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The Three HIT Combo

Tried and tested body language techniques on

building instant rapport while in a conversation
or even before approaching a person!

By Justin Pion

Edited by Ceri Naz

Cover design and layout by

James Paul Gaffud of
Edge Grip Designs

Photo on the cover by Roehl Nion Bautista

Justin Pions blind folded picture by Daryl

Abueva and Deck Ledesma

Illustrations in the book by Jonika Pion

This awesome book belongs to:

Dedication and Acknowledgements

I am so grateful that I am doing what I love, that

is why every day of my life is so awesome.
Every year is getting more and more awesome
than the last. I have lots of goals yet to achieve,
but I will never be where I am now without the
help of these following people who guided me in
this journey.

I dedicate this book to my parents, Ronnie and

Jojo Pion for always supporting me, I know that
what I do for a living is unconventional but you
never doubted for a bit that I would make it. My
little sister Jonika, for looking up to me, showing
your support as my guinea pig every time I
practice, and for always being there during my
shows. Mansour Cayco, the conversation I had
with you when I was heart-broken in 2004
changed everything for me. It was the starting
point of my new life, thank you for showing me
what I was missing and I am living my dream
right now because of that conversation. Tj
Arcinue, for opening the doors in the art of
Mentalism and non-verbal communication. Veni
Flores, you made my dream come true of being
a public speaker, and helped me reach my goal

of sharing my knowledge in body language
reading (thanks also to our corporate clients,
students, OPTiMUS graduates and to your wife,
Christy). To Ms. Sarah Deloraya for helping me
in making this book possible. Kit Yee, for being
one of my closest friends, my consultant in
Mentalism, and also a business partner. Great
things happen every time we meet and share
our knowledge. Ceri Naz, for being the official
editor of this book. Doc PenPen B. Takipsilim for
giving me recognition and believing in my talent.
Stanley Chi, for being a friend and for always
believing in my talent; that is why you always
give me rackets and surround me with cool
people. Thank you for the tips on how to be
funny onstage, and for encouraging me to write
a book. This is it, brother. Ony Carcamo, for the
wisdom in performing onstage, it's such a great
honour to always perform with you. Direk Carlo
Maceda, for the never-ending trust in my talent
as a Mentalist, and for opening doors to my
acting career in the Gabriela Movie. To the
researchers of the different TV networks, for
always considering me as a guest on your
shows. You have my deepest and sincerest
thanks! To my friends and barkadas, you know
who you are. To The Story Circle family, thank

you for the unwavering support and all the
healthy advice regarding my routines. To my
friends in the Magic industry, thank you for the
encouragement, guidance, trust, support and
believing in my talent. And of course to my fans
for the never ending support and for always
watching my live shows/events and TV guest
appearances. I hope youll also support me as
an author.

And oh! One last thing... YOUR MIND IS NEXT!


The Mental Assassins

preemie, THE THREE
philharmonic venture to
his earnest passion.
This book is designed to
unearth the meaning
beyond our facial
(International Award expressions and body
Winning Poet, Ceri Naz) languages which
enable the author to read people's intentions
and thoughts with great accuracy. A
psychosomatic art collated and dissected from
fragmented forms of kinesics.

He was given recognition

by Doc PenPen B.
Takipsilim, Father of
Visual Poetry, with
Psychosomatic Visual
Poet Award on November 15, 2013, at Marble
Hall, National Museum of The Filipino People.

THE THREE HIT COMBO revealed those
hidden thoughts. A voyage in the limits of our
imagination. Justin Pion turns his own personal
downfall as his own tours de force. His logical
mind and humane soul extol virtues and has the
ability to weed out the Sahara of antithesis.

The Mental Assassins YES factor dissolves

cynicism. Be prepared, your mind is next!

By Ms. Caroline C. Nazareno a.k.a. Ceri Naz

World Poetry Empowered Poet Awardee

World Friendship Poetry Celebration Organizer
Poet, Journalist and Publisher
Works published in different Anthologies and e-
zines in various countries

Introduction 9
How does the body language work? 12
Mirroring 16
Building Rapport 20
The importance of building rapport
by Khoa Bui 22


- First Hit: Eyebrow Flash! 30
- Second Hit: Smile! 34
- Third Hit: Head Nodding! 38
Chapter 2: Execution 41
Chapter 3: The Approach 45
Chapter 4: While in a Conversation 50

Bonus Chapters 54
Justins other secret to persuasion 55
Building rapport in shaking hands 58
Wrap-up 62
Messages 64

Genesis 69
Sharing the awesomeness
one day at a time 73
Book Now! 76
Partners and Sponsors 77
About the Author 82


The Three Hit Combo is essential to my body

language reading repertoire. I use it all the time
in persuasion, especially in opening a
conversation. This will help you with building
INSTANT RAPPORT even before approaching
your prospect. This will work if you are into sales
and have found a prospective client that you
would like to approach to offer your product; if
you just want to have a conversation with
someone, if you are a close-up magician or
performer who wants to approach a customer in
a restaurant, or even if you want to approach the
girl of your dreams. At first, they will have a
negative barrier because you are a stranger to
them. But after applying the Three Hit Combo,
the barrier will lower down and they will become
approachable in an instant.

