The Rolling Up of The Trailing Vortex Sheet and Its Effect On The Downwash Behind Wings

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The Rolling Up of the Trailing V o r t e x Sheet

and Its Effect on the Downwash

Behind Wings
Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, N.A.C.A.

SUMMARY term of Eq. (1) is omitted because the coefficient

The motion of the trailing vortices associated with a lifting wing (1 - M2) is zero. 2 - 3
is investigated by theoretical and visual-flow methods for the
purpose of determining the proper vortex distribution to be used
The boundary conditions are prescribed on the wing,
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for downwash calculations. Both subsonic and supersonic speeds usually assumed to lie in the xy plane, either by speci-
are considered in the analysis. fying (pz by giving the shape of the wing surface or by
It is found that the degree to which the vortices are rolled up specifying <px by giving the load distribution. In addi-
depends upon the distance behind the wing and upon the lift tion, it is necessary to specify certain conditions in the
coefficient, span loading, and aspect ratio of the wing. While the
rolling up of the trailing vortices associated with high-aspect-
wake. At this point, it has become customary at both
ratio wings is of little practical importance, it is shown that, with subsonic and supersonic speeds to admit the assump-
low-aspect-ratio wings, the trailing vortex sheet may become es- tions originally introduced by Prandtl 4 ' 5 in the estab-
sentially rolled up into two trailing vortex cores within a chord lishment of lifting-line theory. They are (1) that the
length of the trailing edge. vortex wake of finite thickness may be replaced by an
The downwash fields associated with the two limiting cases of
infinitesimally thin surface of discontinuity, designated
the flat vortex sheet and the fully rolled-up vortices are investi-
gated in detail for both subsonic and supersonic speeds. The the trailing vortex sheet, and (2) that the trailing vor-
intermediate case in which the rolling-up process is only partially tex sheet remains flat and extends downstream from the
completed at the tail position is also discussed. wing in the free-stream direction. With these assump-
tions, the boundary condition in the wake may be ex-
INTRODUCTION pressed as a discontinuity in the potential A<ps having
a spanwise distribution identical with that at the trail-
both subsonic and supersonic speeds are generally
based on the assumption that the perturbation veloci-
Span at
ing edge of the wing.
Although it has been firmly established that these
ties are much smaller than the free-stream velocity. assumptions are sufficiently valid for the prediction of
The differential equation for the perturbation velocity the forces and moments on finite-span wings, the ex-
potential <p is then tent of their validity for the calculation of the downwash
(1 - M2) <pxx + <pyy + <p2Z = 0 behind wings has never been clearly defined. Prandtl
pointed out that the vortex sheet begins as a flat sheet
where M represents the free-stream Mach Number and at the trailing edge and rolls up into two vortex cores at
the coordinate system is as shown in Fig. 1. In cer- great distances behind the wing. Thus he, and later
tain important cases, however, (1 M2)<pxx is much Glauert, 6 advocated the use of a flat vortex sheet for
smaller than <pyy and (pzz and Eq. (1) may be reduced to calculating the downwash for points near the wing and a
the form single horseshoe vortex for points far behind the wing.
Helmbold7, 8 recognized the influence of the lift co-
<Pw + <PZZ = 0 (2)
efficient and recommended the use of the flat vortex
With low-aspect-ratio wings, conditions permitting the sheet for small lift coefficients and the horseshoe
use of Eq. (2) are found in the vicinity of both the wing vortex for large lift coefficients. Since later experi-
and the wake at all Mach Numbers. 1 With high- mental studies,9' 10 together with Kaden's theoretical
aspect-ratio wings, Eq. (2) is valid at large distances analysis,11 showed that the vortex sheet was nearly flat
behind the wing but may not be used generally in the at the tail position throughout almost all of the useful
vicinity of the wing. Another important case for lift-coefficient range of the unswept high-aspect-ratio
which Eq. (2) may be used is that for the flight of swept wings in use at the time, most subsequent theories
lifting surfaces at sonic velocity, since, then, the first adopted the assumption that the vortices were arranged
in a flat sheet. Since the early works were almost in-
Condensed version of a paper presented at the Aerodynamics variably confined to unswept wings of high aspect
Session, Eighteenth Annual Meeting, I.A.S., New York, January
23-26, 1950. Received July 28, 1950.
ratio, an important gap in our knowledge exists for the
* Aeronautical Research Scientist. low-aspect-ratio wings and swept wings being intro-
22 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S - J A N U A R Y , 195 1

e/c = K(A/CL) ib/c) (5)

