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5 (a) Able to complete the table with the correct 4 marks

characteristic of matter
(i) very far
sangat jauh
(ii) not arrange in a regular pattern
tidak tersusun dalam bentuk sekata
(iii) small
(iv) vibrate about in their fixed position
bergetar pada kedudukan yang tetap

Each characteristic - 1 mark
[Accept answers written in the task]

(b) Able to give example of substance in liquid and gas 2 marks

(i) Liquid : water
Cecair air
(ii) Gas : oxygen
Gas oksigen
Total 6 marks
[Accept any correct example]

6 (a) Able to explain the process of evaporation based on 2 marks

the diagram
Sample Answers:
P1 - Process that occurs at the water surface
Satu proses yang berlaku pada permukaan air
P2 - The faster particles leaving liquid and evaporated in
air/ changes into gas
Zarah-zarah yang pantas akan meninggalkan cecair
dan tersejat di udara/ bertukar menjadi gas
[Accept any explanation based on the diagram]

Two points - 2 marks
One point - 1 mark

(b) Able to state and explain the factors that affect the 2 marks
rate of evaporation
Sample Answers:
P1 - Humidity of air
Kelembapan udara
P2 - Decreases the rate of evaporation.
Mengurangkan kadar penyejatan
[Accept any factor with explanation]
One factor with explanation - 2 marks
Only one factor stated - 1 mark
P55B2 1/2 TERHAD

(c) Able to state the differences between boiling 2 marks

and evaporation
Sample Answers:
Boiling occurs at the boiling point, while evaporation
occurs at any temperature
Pendidihan berlaku pada takat didih, manakala
penyejatan berlaku pada sebarang suhu
or / atau
Boiling occurs through out the liquid, while
evaporation occurs on the surfaces of the liquid
Pendidihan berlaku pada seluruh cecair, manakala
penyejatan berlaku pada permukaan cecair

The answer must have the comparison between Total 6 marks
boiling and evaporation.

7 (a) Able to give the characteristic of iron plate that 1 mark

enables it to be shaped
Boleh ditempa

(b) Able to give reason why sodium and potassium are 1 mark
stored in the paraffin oil
To prevent from react with water
Untuk mengelak dari bertindak balas dengan air.

(c) (i) Able to write words equations 2 marks

Zinc reacts with oxygen
Zink bertindak balas dengan oksigen
Zinc Oxygen Zinc oxide
Zink + Oksigen Zink oksida
Reactants - 1 mark
Product - 1 mark

(ii) Able to write equations in words 2 marks

Aluminium reacts with sulphur
Aluminiam bertindak balas dengan sulfur
Aluminium Sulphur Aluminium sulphide
Aluminium + Aluminium sulfida
Sulfur Heated
Reactant - 1 mark Total 6 marks
Product - 1 mark
P55B2 2/2 TERHAD

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