I call it The Three Hit Combo because it is a

combination of three facial gestures that have
reciprocal effects and cause positive and

submissive reactions to the people who see it. I
also use it in the middle of conversations,
especially if I am saying something important or
would like to get agreement. I learned the power
of those gestures through years of studying the
wonders of body language reading. I learned
each gesture individually from different sources
and discovered that, when combined, the
outcome is very powerful. In this PDF I will
explain why it is important to use; what the three
main gestures of the Three Hit Combo are, and
how or when to use them.

I am very proud of the Three Hit Combo

because I have been able to increase the
positive outcome of my persuasion skills up to
70-80%. The best part is that all the positive
feedbacks come from the attendees of our
lecture How to Make Thoughts Happen with
Veni Flores (Philippines Motivational Speaker). I
included teaching the Three Hit Combo in my
lecture and was overwhelmed with the positive
outcome from the attendees. Most of them can
approach cold clients easily; get discounts if
they are buying something, increase their sales,
get a girlfriend, and get agreements more often.

I know you will get the same results after
learning from this PDF. Enjoy reading and
please please please use it for good only.

Mentally yours,

Justin Pion

Before I start with the gestures of the Three Hit
Combo, I would like you to understand how body
language or non-verbal communication works.
Body language is the outer reflection of what we
are currently thinking. Every gesture we make
has something to do with what comes to mind,
from the movement of our head, palms, fingers,
arms, legs, down to our feet. The very basic
example is when we are happy, we smile; or if
we disagree with something, or are threatened,
we cross our arms. I give elaborate definitions
and examples as to why we make those
gestures during my lectures, so I urge you to
attend. You can check the schedule on my
website or Facebook account.

The one responsible for making those gestures

is our subconscious mind. Everyone knows that
the subconscious mind has no reasoning faculty
and only knows the truth. We make these
gestures independently and unconsciously, that
is why it is important that we observe, because
every gesture that people make while you're
interacting with them is essential to knowing
what they are thinking. But always remember
that we need to take into consideration the
reason for the gesture that they are making by

listening to what they are saying and noting the
situation when they are saying it. I know it is
pretty hard to understand right now, but I am
going to give tips on reading the body language
more accurately on my book that will be
released next year.

So in other words, whatever we are thinking will

reflect on our bodies by making an unconscious
gesture and vice versa. Meaning, whatever
gesture we make will also register in our
subconscious mind. For example, if you really
want to listen to the speaker and be attentive,
but consciously cross your arms, you are telling
your sub-conscious mind not to listen and be
closed to his/her ideas. For example, if you are
presenting an idea or a sale to a prospect or a
friend, and he/she suddenly crosses his/her
arms, that means the person feels threatened,
or doubt has come to mind. Evolution states that
we protect our delicate parts every time we feel
threatened. That is why we tend to cross our
arms when we feel something negative--we
want to protect our lungs and chest. The best
way to unlock this is to do something that will
make the person unfold his/her arms so that
he/she will be open with your ideas once again

through cause and effect. I will give tips on how
to unblock negative body language on my book
and lectures.

Now that you have a basic idea of body

language reading, let me proceed to the
fundamental element, the essential heart and
soul of The Three Hit Combo: MIRRORING.

Have you ever had the feeling after a
conversation with a stranger that its like you've
known him/her for ages? There is a big chance
that youve had a mirroring scenario. An
example is if youve had the same past
experiences, ordered the same drink or food, or
made the same gestures. Mirroring happens
almost every day of our lives, especially when
we interact. We unconsciously mirror people
who are very close to us or have rapport with.
One example is when you are in a fast food
chain. You will first ask your friend what he/she
will order, and most of the time, you will also
order the same food. If we are at ease with
someone, we also mirror their gestures or
movements because it is high-wired into our
brains. Studies show that if you are in the same
wavelength or have the same emotional
condition as the person you are interacting with,
you will also automatically match his/her

The good news is, if you intentionally mirror the

movements of the person you are interacting
with, you will automatically build rapport with
them because you are telling his/her

subconscious mind that you are in-sync or in the
same wavelength. The person you interact with
will automatically be at ease, will be open to
your ideas, and will listen very well because the
negative barrier has been lowered down. This is
also why acting classes require their students to
mirror each other so that they will be more
comfortable with their fellow actors. However,
take note that you should never mirror the
negative gestures of the other person, and make
sure that you are subtle when mirroring them.
An example is that when they drink, you may
also drink. When they scratch their head, you
may also scratch yours, etc.