where c represents the wing chord a n d K is, as yet, an
unspecified constant. T h e point where t h e vortices
are rolled u p is h a r d to specify precisely, since t h e vor-
tices only asymptotically approach t h e completely
rolled-up condition as t h e distance from t h e wing a p -
proaches infinity. T o indicate t h e order of m a g n i t u d e
of this quantity, it will suffice to give t h e value K
0.28 for wings having elliptical span loading, found b y
Kaden 1 1 in a lengthy theoretical study. This m a t t e r
will be discussed later in this paper.
W e see from t h e foregoing equations t h a t t h e degree
of rolling u p of t h e trailing vortex sheet depends n o t
only on distance and lift coefficient b u t also on t h e geom-
etry of t h e wing. As an illustrative example, compare
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FIG. 1. View of wing and coordinate axes. the magnitudes of e/c for a rectangular wing of aspect
ratio 6 and a triangular,wing of aspect ratio 2, assum-
ing b o t h wings are twisted to produce elliptical load-
duced for high-speed flight. This study will a t t e m p t ing.
to supply an understanding of some of these problems.
( e A U t . = 0.28 ( 3 6 / Q , (e/c)trL = 0.28 ( 2 / Q (6)
A fundamental difficulty in the full analysis of down-
wash lies in t h e fact t h a t t h e p a t h s of t h e trailing vor- I t is seen t h a t t h e trailing vortex sheet rolls u p 18 times
tices cannot be prescribed a priori, as is done in classical more rapidly, in terms of chord lengths, behind t h e
wing theory, b u t m u s t coincide with t h e stream lines, low-aspect-ratio triangular wing t h a n behind t h e high-
which are in t u r n influenced b y t h e vortices. T h e aspect-ratio rectangular wing. For wings of low aspect
present t r e a t m e n t will serve as an approximation in ratio, t h e vortex sheet m a y become essentially rolled
t h a t a knowledge of t h e shape of t h e vortex sheet will u p into two trailing vortices within a chord length or
be obtained through some two-dimensional, as well as less of t h e trailing edge.
three-dimensional, considerations; the down wash will
then be determined b y means of t h e customary three- Behavior at Stations Far Behind the Wing
dimensional analysis.
T h e behavior (i.e., the strength, position, motion,
and core diameter) of the rolled-up vortices a t stations
far behind t h e wing is independent of M a c h N u m b e r
and can be determined b y use of Eq. (2). First, how-
Rate of Rolling Up of Vortex Sheet
ever, t h e strength and positions of t h e rolled-up vor-
Considerable insight into the rate of rolling u p of t h e tices m u s t be determined from three-dimensional con-
trailing vortex sheet m a y be gained on the basis of some siderations, since t h e y are necessary to determine t h e
similarity considerations. T h u s , consider two wings b o u n d a r y conditions. T h e strength, a t either subsonic
of similar span loading b u t differing in span b and total or supersonic speeds, of one of t h e trailing rolled-up
circulation IV T h e symbols referring to the refer- vortices is equal to t h e sum of t h e strengths of all t h e
ence wing are denoted b y asterisks; those of the second vortices shed from one-half of the wing, and, hence, it
wing are plain. T h e ratio of t h e induced velocities q is equal to the magnitude of the circulation F 0 around
a t corresponding stations behind the wings, neglecting the wing in t h e plane of s y m m e t r y ; thus,
the small influence of the difference in chordwise load-
ings, is given b y r0 = (7o/2)foc)y-o (7)
where cL represents the section lift coefficient. T h e dis-
q/q* = (r0/6)/(r,*/6*) (3)
tance between t h e two rolled-up vortices 2s' is specified
T h e ratio of the distances df in terms of wing spans b y t h e fact t h a t the lift impulse m u s t be preserved
from t h e trailing edge to stations having similar degrees throughout t h e rolling-up process; thus,
of rolling u p of the trailing vortex sheets is
2s' = L/(poV0To) = {CLS)/{clC)y^ (8)
d/b = Vo/q = VobTp* = A/CL
( ) where L and S represent, respectively, t h e lift and area
d*/b* V0*/q* F 0 *&*r 0 A*/CL*
of the wing and p0 is t h e free-stream density. T h e
where A and CL represent, respectively, aspect ratio and distance 2s' has a simple geometric interpretation: On a
lift coefficient. F r o m this condition one can conclude span-loading plot of V or QC versus y, t h e distance 2s'
t h a t the distance required for t h e trailing vortex sheet represents t h e width of a rectangle having the same
to become essentially rolled u p is of the form height and area as t h e span-loading curve.

T h e further s t u d y of the asymptotic behavior a t sta- CONTOUR OF INTEGRATION

tions far behind the wing m a y be m a d e entirely on t h e
basis of E q . (2) taken together with the conditions ex-
pressed b y Eqs. (7) and (8). F r o m these considera-
tions, it can be determined t h a t the two vortices move
downward with a velocity

w = -r0/(4irs0 = -(F0/4TT) [(^), = 0 ]2/(CL5) (9)

T h e actual displacements of the vortices from the xy

plane cannot be ascertained a t this point, however,
since no s t a t e m e n t can be made, as yet, of the downward
velocity of t h e vortices a t intermediate stations. This
question will be considered in the next section. F o r F I G . 2.
elliptic span loading, Eqs. (7), (8), and (9) reduce to
the following: Since ac is much less t h a n s', Eq. (14) m a y be simplified
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to t h e form
4:S Vo 9 IT
TTA' 4
poiy 2s' - a{
Di = CDi qS = 1 + 4 log : (15)
T h e rolled-up vortices far behind t h e wing are not 8TT
idealized line vortices of potential theory, of course,
b u t must h a v e cores of finite diameter. A good working T h e ratio of t h e core radius ac to the semispan of t h e
approximation a t either subsonic or supersonic speeds vortices sf is then given in terms of nondimensional
m a y be h a d b y simple energy considerations, assuming parameters as
t h a t the vortex cores are circular in shape and rotating '4xrACDt/s'\2 _ 1'
as solid bodies. T h e velocity potential of t h e flow 7 = 2 < 1 + exp (16)
J ) 4
outside of the vortex cores is
If the span loading is elliptical, CDi = CL2/wA and
(p = ( t a n * tan" (11) s'/s = 7r/4 and the core radius is given b y
2ir y s y + s'.
ac = 0.197s 7 = 0.155s (17)
T h e stream-line p a t t e r n corresponding to a vortex pair
situated a t y = =t=sf consists, as shown in Fig. 2, of two The Rolling Up of the Vortex Sheet
symmetrically arranged families of circles having radii
T h e complete three-dimensional determination of
a and centers a t + a2. T h e kinetic energy of t h e shape of the trailing vortex sheet t h r o u g h o u t t h e
the fluid outside of t h e vortex cores (per unit length in rolling-up process presents a problem of extreme diffi-
the stream direction) is given b y culty. Examination of the velocity field in the wake
on the basis of Eq. (5), however, reveals t h a t in most
-?/ <p
d\ = practical problems it is possible to introduce the im-
p o r t a n t simplifying approximation of treating the
2 _
POTQ + Vs + a motion of t h e trailing vortices b y means of E q . (2)
log' (12)
v; + ac2 + ac r a t h e r t h a n Eq. (1). Generally speaking, E q . (2)
yields good results when applied to flow fields t h a t
where the integration is carried round the contour
change slowly in t h e stream direction and is directly
illustrated in t h e figure and ac represents the core radius.
applicable to t h e present problem a t all stations behind
T h e kinetic energy of t h e fluid inside the vortex cores is
low-aspect-ratio pointed wings. This is t h e most im-
p o r t a n t case, since, as indicated b y Eq. (5), it is only
with low-aspect-ratio wings t h a t t h e trailing vortex
Et = 2
i) 2irac/ \ac/ ST
(13) sheet is likely to be essentially rolled u p a t t h e stations
customarily occupied b y t h e tail. Although E q . (2)
By equating the t o t a l kinetic energy per unit length to obviously cannot be used to determine t h e forces on
the induced or vortex drag Dt of the wing, an expression high-aspect-ratio straight wings, it might still be ex-
m a y be found relating t h e radius of the core to t h e in- pected to yield useful results regarding t h e relative mo-
duced drag, tion of the vortices behind such wings, since E q . (5)
indicates in these cases t h a t the rolling-up process pro-
A = J5 = o + < = 8TT
^X ceeds a t a slow rate. On t h e basis of t h e foregoing
statements, t h e problem of determining t h e shape of t h e
s' + V V 2 + ac trailing vortex sheet in spatial compressible flow be-
1 + 4 log (14)
V V 2 + a2 + a< comes analogous to t h e problem of determining t h e
24 JOURNAL OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S - J A N U A R Y , 19 5 1

