Nero's Incantation of Protection within 10" of the army's Heirophant
extra spell is known to the wizard. 4 Usekhp's Incantation of Desiccation for example, will be able to withstand
5 Usirian's Incantation of Vengeance most enemy assaults.
6 Settra's Incantation of Dominance


- The Liche Priest recites this ancient mantra to the all- The jackal-headed god of the underworld is called forth by
'.bene'volent sun god as fallen warriors around him the Liche Priest to imbue their warrior's weapons with the
I begin to return to battle. Scattered bones imbued with a very essence of death. Blows that previously were deflected
'golden light pull themselves back together to further by shield and armor now find an easy path to their enemy's
enforce their monarch's will. heart.

.r--Ptra's !ncantation of Healing Light has a casting value of 5. Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades has a casting value of 7.
lf successfully cast, pick a Skeleton unit within 18". You can If successfully cast, pick a Deathrattle or Reanimant unit
I return D6 models to this unit, D3 for Tomb Guard, Skeleton within 12". Until your next hero phase, all models in the unit
j -Horsemen, and Skeleton Horse Archers, and 1 model for are imbued with the magical power; Wounds rolls of 6 or

Skeleton Chariots and Necropolis Knights. more are resolved with a rend of an additional -1.

111 y

I .,

E: - r

Calling upon the prot rction of the ancient goddess Neru, The Liche Priest invokes this ancient curse upon the ei emy,
the Liche Pries,t shields the Tomb King warriorsfrom atrophying their limbs as all moisture is stripped from their
harms way, their foes ' attacks suddenly turned away. bodies, leaving them a dry husk.

Neru's Incantation of Protection has a casting value of 5. Usekhp's Incantation of Desiccation has a casting value of
If successfully cast, pick a Deathrattle or Reanimant unit 7. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" and in
within 18" . Until your next hero phase, all models attacking line of sight of the caster. The enemy unit suffers -1 to their
this unit in the combat phase are at -1 to hit. hit, charge, and save rolls until your next hero phase.

I iii


1 1

R ~
I !


- Spectral skeletal hands burst from the ground to drag their As the Liche Priest utters the curse of Settra, the enemy
'.unfortunate victims to their doom, pulling them beneath unit begins to feel an undeniable urge to obey. Only those
!the shifting sands. of strong will are able to resist, while those of weak mind '
brandish their weapons against their fellows as the voice
Usirian's Incantation of Vengeance has a casting value of 5. of a long vanished monarch fills their thoughts.
- If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" and in
' o~ sight of the caster. The enemy unit subtracts D3
-- line Settra's Incantation of Dominance has a casting value of
_.;_,~ ' from its movement until your next hero phase and must 8. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18" and
re-roll successful charges. in line of sight of the caster. The enemy unit must
immediately roll 2 D6 and compare the score to their
Bravery. For each point they roll over their Bravery by,
they suffer a mortal wound.

V:15 - ,
C ~ I F


If a Tomb Kings army includes If the Hero is a Wizard, they ma.y

any Heroes, then one may bear an wield an item from the Arcane
artifact of power. Declare which Treasures table instead of the
Hero has the artifact after picking Magical Artifacts table.
your general, and then pick which
artifact of power the Hero has. You may choose one additional
Ideally, that artifact should fit the Hero to have an artifact of power
appearance of the model, or the heroic for each warscroll battalion in your
back-story you have given them. army. The same model cannot have

I Alternatively, roll a dice and look up

the roll on the table to randomly
select one.
more than one artifact of power.

I --ft,,
Any Tomb Kings Hero can be given one of the following magical artifacts.
D6 Magical Artifact
1 Golden Death Mask of Kharnut: All enemy units 4 Scepter of Command: This model may use the
within 3" of this model are at -2 Bravery. In addition, Inspiring Presence comm and ability each hero phase,
I ! the opponent's Inspiring Presence command ability in addition to any normal command abilities they
I cannot be used on any of their units that are still may have if they are the general. If they are not your
within 3" of the model wearing the Death Mask. general they then gain Inspiring Presence and
may use it in addition to your general's.
2 Cloak of the Dunes: This model gains the Fly
ability. In addition, choose one enemy unit that they 5 Blade of Antarhak: You may designate one of the ,
pass over in their movement phase, they suffer D3 model's we apons as being the Blade of Antarhak, this
mortal wounds. cannot be one of the mount's weapons if riding one.
If you inflict any wounds on an enemy model with this
Amulet of the Hidden Dead: This model may start weap on then you regain one wound. You may not
the game off the table. During any one of your own recover more than your starting amount of wounds.
hero phases you may place them anywhere on the
ta~le at least 9" away from any enemy units. They Destroyer of Eternities: You may designate one of
cannot move or run that turn, but can shoot and 1i the model's weapons as being the Destroyer of
charge as normal. Eternities, this cannot be one of the mount's weapons
if riding one. All of their attacks for that weapon have

Il l an additional -1 rend. If a model suffers any wounds
from this but does not die, at the end of the Combat

phase, mil a a;ee. On a S+ the enemy model ;s sfa;n
~ with no saves of any kind allowed .

P:1i!!RlaB.~Ji;,Pll ,.

E: - r
Any Tomb Kings Wizard can be given one of the following arcane treasures.
Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations: Neferra, 4
. I
once a High Priestess from ancient times, dedicated
her life to uncovering all of the secrets of the Mortuary fight surrounds your wizard. When he unleashes his
Cult and the gods. Writing down all of her knowledge arcane energies to imbue the army's ranks with the
into a set of scrolls, when read they can turn a normal power of the gods, the spirits leap along the magical
spell into a hurricane or arcane power. paths to bring their battered remains back to life.

Once per turn when casting a spell, you may add +l to Whenever the Wizard successfully casts a spell on a
your result for each spell your Wizard can cast. If friendly Deathrattle unit, that unit regains D3
they can cast 1 spell per turn then you add + 1, if you models for Skeleton Warriors and Skeleton Archers,
can cast 2 spells per turn you may add +2, and so on. and 1 model for all other Deathrattle units in
However, if you roll any doubles the Wizard has addition to the normal affects of the spell.
miscast. They suffer D3 mortal wounds. The spell still Blll
succeeds on whatever its casting value is, even if they 5 The Usurper's Forbidden Lore: Possessing forbidden II
miscast. knowledge from one of Na gash 's Nine Books, the Liche

Priest is able to call upon the dark magics of those who
2 Enkhil's Kanopi: This ancient Kanopi contains the were once sworn enemies of the Tomb Kings and siphon
withered heart of High Priest Enkhil, a jealous and the life forces of the enemy to fuel their own.

powerful Hierophant. When the Kanopi is opened it
sucks in any magical energy, draining spells of their When casting Arcane Bolt, if the enemy is successfully
power. wounded then your Wizard regains 1 wound. If this
I"' Priest is your army's Hierophant, then when he is slain
I !
I When unbinding spells, the Wizard that has Enkhil's all friendly units are at -3 Bravery instead of the normal
Kanopi may simply roll 1 dice instead of the normal 2. -2. This Liche Priest is also never able to claim an item
On the roll of a 4+ the enemy spell is unbound. from the Triumphs table, for the vaults of the ancients
have been shut to one who consorts with the Usurper.
13 Amulet of Phakth: A sliver of the essence of the
ancient god Phakth is contained within this arcane 6 Khatep's Liebe Staff: Khatep was once Grand
amulet. When a priest invokes the power within they Hierophant to the imperishable One and held great
ean lend their spells the swiftness of the hawk god power as well as the wisdom of the ancients. His
-, \ himself. Liche Staff was able to channel the untold power of
the gods and unleash their vengeance on the enemy.
' When you successfully cast a spell roll a D3 and
multiply the result by 2. Increase that spell's range Once per game, when casting a spell, you may roll 3
by-that many inches. dice and discard the lowest.

V:15 - ,
~,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f ______ ,_,.__

The warriors of the Mortal Realms often fight in battalions. Each of these deadly fighting formations consists of several units that
are organized and trained to fight alongside each other. The units in warscroll battalions can employ special tactics on the
battlefield, making them truly deadly foes.

If you wish, you can organize the units in When you are setting up, you can set up all On the following pages you will find a
your army into a warscroll battalion. Doing of the units in a warscroll battalion instead selection of warscroll battalions. Usually,
so will give you access to addition al of setting up a single unit. Alternatively, you a unit can only benefit from a single set
abilities that can be used by the units in the can set up any remaining units individually of battalion abilities. However, some very
battalion. The information needed to use later on, or you can set up all of the units large battalions include other, smaller
these powerful formations can be found individually. For example, in a battle where battalions, and in this case it is possible
on the warscroll battalion sheets that are each player takes it in turns to set up one for a unit to benefit from the abilities of
published for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. unit, you could set up one, some, or all of two different battalions at the same time.
Each warscroll battalion sheet lists the the units belonging to a warscroll battalion The two official warscroll battalions from
units that make it up, and the rules for any m your army. the compendium are included after the new
additional abilities that units from the unofficial ones for completion.
warscroll battalion can use.

I 1. Title: The name of the warscroll battalion and a short

overview of the background for it and how it fights.

2. Organization: This section lists the units that make up the

warscroll battalion and any restrictions that may apply to
the models that you can include.

Whll t th e Phal1111x and sw m \ en11e1
111ce Coho
rt s man:h to war, the St11lkerCohorts of the Tomb Kings
le. Th e Ca rri on ctrcl e high a bo\e befo~ dMn & down upon
3. Abilities: Every warscroll battalion includes one or more
approac h the enemy wtth subtle ty nnd gul
th e foe, their esSt,nt e dr awln& the sculll!" ~ ;:
Scorplons forthl'romttw u nds lnane sp1
Tomb Swa nn s, St-11ulchrnl Stalkn5 , aud To1nb
a nd wrat h . abilities that some or all of the units from the battalion can
use. The abilities listed for a warscroll battalion only apply
to the units that make it up (even if there are other units of
the same type in your army). These abilities are in addition
to the abilities listed on the units ' warscrolls.



The gathered might of a Grand Tomb Legion is an awe inspiring sight to behold. Stretching from horizon to
horizon, rank after rank of skeletal warriors and mighty reanimants march forth at the command of their
High King, empowered by the magics of the Liebe Priests and Hierophant. Said to be blessed by the god of the
Lost Pantheon themselves, there are few obstacles that cannot be ground into the sand.

I A Grand Tomb Legion consists of Vengeance of the Gods: A Grand Tomb Legion is power unequaled in the desert
I the following units: sands. When one marches to war the realm itself quakes in fear and enemies break
before it. Imbued with an ancient power from a Golden Age that has long passed, the
1 Necropolis High King or warriors of this legion find their blows landing swiftly and accurately. All units from
High Queen of Asaph a Grand Tomb Legion may re-roll hit rolls of a 1 on the tum they charge.
1 Mortuary Cohort
1 Phalanx Cohort
1 Swift Vengeance Cohort
1 Stone Wrought Cohort
1 Stalker Cohort
1 Artillery Cohort


The Liebe Priests of the Tomb Legions are a force to be reckoned with on their own, but when they go to war
as a Mortuary Cohort they are near an unstoppable storm of magical power. Anchored by an ancient Casket
of Souls and bolstered by a vigilant Hierotitan, the Liebe Priests are able to form a formidable magical
conduit, siphoning off the power of the Casket to fuel their own immense power at the foe's peril.

