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It is often assumed that Information and Communication Technologies can offer

new and improved means of inter-personal communication.

However, the possible impacts of technology on students' interaction must be


Communication itself has not changed; it is the means we actually use to communicate
that changes almost daily. The manners associated with the ways we communicate
with each other continue to be the key to how we understand each other. As new
technology emerges, there are new manners associated with the new methods of

From ancient writing techniques and newspapers weve moved on to text messaging and email.
From Morse code and telegraphs to telephones and radios, we now moved on to televisions,
computers and cell phones.

We no longer have to wait for days to receive information as most of our data messages
can be transferred in a matter of seconds

Technology has brought forth a revolutionary transformation in the

way we communicate with each other.
As we progress through the information age, various technological
devices such as the television, hand phones, and personal computers
have come and established themselves in our everyday lives.
This has definitely influenced interpersonal communication in many
ways, both positive as well as negative.

With the invent of internet, the world has effectively become an

interconnected global village. People from all corners of the world are
able to easily converse with each other quickly and easily through
Email has established itself as a fast, free and convenient method to
send messages. The internet has indeed made it easy and convenient
for people to keep in touch with one another.
This ease of communication has many profound effects. In the
business world, deals can be made through emails and video
conferencing, and mobile phone technology has made it possible for
people to check and send messages on the go, allowing us to be
connected 24-7.

The internet has also affected the way how couples are formed.
Couples are now commonly paired through dating websites. Chat
rooms have become a common form of interaction between people as
well, replacing a face-to-face meet up.
The internet has indeed changed the way people socialize. Although
this has broadened the social circle of many people, couples are
unable to meet face to face and this has many implications. Each
individual has only the information which the other person decides to
release. This may cause both parties to have unrealistic expectations
about each other.

In the office, despite all the advantages offered by technology as

mentioned earlier, there are many negative implications to be
considered as well. Simple messages which used to be delivered face-
to-face are now being sent through impersonal means such as email.
This has effectively reduced socialization within the office, thus
contributing to the weakening of bonds within the workplace.
In addition, the convenience of emails and video conferences, just
cannot entirely replace the feeling and warmth of a person's
handshake or presence.

This has reduced the communication between parents and their

children due to the lack of quality time spend together. The bond is
weakened as compared with previous generations and this has a
profound impact on society as a whole.

In conclusion, we are now more connected in today's globalized

world, but are ironically more isolated from our friends and family as a
result of the new technologies.
The ease of communication may have been improved but our lives
have become more impersonal as a result. Technology has indeed
made tremendous impact on society as well as on interpersonal
Nowadays sexual discrimination is one of the main subject in
many discussions
Nowadays sexual discrimination is one of the main subject in many discussions and
urgent problem in our society. Womans position has changed entirely since 19th
century. Having broken prejudices, she started working. This led to conviction that a
woman can fulfill another, more significant roles in the world. A womans position has
been defined due to her the closest surroundings family, friends for many years.
Before entering into a marriage, she usually spent time with parents, relatives. The only
destination was becoming a wife and then a man-determined womans status. Her role
was to be an ideal mother, wife. A woman was deferred to a man who decided about all
her life. She could not oppose it. As the result conviction about a woman as a weak
human being was common. The situation has changed since 19th century. Women
started demanding equality of rights. Industrial transformations, political events in 19th
and 20th century caused that women were pull in the face of necessity of earning money
for life. Obtaining fewer payments out of it, after work, they had to fulfill duties at
Despite the difficulties women realized that it gave them independence, high self-
esteem. She is present in public, political, industrial life. On the other hand, there are
some places where we can come across womans discrimination, for example China,
Islamic Countries. The reason of it is long standing tradition and economic
backwardness. In conclusion, womans contribution to society has changed considerably
within the last one hundred years. She broke stereotypes and proved that she can be a
great mother, wife but also appreciated worker with goals, ambitions. In spite of it, there
are many countries where a woman has to still face with inequalities.

No matter how long and hard the fight has been, while some countries are clearly better
than others, girls are still treated less favorably in all aspects over boys. Education,
healthcare, employment, and lower class value, are some of the obstacles facing girls in
the world today.

Throughout this century, the role of women within society has changed, and the
majority of people feel that this change is for the better. More women work than ever
before, and it is accepted in Western culture that many women now have careers.
To begin with, many women find it difficult to return to work after having children. The
main reason for this is that there are rarely any provisions made for childcare in the
workplace and, in these cases, women are forced to find someone to look after the
children while they are at work.
Secondly, the traditional views of the position of women within society are so deeply
ingrained that they have not really changed. For instance, not only is the view that
women should stay at home and look after their family still widely held, but it is
reinforced through images seen on television programmes and advertisements. An
example of this is that few men are ever seen doing housework on television, since this
is traditionally thought as 'a woman's job'.
Thirdly, since families often need two incomes in order to enjoy a good standard of
living, a woman finds herself doing two jobs: one at home and one at the office. So, it
could be said that a woman's position has, in fact, deteriorated rather than improved,
with the result that women carry the burdens of equality but get none of the benefits.
n contrast, there are some people who claim that the problem of sexual discrimination
no longer exists. They point out that women do, after all, have legal rights intended to
protect them from discrimination. In addition, a few women are now beginning to reach
top positions as judges, business leaders and politicians, while a number of other
previously all-made professions are opening their ranks to women.
I would say that the position of women has improved only slightly. While rules and laws
have changed, it is the deep-rooted opinions of people within society which are taking a
longer tome to evolve. Needless to say, until these attitudes have changed, sexual
discrimination will remain a problem which we all need to face and fight against
Although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal
of sexual discrimination