I I of the b o u n d a r y approaches zero as the b o u n d a r y

approaches infinity. Since the resultant force is always
directed perpendicular to Segment I lying in the plane
of symmetry, Rz m u s t equal zero. Consequently, t h e
lateral position of the center of gravity of the vortices
V dy
trailing from each half of the wing remains invariant
throughout the rolling-up process and m a y be deter-
mined most readily b y considering t h e e.g. position of
the flat vortex sheet
- = -1 y-~dy
Fo J o
const. (19)

T h e vertical velocity w of the center of gravity of t h e

vortices trailing from each half of t h e wing is found from
E q . (18) after substituting t h e proper expressions for
Ry and 21%. For the right half wing, Ry is given b y
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FIG. 3.

motion of a distribution of free vortices in a two-

dimensional nonsteady incompressible flow.
- - / :
(p - Po) dz = +Po
and 2 T t equals r 0 . T h e center of gravity of t h e vor-
(Wy = o)2 dz

Considerable simplification m a y be achieved in t h e tices a t a n y station x therefore moves vertically with a

present problem b y considering the motion of the center velocity
of gravity of the vortex systemf rather t h a n b y tracing
the motion of the individual vortices. While generally w(x) = [w(x)j, = o]2 dz (20)
2r J _a
useful, such considerations are particularly valuable in
the establishment of the position of the fully rolled-up Immediately behind the trailing edge, where the vor-
vortices far behind t h e wing. T h e motion of the center tices lie in a straight line as shown in Fig. 4, t h e induced
of gravity of a vortex system m a y be determined by velocity a t the wall is given b y
several means; probably t h e simplest procedure for
the present application is t h a t of Betz. 1 2
Consider a group of vortices in a two-dimensional
w (XT.E.)V-C
* Jo
(yi 2 + *2)
region bounded b y rigid walls. If the vortices are T h e velocity of t h e center of gravity of the free vor-
held rigidly in place, there exists on each vortex a force tices is then
having components Riy = poWiTf and Riz = po^I\ x
as given b y t h e K u t t a - J o u k o w s k y law, where I \ repre- -< \ r A rsyMT/dyi)dyi~Y ,91,
sents the circulation of t h e vortex, clockwise rotation W(*T.E.) = / dz \ I (21)
7r2ro Jo Ljo (yi 2 + z2) J
being considered positive, and where vt and Wi represent
As a more specific example, consider the case of
the lateral and vertical velocity components a t the
elliptic span loading. If t h e vortices are held fixed, t h e
position of t h e vortex were t h e vortex n o t there. T h e
flow is similar to t h a t around a flat plate moving down-
resultant of the forces on all the vortices m u s t be equal
ward with the velocity
to the negative of the resultant force exerted on the
b o u n d a r y walls; thus, Ry = ^Riy and R2 = 2Riz. w = -r0/6 = -2V0CL/irA
If the vortices are now set free, the center of gravity of
the vortex system moves, relative to the rigid walls,
with velocity components v and w given b y t h e rela-
tions poW^Ti = poZWiTf = Ry and pov^Ti = Rz or by

w = Ry/p&Ti, v = -Rz/p^Yi (18)

T h e foregoing theory will be applied to the present
problem b y introducing a rigid wall enclosing one-half
of the vortex system as shown in Fig. 3. If the en-
closed region is allowed to grow in size, t h e contribution
to the resultant force given b y the pressures on Segment
t The center of gravity of a group of vortices is defined in a
manner analogous to the definition of the center of gravity of a
similar field of point masses. The coordinates y and z of the
center of gravity of the vortex system are given by y = S^-lVST*
and s = SsilVSIV FIG. 4.

If t h e vortices are set free, t h e velocity of t h e center of

gravity of t h e vortices decreases suddenly t o

*>(*T.E.) = - ( 1 ~ ir/4) (To/b) = -0A3VQCL/TA (22)

F a r behind t h e wing, where t h e vortex sheet is con-

sidered t o be fully rolled u p into two line vortices, t h e
corresponding velocity is

() = -2T0/T2b = -OA1VOCL/TA (23)

