ITT American Electric Package B Dusk-To-Dawn 11-000 Spec Sheet 7-71

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MERCURY VAPOR-100, 175 and 250 Watts
SER|ES 11-000


. Everything but the pole in one package complete with fixture, Iamps,
photoelectric control, wire, mast arm, and mounting hardware.
. lvlore prolitable for residential and rural streel lighting, or security light-
ing applications.
. Speeds installation, simplifies ordering, warehousing and inventory.
. Die-cast aluminum head meets interior EEI-NENIA dimension standards.
. Open-bottom refractor does not require cleaning (insects are never a
problem). Easy lamp replacement. Also available with closed-bottom
relractor in polycarbonate only.
. Hydroformed aluminum reflector gives maximum efficiency from the
light source.
. Glass, acrylic, or polycarbonate refractors with prismatic construction
assure precise IES type distribution.
Spring toggle latches and all hardware are corrosion resistant.
Attached to 24" aluminum mast arm by 1-1/4" slip-fitter with only 2 cap
screws; leveling provided by a third cap screw.
Terminal board with pressure conneclors accommodates wire sizes
trom #14 to #6. Fixture furnished with 5/ #12 TW copper leadwires.
120 volt A-C. control installs easily in friction-lock type photoelectric
control receptacle.
. Fully insulaled wet process mogul lamp socket with nickel-plated brass
conlacts and spring-loaded center contact.
Gasket seat insures moisture seal between head and photoelectric con-
trol receptacle.
High Reactance ballast (120 volt) or Reactor (240 volt) meet EEI-NElVlA
standards for mounting in EEI-NEN/lA dimensioned head.
Ballast, terminal board, and socket are one integral replaceable unil.


Luminaire shall be ITT American Electric Package'B'cata- Ballasl shall be (240 volt Reactor, 120 volt High-Reactance)
log number for (100, 175, 250) waii mercury vapor type rated (100, 175,250) walts. The balrast shall have an
lamp for (120, 240) volt operaiion. open-end mounting strap with EEI-NEMA slandard 4-3l8"
center spac;nq between mountinq slots.
Luminaire housing shall be of die-casl aluminum. Housing
shall meet interior EEI-NEMA dimension standards. Hous:ng Sockel shall have nickel-plated brass contacts. Cenier con-
shall include- a single-bolt leveling device operating ;n con- tact shail be spring-loaded. Socket base shall be fully in-
junction with slip-fitter mounting screws. sulaied wei-process porcelain.
Rellector shall be hydroformed from reflector-grade sheet Termina! board shall have pressure connectors lo accornnro-
alumlnum and shall conform to all dimens:ons as outlined in daie wire sizes from #14 to #6.
applicable EEINE[,4A standards. Rellecior is atiached to ihe Slip-lilier mounllng shall be for use wiih 1-1l4'l pipe size
luminaire housing by means of lwo ioggie latches.
Belraclor sha:l be made oJ (borosiljcate g ass, acrylic polycar- Package conlenls shall consist of one luminaire, one clear
bonate)and shall be of (open, closed) bollomed design wilh mercury vapor lamp, one 1-1/4tt x 24" aluminum mast arm
slralght sides elfeciing lighl distrlbution paiiern IES iype meeting EEI-NENjlA standards, one 120 volt A.C. pholoelec-
(ll, lll, V). The reJractor shall aliach to the reJlecior by iric conlro, 5' #12 TW solid copper lead w res, iwo 3/8// x
means of a V-band ring. (Note: Acrylic and po ycarbonale re- 3,'lag screws and one 5/8" x l0" galvanized thr!-bclt.
lractors shall have a maximum rating of 250 watls mercury
vapor.) Finish on head shall be aluminum.
SER| ES 11-000 .120/240VOLT

Polycarbonale Felraclor
Shippins Sfiippins Shippins
cat. No.

100 wati, 120 volt 21 11-345 Packaqe B 15 11-345-6 Package B 15 1 1-345-8 Packaoe B

100 walt, 240 volt 21 11-1345 Package B 15 11-1345-6 Package B 15 11-1345-8 Package B

175 watt, 120 volt 22 11-445 Package B 16 11-445-6 Package B 16 11-445-8 Package B

175 walt. 240 volt 21 11-545 Packaoe B 15 11-545-6 Package B 11-545-8 Packaqe B

250 watt, '1

20 volt 26 '11-645 Package B 20 11-645-6 Package B 20 11-645-8 Package B

250 watt- 240 volt 11-745 Package B 1S 11-745-6 Package B 19 11-745-8 Package B

1. The cata og numbers shown for the Package B are 1or IES Type V light dlstribu-
tion. The ast digit of all the above numbers (exclusive of suffixes) js 5- lf another
type lighi distribution is desired, substtute another last digit to correspond.
Example: "11-445-6 Package B" woLrld change 1o "11-442 6 Package B" for an
IES Type ll paitern.
2. Fixtures wired for and supplied wjth 120 volt A.C. photoelectric control unless
oiherwise specified.
3. Package B ls also available with the fol owlng modlfications; 2" sllpfitter ground-
ing lug. 2" x 24" and 2' x 30" mast arms, acrylic refractor. closed bottom poly_
caTbonate refractor, and other lamp types. For information contact ITT American
Electric, Southaven, lvl ssissippi 38671. Telephone 601-393 5511, Te ex 053 952.


"B -1

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