2010 August Messagesfromtheheart PDF

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03 Aug 2010 - Message From The Heart

Wow, arent we moving fast now? Even if you think your life is stuck and not going
anywhere, you are actually hurtling through space and time at a great rate of transition. The
view from outside our reality is astounding. Most Beings in the Universe are just looking
with their jaws dropped wondering how is it possible to cram so much energy into one place.

There is a particular subject that I have been wanting to talk more about for some time now
but it never felt right until I woke up this morning. Today my intuition has guided me to talk
about what I and the overwhelming majority of life in the Universe call the white light of
conditional love. I have been reluctant to talk more on this subject because so many people
all over the world have invested so much of themselves into these groups that are operating
within these modalities and paradigms. I see it all over the internet, its a real industry out
there and people continue to give their power away by joining all these meditation and
channeling groups functioning on this level. How sad.

You will also hear gurus and certain ET races talking about oneness. Their version of oneness
is different to an organic connection to the Universe. Their version of oneness is a collective
hive mind. That is what people are indoctrinated into via the pineal gland. These collective
hive minds have over time become quite powerful, relative to life in the lower domains,
feeding off other beings and gathering large quantities of knowledge. When one is connected
to a hive mind, a feeling of euphoria is experienced and access is granted to a large bank of
knowledge. Journeys via these collective hive minds can even be taken through the 3rd and
4th dimensions using an aspect of mind or astral travel and therefore one thinks that they
have merged with god. I know this information sounds incredible, but it is true. I know of
people who have already had these experiences with gurus.

However, I have also been receiving many emails from people all over the world in regards
to these channelings and meditation groups, and how many many people are beginning to feel
that there is something not quite right with all that fluffed up, its all about love and light and
oneness talk. I know what I have just written will create a reaction in people and thoughts
such as, hang on, how can anything to do with love be a negative thing?.

We are now at the point where people are beginning to feel and see through this fluffed up
deception. I shared this information previously and was castigated by certain groups for it.
My perspective about this fluffy love business comes from beyond the version of duality
down here in the lower domains. Let me explain what I mean.

We have been experiencing a negative charge of energy on this planet for a very long time.
What we are seeing now is the other side of duality being implemented into our reality. A
positive charge now needs to be injected here in order to rebalance the scales, and because
the period of time for rebalancing is much shorter than the period of time of negative charge,
then the white light of conditional love needs to be very intense. It is important to consider
that we have been deprived of unconditional love for a very very long time and as part of our
journey into separation we have forgotten what unconditional love feels like. As I have said
in, Our Journey And The Grand Deception, people will take to this lower version of love
like a child takes to candy. Yes it is love, but it is a limited version of love. It has to be,
because it is on one side of duality.
Virtually all channelings are from this paradigm of conditional love. There are many ET
races that are caught up in this energy and limited paradigm. Please be aware of any
meditation technique that asks you to bring light and colour in from outside of you.
Especially down through the crown chakra. Remember I previously shared that the 4thD is
the dimension of the mind, well, this is how these high level 4thD beings manipulate you.
Their version of ascension through the reactivation of the pineal gland is the old programme.
I warned about their version of a limited ascension and sadly, I see the first stages of it all
over the internet. We have all the Organic LOVE, LIGHT AND KNOWLEDGE of life
within us. We do not need to bring anything in from outside of us!!! All the Beings and ET
races of the Organic Light that I have been in contact with throughout my life never ask you
to bring light and energies in from outside of you in the way that these beings and their
meditation techniques ask. Never! They honour our own sovereignty and only remind us of
our interactions with life around us and the organic flow of energies.

If you want to do a meditation with light, focus on your own inner light situated in the
location of the Thymus, and bring your own magnificent light out filling up your body and
radiating it all around you. You may then send it to anyone or anything you wish. If you feel
uncomfortable with this then you may be experiencing worthiness issues. These beings that
ask you to bring their light in, eg: so called ascended masters or angels etc, are not honouring
your own sovereignty and see themselves above you, as though you are a child in need of
help, and therefore propagating and exacerbating the worthiness issue. Remember your own
magnificence and that you were the one who was brave enough to relinquish your power and
incarnate in order to graduate and become a creator. They are jealous of who and what you
are, and what you are becoming. They will try everything possible to continue to impose a
perspective that you are a helpless child and that only through their techniques and their
light will you be safe.

Please understand that this is a much larger version of problem reaction solution. It is on a
galactic and even universal scale. The universal dark agenda has been to deprive humanity of
true love and knowledge for a very very long time, so that we forget. Then, right at the end
make it as messy and confusing as possible, simultaneously implementing their version of
love which will be the only safe beacon that people will see.

You have to give them credit for their genius, but it still is absolutely no match for the power
and knowing of our own Higher Selves and Greater Being.

I just simply ask that people take a step back and take stock of what is actually going on in
our world. Dont be too desperate to flock to the first sign of love that comes along. Try and
be patient and know that very soon your own awakening will occur automatically with ease
and Grace. No need to force anything. And, that you will then remember who you are, where
you have come from, where you are headed and just how powerful you really are.

I hope this message better helps you understand a greater perspective and in doing so helps
with your powers of discernment.

Love, Liberation & Fortitude

George Kavassilas

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