A Mortuary Cohort consists of the Magical Conduit: The priests of a Mortuary Cohort are adept at channeling the
following units: energies of the Casket of Souls, feeding off of the magic and creating a complex web
of arcane energy. A Liebe Priest from a Mortuary Cohort may add 1 to their casting
2 - 4 Liche Priests rolls if he is within 6" of the Casket of Souls. This is cumulative with the Casket of
0 - 1 Hierotitan Souls Covenant of Power ability. If there are at least 3 Liebe Priests from a Mortuary
1 Casket of Souls Cohort within 6" of the Casket of Souls, each may re-roll one of their casting dice
each turn.

Overwhelming Power: When bolstered by the Liche Priests and the Casket of Souls
of the Mortuary Cohort, the power of the Hierotitan is overwhelming to enemy casters.
You may attempt to dispel all spells cast by your opponent within 18" of the
Hierotitan if it is within 6 11 of the Casket of Souls .



When the Tomb Legions march to war, they do so with the innumerable ordered ranks of their Phalanx
Cohorts at their center. Row upon row of Skeleton Warriors stride forth while the gilded elite of the Tomb
Guard form a protective cordon around their liege lord. All the while the enemy is whittled down by endless
volleys of black shafted arrows from the Skeleton Archers at the rear of the cohort.


I~ri::,:n; ~~t~ort consists of the

Royal Guard: The Tomb Guard from the Phalanx Cohort are assigned to personally
keep their Tomb King or Tomb Herald safe. When within 3" of the Tomb King or
Tomb Herald, a Tomb Guard unit is +l to hit.
1 Tomb King or Tomb Herald
1 - 2 units of Tomb Guard Ordered Ranks: The Phalanx Cohort fights best as a single fighting force, locking
2 - 4 units of Skeleton Warriors shields and advancing as one. If any unit from this battalion is within 3" of at least

1 - 4 units of Skeleton Archers two other units from the same battalion during the Battleshock phase, then they are
immune to Battleshock for that turn.


The Swift Vengeance Cohort descends upon the enemy in a blur of skeletal steeds and bronze clad wheels.
The Tomb King or Herald directs the charge from the front with the Skeleton Chariot legions spread out
behind them. To their flanks rove the agile Skeleton Horsemen and Horse Archers, harrying the foe and
pinning them in place before the hammer of the combined chariot and Necropolis Knight charge hits home.

A Swift Vengeance Cohort consists Bone-crunching Impact: The chariots in this legion impact with devastating force,
of the following units : wave after wave of war machines crushing bodies beneath heavy wheels. Roll a dice
after a model from this Swift Vengeance Cohort, excluding the Skeleton Horsemen
1 Tomb King in Royal Chariot or and Skeleton Horse Archers, completes a charge move within l " of an enemy unit.
Tomb Herald in Royal Chariot On a 4 or more, that unit suffers a mortal wound.
2 - 4 units of Skeleton Chariots
or Necropolis Knights Vanguard: Skeletal horsemen are used to pin down enemy units until the bulk of the
2 - 3 Skeleton Horseman or fighting force is able to engage, then the horsemen will often peel off and seek out new
Skeleton Horse Archers targets. If a unit of Skeleton Horsemen flee a combat while within 9" of the Tomb
King in Royal Chariot or Tomb Herald in Royal Chariot, they may charge a new
unit in that same tum. The y may not charge the same unit they fled from.

Like the Desert Wind: The Skeleton Horse Archers of the Tomb Kings are known
for appearing out the swirling sands to strike swiftly at the enemy before retreating
again. Instead of setting up the Skeleton Horse Archers normally, you may leave them
to one side. During any of your hero ph ases you may move them on from any board
edge up to 6" as long as they are 9" away from any enemy units. This counts as their
move for that tum.




There are few who can stand before the full might of a Stone Wrought Cohort. Led to war by a Tomb King
atop his resplendent Royal Warsphinx, the reanimants of the cohort crush all beneath their massive bulk.
The Warsphinxes, Necrosphinxes, and Bone Giants tear through the enemy line as their smaller cousins, the
Ushabti, wade into combat between their feet or provide covering fire from afar.

A Stone Wrought Cohort consists of Crushing Assault: The very ground trembles as a Stone Wrought Cohort advances
the following units: towards its enemy. Anytime an enemy unit fails a Battleshock test within 3" of a
member of a Stone Wrought Cohort they lose D3 additional models as they are
1 Royal Warsphinx caught beneath the crushing gait of the reanimants.
2 - 3 units of Ushabti
Imposing Advance: On any turn in which a unit from this battalion charges, the
1 Khemrian Warsphinx
Bravery of any enemy unit within 3" of a charging unit is reduced by -2 in its next
0 - 1 Necrosphinx
battleshock phase.
0 - 2 Bone Giants or Necrolith


