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March for Science

The March for Science was a march orchestrated by many different scientists and their

supporters, and was marched throughout the United States on Earth Day. Scientists felt

compelled to instigate the march, because they claimed that President Trump belittled climate

change as a joke and asserted that vaccines given out were dangerous. The marchers also

declared that Trump governed cabinet members indifferent to the science fields. Trump also

proposed a budget with extreme cuts to scientific institutions, which angered the marchers more.

The March for Science was unusual, because it combined the topics of science and politics. The

marchers demonstrated their hope that this march would aid communications with elected

officials, and that these officials would gain an appreciation and understanding on climate

change, vaccines, and other scientific issues. They yearned to be able to reach a meeting point

with the government, and they hoped that this march would initiate communication. Mona-

Hanna-Attisha, who was a scientist that was very influential in discovering lead poisoning

throughout Michigan, encouraged the movement to assure that governments would not ignore or

dismiss the scientific fields of research. He insisted that humans would not exist without science,

and was very demanding that something would be done to assure the use of science throughout

society and government of the United States. In addition, Christine Negra, who is a famous

chemist, said that this event was initiated to show people how urgent of a situation this really is.

Finally, these marches took on an extremely political hue, and many chants were directed

towards and criticized Trump and his administration. Overall, scientists felt compelled to

demonstrate in this way in order to convey the importance of science.

If I were a practicing or professional scientist, I would not have participated in the march.

I believe that the march was too politically motivated, and would not reflect well on myself as a
professional. I have a deep respect for science, and I believe that it is extremely important and

should be treated as such. While I believe this, I do not think that this march was the correct way

to handle this issue. As previously mentioned, the marches were extremely politically motivated

and negative towards the President of the United States, which I do not believe should be

acceptable in any situation. I do not think criticizing Trump and his administration negatively

would fix the problem, because that would anger them and make them more resolute in their

decisions. I would try to negotiate peacefully with the administration, because both sides of the

spectrum would then be satisfied. As previously stated, I would not have participated in the

march if I were a practicing or professional scientist.

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