Ground-Fault Protection - All You Need To Know

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Nehad EI-Sherif, P.Eng, M.Se., MBA
Senior Member, IEEE
1401 Elliott Street
Saskatoon, SK S7N OV9, Canada

Abstract - Industrial power systems, whether low voltage load current (by enough margin) to prevent tripping during an
(LV) or medium voltage (MV) systems, are the backbone of overload condition. Accordingly, overcurrent devices cannot
any industrial facility. To keep production going and minimize detect high impedance arcing ground faults due to their very
downtimes, they are required to be very reliable. Therefore, it low current magnitude. Therefore, ground-fault protection is
is important to deploy various protection systems to detect required by both the National Electric Code (NEC) in the US
and react appropriately to any abnormal condition that can and the Canadian Electric Code (CEC).
lead to a failure to deliver power or to a hazardous condition. In order to understand and properly implement those code
Ground faults are the most common condition experienced requirements, it is important to differentiate between system
by a power system. Hence the ability to detect and react as grounding and equipment grounding.
needed quickly is paramount. The goal of this paper is to help System grounding of a wye-connected system is the
protection engineers, engineering consultants, and power connection of the neutral to ground. Delta-connected systems
system operators to apply ground-fault protection systems are grounded as shown in Figure 1. Equipment grounding, on
correctly while also complying with local electrical codes. the other hand, is the connection of all non-current-carrying
conductive metal parts (such as metal enclosures, motor
Index Terms - Ground faults, ground-fault protection of frames, conduits, cable trays, and junction boxes) to a local
equipment (GFPE), ground-fault relays, neutral grounding. grounding grid which is connected to earth . The connection
of all non-current-carrying metals parts together and to the
I. INTRODUCTION electrical supply source, which is called bonding, creates a
low-impedance circuit for the fault current. This facilitates the
Most North American industrial power systems are operation of ground-fault protection. On the other hand,
designed to have an intentional connection to ground (earth's connecting of non-current-carrying metals parts to earth limits
mass), i.e., grounded systems, via a low impedance path. the voltage to ground (i .e., touch potential) on those parts to a
Grounding of three-phase systems is done by connecting the safer value. ensures that those metal parts are always at
main transformer or generator neutral to ground. For a single- ground potential. Therefore, a person who comes in contact
phase (split-phase) system, the mid-point of the transformer with those parts, during a ground-fault condition, is exposed
winding is connected to ground. to a less hazardous voltage.
Most ungrounded systems, still in service, are legacy System grounding and equipment grounding, also referred
systems that have not yet been converted to grounded to as safety grounding, serve different purposes. Equipment
systems. An ungrounded delta-connected transformer can be grounding is implemented to provide personnel safety, while
grounded by connecting either one of its corners or the mid- system grounding provides system operational stability.
point of one phase winding to ground. A grounding It is worth mentioning that ground-fault relays only provide
transformer (zigzag or wye-delta) can also be used to provide equipment protection and are not appropriate for personnel
an artificial neutral that can be connected to ground. Those protection. To provide personnel protection against shock
three methods are shown in Fig. 1. hazards, a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is used [2].
System grounding is a common practice because it limits This paper is organized as follows: Section 11 covers the
the voltage rise of un-faulted phases during a ground-fault to definition, causes and types of ground faults. Then a brief
a predictable value within the normal dielectric capabilities of discussion of power system neutral grounding methods is
applied insulation systems. System grounding also provides given in Section Ill. Finally, various topics related to ground-
a safer path for ground-fault currents to allow the detection of fault protection are covered in Section IV. The topics covered
such condition by ground-fault relays and minimize step- are: 1) protective relay technologies, 2) ground-fault detection
potential hazard. methods, 3) proper operation, 4) installation problems, 5)
A ground fault (also referred to as a line-to-ground fault) is testing, 6) applications, and 7) electrical code requirements in

an unintentional connection between an energized conductor Canada and the US.
and ground. This condition leads to a large amount of current

~: (-:
er- 1 c
flowing to ground, resulting in excessive heat damage at the
fault point. Ground faults can create various safety hazards
such as fire, electric shock, and serious damage to rotating
machinery and electronic equipment. Line-to-ground faults
comprise approximately 98% of all electrical failures [1].
Overcurrent protection can detect a ground-fault condition, if Ungrounded
Corner grounded
Centertap grounded Grounding transformer
the fault current is higher than the device setting. Overcurrent
protection devices are set at a value higher than the nominal Fig. 1 Grounding of 3-phase delta systems