The main objective of the Three Hit Combo is to

create a Mirroring scenario even before talking
to your prospect, so that their negative barrier
will lower down, therefore making them
approachable. The best thing about the Three
Hit Combo is that all the gestures have
automatic reciprocal effects to the person seeing
it. In other words, when the brain sees one of
the gestures, the automatic effect is to
unconsciously mirror one or all three of them.

Now that you know why the Three Hit Combo is
essential in interaction, its finally time to give
you the gestures.

Welcome to the Three Hit Combo!

The main goal of the Three Hit Combo is to build
instant rapport with the people you interact with,
and it is a great privilege to have a very
successful person grant my request in sharing
the importance of building rapport.

Khoa Bui is an international

speaker, corporate trainer,
bestselling author, and
entrepreneur. He is the
author of 5 books including a
bestselling book he Co-
wrote with Brian Tracy,
Counter Attack: Business
Strategies for Explosive
Growth in the New Economy.

He has a passion for writing, training, traveling

the world, building online businesses, and more.
You can receive free tips on personal
improvement, improving your finances and
creating your lifestyle by signing up for his free
newsletter at

by Khoa Bui

Several years ago, I was working for a software
development company writing software for big
educational organisations in Australia. I was
earning a low salary and was feeling unfulfilled
in my life.

As a software developer, my job was to

continually write code day in, day out. With
almost zero interaction with people, I stayed in
my cubicle and wrote code all day long. There
would be times when I would get up and go to
the water cooler and see people, then I would
return back to my cubicle and work.

The Man in the Suit

One day, a man dressed in full Armani suit

walked into the building and proceeded straight
to the big bosses office. My cubicle was next to
the boss office, so I overheard what they were
talking about. I heard laughter and fun
conversation. He later left the building and drove
off in his convertible.

A few days later, that same man was hired in the

company and was positioned as a project
manager. He got the entire software
development team together in a meeting room
and helped us create better software and guided
us to better productivity.

I was really amazed and even inspired by the
way this man spoke to everyone. Being a
software developer, I was very shy and didnt
know how to communicate very well. But this
man was always smiling, listening and seemed
to get along with everyone.

He seemed to have the Midas touch and turned

everything to gold.

The Meeting

One day, I gathered up my courage and

approached that man in his office. With a big
smile on his face, he said Hi Khoa! Great work
on your latest project by the way! Now what can
I do for you?

I asked him if I could quickly sit down and ask

him what his secrets were in being successful.

He then said with a serious look on his face.

Khoa, in my industry, I manage thousands of
people from all walks of life. They all have
different viewpoints and different beliefs. If you
want to get ahead in life, you need to learn to
work with people

I then said What do you mean work with

people? Im already doing this!

He then replied You need to learn how to
communicate effectively and get along with

Years later

Several years later, I went from being a shy,

introverted and unconfident person writing code
in a cubicle, to a person travelling the world and
speaking to thousands of people onstage. Ive
been on TV, Radio and Magazines. I have my
own TV show where I get to interview celebrities
and famous people.

So how did I manage to go from being super shy

to having the confidence to approach anyone
and work with thousands of people?

I learned how to get along with people,

communicate more effectively, and build rapport.

Changing perspectives

I want you to look around you right now and see

all the objects nearby. Everything you see was
created by someone. It initially was a thought.
The buildings, sky scrapers, the TV, the internet,
everything was created inside someones mind.

Therefore, everything is powered by people.

By understanding people, getting along with
people, building quality relationship with people
and most importantly building rapport with
people, youll succeed.

Have you ever heard of the statement Its not

what you know, its who you know?

That statement is still 100% true in todays


How many times have you seen opportunities

pass you by all because someone knew

Building rapport and learning how to get along

with people is the cornerstone to success.

Three Steps to Building Rapport and Getting
Along with People

1. Use their name.

People love to hear their own name. When you
hear your own name, you feel proud, you feel
appreciated and you feel important. Next time
you talk to someone, practice the habit of using
their name on a regular basis. Write emails
thanking them with their name attached. People
will feel more appreciated around you and they
will be more inclined to help you with your

2. Genuinely care.
Help others before you help yourself. When you
genuinely care about someone, they can feel
this and they will be inclined to help you back.
Have you ever been in trouble and someone
came along and helped you get out of your
mess? How did you feel about that person who
helped you? By helping others and caring for
others, youll reap the rewards later.

3. Study people.
Whenever youre out in public, in a meeting,
talking to someone, think about how people get
along with each other. Ask yourself, how did that
person approach that person with so much
confidence? How did that person resolve that
conflict? How did that person ask that girl out for

a drink when he hardly knew her? How? Keep
studying people and always read books and
learn more about relationships.

I hope you enjoyed reading my chapter. Its such

a pleasure to share with you my experience and
my knowledge in this area.

They say that money is replaceable but time

isnt. Youve invested your time with me and I
really appreciate you for doing so.

I hope to see you soon and I wish nothing but

health, wealth and prosperity to you and your

Lets all continue learning how to communicate

well and get along with people through building
massive rapport.

