I Ti) Locating The Point: P TH Midpoin H L J in L R R Lun:) Iao, Ming

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ed and distended with varicose veins. lf women take too many hormones (i.e., ERT), this
will cause this kind of congestion.]

Locating the point: The first point is 3 fen proximal to the midpoint of the distal dorsal
phalangeal joint of the middle finger. The second point is 3 fen distal to the midpoint of
the proximal dorsal phalangeal joint of the same finger. This is a two point unit. Reaction
area of the heart organ and lung phase. (See Figure 3.)

Method of manipulation: Needle trans~

versely under the skin one half fen.

[Case history: A 30 year-old man under-

went a sex change. He had to take large
doses of female hormones every day. If he
stopped these for a week, his rough, male
voice returned and his beard began to grow.
Because he already had received breast
implants, he could not stop taking these 11.
female hormones. But he also suffered great-
ly from this kind of spinal pain. I used this _, .
point to treat this case with great success.
Because he continues to take these hor- .-.- - .
mones, he must also continue this treat-
ment. The important thing, however, is
that at least this point is able to control his
pain and discomfort.]

Er Jiao Ming (11.12) _- ~ a}] Figure 3.

[Translation: Er, two; ]iao, comer; Ming, bright]

Indications: Low back pain, kidney pain, flank pain, nose bone pain, [supraorbital pain]


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