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11. GROUND FAULTS - AN OVERVIEW been available for many years; however modern technology
has allowed significant improvements in the methods and
A. Definitions devices available for detection and identification of ground
faults in impedance grounded systems.
The NEC defines a ground fault as: "an unintentional,
electrically conductive connection between an ungrounded Ill. SYSTEM NEUTRAL GROUNDING
conductor of an electrical circuit and the normally non-
current-carrying conductors, metallic enclosures, metallic As previously mentioned, neutral-to-ground impedance
race ways, metallic equipment, or earth. " [3]. On the other plays an important role in determining the ground-fault
hand, the CEC defines a ground fault as: "an unintentional current. To illustrate the effects, the single-phase equivalent
electrical path between a part operating normally at some circuit, shown in Fig. 1, is used. Note that XL represents the
potential to ground, and ground." [4]. From those two per phase inductance of the power carrying cable and the
definitions, it is clear that both codes have a similar transformer secondary reactance . Usually, the per-phase
definition for ground faults, although the NEC provides a distributed capacitance to ground is assumed to be
more detailed definition than does the CEC . balanced and can therefore be lumped together. The
capacitive reactance between each phase conductor and
B. Causes ground is represented by Xco (the suffix 0 indicates the zero
sequence component). A further simplification can be made
Ground faults may occur because the dielectric function to the circuit by obtaining the Thevenin equivalent
of insulation is compromised for any number of reasons, reactance of the parallel combination of the three Xco (i.e.
among them : Xco/3) . Finally, V1 represents the line-to-ground voltage of
the faulted phase.
Aging , physical damage, and stresses (caused by For example, to model a line-to-ground fault on phase A,
overvoltages, lightning , etc.) wear insulation out V1 equals phase A to ground voltage. A line-to-ground fault
resulting in its failure of impedance Z, is represented by connecting Z, between
Exposure to moisture, chemicals, or conductive dust the output terminals of Fig. 2.It is worth mentioning that the
Raccoons and rodents (e.g., squirrels, beavers, and phase-to-phase capacitances are not modeled as they have
rats) chewing into insulation or bridge an insulating no contribution in ground fault currents .
gap between conductors As mentioned previously, the magnitude of the ground-
Accidental human intervention causing a fault (e.g., fault current is determined by the total system impedance
dropping tools or improperly handling conductors) (system characteristic) and the fault impedance to ground
(fault dependent). Therefore, to control the magnitude of the
C. Types fault current, an external impedance of a known value can
be added to the system. This impedance is typically
Within industry literature, the most commonly defined inserted between the system neutral and ground.
ground fault is the bolted fault. A bolted fault is Referring to Fig. 2, the external impedance inserted
characterized by having zero impedance-to-ground . between the neutral and ground is in parallel to the total
Practically, it is difficult to have a zero impedance-to-ground system charging capacitance, Xco/3 . Accordingly, the
fault. Yet, human mistakes (e.g., leaving grounding cables ground-fault current magnitude is determined by the
connected after maintenance or crossing conductors during equivalent impedance of this parallel combination .
equipment assembly) could result in a bolted ground fault.
The magnitude of ground-fault current is controlled by
the : 1) system total impedance (grounding impedance,
transformer and cable impedances) and 2) fault impedance
to ground. Accordingly, for a given system (i.e., constant
system impedance), the magnitude of the fault current is
determined by the fault impedance to ground. Since, the
fault impedance depends on the fault's nature. Therefore,
an external impedance is used to limit the fault current to a
Fig . 2 Single-phase equivalent circuit of a power system
predetermined value as explained in the following section .
Equipment type ground faults in low voltage distribution
The different methods of neutral power system grounding
systems could be classified into three ranges: 1) High
are shown in Fig. 3. According to the nature of the
magnitude low impedance faults that can be detected by
grounding element inserted between the source neutral and
normal phase overcurrent protection because the current is ground, power systems are classified as:
high enough, 2) High impedance arcing ground faults that 1) Ungrounded: No intentional connection of the system
require dedicated detection that isolates and measured the neutral to ground is made. Yet, the system distributed
zero sequence current that is associated with the fault and charging capacitance establishes such a connection to
not normal load current unbalance, 3) Ground-fault currents ground. Therefore, ungrounded systems are capacitive
having a predetermined value that are experienced by high grounded systems.
impedance grounded systems. This value is determined by 2) Solidly Grounded: The neutral is directly connected
the impedance of the grounding element used . to ground with no intervening impedance. This has the
Detection systems for all types of ground faults have effect of shorting the charging capacitance, Xco/3 .

