August 19 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

August 19, 2017

Which path to reach God is superior Work, Worship or Wisdom? Bhagawan lovingly
explains today.

Many people waste time discussing the superiority of one

path over another, especially between karma,
bhakti and jnana margas. These three paths - Work, Worship
and Wisdom - are complementary, not contradictory. Work is
like the feet, Worship, the hands, and Wisdom, the head.
These three must co-operate. Bhakti marga is the name given
to the path of surrender to the Lord's will (saranagathi), the
merging of the individual will in the Divine Will. Lakshmana is
the classic example of this spirit of surrender that saves. Once
during his exile in the forest, Rama asked Lakshmana to put
up a thatched-hut on a site of his choice. Lakshmana was
shocked and was struck down with grief. He pleaded with
Rama: "Why do you ask me to select the site? Don't you know
that I have no will of my own. You decide and I obey; you
command, I carry out the order." That is real surrender,
acquired by constant practice of detachment.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 11, 1966

Your life must be based on the principle of surrender to the Divine. Baba

19 Ag`sq,2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: Bgvwn pws phuMcx dw swirAW qoN v`DIAw FMg ikhVw hY-krm, pUjw jW bu`DImqw(igAwn mwrg)? Bgvwn, A`j
swnUM, ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: keI lok Awpxw smW ies gl au`qy zwieAw kr idMdy hn ik Bgvwn kol pu`jx dw ikhVw rsqw au`qm hY-krm
mwrg, pUjw mwrg jW igAwn mwrg?ieh iq`ny rsqy , iek dUjy nwl imldy-juldy hn nw ik iek dUjy dy ivroDI[krm,
iek pYr dI qrHW hY[pUjw,h`QW dI qrHW hY Aqy igAwn mwrg iek isr dI qrHW hY[ieh iq`nW nUM iek dUjy dw sihXog dyxw
cwhIdw hY[BgqI mwrg auh hY ijs ivc mnu`K Awpxy-Awp nUM,Bgvwn dI ie`Cw A`gy smripq kr idMdw hY, AwpxI ie`Cw
nUM Bgvwn dI ie`Cw ivc vlIn kr idMdw hY[lkSmn dI audwhrn,smripq Aqy bcwau dI iek Kws audwhrn hY[iek
bwr bnvws dOrwn rwm ny lkSmn nUM ikhw ik jMgl ivc AwpxI mrjI dy sQwn qy kuitAw iqAwr kro[lkSmn hYrwn
ho igAw Aqy Sok ivc gRsq ho igAw[aus ny rwm nUM ikhw ik qusIN mYnUM AwpxI mrjI dy sQwn qy kuitAw bxwaux leI
ikauN kihMdy ho?quhwnUM nhIN pqw, myrI AwpxI mrzI nhIN hY[qusIN PYslw kro Aqy mYN quhwfI AwigAw dI pwlxw krW
gw[ies nUM hI AslI smrpx kihMdy hn ijhVw ik lgwqwr iqAwg Bwvnw dw A`iBAws kr ky pRwpq kIqw jWdw hY[(
11 jnvrI, 1966 dy idvX pRvcn)[

quhwfy jIvn dw AwDwr, Bgvwn nUM pUrI qrHW smripq krn vwlw hoxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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