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8 (a) Able to state the function of device K and L 2 marks

Sample Answers:
K - Observing distance objects
Memerhati/ melihat objek jauh
L - Collect data of planets in the outer space
Mengumpul data planet di angkasa lepas

[Accept any reasonable functions]

Each function - 1 mark

(b) Able to state the contributions of space exploration 2 marks

Sample Answers:
P1 - Communication satellites allow us to communicate
Satelit komunikasi membolehkan kita untuk berkomunikasi
P2 - Sailing Nagivation conducts the sailors on the sea
Navigasi pelayaran memandu arah pelayar di lautan

[Accept any two reasonable contributions]

Two contributions- 2 marks
One contribution - 1 mark

(c) Able to suggest modern technologies that are used for 2 marks
outer space exploration
Sample Answers:
1. Space telescope
Teleskop angkasa
2. Space probs
Prob angkasa

[Accept any modern technologies in daily life]

Any two suggestions - 2 marks
Only one suggestion - 1 mark Total 6 marks

P55C1 1/3 TERHAD


9 (a) Able to name blood vessel P and vessel Q 2 marks

P - Artery
Q- Pulmonary artery
Arteri pulmonari

(b)(i) Able to state the structure that prevents the 1 mark

blood from flowing back to the veins

(ii) Able to state why artery can withstand high blood 1 mark
pressure coming from the heart
Sample Answers:
The wall of arteries have thicker and stronger.
Dinding arteri lebih tebal dan kuat.

[Accept any reasonable answer]

(c) Able to explain why the blood capillaries are different 2 marks
from vein and artery and relate it with its function
Sample Answer:
P1 - Blood capillaries have thin wall/one cell-thick wall
Kapilari darah mempunyai dinding yang nipis/ dinding berketebalan
setebal satu sel
P2 - Enable the process of diffusion occur efficiently
Membolehkan proses resapan berlaku secara efisien

[Accept any reasonable explanation]

Two points - 2 marks
One point - 1 mark Total 6 marks

P55C1 2/3 TERHAD


10 (a) Able to choose and explain which walker is easier 3 marks

to topple
P1 - K
P2 - Has higher centre of gravity
Mempunyai pusat graviti yang lebih tinggi
P3 - Less stable
Kurang stabil

[Accept any reasonable answer]

[Reject number of wheels affect the stability]

Three points - 3 marks
Two marks - 2 marks
One point - 1 mark

(b) Able to justify the action should be taken by weightlifter 3 marks

to make himself more stable
Sample Answers:
P1 - Bend his leg
Membengkokkan kakinya
P2 - To lower centre of gravity
Untuk merendahkan pusat graviti
P3 - More stable
Lebih stabil

[Accept any reasonable explanations]

Three points - 3 marks
Two points - 2 marks
One point - 1 mark Total 6 marks

P55C1 3/3 TERHAD

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