I t is seen t h a t t h e center of gravity of the trailing vortex

sheet moves with nearly t h e same velocity a t t h e t w o 7e = 1-73
limiting stations.
A more detailed analysis of t h e behavior of vortex
systems can always be made on t h e basis of E q . (2)
b y replacing the continuous sheet of vortices with a
finite number of discrete line vortices a n d calculating FIG. 5. Shape of vortex sheet for elliptic loading.
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step b y step t h e motions of each vortex. Such a cal-

culation h a s already been carried o u t for t h e case of
elliptic loading. 1 3 I n this particular t r e a t m e n t , t h e con-
tinuous vortex sheet was replaced b y 20 vortices of
equal strength, a n d t h e results were presented b y giv-
ing, both numerically a n d graphically, t h e positions
of each of t h e vortices a t several different times.
These results h a v e been applied t o t h e wing problem
b y relating t h e time t o t h e distance behind t h e wing.
Fig. 5 shows t h e positions of t h e vortices a t several sta-
tions behind the wing.
I t m a y b e seen t h a t t h e vortex cores extend down- VORTEX CENTER OF GRAVITY
stream in nearly t h e free-stream direction, whereas
the center of t h e vortex sheet becomes displaced sub-
stantial distances below t h e xy plane. T h e variation
with distance of t h e positions of t h e center of t h e vortex
sheet a n d of t h e vortex center of gravity is shown in
Fig. 6. As is indicated in this figure, t h e position of FIG. 6. Position of vortex center of gravity for elliptic loading.
the vortex center of gravity m a y be prescribed within
narrow limits b y assuming t h a t it moves with a con-
s t a n t velocity given first b y E q . (22) for t h e flat vortex
sheet a n d then b y E q . (23) for t h e fully rolled-up vor-
tices. Also shown in Fig. 6 are t h e limiting positions
for t h e center of t h e vortex sheet as calculated in a
similar manner.
Since t h e discrete vortex method just described
lacks generality because of t h e necessarily nonanalytic
character of t h e solution, results of an analytical in-
vestigation b y K a d e n 1 1 of t h e behavior of a continuous
vortex sheet, according to E q . (2), will be reviewed a n d
applied t o t h e present problem. T h e precise problem
FIG. 7. Vortex sheet and coordinate axes according to Kaden.
solved in reference 11 is t h a t of t h e rolling u p of a vor-
tex sheet of semi-infinite width, where t h e initial vor-
ticity corresponds t o steady flow around t h e edge of a T h e results of this investigation m a y b e expressed
two-dimensional flat plate of semi-infinite lateral ex- most conveniently b y introducing a new coordinate
tent. Although t h e results are strictly applicable to a system (Fig. 7) such t h a t t h e r\ axis coincides with t h e
vortex sheet of finite width during only t h e early stages position of t h e flat vortex sheet a n d t h e origin lies a t
of t h e rolling-up process, t h e y represent a solution t h a t t h e edge of t h e sheet. I n applying these results t o t h e
is useful in t h e formulation of some further approxima- wing problem, it is i m p o r t a n t t o note t h a t this coordi-
tions t o the p a t h s of t h e vortex cores and t o t h e distance n a t e system is n o t fixed with respect t o t h e y a n d z
required for t h e trailing vortices to become essentially axes b u t moves downward with t h e center of t h e vortex
rolled up. sheet. If t h e circulation distribution in t h e vicinity of
26 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S - J A N U A R Y , 195 1

the edge of the flat vortex sheet is assumed to be of t h e are considered to be essentially rolled u p is expressed b y
form T = 2cr\/97, t h e coordinates of t h e centers of t h e
vortex cores are e/c = 0.2S(A/CL)(b/c) (27)

/3 T h e coordinates of the centers of t h e vortex cores are

Vc = 0.340(ad/VQ) , ic = 0.525 (<rd/V*) h (24)
I t will be noted t h a t r)c, as given b y the above equation, V* Vz
does n o t h a v e an a s y m p t o t e corresponding to the lateral
position of the fully rolled-up vortex. This is a conse-
= 0.32 (-
VA s. ,-^^f (28)

quence of replacing the finite span with a semi-infinite Eq. (27) should be compared with E q . (5) derived b y
one. T h e trailing vortices are considered to be essen- similarity considerations. If the span loading is other
tially rolled u p a t t h e distance e behind t h e wing, where t h a n elliptical, t h e rolling up, of course, will proceed a t
rjc is equal to (s sf) as indicated in Fig. 8. a r a t e other t h a n t h a t just indicated. I n general,
the vortices will roll up faster if more of t h e load is con-
centrated near t h e wing tips (as occurs with rectangular
s P>
wings a t subsonic speeds) and conversely. T o illustrate
the importance of this effect, calculations have been
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m a d e for the distance e/c for rectangular wings of vari-

ous aspect ratios. These calculations were based on
theoretical span load distributions calculated b y Glau-
ert 6 b y means of P r a n d t l ' s lifting-line theory. T h e
distance e is then given b y

(> e/c = Kf/CL (29)

1 where K' is a constant for any given wing depending
1he- Jr
upon the plan form and t h e span load distribution.
T h e values of K' are plotted as a function of aspect
ratio in Fig. 9, together with the corresponding values
/ for rectangular, elliptical, and triangular wings twisted
/ so as to produce elliptical span loading. In every case,
1 the chord c implied is t h e root chord.
As previously pointed out, K a d e n ' s theory represents
. J a good approximation for the lateral position of t h e
**' to.
* 5 vortex core a t stations close behind t h e wing b u t fails

20 LLIPTIC L O A D I N G / /
FIG. 8. 15 JJi
Eq. (24) m a y be generalized slightly and p u t in non- 1i L L ! P S E - \
dimensional form b y letting fRIANGLE- ^\ _
a = (1/2) lim T/Vv = (Fo/4) Km (dc/Vv) 4
v -> 0 v> 0
3 e _K'L
T h e coordinates of t h e centers of the vortex cores are " cLr
then given b y 2
Ve= (s- s') (d/e)2/\ fc = 1.54 (s - s'){d/e)%/* (25) ^FLAT
and t h e distance e b y .8
- e = 20.2 (s - ^ ) 3 / 2 / l i m (w/y/v) (26)
For elliptic span loading, t h e foregoing equations re- .3
duce to simple expressions. T h u s , since the span load-
ing is represented b y .2

ctc = (2CLS/TS) Vl - {y/sY =

(2CLS/irs) V2(v/s) - (rj/sy " .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 2 3 4 6 810

the distance e to t h e point where the trailing vortices FIG. 9. Effect of plan form and span loading on e.