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3) Resistance Grounded: A resistance is used to A ground-fault protection system consists of some or all of
connect the system neutral to ground. Based on the value the above components. For example, ground-fault protection
of the grounding resistor (and hence the magnitude of systems used in low voltage applications (i.e. system of 1 kV
ground fault current permitted to flow) , resistance grounding or less) typically have no ground-fault relays. Instead the
is further classified into high-resistance and low-resistance ground-fault sensing unit is integrated into the circuit breaker.
grounding. On the other hand, medium voltage ground-fault protection
4) Reactance Grounded: A reactor is used to connect systems use ground-fault relays and current sensor(s) to
the system neutral to ground. Similar to resistance detect a ground-fault condition . The number of CTs used
grounding, reactance grounding is classified to high- depends on the detection methods used, as explained later.
reactance and low-reactance grounding. A ground-fault A communication option is typically not included with ground-
neutralizer, which is also known as tuned-reactance fault protection systems.
grounding or Peterson coil, is a special case of reactance
grounding, where an adjustable reactor is tuned to resonate A. Current Transformers
with the total system charging capacitance Xco/3 .
The four types of CTs: 1) wound, 2) bar, 3) window, and 4)
Power system neutral grounding is a broad topic and has bushing are shown in Fig. 4 [7]. Window CTs are usually
been covered extensively in industry literature. For more used in medium voltage ground-fault protection systems
information, consult [1], [5] and [6] . provided that the window is big enough to fit the power
cables. When selecting CTs, the following factors should be
considered: 1) continuous primary current rating , 2)
o continuous thermal current rating factor, 3) rated output, 4)
)--.....~-.()----{ A
short-time thermal rating, 5) short-term mechanical rating, 6)
_ _ _~_ _-{ D
nominal system voltage, 7) accuracy class, 8) basic insulation
level (BIL), and 9) saturation [7].
Ungrounded Solidly Grounded
CT polarity is very important for the proper operation of a
ground-fault system. The CT polarity defines the relative
instantaneous direction of the CT primary and secondary
current. When primary current is entering the marked
primary terminal, the corresponding secondary current is
leaving the similarly marked secondary terminal [7] .
Resi stance Grounded Reactance Grounded

Fig . 3Power system grounding methods


Usually, a protection system is compromised of:

1) Transducers (or Sensors): Convert a physical quantity WoundCT BarCT
(e.g., current, voltage, light, etc) into a proportional electrical
output. This output is then fed to a protective relay. Current
transformer (CT) and potential transformer (PT), also referred
to as voltage transformer (VT), are the most commonly used
sensors. CTs and PTs step down the power system current
and voltage, respectively, to safer levels for protective relays WindowCT BushingCT
to handle. Light, pressure, and heat sensors are other Fig. 4 Types of CTs
example of sensors used for power system protection.
2) Protective Relays: Process the electrical output of the B. Protective Relay Technologies
transducer to determine the power system condition (i.e.,
whether there is a fault or not). If a fault is detected, a trip Ground faults in solidly grounded low voltage systems are
command is initiated to open or close circuit breaker(s). In often arcing and therefore rapid fault clearing is required to
simple terms, a protective relay is an electrically operated avoid the damage caused by the excessive arc heat. Also,
device designed to trip circuit breaker(s) when a fault the magnitude of ground-fault currents is typically less than
condition is detected. A ground-fault relay processes the CT the phase overcurrent device rating . Phase overcurrent
output signal to determine if a ground-fault condition exists. If devices are designed to withstand overloads for a
it does, the relay sends a trip signal to clear the fault. considerable length of time. Therefore, they are not
3) Circuit Breakers: Mechanically open or close power appropriate for detecting and clearing ground faults.
system circuits based on a relay command. Accordingly, a dedicated device (i.e. ground-fault relay) is
4) Batteries: Provide backup power to the protection required to detect ground faults.
system in case of power loss. No different than other protective relays, the very first
5) Communication Channels: Used to enable or inhibit ground-fault relay models introduced were electromechanical
tripping of remote equipment and communicate the status of devices. Those relays relied heavily on coils interacting with
the power system. Communication is also used to transmit moving parts to detect ground faults.
fault data to the power system control room .

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As a result of the advancement in electronics during the

1960s, static relays (also known as solid state relays) were
.----------j'---lr------- PHASE A

