August 15 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

August 15, 2017

On the auspicious day of Gokulashtami, what is the one lesson we must learn from the
earthly life of Lord Krishna? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Today is Gokulashtami, Krishna's birthday. Celebrating it with

special dishes is not that important. More important is
adherence to Krishna's teachings. Where was Lord Krishna
born? In a prison! What were his possessions? Nothing! Born in
a prison, He was taken to the house of Nanda and then to
Mathura. He owned nothing. But He became the greatest leader
in the world. What does this show? Worldly possessions are not
the secret of achieving greatness. Krishna's greatness was in
his permanent state of bliss (Ananda). Lord Krishna gave a
perennial message to the world - He sought and kept nothing for
Himself, but gave away everything. He slayed his maternal
uncle, Kamsa, but did not covet the kingdom; he installed on the
throne Kamsa's father Ugrasena. He helped the Pandavas
defeat Kauravas and crowned Dharmaja as the emperor. He
was the king of kings who rules the hearts of millions!

- Divine Discourse, Sep 4, 1996

The quintessence of the teachings of the Upanishads, the Gita and Vedanta
is control of the mind. Baba
15 Ag`sq,2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn:Bgvwn ikRSn dy ies DrqI qy Avqwr dOrn,gokul AStmI dy SuB idhwVy qy swnUM ikhVw sbk is`Kxw cwhIdw
hY?Bgvwn, A`j swnUM smJwaudy hn [

au`qr: A`j gokul AStmI hY Aqy Bgvwn ikRSn dw jnm idn hY[Kws pkvwn pkw ky ies idn nUM mnwauxw ie`nw
mh`qqw vwlw nhIN hY[ijAwdw mh`qqw vwlI gl ieh hY ik Bgvwn ikRSn v`loN id`qIAW is`KAwvW au`qy Aml
kro[Bgvwn ikRSn ik`Qy pYdw hoey sn?auh iek jyl iv`c pYdw hoey sn[aunHW dI ikhVI jwiedwd sI? Ku`J vI nhIN! jyl
ivc jnm qoN bwd aunHW nUM, nMd dy Gr lY gey Aqy bwd ivc mQurw lY gey[aunHW kol,ku`J vI nhIN sI[pr auh sMswr dy
swirAW qoN mhwn lIfr bx gey[ies qoN swnUM kI smJ AwauNdI hY?ies qoN ieh is`iKAW imldI hY ik sMswr ivc
mhwnqw pRwpq krn dw gupqpn,bhuqI jwiedwd hoxw nhIN hY[ikRSn dI mhwnqw aunHW ivc sQweI AwnMd dI hoNd sI
Bgvwn ikRSn ny sMswr nUM iek sQweI sMdyS id`qw sI[aunHW nUM ku`J vI lYx dI ie`Cw nhIN sI Aqy aunHW swrw ku`J C`f
id`qw[aunHW Awpxy mwmw kMs dw v`D kIqw pr aus dw rwj-pwt nhIN sMBwilAw[aus dy rwj-pwt nUM, aus dy ipqw
augrsYn nUM sONp id`qw[aunHW, pWfvW dI mdd kr ky kOrvW nUM hrwieAw Aqy Drm rwj nUM rwj-pwt dy id`qw[auh
rwijAW dy vI rwjw sn ijnHW keI l`KW idlW au`qy rwj kIqw[(04 sqMbr,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[

apinSdW, gIqw Aqy vydW dw ieh incoV hY ik Awpxy mn nUM, Awpxy kwbU ivc r`Ko[(bwbw)[

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