While the Phalanx and Swift Vengeance Cohorts march to war, the Stalker Cohorts of the Tomb Kings
Legions approach the enemy with subtlety and guile. The Carrion circle high above before diving down upon
the foe, their essence drawing the scuttling and burrowing Tomb Swarms, Sepulchral Stalkers, and Tomb
Scorpions forth from the sands in an explosion of violence and wrath.


~~~rt consists of the
Entombed Priest: Each Tomb Scorpion has an entombed Liche Priest at its heart.
In a Stalker Cohort it is up to one of these ancient priests to lead and direct the
various creatures of the desert. Pick 1 of your Tomb Scorpions to be this leader.
1 - 3 units of Tomb Scorpions They may unbind 1 spell per turn as if they were a Wizard.
1 - 2 units of Carrion
1 - 2 units of Sepulchral Stalkers Carrion Call: The Carrion of the Stalker Cohort are directed by the magic of the
0 - 3 units of Tomb Swarms entombed Liche Priest to single out vulnerable enemy units. Drawn to the undead
beasts, the Tomb Scorpions, Sepulchral Stalkers, and Tomb Swarms can emerge
with unerring accuracy. Any unit from this battalion that is deployed off the board
at the start of the game (Entombed Beneath the Sands, Underground Stalkers,
Underground Scuttlers) may be set up anywhere within 6 11 of a friendly unit of
Carrion that are no longer Circling High Above, and more than 3" from enemy


While many in the Tomb Legions revel in destroying the foe in the heat of combat, there are those who prefer
the cold calculations of death from afar. Behind their own armies lay the Artillery Cohorts under the guidance
of a master Necrotect. Row upon row of Screaming Skull Catapults launch their deadly payload at the enemy,
all the while under the protection of the Skeleton Warriors assigned to their safe keeping.

An Artillery Cohort consists of the Master of Artillery: The Necrotect assigned to the Artillery Cohort is a master of
following units: ordinance, having spent countless lifetimes perfecting the art. All Screaming Skull
Catapults from the Artillery Cohort benefit from the Deathless Overseer rule as long
1 Necrotect as the Necrotect is within l" of at least one of the Screaming Skull Catapults from
2 - 4 Screaming Skull Catapults the battalion.
1 - 2 units of Skeleton Warriors
Wall of Shield, Spear, and Bone: The Skeleton Warriors of this battalion help
shield the artillery battery from enemy fire. Subtract 1 from the hit rolls of enemy
shooting attacks that must cross one of this battalion's Skeleton Warriors units to
hit the Necrotect or a Screaming Skull Catapult unit from this battalion.

.r f tv. f
G.:r --~- .



The name of King Pharakh is one
that resonates across all of the
Endless Deserts. A merciless ruler
who brooks no dissent, the mere
mention of King Pharakh can
make the enemy quake in fear
before battle is even joined. The
legions who march under his
command are vast and considered
the equal of even the fabled Hawk
Legions of Settra, decimating
all who oppose them. The chariot
cohorts of Pharakh are held
in even higher regard, the
swiftness of their stride
unmatched amongst the Tomb

------.------.-.-~ :~: -,-

Thundering Charge: The chariot cohorts of the Tomb
A Tomb Legion of Pharakh must contain the Legions of Pharakh are renowned across the realms for
their ferocity and swiftness. All models mounted in a
1 Necropolis High King (Pharakh) chariot (Skeleton Chariots, Tomb King in Royal Chariot,
1 Swift Vengeance Cohort (must contain at least Tomb Herald in Royal Chariot, and the Necropolis High
2 Skeleton Chariot units) King) add 1 to all of their charge rolls.
A Tomb Legion of Pharakh may also contain the First Among Equals: King Pharakh is highly regarded by
his peers and invokes dread in all of his foes. The Necropolis
High King in this battalion represents King Pharakh himself.
0 - 1 Phalanx Cohort
The range on his Crown of Dominion is increased to 24". In
0 - 1 Stone Wrought Cohort
addition, all enemy models are at -1 to hit in combat against
0 - 1 Stalker Cohort
him as they are filled with an overwhelming sense of dread.
0 - 1 Artillery Cohort
0 - 1 Mortuary Cohort
Any number of additional Tomb Kings units One Hero from a Tomb Legion of Pharakh can have the
following artifact of power instead of one from pages 72 - 73.
If a Tomb Legion of Pharakh contains the maximum
Bane of the Usurper: This amulet is infused with a fragment
number of batt alions, it gains the Vengeance of the
of a relic said to have slain the Usurper in the World-That-Was.
Gods ability (pg 75)
Add + 1 to hit and + 1 to wound against all Death units that do

--~- i\~/1-

. WARSCROLL ~,..r-
BATTALION ~"~-~-~mm,


Far from the familiar desert stands
Khahara. Nestled in between the cold I
shoulders of the Desert's Spine, she is 11
a haunted fortress amongst glittering
ruins. Once a simple outpost at the l,
edges of another city's realm, Khahara ,
fought more wars in a year than most ,
cities fought in a man's lifetime.
Powerful from trade and conflict, she

II fell in the Age of Chaos to the hordes 1111

of the Blood God. Now allied with
darker powers who call the
Undying King master, the
legions of Khahara march to
II war once more, their ranks ~ ~
I bolstered with foul servants of the
necromantic powers that would

enrage other Tomb Kings.

i !
, I


A Tomb Legion of Khahara must contain the

-..,... _Ill
_- --
Nexus of Necromancy: The Legions of Khahara are infused
with the magic of the Usurper, and his dark followers can use
this to fuel their own spells. Before casting a spell, any Death
1 Phalanx Cohort (must have 2 - 4 Skeleton Archers Wizards in the Legion of Khahara may cause D3 mortal 111
wounds to a friendly unit within 3". Add the total damage 1.
and only 1 - 4 Skeleton Warriors)

A Tomb Legion of Khahara may also contain the

caused to their casting rolls for that hero phase. For example,
if you cause 2 mortal wounds, you add +2 to your casting roll.
Ordered Volley: The archer regiments amongst the Tomb
0 - 1 Swift Vengeance Cohort Legion of Khahara are famed for their unerring accuracy.
0 - 1 Stone Wrought Cohort Once per game, all Skeleton units in a Tomb Legion of
0 - 1 Stalker Cohort Khahara may add+ 1 to all hit rolls in the shooting phase.
0 - 1 Artillery Cohort
0 - 1 Mortuary Cohort
0 - 2 Death units
Any number of additional Tomb Kings units
Tomb Legion of Khahara Wizards know the Leech Life spell
in addition to any others they know. Only one Wizard may
attempt to cast Leech Life in each hero phase. 11

If a Tomb Legion of Khahara contains a Necropolis

High King and the maximum number of battalions, it
gains the Vengeance of the Gods ability (pg 75)
Leech Life: Leech Life has a casting value of 6. If successfully
cast, pick an enemy unit within 18", they suffer D3 mortal
wounds. In addition, the caster or a friendly unit within 3"of
them regain a number of wounds equal to the damage caused.


6 ~Wllllll!ill--..~MMW-.,9ia R.-..rlflB--~~..11


The revenant kings of the deserts command innumerable legions of warriors to enact their will. Ranks
upon ranks of skeletal warriors march forth from the vast necropolises, accompanied by elite Tomb
Guard, thundering chariots, swift cavalry, and mighty reanimant riding knights.

A Tomb Legion consists of the The Tomb King's Wrath: Every Tomb King is an aggressive warlord, able to instil
following units: the warriors of their Tomb Legion with their own unyielding vigour. If you roll a
wound roll of 6 or more in the combat phase for a model in a Tomb Legion and
1 Tomb King that model's unit is within 18" of their Tomb King, it can immediately make one
1 Liche Priest extra attack using the same weapon.
2 units of Skeleton Warriors
2 units of Skeleton Archers The Hierophant's Duty: A Tomb Legion's Liche Priest is known by the title
1 unit of Tomb Guard Hierophant, and it is his responsibility to awaken the warriors' souls and restore
1 unit of Skeleton Chariots, their fallen bodies. Roll a dice if a model in a Tomb Legion is slain within 18" of
Skeleton Horsemen, their Liche Priest; on a 6, the Hierophant immediately resurrects that warrior and
Skeleton Horse Archers or the wound or mortal wound that caused that model to be slain is ignored.
Necropolis Knights

The Chariot Legions of the Tombs Kings are renowned across the realms for their ferocity and swiftness,
and when personally led by one of their desert kings they are nigh unstoppable. Crashing into the enemy
lines, the foe are trampled beneath the hooves of their skeletal steeds and the bronze wheels of the chariots.

A Royal Legion of Chariots The Pride of the Nehekhara: The fighting quality of a Tomb King's Royal Legion of
consists of the following units: Chariots is a reflection of his own power and martial prowess. Only the finest steeds
and the most noble of warriors fight in such an elite brigade. You can add 1 to all hit
1 Tomb King in Royal Chariot rolls for Skeleton Chariots that are part of a Royal Legion of Chariots.
4 units of Skeleton Chariots
Bone-crunching Impact: The chariots in this Legion impact with devastating
force, wave after wave of war machines crushing bodies beneath heavy wheels.
Roll a dice after a model from a Royal Legion of Chariots completes a charge move
within I" of an enemy unit. On a 4 or more, that unit suffers a mortal wound.
--.,,,,, ~-~ ------ - -<f--------.-.-

The warriors and creatures that battle in the Mortal Realms are incredibly diverse, each one fighting with their own unique
weapons and combat abilities. To represent this, every model has a warscroll that lists the characteristics, weapons, and
abilities that apply to the model.

Every Citadel Miniature in the When fighting a battle, simply refer to the The key below explains what you will
Warhammer range has its own warscroll, warscrolls for the models you are using. find on a warscroll, and the Warhammer
which provides you with all of the Warscrolls for all of the other models in the Age of Sigmar rules sheet explains how
information needed to use that model in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar range are this information is used in a game.
game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This available from Games Workshop. Just visit
means that you can use any Citadel the website at for
Miniatures in your collection as part of an more information on how to obtain them.
army as long as you have the right

1. Title: The name of the model that the warscroll describes.


2. Characteristics: The set of characteristics tells you how
fast, powerful, and brave the model is, and how effective its
weapons are.

3. Description: The description tells you what weapons the model

can be armed with, and what upgrades (if any) it can be given. The
description will also tell you if the model is fielded on its own as
a single model, or as part of a unit. If the model is fielded as part
of a unit, then the description will say how many models the unit
should have (if you don't have enough models to field a unit, you
can still field one unit with as many models as you have available).

4. Abilities: Abilities are things that the model can do during a game
that are not covered by the standard game rules.

5. Keywords: All models have a list of keywords. Sometimes a rule

will say that it only applies to models that have a specific keyword.

6. Damage Table: Some models have a damage table that is used to

determine one or more of the model's characteristics. Look up the
number of wounds the model has suffered to find the value of the
------ -- - characteristic in question.
Modifiers: Many warscrolls include Roll once and apply the result to all such Keywords: Keywords are sometimes
modifiers that can affect characteristics. weapons being used in the attack. The linked to (or tagged) by a rule. For
For example, a rule might add 1 to the result applies for the rest of that phase. example, a rule might say that it applies
Move characteristic of a model, or For Damage, generate a value for each to 'all Tomb Kings. ' This means that it
subtract 1 from the result of a hit roll. weapon that inflicts damage. would apply to models that have the
Modifiers are cumulative. Tomb Kings keyword on their warscroll.
When to Use Abilities: Abilities that are
Random Values: Sometimes, the Move used at the start of a phase must be Keywords can also be a useful way to
or weapon characteristic on a warscroll carried out before any other actions. By decide which models to include in an
will have random values. For example, the same token, abilities used at the end army. For example, if you want to field
the Move characteristic for a model of the phase are carried out after all a Tomb Kings army, just use models that
might be 2D6 (two dice rolls added normal activities for the phase are have the Tomb Kings keyword.
together), whereas the Attacks complete.
characteristic of a weapon might be D6. Minimum Range: Some weapons have
If you can use several abilities at the same a minimum range. For example 6" - 48" .
When a unit with a random Move time, you can decide in which order they The weapon cannot shoot at an enemy
characteristic is selected to move in the are used. If both players can carry out unit that is within the minimum range.
movement phase, roll the indicated abilities at the same time, the player
number of dice. The total of the dice whose turn it is taking place uses their Weapons: Some models can be armed
rolled is the Move characteristic for all abilities first. with two identical weapons. When the
models in the unit for the duration of that model attacks with these weapons, do
movement phase. Save of'-': Some models have a Save of not double the number of attacks that
' -'. This means that they automatically the weapons make; usually, the model
Roll for any random values for a weapon fail all save rolls (do not make the roll, gets an additional ability instead.
(except Damage) each time it is used as even if modifiers apply).
the weapon for an attack.


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
The Blessed Blade of Pt ra 2" 4 3+ 3+ -2 3
Steed s' Thund erin g Hooves I" 8 4+ 5+ I

A Necropolis High King is a single model. Crown of Dominon : If the High King is The Scarab Broach of Usirian: Roll a