introduced. Contrary to electromechanical relays, static relays

have no moving parts and use electronic, electromagnetic, or ~--+--_+------ PHAS E B
optical components to detect ground faults.
Analog electronics (e.g., diodes, transistors, operational
amplifiers) were initially used to implement analog static '---+---+------ NEUTRAL
relays. Later, digital static relays were introduced. Digital
static relays employed digital electronic components (e.g., L...-_ _ _ +-_-+______ PHASE C
analog-to-digital converters, logic gates, flip-flops) to
implement the same functionality as their electromechanical GROUND l e
FAULT - __. I -
and analog static relay predecessors.
Microprocessor based relays were introduced in the mid
Fig . 6Zero sequence detection technique [8)
1980s. At the beginning, each protection function had its own
microprocessor. As the technology matured, it became a
common practice to develop multifunction protective relays 3) Residual (or Differential) Current: Phase overcurrent
and later on combining control and protection functions into protection CTs (when available) can be used to detect
an Intelligent Electronic Device (lED). ground faults by connecting them as shown in Fig . 7. This
connection provides a residual current, which is the phasor
C. Detection Methods summation of the phase currents and the neutral current (if
present). For a healthy system , the differential current is
Regardless of the protective relay technology used, a always zero. On the other hand, if a ground-fault condition
ground fault is detected by one of the following three exists, then a non-zero differential current will flow through
methods [8] : the ground-fault relay. This method is the primary method
1) Ground Return: The connection between the source used for detecting ground faults in low voltage systems,
(transformer or generator) neutral point and ground is since low voltage circuit breaker integral trip units are used.
passed through a CT window as shown in Fig. 5. The
...--------=fX.:q..,...........- - - - - - PHASE A
premise of the detection principle is that normal load current PHASE
does not return to the source via ground. Accordingly, any OVERCURRENT
current flowing and sensed in this portion of the circuit is a RELAY
,c------+;~I--.J------- PHASE B
ground-fault current. One problem with this method is that
any unbalance in capacitive coupling current could cause
nuisance tripping . Some ground-fault relays overcome this ' - - - - - I : f : t : : q = - : : l ' - - - - - - - - NEUTRAL
by filtering out the capacitive current component and only
use the resistive current to detect a ground-fault condition .
, . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PHASE A
RO-U-N-D---I:f:t::q-d~------ PHAs e C
,c--- - - - - - - - - - - PHASE B Fig . 7 Differential current detection technique [8)

' - - - - - - - - - - - - NEUTRAL
D. Proper Operation

Due to its simplicity, low cost, and high accuracy (since

only one CT is used), core balance is the most commonly
L..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

used method for detecting ground faults in medium voltage

Fig . 5Ground return detection technique [8) power systems. Therefore, it will be used to illustrate the
operation of the ground-fault protection system shown in
2) Core Balance (or Zero Sequence) : In those cases Fig. 8.
when the source grounding conductor is not available (e.g. Fig. 8 shows a 3-phase 4-wire power system with a
feeders) , the three phase and the neutral (if present) single-phase to neutral load, where the core balance
conductors are passed though the CT window as shown in ground-fault detection method is used. Note that there is no
Fig . 6. During normal operation, all phase currents must ground connection of the neutral conductor downstream of
return to the source via a phase conductor or the neutral (after) the CT, which is very important to ensure proper
conductor. Therefore, the total current passing through the operation as explained in the following section.
CT window (i.e., l a + I b + l e + In) at any given time is zero. Referring to Fig. 8,the 3-phase load is balanced (i.e., the
Consequently, the resultant magnetic field is also zero , and sum of the 3-phase currents is zero) . Also, the single-phase
hence there is no CT output. When a ground fault occurs, load current flows from the source to the load through the
the current imbalance through the CT window establishes a CT and returns back to the source through the CT through
magnetic field that generates a CT output proportional to the neutral. Therefore , the magnetic fields of all currents
the ground-fault current. This method is the primary method flowing through the CT will cancel and there will be no CT
uses for detecting ground faults in medium voltage systems. output.

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Incoming Service Switchgear the relay as a fault condition . If the value of ILG is higher
CT S'JITCH I,.. than the relay pick-up value, then the relay will trip to clear a
fault that does not exist. In other words, the protection
system nuisance trips .
Incoming Service Switchgear


Fig. 8 A 3-phase 4-wire power system with no ground-fault [9]

When a ground-fault occurs as shown in Fig. 9,the fault

current will return to the source via ground bypassing the
CT. Therefore, the magnetic field balance is lost and a CT
output (proportional to the ground-fault current) is induced . Switchgear
This output triggers the ground-fault relay to trip. Ground

Fig. 10 Desensitization of a ground-fault protection system [9]