&/c * ,05 d/e 5u a/o * .09 d/c - .35-

:3: ::;;:::fc;::i;
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a/c * .91 d/c * 1.35 &/c - ,50 d/e - ,89

d/c * 1.8l d/c 2,25 d/c * 1.^5 d/c 1,80

FIG. 10. Photographs of wake at various stations behind a F I G . 11.Photographs of wake at various stations behind a tri-
triangular wing of aspect ratio 2. a = 12, CL 0.55. angular wing of aspect ratio 2. a = 20, CL 0.93.

to approach the known asymptotic position far behind

the wing. To bridge this gap, an empirical interpola-
tion formula is proposed
*7c = (^ s') tanh (d/e)2/3 (30)
which coincides at small distances with Kaden's for-
mula and, at great distances, approaches the known
Experimental Studies.The behavior of trailing FIG. 12. Water-tank measurements of the lateral position of the
vortex cores behind an elliptical wing of aspect ratio 5.
vortex systems was studied further by means of simple
visual-flow experiments in a water tank. These experi-
ments were conducted by driving a model wing ver- sections of the vertical lines and the horizontal
tically into the tank at a constant velocity and photo- markers. Although it is not the purpose to obtain
graphing the water surface with a movie camera. The exact quantitative information from these experiments,
trace of the trailing vortex sheet was made visible by the photographs clearly illustrate the rapidity with
applying fine aluminum powder to the trailing edge of which the trailing vortex sheet rolls up behind a low-
the wing before each run. The distance of the model aspect-ratio wing and verify, at least qualitatively, the
below the surface was indicated on each photograph predictions of the theory regarding the shape and loca-
by the position* of a moving tape. The models were of tion of the vortex sheet, its rate of rolling up, and the size
8-in. span and had flat-plate profiles, except for rounded of the vortex cores.
leading edges and sharpened trailing edges. Although To illustrate further these results, Figs. 12 and 13
a large number of wings having various aspect ratios and have been prepared showing the paths in plan view of
plan forms were tested, only the results for a triangu- the vortex cores behind the elliptical and triangular wing.
lar wing having an aspect ratio of 2 and an elliptical The results for the elliptical wing show that the vortex
wing having an aspect ratio of 5 will be presented here. cores approach the asymptotic spacing for elliptical
The results of each run were recorded by a series of loading (s'/s = 0.785) at stations several chord lengths
approximately 40 photographs. Abridged series of behind the wing. With the triangular wing, the vor-
photographs are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 for the tri- tex cores approach their asymptotic spacing more
angular wing at angles of attack of 12 and 20. The rapidly, as is indicated by the theory, but approach a
projections in the free-stream direction of the wing-tip different asymptote at each angle of attack. The
positions are indicated in the photographs by the inter- variation of the asymptotic spacing cannot be pre-

ANGLE OF ATTACK, DEG location is shown dashed between 8 and 12 because

-12 the vortices were still moving together a t the last sta-

"_ y
i n LZ^
tion behind t h e wing. I t is seen t h a t these consider-
ations adequately account for t h e observed behavior.


s T h e fundamental role of t h e horeshoe vortex in classi-
T cal wing theory is well known. T o enable t h e extension
.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
d of this familiar concept to the general case, t h e down-
FIG. 13. Water-tank measurements of the lateral position of the wash field of a swept horseshoe vortex of arbitrary
vortex cores behind a triangular wing of aspect ratio 2. sweep lying in t h e xy plane (see Fig. 16) has been deter-
mined for b o t h subsonic and supersonic speeds. In this
task it is necessary, because of the essentially three-
DEG dimensional character of the problem, to work with
o 2.1 Eq.(l).
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on February 20, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1830

* 4.2
a 8.3 T o utilize existing concepts of supersonic, as well as
o 14.5 subsonic, flow theory, t h e induced velocity field of the
v 20.8
26.9 swept horseshoe vortex will be determined b y consider-
* 33.0
ing the flow a b o u t an equivalent doublet sheet. 15
2.0 2.0 Such a doublet sheet represents a surface of discon-
1.5 1.5 z^* tinuity in t h e xy plane across which there is a j u m p

L c avg
-v' -o
^S^kx < R^^ ^
.5 1^ w
A(ps in t h e value of the velocity potential equal to the
magnitude of t h e circulation V of t h e vortex. T h e
o' 0 lift of this vortex system is given a t b o t h subsonic and
4 6 4 .6
y y supersonic speeds b y t h e K u t t a - J o u k o w s k y law
FIG. 14. Wind-tunnel measurements of the span loading on a
triangular wing of aspect ratio 2.04. L = 2y0poVoA(ps = 2y0poV0T
where y0 is the semispan of t h e horseshoe vortex.
T h e general solutions of such boundary-value prob-
a CALCULATED FROM WIND T U N N E L SPAN LOADINGS. lems were given in references 15 and 16. For subsonic

H-Q-Q ,_ TSfa^_
w(x, y, z) = -^ - f f A^5 ( - ) dxt dyi (31)


= V(x - *0 2 + ^2[(y - yx)2 + (z - Zl)


8 12 16 20 24 2 8 32 36
ANGLE OF A T T A C K , DEG x=my = my
FIG. 15. Asymptotic spacing of rolled-up vortices far behind
triangular wing of aspect ratio 2.

dieted on t h e basis of t h e theoretical span loading 1 4 b u t

can be explained on t h e basis of t h e variation of the
experimental span load distribution. Fig. 14 shows
plots of t h e span load distribution measured in a wind
tunnel on a 25-ft.-span model of a thin triangular
wing having an aspect ratio of 2.04 and a modified
double-wedge profile with a rounded leading edge.
T h e asymptotic spacing of t h e vortex cores was cal-
culated from each of t h e span loading diagrams b y
means of Eq. (8) and was plotted as a function of the
angle of a t t a c k in Fig. 15, together with t h e values
indicated in Fig. 13. T h e curve for t h e experimental FIG. 16. Swept horseshoe vortex.