He is armed with a Blessed Blade of Ptra . your general , Mummy Heroes from your dice each time the High King suffers a
The High King bears the Crown of army that are within 18" of him in your wound or a mortal wound . On a roll of 5
Dominion upon his head and the Scarab hero phase can use Command Abilities or more the wound is absorbed by the
Broach of Usirian upon his breast . He rides even though they are not your general. Scarab Broach ofUsirian and is ignored .
upon a mighty scythed Chariot of the Gods ,
Chariot of the Gods: In the combat phase , High King's Curse: If the High King is
which is drawn into battle by four Skeletal
if this model charged in the same tum , the slain , the unit that inflicted the final
Steeds that attack with their Thundering
High King makes 6 attacks rather than 4 wound upon him immediately suffers D6
with the Blessed Blade of Ptra , and you mortal wounds .
can double the number of attacks made by Bound by Tradition: High Kings are
his Skeletal Steeds' Thundering Hooves bound by the trappings and traditions of
and add 1 to the Steeds' wound rolls. their office . Only one may be deployed
Incantation of the Desert Wind: The High in any given force at a time. They
King alone amongst his Tomb Kings knows likewise disdain the tactics of their
the secrets of the Mortuary Cult , though he inferiors and refuse to wield lesser
has never fully mastered their mystical art. common magical items . As such , they
In your hero phase the High King can pray may not select a Command trait nor may
to the ancient gods to invoke the Incantation they wield any artifacts.
of the Desert Wind. If he does so, pick a
Deathrattle unit within 18" and roll a dice ; COMMAND ABILITY
on a 1 the High King utters an incorrect And He Did say 'War', and the World
phrase and suffers 1 mortal wound. On a Did Tremble ...: If the High King uses
roll of 2 or more the incantation is this ability , then until your next hero
successfully carried out - the chosen unit phase you can add 1 to all hit rolls for
can double the distance it can move and Death units in your army that are within
gains the ability to fly for the duration of 18" of the High King in the combat phase.
its next movement phase . If a Deathrattle unit is affected by this
ability, you can also add 1 to their wound
rolls in the combat phase.


_ ___ ---


MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
The Venom Staff 18" 1 2+ 3+ D6
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
The Venom Staff 1" 1 2+ 3+ D6

A High Queen of Asaph is a single model. Ancient Hatred: The High Queen has a attack with her, even though it is your
She is armed with a Venom Staff , a magical particular hatred for Vampires , a passion opponent's turn to attack with a unit.
stave that writhes with a life of its own , instilled in her by Asaph herself. You can Bound by Tradition: Only one may be
spitting bolts of magical venom and striking re-roll the damage inflicted by a Venom deployed in any given force at a time .
out at foes with lightning speed in close Staff against a Vampire unit . You can also
She also may not select a Command
combat . re-roll failed hit rolls if the target is
trait nor may she wield any Artifacts.
ABILITIES Neferata herself.
Beloved of the Asp Goddess: If the High Supernatural Speed: The High Queen can
Blessing of Asaph: If the High Queen
Queen is slain, the unit that inflicted the strike at an impossibly quick speed . If , in
uses this ability, then until your next hero
final wound upon her immediately suffers 3 the combat phase, your opponent selects a
phase you can add 1 to all hit rolls made
mortal wounds . unit within 3" of her to pile in and attack
by Skeletons in your army during your
with , but the High Queen has yet to attack
shooting phase.
this phase , you can immediately pile in and
- - -


MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Tide of Scuttling Scarabs 10" 2D6 3+ 5+ 1
MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Cursed Dagger of Eternal Blood 1" 5 3+ 3+ 1

Prince Apophas is a sing le model. He is Soul Reaper: Prince Apophas must De sert Revenant: Instea d of setting up
armed wit h the Cursed Dagger of Eterna l sacrifice wort hy souls to the god of the Prince Apoph as on the batt lefield, you can
Blood , an d can vomit fort h a Tide of Underworld, or return to perpe tu al place h im to one side and say that he is set
Scutt ling Scarabs to eng ulf h is enemies. torment . Add 1 to h it rolls an d wou nd rolls up entombed benea th the sands . In any of
for the Cu rsed Dagger of Eterna l Blood if your movemen t phases , you can set him up
FLY the target is a H ERO . on the batt lefield more than 9" from any
Pri nce Apop has can fly. enemy mode ls. This is h is move for that
Scarab Prince: Prince Apophas heals movement phase .
one wound in each of your hero ph ases .
If Pri nce Apop h as is slain , he can
imme d iately make a Tide of Scuttling
Scarabs attack before he is removed .


,_...........,..,_ ... ______ R~'-r/fo,,eaaa,~.w:,i


MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Dynastic Blade l" 4 3+ 3+ -1 D3
Monarch's Great Blade l" 3 3+ 3+ -2


A Tomb King is a single model. It can be The Tomb King's Curse: A powerful curse My Will Be Done: If a Tomb King uses
armed with an Dynastic Blade and carry a hangs over these mummified lords. If a this ability, pick one SKELETON unit
Royal Tomb Shield, or wield a two-handed Tomb King is slain, the unit that inflicted within 18". Until your next hero phase you
Monarch 's Great Blade. the final wound upon him immediately can add 1 to all hit, run and charge rolls for
suffers D3 mortal wounds . that unit.

Royal Tomb Shield: You can re-roll failed

save rolls for a Tomb King with a Royal
Tomb Shield.


MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Dynastic Blade l" 4 3+ 3+ -1 D3

------~ Steeds' Thundering Hooves

--------------------------......- -
l" 4 4+ 5+


A Tomb King in Royal Chariot is a single The Tomb King's Curse: If a Tomb 'And the Tomb Kings Rode to War .. .':
model. The Tomb King is armed with a King in Royal Chariot is slain, the unit If a Tomb King in Royal Chariot uses
Dynastic Blade. The chariot is drawn into that inflicted the final wound upon him this ability you can choose to re-roll
battle by a pair of Skeletal Steeds that immediately suffers D3 mortal wounds. charge rolls for this model and all units
attack with their Thundering Hooves. of SKELETON CHARIOTS from your army
Royal Chariot: In the combat phase, if this that are within 18"of him in your next
model charged in the same turn, the Tomb charge phase .
King makes 6 attacks rather than 4 with
his Dynastic Blade and you can double the
number of attacks made by his Skeletal
Steed's Thundering Hooves .


--- ------~-----""


MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Fiery Roar
To Hit

To Wound
Stone Claws and Teeth
Bladed Tail

-1 1

Venom-spike Tail 3" 1 3+ 3+

Tomb King's Glaive of Kings 1"
3+ 3+

Wounds Suffered Fiery Roar Stone Claws and Teeth Glaive of Kings
0-2 2+ 3+ 3
3-4 3+ 4+
5-7 4+ 4+
8-9 5+ 5+
10+ 6+ 5+


A Royal Warsphinx is a single model. It Thundercrush Attack: After this model DEATH WIZARDS know the Stone Shaping
crushes its foes with its gigantic Stone completes a charge move, pick one enemy spell, in addition to any other spells
Claws and Teeth and smashes them into unit that is within l" of it and roll a dice. they know.
the ground with its Thundercrush Attack. If the dice roll is less than or equal to the
A Royal Warsphinx can also immolate the number of models in the chosen unit, that STONE SHAPING
enemy from afar with its Fiery Roar. Some unit suffers D3 mortal wounds . As the wizard chants cracked stone flows
Royal Warsphinxes have a Venom-spike like wax and twisted metal reshapes itself
Tail, whilst others have a Bladed Tail. A The Tomb King's Curse: If a Royal to repair the war-statuary of ancient times.
Royal Warsphinx bears an ornate howdah Warsphinx is slain, the unit that inflicted Stone Shaping has a casting value of 6. If
on its back, atop which stands a Tomb the final wound upon it immediately successfully cast, pick a Royal Warsphinx
King, armed with a Glaive of Kings . suffers D3 mortal wounds . within 18". That model heals D3 wounds .

Sacred War Statue: Halve any wounds COMMAND ABILITY

or mortal wounds inflicted on a Royal Who Dares Disturb My Slumber?: If a
Warsphinx (rounding fractions up). Tomb King atop a Royal Warsphinx uses
this ability, pick one unit in the enemy
army that is visible to the Tomb King.
Until your next hero phase, you can add
1 to all wound rolls for MUMMY and
DEATH RATTLE units in your army that
target the chosen unit.


_ ___ ---

F/ .
I !:!>
1/ ~0Vt -4"/ .

..,, MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

o 5 6+ ~ Mortuary Staff 1" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3

~ 10 Steed's Thundering Hooves 1" 2 4+ 5+ 1

.. IJRAVf~'i


A Liche Priest is a single model. He is Hierophant's Scrolls: Once per game , As the verses of this incantation are
armed with a Mortuary Staff. when a Liche Priest attempts to unbind a spoken, a fierce light emanates from the
spell, he can read from his ancient scrolls; empty eye sockets of the Liche Priest's
SKELETALSTEED ifhe does, that unbinding attempt is warriors who move with unnatural speed
A Liche Priest can ride a skeletal steed. If automatically successful. and fury. Righteous Smiting has a casting
he does so, his Move is increased to 12" and value of 5. If successfully cast, pick a
he gains the Thundering Hooves attack. MAGIC SKELETON or REANIMANT unit within
A Liche Priest is a wizard . He can attempt 18". Until your next hero phase, all models
to cast one spell in each of your hero in the unit are imbued with magical
phases, and attempt to unbind one spell power; each time you roll a hit roll of 6
in each enemy hero phase . He knows the or more for one of these models, it can
Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Righteous immediately make one extra attack using
Smiting spells. the same weapon .


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Keeper's Mortuary Dagger and Glaive I" I 4+ 3+ -1 D3
Casket Guards' Double-handed Swords 1" 4 4+ 3+ -1 1

DESCRIPTION ABILITIES Unleashed Souls: In your hero phase

A Casket of Souls is attended by the Keeper Covenant of Power: If a LICHE PRIEST the Keeper of the Casket can unleash the
of the Casket and 2 Casket Guards. The from your army is within 18" of this model, tortured souls of the damned. Ifhe does
Keeper can unleash the tortured souls you can add 1 to their casting rolls . so, pick a visible enemy unit within 20" and
contained within the Casket, sending them roll a dice . On a 3 or more that unit suffers
across the battlefield to vent their fury. The Casket: This model cannot make charge D3 mortal wounds (it suffers D6 mortal
Keeper is armed with a Mortuary Dagger moves . However, you can add 1 to all save wounds instead if its Bravery is 4 or less).
and Glaive, and the Casket Guards with rolls for the model in the shooting phase. Then roll a dice for each other enemy unit
Double-handed Swords. within 6" of the first unit. On a 5 or more,
Keeper's Scrolls: The Keeper can attempt that unit is also attacked by the vengeful
to unbind one spell in the enemy hero souls, and suffers D3 mortal wounds (it
phase as ifhe were a wizard. suffers D6 mortal wounds instead if its
Bravery is 4 or less).

--- ------~-----""


MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Overseer's Whip 2" 2 4+ 4+ 1
Dagger of Ages I" 2 4+ 3+ 1

A Necrotect is a single model. He is armed Stern Taskmaster: In your hero phase,
with an Overseer 's Whip and a Dagger you can pick a DEATHRATTLE unit within
of Ages. 8" of this model. That unit can move
an extra 3" in its next movement phase .
Furthermore, you can re-roll wound rolls
of 1 for that unit in the combat phase until
your next hero phase .


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Blade I" 4 3+ 3+ -1 1
Steed's Thundering Hooves I" 2 4+ 5+ 1

A Tomb Herald is a single model. It is Sworn Bodyguard: Each time a Liche Standard of the Undying Legion: In
armed with an Ancient Blade, and carries a Priest or Mummy Hero from your army your hero phase, a Tomb Herald can plant
Standard of the Undying Legion. suffers a wound or a mortal wound whilst his standard and cause fallen warriors to
within 3" of a Tomb Herald , he can leap in return to the fight once more. Ifhe does
SKELETALSTEED front of the attack. If he does so, the Liche so, you may not move the Tomb Herald
A Herald can ride a skeletal steed . If Priest or Mummy Hero ignores that until your next hero phase, but you can
he does so, his Move is increased to wound or mortal wound, and the Tomb immediately return 1 slain model to each
12" and his steed can attack with its Herald suffers a mortal wound . DEATHRATTLE unit from your army
Thundering Hooves. within 24".


,_...........,..,_ ... ______ R~'-r/fo,,eaaa,~.w:,i



MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Spear 12" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Spear 3" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
Flail of Skulls 2" 4 4+ 3+ -1 2
Steeds' Thundering Hooves 1" 4 4+ 5+

A Tomb Herald in Royal Chariot is a Call to War: A Tomb Herald calls a Tomb Royal Chariot: In the combat phase , if
single model. It is armed with a Flail of King's legions to battle. If a Tomb Herald this model charged in the same tum , the
Skulls or an Ancient Spear , and has the successfully completes a charge against an Tomb Herald makes 6 attacks rather than
Standard of Phakth mounted upon his enemy unit, then all Deathrattle and 4 with his Flail of Skulls , or 5 attacks
warmachine . The chariot is drawn into Mummy units within 20" can add 1 to rather than 3 with his Ancient Spear, and
battle by a pair of Skeletal Steeds that their charge rolls for that charge phase . you can double the number of attacks
attack with their Thundering Hooves. made by his Skeletal Steeds' Thundering
Chosen Champion: Add 1 to hit rolls for Hooves.
the Flail of Skulls or Ancient Spear in the
combat phase if the target is a Hero. Standard of Phakth: In your hero phase,
