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Make Way for the Next Generation

Jeepneys are necessary modes of transportation for the people who reside in the Philippines.
From Luzon to Mindanao, these vehicles that were originally made from WW2 American jeeps could be
found everywhere and have been part of the lives of Filipinos for decades. With its 20-or-more-person
capacity and cheap fees, jeepneys are indeed one of the most important machines that the people use
for their everyday lives. Progress and global changes, however, demand for a much more
environmentally-friendly alternative. Climate change has become a very huge problem for the world and
it is not surprise that these vehicles are also a primary source of pollution. With that, should they be
phased out?

It is evident in the recent experiences of the Philippines when it comes to the weather that
global warming is real. With sudden changes in the duration of seasons, people and especially farmers
are caught off-guard which would lead to the loss of crops. The strength of typhoons and storms have
also reached a new high; causing millions of properties getting damaged and potentially taking
thousands of lives. These changes in the Earths atmosphere due to pollution has led to the decline of
the cleanliness and security of the environment. The exchange of the jeepneys to a much eco-friendlier
alternative would surely help in preventing the environment from further decline.

Fuel is a scarce resource. General science has taught us that fossil fuel is something that has
been formed through centuries of organic matter being buried in the ground, and that basic economics
have told us that resources that are not capable of being restored will soon run out. In this case, vehicles
and machines that are run on fuel would certainly find a day when it will finally run out of a power
source. However, there are vehicles now that run solely on electricity, including jeepneys. Electricity is
derived from various sources that will not deplete. They could be generated through air, sunlight, or
water; thus, no depletion is happening. The use of electric jeepneys would certainly ensure a power
source will not run out.

The most important reason for the use of the eco-friendly alternative of the common jeepney is
to lessen or remove congestion. It is no common to see the usual causes of congestion are public
transportation vehicles. Jeepneys are most notorious for causing congestion due to the large number of
it being in transit without proper and sufficient regulation. With the implementation of e-jeeps and
phasing-out of fuel-powered jeeps, the sources of congestion would become smaller. With this, the
movement of traffic would be much smoother.

There are also other things to consider such as costs of the implementation as well many people
probably jeopardizing jobs. However, it must be also considered that these costs, although large at first,
would lead to a much better and cleaner environment as well as having much cheaper source of fuel. As
for the jobs, people who have been driving jeepneys could be employed to drive e-jeeps if they are
capable. That will ensure that people who are driving public transportation vehicles are not only
experience but also capable. Implementation may also be slowly applied and not too sudden.

Our country requires this as our people are heavily dependent on jeeps as modes of
transportation. Although they are useful, their obsoleteness and large numbers cause more harm than
good not only for the environment, but also for the economy. Thats why jeeps should be replaced.

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