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Newborn Exam Checklist - Written by Dr. D. Louie


Initial Inspection Vital Signs

ABCs Blood pressure
Distressed? Heart rate
Well vs unwell looking Respiratory rate
Level of consciousness O2 Sat
Measure and Plot on Growth Chart
Crown-heel length
Head circumference
General Appearance Inspection Colour
Activity Pallor
Quality of cry Plethora
Malformations/abnormalities/dysmorphisms Jaundice
Posture/tone Cyanosis/Acrocyanosis
Size/ Maturity
Skin Inspection
Colour (see above section) Hemangiomas
Vernix Salmon patch
Milia Caf au lait spot
Mongolian spots Petichae or bruising
HEENT HEAD Dysmorphic features
Molding Flattened nasal bridge
Suture lines Epicanthal folds
Fontanelles ant/post ENT
Bruising caput seccedaneum, Ear set/shape
cephalohematomas, subgleal hematom Nasal patency
EYES Palate
Symmetry NECK
Set/shape Palpate sternocleidomastoid muscles
Discharge ROM of neck
Erythema Palpate clavicles
Red light reflex Webbing/redundant skin
Chest Inspection Auscultate
asymmetry Air entry
breast hypertrophy Crackles
Palpate Heart sounds
Brachial pulses Murmurs
Femoral pulses
Abdomen Inspection Palpate
Defects Liver
3 vessel umbilical cord Spleen tip?
Diastasis recti? Kidneys
Umbilical hernia?
Scaphoid abdomen
Abdominal distention
Genito-Urinary Inspection Female
Ambiguous genetalia? Labia majora
Male Clitoromegaly?
Testes present Anus
Scrotal swelling hernia? hydrocele? Patent
Penis length Sacral dimple?
Petichae or bruising
MSK Inspection HIPS
Spontaneous symmetric movements? Barlow maneuver
HANDS Ortolani maneuver
Polydactyly SPINE
Syndactyly Scoliosis
Abnormal dermatoglyphic patterns Spinal disraphisms tufts, lipomas, hemangiomas or
FEET large dimple.
Talipes equinovarus
Gap between toes
Neuro Inspection REFLEXES
Posture Plantar
Alertness with and without stimulation Rooting
Suspension Galant

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