the Tomb Herald can summon forth the
Ancient Spear: Tomb Heralds armed with essence of Phakth, the god of swift
an Ancient Spear hurl it at the enemy as vengeance, from his standard. All
they charge. After the Tomb Herald makes Deathrattle and Mummy units within
a charge move, pick an enemy unit within 10" may make an additional move of
1/2" and roll a dice, on a 4+ they suffer a D6 inches in the hero phase. This does
mortal wound. not prevent them from moving , running,
or charging later.


_ ___ ---

MELEE WEAPONS Range Atta cks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Tomb Blade l" 2 3+ 4+ -1 1
Bron ze Halberd l" 2 4+ 3+ -1 1


A unit of Tomb Guard has 5 or more Models in this unit may be Hornblowers. D EATH WIZARDS know the Raise Tomb
models. Some units of Tomb Guard A unit that includes any Hornblowers Guard spell, in addition to any other spells
are equipped with Tomb Blades, whilst can always move up to 6" when it charges, they know.
other units carry Bronze Halberds. In unless its charge roll is higher .
either case, Tomb Guard always carry RAISE TOMB GUARD
Tomb Shields. ABILITIES Raise Tomb Guard has a casting value
TOMB CAPTAIN Curse d Weap on s: If the wound roll for of 5. If successfully cast, you can set up
The leader of this unit is a Tomb Captain . an attack made by a model from this unit a unit of up to 5 Tomb Guard within 18"
A Tomb Captain makes 3 attacks rather is 6 or more, that attack inflicts double of the caster and more than 9" away from
than 2. damage . the enemy. The unit is added to your
army, but cannot move in the following
ICON BEARER Tomb Shield: This unit can create a shield movement phase . If the casting roll was
Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers. fortress instead of running or charging in 10 or more, set up a unit of up to 10 Tomb
You can return D3 slain models to this its turn. If it does so, add 1 to all save rolls Guard instead .
unit in your hero phase if it includes any for the unit until its next movement phase.
Icon Bearers .
MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Bows 18" 2 5+ 4+ 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Charioteer's Spears 2" 2 4+ 4+ 1
Steeds' Thund ering Hoo ves l" 4 4+ 5+


A unit of Skeleton Chariots has 3 or more Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers . Crush them Beneath Our Wheels:
mode ls. Each chariot is crewed by a pair of You can return 1 slain mode l to this Skeleton Chariots double the number of
Skeleton Warriors who are equipped with unit in your hero phase if it includes any attacks they make with all of their melee
Charioteer 's Spears and Ancient Bows. The Icon Bearers. weapons if they charged in the same turn.
chariots are drawn into battle by a pair
of Skeletal Steeds that attack with their HORNBLOWER
Thundering Hooves. Models in this unit may be Hornblowers .
A unit that includes any Hornblowers
MASTER OF CHARIOTS can always move up to 6" when it charges,
The leader of this unit is a Master of un less its charge roll is higher . In addition ,
Chariots; he makes 3 attacks rather than 2 a unit that includes any Hornblowers can
with his Charioteer's Spear. shoot even if they ran in the same turn .

--- ------~-----""


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Blade l" 1 4+ 4+ 1
2" 1 5+ 4+ 1
~---.r---t- ..... ----:--,-~ .........-~-.-~-----------

DESCRIPTION HORNBLOWER Tomb Shield: A unit carrying Tomb

A unit of Skeleton Warriors has 10 or more Models in this unit may be Hornblowers . Shields can create a shield fortress instead
models. Some units are equipped with A unit that includes any Hornblowers of running or charging in its turn. If it
Ancient Blades, whilst others go to war can always move up to 6" when it charges, does so, add 1 to save rolls for the unit
with Ancient Spears. Units of Skeleton unless its charge roll is higher . until its next movement phase .
Warriors also carry a shield for protection,
either battered Crypt Shields or tall ABILITIES MAGIC
Tomb Shields. Serve in Death: You can add 1 to hit DEATH WIZARDS know the Raise
rolls for units of Skeleton Warriors that Skeletons spell, in addition to any other
SKELETONCHAMPION are within 18" of a DEATH HERO from spells they know.
The leader of this unit is a Skeleton your army.
Champion. A Skeleton Champion makes 2 RAISE SKELETONS
attacks rather than 1. Skeleton Legion: Models in this unit make Raise Skeletons has a casting value of 5.
1 extra attack with their melee weapon if If successfully cast, you can set up a unit
ICON AND STANDARD BEARER their unit has 20 or more models. They of up to 10 Skeleton Warriors within 18"
Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers or make 2 extra attacks instead if their unit of the caster and more than 9" away from
Standard Bearers. You can return D6 slain has 30 or more models. the enemy. The unit is added to your
models to this unit in your hero phase if it army, but cannot move in the following
includes any Icon or Standard Bearers. movement phase . If the casting roll was 10
or more, set up a unit of up to 20 Skeleton
Warriors instead.


, ---

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Bow 20" 1 5+ 4+ 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Arrow l" 1 5+ 5+ 1


A unit of Skeleton Archers has 10 or more Models in this unit may be Hornblowers. DEATH WIZARDS know the Raise Skeleton
models. They are armed with Ancient A unit that includes any Hornblowers Archers spell, in addition to any other
Bows and can stab foes in close combat can always move up to 6" when it charges , spells they know.
using an Arrow as an improvised dagger. unless its charge roll is higher. In addition,
a unit that includes any Hornblowers can RAISE SKELETONARCHERS
MASTER OF ARROWS shoot even if they ran in the same turn . Raise Skeleton Archers has a casting value
The leader of this unit is a Master of of 5. If successfully cast, you can set up a
Arrows. You can add 1 to the hit rolls for a ABILITIES unit of up to 10 Skeleton Archers within
Master of Arrows firing an Ancient Bow. Hail of Ancient Arrows: Units of Skeleton 18" of the caster and more than 9" away
Archers make 1 extra attack with their from the enemy. The unit is added to your
ICON BEARER Ancient Bows if their unit has 20 or more army, but cannot move in the following
Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers. models and there are no enemy models movement phase. If the casting roll was 10
You can return D6 slain models to this within 3" in the shooting phase . or more, set up a unit of up to 20 Skeleton
unit in your hero phase if it includes any Archers instead.
Icon Bearers.



MISSILEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ancient Bow 20" 2 5+ 4+ 1
MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Arrow l" 1 5+ 5+ 1
Steed's Thundering Hooves l" 2 4+ 5+


A unit of Skeleton Horse Archers has 5 or Models in this unit may be Hornblowers. DEATH WIZARDS know the Raise Horse
more models . They are armed with Ancient A unit that includes any Hornblowers Archers spell, in addition to any other
Bows and can stab foes in close combat can always move up to 6" when it charges , spells they know.
using Arrows as improvised daggers . They unless its charge roll is higher. In addition,
are mounted upon Skeletal Steeds that a unit that includes any Hornblowers can
attack with their Thundering Hooves. shoot even if they ran in the same turn. Raise Horse Archers has a casting value of
5. If successfully cast, you can set up a unit
MASTEROF SCOUTS ABILITIES of up to 5 Skeleton Horse Archers within
The leader of this unit is a Master of Like the Angry Desert Wind: This 18" of the caster and more than 9" away
Scouts. Add 1 to the hit rolls for a Master unit can shoot instead of moving in the from the enemy. The unit is added to your
of Scouts firing an Ancient Bow. movement phase . If it does so, it can move army, but cannot move in the following
ICON BEARER in the shooting phase of the same turn, but movement phase. If the casting roll was 10
Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers. cannot shoot. If it moves in the shooting or more, set up a unit of up to 10 Skeleton
You can return D3 slain models to this phase , it can retreat. Horse Archers instead.
unit in your hero phase if it includes any
Icon Bearers.

,_...........,..,_ ... ______ R~'-r/fo,,eaaa,~.w:,i


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Bronze-tipped Cavalry Spears 2" 1 4+ 4+ 1

Steed's Thundering Hooves l" 2 4+ 5+


A unit of Skeleton Horsemen has 5 or Models in this unit may be Hornblowers. DEATH WIZARDS know the Raise
more models. They are armed with A unit that includes any Hornblowers Horsemen spell, in addition to any other
Bronze-tipped Cavalry Spears and carry can always move up to 6" when it charges, spells they know.
Horsemen's Shields. They are mounted unless its charge roll is higher.
upon Skeletal Steeds that attack with their RAISEHORSEMEN
Thundering Hooves. ABILITIES Raise Horsemen has a casting value of
Deathly Charge: Add 1 to the wound 5. If successfully cast, you can set up a
MASTEROF HORSE rolls for attacks made with a Skeleton unit of up to 5 Skeleton Horsemen within
The leader of this unit is a Master of Horseman's Bronze-tipped Cavalry Spear 18" of the caster and more than 9" away
Horse. A Master of Horse makes 2 attacks if it charged in the same turn. from the enemy. The unit is added to your
rather than 1 with his Bronze-tipped army, but cannot move in the following
Cavalry Spear. Horsemen's Shield: You can add 1 to the movement phase. If the casting roll was 10
save rolls for a Skeleton Horseman in the or more, set up a unit of up to 10 Skeleton
ICON BEARER combat phase. Horsemen instead.
Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers.
You can return D3 slain models to this First to Face the Foe: Skeleton Horsemen
unit in your hero phase if it includes any can charge even if they ran in the
Icon Bearers. same turn.


_ ___ ---

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Knight's Heavy Spear 2" 2 3+ 3+ -1 1
Necroserpent's Poisoned fangs 2" 3 4+ 3+ -1 D3


A unit of Necropolis Knights has 3 or more Models in this unit may be Hornblowers. DEATH WIZARDS know the Reanimate
models. The Knights are armed with Heavy A unit that includes any Hornblowers Necropolis Knight spell, in addition to any
Spears that can carve through mortal flesh, can always move up to 6" when it charges, other spells they know.
and some carry large Necropolis Shields to unless its charge roll is higher.
protect them in combat. The Knights ride ABILITIES
large Necroserpents that snap at the foe Reanimate Necropolis Knight has a casting
N ecrovenom: If the wound roll for a value of 5. If successfully cast , pick a unit
with Poisoned Fangs.
Necroserpent's Poisoned Fangs is a 6 or of Necropolis Knights within 18". You can
NECROPOLIS CAPTAIN more, the target unit suffers a mortal add one model to that unit.
The leader of this unit is a Necropolis wound in addition to any other damage.
Captain. He makes 3 attacks rather than 2 Necropolis Shield: You can add 1 to
with his Heavy Spear. the save rolls for a unit of Necropolis
ICON BEARER Knights with Necropolis shields in the
Models in this unit may be Icon Bearers. combat phase.
You can return 1 slain model to this
unit in your hero phase if it includes any
Icon Bearers.


MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Great Bow 24" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Stone Fists l" 3 4+ 3+
l" 3 3+ 3+


A unit ofUshabti can have any number of War-Statuary: Ushabti have a save of3+ DEATH WIZARDS know the Reanimate
models. Some units ofUshabti are armed instead of 5+ against attacks that have a Ushabti spell, in addition to any other
with two-handed Ritual Blade-staves. Damage characteristic of 1. spells they know.
Other units ofUshabti carry Great Bows
and pummel foes in close combat with The Likeness of Ancient Gods: Ushabti REANIMATE USHABTI
blows from their Stone Fists. are often restored and embellished by the Reanimate Ushabti has a casting value of 5.
labours and blessings ofNecrotects. You If successfully cast, pick a unit of U shabti
can re-roll save rolls of 1 for Ushabti while within 18". You can add one model to
its unit is within 18" of a NECROTECT from that unit.
your army.


--- ------~-----""

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Tail Stinger 3" 1 3+ 3+ -1
Powerful Pincers 2" 2 4+ 3+ -2

A unit of Tomb Scorpions can have any Liebe Priest's Sarcophagi: Tomb DEATH WIZARDS know the Reanimate
number of models. Tomb Scorpions Scorpions serve as sarcophagi for Liche Tomb Scorpion spell, in addition to any
can snap an opponent in two with their Priests that have been slain in battle, and other spells they know.
Powerful Pincers, or cause them to die in the remains of the ancient priests still
agony with the virulent poison in their provide a measure of protection against REANIMATE TOMB SCORPION
Tail Stingers. enemy spells. Roll a dice each time a Tomb Reanimate Tomb Scorpion has a casting
Scorpion suffers a wound or a mortal value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a unit
ABILITIES wound caused by a spell. Add one to the of Tomb Scorpions within 18".You can add
Entombed Beneath the Sands: Instead of roll if the Tomb Scorpion is within 18" one model to that unit.
setting up a unit of Tomb Scorpions on the of a NECROTECT from your army. On a
battlefield, you can place them to one side 5 or more, that wound or mortal wound
and say that they are set up beneath the is ignored.
ground. In any of your movement phases,
you can set the unit up on the battlefield
more than 6" from any enemy models. This
is the unit's move for that movement phase .


MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit -
To Wound Rend Damage
Gigantic Blades 2" 3 4+ 3+ -2 3
Heavy Footfalls l" 4 4+ 3+ -1
.- -.


A Bone Giant is a single model. It is armed Unstoppable Assault: Each time you roll DEATH WIZARDS know the Reanimant
with Gigantic Blades that it wields to a hit roll of a 6 or more for a Bone Giant , Wrath spell, in addition to any other spells
devastating effect, and can crush those that it can immediately make one extra attack they know .