and (3 = M2. T h e integration is carried over and 3 = VM2 - 1. T h e integration for the super-
the portion r of the xy plane enclosed within the modi- sonic case is carried only over t h e portion r of the above
fied horseshoe vortex. For supersonic flow, the solu- area which lies forward of t h e trace in the xy plane of
tion is the M a c h forecone with vertex a t the point (x, y, z).
T h e sign | is to be read " t h e finite p a r t of" and has
w(x, y, z) = \ I / A<ps ( ) dxi dyi (32) the property
2irbz \JTJ \dzi r/s
where I r /(*) 7 _ Pf{x) ~m A
LA (b - x)^ dX Ja (b - *)'/ d%
P = V(X - xxy - ^[{y - yiy + {z - Zly] (33)

When the operations indicated in E q . (31) are performed, the downwash corresponding to a subsonic swept
horseshoe vortex of circulation T is given for any point (x, y, z) in space b y
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on February 20, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1830

fiT ^T~^ |~ x kfimy ~\( mx + k(3y

W 2 2 2
~ ~ 4TT 2LJ L(X - k/3my) + 0 V ( 1 + m )JWx + /32(y2 + z2)
k = I
k = +i
(1 + m2)fiy0 (mx + kffy)
V(x - pmyey + ^[(y - ky0)2 + z2]> 4TT E
k = 1
k = +1
[ ky + yo I
l(y + ky0y + 22J

X Pmy
h+ , ~ } (34)
I V (x - (3ntyo)2 + f32[(y, + ky)2 + z2])
In applying E q . (34), it is i m p o r t a n t to remember t h a t infinite values of downwash are predicted along t h e entire
vortex line.
In a similar manner, Eq. (32) gives the downwash a t a n y point in space due to a supersonic swept horseshoe vor-
x mx
/ _ E \"^ r ~k$y 1i ~ kPy ,
W r P
~ ' ' I " 2TT 2 1 / L(X - kpmy)2 - /3V(1 - m2) J Wx2 - $2(y2 + z2)
k = - l
k = +1
(m - l)fty 0 - (mx kfiy) \ __ T^ V " ^ (y0 + ky) (x - 0 my0)
/ = ( o / / ^ = = _ _ \ (35)
V (x - fimy,)2 - p2[(y0 - ky)2 + z2}) 2TTk _J
= - l [(yo + kyy + s 2 ] V ( x - pmy0)
- p2[(y0 + ky)2 + z2] J
k = -+l i /

where r.p. signifies t h e real p a r t of the bracketed q u a n t i t y . For supersonic flow, Eq. (35) indicates infinite values
for the downwash a t all points on the M a c h cones extending downstream from the three corners of the swept
horseshoe vortex (except in the xy plane), as well as along t h e vortex line itself.

D O W N WASH A R O U N D W I N G S T h e b o u n d vortices should, in general, be concentrated

I t is a well-known principle in subsonic wing theory in a lifting line lying as close as possible to the locus
t h a t the induced velocities produced b y a thin lifting of t h e chordwise center-of-pressure positions. T h u s , a t
wing m a y be calculated b y considering a chordwise subsonic speeds, t h e lifting line is generally located
a n d spanwise distribution of vortices. T h e flow field along t h e locus of t h e quarter-chord points. A t super-
of a wing a t supersonic speeds can be built u p in an sonic speeds, no such s t a t e m e n t can be made, b u t the
analogous manner. 17- " 19 I n general, these vortices position of t h e lifting line can always be determined if
would be distributed chordwise and spanwise in such a t h e load distribution is given.
manner t h a t t h e specified load distribution would be
satisfied a t every point of t h e wing plan form. Such T h e following discussion of t h e downwash behind
calculations m a y be simplified, however, since, as indi- wings will be divided into sections depending upon t h e
cated in references 10, 16, and 19, t h e error in t h e down- degree of rolling u p of the vortices as indicated b y t h e
wash introduced b y neglecting t h e chordwise distribu- relative magnitudes of the distance from the trailing
tion of the bound vortices is negligible a t points beyond edge d and t h e distance e given b y Eq. (5) or, more
a fraction of a chord length from t h e trailing edge. generally, b y Eq. (26). T h e i m p o r t a n t special cases

of strength given by the amount of the rise is considered

to be shed at each step. The downwash velocities asso-
ciated with each component vortex are calculated by
means of Eqs. (34) or (35) and summed to obtain the
total value. Care must be taken to avoid attempting
to evaluate the downwash at points on, or very near,
V 0 V2G L >
either the trailing vortices or, except in the xy plane,
on the Mach cones originating at the corners of the
horseshoe vortices. On these lines and surfaces, in-
finite velocities are introduced purely as a result of the
replacement of a continuous distribution of vortices
with a stepwise approximation.
The calculation of the downwash field becomes
greatly simplified in the regions where Eq. (2) is a good
approximation to Eq. (1). In the cases where the lift
coefficient is sufficiently small that d < < e, the down-
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on February 20, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1830

wash at any Mach Number is

- y)dyi
<y, *) = - / 2 2 (36)
2TT J _, dyx [(y! - y) + s ]