-Khoa Bui

By Justin Pion

Raising our eyebrows and dropping them after a
split second is also another way of saying Hi to
the person we are interacting with. Studies show
that human beings have been doing this since
ancient times. It is also a great way to tell a
person that you are non-threatening. If you see
a person flash their eyebrows at you, you know
that he/she has acknowledged your presence
and thinks that you are non-threatening. The
good thing about flashing our eyebrows is that it
has an automatic reciprocal effect to the person
we interact with. He/she will subconsciously
raise his/her eyebrows as well. This
automatically creates a mirroring scenario,
which will lower down their negative barrier,
make the other person feel at ease with you,
and allow you to build automatic rapport with
him/her. Also, raising the eyebrows is positive
body language and it is associated with
agreement or submissiveness. So while you are
in a conversation and see that the person you
are talking to has raised his/her eyebrows, it
means he/she agrees with what you are saying.
And, like what I mentioned earlier, whatever we
think will reflect on our body language, so
whatever gestures we make will alter our mind-
sets. So if the person you interact with

reciprocates the eyebrow flash, he/she will have
a submissive mind-set and will be open to your

I remember this one time when I was walking, I

saw a very beautiful lady. I nodded and flashed
my eyebrows at her while saying Hi, and
without any hesitation, she raised her eyebrows
too, said Hi back, and smiled. As I walked past
her, I glanced back and heard her muttering,
Why the hell did I do that, I dont even know
him." That incident proves that our automatic
response is to reciprocate the eyebrow flash. It
is proven because Ive done it a few more times
and it works just the same.

The exact opposite of the eyebrow flash is

lowering down the eyebrows. When you see
that, it is a negative body language. It has a lot
of meaning depending on the situation. It can be
aggressiveness, doubt, dominance or authority.
In my next book, I am going to give some tips on
reading body language accurately so that you
can differentiate the emotions. The best way to
unblock this is to ask for his or her opinion. For
example, if you are into sales, you may ask,
What do you think about the product? or if you

are stating an idea you may ask, What do you
think about my idea?

Remember to always flash your eyebrows to

gain instant rapport and agreement.

Some people underestimate the power of the
smile. Smiling is just a simple gesture but it has
a huge impact on people. At the opening part of
a conversation, smiling at the appropriate time
can instantly build rapport, like when you are
saying something important or essential
regarding your topic or sale, or when you are
saying something that will benefit your client or
the person you interact with. Remember to
always include smiling to your daily repertoire.

Smiling also has a reciprocal effect even if you

are both faking it. Try walking to the mall or the
sidewalks and smile at whoever you come
across with. I will give you my guarantee that he
or she will smile back. And when he or she
does, the negative barrier is automatically
lowered down and he/she will be approachable.
But take into consideration the way you smile.

Based on studies, a genuine smile is when the

teeth are exposed and there are wrinkles on the
sides of our eyes called Crows feet. However,
when the lips are closed, it conveys a different
meaning. I remember one time when an
organization from the dating community invited
me to mentor some of their members and teach

them how to get the girl of their dreams by
reading the body language of the girl, and by
using their own body language to their
advantage. One of the students approached me
and mentioned that the girl hes gone out with
for the first time might like him a lot because
whenever he talks, she smiles. I asked him how
the girl smiled at him and he demonstrated a
tight lipped smile (the lips are closed while
smiling). I sighed and told him that it has a
different meaning and is a rejection gesture for
most women. It also has different meanings
depending on the situation. It could also be, I
know something you dont know. This means
that she wants to say something but decided to
just keep it to herself. It could be sarcasm, or
even a lie. So for short, if you see someone
smiling with their lips closed, he/she probably
has something negative in mind. However, it is
still important to consider the situation as a
whole, which I will be discussing in the next
book. So, always smile with your teeth exposed!

You may also alter your mood instantly when

you smile because of cause and effect. If you
are feeling frustrated or sad, just smile with your

teeth exposed and you will feel differently
because like what I mentioned earlier, whatever
we think of will become a gesture and whatever
we do with our gesture, like smiling, will give a
positive mind set to our subconscious mind. The
powerful thing about it is that it has a reciprocal
effect, and you will therefore affect the person
you interact with.

I always use head nodding in persuasion. Every
time I say something important about my topic, I
nod my head twice or thrice. We can use head
nodding to reinforce agreement. The reason why
we nod our heads is to show other people that
we agree with them. Again, like the eyebrow
flash and smiling, head nodding also has a
reciprocal effect with the person we interact with.
Keep in mind that you have to choose when to
nod and not use it frequently. The best time to
do it is when we are saying something important
or if we want the listeners to agree with us. For
example, if you are into sales, you may nod
twice or thrice while saying This product will
save your life or This is what you need. Since
nodding has a reciprocal effect, you will see that
the listener is also nodding unconsciously and
you are therefore conditioning his/her mind to
agree with you all the time and have positive
feelings towards you and your product/idea. The
more nods you get, the higher the percentage of
you getting the sale and the higher the chance
that he/she will agree with your idea due to you
having built enough rapport.

