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Plan 8

Science Course 2 Course of 21 102 The Grade

hospitality 1 Totaling 2 hours

Unit 5: acid - base.

The acid - base in the province. And the Environment

1. Standards of Learning

The standard 3.1 understand the properties of substances. The relationship between the structure and

properties of substances strength. Capacitance between the particles An investigative processes Spiritual

scientific knowledge and communicate what they have learned and the knowledge to use.

The standard 8.1 Process, scientific and spiritual science in the quest for knowledge to solve problems

that natural phenomenon that occurs most exact form. Can explain and verify the information and tools available

at that time, understand that science, technology, society and the environment. The association

2. Summary of important

Solvents, acids and bases that role. Key dates in the life regularly both in natural and synthetic use.

Benefits in areas such as the food industry, medicine.

3. Indicators / learning purposes.

3.1 metric than 3.1 M., 1/4, check the pH. Solution and The knowledge to take advantage of 8.1 m. 1/3. How

To Choose Survey examines both quantitative and qualitative results accurately and securely using the

right tools and materials.

The 8.1 m. 1/4 crawl action. The qualitative and quantitative data of 8.1 m. 1/5. Analyze and

evaluate the consistency of the testimony concluded. Both support Or contradict the hypothesis And the

consistency of the data from the survey monitoring.

The 8.1 m. 1/8 He described the results of a survey examining research from various sources that

provide reliable data. And accept the changes that have been found on the information and evidence. New

evidence or argument from rising.


3.2 The purpose of learning,

knowledge (K).

1. Tell the benefits of acid - base on a regular day.

2. Tell the effects of acid - base in the province. The day has on the environment.

Process skills (P)

1. Review existing knowledge, thinking skills.

2. Reasoning Skills

3. application skills The desirable

characteristics (A).

1. self-discipline

2. Accept the opinions of others.

3. Honesty
4. Public Mind

4. Learning
4.1 Learning center
The products are used in regular life. The day may have a different pH. It should be used to properly

secure. To themselves and the environment

4.2 Learning the local

5. The performance of learners

5.1 Ability to communicate

5.2 Ability to think

5.3 Ability to use.
6. Desirable characteristics

6.1 Discipline

6.2 learning

6.3 is dedicated to the task.

7. Workload / piece

Check morning's events


8. Activity-based learning

1. Create interest (engagement).

1.1 Teachers review students' prior knowledge and. The students into a lesson on acid - base on a fixed

date, and the environment, the teacher asked the questions below.

- The experiments on acid - base ago. Contain what students know or meet. I live in a regular

day. (Carbonated salt Page Page Page kaffir lime ash Page Page Page tamarind, salt weld Page Page Page

vinegar, soap, ammonia detergent solution of alum, glass, alcohol, clean the wound, urea, etc.).

2. Survey and Search (exploration).

2.1 The teacher explained that the substances around us and acid-base properties of a substance

which is central. Benefits vary to We can supply Classified utilization below.

1) Cleaning substances such as acids, certain properties, such as soaps, detergents Page.

Dish detergent, toothpaste and certain properties such as acid detergent bedrooms. And sanitary ware, etc.

2) Substances used in agricultural fertilizers, which include some of the properties is based, such as urea.

Some properties of an acid, such as ammonium chloride. Some neutral, such as potassium nitrate.

3) the use of food additives. With both acidic as vinegar Page Page Page tamarind and lime.

Type with treasures such as the bass duties lime and baking properties of a neutral salt such as monosodium glutamate, sugar.

4) pharmaceutical drugs are acidic properties, such as aspirin, vitamin C pills with treasures such as bass.

Antacids stomachic mixture

5) For example, the R Page scented hair spray cure acne. Most are neutral treasure

2.2 students for groups of 7-8 people consisting of students proficient learning medium.

Flexible learning and mixed within the group.

2.3 students for each academic content Acid - based on a fixed day.
Environmental courses in the basic sciences. Secondary Grade 1 of the discussion within the group, with the

following issues.

1) substances such as cleaning properties of the acid - base. Featuring different?

2) If the soil is too acidic or alkaline. Use fertilizers or chemicals of any kind of editing.

3) the use of food additives. There is a kind of treasure, acids and bases. How useful

4) Why is it popular use of aluminum hydroxide, which possesses a bass relief.

Of gastritis
5) Why does the machine. The treasure ang should be neutral.

3. Discussion and Conclusion (Explanation)

3.1 Summary of teachers and students share the knowledge gained from the discussions within the group.

1) substances such as cleaning properties of the acid - base. Featuring different?

(Substances that have properties such as bass, soap, detergent, dish detergent, reacts with grease qualified for

such use such clean easily. And substances that have properties such as acid detergent bedrooms and the acid

reacts with the limestone. Which may be mixed in with the good. The water that we use And cause plaque in the bedrooms. And on

2) If the soil is too acidic or alkaline. Use fertilizers or chemicals of any kind of editing.