FIG. 17. Downwash far behind wing with elliptic loading for
For elliptic loading, the solution of Eq. (36) is given in
flat vortex sheet. many places.6,21
2CL sinh JJL cosh ix
where d e and where d e will be considered w = ( 1 (37)
first; finally, the intermediate case will be discussed. irA cosh 2 n sin 2 X,
where y = b cosh /JL COS X and z = b sinh \x sin X. A
DOWNWASH AT d << e plot of these results is shown in Fig. 17.
If d is much less than e, the downwash behind a wing The accuracy of the theoretical downwash results
traveling at either subsonic or supersonic speeds may may be improved by considering the trailing vortices
be approximated by assuming that the trailing vortices as being displaced from the xy plane. To a first ap-
lie in a flat sheet extending downstream from the trail- proximation, the differential equation of the path of a
ing edge. This assumption is usually satisfactory for vortex filament trailing behind a wing is dx = (Vo/wz = 0)
the calculation of the downwash at the tail of conven- dz, which, when integrated, gives the vertical displace-
tional subsonic airplanes and forms the basis of most ment of each vortex filament
downwash studies. In general, the downwash velocity
at any point may be determined by superposing a dis- Az (w2 = 0/Vo)dx (38)
/ *T.E.
tribution of swept horseshoe vortices in accordance with
the given span loading. In this manner, an expression If it is desired to calculate the downwash only in the
for the downwash velocity in subsonic or supersonic plane of symmetry, the effects of the lateral distortion
flow may be determined from Eqs. (34) or (35), respec- of the vortex sheet are small, and the entire vortex
tively, by considering y0 as a variable yh replacing the sheet may be considered to be displaced by the amount
circulation T with (dT/dyi)dyh and integrating the calculated at the centerline.
resulting expression from yi = s to y = + s . This For regions outside of the plane of symmetry, it is
integration, however, is extremely complex, in general, apparent that this last assumption cannot be particu-
although many important special cases for both sub- larly accurate and that recourse must be had to more
sonic and supersonic speeds have been presented in the accurate methods. One method of doing this would
literature. be to determine the shape of the vortex sheet by means
It is often more practical to calculate the downwash of Eq. (38) and to calculate the downwash anew with
velocity by superposing a finite number of horseshoe the vortices displaced into their new positions. This
vortices sswpt in accord with the geometry of the wing method is not entirely satisfactory, however, when
and distributed so that the span loading is approxi- working with a continuous distribution of vortices,
mated in a stepwise manner. Such a treatment, which since the displacement of the vortex sheet from the xy
was presented in great detail for unswept wings in in- plane greatly complicates an already difficult integra-
compressible flow in references 10 and 20, proceeds in tion. An alternative procedure based on distributing
the following manner. The span load distribution is double vortex sheets in the xy plane to simulate the
approximated by an equivalent stepwise distribution, sinking of the original vortex sheet has been proposed by
keeping the area under the two curves equal. A vortex von Karman and Burgers, 21 but the mathematical

complications are comparable with those encountered

with the distorted vortex sheet.
It must be noted that the procedures just described
for obtaining the correction for the displacement of the
trailing vortices can only be used in cases where the
distortion of the vortex sheet is small. These methods,
therefore, are of no avail for the investigation of the
downwash in regions where the vortices have become
rolled up to any appreciable degree. This problem
will be discussed in a later section.


At stations where d is much larger than e, the in-

Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on February 20, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1830

duced flow field of a wing may be satisfactorily ap- F I G . 18. Equivalent vortex system for downwash calculation a t
proximated by replacing the wing with a single swept stations where d > > e.
horseshoe vortex placed as shown in Fig. 18. Accord-
ingly, the downwash may be computed by using Eqs.
W / IT A \l & \
(34) or (35) for the downwash field of a swept horseshoe
vortex lying in the xy plane and applying corrections
for the vertical displacement of the vortex sheet and for
the finite size of the vortex cores. The strength and
span of the horseshoe vortex are given by Eqs. (7) and
(8), respectively, while the location and sweep of the
bound vortex are determined as described previously at
the beginning of the discussion of the downwash around
The correction for the sinking of the trailing vortices
may be approximated by inclining the horseshoe vortex
system away from the xy plane so that each of the trail-
ing vortices coincides as closely as possible with the
center-of-gravity line of the vortices trailing from the
corresponding half of the wing. Since it was shown that
the center-of-gravity line is inclined at nearly the same
angle at all stations behind the wing, a suitable ap-
proximation may be made in most cases by using Eq. (9)
for the downward velocity of the vortices at great dis- FIG. 19. Downwash far behind wing for completely rolled-up
tances behind the wing. Thus, the plane of the equiva- vortices.
lent vortex system is inclined at angle 8 with the xy
plane such that DOWNWASH AT d ^ e
8 = -(C^I^O/^TTCLS (39) The remaining problem of calculating the down-
To a first approximation, the downwash may be calcu- wash for regions where d is of the same order
lated by using Eqs. (34) or (35) for a swept horseshoe of magnitude as e is the most difficult problem of
vortex lying in the xy plane and by replacing z in the all. The difficulty lies not only in the determination
equation with z' = z 8 (x x T E J . The downwash of the vortex paths but also in the integration of the
within the vortex cores may be approximated by as- resulting expressions for the downwash. Fortunately,
suming that each core has a radius given by Eq. (17) a large number of practical problems fall into one or the
and rotates as a solid body. other of the two preceding cases so that oftentimes
one is not concerned with this phase of the downwash
In most actual applications where d e, Eq. (2)
represents a good approximation to Eq. (1). In these
cases the downwash field can be computed at once for If the vortex sheet rolls up slowly behind the wing
all wings. The results of these calculations are shown so that Eq. (2) may be used instead of Eq. (1), the
in Fig. 19 as a function of y/sf and the vertical elevation downwash may be calculated by determining the posi-
p l / V from the plane of the vortices. A comparison tion of a finite number of vortices in a step-by-step
of these results with those of Fig. 17 illustrates the process and then calculating the associated downwash
marked effect on the downwash produced by the rolling velocities. If the span loading is elliptical, the vortex
up of the trailing vortex sheet. positions shown in Fig. 518 may be used directly.