Incoming Service Switchgear
CT SWITCH Incoming Service Switchgear
CT ~

Fig . 9 A 3-phase 4-wire power system with a ground-fault [9]
Fig. 11 Nuisance tripping of a ground-fault protection system [9]
E. Installation Problems
From the previous discussion, it is clear that the integrity
The following installation problems can prevent proper of the ground-fault protection system is compromised by
operation of the ground-fault protection system [9]: misplacing the neutral-conductor grounding connection .
1) Grounded Neutral Downstream of the CT: On 3- This condition is encountered in many installations.
phase 4-wire systems, this condition has the effect of Therefore, special care should be given to make sure that
desensitizing the ground-fault protection system (during a the neutral conductor is only grounded at the main bonding
ground-fault) and causing nuisance tripping (during normal jumper which is located in the service entrance section.
operation). There should be no additional grounding connections
First, to illustrate the desensitization effect, a 3-phase 4- downstream from the bonding jumper and the CT.
wire system with a grounded neutral conductor downstream 2) Incorrect CT Polarity: When using the residual
of the CT during a ground fault is shown in Fig. 10. The fault current method to detect a ground-fault, the neutral CT
current has two components: IF that returns to the source must be installed with the same polarity with respect to the
via ground (similar to the situation shown in Fig . 9), and IFN phase CTs. This will guarantee that during normal
that returns to the source via the neutral conductor and operation, the neutral current magnetic field cancels the
flows through the CT. In other words, not all the fault current magnetic fields of the phase currents. Therefore, a
bypasses the CT. The value of IFN (i.e., the current balanced condition is attained and there is no CT output. If
unbalance) will determine how the relay responds to the the neutral CT is installed with incorrect polarity, the neutral
fault condition . If IFN is lower than the relay pick-up value, current will generate magnetic field that adds to the
then the relay will never trip and the fault will go unnoticed . magnetic fields of the phase currents. In other words, the
On the other hand, if IFN is higher than the relay pick-up load current is interpreted as a fault current and a CT output
value, then the relay will trip but slower than expected (if an is induced, resulting in false tripping .
inverse time relay is used). The reason being the fault 3) Conductor Omission from Passing through the CT
current measured by the relay (i.e., IFN) is lower than the Window: When using the core balance method to detect a
actual fault current value . Therefore, the protection system ground-fault, all conductors (including the neutral) must
is desensitized. pass through the CT window. Omission of any of the
Fig. 11 is used to illustrate the nuisance tripping scenario. conductors from passing through the CT will result in false
This time the same 3-phase 4-wire system is shown during tripping due to current unbalance.
normal operation (i .e. with no ground-fault). This is the 4) Incorrect Power Cable Installation through the CT
same situation shown in Fig . 8 with the exception that now Window: When using the core balance method to detect a
part of the load current (ILG) returns to the source via the ground-fault, the power cable should be located at the
neutral connection downstream of the CT (i.e. bypassing center of the CT window . The cable should not be placed
the CT). This current unbalance in the CT is interpreted by directly against the CT chassis . If the cable is in contact
with the CT chassis false operation could take place due to

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local saturation of the CT core under through-fault 3-Phase, 4Wire r----------------,

condition . Proper installation of shielded and unshielded Transformer
I Ma' I
IA1 .-.. I
,- ----
power cables is shown in Fig . 12.
I N1 I
N~ I

Gr nd
To loads
L_ -----r-------J
Unshielded Cable Shielded Cable
-= '- Equipment

Fig.12 Proper installation of cables through the eT window Fig.13 Neutral Insulation resistance test [9]

5) Direction of Neutral and Phase Conductors: To avoid 2) Primary Current Injection: As mentioned earlier, it is
false tripping because of unbalanced currents, the neutral a code requirement to conduct performance testing during
and phase conductors must pass through the CT window in ground-fault protection systems commissioning . Also
the same direction . regular maintenance testing is essential to ensure proper
6) Passing the Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC) operation . Primary current injection is one of two test
through the CT Window: The EGC provides a low methods used for evaluating the ground-fault protection
resistance return pass to the fault current. Passing the EGC system performance. The advantage of primary current
through the CT window forces the ground-fault current to go injection method (over the simulated fault current method
through the CT (instead of bypassing it). This has the effect discussed next) is that the whole protection system is
of restoring the current balance through the CT. Therefore, tested. Primary current injection verifies that CTs are
there will be no CT output during a ground-fault condition . mounted and wired correctly and that there is no nuisance
Consequently, the ground-fault relay fails to trip. tripping during normal operation [9] . Also, primary current
injection is the only method capable of testing integral
F. Testing
ground-fault trips on low voltage circuit breakers [10] .
The test is performed by injecting primary CT current into
Unlike rotating machines and other equipment, protection
the protected system phases and neutral conductors to
systems (including ground-fault systems) remain standstill
duplicate the flow of ground-fault current under different
and inoperative until a fault develops. Protection systems
are similar to car airbags; they sit unnoticed, yet must conditions. The test set used includes a high current supply
operate properly and reliably whenever needed . designed to provide variable current (up to 1000 A or more
To guarantee that the protection system stays vigilant at at 2.5 V, or similar) via built-in autotransformers. A current
all times proper maintenance and testing is required . The supply capable of delivering 1200 A or more may be
NEC recognized this in Article 230.95(C) which reads as needed, if the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) requires
follows [3]: "the ground-fault protection system shall be testing at the full ground-fault protection system setting .
performance tested when first installed on site. The test Detailed test instructions and diagrams for various ground-
shall be conducted in accordance with instructions that shall fault protection systems can be found in [10j.
be provided with the equipment. A written record of this test 3) Simulated Fault Current (or Secondary Current
shall be made and shall be available to the authority having Injection) : An alternative to the primary current injection test
jurisdiction." The performance tests of ground-fault is the simulated fault current test. This test is conducted by
protection systems are: simulating a ground-fault current generated by an external
1) Neutral Insulation Resistance: It is imperative to test coil wrapped around the CT core or by using a separate test
the neutral insulation resistance to detect any unintended winding in the CT. The current injected is the secondary CT
grounding connections downstream of the bonding jumper current equivalent to the simulated primary CT ground-fault
or the CT. This will eliminate the desensitization and current (hence the name secondary current injection) .
nuisance tripping of the protection system mentioned Accordingly, a high current supply is not required , which is a
huge cost saving over the primary current injection test.
To perform this test, one must temporarily remove the
A simulated fault current verifies the proper operation of
neutral disconnect link and measure the resistance between
the CT, ground-fault relay, shunt trip and the control power
the neutral and ground as shown in Fig .13. If the measured
value is less than one megaohm, then the problem should supply. However, it cannot detect a neutral grounding
be corrected prior to placing the equipment into service [9] . connection downstream of the CT, incorrect CT polarity,
and that all conductors are passed through the CT window
in the same direction. Therefore the simulated ground-fault
test is not adequate to verify that the entire ground-fault