stand before it beneath its Heavy Footfalls. using the same weapon .
Colossus of War: After a Bone Giant has As the wizard intones an ancient mantra
attacked in the combat phase for the first the spirits of vengeful gods imbue this
time roll a dice . Add one to the result if war construct with terrible strength.
a NECROTECT from your army is within Reanimant Wrath has a casting value of
18". On a 5 or more, that Bone Giant can 5. If successfully cast, pick a Bone Giant
immediately pile in and attack for a second within 18". You can re-roll failed hit rolls
time that turn. for that model until your next hero phase.

--- ------~-----""


MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Fiery Roa r
To Hit

To Wound
Ston e Claws and Teeth
Bladed Tail

Ven om -spik e Tail 3" 1 3+ 3+ -2 D3
3+ 3+ 1

Wounds Suffered Fiery Roar Stone Claws and Teeth Tomb Guards' Spears
0-2 2+ 3+ 8
3-4 3+ 4+
5-7 4+ 4+
8-9 5+ 5+
10+ 6+ 5+


A Khemrian Warsphinx is a single model. Thundercrush Attack: After this model D EATH WIZA R DS know the Stone Shaping
It crushes its foes with its gigantic Stone completes a charge move, pick one enemy spell, in addition to any other spells
Claws and Teeth and smashes them into unit that is wit h in l " of it and roll a dice . they know .
the ground with its Thundercrush Attack. If the dice roll is less than or equal to the
A Khemrian Warsphinx can also immolate number of models in the chosen unit, that STONE SHAPING
the enemy from afar with its Fiery Roar. unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. As the wizard chants cracked stone flows
Some Khemrian Warsphinxes have a like wax and twisted metal reshapes itself
Venom -spike Tail, whilst others have a Sacred War Statue: Halve any wounds or to repair the war-statuary of ancient
Bladed Tail. A Khemrian Warsphinx bears mortal wounds inflicted on a Khemrian times. Stone Shaping has a casting value
an ornate howdah on its back , filled with Warsphinx (rounding fractions up). of 6. If successfully cast, pick a Khemrian
a crew of four Tomb Guard armed with Warsphinx within 18".That model hea ls
long Spears . D3wounds .


_ ___ ---

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Gigantic Scything Blades
Stone Claws


Bladed Tail 3" 3 4+ 3+ -1
Venom-spike Tail 3" 1 3+ 3+ -2

Wounds Suffered Move Scything Blades Stone Claws
0-2 12" 2+ 4
3-4 10" 3+
5-7 8" 3+
8-9 6" 4+
10-11 4" 4+


A Necrosphinx is a single model. It Need to Destroy: If a Necrosphinx is DEATH WIZARDS know the Stone Shaping
is armed Gigantic Scything Blades within 12" of the enemy in the charge spell, in addition to any other spells
and monstrous Stone Claws. Some phase, it must attempt to charge even if it they know.
Necrosphinxes have a Venom-spike Tail, ran in the preceding movement phase. In
whilst others have a Bladed Tail. addition, when you make a charge roll for STONE SHAPING
this model, roll 3 dice rather than 2, and As the wizard chants cracked stone flows
FLY use the 2 highest scores. like wax and twisted metal reshapes itself
A Necrosphinx can fly. to repair the war-statuary of ancient times.
Sacred War Statue: Halve any wounds or Stone Shaping has a casting value of 6.
mortal wounds inflicted on a Necrosphinx If successfully cast, pick a Necrosphinx
(rounding fractions up). within 18".That model heals D3 wounds.

Decapitating Strike: If a Necrosphinx

directs all of its attacks with its Scything
Blades at the same MONSTER , and two or
more of the wound rolls have a result of 6
or more, the MONSTER suffers 10 mortal
wounds in addition to the normal damage.


_ ___ ---

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Bow of the Desert 36" 2 4+ 3+ -2 D6
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage ,
Massive Glaive 3" 2 4+ 3+ -3 D6
Heavy Footfalls 1" 4 4+ 3+ -1

A Necrolith Colossus is a single model that Colossus of War: After a Necrolith Death Wizards know the Reanimant
is armed with either a Massive Glaive or a Colossus has attacked in the combat phase Wrath spell, in addition to any other
Bow of the Desert, and crushes enemies for the first time, roll a dice. Add 1 to spells they know.
beneath its Heavy Footfalls. the result if a Necrotect from your army
is within 18". On a 5 or more, that REANIMANT WRATH
ABILITIES Necrolith Colossus can immediately pile As the wizard intones an ancient mantra
Unstoppable Assault: Each time you roll in and attack for a second time that tum. the spirits of vengeful gods imbue this
a 6 or more in combat for a N ecrolith war construct with terrible strength.
Colossus, it can immediately make one Reanimant Wrath has a casting value of
extra attack using the same weapon. 5. If successfully cast, pick a Necrolith
Colossus within 18". You can re-roll
failed hit rolls for that model until your
next hero phase.


_ ___ ---

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Icon of Ptra 2" 2 4+ 3+ -2 3
Heavy Footfalls 1" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1

A Hierotitan is a single model carved in Spirit Conduit: If a Liebe Priest from Death Wizards know the Stone Shaping
the likeness of the ancient gods of the your army is within 18" of this model, you spell, in addition to any other spells they
Tomb Kings. Armed with an Icon of can add 1 to their casting rolls. know.
Ptra and the Scales of Usirian they
Icon of Ptra: An Icon of Ptra is said to STONE SHAPING
channel the very magic of the realms,
illuminate the path to the Realm of Souls. As the wizard chants cracked stone flows
empowering the Liebe Priests nearby.
In your hero phase, roll a dice and on a 3+ like wax and twisted metal reshapes
pick an enemy unit within 18", this unit itself to repair the war-statuary of ancient
suffers D3 mortal wounds. times. Stone Shaping has a casting value
Entombed Liebe Priest: Hierotitans serve
of 6. If succesfully cast, pick a Hierotitan
as sarcophagi for Liebe Priests that have Scales of Usirian: The souls of those who
within 18". That model heals D3 wounds.
been slain in battle, and the remains of the gaze upon the Scales of Usirian are judged
ancient priests still provide a measure of by the god of the Underworld, and those
protection against enemy spells. Roll a who are found unworthy are condemned to
dice each time a Hierotitan suffers a oblivion. In yout hero phase select any one
wound or a mortal wound caused by a spell. unit and roll a dice. On a 4+ that unit is
Add one to the roll if the Hierotitan is judged by Usirian. If the unit chosen is
within 18" of a Necrotect from your army. friendly, they are judged favorably and
On a 5 or more, that wound or mortal gain immunity to battleshock until your
wound is ignored. next hero phase. If the unit chosen is an
enemy unit, then fear creeps into their
hearts and any battleshock test they make
before your next hero phase is considered
to have automatically rolled a 6 on the dice.


_ ___ ---

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Flesh-Eating Scarabs 12" 3D6 2+ 5+ -1 1
Gaze of Dust
To Hit To Wound
- See Below -
Rend Damage

Reaping Scythes 3" 4 4+

-2 3
Devouring Jaws
Heavy Footfalls

~- :


Wounds Suffered Move Reaping Scythes Devouring Jaws Gaze of Dust
0-3 12" 2+ 2+ 2+
4-6 11" 3+ 3+ 2+
7-9 9" 3+ 4+ 3+
10-13 8" 4+ 4+ 3+
14+ 6" 4+

A Khemric Titan is a single model which Curse of the Fallen: When a Khemric Shrine of Eternities: The Shrine of
towers over even the dreaded Necrosphinx , Titan is slain by any means , before Eternities , in which the resting place of
raising up sandstorms against all who dare removing it from play , units that are the long dead lord within the Khemric
challenge the Tomb Kings . They cut within 8" of the Khemric Titan suffer Titan is located, is swathed with funerary
through the enemy with their Reaping D6 mortal wounds . incantations and ritual spells to animate
Scythes or devour them whole all while the monolithic creature. A Khemric Titan
crushing them beneath their massive bulk. Entombed Priest: A Khemric Titan may can attempt to unleash the might of the
attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy Shrine of Eternities in your hero phase.
hero phase as if it were a wizard .
FLY Roll a dice and on a 3 or more choose
A Khemric Titan can fly. from the Breath of Night, Wrath of the
Gaze of Dust: This attack causes D3 Sands , or Reawakening of Ancient Might
mortal wounds. abilities below. On the roll of a 1 the
Khemric Titan suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Sacred War Statue: Halve any wounds or
mortal wounds inflicted on a Khemric Breath of Night: Choose a single unit
Titan (rounding fractions up). within 3" of the Khemeric Titan . Until
the end of your current tum, the Khemric
Titan War-Statuary: Khemric Titans have Titan and the chosen unit cannot make
a save of 3+ instead of 4+ against attacks any attacks . During the battleshock phase ,
that have a damage characteristic of 1. the enemy unit makes a Bravery test as
though it had lost 2 models.
Decapitating Strike: If a Khemric Titan
directs all of its attacks with its Scything Wrath of the Sands: Pick a point within
Blades at the same Monster, and two or 18" . All units within 3" of this point
more of the wound rolls have a result of reduce their movement characteristic by
6 or more, the Monster suffers 10 mortal 2 and suffer -2 to hit during the shooting
wounds in addition to the normal damage. phase until your next hero phase .

Reawakening of Ancient Might:

The Khemric Titan heals D3 wounds.


_ ___ ---

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Transmogrifying Gaze 10" See below
MELEEWEAPON Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
2" 2 4+ 3+ -1 2

A unit of Sepulchral Stalkers has 3 or Underground Stalkers: Instead of setting DEATH WIZARDS know the Reanimate
more models. The Stalkers are armed with up a unit of Sepulchral Stalkers on the Stalker spell, in addition to any other spells
Ornate Staves with which they impale their battlefield, you can place them to one side they know.
victims, and anyone foolish enough to and say that they are set up beneath the
meet their Transmogrifying Gaze is turned ground. In any of your movement phases, REANIMATESTALKER
to sand! you can set the unit up on the battlefield Reanimate Stalker has a casting value
more than 9" from any enemy models. of 5. If successfully cast, pick a unit of
ABILITIES This is the unit's move for that movement Sepulchral Stalkers within 18" of the caster.
Transmogrifying Gaze: When making a phase. The Sepulchral Stalkers can burrow You can add one model to that unit.
Transmogrifying Gaze attack, roll a dice; back underground in any of your future
on a 1, the Sepulchral Stalker catches a movement phases. If they do, remove the
glimpse of its reflection and its own unit unit from the battlefield - it can return in a
suffers a mortal wound. On a 2 or 3 the later turn as described above.
target unit keeps its eyes shut and nothing
happens. On a 4 or 5 the target unit suffers
a mortal wound as it momentarily meets
the Stalker's gaze, but on a 6 it suffers D3
mortal wounds as it foolishly stares into
the Stalker's eyes and crumbles to sand.


_____ --..---


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

. Rotting Talons and Sharp Beaks l"

4 4+
- .__,,,__~_
3+ 1

A unit of Carrion can have any number of affected by abilities used by either side, DEATH WIZARDS know the Summon
models. They swoop down upon their prey and they also cannot make any attacks Carrion spell, in addition to any other
from on high , eviscerating them with their themselves as they soar far above their spells they know.
Rotting Talon s and Sharp Beaks. foes. Enemy units ignore the Carrion as
the y move (they move underneath them). SUMMON CARRION
FLY Summon Carrion ha s a casting value of 5.
Carrion can fly. Scavenger's Dive: The first time a unit of If successfully cast, you can set up a unit
Carrion charges , you can roll 3 dice rather of up to 3 Carrion within 18" of the caster
ABILITIES than 2 to see how far it charges (when and more than 9" away from the enemy.
Circling High Above: When first set up , doing so, you can declare a charge if it is The unit is added to your army, but cannot
units of Carrion are assumed to be flying within 18" of the enemy, rather than 12"). move in the following movement phase .
high above the battlefield. As long as they As they charge , the Carrion are assumed
remain high in the sky, they cannot be to drop down to low level, and the Circling
charged , attacked, targeted by spells or High Above ability no longer applie s to the
unit for the rest of the battle .



MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

l" 5 5+ 5+ 1
____ _.....
___ ---,j,..,..~---
~--~ .-1"'-...._
...... ...... ~ ' -"t--.
l""""'----""'----"'!'.-""'-""'-"""U' -r

A Tomb Swarm can have any number of move for that movement phase. The DEATH WIZARDS know the Summon
models . The creatures that make up the unit can burrow back underground in Tomb Swarms spell, in addition to any
swarm attack with Bites and Stingers. any of your future movement phases. other spells they know.
If it does, remove the unit from the
ABILITIES battlefield - it can return in a later turn as SUMMON TOMB SWARMS
Underground Scuttlers: Instead of setting described above. Summon Tomb Swarms has a casting
up a Tomb Swarm on the battlefield, you value of 5. If successfully cast, you can set
can place them to one side and say that Hidden Abodes: If a Tomb Swarm up a unit of up to 3 Tomb Swarms within
they are set up beneath the ground. In any burrows back underground as described 18" of the caster and more than 9" away
of your movement phases, you can set the above, it is joined by more of its scuttling from the enemy. The unit is added to your
unit up on the battlefield more than 9" brethren who had remained hidden. D3 army, but cannot move in the following
from any enemy models . This is the unit's slain models are returned to the unit. movement phase .

--- ------~-----""




MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

,- .......
Scre am ing Skull s
~ 6-3 6" 1 4+ 3+ -1

Crew within t" Move Screaming Skulls
3 model s 4" 4
2 models 3" 3
1 model 2" 2

L No model s 0 0