(Soil acidity can be modified by the addition of lime, which is the treasure base. And if the soil is based can be

solved by. Adding ammonium sulfate, which has acidic properties).

3) the use of food additives. There is a kind of treasure, acids and bases. How useful (Kind of like

a treasure acidic lemon Page Page Page tamarind is sour vinegar is most appropriate to the flavor of the food.

Type with treasures such as the bass duties lime will make food crisp
a soft and spongy cake).

4) Why is it popular use of aluminum hydroxide, which possesses a bass relief.

Of gastritis (Mechanism of action of antacids is on. The drug is based on neutralizing

the acid. Or stomach area To reduce the acidity of the gut.

5) Why does the machine. The treasure ang should be neutral. (It does not cause irritation to the


4. Expand Knowledge (elaboration).

The teacher explained that the compounds have properties that are pH neutral and can be beneficial

to humans. There are some substances that have a strong acid or base. This could pose a danger to humans and

the environment, such as an acid and a base unit. Cause irritation to the respiratory system. If contact with the skin

will Cause inflammation, severe burns fuel combustion gases are carbon dioxide (CO. 2) Sulfur dioxide (SO 2)

And nitrogen dioxide (NO. 2) The gas will float all 3 types mingle in the air. When these gases are Page reunite with

droplets in the air cause downpours have acidic properties, also known as acid rain, which will allow for the

building. From the limestone or cement and metal corrosion also make the soil acidic properties. Which is not

suitable for such machinery.


5. Assessment (evaluation)

5.1 Teacher asks students to randomly check the knowledge gained. If at any point you do not understand or have any

Teachers help students understand

5.2 The teacher assigned the task to test the knowledge of students. By providing students with the question of monitorin


5.3 Assessment of student teachers to observe the behavior of students while they attend classes.

Answer the questions in class. And assess the desirable characteristics Using authentic assessment.

9. The
/ learning resources.

9.1 learning Media

1. The basic science courses Secondary Grade 1 Bureau of Printing Mac.

9.2 Learning Resources

1. Library group learning science.

2. school library

3. The student's home

4. Internet from sites such as.



- lesson

10. Measurement and

Evaluation Method. Measurement Tool Via threshold

Knowledge (K) - Activity monitoring insight Minimum threshold

- Check the questions to Be readyUp to 80 percent

check comprehension activities.

Process skills (P) Observational learning behavior Poor quality levels up

- Cognitive learning

Feature (A) Assessment desirable Poor quality levels up

- Observe discipline learning characteristics

and perseveres in the work.

summary of the assessment

Must meet the minimum 3.


Model behavior

The term Clarification: give Instructor Observe the behavior of students during class and outside of class time, and underscores.

Match Rating

The work
Studying Joint Increases was
in creative 20
No. Name -The
the sun and discussion conjunction done
with problem points
recipient of the evaluationactivities the group activities. properly
or question.
and the computer. Battle cup the

1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1.

Signed ................................................. .. assessor

................ / ................ / ................

Scoring Criteria for judging the

Practice or behavior that's not always the offer. 4 points quality score level of quality

18-20 excellent
Practices or behaviors often give 3 points
14-17 good
Conduct or behavior sometimes give 2 points
10-13 Fair
Perform or behave less time give 1
Less than 10 Update

Assessment desirable characteristics

The term Clarification: give Instructor Observe the behavior of students during class and outside of class time, and underscores.

Match Rating

Desirable characteristics

The quality of
Total score
No. Name -Of

dedicated to


the task.

3 3 3 9

sign................................................. assessor

.............. / ............... / ................

Criteria for judging the

quality score level of quality

8-9 excellent

6-7 good

4-5 Fair

Less than 3 Update


Record the event to learn.

The learning activities.


...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

............................................................................................................ ..................................................................

.............................................................................. .. ................................................................................................ ..

Skills / Processes

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

............................................................................................................ .................................................................. ..

The desirable characteristics

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

............................................................................................................ .................................................................. ..

The significant performance of the students.

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

Suggestions / solutions

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

............................................................................................................ .................................................................. ..


(Ms. Martin as the daughter Piya),

student teachers. Date ................................

......... month. Since ... .........


Reviews of teachers

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...

............................................................................................................ ............................................................... .. ...


(Ms. Jiraporn Rams)

The position helps teachers grade teacher

pensions to the day ......... month ......................... ....... BC. ............

Comments of Deputy The Vice President for Academic Administration

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...


(Mr. MuhammedMorning
Valley superb)

Position of Vice, Director of Education. Academic Management

Date ................................ ......... month. Since ... .........

The head of school

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

.......................................................................................................................................... ................................. .. ...


(Mr. Pat Sri Breed)

The position, Director of Education. Bua school

Date ................................ ......... month. Since ... .........

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