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protection system is correctly installed. Also, this method H. Code Requirements

cannot be use to test integral ground-fault trips on low
voltage circuit breakers. From the previous discussion , it is clear that ground-fault
Consequently, the test must be supplemented by protection can be applied virtually everywhere. Therefore, it
thorough visual inspection to detect the existence of any of is important to have guidelines on when the application of
the aforementioned problems. The only restriction is that ground-fault protection is required and when it is prohibited.
the simulated fault current test combined with a thorough Electrical codes are developed to provide the required
visual inspection must be accepted by the AHJ . Otherwise, guidance. The NEC in the US and the CEC in Canada have
primary current injection test must be used instead. similar requirements for the application and prohibition of
ground-fault protection . Keep in mind that both codes are
4) Reduced Control Voltage : The control power needed
on a three year review cycle . Therefore , those requirements
to operate a ground-fault system is provided via an external
are under regular evaluation, which makes it very important
power supply or from the protected system lines. The latter
to stay up-to-date with the code new revisions.
method is advantageous because the protection system is a 1) NEC Requirements: The term ground-fault protection
standalone system that is not dependent on an external of equipment (GFPE) is used by the NEC to reference
power supply to operate. A line-fed protection system ground-fault protection systems. This term is used to
control power is typically driven from a control power emphasize that those protection systems are not
transformer (CPT) as shown in Fig.12. Depending on the appropriate for personnel protection .
protection system design, a CPT with an appropriate turns GFPE for service disconnecting means became a code
ratio is used . A 480/120V CPT is commonly used and requirement in 1971 as a result of the high number of
hence is used to demonstrate the importance of the burned down equipment reported on large capacity
reduced control voltage test. 480Y/277V solidly grounded services [12]. The
Fig .14 shows a fault on one of the power lines energizing requirements for applying EGFP are found in Chapter 2
the CPT. This fault forces the CPT input voltage to change (Wiring and Protection), Article 230.95 (Services): "Ground-
from line-to-line voltage to line-to-ground voltage . fault protection of equipment shall be provided for solidly
Therefore, the CPT input voltage drops by a factor of ../3; grounded wye electric services of more than 150 volts to
from 480 V to 277 V. Consequently, the CPT output voltage ground but not exceeding 1000 volts phase-to-phase for
each service disconnect rated 1000 amperes or more." [3] .
drops (by the same ratio) to 69 V from 120 V. Accordingly, a
Setting of GFPE is done in accordance to Article 230.95 :
ground-fault protection system must operate at 69 V (which
"The maximum setting of the ground-fault protection shall
is approximately 58% of the rated control voltage) to detect
be 1200 amperes, and the maximum time delay shall be
and trip that ground-fault. This is the reason for UL 1053 one second for ground-fault currents equal to or greater
standard to require ground-fault relays to be fully operable than 3000 amperes." [3]. The requirements of Article 230.95
at 55% of the rated input voltage [11] . for applying GFPE are extended to the following
[- - - - -- -- - G;.;,;-;;;;,itl applications [3] :
I A1 Main A2 ~
... 1. Branch Circuits - Article 210.13
2. Feeders - Article 215.10
'----N --+...-++-+-- ....
Overcurrent Protection - Article 240.13
Health Care Facilities - Article 517.17