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Crew's Tool s
--------- - ______
.......... l"
1 5+
. 1_,,..

A Screaming Skull Catapult consists of a Arci ng Skull s: This war machine can lob D EATH WIZARDS know the Skeleton
catapult equipped with Screaming Skull its Screaming Skulls at targets that are not Crew spell, in addition to any other spells
ammunition and a unit of 3 Skeleton Crew, visible to it. they know.
who can defend their war machine using
their Tools as improvised weapons. Screaming Am mu nit ion: A unit that is RAISE SKELETON CREW
attacked by any Screaming Skulls must Raise Skeleton Crew has a casting value
ABILITIES subtract 2 from its Bravery until the end of of 5. If successfully cast, pick a Screaming
Crewed War Machine: A Screaming the next battleshock phase. Skull Catapult from your army within
Skull Catapult can only move if its CREW 18"which has no remaining crew. You
are within l" at the start of the movement Deathless Oversee r: Necrotects imbue can set up a unit of up to 3 Skeleton Crew
phase. If its Crew are within l" of the Skeleton Crews with extra animus to work within l" of the war machine . The unit is
catapult in the shooting phase, they can and reload faster than any mortal could added to your army and can crew that war
fire the war machine. The war machine achieve. You can shoot a Screaming Skull machine, but cannot move in the following
cannot make charge moves, does not need Catapult twice in your shooting phase movement phase .
to take battleshock tests and is unaffected instead of once if there is a NECR OTECT
by any attack or ability that uses Bravery. from your army within l" of the
The C REW are in cover while they are war machine.
within l" of their war machine .



_ ___ ---
War hammer: Age of Sigmar puts you in command of a force of mighty warriors, monsters and war engines. This rules sheet
contains everything you need to know in order to do battle amid strange and sorcerous realms, to unleash powerful magic, darken
the skies with arrows, and crush your enemies in bloody combat!


Before the conflict begins, rival warlords Be they pillars of flame, altars of brass or The landscapes of the Mortal Realms can
gather their most powerful warriors. haunted ruins, the realms are filled with both aid and hinder your warriors. Unless
strange sights and deadly obstacles. stated otherwise, a model can be moved
In order to play, you must first muster your across scenery but not through it (so you
army from the miniatures in your collection. Battles in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar are can't move through a solid wall, or pass
Armies can be as big as you like, and you can fought across an infinite variety of exciting through a tree, but can choose to have a
use as many models from your collection as landscapes in the Mortal Realms, from model climb up or over them). In addition,
you wish. The more units you decide to use, desolate volcanic plains and treacherous once you have set up all your scenery, either
the longer the game will last and the more sky temples, to lush jungles and cyclopean roll a dice on the following table or pick a
exciting it will be! Typically, a game with ruins. The dominion of Chaos is all- rule from it for each terrain feature:
around a hundred miniatures per side will pervading, and no land is left untouched by
last for about an evening. the blight of war. These wildly fantastical
landscapes are recreated whenever you play THE SCENERYTABLE
WARSCROLLS& UNITS a game of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Roll Scenery
All models are described by warscrolls, 1 Damned: If any of your units are
which provide all of the rules for using The table and scenery you use constitute within 3" of this terrain feature in
them in the game. You will need warscrolls your battlefield. A battlefield can be any flat your hero phase, you can declare
for the models you want to use. surface upon which the models can stand - that one is making a sacrifice.
for example a dining table or the floor - and If you do so, the unit suffers D3
Models fight in units. A unit can have one can be any size or shape provided it's bigger mortal wounds, but you can add
or more models, but cannot include models than 3 feet square. 1 to all hit rolls for the unit until
that use different warscrolls. A unit must your next hero phase.
be set up and finish any sort of move as First you should decide in which of the 2 Arcane: Add 1 to the result of
a single group of models, with all models seven Mortal Realms the battle will take any casting or unbinding rolls
within 1" of at least one other model from place. For example, you might decide that made for a wizard within 3" of this
their unit. If anything causes a unit to your battle will take place in the Realm of terrain feature.
become split up during a battle, it must Fire. Sometimes you'll need to know this 3 Inspiring: Add 1 to the Bravery
reform the next time that it moves. in order to use certain abilities. If you can't of all units within 3" of this
agree on the realm, roll a dice, and whoever terrain feature.
TOOLS OF WAR rolls highest decides. 4 Deadly: Roll a dice for any model
In order to fight a battle you will require a that makes a run or charge move
tape measure and some dice. The best battles are fought over lavishly across, or finishing on, this terrain
designed and constructed landscapes, but feature. On a roll of 1 the model
Distances in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar whether you have a lot of scenery or only a is slain.
are measured in inches("), between the small number of features doesn't matter! A 5 Mystical: Roll a dice in your
closest points of the models or units you're good guide is at least 1 feature for every 2 hero phase for each of your units
measuring to and from. You can measure foot square, but less is okay and more can within 3" of this terrain feature.
distances whenever you wish. A model's make for a really interesting battle. On a roll of 1 the unit is befuddled
base isn't considered part of the model - it's and can't be selected to cast spells,
just there to help the model stand up - so To help you decide the placement of your move or attack until your next
don't include it when measuring distances. scenery, you can choose to roll two dice and hero phase. On a roll of2-6 the
add them together for each 2 foot square unit is ensorcelled, and you can
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar uses six-sided area of your battlefield and consult the re-roll failed wound rolls for the
dice (sometimes abbreviated to D6). If a following table: unit until your next hero phase.
rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a dice 6 Sinister: Any of your units that
and halve the total, rounding fractions up. Roll Terrain Features are within 3" of this terrain feature
Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, 2-3 No terrain features. in your hero phase cause fear until
which means you get to roll some or all of 4-5 2 terrain features. your next hero phase. Subtract 1
the dice again. You can never re-roll a dice 6-8 1 terrain feature. from the Bravery of any enemy
more than once, and re-rolls happen before 9-10 2 terrain features. units that are within 3" of one or
modifiers to the roll (if any) are applied. 11-12 Choose from Oto 3 terrain features. more units that cause fear.
THE BATTLEBEGINS The opposing player can continue to set up
Thunder rumbles high above as the units. When they have finished, set-up is THE SUDDEN DEATHTABLE
armies take to the battlefield. complete. The player that finishes setting up Assassinate: The enemy player picks
first always chooses who takes the first turn a unit with the HERO, WIZARD,
You are now ready for the battle to begin, in the first battle round. PRIEST or MONSTER keyword in
but before it does you must set up your their army. Slay the unit that
armies for the coming conflict. THE GENERAL they pick.
Once you have finished setting up all of Blunt: The enemy player picks a unit
SET-UP your units, nominate one of the models you with five or more models in their army.
Before setting up their armies, both players set up as your general. Your general has a Slay the unit that they pick.
roll a dice, rolling again in the case of a tie. command ability, as described in the rules Endure: Have at least one model
The player that rolls higher must divide for the hero phase opposite. which started the battle on the
the battlefield into two equal-sized halves; battlefield still in play at the end of the
their opponent then picks one half to be GLORIOUSVICTORY sixth battle round.
their territory. Some examples of this are In the Mortal Realms battles are brutal Seize Ground: Pick one terrain feature
shown below. and uncompromising - they are fought to in enemy territory. Have at least one
-, the bitter end, with one side able to claim friendly model within 3" of that feature
victory because it has destroyed its foe at the end of the fourth battle round.
or there are no enemy models left on the
Your Territory field of battle. The victor can immediately
claim a major victory and the honours
and triumphs that are due to them, while THE TRIUMPH TABLE
the defeated must repair to their lair to lick Roll Triumph
their wounds and bear the shame of failure. 1-2 Blessed: You can change the result
Enemy Territory
of a single dice to the result of your
If it has not been possible to fight a battle choosing once during the battle.
to its conclusion or the outcome is not 3-4 Inspired: You can re-roll all of the
obvious, then a result of sorts can be failed hit rolls for one unit in your
calculated by comparing the number of army in one combat phase.
models removed from play with the number 5-6 Empowered: Add 1 to your
of models originally set up for the battle for general's Wounds characteristic.
each army. Expressing these as percentages
Your Territory Enemy Territory provides a simple way to determine the
winner. Such a victory can only be claimed BATTLEROUNDS
as a minor victory. For example, if one Mighty armies crash together amid the
player lost 75% of their starting models, and spray of blood and the crackle of magic.
the other player lost 50%, then the player
that only lost 50% of their models could Warhammer: Age of Sigmar is played in a
claim a minor victory. series of battle rounds, each of which is split
into two turns - one for each player. At the
Models added to your army during the start of each battle round, both players roll
Your Territory
game (for example, through summoning, a dice, rolling again in the case of a tie. The
reinforcements, reincarnation and so on) do player that rolls highest decides who takes
not count towards the number of models in the first turn in that battle round. Each turn
the army, but must be counted among the consists of the following phases:
casualties an army suffers.
Enemy Territory
1. Hero Phase
SUDDEN DEATHVICTORIES Cast spells and use heroic abilities.
Sometimes a player may attempt to achieve 2. Movement Phase
a sudden death victory. If one army has Move units across the battlefield.
The players then alternate setting up units, a third more models than the other, the 3. Shooting Phase
one at a time, starting with the player that outnumbered player can choose one Attack with missile weapons.
won the earlier dice roll. Models must be objective from the sudden death table 4. Charge Phase
set up in their own territory, more than 12" after generals are nominated. A major Charge units into combat.
from enemy territory. victory can be claimed immediately 5. Combat Phase
when the objective is achieved by the Pile in and attack with melee weapons.
You can continue setting up units until you outnumbered player. 6. Battleshock Phase
have set up all the units you want to fight in Test the bravery of depleted units.
this battle, or have run out of space. This is TRIUMPHS
your army. Count the number of models in After any sudden death objectives have been Once the first player has finished their turn,
your army - this may come in useful later. chosen, if your army won a major victory the second player takes theirs. Once the
Any remaining units are held in reserve, in its previous battle, roll a dice and look up second player has also finished, the battle
playing no part unless fate lends a hand. the result on the triumph table to the right. round is over and a new one begins.
PRE-BATTLEABILITIES ENEMYMODELS The first model you move must finish
Some warscrolls allow you to use an ability When you move a model in the movement within " of an enemy model. If that's
'after set-up is complete'. These abilities are phase, you may not move within 3" of any impossible, the charge has failed and no
used before the first battle round. If both enemy models. Models from your army models in the charging unit can move
armies have abilities like this, both players are friendly models, and models from the in this phase. Once you've moved all the
roll a dice, re-rolling in the case of a tie. The opposing army are enemy models. models in the unit, you can pick another
player that rolls highest gets to use their eligible unit to make a charge, until all units
abilities first, followed by their opponent. Units starting the movement phase within that can charge have done so.
3" of an enemy unit can either remain
stationary or retreat. If you choose to
HERO PHASE retreat, the unit must end its move more COMBAT PHASE
As the armies close in, their leaders use than 3" away from all enemy units. If a unit Carnage engulfs the battlefield as the
sorcerous abilities, make sacrifices to the retreats, then it can't shoot or charge later warring armies tear each other apart.
gods, or give strident commands. that turn (see below).
Any unit that has charged or has models
In your hero phase you can use the wizards RUNNING within 3" of an enemy unit can attack with
in your army to cast spells ( see the rules for When you pick a unit to move in the its melee weapons in the combat phase.
wizards on the last page of these rules). movement phase, you can declare that it
will run. Roll a dice and add the result to The player whose turn it is picks a unit to
