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The fox and the crane

Once upon a time, there lived a fox and a crane. They were
fast friends. One day the fox invited the crane to dinner.
Lets go to my Sure! I would
house for love to

They went to the foxs house for dinner. The fox had
prepared a liquid dish and served in a flat dish. The guest
with its long beak could hardly pick up anything. But the
host lapped it up in no time.
Alas! I cant eat
anything. I feel hungry

Poor crane went away disappointed. He cursed the fox for

his selfishness and cunningness. He made up his mind to
teach the fox a good lesson.
After some time, the crane invited the fox to dine at his
residence. The fox accepted his invitation and went to the
residence of the crane.
Now I can teach this
crooked fox a good lesson
Now I feel ashamed for what
I had done! I have got my
The crane therefore taught the fox a very good lesson. The
fox went back home regretting for what he had done .

Moral of the story: As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

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