I 5. Critical Operations Power Systems - Article

The requirement for prohibiting the application of GFPE is

also stated in Article 230.95 Exception: " The ground-fault
r n
To Loads protection provisions of this section shall not apply to a
BU service disconnect for a continuous industrial process
L_ =-----~ ~UiP:;---~ where a nonorderly shutdown will introduce additional or
EnClosure increased hazards." [3] . This exception clarifies the code
Fig.14 A line-fed ground-fault protection system during a fault (9) rational for prohibiting GFPE. The rule of thumb is: the
application of GFPE is prohibited when unplanned
G. Applications interruption of power to industrial processes (due to GFPE
operation) results in a life-safety or catastrophic-failure
As mentioned previously, 98% of all electrical failures are hazard more significant than the electrical hazard mitigated
attributed to ground faults [1]. Accordingly, ground-fault by their operation [12] . For example, the continued
protection is applicable in almost all industries. operation of the fire pumps until the fire is extinguished is
Ground-fault protection is used in mining, pulp and paper, essential and overrides any safety concerns due to a
oil and gas, cement and aggregate, and forestry industries. ground-fault. Therefore, the protection of fire pumps by
It is also has a variety of applications in construction, GFPE is prohibited by Article 695.6(G) : "Ground-fault
agriculture, food and beverage, electric utilities, and the protection of equipment shall not be permitted for fire
entertainment industry. Within those industries, a few pumps." [3].
examples of potential applications are protection of The deliberate wording and content of the code specifies
generators (permanent or portable), feeders, motors, etc. what is required , prohibited , and by its absence, what is not.

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In other words, there are incidences where the application Similar to the NEC, the CEC does not permit ground-fault
of GFPE is not required, yet it is not prohibited. For protection of fire pumps as per Rule 32-212: "Ground fault
example, GFPE is not required on single phase, dc circuits, protection shall not be installed in a fire pump circuit." [4] .
impedance grounded systems, ungrounded wye systems,
any type of delta or open delta systems, whether solidly V. CONCLUSIONS
grounded or not.
An area of confusion is Chapter 4 (Equipment for General Providing ground-fault protection is of prime importance
Use), Article 430 (Motors, Motor Circuits and Controllers) since ground faults represent the majority of abnormal power
where there is no requirement for GFPE. Yet Articles system conditions. Ground-fault protection systems are used
430.51, 430.53, 430.55, and others include requirements for to detect and clear ground faults to minimize or prevent (if
ground-fault protection. Article 430.51 declares that ground- possible) equipment damage. Electrical codes in Canada and
fault protection does not include the types of devices the US determine when the application of ground-fault
required by Articles 210.8 (GFCI), 230.95 (EGFPD), and protection is required, when it is prohibited, their setting, and
590.6 (GFCI protection for temporary installations). where to install them . There are some cases where the
Unfortunately, no definition for the difference between electrical codes neither prohibit nor require ground-fault
GFPE and ground-fault protection is given. protection systems. In those cases, the application of ground-
Even though not required , it is a standard practice to fault protection is a judgment call based on the economical
equip motors with rapid EGFP when the value of a motor value and importance of the equipment to be protected. In
rewind or the risk of an extended outage would order to guarantee proper operation of ground-fault protection
economically outweigh the cost of the EGFP. Motors 50 HP systems, proper installation, performance testing during
and higher, depending on the application, are typical commissioning, and frequent maintenance are required.
candidates for installing EGFP.
2) CEC, PART I Requirements: The requirements for VI. REFERENCES
ground-fault protection are intended to minimize and, as far
as possible, eliminate equipment damage and fire hazards [1] J. R. Dunki-Jacobs, F. J. Shields and C. S. Pierre,
related to arcing ground faults [13] . Those requirements are Industrial Power System Grounding Design Handbook,
stated in Section 14 (Protection and Control), Rule 14- Thomson-Shore, 2007.
102(1) (Ground Fault Protection): "Ground fault protection [2] N. EI-Sherif, M. Nilson and R. Zweifel , "Reducing
shall be provided to de-energize all normally ungrounded Electrocutions in Industry: Application of a Class C
conductors of a faulted circuit that are downstream from the Ground-Fault Current Interrupter in a Pulp and Paper
point or points marked with an asterisk in Diagram 3 in the Plant," IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, vol. 21 , no.
event of a ground fault in those conductors as follows: 1, pp. 49-53, 2015.
(a) for circuits of solidly grounded systems rated more [3] NFPA 70, 2014 National Electrical Code, Quincy, MA:
than 150 volts-to-ground, less than 750 V phase- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
to-phase and 1000 A or more; and [4] C22.1-15, 2015 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I,
(b) for circuits of solidly grounded systems rated 150 V Toronto, ON : CSA Group.
or less to ground and 2000 A or more." [4]. [5] D. Beeman, Industrial Power Systems Handbook, New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.
The setting of ground-fault protection is specified by Rule [6] N. EI-Sherif and K. Sheldon, "A Design Guide to Neutral-
14-102(2): "Except as permitted by Subrule (8), the grounding of Industrial Power Systems," in IEEE
maximum setting of the ground fault protection shall be Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference (PCIC),
1200 A and the maximum time delay shall be one second Calgary, 2017.
for ground fault currents equal to or greater than 3000 A." [7] IEEE Std 242-2001 (Buff Book), IEEE Recommended
[4]. Where Subrule (8) states that: "In ground fault schemes Practices for Protection and Coordination of Industrial
where two or more protective devices in series are used for and Commercial Power Systems.
ground fault coordination, the upstream protective device [8] IEEE Std 142-2007 (Green Book), IEEE Recommended
settings shall be permitted to exceed those specified in Practices for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial
Subrule (2) where necessary to obtain the desired Power Systems.
coordination, provided that the final downstream ground [9] P. Beisert, "Performance Testing of Ground Fault
fault protective device in each circuit required to be Protective Devices, A Look at Article 230.95," in NETA
protected conforms to the requirements of Subrule (2)." [4] . Power Test Electrical Maintenance and safety
Ground-fault protection is a requirement for the following Conference, Long Beach, CA, 2010.
applications [4] : Available:
1. Submersible Pumps - Rule 29-596(d) [10] GEI-48907, "Ground Fault Protection Systems -
2. Neon Supplies Secondary Circuits - Rule 34-302 Performance Testing," GE Industrial Solutions, 1986.
3. Fixed Electric Heating Systems - Rule 62-116 Available:
4. Renewable Energy Systems - Section 64, Rules utlGEI-48907?TNR=Application%20and%20Technical
64-064(4), 64-066(e) , and 64-112(e) %7CGEI-48907% 7CPDF&filename=GEI-48907 .pdf
5. Relocatable Structures - Rule 70-120(4)(a) [11] UL 1053, "Standard for Ground-Fault Sensing and
6. Interconnection of Electric Power Production Relaying Equipment," Underwriters Laboratories (UL),
Sources - Rule 84-016 2015.