We can also assess the interest of the people

you interact with based on the speed of nods

you get from them. If you see the other person
nodding slowly, it means that he/she is listening
and is interested in what you are saying. If
he/she tilts the head while nodding slowly, then
you know that you are doing a great job.
However, when he/she nods fast, it means that
he/she has heard enough, and wants to say
something, wants to argue a point or is simply
bored and would like to leave. To unblock this,
ask for his/her opinion, or ask for what he/she
thinks about your topic.

Always remember that when you are listening,

tilt your head and nod slowly. When you are
speaking, straighten up your head and nod two
or three times when you are saying something
that will benefit the listener; if you want
agreement, or if you are saying something
important about your topic.

There you have it! Ive already laid down all the
ingredients and the facets of the Three Hit
Combo. There is only one last thing left--The
execution. You can execute the Three Hit
Combo in two scenarios. First, when you want to
approach a complete stranger and build instant
rapport even before walking towards him/her.
Second, while you are engaged in a

Before I explain when to use the gestures, I will

first say how to use them. I know that it probably
looks weird if you combine the three gestures,
but if you combine them correctly with good
timing and practice, it will look perfect, subtle
and natural. I have been lecturing about the
Three Hit Combo for about a year now to
clients in the corporate world, and I remember
one approaching me and asking how to execute
the gestures as he was demonstrating them. I
really laughed out loud because he looked like a
Manyak/Maniac/Perv while doing it.

This is the way I do the Three Hit Combo--I

raise both of my eyebrows, leave it raised, smile
(showing teeth) while nodding two or three
times. I can even do it while talking. The best
way to do it while talking is at the beginning of

the sentence or before ending the sentence.
Never do it during the whole duration of saying
the sentence because you might look weird
while doing it. Do it for at least 2-3 seconds only.
The secret is to practice it in front of the mirror or
to take a video of yourself until it becomes
natural before trying it in front of a person. After
executing the Three Hit Combo and after
seeing the listener reciprocate one of the three
gestures, yes even just one, you are in. The
negative barrier has already lessened, youve
built instant rapport, and the other person is
automatically open to your idea. So if he/she
also raised eyebrows, smiled, nodded or did all
three at once, then youve done a great job and
may continue persuading him or her.

Now its time to know when to execute the

gestures. First is when you want to approach a
complete stranger. As human beings, our initial
reaction to a stranger approaching us is to reject
him/her because our negative barrier is raised.
This is normal because this is our way of
protecting ourselves from danger. However, if
you build enough rapport with a stranger, he/she
will open up like a book in front of you. The
difficult thing is how to do it before approaching

them. The answer of course, is none other than
the Three Hit Combo.

First, when youve already spotted your
prospect, make sure to first maintain your
distance. Distance is important during the
opening stages of the conversation because if
you are too close, you might invade his or her
personal space. If you have not yet built enough
rapport, the listener might be negative towards
you or will feel threatened. After establishing
distance, wait until youve made eye contact.
You have to make sure that he/she is looking at
you while executing the Three Hit Combo or you
might look just like a crazy person nodding for
no reason. Kidding aside, after establishing eye
contact, execute the Three Hit Combo right
away. If your prospect reciprocated even only
one of the gestures, you are good to go. Now its
time to approach him/her. Doing the gestures
will automatically build instant rapport and the
negative barrier should lessen, but you can
sometime mess it up with the wrong approach.
Since we are at a distance with the prospect, the
approach is essential. With the wrong approach,
the negative barrier might resurface.

The correct approach is positioning your body

almost 45 degrees; exposing your shoulder but

not fully sideways. This should be done before
establishing eye contact.

The reason for this is that the number one rule in

approaching a person is never to expose the
front of your body while walking towards them or
in getting their attention. If you expose the front
of your body, the subconscious mind of your
prospect will register you in his/her mind as a
threat. Imagine a stranger walking straight
towards you with the front of his/her body fully
exposed. What would you feel? That is why
when you are into sales, you get more rejections
when approaching or talking to people with the
front of your body fully exposed. But when a
person sees our shoulder, we are not seen as a
threat. After turning your body, wait for eye
contact then execute the Three Hit Combo.

You should not wait for more than 3 seconds

before walking towards the person. After
executing the gestures, you have to walk
towards the prospect right away because if you
wait for more than 3 seconds, the negative
thoughts might surface in your mind, like What
if he/she rejects me? What if I cant sell my
product? What if I stumble? What if I mess this

up? Every negative thought will enter your mind
after three seconds, and when you choose not
to pursue the prospect, you will feel so much
regret at the end of the day. You wont be able
to help but think, If I approached the prospect, I
might have had the best deal of my life or What
if I approached the beautiful lady? I might
already be dating her tomorrow. Remember
that it is better to live life without regret. So
approach your prospect only 3 seconds after
applying the Three Hit Combo.

