August 25 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

August 25, 2017

On the auspicious occasion of Vinayaka Chaturti, what are the benefits of worshipping
Him? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us in His own sweet words.

Vinayaka means the One who is the Master of Himself. The mouse is
the vehicle of Vinayaka. What is the inner significance of the little
mouse? The mouse symbolises your attachment to worldly tendencies
(vasanas). The mouse moves quickly and can see well in the dark. As
Vinayaka's vehicle, the mouse leads you from darkness to light. The
Vinayaka principle thus means that which removes all the bad qualities,
bad practices and bad thoughts in every person and inculcates good
qualities, good conduct and good thoughts. Another name for Vinayaka
is 'Vighneshwara'. Easwara is one who is endowed with every
conceivable form of wealth - riches, knowledge, health, bliss, beauty,
etc. Vighneswara nourishes all these forms of wealth and removes all
obstacles to your righteous enjoyment. He confers all these forms of
wealth on those who worship Him. Hence, Vinayaka is described as the
first deity who should be worshipped (Prathama Vandana). Understand
the inner meaning, and worship Him.

- Divine Discourse, Sep 12, 1991.

Ignore the evil that others do to you and forget the good that you do to them. - Baba

25 Ag`sq,2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: ivnwiek cqurQI dy Su`B idhwVy qy gxyS jI nUM pUjx dy kI lwB hn? Bgvwn, Awpxy mDur SbdW nwl, swnUM
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ivnwiek dw ArQ hY auh, ijhVy Awpxy-Awp dy mwstr hn[ivnwiek dI svwrI cUhw hY[Coty cUhy dI AMdrUnI kI
mh`qqw hY?cUhw sMswrI vwsnwvW dw pRqIk hY[cUhw qyz cldw hY Aqy AMDyry ivc vyK skdw hY[ivnwiek dw vwhn hox
kwrs,cUhw quhwnUM, AMDyry qoN pRkwS vl lY jWdw hY[ivnwiek dy is`DWq dw AslI ArQ ieh hoieAw ik ijhVw, swry bury
guxW, bury A`iBAwsW Aqy bury ivcwrW dw ivnwS kry Aqy hr iek dy AMdr, cMgy gux, cMgy ivcwr Aqy cMgw cwl-clx
pYdw kry[ivnwiek dw dUjw nW ivGnySvr hY[eISvr auh hn ijhVy hr qrHW dy Dn-dOlq,igAwn, ishq , AwnMd
suMdrqw Awid dy mwlk hn[ivGnySvr quhwfIAW hr qrHW dIAW AVcnW nUM dUr krdy hn Aqy AwnMd pRdwn krdy
hn[ieh vrdwn aunHW nUM hI imldw hY ijhVy aunHW dI pUjw krdy hn[iesI kwrx auh pihly dyvqw hn ijnHW dI pUjw
swry dyvqwvW qoN pihly kIqI jWdI hY[ivnwiek dI AMdrUnI mh`qqw smJdy hoey,aunHW dI pUjw kro[(12 sqMbr, 1991 dy
idvX pRvcn)[

ijhVI burweI koeI quhwfy nwl krdw hY aus nUM nzrAMdwj kr dauy Aqy auh BlweI ijhVI qusW ,iksy nwl kIqI hY aus
nUM Bu`l jwau[(bwbw)[

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