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[12] NFPA 70, 2014 National Electrical Code Handbook, role, he authored peer-reviewed papers, technical articles,
Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association white papers and delivered technical presentations. Nehad
(NFPA). also assisted with launching new products and the
[13] C22.1HB-15, 2015 Canadian Electrical Code Handbook, development of product road maps. He is a senior member of
Toronto, ON : CSA Group. the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
and several professional societies and associations including
VII. VITA IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), IEEE Industrial
Applications Society (IAS), IEEE Power and Energy Society
Nehad EI-Sherif, P.Eng., M.Sc., MBA is the founder and (PES), International Association of Electrical Inspectors
president of MNKYBR Inc., an R&D and engineering services (IAEI), Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists
company. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical of Saskatchewan (APEGS) and Egyptian Syndicate of
Engineering (major in Power Systems and Machines) from Engineers. Nehad also serves on numerous committees and
Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt in 2001 and 2005 working groups including NFPA NEC CMP 2, UL STP 943,
respectively and an MBA from the University of IEEE-SA SCC 18, CSA Z462, CSA C22.2 No.144, and C22.2
Saskatchewan in 2015. In 2006, Nehad moved to Canada No.166 standard committees, IEEE Communications-Based
after accepting a scholarship award to pursue a PhD at the Protection of Industrial and Commercial Power System
University of Saskatchewan. Seeking practical experience, Working Group (CommWG), and Entertainment Services &
Nehad decided to put his PhD on hold and joined the Technology Association (ESTA) Electrical Power Working
Research and Development (R&D) department at Littelfuse Group (EPWG). He is also the chair of the IEEE Pulp and
Startco in 2010. While working in R&D, he was involved in Paper Industry Technical Committee (PPIC) Training, Safety,
software and hardware design of protection relays and the Standards, & Codes (TSSC) Subcommittee and is a member
certification of various products with Underwriters of the IEEE Pulp, Paper and Forest Industries Conference
Laboratories (UL) and Canadian Standards Association (PPFIC) executive committee. He is a registered Professional
(CSA). In 2013, Nehad moved into the Marketing and Engineer in Saskatchewan, holds one patent and has
Product Management department at Littelfuse Startco. In this another patent pending application.

978-1-5090-5288-2/17$ 31 .00 2017 IEEE

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