When you are walking towards the prospect,

continue to maintain your slightly sideways body
or do not walk DIRECTLY towards him/her.

When you are already close to your prospect,

maintain exposing your shoulder and introduce
yourself. Execute the Three Hit Combo again
while saying Hi! Im.

This is when the fun starts. You can also use the
Three Hit Combo while you are conversing with
someone. Whenever I am persuading someone
or giving my idea, the Three Hit Combo is a
huge factor. I always use it when I say the
essential points of my idea or important things
regarding my topic. For example, you can use
the Three Hit Combo while saying: This will
save your life, We can do this!, Im here for
you, This property is near the mall, You dont
have to worry about anything, Isnt it?, Youll
be rich in no time, and others. I even use it
when I demonstrate the power of suggestion
during my Mentalism performances. Once you
have practiced using the gestures and see the
results, youll know when the appropriate time is
to use it.

Just remember to always add the Three Hit

Combo to your daily repertoire and practice until
it is natural for you to use the gestures all at

For more reference, you may check out my

videos in my website or on youtube, and
observe when I use the Three Hit Combo on my
tv guestings.


Believe it or not, there are huge factors as to

where you should sit depending on the person
you want to interact with. Whether you sit in
front, beside, left or right has an effect on
persuading them. Remember that where you sit
in a meeting or in selling should be planned and
not just be by chance. Veni Flores and I can
close 400K-600K training deals just by the
seating arrangements. I am going to give out the
tips on where to sit in my actual book that will be
released on January, 2013 so watch out for it!

My other secret to persuasion is a word that I
constantly use. I actually always end my
sentences with this particular word, and when
combined with the Three Hit Combo, it is very

The word I use is none other than YES.

You love my product, yes?

You learned a lot, yes?
This is fun, yes?
This is interesting, yes?

If you try to answer all of the questions, you will

unconsciously answer Yes as well. It is like you
are preparing the listeners mind, to always say
Yes to you. It is effective positive reinforcement
and increases the percentage of closing the
deal. So instead of asking the person, Did you
like my product? or Have you learned a lot?
where there is a big possibility that he/she will
think of something negative, you should always
end your sentences with the word Yes, yes? :D

Now to combine that with Three Hit Combo,

execute the gestures, while saying Yes and I
guarantee you instant rapport and positive

outcome. That combination is really powerful
because whenever I conduct body language
reading lectures and say, I look handsome
today, yes? Everybody says yes instantly, even
the boys. Yes, thats how powerful it is!

Nowadays, shaking hands has become a way of
saying Hello or a gesture when we close a
deal. We can also identify the personality of the
other person based on how he/she shakes your
hand. There are different kinds of handshakes,
but there is one way to shake a persons hand
that could also build instant rapport.

I remember my dad telling me as a child that we

have to give firm handshakes. I understood it
wrong. When I was just starting in the corporate
world, I met up with a businesswoman and
shook her hand firmly. She screamed OUCH!
at the top of her lungs, all teary eyed. That
simple mistake with the gesture ruined my sale. I
am not saying that it was my dads fault, (Its not
your fault dad). I just misunderstood the word
firm. Imagine, what if that businesswoman was
gonna buy my product but with one simple
mistake, it never happened.

There is a correct kind of firmness with the

handshake that can be applied to anyone and
build rapport at the same time. The secret is that
you have to make sure that the handshake is
equal or in the middle, and feel how firm the
other persons shake is. You should then apply

the same amount of pressure you receive. By
matching the pressure, you are giving them the
feeling of a mirroring scenario. Their minds will
tell them, Wow, we have the same handshake,
we are in the same wavelength. or Wow, he
gives the same handshake, this gives me a
warm feeling, or We are the same, I like this
person. So its important to practice giving that
kind of handshake and I will assure you that you
will gain more friends, sales or even a girlfriend.

Congratulations! You have finished reading my
very first book, The Three Hit Combo! I know
that you are excited to use it to your advantage
and I would just like to remind you to please use
it for good only.

I would like to thank you for downloading this

free PDF and please be informed that I will
release the actual Three Hit Combo book on
January 2014. I will include more bonuses like
where to sit if you are trying to persuade
someone and the Ninja Moves in Flyer Giving.
I discovered a great method in flyer giving! Yes,
your prospect will get your flyers and read them.
This move will definitely decrease rejections.
Also, in 2014, I will also be releasing my 2
book, Loud And Clear! Introduction to Non-
Verbal Communication.

Again, thank you very much for your full support

and I hope to see you soon during my lectures
and live shows.

I would definitely love to hear what you think
about the Three Hit Combo! So please send
your thoughts to

You may also keep in touch using these

following sites:

Justin's discovery of
COMBO is amazing.
It is a strong arsenal
that everyone should
know. Whether you
are a sales person
for a company or
simply wanna meet
people at a party,
Kit Yee is an Entrepreneur, an the use of the
innovator, a professor and
Justin Pion's consultant in THREE HIT
Mentalism COMBO will surely
give you successful results. The techniques
used are not new, but their combination is a
great tool.