Discrimination At Workplace A Disturbing Menace

We all know that discrimination is prevalent in our society even today and it continues
with its detrimental effects on each one of us through our daily lives. We have witnessed
discrimination in different aspects of life like inequality in income distribution, religion
and race discrimination, discrimination in educational system, in sports, etc. But the
most serious issue is the gender discrimination which has constantly degraded the
values of society to which we belong. Among all the different kinds of discrimination,
the most serious is the gender discrimination which we as a society have failed to deal
with since ages.
What is Gender Discrimination?
Discrimination refers to inequality. Gender discrimination therefore refers to inequality
between people of opposite sex. It occurs in various areas and the most famous example
of gender discrimination is the desire to have a male child in the family. Modern people
refer to it as narrow minded thinking or orthodox thinking, but many of the so called
sophisticated people too are in the favour of having a male child. Apart from this, one
serious area of discrimination is the gender discrimination at workplaces.
There is an alarming rise in the rates of increasing gender discrimination at workplaces
nowadays. Gender discrimination can take place in various forms in respect to unusual
or unequal and harsh treatment to a person of one sex as compared to the person of the
other sex.
Often, there is discrimination in terms of wage pay to the women employees as
compared to male employees as the women are often tagged as the housewife material
and hence is offered lower wages/salaries and men are considered hard working and
dedicated comparatively. This is a common discrimination that women laborers face.
Often, the male employees are ignored for meetings where the clients are needed to be
entertained and the women employees are preferred for various reasons even though the
male employees might possess much more knowledge than the female employees in that
particular area of expertise.
The men are often rewarded with higher incentives and salaries as compared to women,
but it is to be noted that the women in several cases have proved to be more deserving
and hardworking and deserve a better position in the area of workplace.
Promotion are generally handed to the male employees as they are expected to be more
responsible and capable of handling the job which might be a debatable question as
nowadays women are better off as compared to the men at top level of organization.
The question as to whether to educate your children in a single sex or mixed school can
be a sticking point for some families. Sometimes parents are keen for their children to
have a single-sex education, but (especially older) children are equally as keen to use
their school day time to meet friends of the opposite sex.

There are more single-sex private schools than state maintained schools - most of these
are co-educational. Every year when the league tables of exam results frequently show
that girls perform better, the debate about the relative benefits and drawbacks of
educating children - especially girls - erupts. This article will take a look at the issues
you might want to consider.

The Benefits of Single Sex Schools

Single sex schools are popular within faith schools and some schools who believe there
are associated academic benefits. Supporters believe that single sex schools help
students to focus on their studies - this is especially important, some educationalists
believe, for teenagers for whom single sex schools help to avoid the attractions of the
opposite sex. Proponents on single sex schools believe that children can become extra
competitive when the two genders study together and believe that students may be more
inclined to experience relationships with the opposite sex earlier if they are studying
alongside them.

A single sex education might also lead students to be less embarrassed about potentially
gender-orientated decisions - females might be keener to study maths, for example, or
males to study art. Learning differences are also well known to differ between female
and male students, so these differences might be exploited for positive effects in single
sex schools.

The Drawbacks of Single Sex Schools

Some critics of single sex schooling claim that the environment of these schools is
artificial and hinders students development of social skills. The teenage years are
known for being important periods of development and those who oppose single sex
schools believe that this type of education makes it harder for children to naturally relate
to members of the opposite sex.

Another argument made against single sex schools is that they do not help children to
get ready for 'real life' and the 'real world' where, of course, the two genders do co-exist.
The same argument is cited with regard to universities and the workplace - opponents to
single sex schools believe that mixed schools better prepare students for university and
work life.

The Benefits of Mixed Schools

Some evidence has suggested that boys in mixed schools performed better academically,
as they are encouraged not to 'mess around' by their more responsible female classmates
- but obviously this is a generalisation and might prove different in specific schools and
even in particular classrooms. Some proponents of mixed schools claim these schools
have a better atmosphere, since they are neither too 'bitchy', as can occur when a group
of girls are working and studying together, not too aggressive, which can occur when
boys are exclusively working and studying together.
Drawbacks of Mixed Schools
There is some research that reports that girls do better in single sex schools - so for girls
attending mixed schools, this may be a disadvantage. However, obviously this again
depends on the personal nature of each individual student.

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