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Ejection-collision orbits in the CPRTBP

Merc Oll, scar Rodrguez and Jaume Soler

In this study we analyse the ejection-collision (EC) orbits of the planar restricted three body problem. As it is well known, (see [1]) for any
value of the mass parameter (0, 0.5] and sufficiently restricted Hill regions, there are exactly four EC orbits. We check their existence and
extend numerically these four orbits for (0, 0.5] and for less restrictive values of the Jacobi constant.
We introduce the concept of n-ejection-collision orbits and we explore them numerically for (0, 0.5] and values of the Jacobi constant
such that the Hill region containing the largest primary is bounded and does not contain the smaller one.
We study the cases 1 n 10 and we analyse the continuation of families of such n-EC orbits, varying the energy, as well as the bifurcations
that appear.

Introduction Results for 1-EC

The circular, restricted three-body problem (RTBP) describes the motion of a particle of infinitesimal The numerical simulations carried out confirm not only the analytical results for any and H small
mass, moving under the gravitational influence of two massive bodies, called primaries, that describe enough: existence of four 1-EC orbits, but also that this result also holds true for any (0, 0.5]
circular orbits around their common center of mass. We will consider the planar RTBP, in which the and H HL1 () (value of Hamiltonian in the eq. point L1).
motion of the particle is contained in the plane of motion of the primaries.
Taking a syderal coordinate system and suitable units, we can assume that the primaries have masses These four orbits are characterized by:
1 and , (0, 0.5], their positions are fixed at (0, 0) and (1, 0) respectively.
. Two 1-EC orbits symmetric with respect to the x
axis ( and ).
n-ejection collision orbits (n-EC) . Two 1-EC with symmetric trajectory one of the
EC orbit such that eject from the big primary, reach n times a relative maximum in the distance other with respect to the x axis ( and ).
with respect to the big primary and finally collide with it.

Since our goal is to study the ejection-collision orbits of the big primary, a first step is to deal Figure 4: Diagram (0, H, T2) for = 0.5
with the singularity appearing in the equations at (0, 0). Considering the canonical change of polar and H HL2 (0.5).
coordinates and applying McGehees ideas [2] we introduce the new variables v = rr1/2, u = r3/2
and a change of time dt/d = r3/2, such that the system of ODE becomes When we consider less restrictives val-
ues of H new families of 1-EC appear.
r 0 = vr
0 = u In particular for = 0.5 and
0 1 2 HL1 (0.5) H HL2 (0.5) two new
v = v + u2 + 2ur 3/2 + r 3 (1 )
2 (1) bifurcating families of 1-EC orbits ap-
r cos Figure 5: 1-EC bifurcated orbits for = 0.5.
2 2
r cos r pear, 1 and 2.
(1 + r 2 2r cos )3/2
1 1

0 3/2 2
u = uv 2vr + r sin 1 .

2 2
(1 + r 2r cos )3/2

If we consider the hamiltonian in these variables, which is a first integral, the relation H = H
1 2 2 1 3 2 r 1
rH = (v + u ) r (1 ) + r cos 2
r. (2)
2 2 1 + r 2r cos 2

The Collision Manifold

System (1) has an invariant manifold defined by r = 0, called the collision manifold.
= {u2 + v 2 = 2(1 ), [0, 2]} (3)
Figure 6: (x, y) projection of the eight 1-EC orbits that exist for = 0.5 and HL2 ().

. Two circles of eq. points S + and S defined by Results for n-EC

S = {r = 0, , v = v0, u = 0, [0, 2]}

with v0 = + 2(1 ). The numerical results obtained show that for all (0, 0.5] and all n there exists an H(, n) such
. For each eq. point P S + we have a 2-d that for H H(, n) there exist four n-ejection-collision orbits, which can be characterized in a
unstable manifold W u(P ) and a 1-d stable one way similar to the characterization of the 1-ejection-collision orbits.
W s(P ).

. Two n-EC orbits symmetric with
. Similarly, for each eq. point Q S , we have a
respect to the x axis (n and n).
2-d stable manifold W s(Q) and a 1-d unstable
. Two n-EC with symmetric trajec-
one W u(Q).
Figure 1: Collision manifold tory one of the other with respect
So, the set of ejection (collision) orbits those which are ejected (arrived) from collision with the big to the x axis (n and n).
primary is the set of orbits on the unstable (stable) manifold W u(P ) (W S (Q)), for any P S +
(Q S ). However, for high values of n and H ,
the statement about the existence of
four families of n-EC orbits can no
Methodology longer be true because of the influence
Two strategies to compute n-EC orbits. In both we consider the Poincar section : v = 0. of the other primary and a rich dynam-
ics. We will focus on two particular
Strategy 1: Intersection of the manifolds phenomena the intersection of fami-
lies and bifurcation of families (see [3]
for more details).
For a fixed H , let us denote n, Figure 7: Values of T2i(0, H) for i =, 1..., 4 for = 0.1
the n-th crossing with and de-
fine Dn+ = W u(S +) n, and
Dn = W s(S ) n. In this first
strategy, we look for intersection
points belonging to Dn+ Dn. Any
such point corresponds to an n-EC
Figure 2: W u(S +) (blue) and W s(S ) (red) up to 1 for = 0.5 and
HL1 (0.5) and the associated curves D1+ and D1.
Figure 8: Collapse of families 4 and 4 on to an orbit belonging to family 4, for = 0.1.
Strategy 2: Singularity on time
For fixed H , we take the set of initial conditions of ejection orbits,
parameterized by 0 [0, 2], we consider the 2n intersection of References
the ejection orbits and we look for vertical asymptotes in time T2n
in the curve (0, T2n), 0 [0, 2] (Tj being the necessary time to [1] Chenciner, A., Llibre, J. A note on the existence of invariant punctured tori in the planar circular
reach at the j-th crossing). Moreover we compare this curve RTBP. Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 1988;8:6372.
with the one (0, T2n2) (or we might also consider the curve [2] McGehee, R. Singularities in Classical Celestial Mechanics, Proceedings of the International
(0, T2n1)) in order to identify only the new vertical asymptotes Congress of Mathematicians Helsinki pag 827-834, 1978.
in time T2n that do not appear in the curve (0, T2n2), which will Figure 3: Curve (0, T2) for = 0.5 [3] Olle, M., Rodrguez, O., Soler, J. Ejection-collision orbits in the RTBP, Communications in
correspond to the n-EC orbits specifically. and HL1 (0.5). Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 55, pag 298-315, 2018.

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