As a business owner, I value creating good

relationships with clients. By creating instant
rapport, you can quickly build potential
relationships with people. Creating instant

rapport can also help sales people get more
clients, and this book explains why.

As a fan of psychology, THE THREE HIT

COMBO can help in so many ways, whether you
want to meet new friends at a party or meet a
pretty girl across the room. The application of it
is limitless. This can help those who are shy and
those who want to gain more friends.

This is one of Justin's well-kept Mentalism

secrets. This is surely worth learning and worth

- Cardino "Kit" Yee

Mental Assassin
Amazing, Astounding,

These are just some

of the reactions Justin
Pion gets from his
Sarah P. Deloraya, President audience when he
and CEO of SPD Group of performs. He claims
Companies not to have psychic
powers and yet he can tell what object a person
is holding, and he can even dictate the correct
serial numbers on bills BLINDFOLDED!!!

If he is neither a clairvoyant nor a telepath, then

for me he is a remarkably perceptive and
incredibly intuitive person!

Justin openly admits to have acquired his talent

by being keen in observing people and having
an extremely sensitive awareness of peoples
reaction to certain somatic stimuli and explicit
responses to specific mental descriptions.

His superb observation skills have been honed

to perfection that he is almost wizard-like on
stage. His ability to predict, calculate and
anticipate his subjects thoughts, actions and
reactions both astounds and entertains.

I believe that if Justin was able to teach himself

these extraordinary abilities, motivated people in
business can likewise be taught similar skills
which can have distinct benefits in an extremely
competitive business environment. In business,
this ability of Justin will be extremely useful and
advantageous especially during negotiations
and sales pitches.

This is why I am encouraging my friends and

colleagues to watch Justin at work to have a
better grasp of his Genius. He can be seen and
heard on various seminars organize by SPD
Group of companies. Justin Pion is now one of
my business partners and together we can make
things happen!

- Sarah P. Deloraya
- President & CEO
SPD Group of Companies
- President of Philippine Association of
Local Service Contractors (PALSCON)
- Board of Director Philippine Chamber of
Commerce-Quezon City (PCCI-QC)
Board of Trustee Philippine Employer-
Labor Sector Partnership Inc. (PELSPI)

GENESIS: Justins Motivation and Back
Story Why He Became a Mentalist

It all started in 2004 when my ex-girlfriend for 5

years broke up with me. We fell deeply in love
when we were in 2 year high school. We
studied at the same school in high school, and
during college; our schools were just beside
each other in Mendiola. Our relationship had its
ups and downs and it was not that perfect, I
admit that I am not a perfect boyfriend. I know
that for some of you, the situation might not
seem to be that huge, but at that particular
moment, breaking up struck me hard. I was
young and love life was a big deal. I told her
during our last conversation that she had to
remember that day because the next time shed
see me, Id be a different person. At that time, I
wanted to be famous but I didnt know how.

My heart broke into pieces, as I tried in vain to

get her back. I had sleepless nights, and
couldnt eat or move. I then had a life changing
conversation with my friend, Mansour Cayco
and he made me realize what I was really
missing, and he painted a huge picture for my
future. The pain was so excruciating and I didnt

know what to do until this one morning that I told
myself, This has got to stop. I wondered, what
if I can read minds? Then I would know
whenever something is wrong. Then I told
myself, what if I can manipulate people? That
way, I can take her back.

I searched and searched; I wanted to be

psychic. I read lots of books but couldnt execute
everything. Though it says that everyone can be
psychic, I still found it hard to be one. Maybe
there was something wrong with what I was
doing or I just wasnt fully prepared. I never
became a psychic, not even til now.

Along the way I discovered the power of the law

of attraction. I felt happy because I was starting
to get everything I wanted, or make things
happen for me. But theres still something
missing--Her. I was still in pursuit of being a
mind reader when my friend Tj Arcinue opened
doors to body language reading for me. He
showed me everything that I should learn, and
introduced me to non-verbal communication.
Learning body language reading combined with
Mentalism is like really reading minds. I can
figure out what you are thinking using my

learned skills. I was really enjoying because
while I was applying the law of attraction, I was
also using my passion and talent to achieve my
dreams, including being on a lot of TV shows,
stage shows, a movie, etc. Then while
everything was happening in 2007, I realized
that I have moved on. Ive forgotten her and I
wasnt hurt anymore.

I realized that even if she broke my heart, I am

still grateful that it happened. If ever I see her
again, I will thank her because she taught me a
very important lesson in life. There is no such
thing as failure. If something bad happens, there
are lots of ways to get back up. Life has lots of
options, so if you fail, what are you going to do
about it?

I realized that it is just in the way you see things.

