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It was first week of our exposure, we were assigned In Pototan Mental Health Unit.

It was my
first exposure in psychiatric ward and I was nervous that how would patient response to me and how
would I take history from patient although theoretically, I have sound knowledge about communication
with psychiatric patient but practically, it was my first exposure. In the psychiatric ward, there were few
patients. We were assigned together with my partner Ms. Amiscua a patient with the diagnosis of
Schizophrenia named Robin. We have taken prior data and history from the patient according to
therapeutic manner, and use communication skills. Because of that, our relationship with the patient is
stable. I observed myself that I became more come comfortable each passing day. Due to noticing
through nonverbal communication, I also observed that the patient become more comfortable to share
his feeling, thinking, and his problems. Because of my communication skills, I identified most of my
patients problems which were also noticeable from doctors.

Each program that we have prepared is something exciting and a must priority in each and every
one of us. From orientation until the culminating program, we found ourselves slightly relaxed and joyful
when we can see our patients are there and cooperating with us which is a really heat warming
experience to all of us. Although the patients mental soundness is impaired but is something we cannot
control, we are mostly have the knowledge to handle and to communicate with them which helps us
and them to facilitate our management and therapeutic skills.

At the end of the week, I learned that Therapeutic communication skills are the most powerful
tool that we should have in facing these kinds of patients. It is the basis of therapeutic nurse-patient
relationship. I feel every time I communicate with our patient, and base to my experience, that
communication is a complex process and a need to be practiced to be used effectively. In my opinion,
based on my experience and knowledge combined, I define Therapeutic Communication Techniques are
methods that is used to encourage patients to interact in a manner that promotes their growth and
moves them toward their treatment goals. All the communication must be aimed at preserving the self-
respect of both the helper and the helpee.


1. Olanzapine 10 mg / tablet I tab

tab @8am

1 tab @8pm

Classification: Atypical Antipsychotics

2. Ursodeoxycholic Acid 300 mg 1 tab OD @8am
Classification: Anticholelithic

A.R 3/14/17 3pm-7pm

(3pm) Received standing inside the room.

Fairly kempt in grooming.
Good eye contact.
Cooperative in procedure.
Mingled with co-patients inside the ward.
Behaved and Manageable.
Able to manage activities of daily living with maximum/minimum without assistance.
Verbally responsive to inquiries with moderate and spontaneous manner.
Oriented to time, place and person.
With good, immediate, remote, and recent recall
(7pm) Endorsed to NOD

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