In addition, other units in your army may the Move characteristic of all models in the attack with, then the opposing player must
have abilities on their warscrolls that can unit for the movement phase. A unit that attack with a unit, and so on until all eligible
be used in the hero phase. Generally, these runs can't shoot or charge later that turn. units on both sides have attacked once
can only be used in your own hero phase. each. If one side completes all its attacks
However, if an ability says it can be used FLYING first, then the other side completes all of its
in every hero phase, then it can be used in If the warscroll for a model says that the remaining attacks, one unit after another.
your opponent's hero phase as well as your model can fly, it can pass across models and No unit can be selected to attack more than
own. If both players can use abilities in a scenery as if they were not there. It still may once in each combat phase. An attack is
hero phase, the player whose turn it is gets not finish the move within 3" of an enemy split into two steps: first the unit piles in,
to use all of theirs first. in the movement phase, and ifit is already and then you make attacks with the models
within 3" of an enemy it can only retreat or in the unit.
COMMAND ABILITY remain stationary.
In your hero phase, your general can use Step 1: When you pile in, you may move
one command ability. All generals have the each model in the unit up to 3" towards
Inspiring Presence command ability, and SHOOTING PHASE the closest enemy model. This will allow
some may have more on their warscroll. A storm of death breaks over the battle the models in the unit to get closer to the
as arrows fall like rain and war machines enemy in order to attack them.
Inspiring Presence: Pick a unit from your hurl their deadly payloads.
army that is within 12" of your general. The Step 2: Each model in the unit attacks with
unit that you pick does not have to take In your shooting phase you can shoot with all of the melee weapons it is armed with
battleshock tests until your next hero phase. models armed with missile weapons. (see Attacking).

Pick one of your units. You may not pick

MOVEMENT PHASE a unit that ran or retreated this turn. Each BATTLESHOCK PHASE
The ground shakes to the tread of model in the unit attacks with all of the Even the bravest heart may quail when
marching feet as armies vie for position. missile weapons it is armed with (see the horrors of battle take their toll.
Attacking). After all of the models in the
Start your movement phase by picking one unit have shot, you can choose another unit In the battleshock phase, both players must
of your units and moving each model in that to shoot with, until all units that can shoot take battleshock tests for units from their
unit until you've moved all the models you have done so. army that have had models slain during the
want to. You can then pick another unit to turn. The player whose turn it is tests first.
move, until you have moved as many of your
units as you wish. No model can be moved CHARGE PHASE To make a battleshock test, roll a dice and
more than once in each movement phase. Howling bloodcurdling war cries, add the number of models from the unit
warriors hurl themselves into battle to that have been slain this turn. For each
MOVING slay with blade, hammer and claw. point by which the total exceeds the highest
A model can be moved in any direction, Bravery characteristic in the unit, one model
to a distance in inches equal to or less than Any of your units within 12" of the enemy in that unit must flee and is removed from
the Move characteristic on its warscroll. in your charge phase can make a charge play. Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic
It can be moved vertically in order to move. Pick an eligible unit and roll two being used for every 10 models that are in
climb or cross scenery, but cannot be dice. Each model in the unit can move this the unit when the test is taken.
moved across other models. No part of the number in inches. You may not pick a unit
model may move further than the model's that ran or retreated this turn, nor one that You must choose which models flee from
Move charracteristic. is within 3" of the enemy. the units you command.
ATTACKING if a weapon has a -1 Rend characteristic, WIZARDS
Blows hammer down upon the foe, then 1 is subtracted from the save roll. If the The realms are saturated with magic, a
inflicting bloody wounds. result equals or beats the Save characteristic seething source of power for those with
of the models in the target unit, the wound the wit to wield it.
When a unit attacks, you must first pick the is saved and the attack sequence ends. If
target units for the attacks that the models not, the attack is successful, and you must Some models are noted as being a wizard on
in the unit will make, then make all of the determine damage on the target unit. their warscroll. You can use a wizard to cast
attacks, and finally inflict any resulting spells in your hero phase, and can also use
damage on the target units. 4. Determine Damage: Once all of the them to unbind spells in your opponent's
attacks made by a unit have been carried hero phase. The number of spells a wizard
The number of attacks a model can make is out, each successful attack inflicts a can attempt to cast or unbind each turn is
determined by the weapons that it is armed number of wounds equal to the Damage detailed on its warscroll.
with. The weapon options a model has are characteristic of the weapon. Most weapons
listed in its description on its warscroll. have a Damage characteristic of 1, but some CASTING SPELLS
Missile weapons can be used in the shooting can inflict 2 or more wounds, allowing All wizards can use the spells described
phase, and melee weapons can be used in them to cause grievous injuries to even the below, as well as any spells listed on their
the combat phase. The number of attacks mightiest foe, or to cleave through more warscroll. A wizard can only attempt to cast
a model can make is equal to the Attacks than one opponent with but a single blow! each spell once per turn.
characteristic for the weapons it can use.
In order to make several attacks at once, all To cast a spell, roll two dice. If the total is
PICKINGTARGETS of the attacks must have the same To Hit, To equal to or greater than the casting value of
First, you must pick the target units for Wound, Rend and Damage characteristics, the spell, the spell is successfully cast.
the attacks. In order to attack an enemy and must be directed at the same enemy
unit, an enemy model from that unit must unit. If this is the case, make all of the hit If a spell is cast, the opposing player can
be in range of the attacking weapon (i.e. rolls at the same time, then all of the wound choose any one of their wizards that is
within the maximum distance, in inches, rolls, and finally all of the save rolls; then within 18" of the caster, and that can see
of the Range listed for the weapon making add up the total number of wounds caused. them, and attempt to unbind the spell
the attack), and visible to the attacker (if before its effects are applied. To unbind a
unsure, stoop down and get a look from INFLICTINGDAMAGE spell, roll two dice. If the roll beats the roll
behind the attacking model to see if the After all of the attacks made by a unit have used to cast the spell, then the spell's effects
target is visible). For the purposes of been carried out, the player commanding are negated. Only one attempt can be made
determining visibility, an attacking model the target unit allocates any wounds that to unbind a spell.
can see through other models in its unit. are inflicted to models from the unit as they
see fit (the models do not have to be within ARCANE BOLT
If a model has more than one attack, you range or visible to an attacking unit). When Arcane Bolt has a casting value of 5. If
can split them between potential target inflicting damage, if you allocate a wound successfully cast, pick an enemy unit
units as you wish. If a model splits its to a model, you must keep on allocating within 18" of the caster and which is visible
attacks between two or more enemy units, wounds to that model until either it is slain, to them. The unit you pick suffers D3
resolve all of the attacks against one unit or no more wounds remain to be allocated. mortal wounds.
before moving onto the next one.
Once the number of wounds suffered by a MYSTICSHIELD
MAKING ATTACKS model during the battle equals its Wounds Mystic Shield has a casting value of 6.
Attacks can be made one at a time, or, in characteristic, the model is slain. Place the If successfully cast, pick the caster, or a
some cases, you can roll the dice for attacks slain model to one side - it is removed from friendly unit within 18" of the caster and
together. The following attack sequence is play. Some warscrolls include abilities that which is visible to them. You can add 1 to
used to make attacks one at a time: allow wounds to be healed. A healed wound all save rolls for the unit you pick until the
no longer has any effect. You can't heal start of your next hero phase.
1. Hit Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equals wounds on a model that has been slain.
or beats the attacking weapon's To Hit
characteristic, then it scores a hit and you MORTALWOUNDS THE MOST
must make a wound roll. If not, the attack Some attacks inflict mortal wounds. Do not IMPORTANT RULE
fails and the attack sequence ends. make hit, wound or save rolls for a mortal In a game as detailed and wide-ranging as
wound - just allocate the wounds to models Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, there may be
2. Wound Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll from the target unit as described above. times when you are not sure exactly how to
equals or beats the attacking weapon's resolve a situation that has come up during
To Wound characteristic, then it causes COVER play. When this happens, have a quick
damage and the opposing player must make If all models in a unit are within or on a chat with your opponent, and apply the
a save roll. If not, the attack fails and the terrain feature, you can add 1 to all save solution that makes the most sense to you
attack sequence ends . rolls for that unit to represent the cover they both ( or seems the most fun!). If no single
receive from the terrain. This modifier does solution presents itself, both of you should
3. Save Roll: The opposing player rolls a not apply in the combat phase if the unit roll a dice, and whoever rolls higher gets to
dice, modifying the roll by the attacking you are making saves for made a charge choose what happens. Then you can get on
weapon's Rend characteristic. For example, move in the same turn. with the fighting!


Screaming Skull Catapult 1 1 160 Artillery
Skeleton Chariots 3 12 140 Battleline
Skeleton Horsemen 5 30 100 Battleline
Skeleton Wa1Tiors 10 40 80 Battleline
Bone Giant 1 1 200 Behemoth
Casket of Souls 1 1 160 Leader , Behemoth
Khemri an Warsphinx 1 1 280 Behemoth
Necrosphinx 1 1 440 Behemoth
High Queen of Asaph 1 1 120 Leader Only one of this model can be included
in a Pitched Battle army
Liche Priest 1 1 120 Leader
Necrotect 1 1 100 Leader
Prince Apophas 1 1 80 Leader Only one of this model can be included
in a Pitched Battle army
Necropolis High King 1 1 460 Leader Only one of this model can be included
in a Pitched Battle army
Tomb Herald 1 1 100 Leader
Tomb King 1 1 100 Leader
Tomb King in Royal Chariot 1 1 160 Leader
Royal Warsphinx 1 1 440 Leader, Behemoth
Ca1Tion 3 12 80
Necropolis Knights 3 12 240

Sepulchral Stalkers 3 12 140
Battleline if army has Tomb Kings
Skeleton Archers 10 30 100 allegiance and a High Queen of Asaph
is the army general
Skeleton Horse Archers 5 20 140
Tomb Guard 5 30 80
Tomb Sc01vions 1 3 80
Tomb Swaim 2 8 80
Ushabti 3 12 120
Tomb Herald on Royal Chariot 1 1 200 Leader Must have opponent 's pe1mission to use
Hierotitan 1 1 240 Behemoth Must have opponent's pe1mission to use
Necrolith Colossus 1 1 220 Behemoth Must have opponent 's pe1mission to use
Khemric Titan 1 1 600 Behemoth Must have opponent's pe1mission to use
Grand Tomb Legion 80 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Mortuary Cohort 120 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Phalanx Cohort 100 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Swift Vengeance Cohort 160 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Stone Wrought Cohort 60 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Stalker Cohort 120 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Artillery Cohort 40 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Tomb Legion of Pharakh 100 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Tomb Legion of Khahara 60 Warscroll Battalion Must have opponent 's permission to use
Tomb Legion 140 Warscroll Battalion
Royal Legion of Chariots 80 Warscroll Battalion ~

","TCT777 CJJJ,,..C: ~-

--- ~'Jo ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ -....

'-~~~~.~ ...
The sands stir and the dead This book contains:
march forth to reclaim their The history of the mysterious and
ancient Tomb Kings.
empires of another age. Examples of the colors of the
various Tomb Kings Legions.
The Legions of the Tomb Kings are Rules that allow you to fight with
feared across the Mortal Realms. An your Tomb Kings on the tabletop.
army of impeccable skill and tireless A battleplan that lets you recrea te
will, they crush all opposition before one of the pivotal moments from the
them. Whether they are ground Realmgate Wars.
beneath the brass shod wheels of the New allegiance abilities that give
your Tomb Kings collection
chariot elite, or torn apart amongst
powerful battle traits , command
the glinting spears and halberds of
traits , and magical items for your
the warrior phalanxes, once an heroes to carry into battle .
enemy has earned the ire of the Battalions themed around the
tyrannical desert revenants there is
THE KINGS different cohorts that make up the
but one outcome. OF OLD RISE Tomb Kings Legions as well as two
Legions of legend.

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