One sees t h a t P(x) takes the value P ( X T . E . ) = 1 a t t h e

2 .4 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
i i i
trailing edge of the wing, since here yc(x) = s; whereas
^ - L Q T Z a FABRICIUS a t great distances behind t h e wing P ( ) = 0, since
\ s - s ' / .e KADEN yc(x) approaches ^ a s x approaches infinity.
B y means of the foregoing assumptions and equa-
1.0 tions, t h e vorticity distribution is determined through-
1.2' out t h e entire vortex wake. T h e downwash m a y then
FIG. 20. Various approximations to the lateral position of the be calculated for subsonic or supersonic speeds b y using
vortex cores.
Eqs. (31) or (32) for t h e downwash due to an equivalent
doublet sheet. T h e doublet intensity is specified on
If the conditions are such t h a t Eq. (1) m u s t be used,
t h e wing as before and in t h e wake b y means of the fore-
the problem becomes extremely difficult. T h e only
going statements. For points along t h e x axis, Eqs.
a t t e m p t a t a solution for a problem of this t y p e is t h a t
(31) and (32) simplify, respectively, to the following
of Lotz and Fabricius, 2 2 in which the downwash on t h e
x axis produced b y straight wings in incompressible
flow is determined. Since this method involves several A<psdxidyi
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on February 20, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1830

novel elements and can be extended to other applica- w(x, 0, 0) 21 A 3 (41)

*JTJ [(* - xi)2 + 18V]
tions, their approach to t h e problem will be reviewed.
I t is first assumed t h a t t h e vortices all lie in t h e xy w(x, 0, 0) = ^- \ f f- (42)
plane so t h a t the rolling-up process is considered only 27T \JrJ [ ( * ~ Xly - isvf/ 2
through t h e lateral displacements of t h e vortices. where t h e doublet intensity is given b y
Such an approximation is usually satisfactory for re-
&Ps = I Y E . ^ I ) - P ( * I ) + To - P(*i) [r 0 - T(yc)] (43)
gions close to the plane of s y m m e t r y b u t would h a v e
to be abandoned in the general vicinity of t h e vortex Despite the assumptions and simplifications of t h e
cores. Further, t h e p a t h s of t h e partially rolled-up foregoing analysis, the calculations still prove to be
vortex cores are assumed, on t h e basis of an arbitrary extremely difficult. In the work of Lotz and Fabricius,
modification of the theoretical p a t h s of Kaden, to the theory was further restricted to unswept wings in
be given b y rjc = (s s') t a n h (d/e). T h e shape of this incompressible flow; even then it was necessary to re-
curve and its significance as an approximation on t h e sort to graphical or numerical methods of integration.
basis of a straight-line replacement of K a d e n ' s vortex A t t e m p t s to extend this theory to regions away from
system are clear from Fig. 20. Since K a d e n ' s theory is t h e x axis or to eliminate some of the restrictions h a v e
most accurate a t stations near t h e wing, this approxi- been discouraged b y t h e difficulty of the integrations.
mation could be improved upon without u n d u l y com- T h e labor.required to carry out t h e calculations simply
plicating the calculations b y using a curve such as given appears to be incommensurable with t h e value of the
b y E q . (30) which is t a n g e n t to K a d e n ' s curve near result, considering the doubtfulness of some of the
the wing. Third, it is assumed t h a t t h e strength of simplifying assumptions. This conclusion is further
t h e vortices lying between the cores is given b y amplified when one considers the problem of predicting
t h e downwash a t t h e tail of an airplane where the ideal-
(dT/dy)x = (dr/d;y) T . E ..P(x) ization involved in considering t h e wing alone is already
r a t h e r extreme.
where 0 < P < 1. W i t h t h e foregoing assumptions,
t h e strength Tc of the vortex cores a t a n y station is de-
termined, since t h e total strength T0 of t h e vortices
trailing from each half of t h e wing remains constant Jones, R. T., Properties of Low-Aspect-Ratio Pointed Wings at
a t all stations; t h u s Speeds Below and Above the Speed of Sound, N.A.C.A. Report
No. 835,1946.
r c = To - P(x) [To - T(ye)] Spreiter, John R., Aerodynamic Properties of Slender Wing-
Body Combinations at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds,
F u r t h e r , P(x) is fixed b y t h e requirement t h a t t h e N.A.C.A. T.N. No. 1662,1948.
Heaslet, Max. A., Lomax, Harvard, and Spreiter, John R.,
lateral position of t h e center of gravity of t h e vortices Linearized Compressible-Flow Theory for Sonic Flight Speeds,
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Prandtl, LM Tragflugeltheorie, I Mitt., Gottingen Nach-
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f. (T/To)dy
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yd X) - Jo (T/T0)dy 5
Prandtl, L., Tragflugeltheorie, II Mitt., Gottingen Nachrich-
ten, 1919, S. 107-137. Reprinted in Prandtl, L., and Betz, A.,
yc(x) - s' Vier Abhandlungen zur Hydrodynamik und Aerodynamik, Gottin-
(40) gen, 1927, Edward Brothers, Inc., 1943.
Jc(x) - Jo (T/To)dy {Continued on page 72)
72 JOURNAL OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S - J A N U A R Y , 195 1

The CalTech electric analog computer has now been employed aspect ratio, sweepback, downwash, and compressibility can be
for comprehensive nutter design analyses in the development of handled.
several new airplanes. In these studies, elastic structures with a The two greatest advantages of our type of analysis are that
large number of degrees of freedom have been represented. the coordinates used in the electrical analogy correspond to the
These include the simulation of wings, fuselages, and stabilizers actual displacements and rotations of stations in the structure
as distributed beams. Control surfaces, engine mountings, and and that local modifications of the actual structure result in
landing gears can, of course, be included. Aerodynamic forces equally local modifications of the analogy circuit, permitting,
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on February 20, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1830

and torques can be applied to all surfaces, whether fixed or mov- therefore, rapid consideration of modifications as the design
able. Currently accepted expressions for the effects of finite analysis proceeds.

The Rolling Up of the Trailing Vortex Sheet and Its Effect on the
Downwash Behind Wings
(Continued from page 32)
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Helmbold, H. B., Eine Ndherungsformel fur Abwindrech- Robinson, A., On Source and Vortex Distributions in the
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Muttray, H., Investigations on the Amount of Downwash Be- 18
Robinson, A., and Hunter-Tod, J. H., Bound and Trailing
hind Rectangular and Elliptical Wings, N.A.C.A. T.M. No. 787, Vortices in the Linearized Theory of Supersonic Flow and the
1936. Downwash in the Wake of a Delta Wing, Rep. No. 10, College of
Silverstein, Abe, Katzoff, S., and Bullivant, W. Kenneth, Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1947.
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Mirels, Harold, and Haefeli, Rudolph C , Line- Vortex Theory
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Betz, A., Behavior of Vortex Systems, N.A.C.A. T.M. No.
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