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Python Documentation

& Startup
Presented 16 DEC 2010: Training Module Version 1.01
By Dr. R. Don Green, Ph.D.
If needed, refer to and follow steps in:
Python Installation by Dr. R. Don Green, Ph.D.
Or navigate directly to:

Nice to have list:

Trainees need access to Python either during
training, or shortly thereafter, to assure they can
perform tasks illustrated in this module.
Python 2.7.1
Documentation about
Python is available from
and other sources,
however, this module
discusses installed
Navigate to Python
Python Manuals
Python 2.7.1
Python Manuals
Python v2.7.1 documentation
The Python Tutorial, Glossary, etc.
Python 2.7.1 Startup
IDLE (Python GUI)
Navigate to the
Python 2.7 folder
and select:
IDLE (Python GUI)
Python 2.7.1 Startup
selected IDLE (Python GUI)
Tk Python Shell Graphical User Interface (GUI) opened.
Note: GUI is pronounced gooey.
What is IDLE?
What is Tk Python Shell?
Note: a letter in a menu name may or may not be
underlined, for example File or File. Press the Alt key!
Python 2.7.1 Startup
Tk Python Shell
What is Tk Python Shell?
Tk is (simply stated) the GUI Toolkit (library),
Python is the name of the Shell, i.e., the
interpreters dialogue portal.
IDLE 2.7.1
Tk Python Shell window Menu
File, Edit, Shell, Debug, Options, Windows,
Note Python version and related information.
IDLE 2.7.1
Tk Python Shell Help Menu
About IDLE
Python Docs F1
IDLE 2.7.1
About IDLE
Pythons Integrated
DeveLopment Environment
Note versions for:
Python (named after Monty
Python on television)
Tk (i.e., a GUI Toolkit)
IDLE is not the only Integrated
Development Environment (IDE):
IDLE 2.7.1
Select IDLE Help or:
Click on the dotted line at the top of a menu to "tear it
off," i.e., to create a separate window containing the menu
(shown on next slide).
Dotted line (really, this is a dashed line)
IDLE Tear It Off created a separate
window containing the related menu
We clicked on the dotted line at the top of a menu to "tear it off:
A separate window containing the menu was created. Adjust the size of any window as desired.
IDLE 2.7.1
File menu

Tear It Off create a separate window containing the related menu

New Window Create a new editing window
Open... Open an existing file
Recent Files... Open a list of recent files
Open Module... Open an existing module (searches sys.path)
Class Browser Show classes and methods in current file
Path Browser Show sys.path directories, modules, classes and
Save Save current window to the associated file (note - unsaved
windows have an asterisk (*) before and after the window title)
Save As... Save current window to new file, which becomes the
associated file
Save Copy As... Save current window to different file without
changing the associated file
Print Window Print the current window
Close Close current window (asks to save if unsaved)
Exit Close all windows, quit (asks to save if unsaved)
IDLE 2.7.1
Edit Menu
Tear It Off create a separate window containing the related menu
Undo Undo last change to current window (A maximum of 1000 changes
may be undone)
Redo Redo last undone change to current window
Cut Copy a selection into system-wide clipboard, then delete the
Copy Copy selection into system-wide clipboard
Paste Insert system-wide clipboard into window
Select All Select the entire contents of the edit buffer
Find... Open a search dialog box with many options
Find Again Repeat last search
Find Selection Search for the string in the selection
Find in Files... Open a search dialog box for searching files
Replace... Open a search-and-replace dialog box
Go to Line Ask for a line number and show that line
Expand Word Expand the word you have typed to match another word
in the same buffer; repeat to get a different expansion
Show Call tip Open a small window with function param hints
Show surrounding parens Highlight the surrounding parenthesis
Show Completions Open a scroll window allowing selection keywords
and attributes. (see '*TIPS*', below)
Run Menu (only in Edit window)
Python Shell -- Open or wake up the Python
shell window
Check Module -- Run a syntax check on the
Run Module -- Execute the current file in the
__main__ namespace
IDLE 2.7.1
Shell Menu (only in Shell window)
Tear It Off create a separate window
containing the related menu
View Last Restart Scroll the shell window to the
last restart
Restart Shell Restart the interpreter with a fresh
IDLE 2.7.1
Debug Menu (only in Shell window)
Tear It Off create a separate window containing the
related menu
Go to File/Line look around the insert point for a filename
and line number, open the file, and show the line
Debugger (toggle) Run commands in the shell under the
Stack Viewer Show the stack traceback of the last
Auto-open Stack Viewer (toggle) Open stack viewer on
IDLE 2.7.1
Options Menu
Tear It Off create a separate window containing the
related menu
Configure IDLE Open a configuration dialog. Fonts,
indentation, keybindings, and color themes may be altered.
Startup Preferences may be set, and Additional Help Sources
can be specified. On MacOS X this menu is not present, use
menu 'IDLE -> Preferences...' instead.
Code Context Open a pane at the top of the edit window
which shows the block context of the section of code which
is scrolling off the top or the window. (Not present in Shell
IDLE 2.7.1
Windows Menu
Tear It Off create a separate window containing the
related menu
Zoom Height toggles the window between configured size
and maximum height.
The rest of this menu lists the names of all open windows;
select one to bring it to the foreground (de-icon-ifying it if
Alt key
Tk Python Shell
IDLE menu items are accessed with the mouse or Alt
key strokes (this feature is toggled with the Alt key):
File Alt f or Alt F
Edit Alt e or Alt E
Shell Alt l or Alt L
Debug Alt d or Alt D
Options Alt o or Alt O
Windows Alt w or Alt W
Help Alt h or Alt H
What will happen if the Alt key is pressed once, or
instead, is pressed twice in succession?
Python Documentation & Startup
access to Python now or soon
Python documentation
Installed documentation: Manuals, Help, etc. and other sources.
Tk Python Shell
IDLE menu items:
File, Edit, Shell, Debug, Options, Windows, Help
is useful for, among other purposes:
Application Domains
Database Access
Desktop GUIs
Game and 3D Graphics
Network Programming
Scientific and Numeric
Software Development
Web and Internet
Development Note: This is the final slide of
this training module by:
Dr. R. Don Green, Ph.D.

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