Yes, before it was very painful and very sad, but
now, I am happy that it happened. So if you are
experiencing something right now, just see it in a
different way.

I used the heartbreak as a motivation to be

better. I found my dream because of that
heartbreak and now I am genuinely happy. I am

genuinely happy with what is happening to me
right now, and happy for her, wherever she is

That is why I am a Mentalist right now. How

about you? What is your story?


Learn all the secrets of reading the body

language of people you interact with! You can
hire Justin for your company and expect to apply
everything right after the lecture!

This will work if you are into sales and having

difficulties in closing deals, or would just like to
read your peers, family and loved ones. You can
also use this in getting the girl/guy of your

Here are the modules:

LOUD AND CLEAR! An Introduction to Non-

Verbal Communication

It is a one hour and a half to two hour most in-

demand lecture.

Learn all the basics in body language reading

and reading them accurately. Know what to do if
the person you interact with is being negative
about what you are saying by learning how to
unblock it. Also, learn Justins well kept secrets
to persuasion!

Verbal Communication Lecture

It is a three hour lecture that will run for four

days, one day a week.

After attending, you will learn all the secrets in

body language reading. Know the persons
REAL emotions and decipher their signals from
head to foot.

Also, you will learn how to spot lies, the

importance of mirroring, where to sit in a
meeting to enhance persuasion, the importance
of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) if you
are trying to persuade someone, and a whole lot

Justin Pion also has other special lectures


- How to Enjoy Rejections!

- Breaking Through Your Inner
- The Three Hit Combo!


Easy, partner! Dont worry! You can easily

attend his seminars and lectures. All you have to
do is check out the schedule at his website
Or in his personal Facebook site.

You may also call or text:


See you soon!

Want to have a once in a lifetime mind
reading experience?


Justin is the right choice for making your events

legendary this year. Experience first-hand what
TV personalities have experienced, live. Be
astonished with the world class performance of
Justin and experience a show that is jam-packed
with fun, wit, laughter and light-feel-good-
awesome mind reading.

You can hire him for your corporate events,

media events, public events, private parties and
special occasions.

Here are the packages:

Read My Mind (Quick Show) 15 minutes

The Mental Assassin Experience (Moderate
Show) 30-45 minutes
Kids 20-30 minutes
The Legendary Show (Full Show) 1 hour
Pure Awesomeness Show 2 hours

For inquiries, contact: 09173414638


The Mental Assassins official graphic designer

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Justin Pion is a Mentalist who goes

by the moniker Mental Assassin.

As a Mentalist, he can seem to

read your mind and manipulate
your behavior and decisions.
He does not claim to possess
either supernatural powers or psychic abilities.
However, he can figure out what you are
thinking through the use of Psychology, his
expertise at body language reading, hypnosis,
and stagecraft.

You can see him perform at hotels, corporate

events, media events, social gatherings,
government events and private parties, and has
performed for influential people, famous
celebrities and personalities. He even performs

at famous malls like TriNoma (where he was
labeled The Most sought after mind reader in
the Philippines), Power Plant, SM, bars and

He has also been featured on a lot of TV and

radio shows from different networks and stations
like ABS-CBN, GMA7, TV5, Magic 89.9 and the
like. You may see his TV and Radio
appearances on youtube or on his website,

An online Filipino network

called also
featured Justin and gave him
a two-part special called
Mental Assassin, where he
brought mind reading to the
streets of Metro Manila. Due

to insistent public demand, Justin had a regular
show on called Going Mental,
where he went around the metro to showcase
his mind reading skills to famous and
respectable personalities. Every episode is a hit
and you may watch one of them here:

Justin recently concluded his own weekly

segment on TV5s Magic
Bagsik. It ran for three
months. He is also a regular
performer at The Library,
Malate. Justin also concluded
a two-night live theater show
in Scenema Concept Theater,
Semicon Building in Marcos

Highway entitled Mentalismo. He featured his
skills as a Mentalist in a one of a kind, full
length, 2 hour show. It was a first in the
Philippines and the people were truly in awe
from the start to the end of his show.

Since 2010, Justin has been conducting lectures

about body language reading or non-verbal
communication and persuasion to companies
and private individuals. The main objective is to
be aware of the body language of the person
you are communicating with and to know if
he/she is being positive or negative about your
topic/idea. Most of his clients are from the sales
industry. He also teaches tactics on how to turn
the table around if your client is being negative
about your sale/idea. He is also the creator of
the Three Hit Combo which has helped a lot of
people to gain instant rapport and is a huge hit,
gaining results from his students. Indubitably,

the blast off of this subliminal maneuver has
been preponderated by The Mentalist, Justin

Justin believes that learning is a continuous

process and whatever knowledge and
experiences he gather from his peers are best
shared with everybody. It is in the passion for
his ability, and his belief that it is meant to be
used to entertain and to please, that drives him
to learn more, to do more, and to share more.

It is his passion to entertain and deliver the best

shows to his audience. And oh, one last thing...


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