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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

August 22, 2017

What should we do to lead a divine life? Why is leading a divine life natural to us?
Bhagawan lovingly and patiently reminds us today.

Divine life is the very breath of all beings; it consists of truth,

love, and nonviolence (Sathya, Prema and Ahimsa). How can
anyone be false to another when there is no other at all?
Falsehood comes out of fear. When there is no second, there is
no fear at all. No one is loved more than the Self; so when all is
the self-same Self, all is loved as the Self is loved. As for
violence, who is to injure whom, when all are but one? You are
all embodiments of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sath-Chith-
Ananda Swarupa), but you are unaware of it and imagine
yourself to be subjected to this limitation or that! Explode this
myth first so you can start leading a divine life. It is the Divine
that inspires, activates, leads and fulfills the life of every being!
From the atom to the Universe, every single entity is moving
through the creeks only to merge in the sea of bliss.

- Divine Discourse, Venkatagiri, April 1957.

You worship with faith and you experience grace. Faith results in grace,
without your being aware of it. Baba
22 Ag`sq,2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: iek A`iDAwqimk jIvn bqIq krn leI swnUM kI krnw cwhIdw hY? A`iDAqimk jIvn bqIq krnw ikauN
kudrqI hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr; id`vX jIvn ibqwauxw mnu`K nUM swh lYx dy bRwbr hY[ieh, ipAwr scweI Aqy AihMsw dw joV hY[jy koeI dUjw
mnu`K hovy hI nw qW aus nUM JUTw kOx khy gw[JUTwpn, fr qoN pYdw huMdw hY[jy koeI dUjw hovy hI nw qW fr kwhdw[mnu`K
nUM aus dI Awqmw qoN v`D hor koeI ipAwr nhIN krdw[ikauN jo hr iek ivc iek hI Awqmw dw vws hY qW ieh ikvyN ho
skdw hY ik swirAW ivc iek ijhw ipAwr nw hovy[ausy qrHW ieh gl ihMsw qy Fu`kdI hY, kOx iksy au`qy ihMsw krdw hY
ikauoN jo swry iek hI hn[qusIN sq-icq-AwnMd srUp ho[pr qusIN ies scweI nUM nhIN jwxdy Aqy iek nw iek Brm
ivc Psy hoey ho[ies Brm dw ivnwS kro Aqy idvX jIvn bqIq krnw SurU kr dau[ieh id`vqw hI hY ijhVI mnu`K nUM
sqrk jIvn bqIq krn dI pRyrxw idMdI hY[prmwxU qoN bRhmMf qweIN hr vsqU qMg KwVI iv`coN lMGdI hoeI, AwnMd dy
smuMdr ivc vlIn ho jWdI hY[(vMktigrI ivKy ApRYl, 1957 dy idvX pRvcn)[

jd qusIN Bgvwn dI pUjw, ivSvwS nwl krdy ho qW quhwnUM AwSIrvwd dw AwMnd pRwpq huMdw hY[ivSvwS nwl AwnMd
pRwpq huMdw hY Aqy aus dw pqw vI aus nUM nhIN lgdw[(bwbw)[

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